Dinar Guru Uncut

MarkZ (Uncut) 12-24-2024

hello all good morning good morning hello and happy birthday Rox San hello beo quester Captain Peggy hello to goo and shiny and kkb Mar kapow boy that freedom Forge coffee is good stuff hello Peggy hello Miss Sassy hello Kathy happy Christmas Eve Krypto Kenny good to see you in the house miss Lynn Danny Black Irish dad morning good morning hello Iris and hoops and Jamie Rick 80’s birthday expl acious even the sound of it was something quite atrocious hey Vegas 2856 twitch Charlene’s healthy cooking tax

man I see there’s a whipper will from Georgia in the house hello bethan gaming AED morning morning drinking game every time take a gulp I take a gulp wait a minute are you drinking coffee though hello Zach nce or should I say Zach is how my son Zachary would say it he likes messing with Mr fro good to see you sh Dragon dinard dude Fruit Ninja let’s see birthday my mother-in-law Kevin happy birthday to your mother mother-in-law that is XX years old you know I should do this anybody that wants to find out I S

somebody post it hold on or want to know what I meant hello snowy Pennsylvania that’s where you find Freedom forged coffee sweetened by the tears of liberals good stuff hello Daniel hello Hollywood Terry shopping done but it occurred to me that I didn’t do anything for dessert for tomorrow so I’m going to go see if I can find an apple pie and maybe a bottle of H red wine for the pr rib tomorrow and we appreciate those prayers for abundance and blessings we will return those hello caddy s or ktie S hello

estao Cory I don’t know if we can handle that one Forest Outlaw it’s great question right now we’ve got people that absolutely are positive it’s coming this week they’re ending auctions in Iraq right now I’m being told the 28th which is kind of odd because it’s a Saturday um I think the worst case scenario people I have or I’ve got one saying uh now uh the moment Trump’s inaugurated most of them are saying somewhere between now and the 7eventh in my group uh my contacts both on bonds and Banking and groups and settlements

and nobody knows the exact time well I shouldn’t say there’s six or seven people that know when they’re going to do it but that’s that’s it we’re not one of them meat sauce for o 72z that’s what I should have you guys ever had Joe Mama’s sauce Jo’s um oh I got to look that up real quickly you guys are G to like man this is probably the best sauce recipe let’s see if we can find it Joe Mama’s world famous spaghetti recipe I cannot suggest this enough guys oh I don’t even have it up here let me get it

up here I know we’re talking food again Joe Mama’s world famous spaghetti when I tell you this stuff is amazing it is absolutely amazing this sauce is through the top I use a combination of sweet and um spicy Italian sausage along with ground beef when I make mine it is it calls for two pounds of Italian sausage says mild or hot I would do one mild AKA sweet and then I would do one hot oh man buddies nope my talian grandmother’s recipe send it buddy I’ll make it I’ll let you know 30-day Challengers I’m fast

things stop we’re strengthening your resolve Joseph just said we always do lasagna for Christmas had sauce on the stove for 20 hours now turkey beef and venison oh wow I think I got a new uh possibly a new tradition for Christmas Eve start making lasagnas uh Thomas I think it’s all going at once too Laura just said we’ve been using Joe Mama’s recipe yeah this is a like an old one a classic why it’s called Joe mama who knows um there are other like knockoffs out there but this actual recipe is it’s the one I’m going to like

copy and paste that for you guys you can thank me later for all of you that don’t have Buddies grandmother or Aunt or mother whoever that one was Italian grandmother I think it was rest of us settle for this until he shares the recipe Ron how are things up in Canada land slap your mama Cajun seasonings amazing po peanuts slap your mama I don’t I think my mama would slap me back wait I know she would she had a boomerang shoe she could get you from around the house around the corner down the block at a friend’s house in the

basement with a shoe that thing had radar Jay and Amy it’s good to see you yeah no you’re on your own on that one on the green bean casserole where are we at okay seven minutes in we still have a little bit oh uh Tom hoty said mom made lasagna with so many ingredients and layers of it almost took two people to load it in the oven that I believe you actually have me like really thinking about making lasagna reading just reading these guys it was a remote controlled shoe yeah I think that’s where I think Ron developed its

uh tracking devices for missiles there so they know where to hit wait that might make sense hello Katherine Ward Merry Christmas Eve you know I’ve been trying to figure that out for some years now is trying to figure out how Santa’s gonna get that 69 camra down the chimney magic just run with magic now let’s see Jesus believer says I make pretty good spaghetti sauce myself I don’t know as good as an Italian Grandma but it’s pretty good my lasagna has always been a hit to church potluck to I have to stop making it because

pasta makes me fat oh there is that jipper my green bean casserole has bacon cheese bacon bacon bacon oh other yummy stuff and just a few beans that’s interesting uh has anyone heard about Airlines being delayed or grounded question mark my two nephews are trying to get home Sarah not anything unusual that I’ve heard so far normal holiday congestion and traffic will be pretty rough but praying they make it home Evelyn I’m just G to have to trust you on the Italian green beans all right let’s get to it it’s close enough in

here let’s find a news time Banner it’s talking about Jo Mama’s sauce oh did you see this one one of you s this is uh the clampet Jed meeting the dries it was just funny I dropped that link in chat earlier I’ll put it in there it’s just funny thought you guys might enjoy it it’s how you’re G to be treated after this thing goes people are going to be suddenly whoa no no no no we got to take care of them all right alock announces the start of an era of digital transformation in Iraqi Banks uh marking the changes guys this

is all part of um their white reforms their economic reforms they told us that that part was necessary for the digital transformation so that they can track where the money goes good bad um any of it makes certain none of it’s going to Iranian factions Etc but also to streamline the system before they change it makes it much easier all a lot going into how successful it is which to me is important because the final portion of those white reform papers uh is total Independence for Iraq and a stronger purchasing power of the

Iraqi Nar AKA a reinstatement or revaluation we know that’s their end goal uh and they’re making clear steps about 100% foreign remittances in Central Bank of Iraq sells I know boy that’s a mouthful what it’s telling you is uh 283 mil2 wait 986 837 that part was us cash the total was 291 billion as they uh sold some uh or used other currencies from the region to buy dinar off the street so that’s a big one they seem to be ramping up the purchases going into the end of the purchases and they have made plans for the end of the

purchases oh this one I it’s kind of out of um order but I like it Iraqi Stock Exchange first with the volume of trading between Arab markets what did we just launch what a year ago or so guys already now the largest trading stock market in the Middle East in the Arab world that one is huge they are setting themselves up as a world leader a regional leader what is going to be important they’re going to have to have that currency that matches that region and the bar is awfully High when you look at um Kuwait you look at Bahrain

you look at all the other currencies right there in their value you’re getting ready to see some fun stuff out of Iraq H see Mom it’s true that Iraq’s RV in country many I don’t know if many is the right word but three times in the 1900s um that were very substantial once in the 2000s but down we did see 130% up valuation just a year or so go in Iraq about a year and a half it’ll be two years in February I don’t know I’d have to go back and look TP l for the I appreciate that one TPL um send me an email I’m going to

send you to a temporary one that I can find you send me an email with that question TP L yeah Iraq has a history in this one people are saying oh things like that never happen it is too easy to go in history and follow them and look at them and study them you don’t get to play that game bowler just saying nater posted or somebody uh shortened it nater from Middle East I feel it’s very close we are very very very very close very close like very close I feel like once they stop the auctions everybody’s going

to be happy about it I think it’s going to be stopping on the 28th oh wow he’s here in 28th as well 70 to 80% chance uh about where I’m at exactly that’s about exactly where I’m at I’m about that 80% Mark with him on it happening before the first who that’s got fun hey thank you for posting that bowler nater if you’re out there at Merry Christmas uh I would like to point out number of people uh talking about Iraq some of the stuff going it has one of the largest Christian populations in the Middle East

um they have a very large pretty fluent uh Christian Community uh not necessarily well okay it’s a little unusual in the Middle East um but pretty impressive I’ve had the opportunity to talk to some missionaries and some Christian folks uh Christians from Iraq and it was very enlightening tells me how much we don’t know about the Middle Eastern World an expected rise in the dollar and a temporary shock awaits the Iraqi Market this is just what they were talking about on those um nater comments and the end of the auctions and

unexpected rise of the dollar they’re saying hey worst case if they don’t have a better mechanism we may see the dollar gain value over the dinar veryy temporarily but then will stabilize and change they’re getting into the discussion one thing that changes all of their worries is a upward reinstatement or revaluation close to the US dollar value or higher fixes all of this for them and there are many in Iraq and the us all over the world right now that are expecting that value change with the end

of auctions not just me a lot of folks not just people on the internet following the boards but people within government in the banking world I’m awfully excited to see where it goes when they end them let me see if I can find that banner and turn it off get back to you all let’s see Holly has just reported that her forces suggest the RV GCR initiate on January 6 or 7th which is also Christmas to a lot of people Haley isn’t that interesting guys what did I give as like my back one right now what

my sources are telling me my bond folks seventh so yeah between here and there Feeling Good Feeling awfully good Charles I think we’re all trying to figure out whether we’re idiots or Geniuses the good news is you hang on Long enough you’re a genius the bad news is every day until you win you’re an idiot but I just want you to know I’m an idiot with you and I’m looking forward to the genius part uh buddy saying Mark other podcasters saying that in Iraq they have the purchasing power equal to about 10

cents per dinar um I’ve heard it but I’ve talked to people in Iraq that disagree with it um they do have some grocery prices that have suddenly fallen on certain Staples that may be the government dumping going into the Christmas season because this is a big season in Iraq as well I mean they decorate they set up the town squares they do the whole thing they celebrate also uh matter of fact I uh one of my thumbnails this week was from uh City Square heyy here we go let’s move that over right now this

is a picture from Iraq as they decorate for the Christmas season in one of the squares there outside of Baghdad so on the 10 cents I could see where you could come up with that on certain products that for some reason have suddenly dropped I don’t know if it’s their government flooding uh cheaper staples into the market or whether it is an impending reevaluation I don’t know what to tell you I tend to think it’s more of that trying to uh play Tech there all right now back to you guys palm trees are desert trees they

are and they also like the beach strangely enough they also dig deep and find water and sorting coconuts which is kind of cool Michael I’m with you uh Barbara I get it Sharon let’s do this before on your birthday that would be a lovely lovely thing Miss Sharon everybody all right who’s for doing it on or before Sharon’s birthday you may become the most popular person in the room Bearcat I have heard everything in the last two days on contractors where did I do that I put it somewhere um I already know what is

347 to 392 is what I’ve been getting from different contractors and contracts Etc hey I think everybody’s ready we’re gonna celebrate your birthday our birthday’s not till the 7th so I think we should do it before no no January 7th anniversary of marriage and didn’t divorce boor bro Keith 40 today we got Keith we got Rox s Rock does everybody do that to you Rox s imagine everybody does that to you or a lot of people at least Cosmic soul is having a lamb roast and lamb meatballs lovely Carolyn says I vote for the

28th Katie what do I mean by a contractor contractors are people that build roads um large buildings build a new hospital the my favorite contractor there Works in power distribution meaning power lines uh setting up infrastructure for power plants uh I mean you name it everything to do with electricity hello poor roer yeah see I’m with poor rer I do not think Iraq is necessarily tying anything to Trump’s date at some point we have to admit the whole world the universe does not revolve around around the United States

as much as we think it does by you lady said how about flying squirrel’s birthday it’s on the 26th I like that one even better my son’s Dominic birthday is 1 one amen praying for before that’s PTA right every day somebody’s birthday we’re gonna get it eventually right or right eventually Thomas happy birthday tomorrow we’re going to be here tomorrow though if you want us to sing Happy Birthday to you I’m going to pop on at noon Eastern do a short one just to feel good I’m reading through guys sorry

about that DS Benjamin exactly and that’s why I think uh ndas are so important on that side of it I’m being told we won’t be required one unless you have a projects what I’m still hearing of late Michelle said my dad Cliff’s 90th birthday was Saturday he had to wear his Marine sweatshirt of course had a band oh man that sounds like fun that is awesome uh Richard that’s a great question are they already getting it I do believe some are um on the contractor side and I think some are waiting for that change but they negotiate ahead

this is this has been weird and interesting because I try to make heads or tails out of the logic of the process what percentage United States hold Iraq of the people less than 1% that’s like all right think about it you put 100 people in the room a couple of them are going to be rich right you’re adding one more rich people we are all convinced that we’re going to wreck or not all many are convinced that when we get paid it’s going to wreck the economy we are such a small percentage of the economy we’re going to be able to

do great things but it is not the massive transfer that everybody thinks it is when you look at the overall basketall world most people around the world aren’t going to be happy when this happens will be happy most of them are going to take a while to be happy because the world’s going to have to settle uh Mark I talked about that straight out of the gate today uh Rafe I’ve been told you can go multiple times but they hope you go once gma’s heavenli birthday let’s see GMA Donna yeah I’m not certain I’m

getting the name right there but uh Pamela uh wishing a heavenli birthday uh beard in no part of me thinks that Iraq’s going to go alone I I would be happy if it did many of you guys would be upset but that would allow me to do some serious double dipping but I’m just not hearing that from any Source period not one that they think they’re going separately or ARA going first so for me I’m not going to waste the mental time thinking it through because they are absolutely 100% convinced and that is contacts both in

Asia and the Middle East sh that’s not the news I wanted to hear let’s see Helo Maris is there still an option to buy dong yes there is um Helio miris because dong is internationally traded and accepted many many many banks and currency exchanges carry it I don’t know what area area you are in Virginia Beach here you can walk right into MacArthur ball mall to the currency exchange and go buy some at a very reasonable rate banks are going to be cheapest lots of places online selling it but it’s cheaper from your bank less

spread we talked about Bill Clinton being hospitalized last night I’m praying for my Steelers we’ve already lost two so it’s got to uh we’ve had a we’ve had a short run run with some good teams on the road s nay what I mean by double dipping is I mean if one were to wait and go that means I would have a lot of money with the currency that went ahead and changed so I could buy a lot more in other words let’s say the only currency going now is the dinar and we firmly convinced that I don’t know uh the

bolevard the dong everything else is going later if it’s just one going I could I’d have millions of dollars I could go by you know you know 100,000 of this 100,000 of that 100,000 that currency and then when they go I’d be really good shape that’s what we mean by double dipping that’s I’ve been told over and over it’s all going at once so that they can’t double dip Leonard that’s all right yeah time travel not a whole lot of fun stuff on the bond side this morning other than them just still convinced they’re going

somewhere between now and the 7th of January depending on which Bond contact you talk to where their appointments are what they’re being told by their lawyers and bankers Dora says please remember my daughter Michelle in prayer she’s having extreme bone pain from radiation for cancer oh doors prayers yeah exactly Iraq is selling an R for 7 to $730 per million so these sellers that are selling them for 1,200 1500 two grand a million think of the money they’re making they’re going to keep doing that because every time they

sell you a million they can go buy half a million in pocket and keep it in their pocket wash rinse repeat they’re making a killing I appreciate those Christmas wishes for my mother and family and the commander and such you know I hadn’t thought about this Hoops asking how do you think the public will react to EBS Sarah Trump has said to an interview no retaliation makes me think this must be done while Biden’s in office you know Hoops that actually makes sense do it in January wash the plate clean it Trump doesn’t

get blamed that’s not a bad thought process oops I’m gonna start thinking out you guys think about it as well sound off on your opinions all right let’s get in here so we can get on with our Christmas Eve Trump says Us control owner ship of Greenland is a an absolute necessity he is going to make this a priority which I find very interesting I did not know much of this though um Greenland prime minister of course uh essentially large real estate deal owned by Denmark 700 million a year is what the Danish Denmark excuse me the

Denmark government is losing on Greenland um Greenland could be self-sufficient Trump saying we need to make a pitch at it strategic location resources Etc and it’s time for America to grow again this is I don’t know if this is like a page out of the Manifest Destiny Trump has been saddled with an enormous mess enormous mess what Biden has done what decades of government have done to this uh government in country is atrocious but what has accelerated in the last four years to a near catastrophe level uh under

Biden the globalist Harris Obama Etc has been historically unprecedented he is gonna have to do something Extreme Total reset that we’re counting on uh to give people hope which is very important they need to grow they need to feel like there’s opportunity you have to have growth before you change that downward spiral uh before you stop having runaway crime people desperate people lose their sanity when they feel hopeless hope gives everything Law and Order um so if we give him great hope then we can

reestablish things so if he restarts a um economy a dollar a reset and grows then it creates a lot of opportunity for Americans people around the world feel like they’re growing There’s Hope and they don’t resort to Crime to get ahead so I’m uh watching and it appears he has really studied his history on this one because he is paying attention to a number of historic cues uh and that one would be a huge one right huge one Don you can’t really pardon death right in other words uh Biden pardoning 37 deaths he’s not

pardoning the sentences he’s well he is kind of he’s commuting the from death penalties to life with no option of parole what’s in Greenland lots of energy lots of free energy thermal energy Rare Earth minerals Fish Wildlife would make a uh very large scale if somebody put in the infrastructure for travel a lot of extreme tourism would hand would uh end up there as well so he’s going to make a complete pitch at it to pick it up kind of liked his thinking on that one we need to grow uh when mankind

stopped growing it started shrinking it started falling in on itself we stopped growing Go West Young boy go to the Moon we stopped all that for a while we need a new dream what’s your dream uh just keeping up with this one Luigi mangion pleads not guilty to State murder terrorism charges United healthc Care CEO murder you knew he was going to do this in hopes of getting a better plea bargain or they don’t kill him uh there’s a good chance he will find a pretty uh understanding jury of his peers when it

when it is time so they’re just trying to lay legal groundwork I mean we already know He m we know he shot him based on all the evidence we have seen so far we could be wrong I don’t think we are but we could be wrong but he is going to find a lot of sympathy with jurs over killing of a or assassination really of a insurance exact because Insurance there are not many here who have not been screwed by an insurance company so finding a compassionate ear on that jury probably will not be difficult what do you guys

think I don’t know the solar flash Earth Ascension to 5D for me I look at it more as Christ returns and we’ve got a thousand years of peace I guess I’m more biblical and less uh spiritual on that front jhc let’s see I’ve been hanging on you still got more in your jhc let’s get across a Finish Line my warm and fuzzy is like really warm and fuzzy even my toes are warm and fuzzy which is kind of awkward right fuzzy feet now I feel like a uh Hobbit Juno that is the way a lot of people see him that’s exactly how a lot

of people see him uh they look at this uh at louigi as kind of like the Punisher the vigilante justice the yeah did did it but he deserved it is what a lot of people are thinking is being pitched at um history has taught us that this is what happens when corporations government’s leaders lose sight quit taking care of the people the people rise up this is a clear sign historic sign of just that um if it were more one off times are great 95% of people had insurance they liked and they worked really hard for them I

wouldn’t read too much into this but if you look at from public opinion to just talking to folks to the mess that our economy is become and the corporations have become I think this is more symbolic of what more is to come that it’s going to happen more and more often more and more people are going to start right wrong and different I’m not passing judgment here here I’m just saying that this is how history works if you follow it and study it people start rising up you’re going to have more frustrated people

doing just that um in history sometimes it’s been a very good thing and it’s been used positively or a positive leader steps up and fills that V void but often what you’ll have is somebody step up history tells us or I say history tells us I’m not certain we can trust it but like arise of Hitler took a very frustrated people and said here here here’s who you blame this is what we do and you point that blame is this what’s going to happen to somebody bad Step Up do we step up this is going to be very important for all of

us to fill voids in leadership some of you folks that are capable youve sat on the sidelines long enough all right I think that’s uh pretty much all I want to cover today what do you guys want to talk about hey look the Market’s up 162 points today let’s see where metal is Running Oh down a buck 32 on gold sitting at 2618 gold silver man I wish it wasn’t the holiday months and a new uh semester of school happening and all that silver at 2976 I’d rather be picking up some silver uh Lisa yeah he repeated it he

has predicted a couple of great Christmases in a while it’s been a meth for him I’m reading through you guyses yeah I will probably invest in Iraq after this kind of a give back for all the hell they’ve been through ra yes zester’s doing fine we’ve had a lot of work on the plate the day job has been extremely demanding of late Rafe Cody’s birthday tomorrow is my son-in-law Cody’s five birthdays between Thanksgiving and end of the year yeah that keeps you busy happy birthday to Cody Tommy Luigi Harvey Oswald in other

words aaty ah Brett’s 37th tomorrow is going to be Ray emanuels I’m reading to see if I’ve got a booger help I appreciate you booger over there helping on that front over on the uh Rumble front I wow 94 any thoughts on the Panama Canal we’re not taking back over the Panama Canal um it’s outdated we could build a better one uh rail would be cheaper probably more sense with just two Mega ports on each side that’s my thoughts but what he does do is force the country of Panama to close the Daran gap which I think they’re already going

to do anyways their new president there has been very insistent after their elections I think it is more of a shake them up because with China taking over so many of the management parts of the panamania canal uh our costs have skyrocketed to get through any us shipping company costs have gone way up to go through Panama Canal so he’s bluffing him although I do think he’s more than willing to go in and take uh and he’s going to have to somebody’s going to call us Bluff at some point whether it’s Greenland

whether it’s uh Panama Canal whether it’s the border wall in Mexico whether it’s tariffs in Canada tariffs in Mexico some point somebody’s gonna call us Bluff um but it’s how he operates and then he’s willing he puts it right out there and 90 sorry guys 99% of the time he settles for what he wanted that works for both sides everybody walks away a winner and it’s Happy on occasion though you have to call the bluff because they’ll call your bluff and then you’ve got to be willing to execute but do I think we’re taking

Panama Canal no I think they’re going to greatly drop their rates I think they’re going to back off signing any more managerial contacts uh excuse me contracts with uh China and infrastructure uh close it arean Gap close down the infrastructure and cut our fees and rates to go through the Panama Canal I think he’s going to get exactly what he wanted but he certainly has the press and mainstream media losing their minds because they just do not understand them the rose well I mean you can count on a number of Banks and PR they’re

going to be good for bco popular is going to be ready a number of them are going to be ready for it at least there you go why do more people not read art of the deal you want to understand what’s going on right now in our politics and the positioning and this transition team the forign Pol you want to understand like 99.9% of everything you need to know about Donald Trump read art of the deal at this point I just assume the left wants to stay ignorant because they’d already know if they would just

do that see Floyd’s claiming Greenland has an existing major air force base and a newly discovered abandoned top secret deep underground military Bas well how would be newly discovering abandon unless Floyd it’s going to be more fun for me if it’s an alien thing yeah I may have to settle for a frozen lasagna for tonight s but you guys have me thinking that’s the go just cuz I don’t have time to make the sauce might be stofers did I just see that right that’s a massive change you’re talking about

four trillion four to five trillion in just interest payments by 2028 on the national debt Leonard I could read and write and balance my own checkbook before I started kindergarten I’m with you Mark I may be a genius or I may be an idiot but I love the song lyric I’m a happy idiot I kind of like the one where uh memory of uh Wes if you’re gonna be stupid you better be tough wow inflation one doesn’t exit 5 USD what what was your biggest shock this Christmas season for those that can afford and are having a Christmas dinner

of friends what was the biggest food shock on the cost this year port on each Coast Panama connected by rail is better Financial jhc exactly exactly a port on each coast of Panama connected by rails way better Financial Choice automate it make it easy load onload the ships never wrap the horn they lose massive hours going through the lock system of Panama I mean way faster than going all the way around South America but it would be exponentially faster and cheaper uh the cheapest way to move Freight is

rail I know somebody’s going to say but not if this Greenland is now space Force Base wouldn’t that be fun rename the pic space base would be a great place to launch out of Al it make it better or worse we look at the launch places now around the world from Guyana to Texas Star base to Cape Canaveral it’s pretty cold where China and Russia launch from but I’m just wondering if there’s a pro or con to the lower temperatures nushka king crab legs no longer can afford making Hungarian stuff cabbage and sour dop

bread prime ribey prime I can tell you because I’m doing a prime David is gone up it hurt but I’m looking forward to it conso a global broker I’m going keto I’m I stay mostly keto and I like it way healthier and feel better when I do it Kevin my shock was the us spending Millions on a gay nursing home yeah I’m still you can’t make it up the level of insanity Democratic party and the number of rhinos that are willing to cave and run with it naval orange is a buck each let’s see Mike there will be a lot of

angry people if nothing happens what one I I I think there’s a good chance but I am not like die hard thinking it’s going to happen tomorrow um I know some people out there are I don’t know who tells them or where they get their information but it’s possible I mean there’s some Bond people that are looking at it but tired of defending the plan well the plan sucks I quit defending the plan a long time ago because if their plan is to let millions of us die so that more people wake up well that plan

sucks there can be a better plan that’s why I keep saying we’re the storm don’t defend the plan it sucked and a lot of people suffered do exactly what we should have done all along and point out how atrocious the plan was no name oh all right I shouldn’t be laughing uh Roy Hobb says for what it’s worth mountain goat has a CBI contact said Trump Administration currently working with Iraq I can confirm that from my CBI and finance ad Ministry contact they are working very closely that’s why they want to ex uh extend contracts uh they

want to work with us to build their influence they want to basically become the new Saudi Arabia the new Financial Central hub for except for they want it to be more sane uh in the Middle East I I can tell you 100% that they are working with Trump Trump’s working with them already as much as he’s legally allowed to with Logan act uh Chrissy G let okay let me change that I love God’s plan I don’t like man’s plan for this how’s that Grim daddy have hot Butter Rum on me Mark and crew really want to thank

you all for this enjoy waking up to you and gang every day shrimp Daddy I appreciate that one hot buttered yeah that sounds good see if I can find some apple cider down here today Miss Genie my dream is for this RV to happen and be the best Steward God wants me to be with the funds amen that’s a good plan well I kind of like that one there you go Joe Mimi it’s the 12 Days of Christmas I’m reading some of your comments I’m loving them jeans 89th birthday I’m just reading some comments oh boy let’s see Texas girly girl we had

a birthday party two days ago for grandson that night mother grandson had a gallbladder attack and they found Co I’m the only one who takes a and Christmas dinner at our house canceled ouch you should still have it let whoever wants to come come that’s my two cents I’m not a doctor though so i’ probably given you really bad advice some point we got to stop changing our lives out of fear tree beard Economist and business we’ve talked about that in the past I guess I should do that one again sometime yeah I think it’s time to sing

Happy Birthday and get on with the final prep preparations no podcast this evening unless I get a wild hair and decide to read was the Night Before Christmas although that did just give me um some ideas okay not there let’s go back to here let’s go like this one hold on guys I’ll be back with you in a second I forgot about this one this one’s a uh really awesome one see if I can find it no go here no trying to find the one I did on sorry guys trying to find one I did on Rudolph the rednose reindeer oh well

thought I had it there it was the story of the man who wrote the book that I was trying to find thought I had it somewhere easy oh well I give up happy how Merry Christmas Merry Christmas to all let’s see Tim Fu my father-in-law was US Air Force in late 50s he talks about flying in and out of Greenland how cold it was needing heaters to start engines oh I bet it was a miserable Duty V Stark yeah I’ve seen that one I have heard the new magga Christmas song it is pretty funny all right let’s do this one let’s

sing Happy Birthday and get out of here J uh Jean roxan Keith Thomas Cody Brett Ray Isa I know I’m G to miss some please sound off uh Carol G happy birthday so they tell me it’s your birthday well happy birthday darling may you live may you love make all your dreams come true happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday to you to all those celebrating hug Gumby prayers say great grandson is in the IC ICU one year old with diabetes that is it it’s becoming endemic it really is which is scary for a one-year-old it’s not like

the one-year-old has been out you know drinking Mountain Dew and eating Snickers um Adam you are absolutely correct d heart is a Christmas movie anybody that does not know that we need to talk talk to Adam and I we’ll straighten you out it is 100% a Christmas movie Merry Christmas all if I have enough downtime if things go smoothly today guys I’ll pop on and read um toward was the Night Before Christmas for anybody that might be interested I’ll try to make time just for the kids a little bit of

fun the story of Rudolph that would be a fun one to tell too now somewhere I do I I made this really great video uh on the story of Rudolph and I don’t know where it’s at don’t know if it somehow got erased or what oh well mud Muk media at Mud duck I appreciate that one and uh if I don’t see you guys this evening I will see you tomorrow at noon Eastern for a short holiday one bye guys

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