Dinar Guru Uncut

FRANK26 – I GOT A FEELING (Uncut) 03-21-2025

FRANK26…3-21-25……..I GOT A FEELING

My case is empty Three two one go I used to be a Dinah newbie Until I watched Frank’s you’ll be to be With a twinkle in his eye and god by his side frank’s teachings reaches far and wide So whenever I need a dinah fix 26 He’s got the latest greatest news from the street Tune in now tune in here. This is the dinah beat Now take it from me frank is no rookie It’s okay. Thank give this man a cookie You never know what suit he’ll be wearing So I wear my sunglasses because they are so glaring So whenever I need a dinah fix Tune into frank 26 He’s got the latest greatest news from the street Tune in now tune in here.


This is the dinah beat Sit up be patient then get ready Frank’s got some news from walking stick and eddie Frank breaks down the news and keeps us straight Come on, iraq. Can you give us the rate? So whenever I need a dinah fix 26 He’s got the latest greatest news from the street Tune in now tune in here. This is the dinah beat Hey, hey, I need a cookie Come on, I deserve some cookies Cookies Cookies cookies Come on Give up the cookies Greetings family.


Welcome to another one of your frank 26 yubitubes. It’s good to be with you It is the 21st of march 2025 2025 I greet you in agapit love because we are ktfolways.com And it stands for what? Keep the faith always keep the faith always and our heavenly father Before we do anything. We always go to god in our throne room so that we can pray to him Uh anybody with us? Okay, let us pray and prepare ourselves and I believe our brother andy’s with us and he’ll blow the shofar for us Abba heavenly father I come to you.


I run to your throne room by the blood of jesus through the holy spirit Excited excited that I am in your presence. Thank you father for that privilege Thank you for your mercy and your grace upon me because Because I know who I am And I know who you are You took me from the The You took me from you you you’ve given me the the uttermost You’ve given me from the uttermost Because at one time I was in the gutter most But but But every time I talk to you Every time I pray to you You’re serious about it I mean I say that because my conversations with you are sincere But you’re serious about my conversations because you answer them you answer my conversation so it’s not always it’s not always what I want But I do receive an answer I have developed this relationship with you that I know now how to talk to you And I know how to listen to you for your answer Yes, sir From the gutter most that I was now to the uttermost that you have surrounded me with I am no longer Papa father abba. I don’t die.


Listen god. I am no longer depressed These last five years it was tough on my body and it’s still tough today But I see your son on the cross And I don’t care what pain I go through he can never it can never Get close to what he did on that cross for me, so I don’t care about my pain I’m not depressed anymore. I am impressed You’ve taken my depression my i’m not depressed I am impressed with you Because you’re serious about my conversations with you Now granted father Granted my halo may have a few nicks in it, but it’s still there I ask you to help me tonight Because I always fail I always break your heart when I do these calls I I never seem to be under enough I just Papa control me Control me, please.


I need to be serious. I need You know, we got some serious people like you when you’re serious with my prayer but we have some very serious people that I need to behave and That’s gonna be so comical But I guess that’s the way you made me Anyways father I praise you I thank you for everything and I pray for america. I pray for israel.


I pray for all of those people that are with us right now I pray for It doesn’t matter. That’s what you told me. Love them all Love them all Love them all.


I don’t care if they’re hindu their buddhism the Muslim, whatever they are. I love them all and I will do whatever I can to help them all because they’re all your children You see I’m no longer depressed I am impressed with your love And I want everybody else to know about it Thank you for ktfa It’s amazing the bible study we had last night It’ll be wonderful this coming sunday when we have our services Not too many people come But there won’t be that many people in heaven either whether I love you, and I ask you again for strength eyes for protection put that hedge of protection around me You see like you see there’s an example. Remember when we were talking about, you know That that protection the last yubi-tubi 100 100 100 There was no problems Because and I asked you and you granted it May I ask you again? Let this conference call go very smoothly Allow me to accomplish what I need to do and And then get out of here I love you father.


I love you. I love you. I love you.


And in case I in case I didn’t say it Enough. Um, I love you in the name of your son jesus by the holy spirit I pray and I reach out my arms to you I reach out my arms to you because my father when he took the last breath when my dad took his last breath here on earth He reached out to you I know what he did And I know what I do I reach out to you in the name of your son jesus by the holy spirit. I pray amen.


Amen. Amen Amen Amen Amen amen. Amen.


Thank you. Uh, andy god bless you brother. We’ll see you at the end All righty family well ladies and gentlemen, we’re going to go ahead and get started tonight and uh, we uh We have uh our one commercial I cut it down to one In fact, it’s not even for me.


It’s for the veterans. Remember I brought in a lady that talked about the veterans Uh a little device that was helping veterans I’m bringing her in again tonight so that she can talk to the veterans. That’ll be at seven But right now what we need to do is go to the final article thread The last time that we were together was tuesday, and I believe that was the 18th Therefore we’re looking for the 19th And you’ll find the 19th where we are going to pick up at the bottom of page 260 Go to the bottom of page 260 I’m going there myself There we go, and now that we’re at the bottom of that page we are looking at final article number 5112 That’s where we’re about to start right now with the articles then afterwards We’re going to read a little bit of of eddie’s report now when I say a little bit It’s obvious because I don’t want to read it all Makes sense, right?


And uh, why don’t I want to read it all? Well, there’s sometimes you know some information that that my teams tell me to be careful with and not share completely until we feel that it’s Safe to do so But I can but I but I can say this What we hold back is not negative It’s not a bad thing So it’s it’s good But we’ll do as much as we can with eddie’s report Then when we’re done with that, what’s the title of your yubi toby? Well, the title is I got a feeling Now for those of you that are in premium for those of you that you know belong to that You saw what I told you Now granted I will admit I don’t think I don’t think we put it in club 26 did we I didn’t have the time Oh, we did.


Yeah. Oh, bless your heart. Thank you.


So club 26 got it, too So you saw What we did? Anyways you have that privilege that’s what premium is all about now What I did was I planted the seed and I told you I got a feeling And I told you where that feeling came from and I said that tonight on our yubi toby i’ll explain it even further So that’s the third part. And where does that feeling come from? Let’s see how many how many of you are in premium post for me Would you I got a feeling now that is a sentence that I shared in premium yesterday and I explained a little bit But I also told you where it came from it came from our meetings, right? Who uh, Who gave me that that oh, thank you steely Thank you still julie. Well done right away.


There it is. Yeah, it was walking stick it was uh walking She spelled it wrong. Yeah, it was a walking stick Uae 1.4 trillion uae has just invested 1.4 trillion in the united states of america Holy cow That is fantastic well the columbia Columbia also caved in the university.


They also caved in and said, okay, okay We want our 400 million Yeah, okay. So now that means that the president of your school is going to make the The um That syllabus is that yes syllabus, is that what it’s called? They’re going to make the syllabus the agenda of all the classes Right that the that columbia university is going to offer. Is that right? Huh? Is that right and you president of columbia? Only you will be in charge of telling the professors what they can and cannot say So therefore if a professor says anything stupid You’ll lose your 400 million won’t you president of columbia? Man, I tell you this man is this man is a genius No wonder god saved him Anyway, so yeah, that’s what we’re going to do tonight and everything that i’m saying to you right now is Solely in my opinion My name is george hernandez And I am wearing a blue and pink suit and that is my opinion that is my right to do so Thank you, mr Holiday, in fact allow me to also say that well i’m putting the cup out on the sidewalk here If anybody can help us because this coming week or is it this this week? Next week we send it.


Uh Monday, we send walking stick. Uh his his funds for his uh immune therapy If anybody can help us, we appreciate it and market ws so we know that money goes to him Anything else that money goes to other projects that we do inside of ktfa Okay We prayed we had to show far below by andy Uh, I prepared everybody. Uh, I told everybody that everything i’m going to say is in my opinion Uh, we’re going to try for kate we’re going to do the articles we’re going to do eddie’s report and then We’re going to do I got a feeling so donny.


Thank you. Don. Oh donny.


That’s twice in one day, sir Donny, I look forward to meeting. I look forward to meeting all of you all of you Um, what was I saying? Yes, we’re going to try for kate, uh first the articles and then eddie’s report and then I got a feeling What well that’ll be the the report that i’ll have for you tonight Um that uh, we’ll talk about that. Okay, so let’s get to work all in my opinion Say again Oh my dear god You know, we always wanted you to send us a check because paypal takes a big chunk But in my prayers I figured it out It doesn’t matter how it gets to you frank It doesn’t matter how it gets to you get it to walkingston Yes, sir.


I understand my orders Family we’re going to start with final article number 5212 everything is in my opinion and let’s see what my opinion is about this article The article says that a washington politician said that the factions of inside of iraq are now disarmed What are the factions? Is that a is that is that a new singing group Is the factions? Yeah, what are they going to sing tonight? So what was that? Move my side So what are the factions family? Very oh look at that. You guys are already talking to me. That was quick.


Thank you. Jeff You’re always on the ball paul williams. Carla Uh, ray ray cox ronald jelen, uh friends, uh making music, uh the four They don’t have a song called I got a feeling do they No, uh, uh, uh peanut butter.


No, what what is it doing? Buckeye peanut butter Peas The black eyed peas they sing a song called I got a feeling And then there’s someone else that has uh that did I got a feel. Oh, yeah, uh jt james taylor but This I got a feeling came from walking stick when we was talking together out of nowhere He says I got a feeling and we said what? So that’s what i’ll share with you tonight. Now.


A lot of you are saying cockroaches Parliament, that’s right. A washington spoke of a washington politician said the factions The iranian Politicians inside of parliament inside of iraq’s parliament that refused to let go Of the of the currency of iraq. It’s that simple jan here jan.


You got to get that one It’s that simple Okay, so with that in mind this is a washington politician said that the factions are in iraq are now disarmed soldiers military When you capture the enemy, what’s the first thing you do? All right What’s the first thing you do? Okay Um, we have captured the enemy that does not want the new exchange rate to come out inside of iraq family Uh, we’d be in the united states of america uh Along along with sudani and his military troops. Yeah, we’re working with them. Okay, but uh, But who’s the leader of it? Who’s the you see I got a feeling Who’s the leader of it? Who’s the leader So a washington politician said that the factions in iraq are now disarmed and yeah when you capture the enemy The first thing that you do.


Thank you expector. Thank you so much. The first thing that you do is you disarm them You search them police officers What’s the first thing you do after you handcuff somebody actually before you even handcuff them Yeah You need to disarm.


Well first you handcuff them to stabilize them. That’s true. Where’d you get that? Oh, i’m, sorry Well, you can have it A little bit.


It’s all yours. I got it for you. I got you two of them She stepped on one of my pins Yeah family You know, I tried to bring I tried to bring levity I tried to bring jocularity.


I tried to bring humor I don’t want to sit there with my legs wide open in a wrinkle shirt and just repeat the articles to you I want to do some humor. I wanted you to have fun. I want to pray for you I want to talk to you.


I want you to call me and you do I’m extremely different And i’ve been telling you for a very long time that the only reason we I don’t care what the other gurus say But but I told you and i’ve not changed have I i’m still with the same I’ve not abandoned my post I’m still with the same stance It is iran Hey trump, what do you think about iran? They’re the problem for the whole world Good point, sir Hey walking stick, what do you think about iran? I got a feeling Okay, we’ll talk about it in a little bit so this uh this disarmament this Taking away the weapons Let me ask you something What about the ones that are inside of iraq, you know, the iranian Media the iranian politicians that are inside of iraq the cockroaches What about the ones outside of iraq? Oh, you mean the ones in inside of iran? Yes Who’s going to disarm them? They are being disarmed aren’t they? I got that feeling too So What is the title of this article? What do I say? What’s the blue title? Uh, I say that uh mission accomplished for the monetary reforms new exchange rate. Dr. Shabibi. What did we need security stability? And how do we get that you got to control those that are stealing the currency the exchange rate You got to control the auctions.


You got to control what we’re doing. Uh, ever since they gave us, you know A punished sanction rate, you know, we can get our rate back. You know, this is an ri It’ll be reinstated but we need security stability That’s all there is to it.


You can ask me a bunch of questions says, uh, dr Shabibi and the rest is so you can ask me a billion questions, but every one of them will have the same answer I need security stability And and don’t don’t act stupid with me don’t even look stupid at me because you know very well That’s what we need security and stability And the only way to get it is to get rid of the stupidity inside of iraq and for that matter in iran Ask the iranian people iranian people. What do you think about the supreme leaders? What do you think about them? Really? Okay So it turns out that a washington politician says that the factions, you know, the bad guys supreme leader people Uh, they are now disarmed. Well inside of iraq.


I can agree with that But how are they disarmed outside of iraq? Well, they’re talking about inside of iraq. Oh, okay. Okay.


Okay Well, I just want to make sure we understand that so the ones outside of iraq Trump will deal with those one p. Yeah, he will okay, but the ones inside of iraq sudani. Did you take care of it? You did take care of it. And that’s why Mission accomplished for the monetary reform and for the new exchange rate This article is exactly what we wanted here.


Check it out. Let’s just read a small portion of it inside because what we’re about to read Is valuable what we’re about to read is exactly what we’ve been wanting To read Really ed miller Why would you even bring up another person’s name? Don’t do that You’ve been with me long enough to know not to bring up another guru’s name In fact, is he still alive that guy that he’s talking about? He’s talking about okie the oil man Okie is a fake. Uh, i’m not here to talk about you.


See what you did. You see you dragged me into it. Golly Uh, it is very listen what i’m about to say pay attention to this, okay Actually frank you just messed up Didn’t you ask god? For guidance, didn’t you ask god? To help you behave I did Well, then maybe you should take your own advice I will quote it is very clear That president trump, oh It is very clear that president trump’s washington Is radically different from president biden’s washington Yeah, we’re different too, aren’t we? It is very clear That president trump’s washington is radically different from president biden’s washington In dealing with this file, uh, which is based on the on on what president trump called The ending ending the phenomena of weapon chaos in the middle east explaining that uh quote the baghdad and specifically the the factions, uh in in iraq they um They understood and uh, they absorbed all of this and and they are now by virtue of being disarmed And and have not raised their previous slogan, uh such as unity of arenas or uh support the front or or any of these type of slogans that they had before You really the the voice of of of of those, you know The voice of those Is is not is not heard No, not not not even their slogans, you know I’ll be back.


Is that their slogan? No. No, no No, they wanted just simply to take over everything They wanted to control everything in iraq, but you don’t even hear those slogans anymore inside of iraq Well, that’s pretty darn good. Isn’t it? It is extremely good Explaining that baghdad and specifically the factions understood.


Did you understand maliki? All you bad people You understood this, huh? Yeah, we did Wow, well, that’s impressive Because I have noticed i’ve noticed framework. I’ve noticed shiites. I’ve noticed parliament.


I’ve noticed iranian politicians I noticed media of iran That you guys are not fighting back so hard anymore I’ve noticed that your voice has been silent. I’ve noticed that you shut up That’s very interesting Now you decided to come out four four four four days ago Get it right. No three.


Oh, i’m sorry three That’s why I couldn’t edit up you so Uh, uh supreme no, no, uh, uh iranian influence inside uh factions inside of iraq, uh, you decided to come out About three days ago, huh? Yeah. I know the media does I I know the internet doesn’t know this but they’re they’re finding out now So who did you send out? who bozo No bozo is my guy. I got you not not bite him.


Who did you send maliki? Where’d you send him To the citizens What did the citizens tell maliki That’s about right because look i’m noticing you see I study patterns Your pattern It it’s it is a serious 180 180 So it it’s very clear that there’s a difference here between the president. This is iraq saying this It’s very clear that there’s a difference between between president trump, uh, who is radically different from uh, President biden is washington in dealing with this file, you know with this corruption in our country Which is which which is which is based on what president trump called. Hey, stop that gaga And uh, and he explained that uh, these these these factions especially the ones in baghdad they understood They they understood what they understood.


They understood spanish These factions in iraq understood spanish. Yeah, when trump said stop that gaga, they understood. Oh, okay So they understood and absorbed this.


Yeah, you think they sucked it all in. Oh frank, trust me They did but they tried one more time. They sent maliki out Uh, okay to absorb this and they are now by virtue of being disarmed Uh, they have not raised their previous slogans.


What did maliki say nothing? of interest So this is what I will teach you tonight when we get to eddie’s report I will share that with you family What do we have 1500 people? That’s a shame. That’s a shame. There should be more but hopefully by god willing they’ll catch up Oh, no, you see rich.


No, no, no, don’t hurt rich gang Uh admins, okay He’s just he’s just laughing at the comment of the bozo. Okay. He’s not calling me that Don’t don’t don’t hurt rich gang So yeah family.


Wow What do we need security stability? What does this article say? We got it and who says that we got it washington dc Why because they scared the crap out of these people that were causing the trouble Now how’s that for an interpretation of this article Well I can do it like this It is very clear that the president of trump and the radical taverns and president washington is dealing with this file Yes, and uh, and it’s based on which one Can you tell i’m in a good mood today i’m in a painful mood, but i’m in a good mood All righty family. We flip over now. Let’s go to page 261 We are now looking at final article number 5000 Final article number 5213 Uh, the central bank of iraq lists the reasons for the decline in foreign exchange reserves So the central bank of iraq lists the reasons for the decline in foreign exchange reserves Really okay, just let’s let’s go see what it says just a little small paragraph Yeah, uh cbi is saying that the the bank, uh,


All the ranks, uh, they attributed this decline to the central bank’s resorts to withdrawing cash liquidity from the markets through an uh, Though enhanced cash sterilization operations as part of its efforts to maintain monetary policy Now that’s a lot of words that don’t add up to anything because it went in your ear and went out the other one Because if I was to ask you right now, what does that mean you’d say? So let’s break it down you ready The bank attributed this decline what decline the the drop what what does it say? Uh, the central bank lists the reasons for the decline in foreign exchange reserves foreign exchange reserves.


It’s gone down. Why? Uh, well, they say that it’s uh due to withdrawing cash, uh liquidity from the market. Well, that was good.


Wasn’t it you see? Your foreign reserves cbi are low Because all that foreign currency was in the markets was in the streets Your citizens weren’t using the three zero notes. There’s no value to them. They were using the dollar They were using the euro they were using anything they could get their hands on.


Yeah, but now your Reserves are low. Well, that’s because you could only have that in the streets no more All you got is your dinar which is about to have purchasing power given to it. This is fantastic This is exactly what we wanted.


Why because it gives us what dr. Shabibi rest in peace What do we got security stability read the rest of the article uh the bank attributed the decline to the central bank’s resort to withdrawing the cash liquidity from the market through enhancing the Oh because through through the through enhancing cash sterilization operations What happens when you neuter a dog you can’t make babies no more What happens when you take the three when you take the three zero notes away from the iraqi citizens? They can’t purchase anymore so Through the cash sterilization of the three zero notes is what it should say here as part of its efforts to maintain monetary stability Okay, all right, well I like that I like that a lot Uh one more little why not? Why not? The central bank also emphasized that despite this decline it still uh progresses large net foreign It still possesses large net foreign, uh reserves relative to the money supply in other words what we have in foreign reserves And what we have in our currency, uh, don’t worry. It’s well balanced Final article number 5214, uh trump gives iran two months to negotiate.


Oh, wait a minute. Did we read the article? Oh, no, we didn’t. Uh, what is the blue title for this one? The one that says the central bank of iraq lists the reasons for the decline in foreign exchange reserves What’s the blue title for this the blue title says? Uh cash sterilization, uh neutering of the three zeros cash sterilization equals removing the three zero notes and uh the usd in iraq You understand the article better now good Go to the next one final article number 5214 Trump gives iran two months to negotiate its nuclear program or face being targeted What did I tell you the last time we were together? Hey, iran You better get rid of those nukes says trump.


Tell you what? Why don’t you take? 60 days because because we gave iraq 30 days To stop, you know using electricity from you guys We gave uh, mexico 30 days we gave canada 30 days. Um iran I’m gonna give you 60 days And we told you all this before this was even printed I got a feeling Now, you know how I teach you know what i’m doing, you know my pattern, okay Every time I say I got a feeling you should take note of it make a side bar What’s the topic that we’re doing at that moment put it down on your notes? Trump gives iran two months to negotiate its nuclear program or face being targeted Uh, what is the blue title? You know what? I ran supreme leader. You are so lucky.


Uh, because because he normally gives 30 days Ktfa, this is security and stability Axio reported on wednesday citing informed and we were together on tuesday and I told you about this. Uh, Actually, I told you about this on yeah, tuesday axio, uh citing on wednesday, uh, the informed sources sources that uh, trump’s letter to the iranian supreme leader Al khamenei Included a two-month decline Deadline, pardon me a two-month deadline to reach a new nuclear agreement Uh, because if if not, what does it say, uh your nuclear program or face for your nuclear program to be targeted This is what we need security and stability Everything is ready Everything is ready in order to bring forth the new exchange rate The lower notes and the exchange rate the atm machines the banks the Everything is ready And you could you even see the u.s treasurer saying come on you see imf talking about the other they’re doing this you see world Bank congratulating you see everybody bragging about iraq, you know their banking system. Everything is ready Thank you so much beth.


We need the help for your walking stick. Thank you Everything is ready So Why don’t we have it because we need the security and stability and who is the problem? I ran I ran this is it This is it This is the final bell the final call What did he tell you if you don’t do this in the next 60 days? You’re targeted Now, what does that mean? That means that iran iranian citizens. You’ve got 60 days to run And um and and and and and and and your nuclear, you know your nuclear caca perfect Brilliant you put it what is it? What is it? 300 feet to 300 feet deep in the ground or more than that.


I don’t know brilliant Thank you Ha ha brilliant All we got to do is just level that Bury it completely all the radiation is under control Way to go iran. You did us a favor Unbelievable trump gives iran two months to negotiate a nuclear program or face it being targeted security of stability for the monetary reform of iraq Because iraq’s cockroaches are about to be targeted Hoorah final article number 5215 Exclusive kwanee in baghdad on a quick visit Look you can pretend you came into to baghdad really quick and you can pretend you just knock out really quick stupid Everybody knows That trump already gave you two months You can pretend that oh, we didn’t get no no no no letter from trump. We don’t know nothing Oh, but you snuck into baghdad to get the letter to see what trump has to say, huh? Oh, man, you guys are so ugly Yeah, you’re I mean your attitude, you know, I mean you got some beautiful men You’re men.


You’re women. You’re beautiful people, but your attitude is ugly What do I say what what what what is the title, uh kwanee in baghdad on a quick visit headed over a special message Uh two fractions, uh leaders, uh and politicians, you know, uh, the letter from uh, uh trump Uh, yeah. Okay.


What do I say? What’s the blue title? Keep it up. I ran Keep it up And by the way those 60 days If I was you I ran I’d look up By an article number 5216 oil exports from kurdistan region set to resume next week, right Because you see this all was supposed to have been done last year two years ago The oil could have flown those pipes are ready to go We didn’t talk about it. No need to talk about it.


We weren’t supposed to talk about it. Hush hush Okay, but now we can because everybody knows in iraq. The pipes are ready to go.


They’ve been ready for two years They told them last week Oil exports from kurdistan region set to resume oil next week Well, you see sudani you you you told everybody that you were going to try to get those tables by the end of last month You didn’t yeah, then you said okay the beginning of this month. You didn’t okay Then you said the middle of this month. You didn’t uh, you want to now do it when? At the end of this month That would be good.


You know why? because april the first week of april That’s the start of a quarter When did dr. Shabibi want this to happen? There you go. Oh, hey, here’s another thing Here’s another thing sudani When is ramadan? Where’s ramadan? It’s only 29 days this time, why did you cut back some? They didn’t notice that they well, yeah, they some people noticed okay, so you cut it back a bit.


All right, so you got it down to Understand How many days are in this month? All right Okay. So at the end of the month, would you bring the tables to uh, To to to to the com, huh? The com already has the tables Oh, that’s how you’re protecting them from parliament Because parliament is demanding them. I know I know the way Now they want to talk to allah again because he can’t get the tables Ha ha ha You hey sudani seriously, bro.


Hey, bro, seriously Are you having fun? Yeah, you are aren’t you? I am too I mean on my border, you know, but on your border you’re you’re having fun too Yeah, i’m having border i’m having fun too and it’s all because it’s all because I got this feeling I got this feeling because two months Hey, come on man, I mean salute Thumbs up point. That’s where my friend. John, uh p51 mustang bro Pete john Don’t you wanna sit in the in in the f47? Hey john I’ll sit in one of the drones Those drones are big too And everybody comes like what is that what are those what is that now your damn business Oh my word, how many times did I tell you family you have no idea You have no idea the power of america china knows russia knows They know why do you think they do they mess with us? Hey china, what you want? Uh, we went into taiwan water You feel good about it? Yes, we do.


Yeah, we pushed you we went into taiwan’s waters You want to fight no, no, no, no, would you just just just just chuck in the water You have no idea the power of america family because you are not supposed to know But our enemy knows why that’s how they did that’s how they defeat you They know how powerful we are now And f47 I can’t wait for these two months to go by Okay, because in those two months I got a feeling that he’s going to make peace He’s going to make peace and if we have peace It’s giving stability And it’s happening so fast How are they doing tink are they okay No, yes I said uh-huh Trump card way to go richie Way to go You remember the trump card now, huh?


Good job When i’m done tonight, the trump card will mean a lot to you Kimmy miss I’m loving the information Praise god Kimmy it takes me a lot of work to prepare to do this for you Final article number 5216 Oil experts from kurdistan region set to resume next week confirms iraqi parliament officials Uh, yeah Review sudani you wanted to get it done at the uh At the end of last month you did sudani wanted to get it done at the beginning of this month Sudani you wanted to get it done in the middle of this month Sudani you want to get it done at the end of this month sudani ramadan. When does it end? Because you cannot do anything during ramadan Ramadan is a holy month You can’t be going around saying woohoo. I got purchasing power.


Well, that’d be a little sacrilegious. That would not be cool The clerks would not be too impressed with that the mosque would be angry So let me ask you this If you wanted to do it at the beginning of last month the beginning of the start of this month at the middle of this month But now you moved it to the beginning. Uh, well the beginning of next month, which is a good time Oh Isn’t that also when eid starts? Around that time too, doesn’t it son antonio dallas houston, texas.


That’s right And eid is three days What is eid for I know ramadan is you know You know, you pray and holy and you and you do all the you know, the the the the trek, you know Mac all that, you know religious stuff. Okay, but eid What do you do during eid, huh you what You celebrate like Have a good time That kind of celebration the what what are you doing that gun? Wait a minute. What are you doing? I go.


Oh you Yeah, will you guys stop firing your guns in the air? It’s so dangerous But okay, so so eid you celebrate, huh, wouldn’t it be nice to celebrate Not a sermon i’m not preaching i’m, just suggesting sudani because if you were an artist This is a beautiful painting you You just painted And I got that feeling Of who gave you the paint the paintbrush and the canvas you see you’re not you’re not in a hurry You’re the middle east We are in a hurry We’re america Ah So oil exports from kurdistan region set to resume next week if it is if it if if if it is Those tables are exposed. What’s the blue title?


Uh from your mouth to god’s ears Yeah, let’s hope so final article number 5217 I ran on trump’s message Do have you have you caught on to the pattern yet? Do you have the feeling? I ran on trump’s message, uh Iran wants to say something about the message that they said they never got But they snuck into town to get it and come back and then they read it and now they want to make a comment About it, huh? You’re so ugly I Ran on trump’s message, uh, it included opportunities and threats And we will respond to them at appropriate time Okay, so you said you never got it But then you go and sneak in you get it you bring it back and now you got it And now you say that the message it included opportunities It included opportunities and threats You just can’t leave it alone. Can you? You got a female dog all the time, don’t you i’m swear you got opportunity, you know exactly what he offered you And you selinsky you turned down trump today.


You told trump. No, we take care of our own nuclear facilities How stupid are you? That’s the second time you blow the opportunity for america to put its roots in your country so that russia doesn’t touch you What part of stupid are you from? Uh, uh selinsky the south or the north? Unbelievable So iran and trump a message they say that it includes opportunities But it and it includes threats and we will respond to them at an appropriate time What’s the blue title for this article?


I got a feeling Final article number 5218 u.s. Urges iraq to reach agreements to allow resumptions of kurdistan oil exports What’s the title of this one The feeling is strong final article number 5212 Washington cuts off tehran’s economic lifeline with a new package of sanctions What is the blue title for this trump cuts the head off of the cockroach Where do the cockroach comes from? Where do they in iraq in iraq? Where do the cockroach comes from? Where do they come from from iranian politicians from iranian media, right? Right, and where do the cockroach live?


Where do they originate? Where is their birthplace iran? So washington cuts cuts off tehran’s economic lifeline with a new package of sanctions That’s why I say the head of the cockroach has now been cut off by the president of the united states of america These next 60 days that you’ve got good luck final article number 5220 Al a lot. Uh, we are working to establish a data center that represents a successful foundation in digital transformation Look, there was really no need to put this article here But I brought it to reiterate one more time Digitalization is the future of iraq.


I told you that when this would be over it would introduce the end times A cashless society will be born in the middle east all the countries over there will no longer be using cash They will go digital you will eventually have to have it electronically on a card in your hand or somewhere I told you That we are working to establish a data center that represents a successful foundation for digital transformation and sadly As much as revelation is here it is also needed because this brings security and stability Digitalization makes it almost impossible for them to steal what they have been stealing for generations. What is the title of this ubitubi? Digital currency is security stability for the new exchange rate In this article, there are two places that i’ve highlighted for you.


I’m going to read them both number one The central bank governor a lot confirmed on thursday that the digital currency the of the bank’s intent to launch will enhance Transparency, so you’re telling me that you have a digital currency that you’re about to launch And it’s going to be transparent Well, sir You just told everybody that you have a new exchange rate coming out and a new currency coming out because it’s going to be Now converted into transparency through a digitalization program a digital digitalized currency, sir You have a three zero currency.


You don’t have a digital currency right now. You are slowly telling them aren’t you? Good job On thursday, they said that the digital currency that the bank intends to launch Will enhance transparency and limit the flow of cash out of the bank He also revealed plans to establish a data center that will serve as a successful platform for digital transformation We have begun taking steps in coordination with the international organization to review initial experiments experiences Experiments in the digital currency file, which we do not wish to delay Now, do you think that sudani said that we don’t wish to delay this process of digitalization


I will I got a feeling that I know who said that Final uh, did I give the blue title? Yeah, I did final article number five thousand two hundred and twenty one iraq attempts to encourage amazon to build facilities in iraq Excuse me uh amazon Amazon prime Yeah amazon What do you want in iraq well, we want we want to set up our buildings, uh, you know big buildings real big ones And we want to uh, bring in american dollars and convert them into iraqi dinars and uh, yeah, we want to do business Uh with iraq. We we want to build all the facilities that we need, uh in order to encourage iraqi citizens to use amazon What are you stupid? What frank amazon? Are you stupid? No, we’re amazon prime You’re amazon prime stupid Why do you say that frank read the blue title? Uh amazon prime offers 13 10 Amazon amazon prime offers 13 10 three dots.


No Do you see all the signs If you hunt for your clan Who is waiting for you in the cave to bring back food to survive with The book of eli started that way This food is so important Amazon knows very well the value Of what’s happening in iraq ladies and gentlemen, we are going to stop right now Oh, and by the way this article one little line The Iraqi officials explained that the launch of this e-commerce platform in Iraq has become imminent. Quickly. Hurry up.


Now, I got a feeling I know who said that. We’re going to stop even though we only have a few more articles to go. We’re going to stop right now because I want to bring in our advertiser.


Advertiser come on in. I’d like for you to take 15 minutes and this is an individual that I brought in a while back. I’m not associated with this product, but this product is helping veterans.


Because of that, I’m allowing this lady to come a second time to talk about her product. I give up my advertisement to help the veterans. Are you there? Is it Michelle? Michelle, are you there? Hi, Frank.


Yes, I’m right here. Okay. There’s some static.


Don’t use a Bluetooth. Don’t use a speaker. Don’t use an earplug.


Just talk straight into the phone. Try to sit up straight. Get your diaphragm to expel your words out and let’s see if we can make this work.


Take it until 17 after, please. Go for it. The floor is yours.


Thank you. Thank you, Frank. Thank you for having me again.


I’m so grateful. I just want to say a little prayer to God that this message reaches each and every one of you because this device called Avacen, that’s A-V-A-C-E-N, when it’s in every household in our country, we will all take control of our health back. That’s for sure.


Let me talk about Avacen a little bit and then I’ll talk about the GSA contract with the VA, COD, and Indian Affairs that this device is available through. So again, it’s Avacen, A-V-A-C-E-N. It is an FDA cleared class two thermotherapy device.


Easy and simple to use and very profound in what it does for the body. So you’re just putting a little mitt on. You’re sliding it inside this very small device, smaller than a bread box.


You’re resting your hand on a heating element that has 4,000 computer codes in it and it has a vacuum seal to allow the process to work. What it’s doing is heating the blood in the palm of the hand and thinning it slightly. So when you add heat, the molecules start to move faster.


We’re slightly thinning the blood. Blood is non-neutronium, which means it’s a little bit like molasses. So we’re thinning it out so it’s going to move into the bloodstream much more freely and sped up a bit by the heat.


The vacuum seal just thins the vessel just enough so this slightly thinned blood can pass through into the vascular system. We think of the heart and the veins as our oxygen deliverers, but it’s not. It’s actually the microvessels, the microcirculation of the body is where all of the oxygen and nutrient delivery occurs.


And at the same time, we are expediting the waste removal from the blood. That’s delivering oxygen and nutrition into the tissues and removing the waste products. So what does that do for the body? Every cellular body requires two things, oxygen and glucose.


So we’re better delivering oxygen systemically, including crossing the blood-brain barrier, and we’re regulating glucose. The benefits of this deep tissue oxygenated delivery and the detox is reducing inflammation. It’s facilitating pain relief.


It’s increasing muscular relaxation and reducing blood pressure. So why does it do that? The body has a need to dissipate this heat that’s being profused into the body through the palm of the hand. The device is really a biohack because it’s just boosting the body to do what it’s designed to do by thought, except that we are being bombarded with poison and toxins and stress and cell towers.


So our body is really fighting a lot these days. And this device is just helping the body get back to a point of homeostasis, relaxation, fully oxygenated, nutrition delivered into the cell. I suspect everybody on this call is taking some sort of supplements, but yet we’re not fully utilizing it because it’s not getting delivered deeply into the capillary beds, deeply into the cell structure.


That’s what this device does, as well as open up that oxygen, builds oxygen capacity in the lungs. There’s an article, September 2023, out of Israel that states, if you can deliver blood, oxygen, and nutrition to the brain, you can reverse dementia. That’s what this device does.


It is deeply delivering blood, oxygen, and nutrition into the capillary beds so it can be more readily absorbed. So I had a really good response from the last time I was on the call. I’m overwhelmed and so grateful.


If any of you tried to reach me and for some reason we didn’t connect, please reach out again. And those that did contact me and have gotten the devices, some of you are having really remarkable results. One case has pretty complex medical history, including cardiovascular, COVID vaccine injury, long COVID, digestion issues.


I have to say, in 10 days, this individual’s results have been phenomenal. His headache, tinnitus, dizziness are resolving. He’s having the first good sleep he’s had in some time.


Feels less pressure on the cardiovascular system. And his digestion has improved. Combat Vets, Vietnam, Agent Orange exposed.


A lot of body functions shut down from trauma and toxicity exposure. All those are coming back online, including having regular bowel movements, which haven’t had for way longer than anyone should. And I know that he would be more than happy to talk to anybody about his results if anybody is interested in that.


Let me talk about the VA program. So I’ve been successful in getting Abbison on a GSA contract with our partner, B&B Health Services. So we are available through the VA, DOD, and Indian Affairs.


Some of the VAs are a little trickier than others, but I’m working with several of you currently to find advocates, find a way through the bureaucracy to get the device in your hands. Sometimes we have to be really diligent, but we will be successful. In the VA, we are currently coming in the door to address reduction of pain and inflammation.


So that, we’re talking about arthritis pain, neuropathy, chronic pain, which every Vet I’ve ever met has chronic pain. We’re also in for the reduction of anxiety. So that addresses reduced anxiety, increases relaxation, addresses PTS, and general anxiety disorders.


We have a couple of Vets on the device that were actually suicidal prior to using the device. And they are, it makes me really emotional because they’re getting such great results and we’re saving lives. The other, the third area that we’re in the VA for is improved blood circulation.


So this means addressing amputees. We will help save fingers and toes and limbs because of how dramatic this device heals wounds. That would also, so that would be potential amputees, wound care, edema, diabetic foot ulcerations, and all the complications from diabetes.


So those are the physical ailments that we are currently in the VA for. And I can help work with your doctor. I can help work with the prosthetics department or your advocate to get them educated about the device.


It’s already, the VA has already purchased it. It’s there to be ordered. We just have to read through the system to get it ordered for you.


And then some Vets just know that they need it and they’ve ordered it direct and are certainly receiving benefits. By increasing or enhancing microcirculation, what are some of the areas that can be improved? So certainly pain reduction. Improved sleep quality.


I’d say 99% of all people using the device report that their sleep has improved exponentially. Anxiety reduction. It reduces heart rate and blood pressure.


We increase cell membrane permeability. That’s the piece where we’re getting the supplements actually delivered so your body can utilize it. Again, reduced inflammation.


And then every time you use the device, you are moving the body from sympathetic into parasympathetic. Because we’re all, most of us are so engaged with technology today and we’re always on call, we’re always in fight or flight, which is sympathetic. The device in one 20-minute session reduces the stress on the system.


Everything relaxes and you move into parasympathetic, the healing mode. We also stimulate stem cell. What happens when you enhance microcirculation? Stem cell production increases.


Your cardiovascular health increases. You have increased flexibility and soft tissue elasticity. Increased tissue oxygenation.


When you kick into parasympathetic, you increase immune function and infection resistance. And there’s another component to this device which increases oxytocin. It’s that warm feeling of love because it’s just warming up your whole body.


It’s like you’re sitting in front of a nice fireplace with a cup of hot cocoa. It just warms everything up and makes you feel nice and cozy. Some of the research, and I can, anybody reach out to me.


I’m going to give you my name and my phone number. I can direct you to visuals. I can direct you to the VA website for our product and some of the research findings.


So we have unlimited pilot studies for cardiovascular health. Which showed a significant reduction in arterial pressure. We have a fibromyalgia study.


We are the only thing that actually reduces fibromyalgia pain. We have a double-blind diabetes study. Randomized controlled trial that demonstrates reduction in blood glucose levels.


And we have a mental health study. Which showed, so part of the study demonstrates the reduction in brain exertion, which is linked to anxiety and stress. Brain fog, head pressure, improved balance, and reduction in fatigue.


So I’m going to, my time is almost up. Again, on some of these resources I can direct you to, there are VETS videos and testimonies about the relief they are getting from using the device. Some of them are quite dramatic.


Again, the device is AVACEN. A-V-A-C-E-N. I know a few of you thought it was A-V.


It’s A-V-A-C-E-N, so you couldn’t get to the website. My name is Michelle Johnston. Johnston, M-I-C-H-E-L-L-E.


Johnston, J-O-H-N-S-T-O-N. My number, I will repeat it twice. 503-317-5115.


503-317-5115. It is a life-changing device. Please call me.


I will help anyone and everybody that I possibly can. I see the miracles that happen from using this device. In my own life, I got involved because I’m raising my autistic grandson.


And this device changed his life dramatically. From social, emotional regulation, eye contact, communication, academic, it literally changed his life. I will forever be grateful to Averson and this device for bringing the results to us personally that it has.


Again, Michelle Johnston, 503-317-5115. Very, very grateful to have been allowed to come on again. Please reach out to me.


Thank you, Frank. Thank you for helping the veterans. I’m very, very grateful to you and proud of you.


I pray that people respond to you and it helps to build your little business. You be safe. God bless you.


Let me know how it’s going for you, okay? Yes, I will. Thank you so, so much. I very much appreciate it.


You bet. God bless you too. Bye-bye now.


We left off with final article number 5222, family. Let’s go ahead and pick up there. It says that the new shipping lanes, Oum, Oscar, receives the first mega ship from South Korea.


Family, I told you, oh gosh, I don’t know, a long time ago, that Rome was successful for over 500 years because it established roads. Roads. I know it sounds like a simple concept, but by having roads, that means that there’s a direction.


That means that they’re paved or leveled out. That means that you can move your horses, your carts, your caravans, whatever it may be. There are routes that are established.


Marco Polo established them with the Asian theater. When we established the Panama Canal, oh my goodness gracious, that allowed a lot of cross contamination or cross business with many countries because they were able to reach each other. This is interesting.


We have like, for example, that we also used, the Suez Canal with Egypt. My wife and I, we went through the Suez Canal two years ago, and I’ve never, I have never been in a bridge, excuse me, in a tunnel that long. Family, it might have taken maybe about 20 minutes to get through this tunnel.


It was underground. It was under the Mediterranean Sea. I couldn’t believe how far this Suez Canal was reaching.


And that’s why Egypt exploded. Panama Canal, that’s why trade exploded in America. And what Sudan is doing right now at the port that he’s establishing, oh my goodness.


Yeah, Polly, Polly Van Winkle says, this is the new Silk Road, without a doubt. Marco Polo, I’m right here, man. You can see me.


I’m not hiding. So these shipping lanes that Sudan is establishing in the port is the equivalent to the other things that I just mentioned to you. That’s powerful.


And you think that that’s necessary for 1310? Of course not. But there’s just another example. And oil, once it starts flowing, I told you the pipelines are fixed.


I told you they experimented. I told you everything’s ready to go. But once these oil pipelines really start flowing, well, what’s the blue title of this article? From the north to the south of Iraq, oil flows.


What did I call the oil? The blood that is in the vein of the monetary reform of Iraq. These tracks, these ports, these big ships, these mega ships like this one that’s coming in from South Korea, they are going to explode Iraq. Everything that is in position to come into Iraq is amazing.


I mean, this is a country on steroids very soon. But the problem is that they got the steroids. They bought them.


They paid for them. They’re all set. They got them on the little table.


Got them in a little pack. Got a glass of water right next to it there. You’d want to inject them.


We got syringes. Everything’s all ready to go to get those steroids going, man. But you’re not going to have it until the doctor shows up in order to apply it, right? And the same thing with this.


Not until Dr. al-Sidani decides that, yeah, I am ready. He’s in charge of the military force inside of Iraq, not Donald Trump. Donald Trump is pushing, pushing, pushing for the oil to flow, because once it starts flowing, it exposes everything, doesn’t it? You got this from South Korea and what we said with the article above that, what that port is doing and what this article is saying.


Put those two things together. Dear God, again, another powerful example that there is no 1310. All of this would have occurred years, decades ago.


And the reason it’s occurring now is because it’s no longer, it’s no secret. Final article number 5223, Iraq achieves positive indicators in electronic collections. Oh, okay.


What’s the blue title? Iraq obeying President Trump. Do you know how fast electronic collecting is going to occur? Well, it’s going to be very quickly, very fast. And that’s exactly, that’s exactly what Donald Trump wants.


Move. So this electronic collecting system that they’re doing is simply obeying Donald Trump. And I find it interesting.


Left and right, left and right. I mean, today, three, three entities, two of them being governments, three of them said to Trump. Okay.


All right. Columbia University, you gave the finger to the president of the United States of America. All you judges that are pretending that you have the authority to stop the president of the United States from protecting me as an American citizen.


And guess what, buddy? Your time has come into. Yeah, you’re wasting time, but don’t worry. The professionalism of this man will take care of you.


Final article number 5224. Give me, give you an example. Donald J. Trump says that on April the 2nd, April the 2nd, April the 2nd.


Family, if you, if you go back to final article number 5138. Go, you go back a few pages. But if you go back to final article number 5138, you’re going to see something that they talk about April the 2nd.


You didn’t talk about it. You didn’t ask me. I didn’t teach it.


I left it alone so I could use it as a Trump card. Excuse me, Donald Trump. What is you? What are you saying? April the 2nd is what? April the 2nd is now going to be known as Liberation Day in America.


For decades, we have been ripped off and abused by every nation in the world. Both friend and so-called friends and foes. Now it is finally time for the good old USA to get some of the money back.


Sidebar, write that down. To get some of the money back. Sidebar, write that down.


To get some of the money back. To get some of the money back. Write it down.


So he’s telling the American citizens that we have been ripped off forever from friends and foes. And now it’s finally time for the good old USA to get some of that money and respect back. God bless America.


Trump, do you know how many people have dinars? You do, don’t you? Trump, on April the 2nd, you are going to call it Liberation Day. You know that April the 2nd, no, March the 2nd, Trump. You know what happened on March the 2nd in Iraq? You do, don’t you? Same thing you’re going to start doing.


On March the 2nd, tariffs. Tariffs were being collected at the borders. Taxes were being—that’s what a tariff is, is a tax.


So on March the 2nd, we had the tariffs established. Now, on April the 2nd, America is going to have Liberation Day, and you say that it’s time for good old Americans to get their money back. How are we going to get our money back, sir? What’s happening on April the 2nd? Or wait a minute, what’s happening on April—when does Eid end, sir? What is the blue title for this article that I just read to you from Donald J. Trump? Trump, April the 2nd, tariffs.


Sudani, April the 2nd, tariffs. Oh, oh, I keep telling you, we’re mirror-imaged. Not on purpose, but to serve a purpose.


The citizens of Iraq and the citizens of America, we’re going to get money back? Final article number 5,225, Iraqi forces thwarf ISIS plot, arrest key operatives. Look at that map, look at where they—all these people got busted up? Bust them up, man, bust them up. What’s the title of this article? Security and Stability.


Now, I know I said that they cut the head of the cockroach off, and I know that when you cut the head of a cockroach off, it can still live for about nine days. I know. You know how long a chicken can last without its head on its—never mind.


Anyways, final article number 5,226, video. This is the video that WalkingStick wanted you to see. Last time I was with you on Tuesday, I told you.


In fact, no, no, no, it was the week before. I said, WalkingStick wants you to look at this. This port, oh my gosh, it’s so massive, it’s so big.


You have no idea what this port is about to do for Iraq. I mean, you talk about reaching out to the world. This port, the trade is going to become amazing.


Look at here, video. Iraq’s 17 billion trade corridor to bypass the Suez Canal. Is that why WalkingStick told us, look, Google.


Google Sudanese, Sudanese Suez Canal. And for those of you that did, your jaw dropped in there. Can you believe what you saw? Can you imagine what that’s going to do for Iraq’s economy? It is massive.


It makes the Suez Canal toothpick. Oh my gosh, video. Iraq’s 17 billion trade corridor to bypass the Suez Canal.


What is the blue title? Last week, WalkingStick told you to watch this video. Here it is. The Wall Street Journal has produced a video.


Wall Street Journal, why? What do you care about 1310 Wall Street Journal? Huh? What do you care about that? Huh? Excuse me? It’s not a secret. Oh, I can read lips. Okay, okay, okay.


The Wall Street Journal has produced a video documenting Iraq’s proposed 740 mile trade. Yeah, that’ll take over. That’s 30 minutes trip.


A 740 mile trip route between Asia and Europe. The Development Road. That’s what it’s called? The Development Road? What are you calling our success, Mr. Trump? What? Yeah, I know.


I heard you call. I heard what you called it. These are not coincidences.


Everything that I just laid out to you, family, is not a coincidence. And, yes, they have a page three. Put it on page three.


So, yeah, I don’t know. I don’t know what April 2nd means. But, gosh, look at all these coincidences, how they’re lapping over.


How Eid will also start at that time. And that’s a perfect time to celebrate. You don’t want to celebrate during Ramadan.


In fact, on top of that, let me ask you something. Ring-a-ding-ding. Hey, hey, Sunan, when did Kuwait reinstate their currency? Oh, really? Right after? During Eid? Thank you.


So, yeah, let’s look at this one. Because, oh, there are no more articles. I’m sorry.


We’re done with those fine articles. We’re done. We’re done.


Let’s go see what Eddie’s report is all about, okay? And, again, like I told you at the beginning, I’m not going to read you all of Eddie’s report. Because that’s my prerogative. That’s my team.


That’s our information. But we will probably read it to you after they update you. They always do that, too.


Let’s just wait a few seconds, family, because everybody’s trying to get in. And it’s messing up the video. By the way, somebody sent me this.


Well, it was sent to one of our KTFA members. And that KTFA member then sent this to me. And they said, just so that you know about it, I told the person, I said, you know very well, I don’t want anything from anybody else.


And then they suggested, well, maybe you want to tell people that this is not, you know, be careful. And I said, I have talked about this a billion times. I have talked about this so many times.


But this supposedly, this is somebody’s opinion. Paymaster report, the full release, private transaction platforms in Reno and Zurich have received direct confirmation that tier 1 and tier 2 payout, how long have they been saying? Payouts are finalized. And how many times have they told you that they’re finalized? Tier, oh, there’s a tier 3 and tier 4B are next.


If you’re a part of this private group, get ready now. Military, military movements confirmed securing the train. This is sick.


Intel sources confirmed highlighted security around key financial hubs. Private security details have been activated in Reno, Zurich, Dubai. Special ops, special ops teams are ensuring that no foreign interference disrupts this monumental shift in global power.


Is that necessary? The final phase is underway. This is not a test. So this place is.


Look, in fact, this is the last time I will ever, ever, ever talk about this. As God is my witness. I’m just so tired of it.


I’m tired of all of it. When someone says to you, give me your dinars because I belong to a group that’s going to be able to pay you a higher rate than what the CBI can pay you. Run.


They’re connivers. They’re thieves. They’re liars.


What they do is they take your dinar and they put it in an account in Iraq and an Iraqi bank that draws interest and they’re making money off of it. If I was you, I would say to them, give me back my dinars. Give me back my dogs.


Every six months, every year you tell me that I’m about to make more money and that this tier one tier. How many times have this tier happened that they have run out of tears to cry? They’re lying to you. It’s impossible that they can give you five, six dollars for every dinar.


There are no dual exchange rates. It’s illegal. It’s called money laundering.


Be careful what you do, who you study. Don’t be so greedy that you want what they are telling you and tempting you with. I told you they’ll make.


I told you they’re out there. I told you they were going to steal. I told you they’re looking for you.


I told you they’re hunting you down and you won’t listen. Because you’re greed, you want more than what you think that you can get and it’s illegal. I feel bad for you people.


I feel bad for you people. I feel for you. I pray for you.


But I’m done. This is the last time. If ever it’s brought up to me.


Hey, what do you think about the Dong Zhaoping group? What do you think about the Chinese group? What do you think about the ship in the Pacific Ocean that’s international waters? I’m going to exchange my dinars at the casino at an international cruise line ship and I won’t have to pay any taxes. Where do you get this garbage? What’s wrong with you? Pay your taxes. Throw it at Uncle Sam and then take what you got and invest it.


I spent a whole you be to be telling you don’t be greedy. I even brought, what’s his name, Brandon. Brandon, who had a prophetic dream about it as well too.


And he also told everybody, don’t be greedy. And that’s when I changed my philosophy. I was going to exchange 90% and hold on to 10%.


No, I’m going to, I’m going to exchange 10%. Oh, wait a minute. I was going to change 10% and hold on to 90.


No, I’m going to change 90 and hold on to 10 as in an investment for the float. But I’m going to take everything I’ve got, get rid of all of it right now and invest it properly. Because by the time that they, you know, raise it up a little bit more, my investing will catch up with what they’re going to offer me.


Alrighty, so that’s enough of that garbage. Oh, by the way, how many of you live in Puerto Rico? Post and tell me if you live in Puerto Rico. Yanni Castro, are you from Puerto Rico? I wonder if he is.


Hey, really? There’s a group called that? I didn’t know that, Yanni. Anyways, is anybody from Puerto Rico? Yeah. Who’s this? Linda Daughtry.


Frank, did you hear that Iran? Iran had a earthquake this morning at the nuclear power plant station plant. That was by God’s hands. Yeah, it caught on fire.


Hey, there was somewhere else that caught on fire in London. I forgot what it was. But they also had something that blew up and caught on fire.


But yeah, yeah. Iran, they’re in a fault zone. Their fault zone is worse than California.


Look at Baja. You know, Baja. Look at Baja, California.


Do you notice that it is separated from the coastal line of Mexico? Right? Well, that’s what’s going to happen to California. It’s going to separate from the mainland one of these days. I don’t know when, but it’s going to.


Because you can see the evidence of what happened to Baja, California. And it’s going to happen above it as well, too. And as far as Iran goes, we may not have to use our bunker busters.


God’s in control. Wouldn’t that be something? Don’t put it past God. Why do you think that F-47 was introduced today? How much time you got? When were you told? And now you know about F-47.


You know what it can deliver? Oh, Dios mio. You got no idea what you got into. Lucy, you just got no idea.


Good luck. You got two months. Good luck.


Anyways, for those of you that live, anybody live in Puerto Rico here? Let’s see. Anybody say in Puerto Rico? Nope, no Puerto Rico there. He is? I didn’t know he was in Puerto Rico.


Again, guys, stop mentioning other people. Maria Maldonado. Oh, Maria Maldonado.


Tu vives en Puerto Rico. Hazme un favor, Maria. Dile a todos en Puerto Rico lo que vas a oir ahorita, okay? Gracias.


So with that in mind, family, I want to play something for the people in Puerto Rico so that they’ll know. Este, Maria, es de Banco Popular. Here we go, if I can play it.


Okay, yeah, it’s actually working on me here. I want to thank you, my brother, for answering your phone, first of all. And before you get into your story, that’s what we started last year, sending people to banks.


And we wanted them to see what banks would say. It turns out that they were saying it’s a scam. About three months later, the banks changed their tunes, and they started to say, we don’t know anything.


We don’t have any information about that. And then recently, at the beginning of the year, but we can’t talk about it, so leave me alone. And all these bank stories that we’ve gotten have been verifying this.


Now, if I remember, wasn’t it last month? You had a bank story, you shared it with me. How did that go? No. Then walk into what just happened.


Go ahead. Wait. Don’t say the name of anybody’s name.


No. First of all, what state are you in? Sorry, I’m in Louisiana. Nope, this ain’t it.


Hold on a second. Go to an excellent place. Because, like I said, we have good information, pretty much, with the United States, the main man.


This is it. But I would like to know, you’re from Puerto Rico. What part of Puerto Rico? Well, I’m not living in Puerto Rico right now.


But you have information about a bank in Puerto Rico, right? Correct. And you have roots there. I’m going to be quiet.


I’m going to be quiet. I’m going to be quiet, and you talk. Go ahead.


Tell me what’s going on. This bank of popular got acquired back in 2019. Right.


So I was on the island a few weeks ago, and I talked to a good friend of mine. He’s been on this investment for, you know, since back in 2005. And for the first time, he decided to go to the bank and ask, you know, for a change in the currency.


And this time, what he was told was a different story. It’s not a scam. There’s no more steps.


So what they’re saying, so it’s okay, because, yeah, normally Puerto Rico does not agree with this. So Banco Popular actually talked about the denial you’re saying to your friend? Yes. Yes.


Okay. So this is specifically, we’re going to be exchanging if it’s $10,000, it’s going to be X amount for our charge. But if it’s more than $10,000, we’re going to charge 1%.


No kidding. So they actually told your friend, because he’s from Puerto Rico, they will be exchanging the Iraqi dinar, and then they gave them an example of what they would charge them. Yes, that exact amount.


But like if you’re exchanging less than $10,000, it’s going to be, you know, like a fixed amount. And if it’s more than that, it’s going to be 1%. Just 1%.


Well, actually it shouldn’t be any charge whatsoever. Remember, that’s what we want to do. We want to tell the bank, you’re going to charge me? Really? You’re going to charge me so that I can put my money in your bank? How stupid is that? Why would you take advantage of me that way? How else are you going to take advantage of me? The good thing about this is they’re not saying this is a scam anymore.


That too. That too, brother. The fact that they are not denying it.


And Puerto Rico was very stubborn about this. They were. Especially Paco de Pilar.


They were the ones that didn’t want to talk, because Wells Fargo told them it’s a scam, told them it’s a scam. But now everybody’s changing their attitude, and they are preparing to receive the customers. Yes.


So the bank can put, wow, this is really good news. Thank you for sharing it. You tell your friend if there’s anything else, anything that he picks up, let us know, because that way we can share it with the family.


Yep, got it. Alrighty. Thank you, my friend.


You have a beautiful day. And I know I haven’t talked to him in a while, and don’t stay away from me, okay? I won’t. Take care, man.


I love you. Take care. Bye-bye.


Bye-bye. So that was a quick little bank story for people in Puerto Rico. You now know about Banco Popular.


Maria, you said you have an account. If you are able to communicate with Banco Popular, get information. Ask them what their rates are going to be.


Ask them what their insurance is. Ask them if they have a department for investing, everything possible. So we can help more Puerto Rican people.


There’s one more little bank thing to share with you. This is, I spoke to my sister last night in Utah who has some dinars, and she went to her credit union earlier this week to ask about exchanging, and they said, no, we are not. What I noticed, their family, is that I have not heard Wells Fargo call it a scam anymore.


This credit union also is not calling it a scam. I haven’t heard any bank call it a scam. Have you? When was the last time you heard a bank say it’s a scam? And that’s the evidence that everybody knows.


Continuing. So, Frank, she went to a Wells Fargo bank, and even though she didn’t have an account there, she asked just a random person there if they were exchanging the Iraqi dinar. She said, no, because it hasn’t bumped yet.


B-U-M-P-E-D. No, because it hasn’t bumped yet. My sister didn’t realize what a golden nugget of information that she had just received.


That is, but I certainly did when she told me. They must have it on their back screen or something waiting for it to bump up. Very exciting, I think, in my opinion.


Yeah, it definitely is. There’s no doubt. There’s a lot of excitement going on right now.


Maybe I’m going to leave my glasses on. I’m just a little. Oh, wait a minute.


Let’s see here. Where do I go with this? Sure, let’s talk about it now, and then we’ll go into Eddie’s report. Family, do you remember? I think I started about five years ago telling you it would be good.


It would behoove you. I called it Iraq monopoly. But I told you, look at the minerals.


Look at the minerals in Iraq. And then we talked about what kind of minerals they had, not just gold and silver. And we mentioned everything else from titanium to you name it.


It’s there. And the thing is that when I started talking about it, they were handing out, they were selling out, permitting, I should say, mining rights. Mining rights.


Well, we got problems with China that they say, oh, no, no, no, no. We’re going to get the raw minerals from Ukraine. We’re going to get them from South America.


No, you don’t want to sell them to America. You want to sell it to us. We want them.


And that’s what AI needs. That’s what all this high technology, that’s what Space Force badly needs. And what happened was that Donald Trump made sure that the mineral rights, he made sure that America got those permits first.


He made sure that America has first crack inside of Iraq. And he wasn’t even the president. He made sure that the future of our technology and these raw minerals was going to be secure.


Now, unfortunately, the president before him, Biden, for whatever his agenda was, he stifled everything. He suffocated. He killed every opportunity for energy.


He wanted to buy energy from everyone else, which is extremely dumb. Now, what I want to show you is something. Oh, dear me.


How do I do this? I don’t see. Oh, there it is. Well, Thursday’s order slammed, quote, overbearing federal regulation on the nation’s mineral production.


It details how the U.S. possesses vast mineral resources that can create jobs, fuel prosperity, and significantly reduce the country’s reliance on foreign nations. The Trump White House says that transportation, infrastructure, the next generation of technology, and so much more, rely on a secure and affordable supply of minerals. Well, the president also reminded the media there is unfinished business with Ukraine.


I also signed an executive order to dramatically increase production of critical minerals and rare earths. It’s a big thing in this country. And, as you know, we’re also signing agreements in various locations to unlock rare earths and minerals and lots of other things all over the world.


But, in particular, Ukraine, we’re doing very well with regard to Ukraine and Russia. And one of the things we are doing is signing a deal very shortly with respect to rare earths. With Ukraine, we have tremendous value in rare earths, and we appreciate that.


President Trump assured the talks with Presidents Putin and Zelensky have been going well. We also see some problems from State Attorneys General who are prepping for legal battles over the education cuts. So, the minerals that are in Ukraine, the raw minerals, are important to America, and they’re important to Russia and China.


But you just saw a video where we are about to explode, explore our mineral capacity, our capability. We got every alarm going off right now. Go ahead and send it up, and then just look.


You know what? Hey, Jan, leave it, leave it. I’ll take care of it. What was I saying? So, minerals, extremely important.


I’m kind of heartbroken that Zelensky decided not to let the United States control their nuclear plants, because if they would have, then we come in there. We put our roots in Ukraine. Russia’s not going to touch Ukraine.


But for the second time, Zelensky has made a bad decision, in my opinion, of kicking us out of there. We want their rare minerals, but Zelensky wants to give them to China, because he feels that there’s a better chance of better relations. China sent me North Korean soldiers.


Where did you send me, United States? I’m going to send you something, all right, sucker. Keep it up. So, these rare earth minerals, I’ve started telling you about it five years ago, because it was extremely important.


And now that I see what’s going on, this is fantastic. Iraq has a lot of rare earth minerals. I like what I’m seeing, and I pray to God that this will work itself out.


The oil. And then if you get these minerals going. And by the way, what I was telling you, if you go back and look at the final article number 5138, you’re going to see there that they were talking about the 2nd of April, and there was supposed to be the deal with the tariffs in Iraq.


Well, we have the 2nd of April with the president of the United States of America calling it a liberation day, and he’s also calling it a reciprocal tax. Okay, what is a reciprocal tax? You owe me. Pay me.


I owe you? Okay. Now, you pay me the same, the equivalent. When I heard President Trump tell the United States of America citizens, we have a reciprocal tax.


I don’t know of any tax. I don’t know of any tariffs with Iraq. But I do know that if they raise the value of their currency, that to me is a reciprocal tax that pays back a debt.


Thank you, Lord. So it was about five years ago that I told you, in my opinion, to start paying attention to Iraq’s minerals. And my team’s told you that they’re assigning mineral right permits.


This is what I’m trying to say. Trump wants to beat China. We don’t have to beat Russia.


What’s up? We don’t have to beat Ukraine. He’s stupid. We don’t have to beat Cuba.


They don’t even have electricity. We don’t have to beat Laos or Vietnam. They’re under the control of China.


In my opinion. Trump wants to control China because China wants to control the Middle East. So I believe, I got a feeling, that Trump wants to beat China senseless.


And as much as China went into Taiwan’s water and said, boo, Trump says, mm-hmm, you’ve got two months. Because these rare earth minerals are about to play a very big part in world events. In my opinion, ladies and gentlemen.


In my opinion, ladies and gentlemen. Trump is getting Iraq to repay America. In the same way that he’s getting every nation that has abused us to repay us back.


From NATO countries to Iraq. That’s why he has taken so many contracts. That’s why he has large contracts with Ukraine.


In order to bring peace into that area. If Zelensky is willing to stop being stupid. Trump has always wanted a fair deal.


Whether it be with him selling his buildings. Or him as a president with our American dollar. Iran and Iraq.


All the United States of America. A lot of money. Whether it is that we gave it to them because we had a stupid leadership.


Or because they stole it. And in my opinion. Right now.


This geopolitical structure that we have. In the world. Especially in the Middle East.


And China and America. Right now. In my opinion, this is the perfect storm.


To reach out to the United States of America and make a deal. Not war. We can all share these rare minerals.


But. If they don’t want to. Then in my opinion.


Trump wants to beat the daylights out of China. Notice. China is going around the world.


Buying up all the raw minerals. And as much gold as they can. And they constantly look for countries to give them oil.


Trump wants the raw minerals. For America. As badly as they want it for China.


We want it for our technology. F-47. Is just the tip of the iceberg.


We have a laser beam. On Navy ships. I think you can Google it.


We have a laser beam on Navy ships. Let me see you Frank around with that. You don’t even know what hit you.


We need that. These raw minerals. Not necessarily for electric vehicles and batteries.


What is up in Arizona? We need it for technology. High technology. We need it for weapons.


Powerful weapons. We need it for AI. All these materials come from China.


Right now. Our technology. Our weapons.


Our AI. All that material comes from China right now. And Trump wants to beat China.


And you know something? In my opinion. Iraq can play a big part right now. In this.


For example. Ukraine raw minerals. I showed you a video.


Trump wants to beat China. To these minerals. That are in Ukraine.


Trump offered Zelensky a good deal. A good relationship. But he didn’t take it.


Remember. Iraq. Mineral mining license.


I told you over five years ago. Now you know why. Wars are not always won.


With guns and bullets. You have no idea. What’s up there.


Indeed. I got a feeling. About Donald Trump.


The speed that he is going at. The direction that he’s going in. In the Middle East.


The actions that he’s taking. I got a feeling. It’s not just a song.


From Black Eyed Peas. I got a feeling. It’s not just from Irene Cara.


From Flashdance. It’s what Trump is doing around the world. That in my opinion.


Is directly affecting the pulse of the Iraqi reforms. The monetary reform. And it’s economic reform.


But the monetary reform is number one. And I can see it in Trump’s actions. The monetary reform is the number one thing for him right now.


How else is America going to get repaid? I ask this question to you family. Because it’s only fair to ask that question. And Trump is trying to beat China.


Who never plays fair. Security and stability is established in the Middle East. Trump is doing his very best to keep that security and stability.


I have done my very best to explain to you what I mean by. I have a feeling. What WalkingStick wanted me to tell you.


We have a feeling about Donald Trump. Trump is getting a delegation to go to Iraq to deal and talk about the oil and mineral rights. The rare earth minerals.


In my opinion. You were waiting for that, weren’t you? Let me do it again. Let me sandwich it.


Now that I’ve told you all of this. Now that I’ve said all of this opinion to you. In my opinion, Trump is getting a delegation right now to go to Iraq to deal.


And to talk about the oil and the mineral rights. Probably next week. Oh my goodness.


That’s what I was waiting for. You probably wonder. Hey, what happened, man? To Eddie’s report.


I was waiting. So let me finish up this. I got a feeling from WalkingStick.


You see before Eid. You don’t want to do anything. Because before Eid is Ramadan.


And Ramadan is a holy time. But during Eid or just before Eid. Wow.


That would give them something to celebrate about. Don’t you think? Yeah, you don’t celebrate during the holy days during Ramadan. Well, WalkingStick says to me, Frank.


In my opinion. Well, actually, no, this is not opinion. He said, Frank.


Trump. Actually said. We can.


We can take Iraq’s oil as repayment. We can take Iraq’s oil as repayment. You think that these 20 years we’re not going to get paid back? We got paid back by Kuwait.


So WalkingStick in his opinion. He’s got a feeling about Trump and what he’s doing. And he said, look.


Trump said. We can take Iraq’s oil as repayment for helping you to remove Saddam from your country. Now, Trump actually said this during the Gulf War.


Therefore. The oil flowing is not just a statement in Iraq. In my opinion, WalkingStick said.


It is a forced action to start the oil flowing now. This would expose the budget tables. In my opinion.


This Iraqi monetary reform. I got a feeling about it. And it has that feeling has a lot to do.


With the quick actions of Donald Trump that we are witnessing. Why? Listen carefully. Why? So many meetings.


Why so many times have they met with the Secretary Treasury under Trump’s office? Not once that they meet with Biden’s Secretary of Treasury. So many meetings. Yes.


Iraq has mirrored our banks. And Iraq has mirrored our ports. I hope you’re listening to me, family.


Because I’m going to stop. Oh, it’s only eight. Hold on a second.


By the way. You have no idea what’s up there. And that’s why good luck.


I ran in these two months. This F-47 is just the tip of the iceberg family of what you’re going to find out. And these raw minerals are very, very badly needed for this.


And it’s not just the oil. But it’s the raw minerals. And we all know this because China is seeking them and going after them along with the oil.


But now we see Trump that is also defending that position for us. By dealing with Ukraine. But Ukraine is too stupid.


Just to make the right decision. Twice they have failed. Twice they have franked it up.


Zelensky. I’m telling you, bro. What’s the matter with you? Zelensky.


I’m going to say something that is a fact. But I’m going to say it the way I use words. Zelensky.


Twice you have screwed up your own people, your own nation, your own government. I’m sure they’re pissed off at you right now. Zelensky, you are full of feces.


And that’s actually a biological fact. Let me read real quick what Sammy’s just told me. Oh, my word.


You seeing this? Mr. Sammy. When you watch my YouTube from tonight, you are going to realize that you just said almost everything I said. In your report.


I told you. We are both on the same page. Because we get the same information from the same sources.


Mr. Sammy, when you watch my YouTube from tonight, you are going to realize that you just said almost everything I said in your report. I told you we are both on the same page because we get the same information from the same source. Now, let me look at… We were together on the… 18th.


So I’m looking for the 19th, which is Wednesday. Let me see what I got on Wednesday that I may or may not share. Again, family, if you can help us with walking sticks immune therapy, I would appreciate your help.


Thank you very much. Monday. I don’t know if I even showed you Monday, but I’m not going to worry about Tuesday.


I was with you Tuesday, right? You see, this is not… This is… These are deep files, and I can’t share this stuff with you. Let’s go with Tuesday at 10 in the morning. TV says that we are using the Cicuda system in Barca now on the digital platforms.


Our currency is eventually going to be digitalized, they’re telling us, Mr. Frank. TV has a big special right now about we are ditching the dollar with digital currency to put an end to the parallel market. Yeah, that’s fantastic.


Fantastic. Chile is now giving a speech on the importance of the reforms and what Iraq is doing right now with them. You see, that’s why I can’t take you any further than that.


Here, I can show you that Chile is doing a big speech, and he’s telling the citizens about the reforms, you know, monetary reform that I told you about, and then so forth and so forth. Iraq is taking part in international debt conferences in Geneva. I didn’t know that.


I didn’t know that. Wednesday, 7 in the morning, we have a report from the Iraqi Minister of Finance, and he sends it to me in a file, and I have to open it up, and I don’t really want to go over that right now. What it boils down to, family, it was about an audit, and I said, hey, Sammy, maybe, just maybe this audit will allow the new exchange rate to be used.


Ask around. See what you think. Sending.


Then he sends me another file. These are the files that we get, and he says to me, Mr. Sammy says that Rafadim is only 29. That’s Rafadim.


I’m tired. I’m tired. Let’s try this again.


Mr. Sammy says that Ramadan, Ramadan, is only 29 days this year. Sudani cut back on it for whatever reasons, and then it’s Eid holiday, but they told us that the budget tables will be in Parliament before Eid. They will be in Parliament before Eid.


Now they’re saying today that the next oil will resume flowing. Will resume flowing, the next oil. This is kind of a coincidence, right, Mr. Frank, that the tables and the oil are going in the same time frame, right? Eddie, there are no coincidences, okay? Okay.


Continuing. Yes, we go with the next report. This is, oh, Hi, Blessed Mama, welcome.


God bless you. Bus driver, are you with us? Bus driver, if you’re with us, please post. I’d like to see if you’re with us right now.


Tink, let me know if you see bus driver. How about here? TV is showing Minister of Interior and announced the immediate launch of the e-commerce platform. Mr. Frank, this was put out by our government.


We think it’s from Sudani. Quote, and it’s written, you know, in scripted writing. So this is what they got like in a little bulletin or something.


And then he sends it to me and it says, we are urging the Iraqi government to reach an agreement with the international oil companies. Exposedly explains me with the international oil companies to resume oil exports through the Iraqi Turkey pipeline as soon as possible and to honor the existing contracts with the US companies. So, so we are.


Oh, so we are. That’s that part of the issue. That’s part of the issue.


Mr. Frank, the reopening of the ITP ensures that oil can, oil can reach globally, especially to the European markets. Iraq benefits from the stability of the resilient supply chain as we all do. This is on TV article news.


USA pushing us to. There it is. USA pushing us.


It’s on TV. So this, this that he’s sending to me was in their pamphlet form and on their television that they’re basically saying, hey, Trump is pushing. He’s pushing Sudan.


Yeah. I got this feeling too. Continuing TV is showing a big agreement with Russia and us on anti-corruption agreement.


Security and stability is the theme everywhere, sir. Next report. Let’s go with the.


No, no. Forget it. Forget.


Forget Wednesday. Let’s go to Thursday. OK, so here’s what happened yesterday because you can see all this is good news.


If you were an Iranian, would you be happy right now? Well, Iranian citizen. No. If you were the supreme leader of people, would you be happy right now? You ain’t got no options to steal from.


Your country’s got two months or you’re going to get annihilated. So what would you do? What would you do? A last second hurrah. A Hail Mary.


What a thank you. Thank you. Thank you.


We need the help. Blessed Mama. Thank you.


Thank you. Hail Mary. So check this out.


Yesterday. Maliki decides I’m going to go on TV. What do you want to show your ugly mug for on TV? What’s the matter with you? Maliki’s on TV.


He’s trying to start issues. He’s saying there’s a rise in the dollar. Yeah.


Yeah, the dollar is rising and the dollar is it is a failure and it is a failure of the CBI. It is a failure of the CBI. And and the CBI needs to bring in a lock.


Sudani needs to let us talk with a lock. We want to question him. He was one that was about to put Shabibi in jail, Mr. Frank, right before he did the rape change.


Oh, say that again. Wait a minute. Let me read this again.


Maliki on TV trying to talk start issues saying raise the dollar is a failure of the CBI and he wants a million. And the CBI needs to bring a lock to in for questioning. He was one.


So, they are telling you, Eddie, that a lock was one that was about to be put was about he was one that was about put Shabibi in jail right before he did the rape change. I think I know what you’re trying to tell me. So Maliki goes on TV and he farts all over the place.


Then he demands for a lock to come and talk. And Sudani says, pick a finger. So they don’t send anybody to Maliki, anybody to the parliament because those were the jerks that wanted to arrest Dr. Shabibi just before he wanted to change the rape.


And everything was put at a stop. Dr. Tooth Fairy, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. And gotcha, gotcha.


And gotcha, gotcha. Oh, thank you, gotcha, gotcha. God bless you.


So then, I mean, look at that. Desperation. Desperation.


They know. They know that gold represents a change is coming. Oh, my word.


Desperation. So he goes out there and he tries to create garbage. But the citizens of Iraq know.


We know Maliki. We know you tried to arrest Dr. Shabibi. You remember old-timers? Remember that? I can see all the old-timers’ heads going.


We remember very vividly because it stopped everything. You son of a bishop, you. Close the front door and get out of here.


Shut the front door. That’s what I should have meant to say. So anyways, then I say to him, Maliki is a useless human being.


Thank you, Kay Melton. Thank you. Thank you.


Thank you, sweetie. I say, Maliki is a useless human being that offers no value to the Iraqi citizens nor to the world nor to the Iranian citizens. But he does offer a constant destruction of your country, Eddie, with his negative attitude.


And that’s why the whole world is against Iran’s attitude because it’s the same attitude that prevails in the parliament of Iraq, but it is now under great control. It is now suffocating and it is soon to die under the leadership of Trump and Sudan. All right.


What’s up? Hey, Frank, the television is now showing Rafadim Bank. It looks like we’re starting with this one first. That’s my bank.


We are now deploying ATMs in many stations today. Please send a Simplify to my older ears. I really want this to you.


Yes, I will. All right. Oh, my gosh.


Claire, Claire’s with us, right? Claire, TV is showing Rafadim Bank deploying ATMs in many stations today. This was five hours ago. You should be seeing it, Claire.


If you see it, man, get me right away. I want to read it right away. If you see it late, wait till tomorrow.


Thank you, Claire. Then Mr. Sammy also sent this just as we were starting our our UbiTubi for tonight. And he says the following to me.


Mr. Sammy says that and I find it interesting because what I’m about to read, it’s a synopsis of what we talked about tonight. Interesting. Mr. Sammy says that in his opinion, all of these recent meetings that we have been seeing, especially with Donald Trump and Sudani, all these meetings in the IMF, in the World Bank, with your USA Treasury and with all of these oil companies that have signed with Sudani and with Erbil and the last meeting was Sudani and the USA secretary.


Mr. Frank, all of this points to a new exchange rate coming. If not, none of these meetings would have been. If not, none of these meetings would have been needed.


The revenue from the oil here. Let me let this get you to catch up with this. So all of these meetings and you know, we pointed that out, too, in WalkingStick’s report when I got a feeling.


All these meetings, remember I said that? And WalkingStick pointed that out, too. And here’s Mr. Sammy. And that’s why I see a parallel in our study with all these meetings and all these institutions.


It all points to a new rate coming. If not, none of these meetings would have been needed. The revenue from the oil will go through SOMO, which in turn pays the citizens.


I don’t think it’s going to be at 1310. Think about that, Mr. Frank. The oil goes through SOMO, then SOMO will pay the citizens.


I don’t see how that works, but okay. I mean, he’s telling, he knows. We’re going to have to find out more about this.


So, so yeah, I, this is the other part then. To which then I say, Mr. Sammy, when you watch my UB2B tonight, you’re going to realize that what you just said almost, it’s almost every word, what you, what you said in your report is almost every word of what I said. I told you that we’re both on the same page because we got the same information from, we get the same information, I’m sorry, because we get the same information from the same sources.


You know what? And we’re done. Yeah, it’s 830. What do you think, family? You know, this F-47, it is a sixth generation, generational, it is a sixth generational fighter.


This is a war fighter family. It’s, it’s, it’s, it’s been tested for the last five years. I don’t know when it was like three years or no, two.


I don’t know when it was. I think my wife saw it when we were in Hawaii. Remember Ting? I do.


I do. You saw it twice, didn’t you? You saw it twice because my wife said, I think I saw a UFO. I said, no, no, show me where she pointed.


I said, no, I know where you’re pointing. I know where that’s at. What did you see? And she says, all I know is that I saw something go.


How’d it go? It went. And then she saw it a second time. This is the sixth generational war fighter.


It’s been tested for the last five years. This fighter jet is amazing. And President Trump’s generals, they took the sequence, they took the sequence numeration, they took it out of sequence, they took it out of sequence.


They called it the F-47 in honor of our President Trump. Oh my goodness. This plane flies with other things.


I’m sure it’s okay because I’m sure I’ve already said it flies with many drones, big ones too. And this is Space Force, ladies and gentlemen. And by the way, Boeing, congratulations, Boeing.


You won the contract. Congratulations. I kind of thought it was going to go in your direction.


And by the way, Musk, Musk, brother, I know what you’re doing for the paraplegic. I know how you’re marrying ships with human cells. This is a beautiful airplane.


Nobody has a chance. All righty, ladies and gentlemen. You know why we got this? You know why it was announced? Because you don’t bring a pillow to a fight.


You don’t bring a, you don’t pillow that we sell that we don’t, nobody buys? My pillow. You don’t bring my pillow to a street fight. You know what I’m saying? Oh, I can’t wait.


I can’t wait. I can’t wait for them to, like, what was that? Yo mama. Oh my goodness.


I think I’m done, ladies and gentlemen. In fact, may I, may I ask you, did you have a good time tonight? I hope so. And I wanted, oh my, oh my, thank you.


We had a good response. I want to thank those of you that helped us with financial contributions. Like I said, we are, we’re in a position right now, this coming Monday, we have to send WalkingStick his money and we’re short.


But here we go. For those of us that helped us with financial contributions tonight, thank you very much. And Beth Bartone, thank you.


Oh, by the way, did bus driver show up? No. Ladies and gentlemen, we need to pray for bus driver. He’s our brother in Christ.


He’s among us. He’s with us all the time. Unfortunately, a five-year-old little child was killed.


We believe going towards his bus, some car, you know, hit the child. Yes, him specific or just any bus? Well, I asked the lady and she said that, I said, was it, was it his bus? And she said, yes. And if I’m wrong, I apologize, humbly apologize, but pray for bus driver.


I’m sure that it’s just devastating. When I was, when I first came to Toledo, Ohio, I didn’t ever, I didn’t have friends because in the military, you only stay in one place for two to three years at a time. They move you, they move you, they move you.


You have to be on alert all the time. So I didn’t really have any friends when I first came to Toledo in 1968. But I went to, I went to Walbridge grade school and I went to the sixth grade.


And I remember when I left the school, there was this little boy. And for some reason he took a liking to me and he wouldn’t depart from me. And we walked home and it turned out that he was, he lived in the same direction that I lived in.


Well, sadly, one day he was crossing the street. He ran across the street and a car hit him and literally, you know, just blew his whole head. My mother, my mother was right there at the corner when he got hit at a beauty shop.


She was having her hair done and she heard the screams, she heard the cars and everything. And when they went outside, she saw the little boy and she remembered, that’s my son’s friend. We just met him a few days ago.


And I cried. Um, maybe a week. I went to the spot where, where he got hit in the street and it was dark, stained with his blood.


I, um, keep up with your family. I, um, I learned, uh, I learned a big lesson at a very young age. I was, um, I believe I was 13 years old and bus driver, uh, witnessed the tragedy of a little, a little girl, five years old, being killed by a car.


And, and, and, and, and interestingly enough, yesterday I was watching on Fox news. They showed a car that had gone right by a bus and a little, the little kid backed off and he almost killed him. It’s just amazing how people can be so inconsiderate, so rude.


There you are. It wasn’t him. Huh? It was not him.


Oh brother, it was, okay, so the lady that told us it was you. Yeah, she posted right underneath. A boy ran alongside the driver, but it was not bus driver.


So it was not your bus. Thank God for that, sir. But still, um, you know, I mean, we pray for the child that you know about.


So bus driver, thank you for your contribution. Nick and, uh, Chan, Chandler or something like that. I didn’t get it all.


I’m sorry. Uh, Constant York, uh, Duke, Red Dirt, Beth Bartone, Joe Nicholas Senior, Donnie Inman, Rebecca Hill, Mr. Holiday, Donnie Inman, R. Troyer, X Factor, Jose Chavez, Mark Anglin, Don Cook, Howard Crockett, Millie, Blessed Mama, Gotcha Gotcha, Dr. Tooth Fairy, Kay Melton, Donnie Inman, Dwayne Jocks, Mr. D, D.B. and Creative Tech. Thank you.


I believe that we, we, we should, uh, have, uh, with what we’ve got, and we can send the rest, and that’ll cover him. Uh, one more here. We got, uh, J.T. Thank you, J.T. God bless you.


Family, I thank you for being with me tonight. It’s an honor that you would, uh, find time to be with me. Uh, yeah, there’s dessert.


There’s always dessert, isn’t there? But for right now, let me just say a few things to you that, you know, when I was in, when I was in high school, I was 5’11”, and, um, and I was, uh, I was a couple of, uh, I was a couple of feet away from heaven. I was, I was, I was 5’11”, and a couple of, a couple of feet away from heaven. Yeah, I always, uh, I always carried God in my heart, because my mother and father taught me about them, but at that young age, I, I did something that I, I, I just shouldn’t have done.


Oops, what just happened here? That I shouldn’t have done, and what I did was, get it? Got it. Um, what I did is I ran faster than, faster than, than I was, uh, than God, than God was willing to carry me. Don’t, don’t run, uh, any faster, uh, than, than God wants to carry you.


Uh, don’t live your life at your speed, is what I’m trying to tell you. I told you the last time that we were together, that we were together. You go through this world at the speed of, uh, uh, 60, 60 minutes per hour, and it’s amazing how that time can go by so fast.


The beginning of our YouTube started tonight at six o’clock, and here we are almost three hours later. Time goes by so fast. I ask you to consider, to, uh, consider Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, uh, because in my prayer, you heard me tell, uh, my Heavenly Father that He took me, He took me from the gutter most to the uttermost, and in that process, I am no longer depressed.


I am in, I am impressed with my Heavenly Father, with the things that He’s done for me and my family. I encourage you that you do not have to, you do not have to live in the delusional world of a non-believer. You have the chance, you have the chance.


You have a, you have a small problem, you’ve got a big problem. Pray it to God, because God is concerned about you, and God wants to know about your problems. He attends to your prayers.


Pray to God. Pray to God. I know, I know that life, uh, can sometimes be difficult.


Candy? Why would you say something so horrible? Seems like a lot of money being wasted. Do you think she’s talking about the money that was going? Candy, please, uh, uh, define what you just said, or you will be removed permanently. Now, you have a chance.


Tell me what you meant by that, because, because, you know, sometimes we don’t communicate, um, properly when it comes to chat. We need to see each other face-to-face. That’s a problem today with people with their cell phones.


Can you imagine if we treated our Bible the way we treat our cell phones? Oh, I forgot my cell phone. I’m going, I forgot my Bible. I got to go back into housing.


I’ll be right back. Constantly having our heads down and reading the Bible, wouldn’t that be something? But, but ironically enough, yeah, you can, you can, because you can have a Bible app on your phone if you want. Alrighty, uh, Candy, you’ve got 30 seconds, uh, to tell me what you meant by that, because if you don’t, Tink, uh, remove her permanently.


Okay. Do you remember that there was a man, uh, by this, uh, this pond? And, uh, I think it was called, uh, Sea, Sealom. Yeah.


In, in, in the Bible, we read about this cripple that was by this pond. I think it was called Sealom, Sealom pond, uh, or water or whatever you call it. And whenever the, the, it would bubble because it had, you know, gases that would come underneath it and it would bubble.


Well, people would run to it and they would, you know, get into it because, Oh, this is, this is healing. This is a miracle. What is all these bubbles? This is going to heal me.


So this man, you know, he was always trying to get into the water when it bubbled, but he couldn’t, he was crippled and everybody else kind of trampled over him. But one day he met Jesus and, um, and Jesus, um, knew the faith that this man had. Jesus knew the faith that this man had, because, you know, he said to him, what are you doing here? I want to get healed.


And Jesus looked at him and he said, go to Sealom. The man didn’t know Jesus, but there was something. Jesus told him, go to Sealom.


The man drags himself, the man drags himself, gets in the water. He was healed. But the key is that Jesus didn’t say go to Sealom to be healed.


He just told the man, go to Sealom because Jesus knew the faith in that man. Your faith, uh, determines a lot. If you care about something, you will find the time for it.


And it’s my prayer that you care about Jesus Christ in your life. Like I said, what if we treated our Bibles like we treat our cell phones? Wouldn’t that be amazing? Well, ladies and gentlemen, I believe that, uh, I’m done. So I would dismiss this with a prayer.


We will, uh, uh, we will play our song and then I, uh, well, actually, I dismiss it for the prayer and give you a little dessert. And then I, uh, I dismiss this with our song. Mudbug.


Hmm. Frank, I got a feeling. Well, after tonight’s conference call, after tonight’s lecture, I hope you got a feeling about what Donald Trump is doing.


Abba, Heavenly Father, creator of all, by the blood of Jesus through the Holy Spirit, I come to you. I am your child, Jesus. I am no longer the child of Satan.


I give you my, I give you my all. I give you everything because you did that for me at the cross. I thank you, God.


I thank you, God, for your mercy and grace upon me and my family. No, I don’t want to leave. I don’t want to live in the delusional world that has no faith in you.


I pray for all the people that are with us right now, that you would touch them, that you would help them, that you would heal them, that you would remove their tears, that you would fill their hearts with joy. Help them, Father. And you know who they are because it seems like you send them to me on the phone a lot.


I enjoy that. I enjoy talking to them about you. I enjoy praying to you with them.


I think they’d like it too. I love you, Father. I pray for America.


I pray for Israel. I pray for your son to come back. And I pray, Heavenly Father, that maybe you would consider to allow us to have this, this investment that we are involved in.


For it is in the name of your Son, Jesus, by the Holy Spirit, that I pray to you with faith, with faith. Amen. Amen.


Amen. Amen. Hi, Andy.


Celebrate. Amen. Amen.


Amen. Thank you, Andy. God bless you, my brother.


I love you, sir. Yes, sir. God bless you and take with our music.


Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen, I want to show you something, but I want to block the phone number. Can you see that? Now that I showed it to you, let me read it to you.


It’s pretty frustrating when you show your phone and we got to try to read it backwards. Now, the old Frank would give you the phone number to this individual, so you could call him and tell him what he doesn’t know. But yeah, it doesn’t matter what I do.


I just gave three-hour lecture that was beautiful. But now you got to complain. You got to complain.


You can’t take a gift and be grateful for it. There’s always one person, isn’t there? How many times have I explained this family? Anyways. Oh, Jiminy Crickets, how is this happening? Stop it.


Neil, or Tony, I’m trying to call you, but it won’t call you. Here it is. Here it is.


Here it is. Okay. Sorry.


Hey, Tony Cliff. How are you doing? I’m mighty fine. Go right ahead.


The floor is yours. Okay. Thank you, buddy.


Hey, man. I just want to say thanks again to everybody for your support. And, Frank, I just want to say what you were saying there before.


It was very beautiful, very heart-touching, and I appreciate those words. And we really value you and Tink and everything you do. We just want to say thank you for everything you guys do for the family.


So we are blessed to have you in our lives, and even more so for me and Cliff to be a part of your show. Folks, we’re Mobetter Studios. What we do is we write custom songs.


Frank, we just did one recently for a young man that was needing to maybe say something to his woman that he couldn’t really express, and so he gave us the idea. We put it in a song for him and got a call that it was perfect. They are reunited.


They’re back in church together. So a song can do a lot of things. And sometimes as guys, you know, we don’t really know how to put the words that we’re wanting in our heart to come out of our mouth, you know what I mean? Sometimes they go through some other parts of our body.


I think, you know, in a song, a custom song can mean so much, and we’ve been so blessed. So if you want a custom song for a loved one, if you’ve been a bad boy and need to make up, we can do that. If it’s a birthday or whatever, we’d be glad to do a custom song for you.


Simply call me at 423-367-7648. And that’s my cell. You can text or call, and we will answer and get back to you as soon as possible.


And we’ll go to mobetterstudios.com. And also, Frank, we still got our YouTube. We’ve got about 15. Oh, and Frank, we do have the Frank 26 song on the YouTube now.


So if you go to Mo Better Studios on YouTube, we didn’t put you singing, but we got you sitting there looking pretty good with the Frank song going on in there. One other quick thing, Frank, you know, the Burma gun, I tried to get Cliff, but I can’t get Cliff to run, so I cooked a steak the other day, and I put it on the other side of the yard, and an old dog walked up, and Cliff almost took off running. I was about to get him, but he stopped me.


So I ain’t figured out how to practice with it yet. I might have to find me a rabbit. I’m glad you got that Burma.


It is a very good weapon to have. Well, I just came back from Tennessee with it, and it was a blessing to have it sitting in the console. Get a holster.


You can get a holster. I have to wear mine on my left side because I have my bag on my right side. But at least I’m balanced.


We appreciate you, my friend, and we’ll see you on the next UbiTubi. Like I say, just give us a call, and we’ll be glad to help you out. Roger that.


God bless you. Thank you, gentlemen. Thank you, bud.


Bye-bye. Well, that was fun. I’m going to see you all next Tuesday, I think it is, Jen? Yes, the 25th and the 28th will be the next two.


That’s a Tuesday and a what? Friday. And a Friday? Yes. My brain is shut.


What is today? I can’t think for some reason. Today’s date? No, what is today? Friday. It’s possible.


I may change it to Monday. But right now, based on something. But right now, let’s just plan for Tuesday.


What is that date again, honey? 25th. The 25th, 6 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, is our next UbiTubi. All righty.


I guess that’s good enough right there. Oh, and as far as dessert goes, I was just in a bad mood there with that person. I told you that Aki wants to talk to us.


Well, may I tell you what he wants to talk to us about? Exchange procedures. I hope you had a good time tonight, okay? God bless you all. And Premium, you’ll see me over the weekend in there.


God bless you all. Sweet Aloha. Thank you so much for being with me.


Bye-bye. I used to be a Dinar newbie. Until I watched Frank’s UbiTubi.


Thank you, Norfolk. With a twinkle in his eyes and God by his side. Frank’s teachings reaches far and wide.


So whenever I need a Dinar fix. I tune into Frank’s 26. He’s got the latest, greatest news from the streets.


Tune in now, tune in here. This is the Dinar beat. Now take it from me.


Frank is no rookie. It’s okay, Tink. Give this man a cookie.


Thank you, Troyer. You never know what suit you’ll be wearing. So I wear my sunglasses because they are so glaring.


So whenever I need a Dinar fix. I tune into Frank’s 26. He’s got the latest, greatest news from the streets.


Tune in now, tune in here. This is the Dinar beat. Sit up, be patient, and get ready.


Frank’s got some news from WalkingStick and Eddie. Frank breaks down the news and keeps us straight. Come on, Iraq.


Can you give us the rate? So whenever I need a Dinar fix. I tune into Frank’s 26. He’s got the latest, greatest news from the streets.


Tune in now, tune in here. This is the Dinar beat. Hey, Tink.


I need a cookie. Come on, Tink. I deserve some cookies.


Cookies. Cookies. Cookies.


Come on, Tink. Give up the cookies. Chocolate chip.


Honey, this is so thin if it turns sideways it disappears. I know. It’s going! Oh.


That’s why you have to eat. Nom nom nom. There’s nom nom cookie.


Num nom nom. Nom, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom. Wow, that’s good.


Dang it. Is that a Hawaiian cookie? No. Wow, that’s really buttery.


It’s good. Tim Law says, I like that cookie smile. Yeah, I know, uh, uh, Therese, Therese, it is yummy.


Mm, yummy for my tummy. Thank you. What’s that say? PU City, Jeff? I don’t know what that means.


Oh. They’re getting me all confused, Dan. Cookie Meister.


I’m going to have this other one, honey. This is really good. OK.


Mm, you want me to share it with you? I didn’t put it in my mouth yet. I know where the rest of them are. Oh, you know where the rest of them are? Did that lady leave yet? What lady? Are you gone yet, lady? Lady? No, honey.


Lady? Did you want to say goodbye? Bye-bye. Bye, lady. Goodbye.


OK, bye-bye. Look at Gregory Curtis. Man, Gregory, I was calling for you.


I was calling for you. I did some mean stuff. Like for example, we did a country gospel song called I’m Going to Love You.


I think that’s what it’s called. It’s been around for a while, but it’s been remade with Cody and that girl. Underwood.


Carrie Underwood. Cody and Carrie Underwood, they did that song. Yeah, bro, I did a lot of different songs I wanted you to hear.


Anyways, God bless you all. Sweet Aloha. I’ll see you soon, OK? OK.


Yeah, sure, let’s go. Call Walking Stick. You get them.

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