Dinar Guru Uncut

FRANK26 – CITIZENS KNOW (Uncut) 02-18-2025


So 16 is what we’re looking for, right? Yes. Thank you for helping me. We’re on the 15th.


So 16, thank you. Second to the last page. Second to the last.


Okay, I’m ready, are you ready? Mm-hmm. Is the heater on? Yes. Go down whenever you want, no rush.


Oh, God, there we go. Three, two, one, go. The recording has started.


Okay, here we go. I’m going to play a song and then we’ll go ahead and record it. I used to be a Dinah newbie Until I watched Frank’s UB2B With a twinkle in his eye, then God by his side Frank’s teachings reach us far and wide So whenever I need a Dinah fix I tune in to Frank 26 He’s got the latest, greatest news from the street Tune in now, tune in here, this is the Dinah beat Now take it from me, Frank is no rookie It’s okay, dink, give this man a cookie You never know what suit he’ll be wearing So I wear my sunglasses because they are so glaring So whenever I need a Dinah fix I tune in to Frank 26 He’s got the latest, greatest news from the street Tune in now, tune in here, this is the Dinah beat Sit up, be patient, and get ready Frank’s got some news from WalkingStick and Eddie Frank breaks down the news and keeps us straight Come on Irag, can you give us the rate? So whenever I need a Dinah fix I tune in to Frank 26 He’s got the latest, greatest news from the street Tune in now, tune in here, this is the Dinah beat Hey dink, I need a cookie Come on dink, I deserve some cookies Cookies, cookies, cookies Come on dink, give up the cookies Hi, Rebecca Hill, thank you, God bless you Greetings, family! Welcome to another one of your Frank 26 Yubi-Tubies.


It’s good to be with you. It is the 18th of February, 2025. I greet you in agape love.


We are ktfoways.com, which stands for Keep the Faith Always in Our Heavenly Father. We greet you with some orchids. These are orchids that grow in our greenhouse.


It’s kind of cool to have orchids growing this time of the year, isn’t it? But they’re doing very well. They’re doing very well. And I hope you all are doing very well, too.


May the love of God fill your home, fill your heart, fill your mind, fill your spirit. Because tonight, oh boy, we’re going to get filled with some good information. But before we do, we always go to God in prayer, don’t we? Because we like to set the example.


Will you join me? Please. And by the way, if you don’t believe, again, Rebecca? Did she do that twice? She sure did. You did, girl.


I thought I was having double vision there. Thank you again, Rebecca Hill. God bless you.


Oh, I see. I see. Okay.


So that’s dedicated for that. Roger Dodger. So yeah, we set the example.


And for those of you that don’t believe in God, you believe in darkness. Well, okay. Darkness.


You believe in the color of this suit. How’s that? Yeah, really. Because you think that there’s no God.


So therefore, your thoughts are that when you close your eyes and you die, that’s it. You see? Close your eyes right now. What do you see? Yeah.


So that’s what you think you’re going to see when you die? Darkness? Nothing? Non-existent? I’m sorry. I strongly disagree with you. I’d like to prove it to you.


Check this out. Have you seen demons? I bet you have. Have you seen these diabolical entities that get into people? You ever watch ghost hunters? It’s amazing how their technology can prove to you that there is a spiritual world.


Oh, interesting, huh? But when you close your eyes, non-believers, you believe that there’s nothing past that, right? Dear friends, there’s a spiritual world. And there’s two of them. It’s your choice.


You can flip a coin. With my luck, the coin will stand on its edge. But it’s your choice.


You can either go into total darkness or into the light. My father, he passed away last year. My father loved Jesus.


He loved our Holy Father, Abba. He loved the Holy Spirit tremendously, tremendously. He was the youngest man to go into the Air Force at the age of 14 years old.


Don’t you think that God was taking care of him at the age of 14? At the age of 16, he was a prisoner of war in North Korea. But you don’t think there is something on the other side. My father saw angels.


He was about to die. He got shot twice. They captured him.


He was a prisoner of war. But he said, I don’t know what it was. But I heard.


And I thought it was a joke. So I kind of look out, try to look out the window. And there were these things with long, white out, long like a robe, you know.


And son, they had wings. They had these things in their backs. I said, what were they doing? They were singing.


Excuse me? They were singing. I mean, I could see the motor shells. I could see all the bombs.


I could see everything. But they were singing. That was when my father needed God to help him.


And when my father passed away, when he died, check this out. He was laying flat. Excuse me, not flat.


He was like at about a 30 degree angle. You know, those elevated beds, those medical beds. So he was elevated just a little bit and his hands were on his chest like that.


And my sister says, I heard him choking. So I ran to the bedroom. And as I’m running to the bedroom, I’m seeing dad.


And dad’s doing this, Frank. He’s going. And then he dropped his arms and he died.


I said, what? I said, and I looked up at the ceiling. What was he? What do you mean? He was reaching for something? Yes, he was. It’s your choice.


I only know to love you. I only know to love you. I can’t force you to love me.


Abba, heavenly father, I come to you by the blood of Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit and pray to you to sit with you, to talk to you. You know, father, I was reading where you gave John the ability, just a little crack, just a little sliver, just a little peek. You gave him the ability to see what heaven looked like.


Wow. And he said, he said that there’s just no words to describe what he saw. I thought an awful lot about that heavenly father.


And I came to the conclusion that my, my, the five senses you gave me, you know, to, to see, to hear, to taste, to feel the five senses that you gave me. That’s not even those senses are not enough for me to interpret heaven. The day that I lay my eyes on heaven, I will need, I will need your help.


As a human being, I have no idea what you have waiting for your children when we leave this physical world. I want to thank you for that. I want to thank you for my life.


You gave me a reason. You gave me a purpose. I want to thank you for my wife.


You gave me a reason. You gave me a purpose. Father tonight, I want that help so that I can give my friends, my family, those that are here with us a reason, a reason to believe and to continue and to study and to have faith.


I pray for them when they’re in need. I pray for them when they’re sick. I pray for them when they’re scared.


And these last four years, many of my Christian friends were very scared. But you, you hold us in your hands. You, you take care of us.


Your son, Jesus Christ, he set us free at the cross. So why should I, so why should I go back to my old ways? I am set free. And it is by that blood, it is by that action on that cross that I pray to you, that I can pray to you, that I’m allowed to, that I’m righteous with you.


And it is through the Holy Spirit that I’m comforted, I’m protected, and I am not scared. I am not alone. Three times today, I needed you, I called upon you, and you destroyed him.


I don’t want anything to do with that punk. If he called, if he whispers in ears, if he, if he calls for me, God, telling him I’m, no, I don’t want to waste any more time with him. I don’t need to be tempted anymore, Father.


I’m done with my sins. The sins I commit are the ones that I just simply commit because I’m stupid. But I’m done with the sins that I would enjoy doing.


There’s no pleasure in sin. There’s no pleasure in sin. There’s pleasure in being with you.


Papa, this is special tonight. Please help me, guide me. In the precious name of your Son, Jesus, by the Holy Spirit, I pray.


Amen, amen, amen. I believe he, there he is. Go for it, Andy.


Amen, amen, amen. Thank you, Brother Andy. I love you.


Yes, sir. You know, last night, Andy, Burma, Jan, Mysel, Tigger, Toy VP, his wife, C.S., is that C.S. Hesman, right? C.S. Hesman. Who else? I can’t remember.


But we all got together and talked. Oh, Pastor Kendall. Pastor Kendall joined us.


And we talked, family, about what we’re going to share tonight with you. So let’s get to work. Number one.


Number one criteria. Everything’s in my opinion. I’m sorry I have to say that, but it is the right thing to do.


It is the respectful thing to do, right? This is a speculative investment. There’s no date. There’s no rate.


As much as you dig for it and look for it, there isn’t, okay? Okay. Now, with that said, we are going to study tonight, looking at the articles. And then we’re going to study tonight, looking at our team’s report.


And then I’m just going to show you one little sentence from WalkingStick. So there’s your trafficated study for tonight. Let’s get going, okay? Everybody, I know you’re a member of KTFA.


Come on in. In fact, I’m sure you’re already there. You’re prepared.


You’re good students. I’ve been noticing that. I’ve been noticing that.


So with that in mind, we’re going to start with final article number 5062. Final article number 5062. This is a very good article, family.


You look at the article. It’s, well, gee whiz. Yeah.


That’s about 99% all red, blown up five times. What does that mean? It’s trying to attract your attention, correct? This is an important article, correct? Okay. So let’s spend some time on it.


Final article number 5062. The central bank announces details of its meeting with the treasury and the federal reserves. Okay.


That’s nice. The central bank announces details of its meeting with the treasury and the federal reserves. Why is that nice? Because what do you think the US treasury wants? A new exchange, right? Well, what do you think that the central bank wants? A new exchange, right? And where are we going to get this from? Sudan and the combination of Sudan and the CBI.


So it says here that the central bank announces details of its meeting with the treasury and the federal reserves. Now we know what all three of those want, a new exchange rate. Do you agree? Do you agree? If you don’t agree, say, no, I don’t agree.


If you do agree, just leave it be. Do you think that the central bank, do you think that the US treasury, do you think that the federal reserves, do you think that they all want a new exchange rate for the Iraqi dinar? If you don’t, say no. Let me see.


Okay. Not a single no. That’s good.


Well, that’s right. Everybody wants it. Yes, it’s a yes.


It’s a yes from me. Well, check it out, Carla. First of all, what is the blue title for this article? I put up there.


CBI protects the dollar in order to protect the new currency of Iraq. CBI protects the dollar. They did, didn’t they? Oh, they stopped the auctions.


Yeah. They don’t use the dollar in the country anymore. Yeah.


All right. There’s great securities on it, right? Yeah. All right.


So the CBI protects the dollar in order, in order to protect the new currency of the Iraqi dinar. That’s my opinion about this article. I think I can prove it.


Let’s read it together. I mean, this one is worth reading. Why? Because it’s 90% red blown up five times.


It draws your attention. You see, this meeting is where the US treasury and the federal reserves, they all want one thing, lift the value of your currency, bring out a new exchange rate. So this meeting with the central bank, let’s see what they have to say.


The central bank announces the end of the first quarterly meeting for the year 2025 with the US treasury and the federal reserves, which were held in Dubai. Let me ask you something. Oh, held in Dubai and also in the United Arab Emirate with the participation of the internal auditing and consulting firms.


There was EY, K2, Integrity, and Oliver Wayman. Those auditing agencies were there, too. So why do you think those auditing agents are there? Were they counting? They’re just, you know, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.


What are they doing? Just playing with numbers? No. They are the auditors of the future of Iraq. What future? There is a budget that is about to be opened that is going to, it’s going to reveal, it’s going to reveal a new exchange rate, in my opinion.


That’s a powerful, that’s a powerful opinion, isn’t it? Yeah. I’d like to ask how many of you believe that as well, too. How many of you agree with that opinion? So it turns out that the US treasury, federal reserves, CBI, they met in Dubai and United Emirates.


And by the way, did they meet last year? Did they meet last year? Is this an annual thing? No. This must be important, huh? Yeah. Alrighty, so these auditing people and the federal reserves and the US treasury, the meeting, it says, the meeting culminated in praise for the steps taken by the Central Bank of Iraq.


Really? Everybody was like, what do you do that? What’s the football stadium? The wave, the wave. Yeah, the wave. Yeah, I can just imagine at this meeting, they did the wave for the CBI.


Yeah. No, we’re so proud of you, CBI. I’m serious.


You guys have done some amazing stuff. Look, we need to praise you for the steps that have been taken by the Central Bank of Iraq and the government of Iraq. Sudan, where did it go, buddy? In reforming the banking.


You mean the monetary reform? In reforming the banking sector. The monetary reform. Same thing.


Yeah. Okay. What else did they say? And they said it was the most important of which were, number one, the development of the US dollar cash distribution system in Iraq.


What’s that mean? In other words, we now control the dollar in Iraq and the citizens can’t use it. Nobody can really use it. This system that was developed to protect the US dollar that’s being distributed inside of our country, we got a control of it now.


You know how happy Trump is? Trump took it personally. Trump took it personally when we raped this dollar in our country. I mean, they gave it to us to use it.


It was supposed to help us, but we took advantage of it. Huh? Yeah. Iran, you want some? I mean, we didn’t want to.


It was your Joe, Joe, Joe, Joey, Joey, what’s his name? Joe Blow or whatever he’s named. Come on, man. He’s the one that sent the money and we had to send it to Iran.


But now Trump is different. This is really good. And on top of that, Trump has sent us, he sent the US treasury and the federal reserves and guess what they’re talking about? What? Well, they, first of all, they talked about the fact that we’ve been doing really good with our monetary reform.


And the second thing is that the development of the US dollar cash distribution system, we’re protecting the dollar and Trump really loves that. And there’s more, which they considered the most, the most, which they considered the most controlled and the most monitored system in the world, security and stability, which limits manipulation. I’m sorry, parliament, you cannot touch it no more, which limits manipulation and smuggling of the US dollar.


I’m sorry. Hey, Maliki, Maliki, he don’t want to talk to you, Frank. I know.


This is fantastic. Just security and stability at its highest. No wonder the rumor is that you’re about to release a new exchange rate.


What else are you saying? What else did you tell the citizens of Iraq about this meeting, you know, with the US treasury and the federal reserves and the CBI and all those other deviations? What else happened? Well, since the operation was carried out by the banks operating in Iraq, it depends largely on the trust of the international correspondent banks in the Iraqi banking sector. We emphasize the need to ensure that the official channel of these banks are adopted, okay, to know the latest news and not to transmit incorrect news such as some Iraqi banks being subject to international sanctions and other garbage. There ain’t no sanctions on our banks.


I know. There ain’t no sanctions. And Sudan is not quitting or leaving as a prime minister.


I know. We have nothing, nothing. We have no handcuffs.


I know. We’re Article 8. I know. We are so free.


Goodness gracious. We’re hanging loose like a rubber goose. I know.


So this meeting of, what do they want? What does US treasury want? What do the federal reserves want? What does the CBI want? Okay. And they just had this meeting and they come out and they say, we did fantastic. And we got rid of the bad guys and we have security and stability.


Oh, wow. All right. So if that’s what came out of this meeting, don’t you think that more good information about the monetary reform, about the new exchange rate, about the salaries being paid, about the retirees being paid, about the HCL being paid, about the amendments of the 2025 budget, don’t you think that all of that needs also a new exchange rate? Yeah.


I do too. Final article, number 5063. The president of the republic approves the amendments of the budget law regarding the export of Kurdistan oil through SOMO.


Okay. Now what is SOMO? Well, SOMO, it belongs to Iraq. SOMO, if I remember, is the, what does SOMO stand for? Some other minister of oil.


I don’t know. That’s good. Some other minister of oil.


Bus driver. Hi, buddy. Frank, what a great opening prayer.


Oh, I love how you, love you too, sir. Respect you, sir. Well, look at your family.


This is the president of the republic. And he says, you know the amendment? 12C-2? We passed it. I know you passed it.


You know the amendment? For the budget? Yeah. What about it? It’s, it’s going to allow Kurdistan oil to move now. I know.


You know the amendment? Oh, for crying out loud. What about it? We’re going to move turkey oil. So really? Yeah.


Family, you know that list I just gave you of all the things it needs, a new exchange rate? Add turkey oil to it. It’s coming across the border. What does, what is the title of this article? Budget and HCL coming soon.


So when we read about the Kurdistan oil going through SOMO, which is, you know, an Iraqi oil agency, goodness gracious, then, then, then Baghdad gets what they’ve been asking for. And the money that will be flowing because the oil will be flowing. It’s going to be incredible.


Yeah. That’s just the oil. Yeah.


Iraq has so many irons in the fire. Yeah. But they’re not made of iron.


No, they’re made of titanium. Beautiful article. Final article number 5,064, Kurdistan region president identifies from Munich, the biggest problem in Iraq, traffic jams.


Wait a minute. Kurdistan region president. All right.


I mean, you’re working with Sudani. Identifies from Munich. Oh, you went to the, you went to Munich too? You went to that convention out there? Okay.


And you told them that the biggest problem in Iraq right now, the biggest problem. Okay. Is that Maliki? No.


Okay. It’s, it’s not the state party? No. Okay.


Okay. Hey, Kurdistan president. It’s not Iran? No.


Okay. Mr. President. What? It’s not the smuggling, the thievery from the politicians in the parliament of Iran that are Iranian politicians? No.


Okay. Let me get this straight. Let me get, is that what it stands for? Standard oil manufacturer.


State organization for marketing of oil. Ah, I thought it was. Yeah.


That’s not, it’s state. That’s right. I remember that now.


But the thing is that it’s an oil, it’s a Iraqi oil company. So they got the control of it. This is their stuff.


The money is flowing to them, which is only good for the budget to open with a new exchange rate. Golly. So over here, final article, number 5,064, Kurdistan region president.


He’s out there with all of these countries and Germany’s acting really stupid right now. Really stupid. Just because Vance broke your little heart.


Our vice president insulted you. He’d insulted you with the truth. Same thing with you, London.


You busted into people’s homes because you say that, oh, you posted something bad on the internet. Your countries don’t allow the freedom to express someone’s opinion? No. Well, Ohio hiccups to you too then.


I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to get off on that tangent, but Germany’s acting very bad right now. It’s okay.


Oh, they got the breach. Oh, yeah. Knock yourself out.


You’re going to be throwing bricks at each other pretty soon. So anyways, Kurdistan region, you go and you’re the president, one of the president, and you tell all these important people, they all have contracts with Sudan, okay? But you tell all these people and you tell especially Germany, hey, you know what, you guys, the biggest problem in Iraq is the current traffic congestion. Yeah.


You know, when you get a call, you know what I’m saying? Yeah. Well, we got congestion in our streets and that’s why we’re building roads all over the place. Let me, I’m talking, sit down.


He added, this is a happy thing. This is a happy thing when we see that Iraq does not have major problems and the Iraqi people deserve a better life. We look at the steps to solve the problems positively, no matter how small they are.


Now, I’m being facetious. You know, I’m making fun of this article because, dear God, you’re talking about a high-level person from Kurdistan with a relationship between Sudan and Barzani, and he goes all the way out there where Sudan is at and where everybody else is at out there, too. U.S. trade, the whole works.


Everybody’s out there. And he tells everybody, you know what the biggest problem in Iraq is? I know what it is. You don’t have security and stability.


Nope, that ain’t it. Well, you don’t have a new exchange rate. You need an exchange rate to, you need purchasing power for your currency.


Nope, that ain’t it. It’s not? No, we got all that. It’s coming.


You know that, Frank. You know what the biggest problem is? Traffic jams. Traffic jams, okay? We need more lights.


We need more concrete, okay? We need more stop signs, okay? All signs, U, backwards, U-turn, okay? Got that? Traffic jams. That’s the biggest problem in Iraq. So, ladies and gentlemen, if that’s the biggest problem, then I’m excited about what I invested in with this country.


What is the blue title? What’s the blue title for this article? You mean to tell me, you, excuse me, excuse me, sir. You mean to tell me, you mean to tell me that 1310 is not the biggest problem anymore? Yep. We were together on Saturday.


You’ve been waiting for me, haven’t you? I’ve been waiting for you, too, because something major happened. We’ll get to it. I still got 10 more minutes.


Okay. Final article number 5065, and if you remember, there was some guy that said, started a rumor because he wanted attention, I guess. Sudani is handing in his resignation.


No. And then even when I read it in front of you, I said, no, he’s not saying that. The bad guys are saying that he should hand in his resignation.


It’s amazing. A rumor that became a rumor that was exaggerated. So we squashed it.


And the same thing in the United States. We have so many rumors that are being brought out of the sewers of our government. I mean, he’s a booger butt.


Why? Because he did whatever. Lies, anything to cause trouble, anything to trip up the proper cadence that’s moving forward for our government. Same thing with Iraq.


Sudani, you’re doing a good job. Yeah, but man, you know what’s going on. There’s coming up with every lie in the world about me.


Some guy said that I had three toes. I do not. What, Sudani? No, I’m just kidding.


But they’re lying about me, Frank. So you know what I did? What? I sent my people out there to Munich and I had them talk about what’s really going on. Did you really? I had to go and talk with the U.S. Treasury and with Trump’s people, you know, the secretary of people, the treasury and all that.


Did you really? Yeah. Hey, Frank, you know what I did yesterday? Yeah. Yeah.


You sent Chile out, didn’t you? Oh, you saw that? I couldn’t help but see it, sir. Well, the Internet’s not talking about it. They will after tonight, sir.


Oh, my goodness. So let’s see what this has. Final article number 5065.


New, new U.S. sanctions shake Iraqi banking sector, ban the use of card payments abroad. Iraqi government sources reported on Sunday that Baghdad received an official notification from the U.S. Treasury imposing sanctions on all five banks of Iraq. In addition to the numbers of exchange companies, all of them have been sanctioned by the U.S. Treasury.


And this is due to their involvement in illegal money transfers. Yeah, they’re all booger butts inside and outside of Iraq. All of these people have caused this to happen.


And the smuggling of the dollar to ban these entities, most notably, most notably the Islamic Republic of Iran. This is all that’s happening right now. La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la.


What’s the blue title of this article? Lies. So just like we said the last time we were together, be careful who you study with. For that matter, be careful what you read.


You know very well that we’re very close. And you know very well when you’re very close, they’re going to put, they’re going to, they’re going to try to, they’re going to try to. You know what I mean? And that’s what this is.


Now it’s not only, and you know, you’ve been with me for almost 20 years. You know the study, you know the study. It’s not a coincidence that it’s a mirror image.


Their government and our government, it’s not a coincidence. But I can’t tell you why. And yes, I know our cameras still flip backwards.


How do you know the clock isn’t there? Where’s the clock? It flipped around. It’s over here. It flipped around.


I can see it. My wife says, I’m sick and tired of people telling me everything’s flipped around. You even took down God? I moved everything over there.


So they wouldn’t notice that until you hold your phone up. So you just blew it. I’m sorry, but I blew it for you.


Okay. What is Shank saying about your pocket square? My pocket square? What about it? Shank’s pocket square. Make it this backwards.


My pocket square is backwards? Oh, it’s She’s right. The American flag is always on the left side. But I think they see it on the other side because we’re flipped.


Lies. This is all lies, family. This whole article is a bunch of lies.


Look what’s underneath it. Look what’s underneath this article. Name of banks and electronic payment companies that will be subject to sanctions.


What’s the blue title? At the end, the enemy is left only with lies. Family, everything that you would read in these two articles, none of it is true. None of it is true.


Look at here. The names of the bank. Are you with me? Are you with me at this article? Okay.


So you see what it’s, what do I say? At the end, the enemy is left only with lies. Okay. So the article above was manufactured.


It’s all a bunch of BS. None of it is true. And then the one underneath it, these five banks are, and their electronic payment companies are the ones that will be subject to sanctions and will be shut down.


Observers revealed today, Sunday, that the names of these banks and the electronic payment companies that will be subject to sanctions and shut down. The American treasury has demanded the da-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la. So the Iraqi citizen reads that and they’re like, whoa, shoot.


Our banks still suck. You read something like this and you say, same old, same old. Now, just for the fun of it, let’s read the five banks.


Here, post them. Who will help me? Who will help me? If you’re in there with me right now, what is the first one? There’s five of them, right? Okay. The names of the newly registered banks.


What is the first bank called? What’s it say? What is the second bank called? What is the third bank called? What is the fourth bank called? What is the fifth bank called? Let’s see. Oh, okay. Roni, Roni, Roni, Raleigh.


Thank you. Thank you. Henick had it first.


Who did? Henick. Henick, thank you. You help me, too, okay? So, oh, look, look, look.


Greg already put it. And also Millie. And also C.S. Hessman.


Thank you. Okay, no more, no more, everybody. But check it out.


And look, C.S. Hessman put it. L-O-L, L-O-L, L-O-L, L-O-L. He caught on.


He caught on. C.S. Hessman just caught on. So these articles are being released, just like in the United States of America.


Oh, Trump is a booger butt. Oh, yeah, no. He’s messing with Doggie.


He’s messing with Doggie. What’s Doggie? D-O-D-G-E, D-O-D, D-O-D-O-G-E. No, it’s Doge, not Doggie.


No, it’s Doggie. Anyways, lies from the Democrats. And what are they doing over there about the monetary reform? Lies.


So here’s the banks that they’re saying that are being shut down. Thank you, Greg. Thank you, Millie.


Thank you, C.S. Hessman. So the first bank is called the Levant, L-E-V-A-N-T. Okay, what’s the second bank called? United.


It comes with the United Airlines music, yeah. What’s number three? The hump. I think that’s a song.


Come and deposit your money at the hump. What’s the fourth bank? Secretary. You mean the horse? No, no, not secretary.


Just secretary. Where’s that bank? What’s the fifth bank? Musk. What? Musk.


Okay, as for the company’s names that are dealing with these banks, what’s the first one? Give me an example. What’s the first company called? Money. Yeah, I would call my business money too, I guess.


So what’s the second one called? The storyteller. The storyteller. Okay, what’s the third one called? The leg.


The leg. Chicken leg. Eddie would love that.


Family, it’s stupid. I spent some time laughing at this because it deserves to be mocked. Be careful who you study with.


Be careful what articles you read. Be careful who and what you believe, okay? Okay, now we’re done with that. Let’s move on.


Let’s get back to studying. Find article number 5066, three electronic payment services companies will be banned from dealing in dollars. Oh, hello.


It’s Sudani. Ring-a-ding-ding, ring-a-ding-ding, Sudani. Answer the phone, Sudani.


Hello, what’s up, Frankie? It says here, three electronic payment services companies will be banned from dealing in the dollars. Is that true? Because I heard that these banks, there’s five banks up here that are being shut down. There ain’t no five banks, Frank.


Why don’t you call the US Treasury and ask them? That’s a good, that’s good. The US Treasury would know, wouldn’t it? Hello, US Treasury? Did you guys just shut down five banks in Iraq? No. Okay, thank you very much.


Sudani, did you just shut down five banks in Iraq? No. No, Frank, those are all lies just to cause trouble with what we’re doing right now. But the people in Iraq, they’re pretty savvy.


They’re pretty sharp. They’re on my side now, just like your Trump. Jeez, he’s almost at 60% approval.


I never heard that before of a leader, Mr. Frank. I mean, I don’t know where I’m at, but we’re both pretty high. The people know us, trust us.


They like us. So as far as what you’re asking me, three electronic payment services companies will be banned from dealing in dollars. Yeah.


What’s the blue title, Frank? Let’s see, Sudani continues to remove cockroaches. You did shut these down. Yeah.


Not the banks, but these electronic payment services, they were still moving the dollars out of our borders. You don’t do that. You’re going to open them back up? Oh, hell no.


Okay. Final article, security and stability at its best. For what reason? You know.


Final article, number 5067. Al Sudani inaugurates the Digital Transformation Center. It will reduce financial costs and fight corruption.


What do I say up on top of this article? A cashless society starves currency thieves. A cashless society starves currency thieves. Well, Sudani, your purpose of this article is to educate the citizens that you have the Digital Transformation Center all set and ready to go.


Yeah. Your goal is to be digital, isn’t it? That’s what the U.S. Treasury wants us to do. Your goal is to be a cashless society, right? Because if it’s cashless, then there’s nothing for them to steal, right? You got it, Frank.


It’s easier for us to protect it electronically. Have you seen those black computers on the ninth floor? Yes. Final article, number 5068.


Oh, hello, hello. They’re all, let me see. The whole bloody thing is red.


The whole thing is red. Now, am I going to take the time to read all of this to you? No, because it’s long, it’s in-depth, and it is juicy. Just ask Lucy, she’ll tell you.


Look here, final article number 5068. Al Nusari. Who’s Al Nusari? He’s, I think he’s a financial advisor to Sudani.


Hold on a minute, just get, every now and then I get some pain. Yeah, he is, Nusari. Al Nusari is a financial advisor to Sudani.


Ah, so it turns out this article says, hey, Al Nusari, I’m telling to the Iraqi citizens. What are you telling them? There’s no sanctions on Iraqi banks, it’s stupid. And I’m telling them it’s all a false report to cause panic.


You’re telling them that, Nusari? No. Yesterday, Shalai told them something else. I know, sir.


Eddie went ballistics. Yeah, it was cool. It was a cool day in Iraq yesterday, Frank.


So Al Nusari, you’re telling the Iraqi citizens the next day, no sanctions on Iraqi banks, don’t believe the false reports, it’s only to cause panic. Now, what do I say up on top? Setting the record straight on the monetary reform of Iraq. So real quickly, even though it’s this long, and you’re going to read it because you want to read it.


The advisor to the Iraqi Private Bank Association, Nusari, confirmed that there are no sanctions on Iraqi banks, stressing that the U.S. Treasury Department and the U.S. Federal Reserves have not issued any of that, and the decision to impose new sanctions and that information circulating in this regard is just inaccurate, and it aims to create confusion in the Iraqi market. Now, Nusari said in an interview with the Raw Media Network, which was followed by Esquedot News, there are no sanctions, there are no sanctions, and they never have been issued. The evidence is in the statement issued by the Central Bank of Iraq yesterday, which clarified, really, what did the CBI say yesterday? Yeah, they issued a statement and the CBI, and they said yesterday, which clarified that the results of its decision with the U.S. Treasury and the U.S. Federal Reserve in the presence of global auditing, I know you had, what, six, seven of those audited companies.


I just saw the article. In the presence of these auditing companies, in the consulting of these companies operating in Iraq, and in the meeting, it was all held in Dubai. Now, the advisor to the Private Bank Association believed that the official statement issued by the Central Bank of Iraq must be adopted.


Well, what did they say? What did they say? It must be adopted, because it confirms the transparency of the Central Bank of Iraq, as well as the transparency of the international financial and auditing organizations and institutions, including the U.S. Treasury and the Federal Reserve. In other words, we all kumbaya. Yeah, we all agree.


Everybody’s in agreement what they’re about to do. All right. He noted that this statement includes praise, praise for the U.S. Department, U.S. Treasury Department, and the U.S. Federal Reserve for the development of the cash dollar distribution system in Iraq, according to the mechanism established by the Central Bank in 2024, which has proven effectively in reducing manipulation and dollar smuggling.


I know it has. You got security and stability, don’t you? Which has proven to reduce manipulation and dollar smuggling. And it has been classified as one of the most advanced systems in the world.


Didn’t I tell you it’s a state of the art? Didn’t I tell you that? Updating foreign transfer mechanisms and marketing control. Well, my goodness, we could do so many things. Regarding the mechanism of foreign transfer, you know, that’s going to be the float.


But al-Nusrai explained that the Central Bank of Iraq achieved a quantitative shift in foreign transfers operation as it began working on January the 1st, 2025 with a new mechanism that relies on opening accounts for Iraqi citizens with global correspondence banks in America and China instead of the previous electronic platform. Is that how you open accounts for every citizen in Iraq at the beginning of the year with this mechanism? Yes. So every citizen is in position right now to go to the banks or the ATM machines and get these lower notes when you decide? Yes.


Nusrai also criticized the unspeculated media and unspeculated analysis who published misleading information about the alleged sanctions in Iraq. It’s a bunch of crap. They have, no, it doesn’t say that, but they was.


They have been annoying. All these rumors, you know, all this garbage, they have been annoying citizens for the last two days. The last two days? They have been annoying citizens for the last two days with false claims.


That’s the last two days, yesterday and today. You have Nusrai and you have Shaleh that went out and countered the delays. They countered the rumors with? Yeah.


If you are premium, if you are Club 26, you know what they countered with in the last 48 hours. They’ve been annoying our citizens, claiming that there’s sanctions and all this garbage. Also saying that we have sanctions on five of our banks.


No, and also saying that the number of sanctioned banks will reach 37. Where did that come from? They even went so far as to promote false information about the sanctions of Rafateen Bank without relying on any source that’s official. No, this is terrible.


So that’s why we have explained to the Iraqi citizens the truth of the monetary reform. Now, he considered, he, I wasn’t going to read all of this, huh? Yeah. Now, he, oh, Bob, Bob, Bob, hang in there, Bob.


I should be with you in just a second. Is he here? Tell me when he’s here. Now, he considered that the official source in Iraq is the Central Bank of Iraq.


In addition to counseling and auditing companies and organizations that we deal with and our ongoing relationship with the U.S. Treasury and the Department of the Federal Reserves. Did you catch that? Do you understand that? That he considered the official source in Iraq is the Central Bank of Iraq. Okay.


In addition to consulting and auditing companies in the organ. And although, in other words, the Federal Reserve, the U.S. Treasury, and these auditing companies and the CBI are one in their purpose of what they’re doing. And so, yesterday, the Central Bank of Iraq denied, they denied those that were lying about what these guys are doing.


They denied that Iraq banks were subject to international sanctions, calling for reliance of official channels to know the latest news. That’s no. After media reports indicated that the U.S. Treasury intends to impose sanctions on those five banks without any specific names.


And then they came out with banking sector reforms and adherence to international standards. Now, none of this is true. There are no sanctions on the banks.


And the U.S. Treasury has not announced any Iraqi bank sanctions whatsoever. He stressed that the Central Bank of Iraq is the body, it is responsible, it is responsible for protecting the financial system in Iraq. And any decisions issued by any international body, whether it be the U.S. Treasury or the U.S. Federal Reserve, or any other organization regarding a penalty on the bank, the Central Bank of Iraq will immediately take measures to stop it, transfer this penalty, and stop its dealings.


In other words, anybody playing any more shenanigans, you’re out of here. And that’s the example of those three agencies that he just shut down at the beginning of this article that we were talking about. So, yeah, this is a wonderful report.


Now, there’s even more underneath it. And this is where all of a sudden something happened yesterday. Bob, hang in there with me.


Baba, I need to finish this up, and then I’ll bring you in. So yesterday, or two days ago, something happened. Shaleh, or Sudani gets a hold of Shaleh, his finance minister guy.


And he says, look, you see all this nonsense? Hey, we already put, we talked to the media. We got all these articles out, like this one that I’m reading to you. We’ve, you know, and the citizens know.


They’re smart. They’re all right. I’ll tell you what.


Why don’t we, let’s just tell them. We already have told them, Sudani. No, no, no.


You, finance, you’re my finance minister, right? Yeah, it’s so, so right here. What do you want me to do? Get out there on TV, tell the citizens. For real? Like, like official? You know, calm them down.


Calm them down. Will you do that for me? Okay, all righty. Quote, the Iraqi economy has moved from the stage of fragility.


It’s, it’s not fragile. Al Nussari touched on the strength of the, and by the way, Eddie, the whole gang was sitting there watching this. And they’re like, somebody call Frank.


Somebody call Mr. Frank. Hurry. Al Nussari touched on the strength of the Iraqi economy.


Noting that according to reports from the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, the Iraqi economy has moved from a stage of fragility to a stage of recovery. Security and stability. And there are international reports based on transparent and accurate data.


The information that’s coming across the borders is actually true. The banks are not lying or stealing. Interesting.


He went on. This is on our Ikea television. You’re reading it in the article.


In response to a question about the ability of dollars to traders, the advisor to the private bank association stated that, quote, The dollar is available to all traders and companies in Erbil, Somalia, and all Iraqi governorates. I mean, they, they, they, yeah, they can use the dollar according to legal banking procedures. But any trader who has not registered his company or works in retail trade without complying with banking standards, they’re going to be held legally accountable.


You got that? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. All right. So, so Iraqi citizens, we got this, okay? We got security and stability.


Anybody that screws around with, you know, with what we’re going to give you, we’re, we’re busting them, okay? I, I, I want to tell you one more thing. And the article says, he stressed to the Iraqi citizens, he stressed that, quote, Look at here, man. Yo, yo, yo, homie, listen to me.


No, he didn’t say that. The Iraqi dinar will regain its strength and the exchange rate will return to balance sooner or later. But, but, but that depends on completing the methodology of financial and banking reforms.


It’s done. And, and addressing the issue of the remaining cash use of the dollar in the market. That’s done and controlled.


That’s why you can’t use the dollar anymore. Holy guacamole. What did you just say? I told the Iraqi citizens.


I could just see Sudan. What did you tell him? You told me I could tell him. I see these things.


The Iraqi dinar will regain its strength and the exchange rate will return to balance sooner or later. But, but I said sooner or later. I didn’t say, you know, tomorrow or anything like that.


Okay. Don’t, don’t get me. But, but it depends on completing the methodology of the finance, the monetary reform.


You like that word? Okay. The methodology of the finance and banking reforms and addressing the issue of the remaining cash flow, cash use of the dollar in the market. Which, which, which, which, which, which we have control of, Sudan.


You know where every dollar’s at. Good gosh, Sudan. If I take, if I take one of you, one of our dinars and I drop it at the bottom of the ocean, the CBI knows where it’s at.


This is good stuff. Regarding the strength of the local currency and the amount of liquidity, he explained to the Iraqi citizens that quote, the Iraqi dinar is fully backed. Oh, fully backed.


Fully backed. Yeah. Like a silverback.


Oh, fully backed and covered by the US dollar. Wait a minute. I thought we were not using the dollar.


You’re not using it, but the government is using it. Brilliant. Why didn’t I think of that? That’s how you, uh-huh.


You’re helping the dollar. Okay. You just learned something, didn’t you, family? Regarding the strength of the local currency and the amount of liquidity, he explained that the Iraqi dinar is fully backed and covered by the US dollar with a cash reserve exceeding 117 billion American dollars.


While the local liquidity issue exceeds 100 trillion dinars, which means that the Iraqi economy is solid, yeah, and very solid despite the regional and global and political insecurity challenges. Oh, you mean the lies? Yeah. I’m going to stop, and we’re going to bring in our dear brother, Bob.


Bob represents Boomer Boost. Boomer Boost is a product that you drink, and he may talk to you about other things as well, too. But we haven’t had Bob with us in a long time.


I love his product. I love his product. So let’s kick back, relax, and listen to our brother.


I’m going to make a phone call. I shouldn’t be more than five minutes. I’ll be right back.


Bob, are you there, sir? Yes, I am. Can you hear me all right, Frank? Yes, indeed. It’s good to hear your voice again, my friend.


It’s 20 after. Take it to 730, and then I’ll take over, okay? I’m sorry, what’d I say? I’m sorry, it’s 708, so about 5, 10, 15. Yeah, whatever, Bob.


You’ll be comfortable around about 28 after. How’s that? Sounds fine. Thank you, sir.


Maybe sooner. Okay, go for it. We’re trying to get things to let people know about, so thank you very much, Frank.


Yes, sir. So my name is Bob Gilpatrick. I am the founder and president of the Boomers Forever Young Nutrition Company, and we’ve been in business for 14 years now in St. Petersburg, Florida, and we have what you would call very high-end anti-aging nutrition products, and we have the privilege of working with different inventors that have come up with new types of nutrition products, and we have also come up with some new ones ourselves based on different researchers’ discoveries.


And what we have found over the years of helping in excess of 20,000 people is that people really seem to love using our products. We’ve gotten over 3,300 testimonials that people have sent in through this one platform that we use for testimonials. Prior to that, we had an additional 500 testimonials.


We rate 4.7 out of 5 stars. And we started the company, it was 14 years ago, when I came to an office in St. Petersburg to help a gentleman who’s now my business partner with a computer project in his real estate industry. I was also a holistic health therapist and certified holistic nutritionist, as well as an SEO and computer consultant.


And I started helping him and realized he was having a lot of trouble with his health. And he was constantly taking medication from his doctors, which he had numerous ones. And all throughout the day, he was popping these pills.


He had just had surgery and was scheduled for two additional surgeries. And I asked him if he would like me to help him with his health. And he said, yeah, sure, what did you have in mind? And so I started piecing together a regime for him to begin to get off of those medications and lose weight and gain his strength back, which took about somewhere around four months when he started really noticing a big difference and started reducing his medications.


And by the end of six months, he wasn’t taking any of his meds anymore. And we had canceled both of his surgeries. He was taking products that I was piecing together from various places, things that I knew he needed, things that friends of mine had invented.


And he was de-aging dramatically. He lost about 50 pounds of fat. He doubled his strength working out at the gym and really just got completely restored from being a 65-year-old person whose health was more like an 85-year-old according to his blood work.


And he transformed into being a much younger person than that biochemically. And when he went to get a new life insurance policy, he got news from his agent that helped him with the physical and the blood work and everything, that they were very pleased that he had brought this man to him as a new customer. They said it was the healthiest person that they had ever seen at the life insurance company and that he was to receive superior preferred life insurance.


But they said, we’d like to just bring an error to your attention. It says on his application that he was born in 1945. But this looks like a man who’s only about 33 years old.


And Stewart, the life of the agent, said, no, that’s actually his real birthday. Larry is the co-founder. Of the Boomers Forever Young nutrition company.


And that really is his blood work. And that really is his age. He really is 65 years old.


Larry’s now 79 years old, still going strong, as well as many, many of the customers that we have. And what we do is we piece together the best nutrition products that have been created. And we have become exclusive distributors for these products.


We get a very special product from northern Canada. It’s a beyond organic superfood that you can only purchase from us. And it’s made from ancient seeds from the seed line from the time of the gladiators.


And the product is called Gladiator Barley. And ancient seeds under the right conditions with the right scientists are able to be germinated. And 20 years ago, a man in Canada germinated these ancient seeds and started to plant them and slowly over time grow them out so that he could grow acres of this product.


He then sprouts those seeds in his facility. And he’s able to sprout every seed, literally millions of them, all at the same time, like within one minute of each other, every seed will sprout. And they go through the sprouting process.


And at the peak of their nutritional value, he stops the sprouts from sprouting and then stabilizes all the nutrients with a special technique that he has and then grinds this into a fine powder that dissolves in water. And people now literally can consume the gladiator’s barley. The way that the new science is administered to this barley, it’s actually much stronger and much healthier than the barley the gladiators were consuming.


And the gladiators’ bones were as hard as steel when they dug up their remains in the archaeological digs. And even after two millennia, their bones were still as hard as steel in these digs. And there’s good reasons for that biologically.


But this happens for people that use the gladiator barley. They tend to get very strong and their bones get very strong. It also slows their rate of aging dramatically.


There’s a compound in it called SOD, which is superoxide dismutase. It’s the holy grail of anti-aging. And if you were to take a blood test like Larry did for his life insurance, they test what’s called CRP or C-reactive protein.


And it’s a measure of your inflammation and a biomarker on how fast you’re aging. And in the average person, their number is a three on the scale. People like Larry and others that have been using this, it goes down by a factor of 10.


So a three will go to a 0.3 and sometimes even a 0.1 or below. And so from the oxidative free radical process of aging, we’re reducing that by a factor of 10. And the other product that Frank was mentioning is called Boomer Boost.


Boomer Boost is 66 different ingredients. It’s an engineered product. And it’s really, really great for the health of your heart, your circulatory system, and your brain.


We put those two products together in a kit we call the Total Health System. And it also includes in that system some extra vitamin D and some extra fatty acids. The fatty acids in the form of fish oil tend to make powders taste bad, so they’re kept separate.


Vitamin D has to be kind of, you know, done specially. You can get your blood tested, find out where your level is. You don’t want to take too much or too little, so it’s separate.


And then the fifth product in that kit is another powder, which is a very special powder probiotic. And this is comprehensive nutrition. There’s over 4,000 bioactive compounds in this Total Health System.


And generally what happens is people get so well nourished that they start eating a lot less food. People in the United States, 70% of people are actually overweight. And a lot of it’s because they’re eating poor quality food.


And so they’re always hungry. They’re always craving more nutrition. So they eat more and more food.


And that’s what tends to make people become overweight. When you use this Total Health System, your body becomes super nourished and you crave less food. And the average people that use our products eat between a third and a half less food than they ate before they got started.


And most people actually save enough money on their food bill that it more than pays for their nutrition products that they get from us at Boomers Forever Young. Can we get testimonials? I’ll read one for you that is a very common type of testimonial. This one came in six days ago.


It’s a woman who sent us a video of herself riding a stationary bike. It says, after three months of taking Boomer Boost, barley, collagen peptides, and Myotrol, I’m getting younger and younger. I’m not sure after riding 14 miles how much further I can go.


I’m not even tired. Your products are truly the fountain of youth. Thank you, Boomers.


And we get testimonials from people like this that are in their 60s, 70s, 80s, and even a couple of people recently in their 90s who are de-aging dramatically and getting much, much stronger. And about six months ago, there was another huge breakthrough in the world of life sciences. There’s a scientist in California, his name’s Eric Kurtz, and he holds 40 patents in the field of nutraceuticals and the discovery of techniques and ingredients.


And he came up with a pill that’s in a gel cap that allows people of any age to gain muscle as if they were 20 years old again. So we have women, for example, in their mid-80s who used to work on their farm, their family farm, were now kind of homebound. And after using the Myotrol and the Gladiator Barley, they were getting so strong, they were going back to work on their farms.


And we have those testimonials they’ve sent us as well. And the Myotrol product that I’m mentioning, this is the new invention, and it has become our fastest selling and most popular product in just less than a half a year. And it works so well for helping people gain muscle weight in an advanced age that the word is just spreading like wildfire.


And it’s very hard to keep it in stock. And right now, it’s out of stock. But anybody that wants to try that Myotrol, if you go to our website, which I’ll give you how to get there in a minute, and click on the Myotrol product, click the box to be notified when it’s back in stock.


It’ll be a couple of weeks before it’s back in stock, but we’ll be sure to contact you. And if you know somebody who is older and frail, you know somebody who’s gone through chemotherapy and lost a lot of weight, someone who had to be on a respirator or was hospitalized and they’re very thin and frail, let us know right away. Give us a call.


Our 800 number is 800-861-4609. And we answer the phones Monday to Friday from 9 to 5. The people that answer the phones all work together with me, and they live right here in St. Petersburg. And if you want to be able to get to our website, what you do is go to Frank’s website, KTF Always.


And when you get there to KTF Always, there is a navigation bar. And at the top, the third one over is products. And if you hover over products and scroll down, you’ll see former products, B-O-O-M-E-R.


And when you click that, it brings you right to our website. And when you’re there, you’ll notice if you go there now, we’re having a really great sale. Some of our products are on sale 50% off.


Some of them are in bundles that are really great that are on sale 25% off. And this is an awesome time to get a really great bargain. Up through now, through the end of February, this sale will still be going on.


And so just in closing, I would say this. You know, this is a time of great change, a time of great change with RFK Jr. coming in as the Secretary of Health and Human Services. He’s going to be really helping the whole country to have opportunity to be healthier.


It’s a really awesome thing. And he’s going to be kind of untangling a lot of the messes and then establishing new and better health protocols for all of us. But right now, here, even without that, people that want to be super, super healthy live for a very, very long time at a high level of health and wellness, like the other people that we’ve been helping for 14 years now.


Give us a call. And or, you know, go to KTF always and look on products and go to products. Look through the website.


If you have questions, call us. And we’ll be more than happy to help you out with whatever it is that might be going on with you or your family. Whatever type of situation you have, there’s something that we can do to help you.


So just wanted to say thank you, Frank, for having me on tonight. It’s a great pleasure to be back on with you and look forward to our next time. Indeed, my friend.


It’s definitely good to hear your voice and talking about your product. It’s a wonderful product. God bless you, Bob.


I’ll talk to you in the future. Thank you, Frank. God bless you, too.


Yes, sir. Wonderful man. Wonderful product.


You know that barley that he sells, family? It makes your bones extremely strong. Very strong. This is an example of that barley.


You see that right there? What’s interesting about the barley is that, oh, it’s called gladiator. Yeah, it’s called gladiator barley. Now, the reason why is because back in the days of the Roman Colosseum, the gladiators used to eat a lot of that.


Now, the reason why they found out is that barley makes your bones extremely strong. If you have osteosporosis, if you have brittle bones, you have issues with your bone marrow, whatever it may be, this product is a blessing. It makes you very strong with your bones.


All righty, family. We left off, and I believe we are on final article number 5069. Do you agree? Final article number 5069.


Now, the article above it, the one that we had just finished up, basically, once again, you have Sudani sending out his financial people on television telling the Iraqi citizens, you’re going to get a new exchange rate. Then we have the following article, final article number 5069. They say that the Gazette issued number 4,814 of the Gazette.


It was published back on the 17th of this month. Well, actually, that was yesterday. It’s basically showing the budget and the breakdown.


Now, there were some other gurus that are on other places, some with three initials that I cracked up. They’re taking this and they’re saying, oh, look, they’re releasing the budget. No, these are just laws.


These are amendment laws of the budget. It’s a completely different thing. But what was the blue title for this article? It says article 12-2C, to open the 2025 budget.


Final article number 5070, exporting the region’s oil on the table of Brizani and the Kurdish foreign minister. Hang in there with me, family. Sometimes I hurt.


Oh, man. Exporting the region’s oil on the, that topic, to export the region’s oil, it’s on the table of Brizani and also on the table of the Turkish foreign ministry. So not only do we have the oil coming in from Kurdistan, but now Turkey also wants to get involved because they’re right next door.


So what is the blue title for this article? Everything I say to you is in my opinion, right? Good. What is the blue title? Flow of oil from Turkey equals a new exchange rate. Or there would be no flow.


Flow from Brizani, from Kurdistan region. Well, you can accept that. They’ve been, they did it for a while.


But the blue title is telling you, in my opinion, that the flow of oil from Turkey equals a new exchange rate, or there would be no flow from Turkey whatsoever. Jim, you almost had it. What is that, Cristobal? Oh, you’re talking about the thumbs up.


It’s okay. Yeah, that was important, family. I hope you caught that.


That was extremely important. You got Turkey that says, okay, we’re going to send the oil in. At 1310? No, I didn’t think so.


Final article number 5071. Parliamentary meeting with the governor of the central bank and officials from the ministry of finance. One more time.


What does it say? Parliamentary meeting. Okay, so parliament had a meeting. With who? With the governor of this, with a lock? Parliament, you finally got a meeting with a lock.


Okay. And officials from the ministry of finance. Really, Nassar, you went too? All this.


Saleh, you went too? Everybody went? Okay, what’s the blue title say for this article? Okay, now that you guys went, you guys that are in charge of the monetary reform, you went to parliament, right? Okay, what’s the blue title? Laughing, LOL, LOL. Yeah, and you got your butts chewed out, didn’t you? Final article number 5072. The role and the strength of the central bank through partnerships and commitment to international standards.


What is the blue title? This is the reason, and this is the results of a successful monetary reform plan. Ladies and gentlemen, you have partnerships and commitments on an international standard level? Well, that’s going to help the float, isn’t it? Yeah, because these are the same people that will probably be in that float. I know, oh, looky here.


Let me also then, for that matter, wait, wait, see here. This is the reason and the results of a successful monetary reform plan. Now, down at the bottom, there.


We highlighted this for you. This is a conclusion from the meeting of the US Treasury, the Federal Reserve, with the central bank. You know, those meetings that we were talking about earlier today.


It is a bright future for the Iraqi banking sector. It’s a bright future for Iraqi banking sector. Not at 1310.


Frank, you’ve made your point. Okay. The positive feedback from international finance institutions.


Really? The world, you love Iraq’s financial institutions. You love their bankings, huh? Okay. The positive feedback from international financial institutions and the cooperation between the central bank of Iraq and the US Treasury and the US Federal Reserve reflects the significant progress that the country has made in implementing comprehensive reforms in the banking sector in the monetary reform.


Reforms in the banking sector in the monetary reform. It’s been successful. Everybody’s going ape, ape, ape kaka.


No, really. Wait till you see Eddie’s report. These reforms.


What about them? The monetary reform? These reforms are expected to enhance Iraq’s economic stability. Yeah. Improve transparency through the float and increase the attractiveness of foreign investment.


That will be the float, right? As Iraq continues to strengthen its banking system, they don’t need to. It’s done. But yeah, they’ll continue even long after the R.I. As Iraq continues to strengthen its banking system and combat illicit financial operations, eliciting parliament, and combat illicit financial operations, it appears to be on the cusp.


Well, wait a minute. As Iraq continues to strengthen its banking system and combats the parliament and gets more security and stability, as all of this good stuff is happening with the banks, it appears to be on the cusp of a new era of financial stability and economic growth. 1310 is… They’re not talking about 1310.


They’re not talking about 1310. They’re talking about when the Federal Reserve, the U.S. Treasury, and the Central Bank, and everybody else that wanted to be there, all those auditing agencies, IMF, World Bank, everybody. Y’all can come.


What do you want? You know what we’re going to talk about. The new exchange rate. Because as Iraq continues to strengthen its banking system and combat illicit financial operations, it appears to be on the cusp of a new era of financial stability and economic growth.


1310 is not financial stability. It is a sanction punished rate. It may still be there as a facade.


But only. The controlled distribution of the U.S. dollar. Oh, you mean the government is using it? The borders are using it? Only travelers are using it? Oh, okay.


The controlled distribution of the U.S. dollar, the restructuring of financial operations, and the alignment of the Iraqi bank sector with the international standards signals, signals, signals a new era for the future of Iraq’s economy with sustained reforms and international partnerships. Iraq is on the path of enhancing financial stability and economic prosperity. Not at 1310! And what do I say? There’s a blue parenthesis down there.


I say the relationship between Trump and Sudan equal a strong U.S. dollar and a powerful Iraqi dinar for the Iraqi citizens. Oh, okay. We’re done with that page.


Go to the next page, page 254. I believe we only have one more article to look at, and then we’re going to look at Eddie’s report. Let us go to page 254.


And we start with final article number 5073. In fact, it’s the only one. Final article number 5073.


Once again, we’re talking about the fact that we’re talking about the fact that Iraq has security and stability for the powerful monetary reform exchange rate that has been well calculated and rewritten in contracts and ready to be used in the HCL and the salaries of people and the retirement programs and the road projects and all the line items of the budget and many different things. Everything seeks the new exchange rate. And this article, final article number 5073.


Parliamentary finance. Parliamentary finance. Salaries are secured.


Yes, they are. Salaries are secured for the whole year. It’s in the budget.


And it couldn’t have been done at 1310. Salaries are secured, and there are no concerns about them. I know.


But there is a great concern about your traffic jams. Well, Frank, if that’s the least of our worries, can you imagine what the rate’s going to be? I know. Parliamentary finance.


Salaries are secured, and there are no concerns about them. Parliament, parliamentary finance. You’re admitting this? You’ve been saying that there are problems.


You are saying, you’ve been saying there’s no liquidity. You say the monetary reform has been a failure. You tell the citizens they’re not going to get purchasing power.


Why is it that at this cusp of a moment, you are telling the Iraqi citizens that salaries are secured, you’re going to get your salary, so you’re going to get your salary, and there’s no concerns about them, okay? You forgot the rest of the sentence. And everything that we told you is just a bunch of lies. It’s a pack of lies, because we’re angry.


We can’t steal the dollar anymore. We can’t even steal the new currency that’s coming out. We haven’t even seen the damn currency.


Okay? We can’t even counterfeit it. We don’t even know what it looks like. I know, and so do you, KTFA family.


What do I say up on top? What’s the blue title for this article? The new exchange rate says, keep your eyes on me, Iraqi citizens. Quote, you know this meeting that we had with the US Federal Reserves and the US Treasury and the CBI and everybody that showed up. Quote, the meeting also reviewed the most prominent challenges facing the financial sector and the banking system, including the dollar exchange rate and ways to address them so that the local banks can play their main role in achieving sustainable development.


That’s wonderful. Yeah, I know. He pointed out, the governor of the central bank said in this meeting, he said, the central bank is currently coordinating with the minister of finance regarding the liquidity shortfall and expressing his support for the addressing of the imbalance and urged executive taking measures to maximize local revenues.


That’s just a bunch of fancy words that don’t really mean anything, except we have security and stability. Because he went on and said, the finance committee may also hold a special session of the House of Representatives to discuss developments in the financial situation, which is great. Stressing that there are no external sanctions against any Iraqi bank, contrary to what is being circulated in the media.


So these articles have made it very clear, ladies and gentlemen, that the Iraqi citizens’ monetary reform education has been successful. I agree with you, Linda, Linda Tetrick. This is wonderful news that we’re seeing right now.


Wonderful news. Now, we’re going to walk into the second part of our study tonight. And that second part is Eddie’s report.


Now, I was with you Saturday, wasn’t it Saturday? Yep. Okay. So Saturday, if you remember, look at your notes, we were trying to quail this nonsense.


Sudanese sending, handing in his resignation as prime minister. No. The monetary reform is not going to happen because the laws haven’t been paid for the budget or passed for the budget.


No. There is a disaster within the government of Iraq right now, and it’s crumbling, and Sudan is failing, and as citizens, and none of the projects are going to be done. No.


Will you stop it? So that’s what these articles basically said. Iraqi citizens, stop paying attention to the rumors and lies. Then, then two days ago, Sudanese sends out Shaleh.


Now, you don’t know the full extent of that yet. I’m about to give it to you. And then today, Sudanese sends out Nazari.


Both of these, both of these are the top, the top champions of the monetary reform. One’s finance minister, one’s advisor to the finance, to the, financial advisor to the prime minister. These guys, they know what’s going on with the monetary reform.


They know, they probably know the date. They probably know the date and the rate. They should.


They’re the ones that are in control and taking care of this, being responsible for it. So, I don’t know, family. It just seems that, I mean, I don’t know what else, what other words to use.


They used today, they said, we are on the cusp. Yeah, we’re on the cresa cup, cresa cup of it too, as well. We’re right on the edge.


I always like to say that right now, our study, I am in the position of being right on the edge of a cliff on my tiptoes with my arms out, leaning forward with my head up, waiting for a gust of wind just to knock me over. So, let’s go back to, not Saturday, because I gave you pretty much everything on Saturday. And for those of you that were with me in premium in Club 26, pretty cool, huh? We’re gonna cover some of it here.


Let’s see. Yesterday was Sunday. Wow.


It’s a lot of reports, family. But here we are, it’s Saturday. And I know I read you all of this.


We just got back. We’re all back in Iraq with, this is where he’s talking to me about the new shopping mall. They’re building here in Iraq.


It’s got all these restaurants. Top 10, top 10 world businesses are coming in to this mall, Mr. Frank. At 1310, I don’t think so.


Sidani is turning, Sidani also just returned. Just got back in a plane, but he’s not making any announcements when he got off the plane. He was in Munich, secret conference, Saturday, 5.52 p.m. Sunday.


Yeah, let’s just start with Sunday. And what I mean is, let’s start with Sunday, you know, like around the third or fourth report. No, CBI is not on the TV yet, but, because I’m waiting for a report that Sunday morning.


But they did deny, they did deny any sanctions by the U.S. Treasury on any Iraqi banks or cards, saying we don’t have no sanctions on any banking. This is all false news. And you Iraqi citizens know who’s doing this.


And then today, the president ratified the budget amendments for oil flow that was passed over a week ago. It’s on the news showing, showing him signing it. Mr. Frank, television also shows Iraq telling the USA, we want to keep USA troops inside of Iraq.


Just like you said years ago, Mr. Frank, troops not leaving. And by the way, somebody, when somebody I talked to today, they said, I want to thank you, Professor Frank, because I can now read backwards. Remember that take? That was so funny.


I dropped the phone laughing. I said, well, you, what are you talking about? And then it dawned on me. Oh, you mean when I show you like this, he goes, yeah, I can read backwards really fast now.


I said, you know what? Leonardo da Vinci, he, he had the ability to do that. And he had the ability. He was ambidextrous.


So he had the ability to use his left hand and he could write. But he wrote backwards. So you had to use a mirror to read what he was saying.


That’s it, man. What a brain Leonardo had. Unbelievable.


Anyways, where am I? A TV showing Iraqi troops. And just like you said years ago, Mr. Frank, our troops are not leaving. Continuing next report.


Sir, the Kurds leader, Berzani just came on TV. Guess what? He said that he is expecting the oil to resume flowing from Turkey in the from Turkey next month, ending a two year drought saying there are talks and it is active with Turkey leaders and things are moving very quickly. We will soon have all coming from Turkey into Iraq.


Mr. Frank, Turkey knows something, don’t they? I then respond to him. And so you see, I’ve responded him a lot. But the thing is, though, you didn’t.


I didn’t read you all of the morning report. So there may be some things in here that may not make sense to you. But I’m just going to read them all out here.


Oh, you know what, gentlemen? Eddie, Neil. Mr. Sammy, I kind of figured that that was what was going on. All these rumors, they just didn’t make any sense.


All these lies are obviously to stop what’s about to happen. Because at the end of anything, the enemy uses desperate tactics to desperate tactics in order to defeat goodness. Now, in my opinion.


Hold on, I got it. Oh, that’s what’s wrong with me. So in my opinion, gentlemen, we will see lies and rumors every day being manufactured to the point of ridiculous accusations just to start trouble or delay what Sudan is about to give to the citizens.


They want to prevent Sudanese monetary reform. These cockroaches are hard to kill. Now, concerning the American troops in Iraq.


That is correct. It was. Yes, last year, it was last year I told you this, but.


But it was about five years ago that I told my KTFA family, we will never leave Iraq. Our military will increase. And we will build more bases in Iraq.


Today, the words that I said five years that I used five years ago. Now have meaning. They now have meaning.


You see, Eddie, our presence protects you. It protects us. It protects your currency.


It protects our dollar. But more importantly, it angers Iran. And it protects you Iraqi citizens from Iranian terrorism.


True, Mr. Frank. We are glad that the Americans are going to stay here. I’m going to go see Mr. Sammy because he wants to talk to me.


Help. Got it. Sammy, Sunday, Sunday.


Mr. Sammy. He finally, he meets with Sammy. Mr. Sammy says that the United States of America Federal Reserves and the Treasury praised Iraq.


They praised Houdini. They praised our banks. They praised the CBI on our cash distribution system that we have in place now.


And they say it’s the fastest in the world. Why would we need something so fast and advanced for 1310, Mr. Frank? I know you wanted me to stop saying that, but it’s funny, isn’t it? So don’t believe all the nonsense about sanctions. We believe it all news brought back up.


Yeah, regurgitated. That’s a good way of putting it. Now, about those five banks, that was months ago, that were in trouble.


And that has nothing to do with the news of today. They’re saying that we are doing great. That has nothing to do with the news of today.


But, oh, but today they’re saying that we are doing great. And they did show several individuals that were busted in the new system trying to laundry money. But they can’t now with this new system.


That’s right. That’s right. Security and stability was the number one thing that was needed in order to release the new exchange rate.


That’s why it’s kind of exciting right now. Sunday. Next report that came in on Sunday morning, where there was a lot of them.


Television is showing the Turkish delegation. This delegation is coming to Baghdad tomorrow to discuss the oil resuming. Mr. Frank, if they actually, if Turkey, if they actually bring in their oil flow and parliament members are guessing that the oil budget price will be around 70 to 75, while the demand on their oil will have it around 100 to 110 per barrel, well, then this would be a good profit for them.


No wonder they’re coming in. And I guess there is no 1310 yesterday. Now we start with yesterday.


Yesterday at seven in the morning, the first report. We have a bank guy. They’re a bank guy.


The CBI bank guy is on TV. And he’s saying there are no, there are no government banks on sanctions. The United States Treasury did not put any sanctions on us.


They’re saying that the Treasury showed, the Treasury showered, showed, showed there are five private banks that at request of the U.S. Treasury that will no longer sell the dollar. Oh, that’s a different thing. And are banned.


These are all private banks. They’re not government banks. The parliaments are exaggerating and lying, causing trouble.


No government bank has been sanctioned. And also three new exchange companies are also at the request of the U.S. Treasury, not able to deal in dollars. Now those three, Mr. Frank, they are banned.


Yes. Mr. Sammy wants you to know, don’t worry about that report on the five private banks. He said, we have about 95% of our bank structure all set up and running.


And it is in good shape. And we will go with what we have. And the ones that are on the list will be left out until they learn how to play by the rules.


It is a good sign, Mr. Frank. It actually means that the new system is working. We are catching them.


So we are in good shape. Nothing, nothing worry about, nothing to, nothing. Thank you.


Gotcha, gotcha. Anyone that wants to help us, we’re humbled. We appreciate it.


And we need to help. So, so Mr. Sammy’s trying to tell you that this new system that we have in right now is working fantastic. It’s catching everybody that’s trying to take abuse system.


So we believe that this is the right position now for the new rate to come out. It will be protected. The new system works so that we are in good shape.


Nothing to worry about on that report. And we still wait for the amendment. Now listen.


And we still are waiting for the amendment for the budget. 12.2-C since was signed by the president to go in the Gazette. It has, it has a Monday.


It has either Monday, Wednesday or Saturday. And it could come in in an emergency session of the Gazette. So we expect a lot to do his thing at that, to do his thing at same time with a rate as this goes into the Gazette.


So the heat is on. Yeah, as you can see, our teams in Iraq are just simply glued to the television waiting to see when this budget is opened. Now, we did learn some more stuff today about that, the possibility of when it can be open.


And we’ll share that in a minute. So, so far, so good, right? You understand everything I’m giving you, okay? Continuing. This is the seventh or eighth report that came in.


Oh, wait a minute. No, I already, oh, okay. I went past them.


Forgive me. I’m sorry. And there’s a reason.


I understand. So now we go to Saturday, yesterday. Let’s start with this report from yesterday, which is Monday.


So you got the gist. You understand what happened on Sunday, or yeah, on Sunday, okay? And now, Monday. Mr. Frank Sidani’s on a TV opening up the grand opening.


He says, first time ever, the Digital Transformation Center facility. This place is really nice. They’re saying that this is the state of the art, the highest technology, and we can carry out administrative reforms and have less paperwork and get things completed.


This Digital Transformation Center is what the rest of the world has. It’s making us very advanced, but more than anything else, it is catching. It is catching the crooks.


And all, I mean, talk about raid. And all the false rumors on Sidani are terrible. They’re just trying to hurt our leader.


But everyone knows the truth. Mr. Sami said, you see, that’s beautiful. There are people that hate Sidani, you know, for whatever their reasons are.


They got the right to hate Sidani, but they’re a minority because the majority is working with Sidani. You got the President of the United States working with him. You got Iran working with him because Iran needs help.


They don’t have their baby Biden anymore. They need help. And I pray that we can help them.


I pray that we can do something. I hope the Gaza Strip turns into something positive. Anyways, so all of the false rumors on Sidani are terrible.


And it’s just hurting. They’re just trying to hurt us, our leader. But everyone knows the truth here in Iraq.


And Mr. Sami said, Frank, many of the banks, the private ones that were caught, they did it just to try and slow down the process. Kind of like self-sacrifice. Okay, I think I understand what you’re saying.


These private banks, when they got caught, it was like kamikaze. I’ll break the rules. I’ll break the rules.


Because if I break the rules, it’s going to stop them from giving them a new exchange rate, right? I’ll break the rules. The private ones, when they were caught, they did it just to try and slow down the process like a self-sacrifice. But it’s not going to help.


It’s not going to work. This system is 95% or better. It’s ready to go.


And it will roll with what we have. Now remember, 4782 of the Gazette number is still not showing. And then he tries to do, but remember, it’s still not showing.


Smile! He wants a smile. Yeah, I know it’s not showing because you know, there are two devices that are protecting. No, there are many devices.


I’m sorry. Yeah, there is this Gazette that protects the exchange rate. There is the budget that protects the exchange rate.


There’s Sudani and his financial people that protect the exchange rate. There’s the CBI that protects the exchange rate. But I got a feeling there’s only really like one that protects the date.


Which would be in Sudani’s hands. But yeah, I agree with all of this, gentlemen. I agree 100% everything that you just told me.


All the false rumors, done. Forget about it. Mr. Sami says, these private banks were doing this just to try to delay.


And every time they closed them down, they were giving up their business. Then, to which I then reply, let’s see how much. Yeah, it looks like it’s a bit.


Here I am trying to educate you. You know, check this out. Look at the children that I have to deal with.


Now, I’m trying to hide the phone over because I don’t want anybody bugging this guy. But are you serious? Here you are getting a plethora of powerful information. And you want to complain about the fact that I’m putting the phone up there.


You’re so retarded. And I don’t mean that in a bad way. I mean, retarded that you’re lacking knowledge and information.


The reason I put it up there is so that people can pause and read it. Unpause, pause, read it. Oh, I never thought of that.


That’s a good idea. Yeah, it is, isn’t it? Self-serving, huh? Raised by wolves. Okay, let’s see.


Oh, by the way, that person. Hold on, let me block them. To Erico 206, you are now officially El Baco.


There you go. And there you go. You’re no longer in my life.


206, you’re out of here. Isn’t that a shame? You might’ve needed some help down the road. Here, look at this one.


Another one. You know when this came in? When I was singing earlier. Quit, quit singing.


Give me intel. Holy cow. Okay.


He’s also blind. Oh, dear me. Oh, somebody sends me garbage from some other site.


I said, oh really? Now tell me what it means. It means the budget is going to be approved in 48 hours. Okay.


God bless you. I appreciate that excitement. No problems.


Now let me get back to what I was doing. You just, you got it too? This just came in from Eddie right now, right now. I guess he sees what I’m going through, right? Look at that.


You see the time? Yeah, it came in at two o’clock in the morning. Stupid. Look at what he says.


He says, here, let me read it to you. Be patient. Sometimes God makes us wait longer because the blessing is bigger.


If you trust God’s timing. Amen. Wow.


Thank you, Neil. Thank you, Eddie. Thank you, Mr. Sammy.


Now, because of that, now I got to go back to where I was. When was it? Where were we, families? Monday. We were on Monday, right? And Monday, no, that ain’t it.


Somebody tell me where I left off on Monday, but thank you. I appreciate it. Oh, wait, I think I got it.


Yeah, all these files, we’re at 95%. We’re ready to go to the Gazette, gentlemen. Here’s what I said to him, to them.


Gentlemen, it was the United States Treasury that established the cash distribution center that you now have. Yes, it is catching every thief possible. This is the reason why I believe we’re going to see the new exchange rate soon.


This system that you have with the CBI in order to facilitate the distribution of the lower notes that are soon to be coming out, this monetary reform is well organized. You don’t want chaos. You don’t want questions.


You don’t want things rushed when they introduce the new exchange rate. And that’s why the United States is applauding and saying, you did great CBI yesterday, because they followed the instructions of the United States Treasury, not the instructions of the corrupt Iranian politicians in parliament in your country. Those thieves in your country are becoming a minority.


Those thieves in your country are becoming a minority. I’ll keep that in mind. Corrupt politicians, those thieves in your country are becoming a minority.


Gentlemen, it’s wonderful the way the CBI is bragging that you have the fastest and the safest and most secure system in all of the banking industry. That is so true, because your currency is about to lead every currency on this planet. And what I find interesting is that the other countries, are not arguing against this issue with the IMF.


By the way, gentlemen, you are correct. These terrorists are referring to the five banks from many months ago last year, I think. So once again, don’t pay attention to those fools.


The fact that they are coming up with so many crazy lies, so many nasty rumors to try to topple Sudani as a prime minister is almost comical at this point, because their logic, their reasoning, their excuse sounds like a five-year-old trying to explain why they spilled the milk on the table to their mother. Mr. Frank, Mr. Sammy wants you to know, he says it’s not a coincidence, Mr. Frank, that the salaries, the amendments that were signed, and the budgets are all coming together at the same time. Watch for a lot to make a move so these can come out.


Watch for a lot to make a move so these can come out. I say the following. Oh, man.


Okay, I say a lot. Gentlemen, when we see Kuwait working hand in hand with Sudani, and then we see Turkey and Kurdistan, all three of them eager to bring their oil and move it with Iraq, wow. That is an amazing advancement inside of your areas, in your countries.


That is the backbone of your HCL, let alone the support of your new exchange rate. It is called security and stability. Yes, gentlemen, I saw the report about the five banks.


The U.S. Treasury kept telling them to stop using the dollar. So Sudani got involved, and he fined them, and then he closed them down. He was ordered to reopen them, but they’re still sacrificing themselves, aren’t they? So enough is enough.


The U.S. Treasury told the CBI no more excuses. Just shut them down. End of story.


Now, that’s security and stability. Now, that’s security and stability for a new exchange rate. Then I say to him whatever else we were talking about.


I agree with you, Mr. Sami. This new system was years in the working. It is a combination of security and stability for the new exchange rate.


And it’s being used right now because the CBI and the U.S. Treasury are now linked together with this new system. And what it does, it keeps the terrorists of your currency defenseless. It looks them up.


It identifies them quickly, and it pisses them off. Isn’t that great? Why do you think our—gentlemen, the 95% of the bank that you have indeed is enough to get the monetary reform and the new exchange rate launched. In fact, more than enough, especially when you consider all the private banks that the CBI has or will have around the world retrieving the 3-0 notes.


So you guys are still waiting for that amendment to show up, the 12-2-C. My goodness, I thought it was already exposed by Sudani. But obviously he’s hiding that too in order to protect the exchange rate from the currency terrorists in your country.


So I guess that’s kind of brilliant. And I agree, gentlemen. Very soon that budget will expose everything.


And the Gazette will print everything about that budget. Like I keep saying, next week can’t get here any faster. Laughing out loud.


By the way, I agree. The heat is on. Maybe you guys should get some suntan lotion on.


Sending. Yeah. Yes.


Yes. And Article 12.2—it’s 12-2-C. It was ratified, Mr. Frank.


It’s just not in the—it’s not published yet in the Gazette. Now, as soon as we see it in the Gazette, that should open up also the budget. I say to him, Mr. Sami, it sure is crazy how those desperate, how those desperate currency terrorists in your country are coming up with so many wild statements.


I agree with you that Sudani is a good man. And you Iraqi citizens have finally realized this because of his actions. His words were constantly trying to—his words were constantly trying to be suffocated by the currency terrorists from Iran in Parliament.


But they have failed greatly, especially with the relationship now that Trump and Sudani have. That combination, you guys, that combination, Trump and Sudani, in my opinion, is unstoppable for your monetary reform. I dare them to try to stop this now because Trump is here.


Now, why do—that’s okay, isn’t it? Hey, as soon as Trump shows up anywhere, all the caca stops. And it’s unstoppable, this combination, Sudani and my Trump, for your monetary reform. Now, why do—now, why do I say such a thing? Why do I say such a thing, that combination? Because the reason is because both sides have a currency that need help from each other, no longer abusing one side like the dinar was doing with the USD.


This mutual symbiotic relationship is going to be so powerful in the banking industry. In my opinion, both the American dollar and the Iraqi dinar are about to rule. I’m going to—you know what? You know what, guys? I’m going to tattoo 4782 on my arm, okay? And that’s the Gazette number that we think is hiding the new exchange rate.


Oh my, we almost have 2,500 people. Thank you for allowing me to be in your living room or your kitchen or your basement. No, not the bathroom, okay? No, I’m kidding.


Hi there. Hey, Frank, he’s going to love that one. But I told him about the tattoo.


Neil says Sunday, he’s going to love that. Eddie says they also voted on the PMF law and the new retirement law, you know, the law of 60 here in Iraq. Then I say to him, no—let’s see what else.


Okay, it’s not too much, I say. I said, no, no. I say, no, no, Mr. Sammy.


It’s not a coincidence, is it? No, I do not believe in coincidences. I also do not believe in the no-win scenario. There’s always a way to be victorious.


And this monetary reform is about to make your currency a champion. If you remember, gentlemen, I called it a car crash at a four-way intersection. Not only the salaries, not only the budget, not only the line items, not only the HCL, not only the retirement pay, but the future of Iraq.


That new exchange rate and the new currency of Iraq is looking for the hands of Iraqi citizens. It’s looking for the hands of Iraqi citizens. Did I hit the camera? I thought you were looking at me.


Yeah, the new exchange rate and the new currency, it’s looking for the hands of the citizens of Iraq. Gentlemen, thank you for the report. Like I told you, there’s a lot going on.


I hope to hear more from you guys soon. God bless you all. Have a safe evening.


Then boom, right away. Mr. Frank, they’re saying all issues resolved. They just told us this on channel one.


They said that during the Turkey visit, all the oil could and should start flowing before March. You notice that too? I see your highlight. Before March.


So we’re looking at, we’re just, I mean, a week and a half of this month. So they’re talking about doing it in a week and a half. Yeah, so this could, this oil could start in the next week and a half.


If it does, it’ll expose, yeah, it’ll expose. Then, hey, Frank, what? Yeah, I don’t believe this. What’s up, guys? We have chalet on TV.


You can go see it, Iraqi Channel One TV. I said, no, I missed it. It’s too late.


What’s going on? He says to us, there’s no sanctions on Iraqi banks. And he says, all those false reports are just causing panic for no reason. Just causing panic for no reason.


And I’m like, you know, I know, I know. I don’t, I’m telling you not to pay attention to these fools. What about chalet? Why would you even bother me with this? What’s the finance minister guy doing? He just said something to us.


He did? Yeah. Can you send it? We, I have it in print already. Are you kidding me? No.


At that point, Claire, Claire, Claire, let me read you something. And then she says, yeah. I said, yeah, what? Yeah, we got that.


We do? Yeah, earlier this morning. Did anybody talk about it in the forum? No. Has any other guru, you know, was anybody scanned? Did they find any other guru talking about this? No.


Well, apparently chalet did this yesterday. On Iraqi television. And as I read it to Claire, she’s like, yeah, I know.


It was exciting too. Claire, do you understand what just happened? So we work on the article with Claire, my wife and I, and we put it out on premium, inside out, labeled it, you know, highlighted the whole works. And here’s what happened.


Mr. Frank, we can give you a quote. He said, chalet, the finance minister, he says, the Iraqi dinar will regain its strength. Okay, you can stop there.


Then just drop anything you want. This is the finance minister telling the Iraqi citizens, the Iraqi dinar will regain its strength. Well, okay.


So you’re trying to tell us that 1310 is going to be soon removed? Maybe it’s already gone, huh? Listen to me, Iraqi citizen. The Iraqi dinar will regain its strength. And would you know what you’re talking? And what you’re talking about? And the exchange rate will return to balance sooner or later.


I can see. I just lost the camera. It’s so exciting.


The camera goes, oh, I’m out of here. Oh, that’s too funny. That’s never happened.


In our 20 years, that’s never happened. Oh, that’s too funny. Okay, careful I don’t get your stuff over there.


Oh, I know this is, this intel is powerful, but that’s ridiculous. And I was just about to read it too. Oh, I’m trying to laugh because I’m hurting and it hurts when I laugh.


It gives a new meaning to the statement, it hurts when I laugh. Okay, let’s try this again, okay? Mr. Frank, what? Yeah, I don’t believe this. What? Shaleh just came on television.


He said, don’t pay attention to the rumors. That’s old news. What about it? But then he said something else.


What did he say? He says, the Iraqi dinar will regain its strength. Shaleh? Yeah. S-H-A-L-E, Shaleh, the finance minister? Yeah.


What else he said? He said, the Iraqi dinar will regain its strength and the exchange rate will return to balance sooner or later. Yeah, he means an equilibrium. He’s talking about a rate that is acceptable.


He’s talking about a rate, excuse me. Let me deal with this pain, family. He’s talking about a rate that will return to balance.


1310 is an imbalanced rate. He says it will do this for the exchange rate, return to a balanced rate. Now, what is balanced, in my opinion? Anything at one to one and above.


So the Iraqi dinar will regain its strength. And because this is an R-I, how many times have I told you, stop saying it, R-V, stop it. Because the R-V was years ago.


We are at an R-I. We are at a reinstatement of the currency. God, please help me.


We are at a reinstatement of the currency. That’s why he says it will regain its strength. Every word is calculated and every word is loaded with so much intel, so much data.


He said, the Iraqi dinar will regain its strength. And he said, the exchange rate will return to balance because it’s an imbalanced rate. And in my opinion, one to one would be a good equilibrium for it.


And he also said, but this decision, this decision depends. This decision depends on completing the methodology of the financial and banking reforms. Well, excuse me, wait a minute.


You’re going to raise our value of our exchange rate? Yes. And it’s going to be happening rather soon? Yes. Our exchange rate is going to be balanced? Yes.


You said sooner or later, but I prefer sooner. You mean very soon, probably. And you say it depends, it depends on completing the methodology of the financial and banking reform.


You mean, you mean the monetary reform steps? No. You mean the monetary reform steps? The methodology of the, of the banking reforms? Yeah. Banking reforms methodology.


And you also said that this is addressing the issue of the remaining money, of the remaining monetary use of the dollar in the markets. Well, it’s gone. And that’s why we’re going to be getting a new exchange rate.


Because the dollar, so if you got rid of the dollar, you would replace it sooner or later. Ours with one, the dollar again, one to one, there’s your balance. That’s what you’re trying to, ah, this all makes good sense.


Mr. Frank, did you catch that? And I said to him, he says, are they on TV saying this? No, for real. Hey, dude, wake up, right? He’s on TV. I don’t care what time it is.


Wake up. He just said that. I’m like, are we sure? And then they followed up and they said, TV shows, TV news is showing Iraq asking for global bidding on energy projects because I think we’re about to explode, Mr. Frank.


Then I said, look what I said. I know it’s backwards. But I said, well, then I believe it’s okay if I say, holy shit, what just happened? Holy shit.


I believe it’s okay if I can say that. Are you kidding me, guys? Wait a minute. Shaleh just came out.


Now, this is, you got to understand that this was yesterday when, here, you see the time? See the time yesterday, right? So are you kidding me? You’re telling me Shaleh just came out and said those words to you Iraqi citizens? Seriously? Gentlemen, do you realize that he just made the announcement to you? Now, everything I say to you, ladies and gentlemen, is just in my opinion. But if you were out there, oh, shoot. God bless you.


I’ll help you later. I lost my place. We were at, yesterday was it? Wow, did, okay.


Yeah, because if he did that, because Shaleh did this, those, no, that’s still there, man. Bingo. So yeah, Eddie, seriously, do you realize that he just made the announcement to you? And I say that to your family, in my opinion.


And he says, yeah, yeah, yeah. Eddie said, Shaleh’s on TV today saying all those things to us. He shocked us, but yeah, we agree.


What else is it for him to tell us? He also talked to us about no sanctions and also all the news on Sudanese false accusations, Mr. Frank. I said to him, a little bit, I say to him, the man is repeating everything that I’ve ever said to you, Eddie. Don’t pay attention to parliament, terrorists who are trying to stop or delay the purchasing value to you Iraqi citizens.


What’d I say? Only pay attention to who? Sudanian Allakh. Funny, I said the same thing, but to actually tell the citizens this, yes, we are about to raise the value. Just be patient.


It’s a process. Well, well, I guess, I mean, well, guess what, gentlemen? Those two things that he just said to you, those two things, in my opinion, that he said, that are still a part of the process that they need to complete, you know, the methodology. That’s probably why he came out and what he said, because when it is announced, Chile will look very good to the citizens.


I’m very curious about next week. You heard that too? To the right? Me? In or out? In or out? Thank you. So yeah, Chile will look good because of what he just did is what I’m trying to say.


And yeah, I’m really curious about next week. Gentlemen, I’m curious because Chile did this, right? He said those words to you, right? Wow. Consider this the final countdown.


And I mean that with all sincerity, no exaggeration. Anybody else that’s teaching me on the internet, after hearing what we shared with you tonight, is probably thinking the same thing. I mean, Chile just came out and told them we’re going to raise the value.


I mean, you heard what we said. Continuing. Chile said that, Chile did say that, okay? And Mr. Sammy says, Frank, watch for the, pay close attention now.


I’ll go slow. Shang doodle so you can get this. Because this was cool.


This was cool. Because I thought, yes! Yeah, I know. Chile did say that, Mr. Frank.


And Sammy says, Frank, watch for printing of the budget amendments. And a lock, making announcement either right before or right after. I said, printing the budget announcement.


I forgot about that, a simple little step. So I told him, I said, Mr. Sammy, I tend to agree with your analysis. In my opinion, we need to see either the new rate or at least the pictures of the lower notes at the same time, at the same time that the budget is revealed so that everything makes sense.


So if they’re going to open that budget next week, all hell is going to break loose with the monetary reform of Iraq. The moment you guys see the printing of that budget, scream to me, scream to me guys, okay? LOL. Eddie says, we will tell you as soon as possible.


Please tell us where, where can my brother go exchange? And Mr. Frank, the oil minister of Iraq is on the news saying that the oil will resume flowing the pipeline within a week. Wow, that’s for us. Gazette published, Gazette published 4,814, that number.


And it was the amendment of the article 12 that was ratified by our president. And it had no date, but it showed $16 a barrel to produce and cover to the Kurds for their part. And it said, it’s retro.


Like you said, Mr. Frank, it’ll be retro pay and pay begins as of, and pay begins as of yesterday on the 17th. It’s live now on pay for the amendment. Still for the amendment, but still no number 4782.


We’re looking, but 4814 with the amendment article. That’s the one that we have in the Gazette right now. Today, continuing for today.


Mr. Sammy says he believes now that the article 12 is posted and we see it with no rate yet. It only means to him that there is a rate and they are still hiding it. If not, they would just show it.


And right before the oil, that’s, that’s a, that’s a brilliant, uh, I didn’t, that’s a brilliant deduction. And right before, didn’t I say that right before? Yeah. And right before the oil actually starts flowing, we will see that rate because in order to agree, you know what? I messed that up.


It didn’t have any rate. So because it didn’t have any rate, he says to him, that means that they’re hiding it. That that means that there is a rate.


And right before the oil actually starts flowing, we will see that rate because in order to agree for oil to restart. Yeah. Yeah.


They had to be a rate associated with it. So he thinks we still are good and watch for budget tables about the same time as well. Uh, oil minister said within a week, we calculated a week and a half.


Uh, but others say before March, a week and a half, we go with oil minister. Sure. Why not? Uh, to which I then respond a good amount, a very good amount.


So here we go. Because I was impressed with the report. Here’s what I want to tell him.


Hold on family. Let me drink some water. Expresso.


When a government wants to make something official, it has to be by a proclamation. That proclamation can be posted on the wall of a building of a government building. It can be released, uh, through a newspaper.


The Gazette is a universally recognized newspaper. Hear ye, hear ye to the world. Iraq now has a new exchange rate, but it’s being kept quiet and secret right now.


Can’t find that article or excuse me, that, that edition. Can’t find that edition anywhere. And we have the ability to find these things, but cannot.


Now let me continue. And that was, uh, where is he? That was quick. Where’d he go? Expresso Nuevo.


He asked the question. It’s not clear to me what the Gazette published exactly means. I hope that helped you, brother.


Okay. God bless you. So here’s what I say to this channel, to our teams.


Eddie, Mr. Sammy, Neil, this week, this week is going to reveal a lot. That’s why I was excited for it to come. And I agree with you, Mr. Sammy.


The only reason they agree with the oil to flow from these stubborn areas is because there’s a mutual agreement with the new exchange rate. If not, things would still be the same. It would be at a standstill as they always are.


But, but right now things are moving and progressing quickly. And if you follow the money, you can see that the oil is leading this drive of finances. So many different oil sources, especially Iraq will be able to lead with many other products or services to the world also.


Now Gazette number 4872 seems to be the weapon that Sudan is using to hide the new exchange rate. Kind of clever if you ask me, because being in the Gazette, it is official, but there’s no law that says it has to be shown to parliament or anybody just yet. So now gentlemen, we can eliminate other events and focus on when this oil flow starts, because when that commences, that should trigger the new exchange rate to be activated and used for this flow and should also help to reveal the budget rate all at once.


Like even you suggested, Mr. Sammy, your opinion is mine. There are many, there are many financial events coming together all at once very soon. These are, these are very exciting times, aren’t they gentlemen? And when you stop and think about what Shaleh did yesterday, telling the Iraqi citizens to calm down because a new exchange rate is coming.


Well, if I was you, Eddie, if I was you, Mr. Sammy, I would put on my dancing shoes right now. God bless you gentlemen. Congratulations on what Shaleh just told you all yesterday.


Eddie, concerning your brother, I’m taking care of Eddie’s family. They live here in America and I was just telling him, don’t you worry. Heck, I’ll even come to him if he wants or he can come to me here in Ohio.


He can be with me either way. I will guide him. He will not be confused, nor will he be left alone.


Sending Frank now. And by the way, Frank, Sammy says he feels like when the oil starts flowing, that’s going to create the need for the rate to appear. Yeah, there is Mr. Sammy reflecting my opinion in just by using different sets of words.


I say 100. The young people have that terminology. They don’t use it that much anymore, but 100 means total commitment.


I say to him 100 percent, which is a slang for total commitment. 100 percent, gentlemen, unless they have other plans that we are not understanding at this moment. Frank, we don’t see any other obstacles.


We don’t see any other plans by the banks. By the way, Eddie says thank you about his brothers. We have 11 family members living with my brother.


Oh, he’s their rock. And I got you guys. I got you.


I got you, OK? Also, Mr. Frank, the Gazette published the three laws that were in the basket. So they are laws as well. Well, yeah, you see, that’s kind of important, too.


Yeah, I said, yeah, I understand. Copy of that. I got your family, your brother’s family.


I’ll tell them that here’s the first thing. So I told them, I said, look, I got your back. I got your family members.


Tell them all, here’s the first thing I want them all to do. Make sure that they are prepared with an account at a bank, either Chase Bank, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, or let me know what other banks are in your area. They will need at least a bank account to start with.


So that they can go right into those banks and exchange their dinars. You don’t want them to have to wait. They’ll walk right in with us to the Wealth Management Department.


Let me know when they all have accomplished this first step. If neither of these three banks are in your area, also let me know. Mr. Frank, Eddie, OK.


Mr. Frank, Eddie says that the television says now a delegation just left Baghdad, and it’s heading to the Kurdistan area to discuss a mechanism that will negotiate the flow of oil resuming, flowing. They are on the road already. They’re going there.


And what he liked is, he says, mechanism? We know what the mechanism is, Mr. Frank. The new exchange rate. Then the television is saying this in the Gazette about Article 12-2C.


They say it paves the way for resumption of the oil flow. This is the key, Mr. Frank, the flow of the oil. We want to know when it’s going to start, because that’s the money rate.


That’s the money rate, so to speak. They say end to the $19 billion in losses due to pipeline shutdown and gas burn-off, too, Eddie, burn-off as well, too. Yes, sir.


And I said, the mechanism of the monetary reform is, oh, I say to him, Eddie, the mechanism of the monetary reform is the new exchange rate. And then I said, the flow, I’m sorry, the oil flow is the money rate? Because he said that to me, right? The oil flow is the money rate? I like that one. I like that one.


And once the flow starts, the rate will be exposed. I just like that terminology that you came up with, Eddie. That’s pretty neat.


That’s what Mr. Sammy’s opinion is. He said he could be wrong, but, I like how he’s constantly saying that, he could be wrong, but since it wasn’t shown in the Gazette under the Article 12-2C today, then it’s tied to oil and the budget tables. Brilliant.


Yeah, that’s a good deduction. So then I said, and, gentlemen, to the salaries, and to the retiree payments, and to the HCO, and the budget line items, everything seeks the new exchange rate. Frank, Eddie says, tell your wife to give you a cookie.


Hey, Ting, Eddie wants you to give me a cookie for that last report that I gave him. Not yet, Eddie. Oh, okay.


Not yet, Eddie. I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Not yet, not yet.


Oh, that’s too funny. Continuing today. Then all of a sudden, Chalet comes back on.


Whoa, hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry. I’m with you, Eddie. Let’s see.


Let’s see. What’s he got? What’s he got? He’s talking about the importance of gold. Hit rewind.


Hi. On this Yubi-Tubi, I want to tell you that, if you recall, I introduced you to silver about seven years ago, and I said, pay attention to it, and it skyrocketed. On this Yubi-Tubi, I’d like to tell you to please pay attention to gold now.


Chalet’s on the TV, and he’s talking about gold. He’s talking about the importance of gold. I said to him, really? He’s trying to educate you on the next step for you guys, you understand? That’s where you’re going to invest.


That’s a good follow-up, since he just talked to you about a new exchange rate that’s coming, isn’t it? See the progress in his teaching. Frank, Eddie said it was Chalet and Bizani both saying all these things, backing each other up. Hmm.


And that’s it. And then that’s when he sends this at 8802 tonight. He said, be patient.


Be patient. Sometimes God makes us wait longer because the blessing is bigger. If you trust God’s timing.


Yeah. Amen to that. Well, ladies and gentlemen, you had the articles.


They were good, weren’t they? They always are. And you had Eddie’s report. And if you recall, I told you that I would show you something from Walking Stick, but I was only going to show you just one little thing from him.


This is a long conversation, but… By the way, sir, guess what? Yesterday, Sudanese sent Chalet out on television and he told the Iraqi citizens. He told the Iraqi citizens to be patient. And that we’re about to give you a new exchange rate.


And I said, holy Shiite. I’m going to have a lot of fun tonight on my YouTube. I’m going to have a lot of fun tonight talking about this on my YouTube, laughing out loud.


And then look what he says. You ready? Look what he says. I don’t care if it’s backwards.


Still, look. For Shang-Du, it’s boom. To which I said, I know, right? And I told Eddie and Sammy that as far as I’m concerned, this is the final countdown.


Yeah, supposedly, sir, the amended part of the budget is about to be exposed. And the oil that is flowing from Turkey is also about to expose the new exchange rate, because they agreed on sending the oil. It’s looking really good.


Talk to you later, sir. So one simple little word, huh? Didn’t take much. What do you think, family? Are you happy? Did you learn a lot tonight? I hope so.


It was good being with you today. Thank you for allowing me to make some noise from three to six. And thank you for being with me here from six to nine, where we talked about this investment.


And we expressed my opinion about it. Please take this opinion to God in prayer. And remember, we’re KTFA, which basically is Keep the Faith Always in Our Heavenly Father.


We are a Christian-based organization. I’d like to say very quickly that if you’re not right in your life, if you don’t feel right in your life, I guess the question is, what are you doing about it? Because if you’re doing nothing about it, I wish you well. I pray for all of you.


I do. Jesus set us free at the cross. Why would anybody want to go back? I’m looking at the final notes.


We’re done. KTFA family, soon you will make a new noise. Soon you will make a new noise across the planet Earth.


And it sure feels like the end times. You know what is the end times? A starving locust. Be careful in all that you do.


I wish you well. Because all sin starts with a desire. And I pray that your desire is something good.


If not, Satan will deal with you. And when he is finished with you, all that will be left is just a pink mist in the air. I dismiss this with a prayer.


And I thank you kindly. And I want to thank those that helped us financially to help others. Ruxy Waltz, bless you all.


Michelle Joy. No, Michelle J. Michelle O4, whatever. Michelle J and then O4.


Thank you. God bless you. Or is that Michael? Is that Michael? I can’t see.


Yeah, Michael. I’m sorry. And I said Michelle.


Hold on, gentlemen. Michael J04. Thank you.


Dr. Tooth Fairy. Thank you. Rebecca Hill.


Bless your heart. Thank you kindly. Mark Anglin.


Thank you, sir. For Amos. Roger that.


Mark Anglin again for Walking Stick. Thank you, sir. Duke.


How are you, brother? And Bus Driver. Gotcha, gotcha. I like that.


I like that a lot. Hey, Red Dirt. I’ve been noticing you.


Thank you kindly for your support and for being polite and cordial in our form. Ladies and gentlemen, we have our dear brothers Cliff and Tony. Very quickly.


Go for it, gentlemen. The floor is yours. Hey, Frank.


This is Tony. I’m soloing tonight. Okay.


I’m in Tennessee. I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow. And I didn’t know I was going to make it on.


I had Cliff sweating. I had to take a couple of young ladies out to dinner tonight for a birthday celebration. But I made it back.


And we’re here. Happy to be here. Family, we thank you guys so much for everything you do.


Your support is just amazing. Cliff and I write custom songs for No Better Studios. If you want a custom song written for a specific person to be 100% about them, a one-off, one-time song, we’re the guys that can do it for you.


Over 250 have been done. And we’re pretty well satisfying all the people that are asking us to do. A song is just something that you can’t ever replace.


It’ll be there forever. And if you’re interested in a birthday, anniversary, or any special occasion, just to say you love someone or maybe you like someone, give us a call. My cell is 423-367-7648.


It’s a cell you can call or text. And frankly, I also have our special. The 20% off is going to go through, we did it through Valentine, but we’re going to go through the end of the month.


And then there’ll be another price increase. But that’s what we got going on. So if you have a song coming up you want or an event, give us a call.


We’d be glad to do you a custom song. Like they say in Chinese, muchos thank yous. Muchos thank yous.


Yeah, we appreciate it. And pray for us that we’re calling for three to six inches of snow here tomorrow in the mountains of Tennessee. So hopefully I don’t get stuck here until Saturday.


Oh, bless your heart, man. We got about six inches. And then it dropped to about 15 degrees.


It got cold. Yeah, that’s the problem. Whatever snows tomorrow, Thursday has 24.


So it’ll be Friday or Saturday. Tink says it’s eight degrees right now. You know, if I wet my hair, I go outside and for a second and bring it back up.


It’ll stay up like that frozen. Anything in that eight degree will freeze. God bless you.


Thank you, brother. Thank you, man. Appreciate you.


You betcha. Bye-bye. Family, let us be dismissed with a prayer.


Abba, Heavenly Father, I thank you for this evening. A little painful, but I felt you holding me and I love you for it. All honor and glory goes to you, God.


I got no problems with my pain. I actually enjoy it. In a sense that Paul also had a pain on his side.


He asked you to remove it and you said that your grace was enough. I agree. Your mercy and your grace is enough with me, Father.


I carry something on my side and I have pain. But you know what? We’re still kicking, aren’t we, God? What’s the next chapter? Do I turn the page now? Or am I still being too eager? Can we turn the page now? Now, when you’re ready, I just want you to know through the Holy Spirit that I’m ready. And I know a lot of people, Father, that are ready.


So when you’re ready, please trust us. Let this dam break forth. Let this volcano erupt.


Let this water come forth. Give us what we need so that we can bless our families now and into the future. And do what this well transfer is supposed to do.


Empower, enrich, support, grow your church. Please take care of my family. Take care of our children.


Take care of my soulmate, my wife. Thank you so much that I am not alone. Please forgive me of my sins.


It’s embarrassing to talk to you about them, but I have to. Please forgive me of my sins by the blood of my Lord and Savior Jesus. Thank you for the food of this day.


Thank you for your mercy and your grace. And Father, I am willing. I am willing.


I will wash anyone’s feet. It is in the name of your precious Son, Jesus, that I pray by the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Amen. Amen. Amen.


Amen. Amen. Amen.


Hey, Andy, when was it? Sunday? Yeah, Sunday after faith church service. Well, actually, when we started and at the end, because you weren’t able to be with us. Guess who blew the shofar? Yeah, moi.


Yeah, I think I scared every cockroach in the wall out of this place. I’m learning how to blow that shofar a little better every time I do it. I got that little at the end too.


It just needs a little practice. Indeed. You have to work at it.


Indeed. I look forward to blowing a big one. Those three footers, like a big one.


I think you have a big one, don’t you? Dude, we got it in Israel. It’s a little bigger than three foot, I think. Wow.


The last one I had was three foot. I got a young guy at church, at our home church, that I keep praying in my spirit to teach him how to do it and get him a shofar that he can blow it at our home church also. I just got to wait till the blessing and then I’ll get him one.


Oh, that’s sweet. That’s good. Yes, pass on your talents.


Yeah, pass on your talent. Don’t go to the grave with them. Make sure that someone uses them as well.


At your age, you have a lot of experience, a lot of knowledge. You are valuable. I love you, brother.


That’s what all my teachers used to tell me. What? Actually, what they told me was, if Andy’s right, the world’s wrong. Well, we are right with Jesus.


That’s what counts. Thank you. Thanks for blowing the shofar, brother.


Yes, sir. My pleasure. I’m honored to do it.


Well, Tink, when do we next? Henick said he gave a donation. Henick just did? Thank you, Henick. God bless you.


Okay. The next conference call is on the 21st on Friday. Friday, the 21st? Yep.


Roger that. Friday, the 21st. We will be with you at 6 p.m. and we’ll continue our study.


Listen, I did not tell you. I did it in a Bible study. I think, yeah, I don’t think I did a Sunday in faith church service.


But I’d like to tell you about my PET scan. Is that okay with you? The reason I want to tell you is because it’s like fellowship. One of the main reasons you go to church is because you want to fellowship with other human beings.


You want to see what their needs are. You want to see how you can pray for them. If I share with you what I’ve gone through, I’m going to ask you to pray for me.


So one last time, is it okay with you? Well, I got one. Greg says, absolutely. All right, then I’ll talk to you, Greg.


It turns out that the PET scan finds this dot in my lymph nodes. Back in June, back in June. And the last time I went, last week or whatever it was, this little dot has grown.


And it is now 1.1 centimeter big. And I asked the doctor, I said, what is it? Is that, is that cancer? And he looked at me and he says, oh, no. Oh, good.


Okay. Okay. What is it then? What did he say, Greg? That it was a lymph node? Well, first of all, the first thing he said, I don’t know.


We don’t know what it is. He said, he said, I don’t know. What do you mean, what do you mean you don’t know? Wake up, man.


Tell me what it is. Yeah, it’s, it’s grown. We know that much.


So what’s happening is that, you know, it’s the lymph nodes. The lymph nodes is the sewers, family. The sewers of, oh, excuse me, the sewers of the body.


So my body is dumping stuff in my lymph node, and it seems to be accumulating. Now I asked him a second time, I said, is it cancer? He says, no, it’s not. As I listened to and watched the image as he was bringing it out of focus, in focus, I say to him, is it cancer? He says, I assure you it’s not.


I said, how do you know that? You see these numbers, Frank? The metabolic rate of this little nodule is about 2.2. The metabolic rate of the one kidney you have is at 6.7. So that tells us your kidney is functioning. There’s life there. But the 2.2 is very low and tells us there is no metabolic growth.


I said, but it is growing at a slow pace. It may be something piling up. So what’s the plan of attack? He says, we’ll take this images, the ones I’ve gotten already.


I’m going to do another one in April. Then I’ll do another one in September. And we’ll take all these images and overlap them and see how it’s growing inside of you.


And we could hit it with radiation. He said, there’s no reason to do a biopsy right now. No reason to do a biopsy.


It’s so small. And I said, OK. So there you go, family.


I just wanted to share that with you. You know what my plead is, what my need is. You know where to focus your prayers for.


Thank you, Kylie, very, very much for being with us here tonight. I always have something for dessert that I save, don’t I? Instead of something extra, something that I don’t want you to forget. We’re looking for the printing.


We’re looking for the printing of the new budget. Once we see that printing. Why are we looking for the printing? Why would you think? Why? Can you read anything on that paper? No.


Can you read anything on that paper? Well, yeah, if it wasn’t upside down. But my point is, we want something in print. So we can see.


God bless you all. Thank you, Kylie. And I will see you again on Friday.


Unless something happens. But for now, we’re scheduled for Friday. Sweet Aloha.


Bye-bye. I used to be a Dinah newbie. Until I watched Frank’s UB2B.


With a twinkle in his light. And God by his side. Frank’s teachings reaches far and wide.


So whenever I need a Dinah fix. I tune into Frank 26. He’s got the latest, greatest news from the street.


Tune in now, tune in here. This is the Dinah beat. Now take it from me.


Frank is no rookie. It’s okay, tank. Give this man a cookie.


You never know what suit he’ll be wearing. So I wear my sunglasses. Because they are so glaring.


So whenever I need a Dinah fix. I tune into Frank 26. He’s got the latest, greatest news from the street.


Tune in now, tune in here. This is the Dinah beat. Sit up, be patient, and get ready.


Frank’s got some news from Rocking Stick and Eddie. Frank breaks down news and keeps us straight. Come on, Iraq.


Can you give us the rate? So whenever I need a Dinah fix. I tune into Frank 26. He’s got the latest, greatest news from the street.


Tune in now, tune in here. This is the Dinah beat. Hey, tank.


I need a cookie. Come on, tank. I deserve some cookies.


Come on, tank. Give up the cookies. Ooh, it was really good, baby.


Yeah. Thank you. Yeah.


It’s very, very tasty too. Don’t want it. I’ll take it back.


There’s no cookies. It’s on the floor. No, it’s not.


It’s right here. This is an energy bar, isn’t it? It’s a granola bar. It’s so good.


Thank you, baby. I love you. Good night, everybody.


Sweet love.

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