Economists Uncut

Gregory Mannarino (Uncut) 01-10-2025

okay everybody here we go it’s me Gregory manino Friday January 10th 2025 pre-market report right off the bat trading doesn’t start here for about 45 minutes stock futures are lower across the board crude oil is surging higher what’s going on here well the UN Security Council uh rattled uh the markets here stating that they believe that was going to be a wider war in the Middle East imagine our shock here crude oil is going to be propped up people I can’t stress this to you enough and maybe if you’re new here you’re going to find out

something you didn’t know before crude oil is the lifeblood of the system the major investment banks are leveraged beyond their eyeballs in crude oil they will not be allowed to lose you understand nothing is what it seems to be I’ve been telling you this for a thousand years it’s a game the people we the people of the world are being used as Pawns in An Extremely Dangerous Game and I’ve told you for 10 years or longer they will splatter all blood and guts from one end of the Earth to the other

side just to keep the system going you understand anyway look so that’s what’s going on here so I don’t have any printouts for you but I did take some notes and I want to cover things out of my little note scribbling from this morning so I know that most of you are probably paying attention to the world debt Market it’s all I look at you know that the world debt Market is selling off rapidly don’t look here look over there you can’t be allowed to know this stuff now all of you out here who do utilize

the mmri manarino market risk indicator freed everybody on this freaking planet Link in description of the video we are we are in a bad spot here and it’s again stop thinking that everything is about the United States because it’s not it’s the world it’s central banks who are doing this leaders puppets that’s all they are a figurehead for people to put their faith in the wrong place as usual central banks run it all it’s banks that that fund the wars I mean come on man wake up to some kind of reality some of you really are

completely asleep you don’t understand what’s going on most of you do and I get that but man I tell you it’s crazy so world bond market in a lot of trouble right now if we do not I’m telling you here and now if we do not see direct intervention by central banks to get into the debt market and buy the debt it’s over it’s really really over and I think we’re pretty much on the same page look nothing matters to this Market nothing matters to the economy guess what Maybe I’m Wrong there the faster the economy of the world is crushed

generally we’ve seen well since forever now the higher the markets are going to go but we’re going to reach a Tipping Point it all depends on the debt Market here and we got a problem we got a big problem every time it as of late that we’ reached this critical moment like we are now we’ve seen direct intervention by central banks are they going to act now I guess we’re going to see but understand that there must be and I’m going to underscore this must be a another mechanism to allow central banks

to inflate have they chosen War their number one way well prior to conid the $3.6 trillion you remember the last time here with con here uh it was war that they would utilize as a a a a me mechanism to pull cash into the now no other human in effort prior to convid allowed central banks to inflate more than War where does all this cash come from to to fund Wars it comes from the Federal Reserve our current creature Biden Stein mummy man mummified thing vomitous mes puke that he is and I can’t stand the man never did you know that

this creature here is just now giving another 500 million to continue war with regard to Ukraine imagine our you think this where does that cash come from we don’t have it okay it comes right from the FED who more than happy to continue to you know issue debt you know this anyway look so we got again let me just say this as clear as I possibly can without direct intervention from central banks in the world debt market right now it’s really over we need to keep our eyes on this you all know that I hope you’re

utilizing the MMR right again it’s 100% free Link in the description of this video okay bond market big problems number two with this whole issue with the UN Security Council spooking the market here about more war imagin shock here you got crude surging okay now the world economy is in a downfall everyone keeps where’s the Meltdown Greg where’s the Meltdown Greg these are the most blind people on the face of they don’t see what’s happening to the world economy to the people of the world this is not going to stop here I sincerely

believe that we are about to see or going to see relatively soon negative rates here in the United States and possibly in other places around the world the this mechanism of negative rates allows central banks to inflate how does a central bank tell Greg again one more time how does a central bank keep rates low can they just say it do they wave a magic wand no they have to create Cash Central Bank issue notes out of nothing get into the debt market and buy the debt it allows them to inflate you understand they would like nothing

more than negative rates here or zero negative rates you know that we’ve been talking about it since forever here period the freaking that I think we’re on the same page uh we’ll see where that goes and anyway so with all this people let’s step back to the market real quick so we got stock futures down across the board you got crude oil surging you got gold and silver under a little pressure you got Bitcoin and cryptos catching a bid right now you see the setup it’s exactly as you would expect it to be I really believe that

it’s not going to change here uh let what else did I want to talk about here I want to go back to crude oil real quick all right you have to understand this they’re not going to let it fall um they’re not they would do anything in their power to keep the price of crude oil propped up if that means again that they have to maim Slaughter millions of people that’s what they’ll do these these Investment Bank institutions are not going to be allowed to lose you’re going to lose they don’t care about you you and me we are nothing

nothing nothing but a means to an end and they got people exactly where they want them for the most part here uh hoping against hope that some individual is going to emerge from somewhere maybe be put behind the Resolute Des going to change everything are you kidding me man you got to be freaking kidding me it’s not going to stop uh the mechanism here again it’s it’s not run by president’s kings queens I’m so sick of saying this dictators or monarchs it’s run by central banks they control the the

monetary system they run it all they even control the flow of information and the they get to choose what puppet is put behind the Resolute desk and every other desk around the world here to serve as some kind of a figurehead for people to put their faith in and inevitably what does this lead to you want to look back on history history is a very interesting thing to study there is one common thread which leads to the downfall of every single s Le Empire that has ever been created if you’re smart enough to figure out what that one

common threat is then consider I’m not going to tell you what it is because it’s pretty obvious but that one common thread is the same and we’ve seen how it’s played out for every single Empire going back as far as you want to go in history let me know what you think that Common Thread is cuz we’re here now especially here in the United States we are witnessing a downfall of an Empire we’re not bringing jobs back here to the United States nothing is going to change the world economy people is being

systematically wiped out along with the middle class and we are rapidly being pushed into a system which you know what I’m talking about here this new crypto system here which is a bridge system into the new tokenized system we didn’t vote for that we didn’t want it but that’s what we got here imagine our shock we got uh an institution here and collectively it’s central banks who are going to do everything in their power to allow themselves to inflate that’s their Achilles heel you all know that if we

can prevent this from happening we could win but we can’t win here because all they’re talking about is again raising the debt ceiling eliminating the Deb ceiling let’s borrow into Oblivion who does this help does it help you it devalues the currency it dilutes the purchasing power it allows it central banks to inflate with no oversight here do you understand what you’re seeing I really hope so we are being systematically wiped out um economically and on an individual basis here allowing central banks to have

absolute control over all of us here and I think it’s pretty freaking obvious so you and me look man we got to pay attention to stuff we can’t change the Dynamics that are in play the forces behind this are way too powerful and there’s not enough people like you and I not even close um people uh they again the dependency on the system slaves to the system um that’s part of the mechanism to divide and conquer here in America as I’ve told you we are a divided nation which means we are conquered you realize that they this is

they played us all like a grand piano these people can’t get together with these people they’ve been taught to hate each other so they cannot come together to elicit change do you realize what they’ve done do you see it now plainly why things are the way that they are you understand hopefully you’re starting to see but I really want you to think about the one common thread which has led to the demise and downfall of every single Empire going back as far as you want to go it’s that one thing that is in effect

right now here in the United States I’d be willing to bet that 90% of you are blind to it this it’s a shame because again it’s the key all right guys and goes look so what are you going to take away from this video without direct intervention immediate from central banks collectively this is over I’m going to tell you right here and right now um the world bond market is it’s not just here in the United States to break out of your United States box okay there are people who who who subscribe here big

family that we’ve created talk to them wherever they are around the world see if I’m lying to you see if Greg is not telling you the truth here we’re being set up to fall everything is being put in place to allow the mechanism to deteriorate more pressure on the middle class much higher prices more war more pain more suffering sound about right to you almost sound like it’s biblical to you hey I’m going to give you a big uh big heads up here it is all right I’m going to see all of you later all right I love

all of you from the heart please uh do comment here let me know if Greg is out there Greg just has no idea what he’s talking about or if you think I’m getting it right I want to hear from you too all right people I love you and I mean that with all I got um I will not be able to do a live stream later unfortunately I my internet I’m supposed to get a new they’re mailing me a new modem here I couldn’t go pick it up so I got to deal with the situation I can’t get my print to work I can’t I can’t watch TV like it really matters here or

anything else here but anyway look um I will do a video later for you unfortunately it’s going to be recorded like this when I miss you I miss interacting with all of you but we’re going to get back on target with that all right so um let me know what you think about what we’ve covered here honestly please share the video please get it out there give it a thumbs up if you got something out of this if you did not get something out of this if I have not earned your thumbs up give it a thumbs down and uh tell me how I can

improve because I’m willing to I’m willing to learn all right love all of you again see you later until we meet again people please take care of yourselves and each other okay

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