War, Gold and The Great Financial Crisis (Uncut) 03-02-2025
War, Gold and The Great Financial Crisis of 1914.
this 33 level in silver is like that 2,000 level in Gold this is this is where the um the battle is being fought for control of silver market when they when they fail to to hold the suppression at 33 then I think we’ll start the um short squeeze in silver you said silver is too cheap what if I flip it around say gold is too expensive what do you [Music] say hello and welcome to Sora financially thank you so much for joining us here for yet another interesting discussion we have firsttime guest Gary Savage joining us he’s the
president over at smart money tracker and to really looking forward to catching up with him about gold and silver we’re going to do a bit of chart analysis and I’ll be quizzing Gary about like what’s hot what’s not uh what precious metal should we be looking at and of course is gold overbought is it overhyped or and maybe is there an opportunity left for us to invest in of course different angles to the gold top like is the investment approach the stacking approach we’ll just talk about the price action today and see how much
room there is left in it uh of course we’re going to frame it a little bit with the macro but it’s going to be mostly gold and silver today really looking forward to that discussion and uh before I switch over to my guest our regulars know the Spiel please hit that like And subscribe button it’s a free way to support our Channel and we tremendously appreciate it now Gary it is a great pleasure to welcome you on the program it’s good to see you thank you so much for joining us well thanks for having me on absolutely absolutely
yeah Gary we we need to talk about you know gold in in in particular but uh maybe a nice opening question before we get started on the gold topic like how relevant is the economy to gold right now and how much is gold reacting to the economic situation globally um yeah I see a lot of people expecting a recession I’m sure we’ll have one at some point but I don’t I don’t really see any signs of a recession yet you know and they they want to equate a recession with a crash in the stock market I don’t really see
that happening either um there has to be a catalyst for a recession there there’s got to be something that causes the middle class and the lower class to clamp down on spending most of the time 90% of the time that’s a a spike in the price of oil like a 100% or more in a year or less such a big shock to the to the middle class and lower class that they you all they can do is afford to put you know gas in their car and and buy food they can’t go to Starbucks and they can’t go out to eat so it kind of
starts the spiral down into a recession we obviously we don’t have that right now you know so unless we have a another pandemic where we you know self-destruct I don’t I don’t see an immediate recession anytime in the you know next few months anyway so I I don’t see a market crash no it’s it’s difficult like based just on the economic indicators that we’re looking at and the data we’re being fed the official data it looks it looks healthy like I hate to I’m going to get some hate in the comments for
saying that but it looks like the economy is healthy based on those numbers so uh tough to predict a crash if that if that looks right then again like we’re recording this on Wednesday February 26 and Nvidia is about to report aftermarket if those numbers disappoint we might be in a different world of H here um very very different but of course we want to talk precious medals and the influences of the gold price here um back back in the summer of 2024 you announced a bit of a game plan a bull market game plan for gold and
silver Gary um how how has that worked out and Sh share some details with us so um October of 22 that was the eight-year cycle low in for gold uh and gold is a cyclical driver for the entire me precious metal sector so if Gold’s going up silver will eventually follow uh we’re still early in that eight-year cycle um I don’t know that I’ve ever seen an eight-year cycle top um quicker than four years and we’re only just what maybe four or five months into the second year so even worst case scenario we’re probably going to go into
26 before we were to get a top and I I tend to think tend to think that we’ll probably get you know the the kind of the parabolic bubble type phase that will um end this secular bull market I think we’re going to get it during this eight-year cycle so my expectation is that um Gold’s probably going to Rally into late 26 more likely into 27 maybe into 28 and then that’s where we’ll get that top and you know I’m I’m on record um 7,000 is going to be a piece of cake and gold that’s only just a little more
than a double from here I think 10,000 is probably more realistic and um $100 silver is going to be a piece of cake uh 250 is not out of the question and even 500’s not out of the question when we get into those last uh couple two three months of the that the parabolic move that that tends to be how a market tops yeah no it’s it’s very interesting like we we we just started but then again I look at the chart and we’ll probably look at the you know your charts here in a second as well Gary but it looks Topsy like like you you use the
word bubble uh bubble phas um personally like maybe because I come from the junior mining end and like whenever anything looks positive we get whacked in wacked on the head like a wacka uh and The Ruck gets pulled from underneath us um so I’m always cautious and nervous and maybe I’m German I’m always negative as well so when I see 2950 or so on the gold chart and and pretty much a chart that goes straight up in a 90 degree angle I get very nervous so reason that I’ll tell you here in a minute I was going to say like
maybe we can share that your your chart and you can maybe either calm me down or make me even more more nervous that we might be into a correction phase nothing wrong with a correction by the way um correction is not a crash it’s not a like a trend revision or reversion so I’m really curious like Gary like am I right to be nervous right now so so not yet I’ll put it that way so we are going to have a correction I don’t think it’s going to start until maybe late March or April and it probably will be severe it’s not going
to be the top of the bull market but it’ll be just you know a really scary correction we haven’t had a really scary correction in a while most of the corrections since um that since we kind of left 2000 behind have been um more sideways churning than than real Corrections and uh and the reason for that is um I’m pretty sure we broke that cartel manipulation in the gold market we haven’t broke it in silver and the in the mining stocks yet but it did break in in gold and it broke when uh they when they
failed to drive gold back below 2,000 that was the point at which um the cartel lost control of gold and then what resulted was an 800 Point short short squeeze reality and that’s why you see that big parabolic move that’s that’s the the banks being forced to cover into a short squeeze you mentioned Cel manipulation like I have to ask you Gary like can you be a bit more specific what what do you mean by that it’s just the bullion banks that you know they’re the ones that are are always short they’re always short
the metal either to a huge degree or to a lesser degree and the mining you know the miners also will hedge their forward production to some extent uh but um you know you get these late night attacks when there’s no volume and that’s not natural you know that’s somebody trying to suppress price and and trigger a selling event at the open um but I think you know I mean it still happens from time to time but it just doesn’t have much effect anymore in the in the gold market like I said it’s still still
going on and still effective in the silver market and in the in the miners um I think Silver’s about to break it needs to get above 33 and hold and then I think it’ll break it in the silver market as well but um but for gold you know I I told people last year once we U held that 2000 and it was obvious that we were starting to short squeeze but for the most part you didn’t really have to worry about too much manipulation in the gold market anymore I mean maybe something here and there you know a day
here here or there but nothing that was going to take gold down for weeks on end what what broke the cartel here in Gold like was there a trigger for it like or did they just give up disappeared Focus efforts elsewhere cous fundamentals will always uh eventually break any any suppression of a market you know you can’t hold the suppression against nature forever and and this time it happened in Gold it happened when they I mean they tried multiple times to drive gold back below 2,000 and and they
failed and then at some point they had to start covering into that rally and and like I said that’s what triggered that 800 Point short squeeze got gotcha like we’re we’re seeing a bit of a bare squeeze happening right now as well with gold being transferred to the comx a lot of short uh contracts being closed as well um C can you comment on that like how does that fed your model and into the let’s say gold narrative well um as you know as we discussed before we started talking I don’t I don’t get too
bogged down in that fundamental stuff I just follow my cycles and and it just seems like it always manages to play out that when it’s it’s time for a cycle to Rally or a cycle to to top and get a correction you know some some quote unquote fundamental reason will pop up for it to do it and and you know this seems to be the excuse that everybody wants to use for why gold is rallying as strongly as it is but I I think the biggest you know the fundamentals have been in place for years but um I think the biggest driver
is just you know the cartel failed to drive gold bag below 2,000 and now they’re caught in a short squeeze and they’re you know and it’s just getting worse and worse for them but like I said we we will have a we will have I think a a pretty severe correction here later this spring just simply because we’re getting stretched a little bit too far above let’s say the 200 we moving average and when that happens at some point you get a regression event and a Severe profit taking event we’ll have one of those this
spring let’s take a look at the charts Gary cuz you haven’t managed to fully calm my nerves yet especially when you’re talking about a severe correction let me add that to the screen here but uh you know paint a picture for us like where we at right now with the gold price where do you see things Trend now okay so um May maybe be best if I go to the uh weekly charts and expand this quite a bit so you can kind of see the big picture to start with all right so here’s the here’s the main driver that we’ve got this 13-year
cup handle breakout um here well here was um here was an eight-year cycle low in um in 2008 here was the next one at the end of 2015 here was our um eight-year cycle low back in 22 and you can see we’re still very early in this eight-year cycle we’re only you know a little over what two years and four or five months into this and as I said I don’t think I’ve ever seen an 8-year cycle that tops before you get to four years and so you know at the very least we’ve got you know at least two more years for this to
rally and then you’ve got this you know very aggressive rally out of this handle breakout and I think it’s um it it all started um back here in uh what is this beginning of U 20 end of 23 beginning of 24 you can just see there was there was m multiple attempts to try and drive gold back below 2,000 and then when it broke the short squeeze started and this is where that aggressive rally began and then instead of getting our normal you most of the time an intermediate cycle will unfold as an ABC move um but that
didn’t happen uh the the short squeeze was still in in control and so instead of a normal deep uh ABC move back down we get a sideways churn so that’s what happened here uh and actually it it happened here as well this was an intermediate cycle low but it was just a sideways churn um where they failed to to drive gold back below 2,000 sideways churn here and then um the last intermediate cycle though um let me see if I can get and maybe it’d be better for me to move this back down to the daily chart
but instead of a um a normal ABC correction the seawave right here truncated and it turned into a triangle and then once we got the the breakout from the triangle um again very aggressive move I I think we’re we’re again churning sideways right here before we um break through this it’s about 2960 is this resistance zone is where they’re trying to stop the rally here they would prefer this not get up to 3,000 and I think it’s going to go through three 3,000 uh but but they’re not going to be able to hold this I mean
there’s just too many too many knocks on the door right here the more times you knock on the door this you know the more likely the door is going to open so they’re they’re not going to be able to hold this at 26 or 2960 and it’s going to it’s going to break through this uh this is um in my opinion this is probably what’s going to um qualify as a as a minor daily cycle low so so this was an intermediate cycle low this this is uh took multiple weeks to play out this was also an intermediate cycle low uh even though it
didn’t again didn’t form as an ABC pattern it just formed as a sideways churn but um even during a rally uh when you’re in the advancing phase of an intermediate cycle you still have minor Corrections these are daily cycle lows that’s that’s what you had here here and then this was this is a daily cycle low but kind of of a sideways churning one here was a daily cycle low I think this is well I’m positive it this is um a what’s going to count as a daily cycle correction um but it but it may not correct all that much it may just be
a sideways churn underneath this 26 uh 2960 Zone and then once it’s done we’ll we’ll break out now in silver and minors we are actually getting a normal corrective move but for gold it’s um kind of more just going sideways at least so far anyway let let me ask a very like I’m I’m not a technical analyst Gary so I hope it’s it’s not a naive question here but looking at this chart do you see any like gaps that need filling I often hear chart commentators like oh well we gapped up too much here it’s it’s healthy to backfill that Gap
like meaning the green candle was too big or jumped up too high is there is there any any like Gap in the chart that needs back filling that we need to worry about for the at for their done levels well this is a Futures chart so it trades what 23 hours a day so there there’s not going to be much gaps on the on the Futures chart there’s a little one right here sometimes you can get a gap from um the close on on Friday to the open on Monday or Sunday night or whatever I don’t think this is going to
fill uh realistically though um we’re in the advancing phase of a of an uh new eight-year cycle so we really shouldn’t be going back down to test the prior intermediate cycle low so in this case this would this would be our last intermediate cycle low here’s here’s another one and you can see when we get these intermediate degree multi-week Corrections they they make higher lows they they don’t go down and and retest or even really get very close to the previous intermediate Cy low pretty sure same things are going to happen
when we get our next intermediate um degree correction it will hold well above this um intermediate cycle low right here I do think it’s going to be severe so we might come back down to test this this pivot um but I think we’ve probably got a date with I’m positive we got a date with 3,000 and I’m pretty sure we’re going to get to maybe 3,200 may we might even go higher than that but I I’m fairly I feel fairly confident in saying we’re going to get to probably somewhere in the neighborhood of 3,200 and then at that
point um now you don’t have to take profits on your long-term positions like your physical I wouldn’t run out and sell my physical gold and silver but on your trading accounts somewhere in there you got to be you you’re going to have to control greed and and take profits and then just be patient and weight um you know these intermediate degree Corrections run anywhere from 6 to 12 weeks so you’ll have two or three months of sitting around twiddling your thumbs waiting for that correction to run its
course uh and then when it gets really scary and everybody you know that was um you know up here at 3200 everybody that was talking about blue skies you know ahead and gold is never going to correct and the fundamentals will uh will prevent gold from ever going back down uh those same people will be um extremely negative and they you know gold is terrible I’m never going to invest in gold again never buy miners you know they’re worthless stocks and that’s the sentiment you want to see and that means that youve just about run out
of Sellers and it’s time to get back in again for the next leg up I love those comments when when when was the last time gold has done anything for me like gold doesn’t do anything for you like you start to see that on X and people are making those kind of comments especially you know the ones that were you know like two months ago were telling you that gold could only go up and and you know there was no no possible way that gold could ever go back down because the fundamentals had uh had changed or whatever then um when
you see those people starting to get bearish well then you know that you’re just about to run out of Sellers and it’s about time to start buying again yeah no absolutely like Gary’s like looking at the chart purely like in terms of other indicators did you take into consideration when you look at that chart you look at volumes or anything else um to to help you like Define potential cyc tops or like when there’s a massive return of volume into into the chart like what does that tell you well uh there there are multiple things that
I look for to help me try and spot tops and bottoms and I don’t don’t really want to go into too many of those because that’s kind of the information that I um give my subscribers so that they can learn how to spot these things for themselves but but volume is one of one of the um one thing that I look at I look at to some extent how far prices stretched above the mean and then um what sentiment levels are at and then where we’re at in the cycle counts intermediate and daily cycle counts no got gotcha I appreciate that I don’t
want you to give away the secret sauce here obviously Gary um but uh you know looking at gold and looking at your chart like how do you react to external shocks meaning like what happens if inflation reports much higher what happens if you know the dollar jumps to 110 of the Dixie for example or geopolitical events like how do you sort of keep a a level head here like looking at the chart like how do you ignore that so um there’s there’s no way to predi predict a true Black Swan so you know there’s just no tool
that’s going to do that for you um the the minor things like you know um inflation what a CPI and PP pi and those kind of things they just always seem to kind of pop up when they’re when it’s time for like I can almost always find some kind of a quote unquote fundamental reason for why gold dropped down into a daily cycle low or or why an intermediate cycle has topped or bottomed um you know a potential trigger event next month in March might be the um fomc meeting um about halfway through March that might
be a spot where we could maybe form um a daily cycle top or or or a daily cycle bottom although I don’t think a bottom is realistic since we’re we’re already kind of moving either sideways into a DCL or a daily cycle low or dropping into a daily cycle low that would be too far out uh this is this daily Cycle’s already really mature I think we’re on day it’s like day 43 to 45 somewhere in there so we’re in the timing band right now for a daily cycle bottom so to push this out to the mid-march would just be too long the
cycle would be too long so I don’t think that’s likely now we could now if if gold was to bottom here pretty quick break through this resistance at 2960 and then slice through 3,000 and let’s say we’re at 3,200 by the fomc meeting then at that point I would be looking at the fomc meeting as a potential trigger event to start an intermediate degree decline so that that’s another um another tool you can look at for to try and help spot these tops and bottoms is not always but a lot of times there’s
a trigger event no March 18th I believe is the next fit at least a press conference I think I think that’s right and and that’ll be on their their decision on rates as well which I think they’ll probably hold steady yeah um Gary you touched on Silver earlier um you know gave your price forecast without giving us you know the the background info now I need to quiz you on on Silver And how it’s not been following Gold’s move up higher um gold silver ratio is still around 90 last I checked um what do you
make of Silver’s price moves lately so as I said um I don’t think silver and the miners have broken the cartel suppression yet you can I mean it’s clear as daylight right here at about 3 Let’s just call $33 you know almost tested it here tested it there rejected tested there rejected finally broke through here but it was kind of late in this intermediate cycle the rule is breakouts that occur late in the cycle don’t usually produce sustained moves so you know immediately slammed it right back down with these these big um you
know attacks on on Silver gets back up tests it again you know huge attack the next day you know unlikely that that’s natural in my opinion and then now just um test after test after test and then when we finally get above it was this Friday before last I think you know just just a huge attack to to try and stop that that breakout get above it again more attacks to to stop it from that breakout so in my opinion this 33 level in silver is like that 2,000 in Gold this is this is where the um the battle is being fought for
control of the silver market when they when they fail to to hold the suppression at 33 then I think we’ll start the um short squeeze in silver and um you know bull markets make higher highs that’s the definition of of a bull market so this intermediate this is an intermediate rally it’s got to get above this got to make a higher high the next resistance zone is I think between 37 and 38 so I think that’s you know pretty much in the bag and uh if if we do break the suppression uh on a on a breakout above 33 then and do start a
short squeeze then I I think we could go through that 3738 resistance and and get to $40 during this intermediate um rally and it might be a long shot but maybe we could even get to to 45 if the short squeeze becomes really aggressive I I don’t put High odds at that I I put great odds at 37 38 pretty good odds at 40 kind of a long shot at 45 yeah I was like I’m trying to get a bit theoretical here as well like why why has silver not been able to keep up with gold like I’m really trying to understand that is it really just
because of changed fundamentals like silver is less more less less so of a monetary metal these days than than an industrial metal like um is is that the main reason like I’m just trying to understand it here I I think it has nothing at all to do with fundamentals I just think it’s it’s just all of these attacks at 33 trying to stop the rally you know they’ve got huge short positions in silver that are you know who who knows how many billions they lost in Gold when they couldn’t hold that suppression and they got
caught in that 800 Point short squeeze how how many billions are they going to lose in silver if they can’t hold this suppression as well so in my opinion has nothing to do with fundamentals it’s just that there’s billions of dollars at risk on the short side here and they are they are you know pulling out they’re fighting tooth and nail to try and keep this from uh breaking out Above This 33 Line in the Sand in my opinion once it does break out then I think uh I think silver will catch up pretty quick um as
you said at 90 to1 ratio that’s just silver is way too cheap and um and most intermediate Cycles in the medals will top with with the gold silver ratio coming back down to you know at least 80 or below so um you know at 90 to1 this this doesn’t look like any kind of an intermediate top I’ve ever seen not at 90 to1 now if we were at 75 to one then I’d say yeah you you know we’re we’re either at or really close to a top and you know if you’re got trading positions on you need to be controlling greed and
taking some profits but at 90 to1 I’m not at all nervous that we’re near an intermediate top you said silver is too cheap what if I flip it around say gold is too expensive what do you say well um how how many well what is the deficit on the US debt how much money has been printed I I think that gold is probably even still at $3,000 compared to all the money printing that has gone on I think gold is probably uh insanely cheap at $3,000 an ounce um I would say fair value might be somewhere around $110,000
an ounce so I I would have to disagree with you and my op is not not too expensive no no I was just trying to poke the bear and see what comes out quite honestly so uh just trying to understand it like I told you earlier like I’m looking at that chart move and of course like and what we’re seeing from retail here in Germany or in Europe and the world gold Council gold reports sort confirmed that is that the Germans and Europeans are selling gold because in Euro denom Den Euro denominated terms like gold is also trading at all-time
highs even higher than US Dollars and people are just cashing in right now because during Co they bought might have bought some bullion as a as a backup now they’re selling it and cashing in on the profit right that that’s I think what we’re seeing now now I will say this the the Euro looks like it has formed at least an intermediate bottom and there’s a small chance that it might be a three-year cycle bottom in that case the euro is going to appreciate and and you know may maybe you do want to sell some
of your gold because your euro is going to go up for you know even in a secular bare Market uh these three-year cycle lows will usually rally at least a year to a year and a half before they uh roll over and start back down again so uh priced in euros gold may start to stagnant for a while oh makes sense like if if we actually figure out our politics here and start to grow backbone or spine then uh it could things could change a little bit so um on on that front um Gary you’ve been touching on the miners like and
that’s where I come in like that’s our background is the the junior Mining and Mining space of course um explain your position that the cartel is also manipulating the mining stocks like I get like let’s get a bit more granular here curious what your thoughts are and uh what are the miners going to do and when are they finally going to move how much free cash flow do they need to show so uh I I tend to think maybe the the mining stocks might break the the suppression uh I I think for the most part A lot of the suppression has been
focused on the miners you know they’ they paid billions in fines for suppressing gold and silver and there are rules on how many contracts you can trade short in uh uh the Futures Market in gold and silver whereas you know you can short miners willy-nilly all you want but um here was our our previous this was the previous intermediate cycle top gold was at $2,800 here this is where uh the mining ETF G GTX and I only trade ETFs I don’t I don’t try and pick individual stocks um but this this is where GDX topped with gold at $2,800
well gold is now you know $40 or it was $40 away from 3,000 and the mining stocks couldn’t even make higher highs you explain to me how the fundamentals have changed so much in what three or four months that mining stocks uh can’t follow gold to new highs uh and especially since oil is in a a bare market so they’re you know at least their energy energy expense is going down so I don’t see any re reasonable explanation other than you know they’re they’re just getting the they’re just being shorted into Oblivion to try and
keep the metal space um contained to some extent U but I think this will break as well uh but I’m I’m not so positive that it’s going to break during this intermediate cycle although I do think GDX will eventually make a higher high but it may not make um it may not make a proportionally higher high if gold is at 3200 I mean realistically GDX should probably go to 50 or 55 at that kind of gold price but I doubt that it will so I think it might be maybe in the fall before we really start to get some
significant outperformance in the Mining stock so I’m I’m still a bit hesitant and I’m not I’m not all that Keen to trade mining stocks aggressively right now I prefer to be maybe 5050 GLD and SLV on the on the trading again you know the the physical your physical gold and silver you just hold that you don’t you know I’m I’m you know these intermediate Corrections don’t bother me at all I never even you know remotely consider trying to sell my physical gold and silver during intermediate Corrections
I’ll sell my gold and silver when gold is at you $89,000 an ounce and my nextd door neighbor is bragging me how much money he made on his silver coins that day that that’s when I’ll sell my physical gold and silver but uh for for the miners um while I do think there’s upside potential here I’m not probably not going to get real aggressive in the mining sector until this until we get our next big intermediate correction which like I said I think is going to be severe I think they’ll they’ll beat the
crap out of the miners during that correction and then that that’s where I probably want to get really aggressive long for the mining stocks and that’ll probably be oh I don’t know maybe May June might even be early July um and again you know everybody will be negative they’ll they’ll be saying gold is is done the bull Market’s done it’s never going back up again and that’s where I think you want to start buying mining stocks buying them aggressively yeah we have pedak coming up this weekend and I’m not
sure if you’re aware of the pedak curse it’s it’s famous amongst the mining Community because whenever that conference happens stocks dip afterwards like the the charts all just Trend down afterwards might be seasonality I don’t I don’t know if it’s gonna do it this year because we’re already we’re already dipping this is already a daily cycle low and it may have bottomed yesterday um and if that’s the case then if we’re starting once we do start a new daily cycle it’s not going to top quickly it’ll make a higher high probably come
up and test this maybe break out above it so I would look for that curse not to work this year it it’s probably happening prematurely right now Gary you’re my new favorite guest I’ll have to bring you on more often cuz uh I was going to to to peder flight to Toronto with a bit of a sober mood here quite honestly because uh after the correction what we’ve seen yesterday in particular um in the stocks like my whole portfolio was blood red like you know it was just disgusting to look at yesterday so I just turned it off at two
hours before the market closed because I didn’t care right um just just really brutal um Gary like what are some of the closing thoughts like there you have for our audience like that we can send them away with here like for the next 2 3 months maybe short-term Focus like how should they behave like what should they be looking forward to should they be excited positive neutral like if you were an analyst buy hold sell Gary so um for the typical retail type Trader I think the the main um thing you want to
take away is is stay focused on the big picture and that’s that that you know multi-year chart I showed you with a breakout from that 13-year cup and handle um only a little over two years into a new 8-year cycle and then remember bull markets make higher highs and higher lows so we’re going to continue to do that until we get the top and the top is still you know four years away so Corrections whether they be a minor correction like what we’re getting now this is a minor daily cycle correction this is a major
intermediate cycle correction um I think you’ve got I would say at least four to five more weeks and maybe as many as eight more weeks weeks before we get the next intermediate top like this and then have one of these things so um right now is probably a pretty good time to buy um I’m not completely convinced yet that this is the daily cycle bottom but you know it’s definitely a lot cheaper than it was up here uh and if you know you don’t have to time it perfectly because the bull market is going to make higher
highs so let’s say you you buy here today and then we have to come back down and we we go a little bit lower you don’t have to panic and sell down here because the Cycle’s going to bottom and then we’re going to come up make higher highs and so your trade while it wasn’t time perfect is going to be a winning trade and then just kind of pay attention to sentiment when you start to see um you know everybody getting bullish and people talking about you know no way that gold can go back down the fundamentals have changed then we’re
getting pretty close to um an intermediate top something something like this where uh at that point you might need to start taking some profits and controlling greed on your trades and then uh you get on the sidelines for a month or two and wait until you see everybody negative again and then it’s uh and then it’ll be time to to buy again and usually like I said most of the time these intermediate declines will form as a a-wave down a b-wave bounce and then a c-wave that makes a lower low so if you’re trying to buy
into the first bounce more often than not you’re a little premature you need to wait for a uh a lower low you know a break of that initial um bounce pivot gotcha gotcha no very very insightful Gary I really appreciate your insights here um where can we send our audience where can we find more of your work Gary uh I’m on X um at Gary Savage 1 um you can find my premium newsletter I mean you can just Google smart money tracker and you you’ll get there now I will say I’m I’m going to be closing the smt to new
subscribers uh at the end of March for the duration of the the bull Mark at that point just loyal smt subscribers that have been with me uh will you know I’ll do the smt for those people uh until we get to the final bubble top in two or three or four years so you know if you want to join the smt you got about a month here to do it and after that it’s just going to be it’ll just be basically just be a closed fund only for people that have been with me no fantastic Gary wonderful thank you so much for joining us here really
appreciate your time we’ll have to catch up you know a little further down into the cycle maybe in six months time we’ll have to you know take a look at how things have played out how the game plan has worked out here and where we’re sitting and whether the cartella and silver has been broken I can’t wait for that day cuz uh like it’s it’s going to be I don’t know what what’s the right adjective like euphoric I’ll be ecstatic yeah something like I love I loved watching the banks lose billions upon billions upon billions on
that short squeeze to eight to 2800 I’m gonna love it just as much in silver absolutely it’s gonna be even more violent I I think it will because silver is a thinner market so it tends to move more aggressively absolutely Gary thank you so much for your time everybody else thank you so much for tuning in I hope you enjoyed this conversation here with Gary Savage if you did please leave a like leave a comment down below and of course if you haven’t done so hit that subscribe button it’s free to hit
doesn’t cost you anything you won’t see anything on your credit card statements at the end of the month it’s a free way to support us and we tremendously appreciate it let us know what you think where’s gold-headed where’s silver headed and do you own some miners let us know we want to hear from you and we’ll be back with lots more here on sore financially thank you so much for joining us