Economists Uncut


okay everybody here we go it’s me Gregor manarino Wednesday February 26 2025 premarket report let me start off with the basic stuff so I can get my head on right I’m actually a little tired this morning so here’s the 10-year yield this morning it’s down ever so slightly after an extremely profound move over the last few weeks this mechanism as of yet has not really succeeded needed in pushing the stock market much higher we’re kind of stuck in a Range here but the real issue is without this if we were not seeing what

we’re seeing now and this is profound around the world with Bon yields dropping this stock market would be marketly lower than it is now it appears as uh a Herculean effort to keep the stock market propped up now we heard again from our US Treasury secretary Scott Bessant I’m not going to be calling anyone any any names anymore like ustria or whatever I’m I’m trying to trying to break out of that habit anyway look um we heard from US Treasury secretary Bon again and we’re going to cover that in a moment with regard to

bond yields you know that plays off of what I did yesterday yesterday I uh I put out a plea specifically to president Trump explaining that we need to fix the currency we need to fix it now because it’s pretty obvious to me and it should be to you that we are now entering a new phase of of currency purchasing power destruction and it can’t be stopped unless direct action is taken against it and it needs to start now um I’ve cover this at length and again if you did not see the video I did yesterday with my plea to president

Trump to uh to to stop stop the hemorrhaging with regard to the purchasing power of the currency now with bessent in here you just talk about bessent real quick this is what we got here uh this is yesterday um bessent vows to lower yields without the FED now we’ve been hearing about this now interesting this is from yesterday again the US 10year yield Dives lower on Tuesday yesterday after bess’s comments so absolutely so let’s put this together real quick so the US Treasury secretary here Scott Bessant uh promising vowing

whatever to lower rates here The Benchmark the 10-year yield and that of course means more currency purchasing power losses here’s the question here what would work better for you as as a citizen of wherever you are in the world okay would you rather have a stronger currency or would you rather have the ability to borrow devalued dollars at a lower rate I mean it’s a no-brainer here obviously we need to strengthen the currency we need to return purchasing power to the currency but but according to uh Elizabeth Warren

Donald Trump and and Bess it here the better route is to lower rates and destroy the purchasing power of the currency makes no sense to me I mean just look back two three decades ago when we had much higher rates and a much stronger currency people one income is all it took to support a family own a home have a new car today because of this mechanism of purchasing power destruction on the back of a officious press rates people can’t survive people are too fixated on oh I I can borrow cash at a lower rate this is great great

borrow more devalued cash at a lower rate as opposed to having a stronger currency I mean for those of you that just would rather see lower rates I don’t know if you’re either Bots or what you are because there’s no way that a lower rate environment is going to help you we already have historically low rates around the world when of you guys and girls some of you going to wake the freak up here this this is honestly a no-brainer so with regard to bant here vowing to lower yields without the FED

which means you lose in my opinion you lose any politician here that’s trying to sell you that we need lower rates is is is is laughing at you they’re saying we’re going to rob you blind without you even knowing about it but we’re going to give you the ability to borrow more devalued currency at a lower rates and that’s really going to help you out you got to be you really really got to be kidding me and there’s no push back where is the push back here I don’t see it me at least man I I I I my plea to

president Trump yesterday will in fact probably fall on deaf ears it seems like there is a mechanism here people honestly to suck us dry around the world steal our protesting power Foster this this two-tier society that I’ve been explaining to all of you is going to happen and is happening right now at an accelerated pace and this maybe plays right into it most of you already know about this so president Trump is floating out an idea to sell gold cards to the Super Rich at $5 million a pop uh as a root to US citizenship let me read

this to you uh this is yesterday Washington Reuters US president Donald Trump on Tuesday floated the idea of replacing a Visa program for foreign investors with a gold C card that could be bought for $5 million as a root to American citizenship now this is how it’s being sold to the people let me know if you you think this is a good idea so president Trump outlined that this program would bring in a lot of money here to the United States and boost the economy the wealthy this is a quote would spend their money

here invest in business here invest in real estate here okay let’s bring in the Super Rich uh foreign investors to buy up our nation does that sound good to you uh it’s also being well I guess sold to people as this is a way we’re going to pay down the deficit do you believe that’s actually going to happen I don’t know man I think this is uh I’m not sure this is a great idea and I want to hear from you about this selling these gold cards to Rich super rich people $5 million a pop so they could come in here and spend

their cash in the United States invest in US businesses and buy up us real estate but the plus side is we’re going to pay off our our our debt I don’t know man let me tell you something okay Greg monino this is hitting me the wrong way but you guys and gos tell me where I’m wrong is Greg manarino wrong is this the best best idea that you can possibly dream about having selling gold cards to foreign investors so they can again buy real estate here in the United States invest in US businesses oh let’s say own

businesses here in the United States invest in real estate which is probably inflationary for obviously real estate prices here uh but this is a good thing right and we’re going to pay off the debt I want to hear from you on this does this sound good to you or is this hitting you the wrong way me it at least for now it’s hitting me the wrong way now next on the list Ukraine reportedly agrees to critical Rare Minerals deal with the United States now let’s talk about this a little bit there’s no specifics yet so

Ukraine and the United States reached an agreement over access to Kia’s deposits of rare earth minerals okay the draft deal uh demonstrates that the two Nations will jointly develop Ukraine’s minimal resources including oil and gas and sees the US drop demands for a right to the 500 billion in potential revenue from the agreement all right again we don’t really know what’s in here we also don’t know what’s in this uh apparent tax cut thing that is may or may not uh come to fruition here but we’ll find out soon enough here but

anyway look so that’s the story right now it appears that again look I don’t know how to say this to you people in another way we need to return purchasing power to the currency we don’t need to see the currency purchasing power be be evaporated and it appears that Scott Bess in here is on a mission from God you let me know to suck the purchasing power out of your currency how is this being sold to the people as a good way something good you can borrow cash devalued dollars at a lower rate and then pay them back with

even more devalued dollars does that sound right to you or would you rather have purchasing power return to the currency in my opinion it’s a no-brainer but listen to me I don’t know everything buy a long shot but I want to hear from you on this um I want to hear from you on a couple things is this a good idea let’s sell these $5 million this may be you know look man I’ve been telling all of you we’re going to Society of extreme has and extreme have not if let’s say the the super wealthy from around the world say hey you know

what $5 million as to drop in the bucket for me I’m going to buy my way into US citizenship and I’m going to buy it all while I’m there I’m going to buy businesses I’m going to buy real estate it’s going to be fantastic for me and whatever other foreign investors are doing this so you think their loyalty is going to really all of a sudden because they can buy a citizenship here in the United States their loyalty is going to be to the United States or what do you think their loyalty may still be to

whatever nation that uh they they belong to you let me know about that one here I don’t like this idea I think this is a terrible idea just as I’m thinking about it more and more sitting here I don’t like it all right you guys and girls tell me where I’m getting this you really believe that this is this $5 million at a pop is going to be used to pay down the debt honestly really a debt that keeps on surging and skyrocketing out of control come on man I think we got you know someone said yesterday I was reading

through the comments I I I may have been born at night but not last night I mean come on man this is just hitting me the wrong way it it again we’re going back into a Neo fewel system with extreme halves extreme hav kns and this may play right into it here’s your new overlords foreign investors you like that plan let me know if you like it cuz Greg is saying this is him the wrong way and with regard to bessin I want to hear from you again really think about what I’m saying what do you want to see

what’s better for you what would help you out right immediately now the ability to borrow devalued dollars and pay them back with more devalued dollars or an increase in the purchasing power of the cash that you work for every day the currency come on man come on man it’s a no freaking brainer but let me know where I got these things wrong and I got these things right okay like I said we’re stronger together you know my perspective on these things but again I want to hear from you and let me know

what you think tell me look if I’m wrong if I am wrong if I am wrong on this if I am wrong on this let me know let me know why I am wrong I am willing to learn here people I don’t know everything here anyway that’s it love you all from the heart people listen I forgot to tell you my dog Vega my little my old she’s 17 years old this poor thing she’s got another issue with her eye and she must be seen by The Specialist today um she’s developing these and maybe a few veterinarians out here she has Cushings Disease and apparently what

I’m being told is she’s developing these calcium deposits on the eye and when these deposits come off um it’s making like holes in her eyes and they’re getting all kinds of uh issues with it so anyway let me know about that too all right so I will not be doing a postmarket wrap-up today and that’s okay I want you to ponder what we’ve spoken about here and I please please please weigh in on this this one and this one I want to know where you guys and girls stand on all this okay because we are stronger

together I love all of you from the heart with all I got all right I know I get a little uppity from time to time I’m a passionate guy I want to see Power be returned to the people we’re being destroyed I don’t see how either of these things here are going to help We the People the middle class I really don’t I can’t imagine a way this is going to help the middle class I honestly can’t imagine how how how the other idea is going to help how how’s this going to help us by having foreign investment in

the United States buying everything up property and businesses and tell me how I’m wrong here please somebody is it really going to pay off the you really believe that one maybe I got it wrong I’m waiting to hear from you all right love you all I will see you in the morning I won’t see you later on poor Vegas got to go back to the dock all right that’s it people until we see each other tomorrow take care of yourselves and take care of each other

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