LIVE! (Bank Of America Stock Market “SELL” Signal). None Of This Is Looking Good… Mannarino
okay everybody here we go it’s me Gregory manarino Thursday January 2nd 2025 I got to get used to saying that it’s kind of interesting people where we are right now and uh I look I’m looking forward to what’s coming I’ll be honest with you let them play their freaking games I really don’t I don’t care um as long as we stay ahead of the curve on this and I and I promise you we will we’re good um anyway look let’s talk about the setup here today uh right out of the gate this morning you guys can hear me okay right
out of the gate this morning stocks were higher across the board um the Dow was up like 300 points uh subsequently gave all of that back plus um okay it say again look man I think you got to be n two things you got to be nuts to do right now you ready to hear what they are get short this Market or even get along this Market that’s why I’m out here I’m going to sit back and enjoy watching this whole thing unfold now we got an interesting um call from Bank of America with regard to a possible sell
signal which we’ll talk about in a moment but let’s start off with these markets just real quick uh a little bit out of order but Gold Silver and crude looking very pretty here lovely um we got cryptos lovely acoss the board again with regard to the stock market not so lovely uh pretty much losses across the board nothing major nothing major but I want you to consider something here we had that 1100 Point drop after the FED cut the federal funds rate another 25 basis points very interesting phenomenon occurred the long end of the
curve came up that’s what hit the stock market uh the Y curve is basically flat except for the 10 to the 30 which is kind of still up and today the issue with which why the stock market gave back again was because we had a a selloff again in the debt Market anyway look man that sell off that 1100 Point sell off the market couldn’t not recover still can’t recover is that a sign of something bigger yet to come look I expect to see some bottom fishing soon and I’m gonna I’m going to show you why but before we get there this is the mmri
uh what happened today we did gain from this morning about 305 306 this morning and this is what’s spooking the market again ten year yield major calculation or part of the calculation with regard to the mmri and I hope you guys and girls are paying attention to this again it’s 100% free Link in the description of this video just real quick thank you to those of you that did step up and support my work uh you how it works on the first of every month I ask for your support and I do appreciate that guys
and girls let us move forward why does Greg mamino believe we could see some bottom fishing um here this is what I want to show you this is the fear and greed index generally when there’s fear or extreme fear in the market right now we’re getting close to extreme fear you get a lot you get some bottom Fishers here they think okay you know there’s blood in the water and this is generally a strategy that works I am not going to be doing this I don’t care what this gauge says Charles thank you so much I appreciate that
that’s awesome um so with with this here we may see some bottom fishing regardless of anything else you understand um but that’s not going to be you that’s not going to be you I I I just we need to be patient here all right as I said when I opened this this episode up I think you got to be nuts to to to short this market and to go long I just just stay where you are if you’re out of here if you’re in here I would hope you know what you’re doing and you may see a bump you may see may this is not a guarantee
but again those of you that know what you’re looking at here when there’s fear in the market you know that’s generally a time to buy but what do we got let us move forward to to this thing here with with Bank of America so Bank of America sentiment indicator is nearing a foric level the Bank of America is saying this is a contrarian indicator to sell to sell okay so what do we got we got this indicator telling you to sell we got this one here telling you to buy you got the this one the mmri clearly I mean
come on guys this is the easiest indicator in the world to read it’s not only is it numbered it’s freaking colorcoded risk in this market is at an extreme level Jeffrey thank you and happy New Year YouTu thank you um I understand with risk comes reward I get that believe me but I just don’t like what I’m seeing across the board um right now and I just don’t see why unless someone could convince me otherwise tell me why some of you and believe me people I read through the comments why are you why do you guys why
do you you got to rush back in here just it’s a rookie mistake in my view okay and I don’t want a single one of you to get burned just look first of all we’re taking a poll here it looks like 70% of you believe that more losses are coming if I had to pick a side here in my this is the poll in your opinion is the stock market sell over or is the sell just started 30% of you say stocks are going higher from here in other words you’re calling a bom uh more losses are coming okay what are you doing we’re calling we’re calling we’re
calling a top I hate to do that I I don’t call Tops or bottoms a losers game but if I had to choose which side I want to be on right now I’m going to say more losses are coming based on what we’re seeing here with regard to risk in this market it is certainly possible and it very well may happen that you know the the lender and buyer of Last Resort here and this is the Federal Reserve you know all they got to do is add dig to a screen they could buy it all and all this is doing is exacerbating the underlying problem
problem the disconnect between reality and wherever the La La Land the stock market is in doesn’t make any sense anymore uh none of it does um but I really feel The Prudent thing to do here is to sit tight wait do not be impatient I am just taking it easy I want to see a few things line up and believe what I’m telling you here if I get back in here you guys and girls are G to be the first people to know in fact I won’t even wait to put it out in a video blog I’ll blast it out to you in my newsletter again
100% free Link in the description of this video follow that stuff there’s a lot of little tidbits I throw out like today for example when the Deb Market flipped around started to sell off the market was getting hit pretty good um we did cover somewhat but I said look guys this is what’s happening so do subscribe there you got absolutely nothing to lose now I want to talk about a few other things and this is no matter how many times I just I talk about it people don’t understand so look dollar at
twoyear high on growth Outlook first of all we’re not growing anywhere the dollar get strength is a fear trade is a fear trade henceforth while you seeing what you’re see in the market but they got to sell to you as if it’s a good thing we look when you’re talking about dollar strength here this is a deception which I’ve warned about they’re talking about relative strength I want you to think about it take all these respective currencies they’re comparing strength one to another when you see a headline like this it’s
extremely deceptive it makes people think whoa my dollar is gaining purchasing power it is absolutely false Pat 85 thank you you it’s absolutely false but again it’s in this environment this is a grand deception on a massive scale expect to see headlines like our economy is strong we’re getting stronger expect to see a headline like the dollar is strong and some people are very confused and even today people are writing to me hold on a minute Greg you were wrong the dollar is getting stronger how do I say this I don’t I
wish knew another set of words to use okay comparing the dollar to other currencies they’re all falling okay they’re imagine this is the dollar and this is all the other currency they’re all falling with regard to purchasing power but the dollar is remaining the prettiest Bell at the ball as they’re all losing purchasing power this is a game that you’re being sold in this case it’s it’s it’s market watch selling you the lie no it’s Reuters selling you the lie you can hear this live from CNBC and
Fox Business and everywhere else here what did I write here no growth just higher debt hold that thought because you’re going to love what I’m going to show you at of our lovely Congressional budget committee oh yes there’s a congressional budget committee anyway so stay on the lookout for this um other currencies are simply falling faster than the Dollar on a relative strength basis so again I know I’m going to have to cover this again and then again and then again because we’re getting more people here and I love that more Lions
but we have to teach our our lion cubs here you have to understand when someone joins our pride thank you CL thank you Jonathan Jonathan thems the currency is exactly you see what Jonathan is writing here it’s 100% true they’re all being debased they’re all being destroyed but then you got a headline like that which is meant to deceive people this is we’ve never seen an environment of deception like this before in the history of the world you do understand what I’m talking about at least I hope you do um but
again when we get a new a new member to this Pride they’re not automatically a lion okay they’re a lion cub it’s our respons or or a liones it’s our responsibility it really is collectively to bring them up to speed and I I hope all you guys and girls will embrace the new lions and lionesses that come in here bring them up to speed at least we’re getting more people to understand now this is um the an issue again this is why we had the the market can’t recover um from that 1100 Point selloff we’ve
get we’re below that now so anyway 10year yield not high from a seven Monon high as the new trading year begins and this this unless the FED takes action like they did the other day remember what was going on we had the market the stock market down over 800 points all of a sudden the biggest drop we’ve seen in in in a year with regard to the 10year yield it just all of a sudden went from here to here bang like in the blink of a night how does that happen unless someone out here with a massive amount
of Firepower got into the debt market and bought a whole bunch of debt you know look the FED has a trading desk you don’t believe me look it up for yourself New York fed trading desk they don’t just sit in front of an Frolic around or anything like that they utilize this they use use this to prevent the market from a massive selloff the fed’s in here they’re not you have to understand the exchange stabilization fund is a real thing okay again look it up for yourself and they’re trying as hard as
they can to prevent a massive sell-off here again it’s the FED who’s the lender and buyer right now of last which is the goal of every single Central Bank on this planet that are working together to destroy the economy uh as fast as they can to issue in the new system for which we’re being thrust into again we didn’t vote for it we don’t want it but we’re getting it now the Congressional budget committee committee the committee on the budget I want to read this to you um you’re gonna love this so Washington Senate budget
committee has issued a statement they’ve issued they’ve issued a statement oh what are we supposed to do what do what are we supposed to do make it up this is their statement debt held by the public is projected to increase to 50.7 trillion you heard that right 50.7 trillion that’s 122.4 per of GDP by 2030 4 we’re not going to be here by that point here the current public debt is 36.1 trillion the annual budget set deficit projected is to reach two trillion this year that we just entered into and grow to 2.8 trillion by 2034
let’s just back up a minute these numbers have no bearing on reality whatsoever here all they did was take a line and draw a straight line this is not a linear situation it’s exponential so they’re trying to tell you our lovely overlords the the the the committee for the budget here that they’re issuing this this statement that we should get on our knees for right and thank them we should we should thank God for this right uh how about no okay um all they did with literally is just take a line and draw Dot and they drew a straight
line I’m here to tell you and you know this for yourself that this number this .7 tril ion could you imagine what that’s going to do to the purchasing power of well if the dollar exists which it will not we will be completely off that we will be in the new system by that point which is this system is being destroyed but this has no bearing on reality whatsoever it’s probably multiples of 50.7 trillion because it’s exponential now the annual budget deficit okay 1.8 trillion I believe that’s how we ended 2024 they’re telling
us it’s only going to nudge higher to two trillion in 2025 how about that number has no bearing on reality either what you’re going to see with regard to budget deficits deficits across the board uh and debt is going to blow your mind on an on a scale you’re not going to believe I’m going to tell you right now so interest costs they want you to know the statement here from from all of the them over there okay they want you to know that interest costs will let me read this to you net interest costs on
the debt obviously are expected to rise by more than one trillion this year 2025 uh and by 2034 this is a joke and this is how stupid they think we are and by by uh 2034 it’s going to be 1.7 trillion you got to be kidding me the system is being evaporated we’re being evaporated they want is gone do you understand what I’m talking about they really do and um they’re going to make sure that happens one way or the other um the move here into this Neo feudal system it well you know look man it’s just getting started and I think um I
think that we’re all pretty much on the same page here could you imagine the irresponsibility this is supposed to be a budget committee how are we having any kind of a budget if they’re telling you straight out that debts and deficits are going to hyper balloon from here really who would have known who would have known that I would have never guessed with you you can’t make it up you can’t make it up if you try to make it up people but that’s fact anyway look gauging from a few things gauging how about from this
gauge probably probably and there’s no lock here you may see some bottom fishing soon but remember the market can’t recover from the last drop the 1100 drop which I got out at right down around 400 points okay lovely I’m out out out out with no intention of getting back I’ll tell you when you understand but don’t be surprised to see us some bottom fishing here despite this warning from from uh where is it where did I put it here I’m telling you I’m really G to clean my desk one day one day I am going
to have a clean desk I don’t even know where I put it I can’t find it the warning that we just got from Bank of America America a sell signal from Bank of America okay everyone’s got their own cute little gauges here me I’m looking at the debt market like you are and I still say this that the mmri is the best risk tool you’re gonna find anywhere and the best things in life are free and that’s free to all of you of course anyway uh Greg stop preaching God here this ain’t no church it’s whatever I say
it is how’s that this is you know this is our thing but I’m the daddy you understand and the daddy gets the final word here if you don’t like it I am sorry you know you can go anywhere else you want are we all on the same page here all right uh if you’re not hip to that I don’t know what you tell you uh this is all thing but I think we’re pretty much on the same page uh guys look um I love you guys so much I really really do so look as you can see I really believe you and I have had we’ve had one heck of a run
here in the stock market here it’s been epic it’s been absolutely epic and I really believe what I’m going to say again you guys and goes that remain in this market that’s okay I believe that you’re sophisticated enough to know what’s going on here I think you need to exercise Extreme Caution here it looks like every time this Market gets a bump it sells off that should tell you is something as well we really need to keep our eyes on risk here now with regard to the Dollar on a relative strin basis
absolutely that’s going to remain where it is here it’s also affecting the mmri pushing risk higher you understand 10e yield all this is playing in it’s all I look at I’m I’m being honest you get all you got all these people and I hope this is not you any of you focusing where a d where a d they want you to look at the down Tunes Industrial Average 30 companies they don’t want you looking at the S&P 500 Jonathan thank you so much you’re 100% right you see this look at this the dollar is coming to an end it’s Central
Bank issued notes in their current form which is they what do you think they’re systematically wiping it out destroying the purchasing power incrementally slowly slowly slowly like the boiling frog they they think that’s what they think of you and I they think we’re boiling frogs we’re nothing we’re not even we’re waste to we’re means to an end that’s it but we’re not just that you understand and we’re waking up a lot of people here a lot of people are starting to get it to see what’s going and I really feel that’s because of you
and I honestly um and this this this channel is growing because of you not me I’m just a guy sitting here you’re the ones that share all this stuff and get it out there but anyway look man like I was saying I don’t care look even with Jim Rogers I just talked about with Jim Rogers his warning okay and he got out of the markets here in November which I didn’t even know all well and good I like Jim I respect the guy I think his perspective on Commodities is dead on I’ve been telling you that Commodities are the way to be since I
don’t know how freaking long and that’s what Jim is trying to tell you too Commodities are real things they’re not just intangible things that just float around somewhere you understand I understand some of you are going to say well Greg you love cryptocurrencies and cryptocurrencies are real things doesn’t matter okay these are these in my opinion are a means to an end as well and I’ve nailed the crypto space I think to the wall and we’re not done either you have to understand look man just because things may not be uh what they
seem to be does it mean that there’s not an opportunity to make it work for you whether it’s tulip Mania or whatever the freak it is I don’t really give a damn I really don’t and I think this has become this has become a survival mechanism we’re being destroyed here they were inflating us to death and I think we’re all on the same page with the GU they’re not they’re not done they’re going to kill the currency bya the mechanism of artificial supressed rates for as far as you can see and then some they’re going
to tell you this is what you need they’re GNA smack you across the face and say you know don’t worry what you think bang this is what you this is what you’re gonna get right yvon B you know what I’m talking about come on man we’re all on the same page I I I I still say that silver is the number one most undiv valued asset on this freaking planet Earth which is going multiples higher I still say we’re going to get a selloff here in the debt Market that that’s that’s going to destroy World stock markets but again at
a time of they’re choosing we don’t get to pick this the lenders and buyers of Last Resort now which has been the goal of central banks since their Inception they have it they are now the number one issuer and buyer of debt they choose when this ends they choose we don’t choose we can look we can read the tea leaves a little bit I think we’ve doing a pretty good job at it but it’s going to be a time when they choose but you and I we’re ready we’re ready everywhere across the board you understand and I remain I will
remain that way and I hope that you guys and girls too I’m going to work harder than I ever had to make sure that where we’re at we can’t be beat we can’t be beaten here I just look man I just can’t see a way that we’re going to lose if we remain doing what we’re doing we’re raising our awareness here we’re taking care of each other as well anyway guys and girls I I think we’re kind of done here is there anything specific you guys and girls want to cover before we get out of here you want me to talk about far coin no
I’m not talking about fcoin I’m sorry uh I just that’s I draw the line at fcoin okay I I I no I’m not talking about fcoin sorry uh yo mam when crypto moon what the crypto dude I’ve been I mean maybe you’re new here but thank you uh it’s very simple to understand when crypto first of all crypto’s been taken off um and we haven’t seen anything yet it’s kind of stabilizing here but look with you go to Commodities okay gold silver and even cryptocurrency I look at these things as a hedge as a hedge all right why do I
look at these things as a hedge because eventually we’re going to get a meltdown in the debt Market people the debt Market is being hyper fueled don’t listen to Greg manarino listen to the the illustrious ones in in the Congressional budget committee who who have issued a statement they’ve issued thank you are you be kidding me don’t listen to me they’re telling you they’re telling you why do you think they want to eliminate the debt ceiling where we can borrow into Oblivion without you even batting
an eyeball as to what they’re doing right under your freaking nose do you see the setup here okay they’re going to bury us they they’re already burying Us in this system and the more currency they have to create out of nothing the weaker the currency gets on an absolute strength basis forget about this stinking relative strength please Madison thank you so much I appreciate it again look do you realize honestly if you’re you’re a member of this team here and you all are you’re all one of my lions or my lionesses even my little
cubs that are coming in here we have nailed it all right nailed it I personally have made some errors in the past absolutely with regard to where I thought a particular asset would go some of it hasn’t even all played out yet but I think my track record 95% you guys 100% that’s a fact I’m doing my best to catch up trust me on this okay I really really am you can’t be right there’s no way to do it you can you can get damn close you really really can but it’s it’s not an easy game to play these Dynamics are constantly
changing it’s it’s it’s just things are always that’s why it’s so challenging and that’s why I can’t say I have the passion for it that I used to in the past I I used to love the game I really really did now it has become it’s become a mode of survival and I don’t like that it it you know it’s like if you don’t if we don’t do something if we don’t take action and get ourselves in the right spot we’re g to be destroyed that’s what they doing this is a mechanism of Destruction and I really say unless something changes here the
trajectory for where we are going here into 2025 is not very good not again this is not just a phenomenon here you got Europe falling apart all my European friends my heart goes out to all of them um and and and you know we’re we’re the laggard but we’re going to catch up we are going to catch up and they’re not done with us don’t take my word for it listen to these people these creatures these aren’t human either they’re none of them are they it’s it’s it’s an incredible thing what what we’re witnessing here really really is
oh anyway yes John though it does need it probably will talking about the dollar Index it probably will drop at one point here but this this this this kneejerk here with relative strength it’s a fear trade it’s a fear trade and that should tell us something too the fear trade here with regard to the dollar I think the Dixie is 109 if I’m correct or it’s over 109 last time I looked at it um it’s fair trade and look at the market it can’t recover it can’t recover and I think people are going to get hurt this is going to cause some
bottom fishing in my view there are people that this is their Bible in some ways you know right now is okay it’s time to buy and up here okay you know it’s time to sell I understand this believe me but look man Jonathan thank you so much yes you’re right again bro you’re absolutely right again this is a guy who’s on top of it um and we all know that it is 109 right the Dixie it’s 109 this is a fear trade it’s nothing to do about growth the only thing that’s again you’re going to see headlines like
that the deal the dollar is stronger on growth prospects no we’re not growing nothing except the debt what the global economy look man the biggest thing you’re not supposed to know is the global economy is Contracting and Contracting and Contracting as that is ballooning and ballooning and ballooning do you really think this is an accident this is just a comedy of erors that got us here come on I think we all know that 10.28 lava thank you this is a fear trade lava tell you she know what she’s talking about come
on and you guys and girls who do not follow lava click on lava right now do it and subscribe to Lava she’ll take care of you all right we got this all of us here anyway guys um I really think we’re kind of done here today I want again I want to thank all of you for being here and again thank you so much those of you that support my work I do I do this on the first of ever if you’re able only if you’re able if you could I ask for your support $5 a month that’s it if you feel like support my work there are links in
the description of this video I appreciate it if you can’t that’s cool too um and I really appreciate that all of you out here every one of you you’re amazing um xrp is still a by Cult I don’t think so bro but you can call it whatever you want you know with regard to bitcoin Cults and crypto Cults and this cult and that cult it doesn’t matter what you call it Awakening thank you so much doesn’t matter people seem to have this innate desire to label everything label it if it makes you happy it doesn’t matter it doesn’t
matter to me what you call something it really doesn’t certain things are ridiculous like fart coin okay too much I just I mean come on man really um blue The Cult awesome don’t feel the reaper right love that band um anyway with regard to again labeling things if that makes you happy label it um it you know it comes down to human nature human nature is a very interesting thing here go here goes Greg on one of his tangents human nature is very very simple it needs to label something and they need to assign blame
um and that’s how people have taken advantage of in many many ways here uh the assignment of blame on the blameless or whatever it might be um and again keeping your eye off the ball and this is what politicians do it’s politrix it’s all game it’s a game again no mention whatsoever with regard to monetary policy during the presidential clown show debates which weren’t real anyway none of it was real not one word about monetary policy could you imagine that really how’s that even possible unless they were told not to mention it
you know no questions about it no one brought it up it was just a blame game about inflation just a blame which we called would happen be go back to the video the night of the debate we said Blame Game blame game that’s all they did they blamed each other for inflation no think pointing at the root cause of it all who’s responsible for monetary policy it ain’t presidents it’s the Federal Reserve in this case or central banks can’t make it up but again aign blame get people to believe it better yet find an issue or create one this is
this is a grin deception this is a tactic they use all the time watch for it they find something that or they create it even if they make it up if it has to be made up out of nothing if you can’t disprove it by searching for it on Google anything else they can make you afraid of anything they find you by find that thing they get you to focus on it really instill fear in you and then they say you know what you see this guy sitting here I’m G to fix it I’m going to fix it for you so vote for me like
your votes count Anyway come on problem reaction solution exactly it’s always the same they think we they think we’re dumb it’s funny in a way that they they think we’re stupid but we’re so far from being stupid people it’s just too much we are so far from it and I love that and I I love you yeah you all right guys look I’m kind of out of here thank you for being here thank thank you for support I can’t thank you enough love you all from the heart we will reconvene tomorrow hey look just real quick man and I don’t have this I have
no vested interest in this Jeffrey hirs publishes this we used to be friends years ago I haven’t spoken to him in many many years but this is something you want to have again I am not getting anything for talking about this it tells you basically what days the Market’s open what you could expect on certain days you see that bear thank you so much I don’t T I appreciate that so much but this is a good asset to have for those of you that like to you know I write my schedule now anyway stuff that’s going
on like when I have interviews and all this fun stuff helps me keep my head on straight it’s a good asset to have so if you want to see it one more time you can get it right now I think I even know how much it is Amazon probably anyway exactly there you go guys and girls please take care of yourselves and each other until tomorrow morning and we will reconvene and I appreciate all of you again thank you thank you thank you so much every single one of you that’s it