Dinar Guru Uncut

Iraq Dinar News-Reassurances (Uncut) 03-17-2025

Hey everyone before I get started I just want to remind you that if you like my content hit that like button subscribe to my channel and then join the militiamen and crew patreon community by clicking the link in the caption Good evening everybody militiamen and crew. It’s a happy Sunday. I hope everybody had a great weekend And let’s see what we got today in the news the central bank reveals an integrated plan to get rid of the paper transactions We all know about that and I think that’s kind of important because the central bank is talking about it And what is that about? That’s going to be about having less paper, and I think that Involves their currency so it says that they have a roadmap for a comprehensive electronic transformation The central bank has integrated during this past year We were able to reduce 50% of paper use in the central bank and soon we will arrive to get rid of paper Transactions sounds like they’re gonna do it all together.


It says the central bank is working to have a Digital currency where we know that but they’re reiterating it. It’s kind of like a reassurance I think you’re gonna see this you’re gonna see that theme tonight and this is a big work being worked on in the bank in coordination with the international and Arab organizations and Entities and directly with the Arab Monetary Fund and I think if you guys remember Alalakh’s position he left the Central Bank of Iraq. He went to the Arab Monetary Fund For a board member seat, etc.


And maybe even higher than that if I recall But the bottom line is that the Arab Monetary Fund already has a Boona platform that is digital So look, there’s a lot to this. I have a lot of opinions on it but if you guys want to come in and read those opinions, please do at patreon.com forward slash militiamen and crew and Come come check it out And we have plenty of articles on a daily basis by our wonderful Samson and everybody gets welcomed by our admin Gigi she does a phenomenal job and I want to thank both of them tonight because they do a really bang-up job and Thank you all and thank you all for being so supportive You’ve guys have kept me kept us the militiamen and crew team Hard at it But we too are just as focused as you are is that we believe in our investment and that is the Iraqi dinar So I hope you guys enjoy tonight and I hope again this weekend has been a good one for you Here’s an article. That’s called is talking about again from the Central Bank of Iraq.


It says that It starts off reassuring citizens the Central Bank. We have ample cash liquidity. So once again, it’s a Reassurance and what is that about? It’s reassurance that the bank has been doing what they’ve been saying all along and are still focused in on that and getting it To fruition to becoming a cashless society it says the Central Bank of Iraq reassured the banking community and circles of Ensuring the availability of cash liquidity to cover all local transactions in Iraq dinar It says the Central Bank is the last entity that can be without cash liquidity in Iraq So the Central Bank has wide a wide scope to provide local currency to the extent that this currency is covered by foreign reserves Which currently far exceeds the level of the local sufficiency and more than we can finance So they go on and say the Ministry of Finance Ministry of Finance now Their revenues are based in dollars through Iraqi oil sales in the global market We’ve always said that right there.


They’re reaffirming that that’s what they’ve been doing all along because they’ve been using their Revenues from oil to do the things that they do that like for instance the 112 Situation with the operational investment side of the budget a lot of people have questioned why that works that way But the bottom line is is well, it is how it works until they go fully to a dinar backed currency Dinar only and that’s where what we’re expecting and you’re going to see some of the things tonight About why they haven’t Well apparently done it yet And I think that’s going to be because the exchange rate the exchange rate We expect is to be a new one and it’s going to be a digital transformation. Okay, it’s going to be a blockchain environment It’s going to have those new technologies So Allah luck he stresses that the central bank deals in Iraq dinars for all amounts of it receives in dollars And this is a very this is very available under the present circumstances he says he wants to make sure that you understand there is a distinction and separation between the financial situation at the government and the finance ministry and at the Availability of cash at the central bank, so there are two different entities, but they work in tandem No different than what’s happening with the central bank of Iraq working with other central banks in the world and the global financial system So ultimately the central bank once again is giving reassurances to the public they have to do And what they are doing are and they are clearly capable of covering their currency in circulation. They have foreign currencies Readily available to defend the currency issuance whether it be local or abroad So they’re gonna do this they do it now, but they’re doing it because of the dollar in oil But but they are assuring people that they have a system in place that when they’re ready to do Major transactions in the dinar.


They’re fully ready to do so It’s a it’s a lot of study if you guys really want to dig into it You can find it in patreon and and our discord says the new meetings will New meetings with the oil companies to resume oil exports via the Turkish port of Cyan Look, there’s that there’s things on the table that have not been sorted yet And one of them is going to be the oil the captive evaluation for that. We know of article 12 section 2 No item 2 section C that they have To value the currency, you know, they have to value the oil in a Real effective exchange rate or they would have already done it by now. It’s been two years and they’ve lost billions So it’s obvious it should be quite clear that they’re going to do something different in the future I don’t know if you guys watch mainstream media, but there was a really fascinating interview with The Secretary of State United States today, I would highly recommend Did you rewind that whole topic today and listen to what he has to say? I believe that he talks about digital countries and he also talks about a reset It says that he says that a few times it was on mainstream media.


I would suggest you go and find it and We’ll just leave out the agency, but definitely it’s very popular. Okay, so It says the first meeting will be held in Baghdad this week and another meeting will be held next week in herbal between the same Parties to resolve the issue with the issue of resuming oil exports through the Turkish port of Cyan All right. So this came out yesterday.


And so when they say next week Iraq’s next week starts on today, right? this and so if that holds true, um, they’ll have a A Meetings starting at any time. I think we’re going to find out that they already did but it says the oil export Problem is not related to the federal government or the regional government, but rather the oil companies are refusing to resume exports at this time until the regional government debts are paid and why is that important that’s important because it’s a stipulation because Iraq Kurdistan and the private sector, which is those companies They need everybody needs reassurances. I think Kurdistan I think Baghdad have probably on the table today or soon Resolving that issue because again Both entities the Kurdistan region and the center which is Baghdad Are losing a lot of money and I think it’s push come to shove and so what is it going to come back to you? I talked about oil and Salaries, here’s an article It says the regional finance department is preparing a payroll list for its employees for the current month of March It says on Sunday today The regional government is preparing a new list of salaries for the region’s employees for the current month of March It says the Ministry of Finance in the Kurdistan government has sent a letter containing several points to ministries and Agencies regarding the preparation of the payroll for the region’s employees for the government During the current month of March It says these points are that no one will be added These points are that no one will be added to the payroll because they are a martyred relative forgotten or for any other reason They must send a clarification in Arabic preferably detailing the number of people retired on Leave or in any other status.


It says there will be no changes to the payroll and The source basically confirms the salary list will be sent to the Federal Ministry of Finance. So that’s two different finance portions It’s the Kurdistan regional government sent a letter and then it’s to the Federal Ministry of Finance, which is Tafe Sami’s office. So once that’s done, I believe that they’re they can move forward.


Okay, so Kurdistan has been tapped many times for not doing it accurately not Possibly responsibly and they’ve been called on the carpet numerous times by the federal government get it, right do it properly We give you instructions and we have given you instructions and I think they reiterate that in that topic matter Okay, so aside from that it says so now the Turkey Energy minister arrives in Baghdad for oil and gas talks Oh, so they said they were gonna do it next week and here it is today next week. Yep So this this is today. This is a Turkish Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources Arrived in Baghdad on Sunday according to this statement The meeting was attended by the undersecretary of extraction affairs General managers of oil marketing company the North oil company the economic department in the legal department according to the statement so ultimately They’re The pressure is on and they need to get it done.


They’re losing a lot of money goes on and says the Iraqi government has also begun at the same time a Formal process to persuade the regional government to transfer the oil of the federal oil marketing Organization which they call is SOMO S-O-M-O It says Turkey has repeatedly said the pipeline is it is Operational and it is up to Iraq to resume flows and the United States Has also expressed a strong desire to see oil flow through the Iraq Turkey pipeline I think the Secretary of State had a conversation just recently with al-sudani so and possibly the Finance ministry, so those those are key things to think about and to be a to be completely 100% aware of it says here that Baghdad Requires the region to send revenues pay to Kurdistan employees salaries before I’d so now they have a time frame for those salaries They’re pushing for the oil and now they’re pushing for the salaries the Ministry of Finance has asked the regional government to hand over non oil domestic revenues for February and March and will fund employees salaries for March prior to the holiday, which is I’d It says this issue will not be resolved and the problem will continue every month if they don’t do it Except through the settlement through the federal banks. So in other words the citizens themselves do not want to be going through the Kurdistan region because they want a guarantee just like everybody else to get their money and I don’t I wouldn’t you know, I’d want to be on the list of the federal registry to be fair anybody that’s going against the The federal government at this stage and if you’re involved doing transactions and what they call the the parallel market the black market Whatever you want to call it Basically, it’s a it’s basically an insignificant market. It’s it’s probably less than 5% of the total issuance of money for imports, etc It’s just one of those things that It’s gonna go away and those people that have been warned if they if they’re on the wrong side of the trade They’re gonna have a major financial issue.


And so Keep that in mind as well because that’s that’s massive pressure Okay, you guys All right. So here’s one of them. This is Winnie everybody’s there’s a difference She has a little what they call I think is called a copper top and that’s right there on her head So I can sometimes you can’t tell them to tell them apart so that’s what I use So welcome Winnie To reduce.


Okay. Here’s an article. It’s called to reduce speculations who the needs advisor reveals a new monetary strategy So this is Soleil we all respect him and he’s been around for a long time and we all pay attention To what he has to say He says a new monetary strategy aims to gradually affect or attract foreign exchange Transactions to officially regulated banking system He explains that the strategy focuses on expanding the base of buying and selling foreign currency at fixed and Stable rates in line with the current monetary policy He says that these steps coincide with enhancing the freedom of foreign exchange process with a high commitment to transparency money governance in line with international standards He points out that the strategy is being implemented and organized in precise manner by the Iraqi banking system And suppose and specifically targets large transfers.


I think we all talked about major Transactions, what were they talking about major transactions in? They were talking about and have reaffirmed it more than once the dinar Okay, transparency money governance in line with international standards Okay the strategy is being implemented in an organized price sites manner by Iraqi banking system and It says specifically targets those large transfers, especially those related to financing a wholesale trade That’s for businesses and commercial transactions everybody The importance of stimulating electronic banking transaction to reduce cash Circulation less cash you guys talked about at the beginning. They were going to go paperless now They’re gonna talk now they’re talking about reduce cash circulation That’s cash less right which contributes to feeding the parallel market with cash dollars So they’re going to cut off the parallel market thus reducing Speculative operations that take place outside the framework of the law So those that are doing Transactions in the parallel market black market. They’ve got a problem if they if they haven’t got on board already They’re gonna wake up one morning and they’re gonna have a lot of pain, especially financially That’s how I see it.


I think everybody probably should agree with that Here’s the here’s one that says after a trial so that they did a trial of pumping Kirkuk pumping oil Kirkuk is ready to resume oil exports to cyan Turkey It says that this source particularly says that the director general of the North oil company Ahmed Participated in the meetings of the deputy prime minister for energy affairs the Ministry of oil Turkish Ministry of Energy Accompanied by his delegation he goes they go on and confirm that the North oil company is Ready to resume oil exports from the Kirkuk fields to the port of cyan With an initial capacity of about a hundred thousand barrels of a day it says the resumption of Iraqi flow with the Kirkuk fields to the port of cyan is contingent upon an official position from the federal from the federal Ministry of oil So that’s at the government level and the North oil company and they’re ready to resume pumping within hours That was today. So within hours, that’s what they’re talking about now It says the North oil company has completed the repair of the pipeline after it was sabotaged from Isis the work included repairing the damaged sections between Kirkuk Saladin Nineveh all the way to the Iraqi Turkish border It says the company worked to replace the damaged sections and fully completed repairs so that the pipeline is ready to transport any Quantity specified by the federal Ministry of oil. So the pipelines ready.


They’re affirming it They’re talking about within hours It goes on and says the Iraqi Turkish pipeline was ready to transport oil from the Kirkuk fields more than a year ago We’ve talked about that we’ve said that and we reiterated it and here we’re being vindicated here at militia man and crew Indicating the implementation of the initial pumping from the Kirkuk fields to the Bajie refineries was successful This is a big paragraph you guys while the second stage began from the pumping and gathering station in Bajie stressing through the Josh and Shura areas in Nineveh government Arriving at the final so arriving at the final pumping station in Doha where the oil was pumped in the various parts of the pipeline Were monitored which proved it’s 100% readiness So they’re talking about within hours and they’re 100% ready to do so It goes on and says the resumption process is linked to negotiations between the Iraq Minister of oil and the Turkey side as for the North Company, it says it has the ability to resume exports within hours if it receives notification From Baghdad. So now we’re at the top. We’re at Baghdad Okay.


So anyway that it all that happened Today and so That really rings true to what we’ve been saying about it can happen At any time and why haven’t they done it at 1310 last year? Why did they wait two years? Right, and why are they talking about article 12 sec section C? Well number two section C is because it’s directly related to I believe that valuation of oil and I think that the 2324 budget schedules haven’t arrived to the parliament because it’s not their business It’s going to be their business after the fact. That’s how I see it So here’s here is the former MP You know Minister of Parliament It says the KRG bears the greatest responsibility for the delay in this distributing employee salaries Okay, why well at the end of the day? We’re gonna see is we’re gonna see oil flow We’re gonna see salaries get paid and if that happens my assumption would be and we’ll find out If that holds true a new exchange rate will be needed The Kurdistan regional government bears the largest part of the crisis in distributing salaries to Kurdistan employees So the Kurdistan region bears the responsibility Okay, which prompted demonstrations and protests against the practices of the government? So they’re talking about the Kurdistan region not the federal government It says the Kurdistan employees are demanding the federal government in Baghdad not deposit their dues. So don’t give it to the Kurds Salaries and banks affiliated with the Kurdistan regional government as they do not reach their beneficiaries Seems like a little bit of corruption.


I think that’s probably why they they’ve been holding out for so long I think excuse me that I think that’s going to cease to exist So again these meetings on oil today the salaries And the question is is you know, have they done all these things just yet? We’re gonna find out but yet again, they talk about article 12 to section C, which is I believe the mechanism for What everybody is expecting so if any of that is close to being accurate, which I think it is It’s gonna be a powerful week this next week. It could be a powerful time frame at any time They say they can resume the oil within hours. I Think we should take that seriously.


I think I’m excited about it I hope everybody else’s looks like when he’s throwing papers everywhere. So I think she’s pretty excited about it I promised her some treats. So anyway, hey if everybody if you like my content, please do me a favor hit that subscribe button pound the like and also thank you again for all those wonderful donations that come in small and large are greatly appreciated because it truly does keep this channel going and We’ll be seeing you soon.


So have a great weekend Once again guys, don’t forget to hit that like button If you like this content subscribe to the channel or join us at the militiaman and crew patreon community for even more exclusive content You can also donate to this channel by hitting the links in the banner to help keep this page up and running Your generous support is greatly appreciated as always much much appreciated. Thank you so much and have a great day

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