Dinar Guru Uncut

MarkZ (Uncut) 02-25-2025

Coffee with MarkZ. 02/25/2025

I don’t like the new intro tune. It puts me to sleep. I feel like I’m like, you know, on hold, perpetual hold, with it playing like on loop in my ear.


Not a big fan. Not a big fan at all. Let’s make certain everything is working the way it’s supposed to.


It is over on Rumble. Rita, I hope it’s our week two. It is going to be a tumultuous one.


Lots, lots of information going back and forth, lots of bond meetings throughout the day and evening today around the globe. It’s going to be an interesting one. Hopefully, we get some stellar news.


Dee’s birthday, happy birthday, Dee, before I forget. Praying for fiscal miracles. We have so many that are so close to the, or at the end of the rope, just trying to hang on to homes, you name it.


Just want to, for all you prayer warriors out there, pray for folks. It’s a tough time. Fundamentals, even if Donald Trump’s in office, fundamentals still stink.


Took decades to get, many decades to get in this baddest situation as a nation. It’s going to take a couple years to get out. Fun run, says I have a prayer request for a veteran’s wife that has extreme medical problems.


Don’t know if she’s going to make it. Prayer warriors, we could use you today. Rennie, I am not at all familiar with the Bolivar rate.


I don’t know what to tell you. I haven’t heard anything that I consider credible yet. He has not shared what he heard with me.


We did talk yesterday to go back and forth and bounce off what he was hearing and I was hearing from some of the bond folks just to see because we have very different bond connections to see if we’re hearing similar things and they were spot on. It’s Ellen’s birthday. Happy birthday, Ms. Ellen.


Anthony, oh geez, Anthony just letting us know, lost my brother with a massive stroke. Please pray for us. And this morning, guys, if you’ll notice the shirt, I was at a, of course, a dear friend of ours down here.


My son and I, he’s about her age. She’s about his age. Super, super, super lady.


Lost her grandmother. She’s been caring for her for the past year at 97. So I had a service this morning to attend.


For those who want to know why I’m a shirt, it’s just, it’s praying for folks. Lots going on. Karen said, lost my father-in-law on Saturday night after a massive stroke last Wednesday.


Wow. Tommy, UK to increase electricity bills by 64%. Ever feel like the goal is to crush the common man so that they can’t live without you? I mean, like get them so far into your thumb, make life so expensive and then rescue them with the state until the state becomes God with a little G. Although they would, life would become God with a big G, but there’s only one of those.


Gary, good morning, Mark from Cameron, North Carolina. For those who are watching, listen, Mark, I’m only a very short drive from my residence in North Carolina. The weather is great today and enjoying, ah, Gary, I’ve heard the weather is great today.


Oh, wait, there was another birthday and I just, RM’s birthday, Jay, so my shirts do have comms. Jay and Amy, it’s good to see you guys in here this morning. You have to give me an update on Trumpet if you have one.


Let’s see. Good morning. Good morning, Taxman, MG Lockstep, also celebrating lots of birthdays today.


We are supposed to have, like, I think we get Ron the Inventor today with some new products. We’ll see what that’s about later after we do all the news. I think they’re still looking for the gold.


Yellow Frog, prayers for my brother, follower on here. He has stage four pancreatic cancer, has been following the movement for years on here. Looking forward to him hopefully seeing the end of this in a positive manner and a med bed, that’s for certain.


And so many, husband and I both lost a cousin last week, heart attack and stroke. All right, reading some of these. Good morning, Bill.


That sounds like a busy day. It can’t fire you look good in black, but I’d rather see you in gold. I’d rather be wearing gold too.


Oh, Ron L, enjoy, man. Enjoy that, grandson. Solar too.


Yeah, I’m pretty excited about the Diane Bongino thing, but what I tell you, the world is melting down. The left is just popping. All right, Aintree, Molly Elmore, her January video is interesting.


She talks about her predictions for 2025 around the 17, 20 minute mark. She openly talks about the RV, tell you more and more people even that, you know, never been in this space or community or calling for the coming reset. And how, how you’re going to want gold and assets and asset backed fueling Houston.


I appreciate that one, Joyce. Prayers for your loss. Two weeks.


I can only imagine how painful it still is for you. Joyce lost her husband of 56 years two weeks ago. Man, I don’t know if I can keep up with it.


You guys are screaming today. Crazy budget tables could be early March to mid-March before it is all settled or what the stories are saying. I think it is fantastic diversion and smoke going on right now.


We’re going to get into it, though. I’m trying to get to the 10 minute mark. I have not cranked up yet over at Kik, haven’t had time.


Kukla was covered up yesterday, today. I do have time to get it figured out. So if Twitch doesn’t come up, you’ll find us at Kik, Rumble or YouTube.


I’m trying to keep up. Jerry Davis, what’s your personal feeling? What’s going on? The rumors that you’re hearing? I think we’re hearing all these rumors because it is indeed in process. I get more and more confirmations of bond folks with their meetings, contracts, updates, et cetera, throughout the day to day and evening.


I am very, very hopeful that we will have some exceptionally clear indicators from this. And we got quite a few interesting things to touch on now in outweigh of Iraq from the news. Yeah, Dr. Judy, Jody Shelton openly discussing the coming reset and gold and issuing gold bonds.


Charlie Doodle just said so many people have passed in February, just want this month to be over. I’m with you. Oh, wait.


What in the world did you just do? Confident. Are you sure you meant to do that? I totally understand if you didn’t. That is so far over the top.


I’m humbled. Thank you. Mark Hug, I was not on last night as well as many of you guys expected.


Things just didn’t ease up. But we really didn’t have much news. And I had so many bond confirmations for meetings today, I was afraid I could get myself in trouble and say too much.


Love it. All right. Let’s, let’s get to some of the news out there.


Let’s see if I can find the cool new little news banner at the bottom. Let’s bounce over here to oilprice.com. Iraq reiterates OPEC and pledge ahead of restart of Kurdistan oil exports. What does that mean? 400,000 barrels per day are headed back into the market soon.


How soon? That is something we will be discussing as they are inspecting and un-mothballing the pipeline as we speak. It is going to depend on what condition it is after a couple of years of disuse. So that is going to affect when the oil starts flowing.


Parliamentary minister reveals the date of the resumption of oil exports from the Kurdistan region. They are shooting for very early March. But if there are repair issues, et cetera, it could push as far as towards the middle of March.


When they say middle of March, they’re talking about early to middle. So 12th to 15th is what they are thinking right now is their worst case for that oil to be flowing every day, which is a substantial difference in the market. And it is expected to lower the price of oil per barrel, which will bring us all some price relief, both at the pump and at the grocery store.


And energy. It’s kind of key. I know we’re getting close to the end of a very brutal winter across much of the states.


I don’t know how it was in Europe. But the relief will be much appreciated. The return of exports and absence of revenues.


The oil file with Kurdistan opens a new page. In other words, we’ve made all the moves and it is settling in process as we are watching it all happen. The oil revenue crisis between the federal government and Kurdistan region still exists as a result of lack of transparency.


But the file is coming to a close as they are addressing it. Those are all part of getting Erbil settled. Iraq announces a new security agreement to Trump administration.


This is a very big story. You get some if you really think about just the effects, pumping that oil, settling the Erbil, the HCL, the increased production to offset the drop in oil price. And that’s what Iraq has said.


In order for us to stay stable, if oil drops, we need to sell more oil. That is exactly what they’re doing. So they are covering it.


When you see, oh, my God, this can’t happen. The price of oil is coming down. Don’t buy that.


They’re increasing production to offset. I already know how that one’s all going to go. But this one to me is big because this is Iraq proposing the security agreement with the U.S. In other words, the U.S. isn’t going to be controlling Iraq.


They will be working with Iraq as partners. They have even agreed in this new security agreement to share intelligence operations throughout the Middle East. Now you have, they kept saying, oh, when the U.S. forces are gone, when the U.S. forces are gone, well, the U.S. forces are kind of gone.


Now they’re working together and security agreement is, hey, we’re going to work together. We’re going to put a base here. We’re going to work together to make certain there is security and peace throughout the Middle East.


It is a change in the nature of the relationship. And it’s a very key change because it’s one of the ones we were looking for before we got a new rate for that independent, sovereign Iraq. This is kind of a, think of it as a workaround.


Now Iraq can be independent and still have the protections that come with having U.S. forces there. I love that one. China conducts a 300 billion won MLF operation to sustain banking liquidity.


In other words, they are up against the wall of liquidity issues. People are panicking, pulling in their dollars, crippling the economy in China right now. So they’re trying a massive stimulus of about 2% of their money increasing their monetary supply greatly quickly.


We’re talking about $41.83 billion of medium term lending facility. Think of it as kind of how we did our repos to float our banks because there wasn’t enough liquidity. Think of that same program that we pulled in 2019, 20.


We pulled it two or three times recently to try to kick the can and keep the economy from imploding. It seems to be four or five times a year now. China is having to desperately try to rein in the crazy as their economy is spiraling out of control.


Danny, 70 today. Happy birthday. I have to make a new song for you, Danny boy, the song, the song is calling.


Reading a few of these and we’re going to get back to it. Jerry, I’m with you. If Trump and the so-called White Hats had to lose as many people in their life as we’ve had to lose, yeah, we’d probably be done with the movie by now.


Yeah, I often think that and maybe I’m just a spoiled brat and it’s all about me and us and the people I see suffering, but it does, it hits hard. Beam me up. I don’t know if Odyssey has changed their setup to see if it’s possible now.


I don’t know what to tell you. Let’s see what a mountain goat have to say is clues of five Iraqi banks to be banned from U.S. dollar transactions. So it’s not 15 banks, only five from engaging in U.S. dollars.


These are the CBI restrictions and not U.S. sanctions imposed on the banks in Iraq. I repeat, not U.S. sanctions. Many of these Iraqi news media outlets love to exaggerate and tell you these are U.S. sanctions.


Boy, I tell you, Guru Mountain Goat, that’s about as spot on as possible as they love to exaggerate and tell you these U.S. sanctions. They can’t get past their hate of the U.S. It is very much fake news and the government continues to come out and the CBI, the government, et cetera, with articles, numbers, agreements proving that that is B.S., but it still doesn’t keep them from spreading it. Every nation deals with the same thing that we deal with here, misdirection, fake news because of politics.


Yeah, I noticed that massive change in population, Greg, in Iraq, but it’s crazy that they haven’t had a proper census since, like, 1957. U.S., I don’t think, has had a proper census, either. Jerome just shared, my brother’s dad passed away Sunday evening.


He really could use some prayers. We’ll get to my opinion on Dan Mangino momentarily. We’re going to start hitting some of the world news.


Ruth, that is awesome. I’m in the Sun Princess and we are docked in San Juan today. It’s beautiful here.


Ruth, enjoy it. No, it is. It is just awesome.


All right. Your juicy bond news is just that. I can’t tell you how many confirmations of update meetings, those expecting some final contracts.


I do have a few of those for today. I have just about all of my bond contacts are supposed to have conference call updates on their status throughout the day or evening, depending on which bond group. I have never seen this much activity, at least not in a very long time, where instructions and calls are ripping through and preparing the bond market as they appear to be on the precipice of completion.


What’s going on with XRP? Don’t panic. It’s the crypto markets. They go up and down.


You got to play those for the long haul. Not worried about that one at all. You’ll see another case will get dropped in the next week or two.


It’ll drop like crazy. It’s a normal like February through April as you just watch it like this, but the general trend is up. You got to ride that trend.


68 in Mooresville today. Boy, that is nice. Let’s see.


Hello, Mark. Our only granddaughter, Selena Wise, 24 today. Oh, wow.


I bet she does know how to handle those boys. She hasn’t had a choice but to learn. Good for her.


They’ll make her a tough young lady. Probably well-rounded too. Hodl.


Barefoot gypsy. Exactly. Hodl.


Hodl. I’m sorry, guys. I’m just reading your comments.


60 degrees in Boise, Idaho. Sunshine with all the bond news. Is February still very possible? I mean, but we are getting to the end of it.


Possible we could filter into March a bit. To me, it started in February. I mean like really, really, really started looking at what we’re hearing.


At least that’s what I am hopeful to be able to put as an exclamation point on today. Chaos to harmony. All right.


Yeah, I’ve gone over a million times and there’s some really cool videos I’ve done on it. But we’ll give you the short. I was told a long time ago that the Zim is not even considered or not even based on Zimbabwe’s economy.


The decision was made because this has taken so long that there are far more humanitarian aides and trusts out there like the St. Germain, the Rodriguez, Dubai ones. I mean, there’s a number of humanitarian trusts out there. I know I’m missing one of the big ones.


And I was told that it is going to be a way to distribute that money. In other words, the people in this are overwhelmingly – it’s 80, 90 percent of the currency holders, guys, are Christian. Overwhelming majority of those want to do humanitarian things.


So it was being used as a – think of it as a new version of a prosperity package to get humanitarian money into the hands of people that would do humanitarian things with it. That’s what I was told, and that’s why I was told they are using it. And I had another group yesterday that has checked in.


They don’t need more now, but they have been wildly aggregating and getting more aggro checks. So for me, when people are like they’re not taking aggro, I’m like, so why are so many of these absolute high-level groups, why have they still been aggregating it if they’re not taking it? So I’m just calling BS on it. And oh my god, I think there’s probably five different currency groups out there that are convinced they’re the only ones to get to exchange, and nobody else is allowed to exchange.


Do I need to talk about the absolute lack of common sense in that one? So which one is it? Which one of you guys is the only group to get to exchange? Nobody else is going to get to exchange currency in the world. I just think about how crazy that thought process is. You’re going to tell every Iraqi living abroad, every Vietnamese living abroad that they’re not going to be able to exchange and that only if they are in some secret handshake group through some shady guy somewhere in some city out west or something.


I mean just some of the crazy crap running around there. Think, does it pass a sniff test? It’s crazy to me. If you don’t send us your currency, you’re not going to get to exchange it.


If you don’t send it to us, you won’t get a decent. I mean just some of the craziness going on out there. Whenever you guys see it.


It’s kind of like that old, I’m certain every one of you guys have heard this one. Well one, first I got to take a small break here guys and wish Marlene a belated birthday from yesterday, 39 and holding. Yeah, I’ve been holding on that one quite a few years myself.


Happy birthday to Marlene. The old Sunday pulpit joke where somebody dies. St. Peter meets them at the gate and welcomes them going over.


Hey, I’ll give you a quick tour here. They come to this huge walled section, beautiful wall, beautiful wall, really tall and having yellow streets paved with gold going right beside it. And he goes, we have to be really quiet when we go through this section.


And the guy’s like, well, why do we have to be quiet when we go through this section? Said, oh, that’s the Baptist. They think they’re the only ones here. I know many of you guys have heard that.


I heard it from a Baptist minister. And of course, I thought it was hilarious because where I grew up, many did. Every other religion had it wrong.


Every other denomination had it wrong. But that’s always reminded me of all of these groups that think that they are the only way to ever get to exchange, which is crazy to me because you’ll have five, so many different groups saying, no, we’re the only group that gets to exchange. Nobody else gets to exchange.


No, we’re the biggest. And then you’re like, but I know how much currency that group’s holding. And so which one of you is it that’s the only one that gets to exchange? In other words, bullshit.


We all get to exchange. That’s the short of that one. And we’ve got to stay calm and cool as we go through this.


Yes, Dave tips. There you go. I like that.


Anybody ever wants to tip? Guys, save your money. Many of you guys need it. I’ll be OK.


Mac McCourt, lame joke, raised Baptist. That was never the truth. Overwhelmingly, no, but it was always a funny one.


David, happy birthday, Karen. Ramadan won’t stop the RV. There’s too much historic evidence there.


Too many countries have changed their rates during Ramadan. It just it doesn’t hold up when you study it. Does much of the Middle Eastern world come to a halt or the Islamic world come to a halt during Ramadan? Yes.


But is it going to mean that there’s no chance of an RV during Ramadan? No, it doesn’t mean that at all. Just go back and look at history, Iraq and Kuwait, and see if there’s ever been a revaluation during Ramadan. You’re going to quickly learn that there has been.


Mr. C talked about it some on Friday. His take, it’s preparation. Just looking at a few of these.


All right, let’s get into some other stuff. Let’s see. Just reading a few.


William, I don’t know the timing. I think it’s still possible for this week. Patriot MN.


Yes, yes. There’s still time to buy currency if you want. Till value changes.


I mean, till one minute before, there’s still going to be an opportunity. JD, do you see the article in this market? Iraq signs an agreement. Rehabilitate and develop the four Kirkuk fields with BP.


Won’t sign until new rate. I didn’t see where they said they wouldn’t sign until there’s a new rate. But I do know they were very worried about what is that portion that set aside for pumping.


I love it because that is a massive amount of production that’s going to come online with the reopening of Kirkuk. Massively, massively increasing what they ever produced under Saddam Hussein. It’s fun to watch this happen.


Yeah, how many times has the Pope died now? Flipper, just be patient on Fort Knox. I mean, even Trump has come out now and said, yep, we’re going to go in there and audit it. And I guarantee you he made that comment.


Now he’s watching gold flows to see where it goes. I guarantee you Space Force or whoever is probably up there. Google satellites, they are all watching movement as we speak now.


Guarantee it. They are watching the flows. Throws it out there, lays the trap and sits there and watches.


What does a walking stick have to say? When a new currency comes out, both Baghdad and the Kurds will use the same IQD, but only Sudani will control the currency. Only Sudan will control the country’s CBI. Sudan will control the new exchange rate.


Not Barzani, not Parliament, not even Trump. No, I’ll buy that one. What do you know this time? You guys are great.


How did I ever make it before I found you guys? Wait, wait, wait, Mary, slow it down. Preach it loud and clear. Wait, wait, wait, no.


There are so many opportunities lurking. I was trying to catch this one. 20 degrees last Friday and 70 degrees today in Georgia.


Guys, don’t get sick with the extreme bouncing of the weather, but enjoy it. You very much deserve it. Oh, Dave, no, I saw the confident on the tip part.


I don’t even know where to go on that. That was so over the top. I’m just blown away.


Blown away. I’m reading a few of these. I know we got to get to it.


Yeah, let’s see, Carolyn. Hey, look, we did. We did see a number of times over the weekend the 322 rate up on the CBI site, along with a lot of other inconsistencies on the site.


I think they’re getting ready for the reveal. Amen, Savvy. Go outside, get some sunshine.


What did we learn during the last flu? And they keep saying, hey, look, there’s a new COVID out there, possibly. Vitamin D is very effective. Go get some sun.


Take a walk. Take a stroll. Sit in the sun on the porch if you can’t walk.


If it’s warm enough where you’re at. Mary, we already talked about the Zurich Bond folks, and they are so many meetings and things lined up for today. I’m very much looking forward to getting my updates throughout the afternoon and evening today.


Very much looking forward to it. I love stories like this one. High school boys built four small houses for those in North Carolina tragedy.


I just love watching. It’s always been us. We’ve always been the storm.


We’ve always been the answer. We don’t need a government to fix it for us. We need to learn to fix it ourselves.


We need the government to stay out of the way and let us fix things. Now, it would be really nice if the government was effective and worked well and was efficient and helped people. But at the same time, what has history taught us about relying too much on a government? It makes us weak.


It’s ripping so fast, I may not be able to keep up with it. You did a video on Zim with three different scenarios. Are they still in play? Yes, they are.


I was going to say, where are they? The easiest one to find, I’m pretty certain, is on Rumble or Odyssey. I thought I had a link up here for you, but I don’t. I’ll have to see if I can score that today and share it tonight.


All right. Looking at the time, I need to hit a couple more, and then we’re going to have Ron the Inventor on before I have to go and work in the real world. Absolutely 100% going to be here tonight, guys.


You will not get rid of me tonight. Still planning on being Mar-a-Lago? No, it’s going to be in May. Patrick’s birthday.


I should sing, too, after I do some domestic. Actually, I don’t know if it’s all domestic. We’ve got so many fun things happening.


New York mayor says illegal immigrant shelter in Roosevelt Hotel to close. As a matter of fact, he said 53 other emergency shelter sites would be closed by June. He is shutting it down and putting New York first.


Boy, I can tell you one thing. He has upset the Democratic Party. He is either going to come out massively on top as they drag them back to sanity and a little more towards the middle, or he is going to be sacrificed.


He is going to be the boy that flew too close to the sun and his wax wings melted. Interesting to watch this story unfold. But he did cite that one of the biggest reasons they will be able to do this is because of the dwindling number of new arrivals.


In other words, they will have worked through the system and either be on their own or no longer in the country. So he’s like, yeah, we can start shutting this down. Now it is going to be key for the Republicans to make meaningful immigration changes legally.


I’m talking about in Congress and Senate. They have the majority. Now is the time to take all the arguments and remove them with meaningful, legal, common sense immigration reform.


I’m talking about with very stout background checks, etc. What do you need in the country? Utter despair. Liberals panic over politicized FBI after Bongino appointment.


Isn’t that just rich? Them complaining about, oh my God, it could be politicized over at the FBI. It’s been politicized, massively politicized for years. Exceptionally so over the last four.


I guess it’s okay if it’s politicized as long as it’s politicized by your party. Then it’s okay. Otherwise, it’s a bad thing.


You following the logic here, folks? Sunday night’s panic with the FBI has quickly morphed into utter despair among liberals who had already grown fearful of a highly politicized FBI according to formerly USAID-funded, I love that, Politico, which is rich considering that the FBI under Biden spent four years as highly politicized weapons to go after conservatives, right? I mean, you gotta love this. Have you guys been keeping up with any of this? Trump’s number two man at the FBI once said all he cared about was owning the libs. Yes, because he did.


He would bring them on, they’d make a comment. His idea of owning the libs was simply destroying their logic. In other words, using common sense and saying, you know, what you’re saying is stupid.


Why don’t you try a little common sense? And this is how he owned them. But wow, Rolling Stone and all these others, they are melting over that one. All he was pointing out, the fact was, they weren’t thinking.


So he just wanted to apply common sense to it. This has really offended a lot of them. They’re very worried.


L.A.’s Stephen King has deleted all of his interactions with Dan Bongino. Poor Stephen King. These guys are just melting down left and right.


And if you’re just wondering, to me, this is what winning looks like. Not because I want things to be a sideshow or a circus. I want somebody that loves the country, loves the Constitution to be there.


I don’t want them blindly following President Trump. I want them to love the country and the Constitution. They just happen to have a president that loves the country and loves the Constitution.


So it works. And I shared it. I don’t have it in here, but there was a fantastic little short that I shared.


I don’t even know who did it, but it had Elon Musk from a speech. And he’s saying, if America’s shit sinks, it’s all done. It’s over.


If we do not make our stand right here for all of you big business folks out there, you’re going to have nothing to fall back on. There won’t be an economy. There won’t be somebody to buy.


So his point was, for all these folks out there, wealthy, influential, whatever, this is your time to fight. This is your time to make it great, because without it, you don’t have a business. You don’t have a life.


You don’t have security or safety. So it was kind of his siren call for others to step up and say, enough is enough. We need to fix this.


Just some great stuff out there, some just great, great stuff. Curious how the Dow is doing today after its rough day yesterday. All right.


Not too bad. I would rather take this soft correction piecemeal than the other way of a complete and utter collapse. Yes.


More executive orders are expected at 3 p.m. today. Press briefing at 1. Oh, this is getting fun. Epstein List is expected this week, too.


Think about that, guys. We’re expecting news on the bond side this week. I mean, like, finally, like, really solid good stuff.


It appears it will be in our laps at some point in the next day or two, which is just so exciting. We’re seeing all this cleanup in our political parties, et cetera. We’re looking for an Epstein List.


We’re looking for all of these things, and overwhelmingly possible or should be this week on all those fronts. It’s big. It’s exciting.


My opinion, what’s the holdup? I don’t know. I’m not close enough inside the system. I know what the rumors are.


The rumors are that they attempted to go Saturday night between 11 p.m. and 2 a.m., and there was a technical difficulty, which you’re making a change this size. That’s not an unusual thought. I was told then that it was going to be delayed a few days.


Take that for whatever it’s worth, guys. We get so many excuses. You know, well, it’s this storm, it’s that hurricane, but it snowed in Savannah.


I mean, just the crazy stuff we’ve all heard. Just stay focused on the steps you are seeing. Robert, I’m glad I am.


See, I’m trying to steal the black hats from the black hats. Don’t you remember the old westerns where some of the good guys wore black? The people’s color, right? I mean, it’s been for entirely too long the rich man’s been dancing while the poor man paid the band. It’s time to change how that works.


Not being mean, not being upset. Look, I am not mad at somebody that’s successful. I am not.


Majority of them, I know this is going to be a shocker to many of you, majority of those wealthy people worked really hard to get it. They sacrificed. They did 70, 80-hour weeks.


They didn’t get to do some of the fun things. They didn’t go out with their friends as much. They had to give up on some family functions, things like that, because they weren’t driven.


So I’m not mad at somebody that’s found wealth. There are some people that I think got it very crooked and stepped on others, and that, to me, I just can’t. That’s something I can’t forgive.


All boats should rise, and you should cheer on somebody else’s success when they’ve deserved it and worked on it. But the game’s rigged, and we need to unrig the game so we can unleash the wealth, so that we can unleash the prosperity. We need to unrig the game.


Those at the top need to say, you know, it’s okay if somebody else does well. Matter of fact, I should encourage them to do well. We have to fix the broken game.


We have to level the playing field. I’m not looking for equal outcome. I’m looking for equal outcome for what you put in.


In other words, if you invest a lot, I think you should get a lot out. If you don’t, you’re lazy. Deal with it.


But that’s the way it should work. It should be merit-based. That’s what I’m running with.


All right, guys, I’m going to sing happy birthday, and we’re going to go ahead and get Ron in here a little early, because I’ve got some conference calls this afternoon. I do not have any of those restrictions on me tonight. I am expecting.


I think Dr. Scott was going to pop in for a little bit, possibly, and the mushroom ladies are supposed to be having, like, testimonials, videos of folks, and stuff like that. So it should be a fun one. And we should have some bond updates by then.


I can’t foresee a reason why we wouldn’t have some solid updates by then, and that’s what I’m really looking forward to. So let’s sing happy birthday. And for those that like to stick around, we have the incredible Ron the Inventor.


He’s always, guys, always worth a listen. He’s got some interesting stuff. David D., Ellen R.M., M.G. Lockstep, Danny, Selena, Patrick.


So they tell me it’s your birthday. So happy birthday, darling. May you live, may you love.


May all your dreams come true. Happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday. To who, you, who.


Happy birthday to all those celebrating. All right, guys. Let’s get Zorro.


There you go. I guess I can change Mark Zorro. I’ll run with that one.


I like it. Ron. How’s it going, Mark? Well, one, I am fascinated to find out what you guys have to throw at us today.


Well, we always try really hard. And we’re going to have to start making some arrangements for the mid to end of April for you. Because we’re going crazy with it.


And let me tell you, this little wonderful, it’s been something since I’ve been a kid, having to walk back and forth to school in the cold and the rain and the snow. I know it sounds like a grandparent story. But the truth is, I always wanted like an enclosed bike.


Something that was really cool nobody else had. And I wouldn’t have to face the elements. Well, I will be back stateside in mid-April for my niece’s wedding.


So we might be able to work something out. Excellent. We’ll talk about that.


The car cycle is coming. The frame is there. And we even put a 360 camera.


Not only a backup camera, but a 360 camera, which gives a bird’s eye view. You can see all four sides of it. Or a bird’s eye view for parking or going through tight spots.


It records. It has all of the features, the air conditioning, the heat, the wipers, the lights, the blinkers, backup. It’s absolutely amazing.


We’re getting so excited about that. But we know they’re talking about the bird flu. That’s why we don’t have eggs.


Because they might have to kill hundreds of thousands of chickens because of this bird flu. 55 million. Unbelievable of what they do to this country.


And it never gets questioned. It’s just allowed to go through. Here’s Trump and the Doge team goes in there and says, hey, America, look what we did.


We found so much waste of your tax dollars and people want to take to the streets and fight. Wow, twilight zone all over again. But we do know that they keep trying with different diseases and different things that are in the air in our food.


Thank God we have Kennedy out there checking on all of that. But, wow, I couldn’t believe some of the things that they put in. And microplastics are in almost everything now.


We came out with something that we simply call iGuard. It’s an amazing little device using frequencies. And frequencies from crystals, from stones, from rare earth magnets, from copper, as well as the frequencies we put into it.


This thing is pretty amazing. It’s made to kill viruses, germs, bacteria. Plus, it works with your organs in the body.


It’s a two-stage system. And I had to write it down because it does so much. But we’re going to go really quick through it.


And there’s a ton more information that we do have on the website for it. We simply call this iGuard. It comes in a beautiful little display case.


I’ll wait for you to get there. There it is. Perfect.


Beautiful little display case that it comes in. And then when you get it, even the presentation is beautiful, solid copper. And it has a little side box with it.


Let’s just go through some of the things that it comes with. It comes with your data charge cable. It comes with your headphones.


It does have a built-in speaker. Plus, you can also adjust all of the links if you need to make it longer, shorter. It comes with the tool built into it as well and the instruction manual.


This thing is so amazing. It’s made out of 100% solid copper. And the medical community has been saying for the past two years, everybody should be wearing solid copper bracelets.


Why? Because the copper gets absorbed in through the skin. And when mixing in your blood with the iron, it supercharges your immune system. Copper is very important for the body.


It’s a metal the body don’t produce, but wow, the effects when it gets in there. We have multiple stones that are built right into the back. You can see the different colors and stuff.


And we can go through them really quickly too because each one has so much to it. We start out with anions. The anions that we do, not only do they purify the air that’s around us, but it increases the cell activity and enhances your immune system.


That’s just one of the stones. And we have it on both sides of it, of course. We have black ions.


And what does that do? It helps clear out the system for people that are getting backed up with these cancers and things like that. The anions, the black ions, I’m sorry, is what that does. Far infrared, everybody thinks that that’s just cell regeneration on the far infrared.


It does so much more. It detoxes the body. It absorbs the toxins and expels them out as waste as well as heavy metals in the body.


We all know this is a major thing without food supply and everything they’ve been doing to us. So important to have that too. Jade is for the heart, the kidneys, and stomach for digestion built into the one.


This is just the band. We haven’t even got into the unit yet. And we have shungite.


Shungite is absolutely amazing. And what does it do? It blocks the EMFs from getting to you. We know the EMFs offset the body.


We are bioelectric beings. We have current that runs through us. That’s how the muscles move.


That’s how everything is working. The heart’s pumping. That’s what the shungite is for.


Plus, we have the neodym magnets, biomagnets built in here too. It takes 700 gals to affect the blood in the body to thin it out. Because as we get older, it does start clotting a little bit.


And as well as the VACs, everybody’s seen how the blood was getting thicker and clotting. This thins out the blood, separates the cells so they just start swimming around like they haven’t had a care in the world. So we have that magnet built in.


Not 700 gals, but we went with 5,000 gals in it. That’s the band. That’s stage one.


That’s all the protection you’re getting just by putting this on and wearing it by what’s based inside of it. There is a built-in speaker too. That’s not for the frequencies.


That’s for if you have music in here or want to watch a movie or, you know, we have books. We have recorders built in. It does so much.


Step counters, alarms, everything. Beautiful little unit right there. And looks really nice for the night out on the town too.


That’s one part. Part two. Part two to this is the different frequencies that it does come with.


And this is the exciting part too. Because we have an anesthetic frequency. We restructure organs.


That’s a separate frequency. As well as mental clarity goes into this. Remember part two.


When you power it up, you put that headset on. This is what it’s doing. Internal to help clear out all of these different things that go through us.


I’m sure you know about the detox ones, the mental balancing that are all in it. DNA repair is built into this. But we’re adding three new frequencies.


Absolutely free. It comes with it only from here. From the Mark Z show.


We’re adding the Schumann resonance. What is that? That’s the grounding. One of the best parts of everything is grounding.


The body needs to be grounded. Again, we are bioelectric. So we need grounding because we build up charges too.


We need the sunshine to recharge the battery. As well as clean drinking water and other things. To charge the battery back up again.


But it also does need grounding to keep everything balanced properly. So we’re throwing in, absolutely free, the Schumann resonance or the grounding frequency. So many people have so many different little devices.


And you plug in and you stake into the ground. Or you plug into the wall unit. And we have found, not all of them.


So please, I’m not trying to down. But you got to check. A lot of them have back voltages coming in when you plug into the wall.


Have back voltages coming in. So everything you’re trying to avoid, you just paid to put into your body. This safe, effective, very fast working.


We also have our digital detox. We know that we’ve been getting blasted from east coast to west coast. At night they turn these towers on.


We have it on the website as well. To show the video. To see every night for 12 hours.


They keep bombarding us with frequencies while we’re sleeping. So that’s what protects that. The digital detox.


Listening to that once a day. You’re not going to prevent what they’re putting in the air. But you can cleanse your body of it just by running that one simple frequency.


Which is phenomenal. And one of the big ones that everybody’s been talking about. Because it came from the horse all the way to the people.


Ivermectin. We know it kills the viruses, germs, bacteria. Really, what is it killing? It’s killing the parasites.


Parasites in the body. And the parasites, that’s not what causes cancer. Or stops people from processing sugar properly.


It’s their waste that gets gummed up into the body. And that’s where we get our cancers from. That’s where organs start failing and malfunctioning.


But get rid of the parasites. There is no waste left either. So the Ivermectin frequency.


We grab the frequency of Ivermectin. And we’re putting it in here too. Three bonus frequencies.


Along with the original nine frequencies. That, wow. From the first time.


What a difference. But we know some people, they don’t like the big face. They don’t want the watch.


A lot of females say, it looks a little manly. The younger ones don’t care. They like the big.


They’re used to smart watches and stuff. So we put something together. Not only for the people that don’t like the style.


Or want something big on their wrist. But something easy. For people that aren’t very technical.


Because we know the iGuard has a color touch screen. And a lot of you can do a lot with it. It’s got all the toys.


We wanted something fast, simple, easy. That anyone at any age could use. And we call it Stargate.


It does everything that the iGuard does. In the main energies and frequencies. All of the toys, no.


So fast, so simple, so easy. That’s what she looks like. I wanted to show that all of the crystals and stones and magnets are there.


This is the backside of it. It’s all just solid copper. The unit itself.


Look at that. How fast, simple, and easy is this? That you can adjust. Look at the band on that thing.


But how fast, simple, and easy. But I’m a short person. This thing is way too long.


Well, you can adjust it. Just like that. And look how short it is now.


So it doesn’t matter. Even the beads on it. You can adjust them.


You can slide them up, down. I like them about an inch apart. Some people like them all together.


Some people like to do different groups. Whatever. It’s there for you.


Fast, simple, easy. Any height. Doesn’t matter.


And on the back of it. Notice. Small round disc.


That’s a conducting probe. And you want to run these again. Stage wearing it.


To shield you from all these things. Now part two. For internal healing.


You want bone conduct. So you don’t need heads or anything. Take that.


And literally. Put it right on the temple. And let the frequencies run.


Also for arthritis. Any type of pain. Inflammation in the body.


You can take the back of it. That bone conducting probe. And put it right on the spot.


For relief. Very fast relief. Me, I do it simple.


I take the cord. I wrap it around this ear. Just like that.


And I drape it. And look where it sits. Right on the temple.


And now I’m hands free. All I have to do to activate this thing. Is right there.


There’s a small silver button. I hold it for three to five seconds. It says welcome to Stargate.


And starts running the frequencies. It’s that simple. When you’re done.


You hold it for three to five seconds. It will say exiting Stargate. And it powers down.


When you’re leaving the house. Make sure you always have it on. That’s what we really wanted to go through.


The iGuard. The Stargate. We know a lot of sick things are going on out there.


We know they’re hitting our food supply. Again, they haven’t stopped. They’re relentless.


Eggs are fake. Rice is fake. They’re doing so much with chemicals.


And things they’re putting in our food supply. Here’s a way of getting over it. Things that go out in the air.


Viruses, germs, bacteria. Parasites. That’s what these are for.


And it doesn’t stop there. On our website. We have additional frequencies.


When people have more. More serious conditions. More advanced conditions.


We have separate frequencies. That you can get. And download.


Wirelessly. Right to your device. Your iGuard or your Stargate.


We even have free frequencies there. These nine basic ones. You can go on to the site.


Download them absolutely free. The grounding. You can download free.


The digital detox. You can download them free. Play them on your computer.


On your cell phone. On your tablet. Other frequencies are designed.


Studio calibrated. All the way through. From when we made the frequency.


All the way through. The end device of it. Those are the ones we suggest.


iGuard, Stargate. The other ones. You can use anything.


All of them are not free. We do have. I think 12, 13 of them.


That are absolutely free. Right on the site. Great idea.


We want to try and help. As many people as we can. Prevent these ridiculous things.


From happening. The end is in sight. We are here.


We can see the finish line. Somebody should be running up. Behind us really quick.


That is what we have to be prepared for. That is why we are putting a last boost. On this.


This is so fast. Simple. Easy to do.


Customer service. Here is something that has always been important to me. I buy something.


I have problems with it. I bring it back. I get to run around.


You have to mail it to China. It is crazy. We run a conference call every Sunday.


At 6 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. To discuss. We do some of the news.


Like you do. Some we steal from you. I will not lie about that.


It is anybody that has questions. Has problems. They have not used it in a while.


They wanted to make sure. They come on that Sunday call. We will take care of that problem.


Right there. If we cannot talk you through. We will have you ship it back.


We will fix it or send a new one out. Our customer service is so sharp. How long is it? 30 days? 60 days? We have had some people.


As long as we are not being lied to. We have had people three years later come back. We repair it absolutely free.


A couple of them we had to ship out new. We stand behind our product. It is not about making money.


It is actually about what we can do out there. On a global scale. We are in 138 countries now.


We are looking to expand even more. We have so much more. You want to come to the site.


I know I went through really quick. I always try to. I don’t want to monopolize everybody’s time.


On the website we have audio files. On these products. You just click.


You don’t want to read. We have 10 page write-ups on them. You can see the full breakdown.


Some of them we have videos. You can click on the video and watch it. It has a lot more information than what I just went through.


On the iGuard or the Stargate. Of course we have way other things. What else is important? Water, water, water.


We have something we call wave. The wave is really simple to use and operate. It does everything that these other water processes filters do.


It is in a small portable unit. The size of a fountain pen. $25 to do all of this.


It will last one year. We know. We are on a Mark Z call.


We don’t pay full price for nothing. You shouldn’t. On the website.


If you go to the website. You use for any product. Sitewide.


Mark Z. It doesn’t have to be capital. It doesn’t have to be lowercase. Just no spacing in between.


Mark Z. That will get you 50% off. 50%. Whatever the price is.


You are paying half. We love doing things like this. A lot of your audience will know.


We always throw little things into. People buy an iGuard. Every now and then.


We will drop in the new custom. Soundwave headset. With it.


Even though a headset comes with it. These are custom. Studio calibrated all the way through.


They are more comfortable with noise cancelling. Built in. We have the bio mag.


Look how cute that thing is. Unbelievable. It is so tiny.


The bio mag literally goes right onto the ear. It is using ancient wisdom. Meaning modern technology.


We know that acupressure. Has been around for thousands and thousands of years. Almost everybody.


On the planet now. Has adapted certain forms. Of the bio mag.


Of acupressure. What we did. Was found.


How impressive acupressure was. To show you. With a squeeze.


The right amount of pressure. How long you have to hold it. We use the rare earth magnet.


It goes one in the front. One in the back. We show you right on it.


Exactly where it needs to go. You have cravings. You are looking for weight loss.


The holidays are over. We indulge a little bit too much. The weather is getting ready to break.


That is summertime. You want to shed a few pounds. It doesn’t matter.


This is great for all addictions. Not just food and chocolate. Alcohol, drugs, things like that.


That is what this is designed for. A little secret. That is what we built it for.


If you Google it. You will see. They have charts up.


If you move these magnets. To different parts of the ear. It controls different organs.


And functions in the body. It is calibrated at the right pressure. We also used negative ions.


With it. To open the body up. To receive it a little bit easier.


We frequency infuse them. Ancient wisdom. Modern technology.


These are right there on the site. Sometimes we throw this in with the package. That is what we have.


We want to say. You want to go to. The products are there.


The information is there. Don’t forget. Mark Z is your promo code.


For 50% off. Sitewide. Products I don’t mention.


There are a lot of them. Read up on them. Or listen to the audio file.


I think you will be really impressed. As well as. April.


April. We don’t have the picture of the new car cycle up yet. It is going to go up soon.


It will be announced here. First. That is why we are inviting you.


Mark. And all of your people. To come to see it.


To ask questions about it. And to test drive it. For themselves.


We did so much with this. Here is a small. Little three wheel vehicle.


It is now a three seater. We took off some of the flash. Of that real futuristic look.


To make it even roomier. Inside. Giving more features.


To everything. This thing will be able to go. Just battery.


With nothing else. It goes 100 mile range. Off-road.


It will go 60 miles an hour. For the city. So they are legal to drive around the streets.


They can’t go more than 25 miles an hour. They can’t have four wheels. That is why it is a three wheeler.


We put the power in the front tires. Not the rear. You know if you get a little rain.


A little mud. A little ice. That one tire will sit and spin.


We put the drive in the two front tires. So you steer the way you want to go. It does so much.


I can’t stop talking about it. It is one of my favorite products. We are getting ready to release.


The first time you will be able to see. What it looks like. Is going to be right here.


Hopefully by the next show. We are going to have that. Advertise it here.


The videos. We are going to have Mark driving that puppy. That will be the first videos we air on it.


I am looking forward to that. You are not going to believe it. You are not going to believe it.


I am making sure we have a full runway for you. I know it counts as. An e-bike.


Instead of a car. Which changes licensing completely. For folks out there.


Which is enormous for a lot of people. Especially with the cost of insurance. All of those things right now.


Do you have to pedal it? No. That is the key. We advertise this as human powered.


Electric assist vehicle. Having the three wheels makes it legal. In certain states.


If it had four wheels, it has to be registered. We wanted to make sure. We were targeting more toward the younger generation.


College kids. Senior citizens started contacting us. My eyesight failed me a little.


They pulled my license. How am I going to shop? How am I going to go to my doctors? How am I going to do anything? So many of them are saying. I am selling my car.


I am getting this. Here is the best part. You get even better parking than handicap.


Because it is considered a bicycle. So you can park right next to the front door. With all of the other bikes.


Which is even better parking than handicap. It is small. It is only four foot wide.


Fits through most doorways. But it is tall. You are looking eye to eye with SUVs.


All of the lights on it. The blinkers. Everything is just amazing.


When you are in it. It is almost like a cockpit. We are not doing the full steering wheel.


I don’t want to do regular handlebars. So we did a cut steering wheel. It is almost like a fighter plane.


Just to create something a little different. A little bit more exciting. We used to have a tilt.


We designed this new suspension. With a suspension tilt. Instead of the whole cab tilting.


A lot of people were like. When the cab tilts they all get nervous. It is a while to get used to.


We redesigned it. Independent suspension. The suspension tilts and digs into the ground.


The cab stays up. There is plenty of storage in it as well. If you need to go shopping.


Take the kids to the store. If you want to take the streets. You can go from New York to California with it.


And not have to stop to charge. We have a charge port in it. We have solar built into the roof.


We put dynamos on every one of the tires. As it is rolling. They are all charging back.


The pedal system. That is in it. There are no floor pedals.


Everything is operated by hand. On the bottom. You have pedals.


Circle or pump. What does that do? Two things. You can have it to where as you are pedaling.


The harder you pedal. The faster it will go with the electric assist. Or my favorite.


It disconnects. As you pedal. It recharges the main unit.


The main batteries again. You can go and go. With the solar and roof.


If the sun is out. You are charging it. If you are moving it.


You are charging it. If you are pedaling. You are charging it.


It is really something. We also added to it. The apple play.


And android play. Your phone will hook up to it. Beautiful.


On the display. We started off with a small 7 inch. Now we went wider.


For the 360 lens. You still want to see your speed. Your battery.


All of these things. We went wider with it. It really looks nice.


On the next one. We will start pumping some of the pictures out. I guess we will have to have you back on.


As soon as you have it in hand. You will have to keep me up to date. Like I said.


By mid-April. It will be here. As far as done.


I should have all of the electronics. Rounded off by then. The rolling chassis.


Is done. The body is being done. We have to do some custom interiors.


Just to make you look a little bit nicer. I’m not certain I understand this one. He keeps saying inception.


Please ask. Does that make sense? The inception is amazing. Now that we have President Trump here.


We don’t have to be afraid. Of certain technologies to go out. The inception is a generator.


It is 20,000 watt. Generator. We started at 100 amp.


We are going to 200 amp. That little puppy. Will power a house.


That is basically what a house is pulling. Right now. It can power a house.


It is small. Right after we release. The car cycle.


Two weeks. We are releasing the generator. It will be announced right here.


That is awesome. I need to call it a wrap. To get to the work day.


I will be ready this evening. Dr. Scott is joining. They have a lot more questions.


I couldn’t suggest enough. If you still have questions. Consider going to their conference call.


I guess it is Sunday. Sunday at 6 p.m. Eastern. There is that information.


You can screen capture it later. If you would like. You can find it at the bottom.


Waltersbestchoice.net. You can find that. All right. Mark, remember you don’t need a helmet.


If you want one. I will provide one for you. As you are racing around with this thing.


I will make sure everything is safe. Go easy. We will have a blast.


I can’t wait for it. Last time you were here. We had a lot of fun.


We will top that. We will top it this time. Are we in the same place? Are you picking a different spot? You tell me.


We will do it. That other place was pretty nice. It does have a big parking lot.


To get around. To keep everybody safe. We might do it right there again.


That is pretty cool. Take care. See you this evening.


Thank you, Ron. Thank you.

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