Okay, everybody, here we go. It’s me, Gregory Manrino. It’s Thursday, March 13th, 2025.
Remark, you put right off the bat, I want to bring a couple of things to your attention. In just about 10 minutes from the time I am doing this video blog, we’re going to be getting some more propaganda with regard to the economy. It’s an incredible thing that we’re witnessing here.
More lies, more distractions, more deceptions. The data is all fake. We know that.
And it’s going to continue to be faked in some kind of a twisted mechanism. Cannot allow people, of course, to know the truth. What else would you expect in this kind of an environment? It just doesn’t stop.
We’ve been witnessing this for years. Again, we are at a downfall on a massive scale. Now, let me just say this real quick.
This is yesterday. This came out. U.S. budget deficit surged in February, passing $1 trillion year-to-date of record.
A record right off the bat. Now, this is no surprise to any of you who follow this blog. And this is just the beginning, real quick.
Let me read this to you. The U.S. debt and deficit problem is worsening. This is their words, not me.
As the budget shortfall for February passed the $1 trillion mark, even though the fiscal year is not even yet at the halfway point. But I’m close. But this again, people, look, what have you and I been talking about for months, for years? This is going to accelerate.
There is no way, for those of you that are looking for some kind of a miracle here, that whatever Doge is doing is going to stop this. Whatever Doge is doing isn’t even going to scratch the surface. OK, so just get hip to the situation.
All right. Debts and deficits are going to hyper balloon from here. There’s just no way to stop it.
There’s nothing standing in the pathway to stop it. So just understand what’s going on here. OK, it’s not going to stop.
You almost have to think. Is this deliberate? Of course it is. We know it is.
What have you and I been talking about for years? This is the dismantling the current system piece by piece by piece. This was happening through the entire tenure of the last lovely, beautiful man to sit behind the Resolute desk. And this is going to carry on right here.
But again, the deception, the distractions are really in full play now. Look over here, everyone. Look at what Doge is doing.
It’s going to save us all. Try to keep your mind in some kind of alternate reality, not allowing you to accept what’s actually going to happen. And here’s just a taste, just a taste of it.
What does this mean? It means the economic freefall here and around the world is going to get much, much worse. Speaking about an economic freefall. How many of you, how many of you didn’t see this coming? Counter, counter tariffs.
The trade war is getting much worse. It’s not getting better. Why can’t her loving, caring representatives get together and talk about what they’re going to do? President Trump, the great negotiator, right? OK, I’m not putting the man down.
But how about sitting down with these people in a big room and negotiating instead of making us all pay for this? Oh, it’s a negotiation tactic. Wake up, man. Really? Some of you that deeply asleep? I mean, we’re going to pay for this and this is going to accelerate this, which is going to accelerate currency devaluation on an epic scale.
Now, what did we find out yesterday from the Federal Reserve? Oh, yesterday’s, you know, not so bad. Inflation numbers, inflation continues to rise by their own numbers. This is going to give the Fed an excuse to cut rates, which is what the Fed wants, which is what the beautiful woman, Elizabeth Warren, keeps calling for.
President Trump wants same thing. They’re in the same boat along with Scott Besson are truthful. You know, he’s not lying.
Of course, Treasury Secretary, you can’t make this stuff up, but that’s what’s happening. Anyway, here’s the setup for the market this morning. Stock futures are lower.
Again, this market look, man, just real quick. This isn’t the big one. In case you were wondering, how do we know that? Because the big one is going to begin and end in the debt market.
Oh, of course. We do have a couple of interesting things going on in the debt market. We clearly have instability, clearly have instability in the dollar, which is going nowhere.
And worse off is this. This is the 10 year yield. It’s reflecting instability in the debt market, this yo-yo mechanism here.
Now with the dollar, look, with this worsening trade war, worsening and it’s not getting any better. In case you were wondering, OK, we really should be seeing a much stronger dollar on a relative strength basis. You guys and girls all know that.
You see this level, 103.73. If we don’t hold this, we’re going to free fall through the floor. And this is the dollar here is screaming at us all. Listen to what the dollar is saying.
The dollar is saying, hey, look, man, I’m kind of done. That’s what the dollar is saying. The world doesn’t want our dollars anymore.
You don’t want our dollars anymore. No one wants our products anymore. The United States is being isolated and erased.
So wake up, man. Wake up and take action. What else to tell you guys and girls.
I don’t know what you guys are waiting for. The great savior here, President Trump here. No, he’s not saving you.
I’m sorry. Your faith is misplaced and it always ends badly. For those of you that are going to always fall.
Let’s blame Biden. Let’s blame Biden. We didn’t even have a president last time.
We did not even have a president last time. So if we can wake up, people, nobody ripped that guy to shreds more than Greg Montarino did. It’s all a game.
It’s politics, man. It’s freaking devilism. It’s devilism.
Anyway, that’s the situation this morning. And people, what does it mean? Think about this, what I’m about to say to you. If we understand, let’s just come up with a common ground here.
Let me just again say there is no way to stop a few things from happening. Debts and deficits from hyper ballooning. This is no secret to you.
If you’ve been with me for any length of time, I’ve been telling you this repeatedly over and over and over and over and over and over again. There’s no roadblocks, not a single roadblock being put up to stop what’s coming right at us head on. And that is a tsunami of inflation on a massive scale.
Take tariffs out of the picture. Take the escalating trade war completely out of picture. You do realize that we’re at war.
We are at war. Just because people’s brains aren’t being blown out, you’ve got to see blood. This is how dumbed down the population, especially here in the United States, has become.
If we don’t see blood and body parts splattered, then it’s not a war. It’s not a war. Duh.
It is a war. And people suffer. There are casualties.
You know who the casualties are? You. Yeah, you. And you’re already starting to see it.
But it’s not a war because there’s no blood. I can’t see it with my own eyeballs. You can’t make this stuff up.
But this is what’s happening. Now if we realize, you and me, and you better get up to speed, that global debts, global deficits, none more so than here in the United States, is going to balloon. What’s the common denominator? Who’s responsible for monetary policy? Is it really President Trump or some king in another part of the world or a dictator somewhere? No.
It’s central banks who run the entire show. Once you wake up to that fact, you’ll understand that what you’re seeing is absolutely deliberate. And no matter what President Trump or a king or a dictator or whatever other parts of the world try to do, it’s not going to stop the situation, which means you’re going to pay for it.
Understand? Which means you’ve got to take action, man. Take the opposite side of the trade. People, I’ve been telling you guys for a thousand years what you need to do.
And I’m just going to tell you again, bet against the system. You must have gold, silver, especially silver, my favorite asset of all time. And people, yes, you need exposure to cryptocurrencies here.
That’s my opinion. You guys are entitled to your own. With regard to the stock market, again, this is not the big one.
The big one is going to begin and end in the debt market. Yes, we’re seeing some instability here, but I don’t see the 20, 30, 40 basis point jumps higher in the 10 year yield, which we are eventually going to see, which is going to tell us this is the big one. You see this, too, without this being the big one.
OK, you could still have substantial losses in the stock market. The big one? People, all right, let’s put a perspective on the big one here. OK, where’s the bottom of the Dow? If you’ve been with me any length of time, you already know what I’m going to say and I’m going to tell you.
OK, this stock market has no bearing whatsoever on reality. The big one is going to cut the Dow Jones Industrial Average into, it’s going to shred it. The bottom for the Dow is probably somewhere around 8,000.
OK, 8,000. It could be lower than that. We don’t know.
What we have here is a situation around the world, especially here in the United States. The last three presidents, Obama, Trump and Biden, have done all they can working with the Federal Reserve to inflate the debt on a scale that has never been seen before in the history of the United States, in the history of the world. These three presidents, OK, not including Trump’s term right now because we have no idea where this is going yet, but we already understand where it’s going.
We’re going to see this balloon from here. I mean, take every president going back prior to Obama to George Washington. These last three presidents more than doubled the debt.
That is a mechanism here to maintain the illusion of where we are now. That illusion is going to get very real. It’s inflated the most monstrous bubble in the history of the world, the debt hyper bubble.
And that is the greatest threat to the world right now because when that bubble bursts, we’re going to get a locking up of the system, a credit freeze. You all know that pandemonium in the streets, zeros across the board in your bank accounts, zeros in your investment. It’s over.
It will just end. And this is where we’re being thrust. We’re being pushed in that direction here.
And they’re going to use every excuse in the book, whether it’s a kinetic war where people’s brains are getting blown out or it’s going to be the war we’re in now. This war is global. You understand? And you are a casualty already of that war.
You may not see it yet, but you’re going to. So it’s time to wakey wakey. If we realize that the bottom for the Dow is somewhere around 8000, that could be lower in my book.
What do we know? I mean, look, man, it’s too easy. You got what happened last time with the market meltdown or during the financial crisis. The Dow was cut in half, if you recall.
That’s when the Fed jumped in here with QE1 and then QE2 and then Operation Twist. And they’ve been rigging the debt market ever since. OK, we’re on the same page.
All right. So if we realize that 6000 may be a hard bottom, but I’m saying it’s probably close today. It could be six.
Think about what that’s going to mean for you and your investments because you’re paper rich right now. You understand you have nothing. You look at your investment plan this morning.
Those are just the digits on the screen. They are meaningless. You understand? I hope you do.
Anyway, this is going to get very real for everyone here. We are in an economic collapse. We are in an economic collapse with surging debts and deficits.
And we haven’t seen anything yet here. People look, man, if you believe that this is just a one off here, that this is just going to change, then again, you’ve been, you’ve been psyoped. You’ve been deluded and you’ve been dismissed in many, many ways.
Nothing but a means to an end. That’s what we all are. I think we’re all on the same page with that.
And with regard to this, this counter, counter-terrorist, this is going to get a lot worse. Do you think it’s going to get better? Do you really believe this is just a negotiation tool? Because Trump is the best negotiator in the world. Do you realize that Trump is not a businessman? You’ve been lied to about that too.
Trump is probably the greatest real estate investor the world has ever seen. And I’m not lying on that. In the modern era, President Trump or investor Trump with his real estate investments, his ability to develop real estate is second to none.
Second to none. That’s how he made his fortune. He didn’t make his fortune in business.
He has no idea how to run a business. The man bankrupted not one, not two, but three casinos. He doesn’t know business.
He doesn’t understand economics or finance either. Doesn’t. I’m sorry to let you in on that.
But that’s fact. Like I said, with regard to real estate, probably one of the greatest real estate investment and development minds in the modern era. That is a fact.
That’s President Trump’s claim to fame. It’s not in business. He is not a businessman.
He’s an investor in real estate and real estate development. That’s how we became rich. Come on, guys.
How could you not see this? And with regard to running a nation here. Look, man. Any President Trump pulling the strings never is, man.
You know, it’s the overlords who are just, again, feeding the script, telling people what to say and leading to our own demise, allowing central banks to empower themselves. And the more debts and deficits that we run, the stronger central banks become, not weaker. You guys got to understand this is a takeover.
It’s a takeover on a global scale, allowing central banks to fulfill their goal, to own it all, to make all the rules, to foster the greatest wealth transfer the world has ever seen. To thrust us into a neo-feudalistic society with a middle class that no longer exists. Do you not see this? Is it really that difficult for you? Anyway, guys and girls, listen.
You’re going to find this in your inbox right now. This is going to create more work for me, but I’m willing to do it for you guys and girls. So if you just subscribe to my newsletter, I want you to respond to this.
So I wrote, Lions, would this help you trade the market? Lions, would you like for me to start putting up potential trading strategies on how to play the market under my technical breakdown of the S&P 500, which I put up daily now on my website,, link in the description below. And I write, would this be beneficial to you? Guys and girls, listen, man. I answer to God Almighty and that’s all.
But with that said, I’m working as hard as I can to help you guys and girls navigate what’s happening here. And I think for the most part, I’ve done the right thing. This is our thing.
And we’re helping each other. We’re making a positive difference in the world. That’s all that matters to me.
It’s all that matters to me. Everything else is just fluff, man. So let me know what you think about that.
But look, man, I really hope you’re getting something out of these videos. If you’re not getting anything out of these videos, then you obviously don’t belong here. I don’t know what to tell you.
If you can’t take the truth that comes out of my mouth, people can’t stand the truth. It hits them like a punch in the freaking face. Everybody has a plan until they’re punched in the face.
Mike Tyson, someone said that. I don’t know who it was. But the truth is blinding to people.
And look at some of the comments here. I told you what President Trump is and what he is not. President Trump is, again, probably one of the most brilliant minds when it comes to real estate investment and development in the modern era.
That’s a fact. OK. With regard to business, he is not a businessman.
He can’t run a business. It’s been proven. Look at his track record with regard to running businesses.
Nobody has had more business failures. OK. He’s tried.
Let’s give him that. Let’s give him that. But his strength lies in real estate investment development.
Period. The freaking end. And if you think that this is going to translate to running a nation, first of all, look, man, you can’t fix this.
No one can fix what’s happening here. Tariffs, trade wars, ain’t fixing a damn thing. I’m going to tell you right now.
I’ve been telling you this prior to it. But, Greg, you’re wrong. President Trump is going to fix it all.
Tariffs are going to make us rich. People, let me explain this to you. If you think that tariffs are going to pay for everything, we were told this during Trump’s last tenure, that tariffs were going to pay down the trade deficit.
Look at what happened. Just do yourself a favor. Look it up.
Don’t take my word for it. Greg could be lying to you. Look what happened to the trade deficit under President Trump’s last tenure.
We were told out of his mouth that it was going to shrink the trade deficit. We were also told that we’re going to pay the national debt off in three years. Look what happened to the national deficit debt.
- Guys, it don’t work. OK.
And again, I don’t believe, and you guys can beat me the hell up all you want. I do not believe that President Trump understands economics and finance, even at its most basic level. OK.
Again, he’s a real estate investor and developer. That’s how he made his fortune. Not in business.
Not by really understanding the economy or finance. You understand? I hope you guys and girls do. I’m not beating up the guy.
I’m just telling you the truth. If you can’t handle it, this is triggering you in any way, which I expect to see that. I’m just going to laugh in your face.
Anyway, guys, look, I’m working hard to keep you guys on top of the situation. Let’s follow this. I will obviously go over the economic news that we got this morning.
It’s out now. Anyway, guys and girls, listen, comment if you got some matters video. I appreciate hearing from you.
Those thumbs up. If I’ve earned it, I appreciate that, too. Let’s do this, guys and girls.
We can’t be beaten. In my opinion, we’re freaking invincible. We’re invincible because we understand the truth.
The truth. And the truth is a hard pill to swallow. I really hope people start to wake up and realize that it isn’t presidents, kings, queens, dictators or monarchs.
I’ve been telling this for 10 years who run the system. It’s central banks. And they’re driving us.
Well, they were leading us to our own demise. Now they’ve got people so psyched that people are now leading themselves. Take action, man.
Bet against the system. Start speaking out. Hold people to account.
Understand? Otherwise we lose. Not you. Not me.
We’re not losing. There’s no way. There is no way I will allow this to happen.
Not on my watch. All right. I’ll see you later.
As I said, 4 or 5 p.m. Eastern for the live stream. All right.