Okay, everybody, here we go. It’s me, Gregory Manarino. Monday, February 17th, 2025.
This is my newest segment of Markets and Look Ahead. The stock market is closed today on President’s Day, and we have a lot to cover. So much happened over the weekend, as usual.
But anyway, look, man, you and I are going to make sense of this whole thing. And just to kind of keep us, keep our heads in the right place, I am wearing my Rastafari necklace here to remind us that, although we are forced, really, to live in Babylon or this dystopian society, we don’t have to be of it. We can work towards building a community where people look out for each other, man, a utopian system.
Right now, we’re all in a lot of trouble, and it’s pretty obvious. Anyway, like I said, a lot of stuff to cover, so bear with me on this, people. Let’s start off with Friday, where the market closed and what’s happening here in the debt market.
There is an enormous amount of debt buying here in the United States, tenure yield dropping, and again, this effort seems to be almost Herculean to keep the debt market stabilized in one way or the other. This is obviously the Federal Reserve getting in here and buying all the debt. Central banks are the number one buyers of debt in the world.
They’re also the number one issuers of debt. They’re also the number one buyers of gold. I mean, they’re betting against their own system that they’re forcing us to live in again.
Part of this dystopian society, unfortunately, has been created here. But anyway, despite this, despite the effort to keep the debt market artificially suppressed here, it’s an incredible thing. You can’t have a real market in any way, shape, or form.
You know that. We don’t have a real market. There’s no price discovery mechanism today at all, whatsoever, behind a single asset class at all.
Anyway, this is how we ended Friday. Nothing major. Okay, that’s it.
With regard to gold and silver, they did fall under a little pressure, but again, nothing major. A heck of a run-up we’ve seen lately with regard to gold and silver. Bitcoin, cryptos, this is where we ended Friday.
We’re kind of here now as well. The crypto market does trade around the clock. Now, here’s an interesting headline I want you to see.
This is on Friday. The stock market just won’t crack. Why won’t the stock market crack? Duh.
Can I get a duh here? Again, the mechanism of artificially suppressed rates and obviously massive currency purchasing power destruction around the world. This is the number one mechanism being used by central banks to prop up the system. And guess what? We lose.
You know that. Now, this is interesting, and I want to cover this just real quick. If you recall, just up until a couple of weeks ago, we were hearing that defense spending here in the United States was going to be increased to 6% of GDP.
Right now, we’re spending 3.4% of GDP on defense spending. Again, the United States is the number one investor in defense. But President Trump sent shockwaves through the defense stock industry saying that military spending could actually be cut in half.
Now, I don’t invest in defense, so frankly, I don’t give a darn about this whatsoever here. But this is an interesting dynamic here in place, and this does put a spin on where to put your cash to work. Now, I’m not calling out anyone that wants to put their cash to work in defense, but we’re going to need to see how this plays out.
Again, it’s interesting how it went from a massive increase, potentially, to potentially a massive decrease in spending. We don’t know where this is actually going to end up, but I guess we’re going to see moving forward. Now, this, our friend George Soros, I think we all know about this guy.
For one reason or the other, just look at this headline, Soros Fund Parts Ways With This Banking Agent. Well, let me read this to you. Soros Fund Management, the fund founded by a super billionaire and probably one of those that control the world here, George Soros, is now selling his positions off in J.P. Morgan.
Now, I’ve been pointing my finger at Bank of America for a very, very long time. I can’t foresee that J.P. Morgan is going to be another institution that’s going to be set up to fail, because, again, blame must be assigned as the entire world financial system is being brought to its knees. So this is just an interesting development here.
So George Soros parting ways with J.P. Morgan. Let me know your thoughts on that. Pretty obvious.
You know, let me bring something else to your attention just real quick, and we’re going to talk more about this in just a moment. I want you guys and girls to think for a moment and ponder two things. Number one, we all know the global debt is surging, surging as the global economy is contracting at its fastest pace we’ve ever seen.
Do you think there’s a parallel here? Let’s see. Global debt, that is, government debt, let’s just focus on that for a second, is skyrocketing. At the same time, people around the world, especially the middle class, continue to borrow into oblivion.
In other words, you have national debts skyrocketing and personal debts. Do you see a parallel here? Do you know why this is actually going on? What’s the root cause of this? Currency devaluation on the back of artificially suppressed rates, and it’s an incredible situation. And we’re being deliberately pushed, you know this, into a collapse of the world economy and an elimination, an extinction-level event with regard to the middle class of the world.
Now here’s something interesting, I think, on the geopolitical stage that I want you guys and girls to pay attention to. So President Trump made a pitch to Ukraine, Zelensky here, on owning 50% of Ukraine’s rare earth minerals. Let me read this to you real quick.
The Trump administration has suggested to Ukraine, this is CNBC, that the United States be granted a 50% ownership in the country’s rare earth metals. And Trump signaled openness, now this is where I want you guys to weigh in here, on deploying American troops, U.S. troops, to Ukraine to guard these rare earth metals here. And in a deal to end this war.
So how would you feel about that? About, again, another base, potentially on multiple bases, in Ukraine here, so the United States military can protect these rare earth metals. Kind of like the petrodollar. Do you know why the petrodollar exists? Do you really know? Some people don’t.
You probably do. OPEC nations have agreed to price their oil in U.S. dollars, and we know the world is de-dollarizing and sidestepping the petrodollar accord. So the petrodollar accord is all about OPEC nations agreeing to price oil in dollars for U.S. military protection of that oil.
Why are there U.S. bases all over the Middle East? Well, you know why. Now do you want to see the same thing happen here in Ukraine to protect these rare earth metals? This is probably what this is all about. It’s a resource problem.
It’s a resource issue. And it comes down to what’s going on here with Gaza as well. This came out yesterday.
So again, first of all, focus on this real quick. This was rejected, by the way, by Zelensky already. He doesn’t like the idea of having the United States military there to protect these rare earth metals as a way to foster some kind of a deal to end the war.
It’s all about resources. You and I know this. You and I have been talking about resources for ten freaking years.
There’s going to be a moment in time when an implosion of the debt market… Forget about rare earth metals. Basic necessities that you’re going to need to survive are going to be rare. Not really rare, but hard to get.
Again, why? Collapse of the monetary system isn’t just a monetary issue. It’s going to come down to the availability of resources. The fact that, again, what’s the real driver behind global debt surging the way that it is, other than it’s to allow central banks to continue to inflate, which is their ultimate goal? But it allows us to pull resources into the now from the future.
It’s a twisted system on an epic scale. Again, Babylon, man. But this is going to end, and the availability of resources for you and I, even basic necessities, is going to cause pandemonium around the world on a scale that’s going to be biblical when the implosion of the debt market occurs.
It’s a resource problem. So you can see how this is being set up. It’s rare earth metals we’re trying to protect with the U.S. military here in Ukraine.
But again, for now, it’s not going to happen. Now let’s talk about something else. There’s a lot of resources which we’re not supposed to know about with regard to this apparent alignment between the United States and Israel.
Let me read this to you. This is yesterday. So Netanyahu, Loco, to the U.S. Jewish leaders, Trump’s plan, this is out of his mouth, Netanyahu, Loco, for Gaza is the only plan which Netanyahu, Loco, thinks can work.
Speaking at the Conference of Presidents in Jerusalem, Prime Minister Ben Netanyahu, Loco, I can’t say his name, says he believes the plan put forward by U.S. President Donald Trump is the most realistic plan for the region. Trump has said that 2 million residents of Gaza should be permanently relocated elsewhere and the Gaza Strip rebuilt as a tourist Mecca. It’s not just about a tourist Mecca here.
It’s about resources, obviously. Look, do a little research on your own about this kind of stuff, people. Come on.
Nothing is what it seems to be. It appears to be. It’s always a smoke screen and here’s another one just for you.
Now, with regard to inflation, we need to talk more and where you need to be looking even more so to allow yourself to not be destroyed by this dystopian Babylon system. We have to use every resource in our arsenal, you and I, to stay ahead because they’re going and they’re looking to destroy us all. If you don’t believe me that we’re going to face a moment in time that people are going to talk about for thousands of years as the system is being systematically taken apart.
That’s what’s happening right now. We’re going to face a financial crisis that’s going to make 2008 look like a walk through the park. And it’s being engineered and fueled by what process? What’s the number one way that they’re doing this? What has been going on since the financial crisis of 2008? Artificially suppressed rates, currency devaluation and a surging of global debt.
Do you think this is really an accident? Do you think this is honestly a comedy of errors? That’s why we’re here now? Why people can’t survive while the parallel of government debt and personal debt is in our face? Does this really seem an accident to you? If it really does, then you need to close out of this video and go to a circus or something because this is the reality of what’s happening. So this is on Friday, a piece of economic news. Import prices see the biggest rise in nine months.
This is not going to stop between debts and deficits, no matter what Elon Musk is cutting right now from government and cutting jobs and everything else. It’s not going to make any difference here. It’s really going to come down to the currency, which is being systematically destroyed.
Now let’s talk more about that here, people. If you do subscribe to my newsletter, 100% free, link in the description of this video. This is in your inbox right now.
This is going to show up in the Trends Journal and more than likely some other publications. But you guys and girls get it first. Be first, be smarter, or cheat.
We never cheat. We don’t need to cheat. But we’re going to be first and we are certainly smarter.
So I want to cover this with you and show you what I’m talking about. I want you to pay attention here. And again, this is in your inbox.
If you subscribe to my newsletter, link in the description of this video. By the way, I know the MMRI is still down. I am working on getting this to work 24-7, 365 days a year.
Why? Why is this important information for you? It allows you to be first. And that’s a big key. First, smarter, or cheat.
But we want to be first always and we know that we’re smarter. Period. The end.
So give me a little time to work on that. Hopefully this week we’ll have it up. And I will send out a notice to all of you.
So anyway, let’s do this. Are you ready? Are you ready? I think we’re ready here. Can you read that? An inflationary nightmare is rapidly approaching and as of now could change, but I doubt it.
There is no way to stop it. Here we go. While everyone, listen to this, because this is a tool that they use or a way that they weaponize things against you and I. While everyone is, as usual, being directed to look over here, do not look over there via the mainstream media outlets and geopolitical goings on.
An inflationary tsunami, literally on an unprecedented scale, is rapidly approaching. Now listen to me on this one, people. I want you guys and girls always to make up your own mind.
But I’m going to tell you one dynamic that’s in play right now with regard to the factors affecting currency devaluation, obviously inflation on the back of that. But there are multiple dynamics in play. But here we go.
The causes of inflation are multifactorial. I think we can all agree on that. But one, one, I like to boil everything down to what the real cause of the issues are.
One specific dynamic arguably stands out. That dynamic is this. Tell me if this makes sense to you or this hits you the wrong way.
When global debt expansion outpaces economic growth. So when global debt expansion outpaces economic growth and the world economy is contracting right now. And ever since the financial crisis, the world has suffered vast debt expansion.
Inflation hits. Now putting a timeline on when the effect of, in this case, vast debt expansion outpacing economic growth or economic contraction will cause inflation is admittedly difficult. This is not an easy task.
Now I outlined why and I’m going to show you a nice chart here so you can get a better handle on this. It’s difficult. However, there is one metric which can allow us to consider the inflation lag effect.
Once debt expansion begins, and this is direct effect of central bank monetary policy, specifically artificially suppressed rates and therefore currency devaluation, there is always an inherent lag effect of varying lengths. Bear with me. The length of the lag effect as to when inflation will hit is grossly dependent on money velocity or the rate at which cash moves through an economy.
This is a chart of the money velocity going back to 1960. This is where we are now. We peaked here around the dot-com bubble.
We’ve been in pretty much a steady downward trend since that time. Now there’s a little blip there. You see that little blip? That little blip in the money velocity or the rate at which cash is moving through the economy is not because the economy has picked up on the Bidenstein mummy man creature.
There’s a bigger aspect to this. Now the chart above here demonstrates the money velocity as I said since 1960. Now, the money velocity MV peaked just prior to the dot-com bubble bursting and has been in a downward trajectory ever since.
Now remember that. That black arrow is where we are today. This blip higher in the money velocity is not due to an increase in economic output or activity.
This is a direct result of what now is the effect of unneeded currency slash debt. Currency is a unit of debt being thrust upon us by central banks. It’s a curse upon the world.
We do not have a wealth-based system. Just now starting to chase the same amount of goods or actually a lesser amount of goods and this is inflation. Are we all on the same page? No one’s going to tell you this.
No politician. No central banker or anything else. But you guys and girls again, we’re smart.
Being that the money velocity is near historic lows, even with that little blip that we got, it has taken years for the effect of vast debt expansion since the financial crisis to make its way through the economy. It’s a huge lag effect. The lower the money velocity, tell me if this makes sense to you.
The lower the money velocity or the slower the rate at which cash is moving through an economy, the longer the lag effect. Sound about right to you? Of course it does because you’re smart. Now that this doorway has been opened, so to speak, the effect of inflation or the money velocity being picked up by inflation, now these extra bills chasing the same amount of goods again, or in this case a lesser amount, will worsen rapidly.
Here’s the key. Unless direct and immediate action is taken to stop it. And I mean immediate.
It can’t be in six months from now. It has to start now. Now I want you guys and girls to look at this chart.
I sent this out to you recently. The last time we had a scenario like we have right now was in the early 70s. And this is right here where we had a crossover between the CPI, Consumer Price Index, and the inflation rate.
This crossover led to a surge in inflation during the 70s where we went from about the same rate of inflation which we have now to 15% by the early 80s. Now right here at the top of this inflationary cycle that began in the 70s, that’s where we were then. This is where we are now.
A very exact situation of the crossover between the CPI and the inflation rate. So right here, this did not stop. It would have continued until then Fed Chairman Paul Volcker said, No, no, no, no, no.
We got to stop this. And he vastly increased rates. That stopped inflation in its tracks.
It came down. That’s where we are now. So look at this here.
This is just a projection which I made. It could be much worse than this. It could go way up.
15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100%. We could see hyperinflation unless action is taken immediately. Bear with me on this.
That chart I just showed you is the relationship between the CPI and the inflation rate. I already told you how that works here. What reversed it was again Paul Volcker, then Federal Reserve Chairman, introduced a policy of vastly increasing rates.
Now if you follow my work, and I know you do, then you are aware that I have been literally screaming from rooftops for quite a while that the last thing that we need is lower rates. Now we have Senator Elizabeth Warren. I’m not going to be nice here.
I think she’s brain dead. I really, really do. And now we have President Trump, who I am not calling brain dead.
So something else is going on here. On the same page, very interesting, calling for the Fed to immediately, next meeting, start to lower rates. Now we don’t need this.
Again, how do we know that? First of all, we’re already in an inflationary nightmare situation. I’ve already showed you what’s going on here with regard to this blip, and that’s the reason why we’re seeing inflation right now. I’ve already showed you, right here, this is where we are.
Crossover here, massive surge in inflation in the 70s, this is where we are now. This could lead to a nightmare situation because the situation is so much worse today than it was back then. We’re all going to suffer unless immediate action is taken.
Immediate action to vastly raise rates. Or, of course, President Trump could use the Gold Reserve Act of 1934 by executive order. He has the power to do it, to back the currency with gold.
But that doesn’t seem to be happening right now. And if you think it’s going to, let us move forward. So the last thing we need is lower rates, as I said, Elizabeth Warren and President Trump are calling for.
We need much higher rates because if action is not taken immediately, why immediately? What is about to happen here in the United States regarding inflation will make what happened the last time in the 70s look like a walk in the park. Now, immediate action. Can you read that? Immediate action is needed now due to the lag effect, which we already talked about.
Even when Paul Volcker, then Fed chair, raised rates dramatically in 1979, the effect of higher rates took time to take effect. It didn’t start to work until 1982. So either the Fed gets in here and we have President Trump have a change of heart and say we’ve got to start dramatically raising rates.
Or we’re all just going to face an inflationary nightmare. Now, what does this mean for the stock market? Obviously, it would get hit very hard. The stock market is going to get hit very hard anyway.
Don’t you think this is real? This has been built on oceans and oceans and oceans of debt on a scale we’ve never seen before. Do you think what you have in your 401k plan and investments is real right now? Well, you’re obviously in Babylon and living in a dystopian universe. It’s not real.
It’s all going to go away. This environment is not real. The entire global economy is built now on nothing but vastly expanding debt.
A situation which is going to reverse at one point here again. Tell Greg Manarino one more time, who’s buying all the debt right now? Who’s the number one buyer of debt around the world and issuer at central banks? At a time of their choosing, we’re going to get an implosion in that debt market, which is going to lock up the entire global financial system, pandemonium in the freaking streets. There’s no way out of it unless, of course, a couple of things happen.
We start to raise rates dramatically, which would hit the stock market. Trump is not going to allow that to happen. Or President Trump packs the dollar with gold by using his power as the president to use the Gold Reserve Act of 1934.
I don’t think this happened to any of the people. Believe me, I don’t. Anyway, look, guys and girls, we are really in a very interesting spot.
And as you and I already know, the middle class always pays for everything, and we’re continuing to pay for it. I think this is gold. And this is, again, in your inbox if you sub to my newsletter, people.
I don’t know where you’re going to find information like this. I really don’t. I don’t follow anybody else.
Maybe you guys and girls do. I do want to hear from you on these geopolitical goings on. This is really about resources, just so you know.
Just as this is. They know, believe me, they, them, the ones that are working against us, know we’re going to face a resource issue on a global scale. People, I really hope you can get your head around what I’m talking about.
We’re going to face a resource problem. Again, supply chain disruptions of the world economy is literally shut down because of the stopping of the flow of credit or debt through the system. This is really what it comes down to.
This is why I’ve been telling you every Friday. Love each other, care about each other, be charitable, get together with like-minded people. We got to step out of Babylon, man.
We may be in Babylon, people, but we don’t need to be of it. But we have to use every mechanism that we can come up with to stay ahead of this because they’re still wiping us out. Do you not see this as a wipeout? People say to me, Greg, where’s the crash you’ve been talking about? I’ve been telling you the markets are going to go higher forever, pretty much, as long as they can destroy the economy.
The worse off the global economy gets, the higher the markets are going to go, to a point, because we have the law of diminishing returns. We have this maximum saturation moment that we’re all in right now. You must understand what we’re seeing here.
All these people that say, oh, well, you know, Greg, it’s great. Let’s get lower rates. It’s not going to help.
Do you think it’s going to bring prices down? Lower rates is going to destroy the purchasing power of the currency, increase your cost of living. Everything’s going to go up. It’s going up.
And yes, if we were to vulgarize the market here by raising rates, it would hit the stock market dramatically. It’s going to get hit anyway. A lot worse.
A lot worse. What’s being set up and what’s going on right now is the greatest transfer of wealth the world has ever seen. And it’s getting sucked right out of the middle class around the world.
Does this sound about right to you or no? It’s called the Cantillon effect. That’s why I believe we got people like Elizabeth Warren and even President Trump calling for lower rates to foster the Cantillon effect. The Cantillon effect makes easy money available to the one and two percenters because they get it first.
And then it trickles down to you and me after it’s massively devalued and we get stuck holding the bag of excrement. You understand? It helps the one and two percenters. Who owns 90 percent of the stock market? 90 percent.
Do you think it’s we the people of the world? No, it’s the one and two percenters who own 90 percent of it. And this wealth transfer effect by sucking it out of you via artificially suppressed rates and currency devaluation is going to hit us all with an inflationary tsunami. The people of the world, think of what this means for if you live in an economy around the world, for example, that is reliant on tourism or anything like that.
You’re dead. It’s over. So this is not an accident why we’re here, where we are and where we are going here.
All right. The Senate may look very promising to you that we’re going to cut spending here in the United States. And we’re we’re wiping out, you know, these government jobs.
Most of them have to go anyway. I agree with that. President Trump has done some things so far that are pretty good.
But some of this stuff that he’s been doing here, this these things with Gaza, I don’t know if I if I want to see something like that. We all know it’s about resources. They know it’s about resources.
Zelinsky and resources are about resources that you see. The truth is always out there. You just got to know where to look for it and then allow your brain to engage.
If you realize that eventually we’re going to face a moment where resources are unattainable anymore just to survive. OK. And again, as the implosion of the debt market plays out, it’s already imploding.
The debt market, if we’re being propped up right now by central banks buying it all, do you think we’d be right here? We would already be in a full lockup of the system, a credit freeze, which is going to happen. This was happening in 08. It’s going to happen now.
Again, that’s the real reason why Bernanke rushed. It was rushed in before a congressional loving, caring representative. We just are pumping billions, billions into the economy right now.
This is over a week. Is it by Monday? We won’t have an economy. Look this stuff up for yourself.
It didn’t say a market. It said economy. It comes down to the flow of credit.
Zeros across the board with regard to your bank accounts, your investment accounts. Everything’s gone. Just gone because all this stuff is delusion anyway.
But if we get a real leader and Trump needs to step up to the plate here. OK. Yes.
He’s done some great things. So don’t get triggered here. I know there’s some very sensitive people who can’t even stand to hear an utterance that maybe he doesn’t walk on water, which he doesn’t.
- We need action and we need it now to stop the inflationary tsunami that’s going to hit all of us. It’s going to change our lives like you’re not going to believe in every corner of the world unless you live out in the bush somewhere.
You understand, people? I’m going to leave you off now with this. This has been an incredibly important video with what I’ve shown you, the economic news that we’ve covered here. I want you to understand what’s going on here, why it’s happening to you and where we’re going.
It should make sense to you everything I say. Greg, tell me. Greg, what you said makes sense to me.
I completely understand. Or it doesn’t. If it doesn’t make sense to you, I get it.
Some of these concepts are difficult to understand. But this is key. And again, this is in your inbox.
I want you guys to read through this. The charts are here. Everything you need to look at so you can understand what’s going on and why.
And what action needs to be taken today, not next week, not next month. Right now, President Trump, I believe, is smart enough or is aware of what I am talking about. The man went to Wharton Business School.
No doubt about it. OK, good school. He’s aware of this stuff.
At least I hope he is. I don’t know who’s advising him to say we need lower rates. I guess it’s the same person that’s advising Elizabeth Warren.
Something’s very wrong here, people. This should make sense to you, what I’m saying. If it makes sense to you, please let me know.
Please comment. Share these videos. Get it out there.
People, look, man. I love you guys and girls. And I work so hard to make sure you guys know what’s happening first.
Be first. Be smarter. Cheat.
We never cheat. We don’t need to cheat because we’re smart and because we’re going to be first always. You understand? That’s why I’m out here.
That’s really my calling here. I really believe that I’m here for a reason. I honestly believe that God Almighty gives us all a gift.
Not that I have any special gift. I’m no special person. I am no special at all.
Zero. I am the least most special person on this planet Earth. But I have the ability, I think, at least I hope, to understand these things and then hopefully allow you guys and girls to understand them in a way that makes it simple.
Because it all comes down to breaking things down to the root causes of issues here. All of this stuff is meant to confuse us. To keep us off balance.
To not understand what’s happening. Divided. A conquered people.
I don’t want that. We need to unify. We need to come together.
We need to make up our own minds as to the system. We can change it if we actually took action here. And if we can’t take action on a macro scale, let’s say getting in touch with President Trump and letting him… You know, look, you guys and girls, I know some of you guys and girls are really active with posting to President Trump.
Post this kind of stuff to wherever he ever posts. Send this off to your senators or whoever you think might represent you. Maybe they’re not aware of this stuff.
Do you think just because they’re a senator or even a president that they’re really aware of all this stuff? Maybe they’re not. Or maybe they are, which would be worse. Look, man, we gotta look out for each other.
I don’t know another way to say this, man. We have to look out for each other. We have to take care of each other.
Does this sound about right to you or am I just completely wrong? Let me know what you think, guys and girls. I think we have to find a way to make it through this. What we’re in now and what’s coming.
And the way to me is obviously reconnecting with the source, which is God, obviously. Without going into some huge theological thing. And every time I talk about God or I mention God, I lose subscribers.
They can’t hear it. There are those out here. When you hit them even with the most infinitesimal piece of truth, they turn on you.
You want to get people to turn on you? Talk about God. I found that’s a surefire way to lose people. Hey, man, look, I get it, I guess.
But you know my take on this, man. And it couldn’t be more clear. Love you all from the heart.
I see you all in the morning. OK, we got this. I don’t care what they do.
I don’t care what they do. We will counter strategize against the system. We will find a way to make it work for us.
I will never, ever, ever let you down. Any one of you who followed, even those of you that don’t like me. Believe me, I got your back.
I’m working hard here to make this obvious to everybody. Who has the ability of even the slightest bit of understanding. It’s too easy to see what’s going on.
Why things are the way they are. The alignment of things here. My job is difficult, but at the same time it’s not so difficult.
I just connect the dots, man. And if you look back on our track record. Look at things that we said would happen from just a few years ago.
They’re happening right now. And I’m telling you right now, people. What we’re talking about right here is going to manifest itself in such an ugly way.
We must prepare ourselves for a worst case scenario. Always. Because if it doesn’t happen, beautiful.
At least you’re ready for anything. You must have the high ground. Does that make sense? And the highest ground is? Yeah.
Exactly. Your connection with the almighty. And that’s just going to make everything work for us people.
I don’t know another way to say this to you. Look, man. Love you all.
See you in the morning. Hope you got something out of this video. All right.
I’m out of here.