Dinar Guru Uncut

MarkZ (Uncut) 02-27-2025

hello hello maybe I’m starting to like the music I’m not as offended anymore I’m relaxed just like a relaxing trip up the elevator hello Mrs calipo before I forget B Mom thank you I forgot to say that um before I keep going though I did we did have somebody from the community that wants to sell a little of uh his dinar um just had some bills popped up he needs to make it to the Finish Line I think he’s got like 2 million to sell in his price was I want to say like 800 bucks or whatever so I’m going to drop

in chat and I’ll do this on YouTube Rumble and twitch I will drop it into the chat it’ll be up to you guys to look at the email send an email and work out whatever you want I am not selling anything to somebody from the community that needs to uh so they can pay a few bills and make it to the finish line so I just want to do that make certain you guys add it Sherry did you get the uh here I’ll keep it easy for you I hate for you guys to cover them up but uh there you go the email is JPB 324 gmail.com yeah I think it’s only like

two million or so I think um but uh yeah be fair with each other and do your own due diligence hello Canadian girl it’s good to see you Gary 7 always a pleasure J no one should buy it for that price I don’t know 8900 somewhere in there if that’s what it could be a grand guys I’m I’m thinking I’m trying to remember where he was at on it but um uh but that is uh just reading a few of these let’s see one gram of gold in today’s market 12 you don’t have to divide it by 25,000 IQD though uh got to remember exactly how

that math Road sailor I’ll work on that one for tomorrow been a while since I did that math hello miss Karen hello Bobo Reed RW it’s always good to see you see a number of you folks like the new music some of you are kind of like uncertain but it’s kind of growing on me Jason I’m with you it is sad that somebody has to sell currency to make it to the end but still hanging on to a good bits my understanding but you guys can work it out just ask each other not to take advantage of each others well part of

the EP scene files have dropped not a whole lot yet seems the FBI was trying to hold out on Pam Bondi seems cash Patel’s pretty pissed about that seems that they are dropping off a ton more of the documents tomorrow to Pam expect a roll over the next few days week as more and more of the epsc material drops Don’t Panic that you didn’t get everything you want on the first day we’re watching this game play out got a great short for you that I very much enjoyed for those that believe in Christianity oh wow I’ve got

got to see what’s uh real on this one let me drop here’s a little uh short from Candice Owens that I really loved with an excia person talking about the cia’s official stance uh while he was there on Christianity it’s very interesting Adam the number one search on Google today in Hollywood was for non-extradition treaty countes what a shock Is that real did you where did you see that Adam that would be fat wouldn’t surprise me at all I mean DC was the same I mean pretty much the same they were looking for

lawyers moving um oh what what else uh um treason they I mean the searches for how to deal with all those things shot through the roof in DC so finding out that the celebrities after the Epstein thing are doing the same and looking to run doesn’t surprise me but they’re going to be a lot of private jets scooting on off the West Coast of course about the only place they’re going to be able to I mean where are they going to go head to China hey where do you escape American Justice any thoughts out there anybody

want to comment ronell it’s good to see you man hello Stan I’m with you Stan says it doesn’t matter where these people go once the country finds out what they were up to and what they were doing they will not be accepted with stand I believe that very much so about the only place that they can go and be safe from the American government for a little while is probably Iran Iran would you like to have our slimy politicians I mean with your sh law I don’t think it would go well for them ah allly says you just go to Canada if

you think the death penalty is on the table problem is Canada is going to send them back to the US H some of them may have already come from Israel that’s a uh kind of a side hit on well no I better not do that it’s getting a little scary right now in the Intel Community yeah I wonder if Jee Hackman was first sness an Epstein case or what he knew about Hillary right but too soon uh no I hope they do find out what happened to uh to Jean and Company and Justice gets done or was done or any of those things hello Miss

KLA North Korea did not think about North Korea but I think you’re on to something there Mr bats uh Brazil does have extradition unless you got a young lady pregnant and then as a man you can’t be extradited until she turn until the child turns 18 so you are uh they’re not allowed to take you because you have to stay and do your parental duties no doct Scot time matter of fact it’ll be a pretty short one Harry the Hat it’s good to see you hello Cathy hello Fus Happy Hound hello Dog Day live buddy it’s good to see you over there on

the uh Rumble side wonder where you headed trash Pand always a pleasure uh somebody said he owned three islands La I want to own an island but I don’t want to do anything funky or weird I want to do something cool like you know a good agriculture have a place for us to relax uh Bob what do you guys think should I take Fridays have been dead lately hello Corvette kid I’m not hearing anything about a reduced payment for Zim if you have more than 200t um doesn’t make much sense I’m not saying it’s not accurate I’m just

saying I’m not hearing that from anybody that I consider a legitimate Source not saying that it’s not solid and I’m missing something it’s just not what I’m hearing from anybody I’m just reading few of these just enjoying reading catching up with you guys oh we don’t even have to wait until the 10-minute Mark we can start diving into news sooner now I did don’t forget guys would love for you guys PL PL fight thank you for the uh for the humor over there buddy that was that was appreciated on Rumble all right let me

keep going it’s time to get to some news uh sorry that one’s great all right one thing I would like to say is I did have one Bond Source check in and um while I don’t know where they are in the queue they said they still do expect their payment this month oh wait a minute tomorrow’s the last day or is today the last day of the the month guys is it a leap year oh tomorrow’s the 28th so uh tomorrow would be the last day so that tells me they wouldn’t say hey I’m getting paid this day or that they just

said hey still looking to get paid this month so I’m gonna hope that that turns out accurate because that is the only the only leak that I’ve been to been able to get out of the bond side so I just wanted to share that one all right let’s get to uh some of the stuff that we might be able to make sense out of crazy yoyo rumors Ramadan disrupt Parliament uh A Member of Parliament says House of Representative sessions will be held after Eid in other words after the end of Ramadan uh we saw an article earlier today that said no

they’re going to start late and they will keep working through Ramadan this one saying no we’re not gonna work through Ramadan but we did make a provision to be called back at any time to work on any emergency um uh legislation so which is it I mean uh here it is he pointed out that the House of Representatives May hold emergency sessions during the month of Ramadan if there’s an emergency event that calls for holding a session maybe an RV or something but most of the sessions are likely not and most of the deputies will

be in their provinces this always happens every year it’s not new they’re wanting us to know what is new is they are setting up the ability to have meetings or emergency meetings and altered hours so don’t panic on that one is going to be my take uh they have a mechanism central banks are fortified with precious metal as a safe haven yep gold hits an all-time high last week pushing Gold’s Market above 20 trillion first time ever Here We Go Again Iraq loading up on gold want us to know what they have added uh they bought another

22.1 tons they are fixated with gold right now Economist us sanctions Loom on the horizon kurdistan’s banks are under scrutiny these are very much targeting the British Region Banks now I found that kind of interesting started thinking about it what are our Hang-Ups now for Iraq to move forward HCL herbal I know a lot of people out there oh it doesn’t matter what Iraq’s doing they’re just waiting for permission and maybe they’re right and maybe they’re not but I think it still helps to follow some fundamental

things because it gives us a grounding um so what they’re talking about is the US is coming in or pushing to do a serious audit of these Banks to make certain nothing’s going to Iran but that would also clear up all this confusion about salaries the amount of money that was supposed to be going from The herbal region to Baghdad to the center of the country so I I’m wondering right now if this is not a ploy or a plot or a misdirection I think misdirections better word to get us looking here not there that them looking at those Banks

may be to settle that and have nothing to do with any Iranian influence just curious on that one all right let’s turn off the news Banner uh there isn’t a tremendous amount uh this evening guys after lame fste files release attorney general Pam Bondi demands withheld FBI files by 8 a.m. Friday tomorrow morning looks to be pretty upset um yeah it really was a great tweet line if you guys want to follow it in this article I can drop it for you uh breaking down what we’ve learned so far what Pam has to say and then we learn

about all of the information that the FBI did not release to Pam now guys before you get mad those files were requested before cash Patel was sat sworn in ETC so don’t let this shake you that they’re trying to keep something from you the fact that you don’t have it already means the people that were there previously were trying to keep it from you um so we do have a partial release and we are expecting a ton more information on Epstein in the coming Days by 8 AM tomorrow February 28th the FBI will deliver the full and complete

Epstein files to my office including all records documents audio and video recordings materials related Jeffrey Epstein and his clients regardless of how such information was I think this is going to be key bondie wrote in a letter to Patel Patel of course he’s like I’m game I’m G to get it back to you it is g to make for a very interesting uh couple of days in DC but the fact that uh all of those uh ex rediction and boy I really want an article on that um uh really want some receipts on that because it

would be fascinating to find out how many people panicked and said you know where can I go this one’s going to get juicy guys where do I start with this one mental health is so important so very very important trans Terror police arrests a woman okay not a woman Fox originally called it a woman for allegedly trying to torch d uh Tesla cars at a Tesla dealership LT J2 thanks Mark and mods I appreciate that is is very kind of you all right let’s get uh let’s get back to this very odd article a radical tra activist has been

arrested in Loveland Colorado for allegedly carrying out a series of violent attacks on te at a Tesla dealership Tesla property using incendiary devices um profanity you know damaging cars Etc leaving a improvised explosion all because of Elon Musk Trump and Doge this is how unhinged people have gotten yeah I know and I’m still surprised somebody thought that that was a woman but you know hey crazier things have happened right um conservatives that love each other pray for each other volunteer when times

are bad show up you you’re supposed to be the terrorist not these crazy left-wingers right but it’s not that way they need help guys they need help tra it’s like antifa and trans so it’s like trans Tia I know I I’m just kind of jealous that I didn’t come up with that name I mean that’s a clever name anybody else all right now here’s another fun one that is rocking DC now I want you to do a little Deep dive onto these feelings and what your gut reaction is to this one it really is the last one then we’ll just hang out for a little

bit before calling it a wrap this Thursday we do not have Dr Scott he is busy with uh I believe he’s traveling to Texas or something treason of CIA insiders might be motivated to P to betray America if Doge fires them apparently one of the six ways from Sunday the intelligence Community has to get back at the Trump Administration is threatening to leak sensitive information to a foreign intelligence service if they’re fired as part of Doge’s efforts and downsizing government know you can’t make this up let’s let’s

let’s kind of dig a Little Deeper on this one in a February 24 CNN article titled how Trump’s government cutting moves risk exposing the CIA Secrets the outlet warns as CIA weighs staff Cuts current and former intelligence officials say that mass firing is could offer a rich recruitment opportunity for foreign intelligence services like China or Russia who may seek to exploit financially vulnerable or resentful former employees on the cia’s seventh floor home to the top leadership some officers are also quietly discussing how

Mass firings and the bouts already offered to staff risk creating a group of discr former employees who might be motivated to take what they know to a foreign intelligence service I know what my gut is here so what they’re saying is don’t fire everybody at the CIA or they may use treason to get back at you they may be mad at Trump and turn over State secrets that would endanger all Americans and the nation because they’re mad at Trump I want you guys just to go down this uh I mean who’s as upset as I am is anybody

just want to go all right F you do it um call the bluff we won’t be blackmailed you’re blackmail ing the American people you’re blackmailing the Constitution you’re blackmailing every veteran that sacrificed their life for this nation you’re sacrificing every parent that didn’t have a child come home because you’re mad I mean this is definitely one of those Fu moments and I don’t feel bad about using the profanity on that one at all they are trying to hold you and I the American people to Constitution and and

our way of life Ransom because they don’t want to be fired yeah that’s therefore do it all drop it all let the chips fall we’re strong enough to deal with it we the people are strong enough to deal with it give us the truth rip off the Band-Aid and then lock every one of those dirty up throw away the key I got nothing for that that one I read that one and I just I could not when I reading that article as CIA insid are saying oh yeah these people that mean there’s going to be some great offers and Counter Intelligence are you

really for sale are these people for sale are their morals that easily purchased blown away and that leadership at the CIA would use that as a bargaining chip to slow down what’s happening yeah no no no no all right that’s what I had to say about that one I really had to hold in what I thought about that I mean I really had to hold in what I thought about that I I appreciate you Andy just I think we’re just gonna have to start sending it straight to goog the swear jar um man that one just uh all right

yeah they’re not Americans they’re globalists if anybody in the CIA thinks that that is appropriate screw you go to hell that’s just yeah Sharon you’re right that’s prostitution so uh yeah that’s about the only thing I wanted to share this evening yeah they’re treasonous Traders if they do it heck for that matter even considering it even thinking about it should be enough to uh make those folks wonder where their moral values are I mean did you not swear to uphold the Constitution did you not take any

Oaths I mean do they make you swear into anything like that when you join the CIA they must not okay probably answered my own question uh Marcy I’m not rolling out still I know it’s only a day way but things have been fantastic uh the news continues to come in quickly and nicely now we just need it to go we got too many people [Laughter] suffering bit conzo I appreciate that that’s kind of you guys you don’t need to though I think I’m getting a pass on the swear jar on this one uh somebody else said I’m with you I

saw this earlier it’s just I’m just blown away on this one this would be all it would take if I were the president of United States to sign the executive order ending the CIA we’re folding it into um National and I mean over at the NSA or where some place where it can be better watched and has to operate with oversight and don’t give me any of that crap about how we need programs that don’t have oversight if you think that is accurate you watched too many damn spy novels I know you think I’m naive

I’m not you think we’re stupid that’s your problem we are not all stupid I mean there plenty of stupid people out there but most of them live in the Beltway I just blown away on that one uh new Zimbabwe is not collapsed the problem is there’s not enough in circulation Fred and that’s what’s brutalizing it still holding its value because backed with gold it did lose some of its fractional value because I think it was only 40 or 50% backed by gold um but yeah they’re they’re trying to paint you an uglier picture than

exists there yeah exactly cia’s already sold it they worked with it oh wait there was a good one in here let me see if I can find this one uh now I did enjoy one of the comments in here uh which sums it up over on the Epstein side they were referring to Epstein uh it is widely accepted in intelligent circles that um Epstein was uh a mad agent that’s job was as to uh put honeypots and get compromising material and that was ah here we go it’s actually in the very first one well that was a massive

let down at today’s epine files released given a select group of journalists and influencers didn’t contain any new names or details of note it was a nothing burger with no pickles or fries and considering that Epstein was likely a Massad Honeypot operation what do you expect uh it is very much accepted in intelligence circles and in much of the Beltway that that’s exactly what Epstein was makes you question who we are supposed to trust does it not all right that’s what I want to cover let’s get out of here let’s call

it a break let’s give the moderators a break they’ve been going some stupid hours this week I’ll see you folks in the morning we’ll discuss tomorrow night then I don’t have any plans or anything I just don’t know if there’s going to be any material to cover on Fridays Friday evening we will uh we’ll take a look at it and see what we can expect the overnight news cycle may change that we may get some interesting information in the morning on the Epstein front which may make an evening one make sense so we will play

that one by ear folks all right appreciate everyone of you Michael no and I’m really surprised I was hoping to find out what the work schedule is this weekend and I just don’t have one all right night everybody looking forward to oh wait a minute I did leave out some information there okay I shared the information from the fellow that wanted to sell it I did thank the bom um I did guys there’s a couple of other things that I did not touch on let me see if I can find those um all right uh Native Canadian

somebody in the tribe uh tribes uh sold a chunk of anyways they are getting a settlement by March third first trunch of funds by March 3D from the Canadian government to settle uh some uh Injustice done where they disposed radioactive materials so that one to me is oh wait a minute because I am hearing of settlements with Indian nations in Canada in the US I’m even hearing of some settlements with some native tribes in South Africa so uh perhaps we are watching Nera kick off on that front I found that one very very

interesting uh and then we do have a few interesting things happening in the streets of Venezuela guys we have people in here from Venezuela with family in Venezuela and or some others that work on and off in Venezuela latest news from Venezuela is that paper money is being cleared off the streets uh they’re only accepting the new 20 Boulevard Bill a new saying that it’s done because the boulevard will be connected to a cryptocurrency or linked basically a digital um a digital Ledger call it crypto whatever word you’re looking for

in here uh so they’re getting ready to change the structure uh they’re going All Digital and they are cleaning it up off the streets before it can be exchanged so while it’s got its low value they are sucking it off the streets that is what they have to do to support the value this one is a big piece of or I think something worth uh watching in Venezuela seems to be they I mean like in massive mounts for moving currency off the streets that’s exciting all right Mr C is planning on joining us tomorrow and

I’m looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow mods get some much needed rest this evening and I’ll see you guys tomorrow

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