Gregory Mannarino (Uncut) 01-03-2025
okay everybody here we go it’s me GRE manarino Friday January 3rd 2025 I can’t get used to saying that yet but better start getting used to it all right guys and girls listen we got to talk let’s let’s start off with this ever since the selloff created uh by the federal reserves cut of the federal funds rate 25 basis points which had the polar opposite effect of what it was supposed to do with regard to the long end of the year curve um this Market has been under pressure we have not recovered not only have we not recovered
although the market has tried we have now fallen below the low of that day now let’s talk because there’s a few issues here first of all these are the numbers this morning with regard to Futures in other words where the market is pricing stocks will open so higher across the board trading doesn’t start for about 32 minutes from the time I am during this video blog here’s a headline for you from market watch the stock market has entered the Danger Zone Danger Zone okay um this isn’t a a Tom Cruz movie here uh
this is some kind of reality now let’s let’s talk about reality a little bit here so this morning a miracle happened treasury yields long end of the curve specifically the 10year yield dropped was a miracle this morning at shortly after 7 a.m. I’m reading this um the 10year treasury yield dropped by more than two basis points it actually is dropped further from that point and what that did quite obviously is put a little boost behind future so is this the FAL Reserve directly taking action here it could be uh more than likely is
trust me on this one the fed’s watching the Yi curve just like you and me are period to freaking end now here’s the real story as to what’s happening here’s the mmri from this morning it has dropped a little bit from yesterday but the real issue is well where we going from here this is 100 % dependent on the Federal Reserve what they’re going to do if the FED gets in here and starts buying more debt well you’re going to see the mmri drop the stock market will go up If the Fed does not intervene
you’re going to see the mmri climb and the stock market is going to take a hit could be potentially very large now we are at a make or break moment with regard to the stock market here and I want you to see what I’m talking about so most of you have heard of the fear and greed index I covered this yesterday we’ve dropped further into fear bordering extreme fear generally this is considered a Buy Signal a big fat ugly bicycle when you drop this low or to on the level on the this gauge here this is where the Cavalry generat
comes in you know bottom Fishers get in here and they start buying okay um that’s an interesting phenomenon to pay attention to because we don’t see that if we do not see this and this Market continues to drop we got a big problem here uh or maybe not depending on your perspective this doesn’t make sense none of it makes sense any we have a market so distorted so Twisted so absolutely detached from reality there’s going to be a massive selloff but again the The Real Crash stop focusing on the stock
market for just a nanc and look at the bigger picture which is the driver the debt Market period the end everything has become a derivative now of debt Market action I want to show you something else this is a chart going back to the end of June to where we are now with regard to the S&P 500 and the 125 day moving average I want you to pay attention to that this is where we are right now here if you notice just look back to this drop that was that big drop after the Federal Reserve cut rates uh
and the market could not recover it tried to you see the bump and we sold right off I know we’re below that right now um so this tells me we really should see some kind of buying here in the market that too if we do not see this now let me tell you something I want to let you know on a little secret here that you’re not supposed to know next week and we’ll talk more about this on Sunday for my markets to look ahead ruly okay next week is going to be the make or break moment for the stock market
generally starting Monday of next week this Market should be putting on substantial gains especially in light of this and of that if it doesn’t that’s going to give you and I a big fat signal as to where this Market’s going to go and really honestly people I don’t know how to put this another way this is what it’s all dependent on right now where this is going to go depending on well who is right now the lender and buyer of Last Resort what institution you all know the answer but I’m just going to say it anyway has
since day one been attempting to be the lender and buyer of Last Resort well it’s central banks collectively that’s their goal to own it all well we’ll see where we’re at here next week it’s going to be very interesting honestly uh we’ll see don’t get overly giddy about this let’s just say for example uh the stock market starts to put on gains that does not mean it’s over does not mean it’s over me I still remain neutral here I want to see what’s going to I’m not in any Rush as you all know to jump back into this
freaking Market neither should you sit back relax take a time off do you realize honestly you and I have been buying virtually every single dip in this market for the last seven and a half freaking years don’t you think we need a little break I can tell you the truth I need a little break here you pull profit you sit back and that’s it uh until this this this this thing plays out let it play out now with regard to other assets here people look man every single opportunity that you get in my opinion and and this is just me you’re
entitle to your own you should be buying gold more specifically silver gaining exposure to Commodities if you’re looking to get into an exchange traded fun here many ways to do this but me personally I prefer to hold it in my hand I want physical assets that I can actually hold you understand with regard regard to cryptocurrencies don’t get into business here don’t stop look I’m not in this business and neither should you be in the business of picking tops and or bottoms I believe and this is my opinion you’re entitled to your
own people I believe eventually the debt Market implosion which is going to happen is going to drive cash into Commodities and into cryptocurrencies like you can’t possibly believe here as we’re being bridged into the new system the new system is a lock another reason why Trump well the main re two reasons two only two sincerely why Trump was selected to be the Figure Head behind the Resolute desk proponent of negative rates which I believe we have a high potential of seeing here two to bridge the system into the new tokenize system
but again mainstreaming cryptos first you understand that’s where we’re at anyway people look I want to hear from you on this those of you that do utilize the MMR as a tool and this is just honestly we’re all guessing here we have no idea what the fed’s going to do do you believe the FED is going to get into the market and start buying more debt I mean it’s it’s an extreme possibility here uh what does the FED want to do it wants to inflate how does it do that by creating cash out of nothing buying the debt and
that’s that’s a fact here so yes the FED could absolutely step in and we’re going to see what they do next week again people look man we have their playbook we know what they’re going to do more than likely we’ll see all right I don’t even want to say it I want to hear from you do you believe we’re going to see the FED step in here and push the mmri lower in other words by buying more debt dropping the 10year yield weakening the Dollar on a relative strength basis because that’s all in the equation of
the mmri it’s quite a little a little tool we have here and it’s free to you again Link in the description of this video I want to hear from you on this do you believe the FED is going to start to take Serious action and intervene in the market or are they really going to let this go right now so ponder that let me know what you think I promise to read the comments and look man I always tell you we’re stronger together I don’t know everything I don’t even pretend to know everything all of you out here are way
smarter than me this is our thing you know that all right with that said people look I will see all of you later 4:5 p.m. Eastern for the live stream I’m looking forward to it my favorite part of the day believe it or not is the live stream these kind of things that’s kind of boring to me actually I love interacting with all of you all right I’ll see you later people until we meet again what am I going to say please take care of yourselves and each other