Militia Man (Uncut) 12-27-2024
hey everyone before I get started I just want to remind you that if you like my content hit that like button subscribe to my channel and then join the militia man and crew patreon Community by clicking the link in the caption hey everybody happy day after Christmas I hope everybody had a great one we had a great one here and I just wanted to say uh things look bright so let’s see what we have in the news from yesterday and today uh so we’ll get into it it says the government advisor see to establish a sovereign wealth fund you
guys Sovereign wealth funds means they have a lot of cash or a lot of money to invest and they’re going to use those uh resources to do so but anyway it says the increase in foreign debts in the past decades was an alternative to establishing a sovereign fund for foreign wealth that relies on Surplus oil revenues that can be invested in a diversified Investment Portfolio whose returns support the state’s general budget in general and the investment budget according to the absorption capacity in particular
similar to countries such as Norway China the gulf indust the gulf countries and other countries of the world so they’re just going to follow suit like everybody else now they’ they’ve tried to do this on a few occasions but obviously it just it just wasn’t working out I think this time with the new um electronic system coming in and the amount of money that they’re going to be able to get um is going to change that dramatically as you we all know Iraq Falls within the a second group so they they discuss um previous
experience with the solver wealth fund how they didn’t they didn’t go uh get funded but look this article is in and DCW come on in join us uh I think you’ll like to read what you have to say because all the things that I’m talking about are imprint okay it’s basically just about me reading the news uh but I wouldn’t be surprised if all this gets into an establishment phase in other words they’re going to establish it it is Iraq that’s going to have far more re revenues than most people think
it’s it’s going to be big the non-oil revenues the uh they there’s they’ve expect uh the the gas flaring to to be effectively uh over with in not a very long time but they expected ASAP to be down to about 20% so what they’re going to be able to do is they’re going to be able to export uh liquid natural gas I guess or Associated gas Etc I’m not a gas guy but the bottom line is they use it for energy and it’s going to be big remember Iraq uh was spending between I don’t know 1 and four billion um a year on
buying fuel uh for uh for electricity I think that’s going to come to a halt because they they’ really got to the point where uh they’re working forward they have some contracts with uh um Seamans um the the German name it’s a tough one but it is let’s see if I can find it here oh well anyway there’s two there’s two major uh global companies involved in that with and they’ve invested already and that’s what they’re working on so Iraq’s going to be self-sufficient in their um energy use and one of those is
something they’ve been wasting for many many years but moving on to the next one it says here Iraq establishes an Investment Portfolio to support stability of the national currency the economic advisor to the Prime Minister Mahar Muhammad SLE revealed Iraq’s first step after exting in its foreign debt towards establishing an Investment Portfolio to support the stability of the national currency so they’re talking about since 2004 Iraq was able to extinguish about a hundred billion dollars of its
accumulated debts known as the pre-1990 debts resulting from Wars and conflicts we all know about that basically it says with the Improvement the current account of the balance of payments the first step taken by Iraq was to establish an Investment Portfolio of foreign reserves or what it is called the country’s foreign exchange reserves that perform the function of stabilizing the value of the national currency or what is could or is called the external value of the money interesting they use the
external value of the money so it’s going to be valued U maybe differently externally and that’s uh powerful they differ from traditional Sovereign funds and that their assets are characterized by high liquidity or investment in liquid or semi liquid assets and are subject to highly accurate diversification rule in foreign currencies and highly liquid Financial investment tools by virtue of their function as an as International reserves supporting the balance of payments and stabilizing the value of the national
currency so Iraq effectively may not have been able to do what they’re going to do is because they just didn’t quite get into that private sector e uh situation and I believe that that’s going to be done because they have now all these new non oil revenues and hence the last bit was about providing a sovereign um wealth fund and so that’s going to be a lot of additional money that’s coming in above and beyond and in some cases at least a third of what the oil monies are and in just one case and
that’s tourism remember okay but then now you have that flaring of that gas not going to waste it’s going to be ready to be what it’s going to be not only used in country to be self-sufficient but it’s going to also allow it to be able to export it extra revenues so they’re not going to be spending money up front about energy anymore they’re just they’re also going to be able to use that totality of all that cash to be able to to fund their portions of the budget but they’re also going to profit from it again helps with
the budget okay so it’s it’s really good so there’s nothing wrong with diversifying her assets with foreign currencies and it’s this system is they say highly accurate diversification that are highly liquid Financial tools and they will be a part of our Rex portfolios into the future and her reserves are by far more than what is needed in the imf’s terms terms they have about 140% covered so everything has been stable inflation’s been down it’s a very good sign so keep that keep that in mind especially as we go forward
because I mean this is like a day-to-day situation so here it says the Iraqi Stock Exchange ranks first in the Arab world in trading volume for number now why in the world with their um situation with the ISX become um such a powerful place where in one month they increased 131 24% in volume volume means um activity and usually that kind of activity creates price uh adjustments up because why you know Supply demand it says the Iraqi Stock Exchange achieved the growth in trading volumes of 131% during November 20 24 compared to
previous month leading the Arab financial markets in terms of growth rates so Iraq’s uh in its present state is already starting to show the volume has been increasing and that means investors are coming in this progress comes as a result of ongoing efforts to develop the Iraqi Stock Exchange and enhance its in investment environment and that’s exactly right people are going to see this and they’re going to act on it and are going to invest in all the different um you know sectors of Iraq the Arab
monetary fund they have they’ve had some things to say it says the report issued by the Arab monetary fund enhances the position of the Iraq Stock Exchange among the regional markets stressing that we will work to invest this progress to strengthen strategic Partnerships and attract more local and international Investments the commission is committed to continuing to develop the market its infrastructure improve regulatory procedures to increase its attractiveness which contributes to enhancing its role as a major driver of
economic growth so the Arab monetary fund reported indicated that the Arab financial markets that witnessed remarkable growth include the Damascus Stock Exchange which achieved a growth rate of 87% followed by the Bahrain Stock Exchange 6 8.22% other markets such as Egypt Casablanca also recorded growth rates ranging from 54.2 and 19.0% I would bet uh that ala loock is starting to watch the markets and he knows that there’s going to be it’s a timing mechanism and so you’re going to have to see that this the timing
mechanism that’s involved here is probably something that he has to consider uh to adjust the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar um with a real effective exchange rate to coincide with the markets and it sounds like from what they’re saying that it’s already has a a stabilizing effect and um an increase because a lot of those countries that they have open trade with Iraq and if they hold darar as our dear friend Petra has always said um all boats rise with the tide we all know that not all boats rise
with the tide but the bottom line is that in this particular case as you can see Iraq’s falling he’s be theyve beat those countries by well they are at 131% and you can see the subsequent uh decline but the bottom line is they’re all up and that has a reflection of the timing that’s possibly what that shows that’s what I see in it the next article we have today is called it’s from the justice department it says activating the verification of foreign agencies system in Iraq and what are they talking about the ministry of
Justice in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced earlier the activation of the system for verifying the validity of agencies outside Iraq they call it the icass what it is it’s in real estate registration departments with the aim of enhancing transparency reducing the risks of forgery and real estate transactions right A lot of people will be coming in doing business they want uh transparency especially investors they’re just they’re going to need uh assurances okay it says it says the new
system allows direct electronic linkage between the ministry of justice and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to immediately verify the validity of agencies issued by Iraq embassies and consulates abroad which contributes to facilitating procedures accelerating the completion of real estate transactions so those are some pretty big names some some really important names and what are they trying to do they want to accelerate the completion of the real estate transactions in an accurate manner they want to verify it
make sure it’s transparent so it says this procedure comes with the framework of ongoing efforts to enhance the e-governance in government institutions and achieve the highest levels of trust in official documents reflecting the ministry’s commitment to developing judicial services and ensuring the protections of citizens rights so obviously there’s progress moving on forward and in it’s showing um that Iraq means business now okay Al Sudan’s advisor reassures VI via Outlets uh news for sure for instance but about
the rise of the dollar is a temporary market bubble what are they talking about talking about the black market we’ll get into it but it’s basically a reassurance uh from a transition to a new mechanism it says it’s expected that the market due to the end of the previous foreign transfer platform and the transition to new mechanisms for strengthening with foreign currency to meet the bank’s needs for foreign currency to finance foreign trade was accompanied by a wave of misinformation and misunderstanding and confusion that
was exploited by the parallel market and speculators for quick profit so basically they’re they’re going after the black market right because they’ve been taking people’s money and making money but that market has shrunk uh um it’s was at 95% now I think it’s about 97% and um and maybe even less than that because they have been warned okay he considers that this increase is called a temporary market bubble that is built on unrealistic speculation and disappears over time which requires attention to the
phenomenon of exploitation and profiteering generated by the false and baseless information so they’re basically making a reassurance the citizens and they’re making a reassurance to the investors of the world that um be careful he explains that the rumors is false as 97% of the transfers made through the window that’s what they’ve changed the name to the window as opposed to auction okay made through the window were transferred to banks that have correspondent banks in a way that enhances the balances and they talk about the
Christmas holiday and another reason for the demand of the dollar But ultimately um the illegal Market is what’s creating that environment and they’re telling you that it’s basically going to go away and we’ve been saying that for a long time but it’s nice to see it in print okay uh Alma Shandon he expected that the situation will stabilize and the dollar will return to its normal status after the holiday and so does that mean that Iraq’s going to have a normal status meaning that they’re going to have an
International Exchange Rate it sounds like it that’s what it sounds like this next article is is uh from the transportation and contracts it’s what it’s called transportation and contracts rais the cost of exporting the Region’s oil in Baghdad and herbal and they reached and they reached or reach an initial agreement that’s between Baghdad and herbal and it’s about oil and those contracts Etc it says there is an initial agreement between the federal government and the Kurdistan region regarding the resumption of oil exports
at a capacity of that 400,000 barrels a day with the adoption of export of uh cost of $6 a barrel and uh in an increase of $10 compared to the previous proposed $6 so anyway there’s more to this but basically what it is it it’s uh the this increase is going to come as a result of the nature of contracts concluded with the region with producing companies which depend on the participation system instead of service contracts in addition to the transportation challenges associated with the nature of the land
and long distances between the region and the Turkish Board of cyan so ultimately they’ve come to a conclusion they’ve come to an agreement and they’re basically uh moving forward with it basically stresses that addressing these files required or or requires a comprehensive agreement that guarantees the rights of both parties companies and achieves the interest of Iraq in general and so ultimately they’re still looking out for the citizens they’re looking out for the businesses but they needed to get the
contracts that were probably skewed in the Kurdistan region get them sorted come up with a reasonable cost they probably had some of the largest entities accounting firms working on this to be able to sort that out and to be fair and with new electronic system the transparency is going to come into play and so that Iraq’s going to uh what they said they’re going to have a sovereign wealth fund why because they’re going to have accuracy with the money flow across borders inputs and outputs it’s going to
be it’s going to be a big deal so here’s an article is that what is the fate of amending the article on Regional oil in the budget a representative answers he thinks he’s answering the question but we’ll see it says the MP for the state of law parliamentary block confirmed Wednesday the government’s request to amend the article on Regional oil in the three-year budget will proceed during the next legislative session due to the existence of an understanding between the senator and the region you guys
realize that there was some things that were done already we’ll get to it so some of these things you got to be careful on how you read it and say it’s so you know it sounds like it’s got a lot more time I’d be careful with that the Govern government’s request to Parliament to amend article 12 regarding I think it’s article 12 C but that’s that’s been in print so but they don’t say it here tonight anyway the next legislative session due to the existence of an understanding between the center Bank of the region but the government’s
request to Parliament to amend the article of uh 12 regarding the kisan’s regional oil and to include it in the region share in the three-year budget will proceed during the next legislative session without any objection due to the existence of understandings between the Central and Regional governments as a result as a result of long discussions that took place between the two sides specialized committees the amendment will ensure for the first time the federal government will have control over the Region’s oil
and it will also be a positive step in legislating the oil and gas law for the first time the regional government handed over to the federal government the revenues of the border crossings Lo located within the region that’s that’s big you guys for the first time the region government Kurdistan handed over to the federal government the revenues of the border crossings located within the region why because the unified electronic system has been hooked up we talked about that and that’s powerful okay so to me there’s already been
information on article 12 C I think within the um item I think it is in the publication that was in The Gazette number 4805 okay it was published by not for the it was published but it wasn’t just published in their Gazette but it wasn’t exposed for the Public’s view so you really couldn’t click on it and read it or translate it so they’re hiding it to me it’s it’s a it’s it’s privacy it’s effectively could be considered a legal cover until Iraq decides to show it that’s what it looks like to me is
ala watching the stock market is he waiting for the proper time to expose that 4805 it looks like it that’s what it appears to be we’ll see how that turns out uh so it says here’s the N of a governor he says three Consulting companies will work at mosul airport well why is this kind of important well airports are big for internationalism investors got to fly into airports Baghdad herbal wherever but that’s what they’re going to do so they’re going to Showcase their airport because that’s an international situation flights airspace
lots of things this gentleman has a few paragraphs I’ll let you guys look it over when you come into slmm and CW our Discord chat room has all that information super Samson our newshound brings in a plethora of data and then obviously you guys are welcomed uh by the likes of Gigi and then you can come in and see folks uh the crew uh Petra pompy Peter Etc uh everybody would be happy to have you um and that means globally I mean we have uh a huge audience and that audience um is global
okay it says um he points out that the airport will be an icon and turning point to attract investors and capital to create development for the Nineveh region explaining that there are no technicals there’s no Financial or legal problems in the mosul airport project and the opening of the airport has become only a matter of time he St said there’s two Turkish companies implemented the airport namely the Tav and the 77 insat in addition to the fact that there are three Consulting companies working on the mosul airport
one of which specializes in construction of the airport other specializes in the basic design of that well the guys are building it are going to need to design and the third specializes in the airspace surrounding it so basically it’s stated that the most airport will be completed according to the required time uh and technical specifications so it’s it’s forthcoming it’s unbelievable last but not least there’s the deliberate delays from the government this is going to be interesting I think it’s blurry quote
the blurry about the 2025 budget so Parliament we don’t know anything about it yet they say well I think they do okay ALS sham Army he in an interview with news outlets according to the financial management law the budget or its schedules must reach the House of Representatives at the end of the 10th of each year and any delay in doing so is so a legal violation especially since this violation has been repeated for many years Recall now 4805 has already been in the cassette but it hasn’t been exposed has it not been exposed to the
Arabic side of um the information maybe not has it exposed to the English side of their um business probably not we haven’t seen it it says the budget tables for 2025 so far the House of Representatives does not know anything about them and the delay in sending them is a violation and there’s no specific date for sending those do they have a legal cover at this stage with the 4805 having already been published but they haven’t exposed it I would say that this makes me think that they do have a legal
cover for it it’s because they’ve actually published it it’s out there they told you that it was going to be about the the 20 23 2425 budget it’s going to be an amendment they talked about the 12 Amendment they talked about it 12C even at least once in print so we’re going to have to find out um it’s says here the government May link the sending of tables with the amendment of the law proposed in Parliament and this will delay the sending of tables for a long time due to differences uh over the origin of the me
amendment I think that’s I think that’s um misleading I I don’t think that’s what they’ve done I think that that 4805 has already been published and that’s where that legal cover comes from that’s our view on it okay we’re going to have to find out and see how it works out so back on December 19th 202 for they said the political differences over the amendment of the budget law will delay voting on The 2025 budget schedules indicating that the Iraqi government is awaiting for the amendment of the budget
by Parliament until the tables for 2025 are sent to in sent to it according to the Amendments so they’re suggesting that they’re waiting for that well they need to have the final accounts for 23 24 before they ever send those remember okay so did they have they exposed it and opened it for everybody got to remember they have a hierarchy over there and you have a need to know and if you don’t have a need to know and and it’s really sensitive and they’re they’re holding something back which we believe is that uh real effective
exchange rate uh embedded in there we’re going to find that out if that comes true I got a good strong feeling it’s definitely going to be something similar I’m cautious of course because there was that publication in The Gazette it’s been out already to be exposed but again you can’t read it it’s just know that it’s already publicly and done what they said they were going to do so they may very well be have a legal cover okay it appears that that amendment was needed by the government to conceal it until the right time
that’s that’s our view on it or my view anyway to me it’s literally it looks like the ball is literally in the central bank’s court at this time Iraq has the has to have um some secrecy to some degree because it’s it’s so highly sensitive it’s going to have shocks it’s going to have an impact and ala loock would have to need to know what the market is and if you remember what we talked about Iraq Stock Exchange has already shown complete stability it’s huge it’s up 131% in one month all of those neighbors
stock exchanges are starting to get a rise because they might be exposed to where Iraq okay all those countries exposed to Iraq for what investment so hey you guys I hope you guys really enjoyed tonight it’s kind of brief but the bottom line is does it look good absolutely 100% happy to say it really am so hope again everybody had a Merry Christmas and by the way if you guys like my channel hit the Subscribe button uh hit the like button and also do me a favor um be with us and follow along because
we’re we’re looking like we’re talking about something that’s going to transpire and morph into other things because investment is going to be a big deal in Iraq and there there’s going to be tools there’s going to be things that we can talk about probably we have uh technologies that are um allowable allowing the um uh these new mechanisms to come through the transparency right we talked about those blockchains and so it’s going to be interesting to see how this plays out but thank you very much for
all your support all those kind words for the holidays very much appreciate it every single one of you uh God bless you and and thank you for th those donations um to help keep this channel going and I hope that I’m going to be around to be able to help you with other things and those venmo PayPal and zel help so much thank you again we appreciate you once again guys don’t forget to hit that like button if you like this content subscribe to the channel or join us at the militia man and crew patreon
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