MarkZ (Uncut) 02-12-2025
Evening News with MarkZ. 02/12/2025
Hello, all. Good evening. Hello, Miserous Goo, Busted Gia, Mile High.
Hello, Barbie J. Hello, Miss Kukla. Hello, Elvis and Tom. Hello, Jet and Hill City.
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Hello, Eagle Claw. Crabby is in the house, Jason’s in the house, Roland is in the house, Dragonfly Moon, and Mickey Puppy J. Hello, Diana, Landshark, How’s the Bird? Yeah, I haven’t seen any of their posts. Looks like Cross Border Training’s found heirs.
Yeah, there’s a lot of rumors running around that they did, they have corrected, they’re prepared, and World Court will sign off Friday or Monday. Those are the rumors running around right now. We hit the short of them.
We’ll talk more when it’s time. Hello, Deadly Like Me. Hello, Allen.
Hello, Public Nooses. Allen was beating on me for the color of my shirt. It’s a wrong color.
I’m with you. Whoa, it just went ripping. I just missed a bunch, including Spirits Pen.
Bob, I would say based on what I’m hearing now, extremely low odds that this could stretch into March. You guys on Twitch are getting nailed with ads. The original Kirby and wife are checking in.
Oh, I appreciate you very much. You and the lovely bride. Look forward to seeing you guys in Virginia.
Yeah, Cowboy Johnny, I’m betting we’re going to get this question a lot. The rumors started hitting a number of, I’m told, boards and social media that CMKX has started, guys. I’ve reached out to all of my CMK, well, not all of them, most of them.
Some of the earliest, and we do not have any confirmations to verify that one. It’s hopeful. It sounds good, but we got nothing yet and have been searching and have been really digging.
So the, how do I put this? You guys remember the 101 Dalmatians, how they have the entire dog army that starts howling and they can, you know, get the news all over the world quickly. Think of CMKX that way. We are all from the hell we’ve been through the years, the decades, etc.
We are all so, so many of us interconnected. If one thing happens in that community, we all know it within no time. Think of it as like a daisy chain event, dominoes.
We have not been able to confirm anybody yet. There’s a rumor that the King of Jordan is executor of the Narhens part of the meeting with POTUS. Couldn’t tell you anything about that.
I’ve never, this first time I heard it was from you right now. Mary Jane Gitmo, I don’t know who Gitmo TV is, said their tier 4 be activated today. Good for them.
I don’t think all the rest of us are going to have ours move until next week. We hope. I want to remind people, we do not know the timing.
We can tell you everything we’re hearing. We can tell you what’s developing. We can share the articles.
We can share the filings, the court filings, the World Court, UN, World Trade Organization, all those things, but we do not know the timing. Wait, LSU is in Louisiana? Just kidding. For some reason, a lot of people think LSU is in California.
I don’t know why, LSU girl, but they do. I wonder where they think Alabama’s from, right? I’m going to resist. Don, I’m pretty excited too.
Are we having fun yet? Not yours. I finally listened to Dr. Scott’s homework assignment for last night. I don’t want to live the super stupid rich life.
I want to take care of future generations. Be wise, folks. Isn’t that the truth? Super wealthy people become so disassociated with reality, similar to COVID starting and Nancy telling us how we were all going to have to make sacrifices as she filmed this from her kitchen, which was probably half a million dollars with her $40,000 fridges and her $25 pint ice cream as she’s eating it.
That was definitely her, Maria Antoinette moment as she told us to eat cake. That level of disconnect between what 90% of the world goes through, they have no clue, or should I say not enough of a clue? Many of them just, come on, they know. They don’t give a shit.
They don’t care about you. Never have, probably never will. That’s a hard reality that we must remember.
Most of our leaders do not care about us. They have not sat down, looked self-reflected and thought about what it takes to be a leader. The compact that you make with the people, the social contract that you make to uphold and to do the best you can for them.
You should not be a leader if you do not think that way. It is a responsibility like being a minister, like being a doctor. If you’re going into medicine for the profit, shame on you.
Shame. Those are things you do if you make dollars at it and you invest and you say, fantastic, good for you, but that is not the career you should take for the money. If you did, you took it for all the wrong reasons.
You went into the ministry for the money, well, you’re probably an idiot. It’s for saving the souls. It’s for the next kingdom’s wealth.
Well, let’s see. Roy just got back from recording the Which Side Are You On? Dem rebuttal album. Wait, I got to see that one.
Oh, Janice Alabama is from heaven. Oh, that is great. Quote her.
Let’s all, oh, I appreciate you. Quote her. Yeah, right, Dwayne.
We got to figure out how Ilhan Omar is going to make any money. Gino, yeah, bond folks. I’ve got quite a few of them that are expecting, well, where do I start on this one? I’ve got to be very careful.
They believe that things have moved forward, but they’re positioning for a shotgun. And that shot, when I say a shotgun, it doesn’t mean everybody goes within a minute. I’m told that that shotgun is about a two-day shotgun just because of liquidity, rollout, et cetera.
And there are a lot of rumors running around right now that for some reason, it’ll be the world court that signs off. I keep hearing dates like Friday or Monday, this weekend, meaning Friday to, what’s today? Wednesday, two days from now to Monday. And I keep getting a lot of it.
We do have like no fly zones over Brussels for Friday, which is pretty interesting. Guys, don’t read too much into this. This is a lot of circumstantial that may give us an idea on timing and may not.
So stay calm. The number of very excited groups and bond folks that I am getting have almost identical timing is exceptionally interesting though. All right.
I’ve already been doing the news for too long. I’m sorry, guys. Let me try to catch up and suddenly have a tickle.
Mimsy, that is exactly what I continue to hear, that XIM projects get higher rate for project only, not your pockets. Oh, geez. No.
Chris, minus 25 Celsius wind chill of minus 34 Celsius in Saipoon and Airey. No. No, brother.
No. Vietnam Dong, I’ve not heard anything fresh. Linda.
Budget tables, we do have some on that. Budget tables seem to be shaking loose. And that is exactly, Cowboy, is what I am hearing is that they are expected.
And they were very clear as to why the budget tables haven’t already hit. Because they are all contingent on Article 12. And many people believe that it’s going to be a rate hidden in it and it will drop on Sunday or Monday.
A lot of people are saying that. And we’re talking about not just here on the boards. I’m talking about people in other countries that are involved in finance.
So it’s getting interesting. We’re going to share plenty of articles. You guys can do a lot of your own reading on these things.
It’s getting fun watching it. Getting very fun watching it. Victoria, good luck with that full dump of snow.
Anita, I like this one. My birthday is Saturday. I’ve been manifesting a phenomenal birthday.
Y’all are welcome to join me. Hey, start manifesting. Bank, I don’t know for certain.
Is it true that the rate they drop will not be our rate? I have heard that from pretty much day one that we will receive because of the oil for the NAR. The plan that we should receive, I have been told, up to $2 more because they will turn it in over time. The reality of that, we’ll wait and see.
I know if I were an Iraqi citizen, I’d be pretty pissed about it. I got a banker that says that some of the rates that they have been seeing is right at $3.24 consistently now on and off for days. Doesn’t mean that’s going to be it.
Just telling you what they’re reporting. Mordecai, it’s good to see you. I’m just giving you guys everything.
You’ve got to make your own decisions based on it. Though, I do want to start with a little bit of fun. I never hit the news banner.
We got a lot of Iraqi stuff to get through. I need to rip through the news. I’ll be ready for whiskey and wisdom.
We are supposed to have Phil McConnell joining for a snort or two this evening. Andy says he should be able to make it by the end of it. Matt’s been traveling.
I don’t know if we’re going to get story time with Matt or not, but I sent him the link. Tammy, I’ve not seen anything recently on what to expect. I don’t have any changes or updates on that one.
Myron Acaro, man, I’m going to screw this one up. Let me see if I can just capture it. Thank you over on the Rumble side for that.
What do you guys call that? On the YouTube side, they call it a super chat. I don’t know what they call it on the Rumble side. Do they just call it a Rumble? Thank you for the support.
Oh, wow. I’ve seen other ones. Tony G in New Zealand.
Let’s count you in. Quote her, of course. Thank you again.
We saw Mordecai and then JD popped in. JD retired. It is appreciated.
Not necessary in any way. You got a Rumble rant. I like it.
Anybody out there that is struggling, do not ever feel like you need to send me anything but a kind word and prayers ever. We’ve got to survive this thing. It’s a war of attrition, and I do not want to lose anymore.
Susan, you are appreciated. All right. Y’all stop that.
Save it so we can get through the next week or two and buy eggs. Although it is funny to watch the left screaming about, oh, my God, Trumpflation, have you seen the price of eggs? The same idiots will then turn around the day before, a day after, whatever, post articles about, oh, my God, we’re all going to die from the bird flu. Grab your ass.
It’s like, hey, McFly, hey, McFly, read your own crap. It’s so funny. Let’s have a little fun, guys.
Oh, I do want to copy this web address. Totally. Let’s see.
What did I do? What did I do? Here we go. All right, guys. We have one of our own.
I was going back and forth a little earlier. We’re getting ready to go into gardening season. John, super nice guy.
He’s got the water stick grow system for anybody that might be. I mean, you should see some of the stuff this man grows. It’s really cool.
Totally unsolicited, whatever, guys. I am not in any way a sponsor or whatever, just friends, and I just love gardeners. If you knew what I grew up with, my grandfather, the people around me, and how much they loved growing things, and myself growing up, we always had box gardens and gardens and pick your own strawberries and you name it.
So I just love this. I love going back and forth and seeing you guys’ garden pictures, so I just wanted to share it. Betty Lee, you are appreciated.
All right, now let’s get into it. Now let’s focus. You guys are entirely too kind.
Yeah, Tulsi Gabbard is in. I should have started with that. Tulsi’s in.
Now give me Kosh. Tortuga, I love that. I love growing two.
Grandparents would grow everything. Elaine, yes, you nailed it on the book and the author. All right, guys.
I mentioned this before. I mentioned that we should start seeing articles that my government contacts in both the U.S. and Iraq said that they are moving into warp speed to bring Iraq up to speed so that they do not in any way have any Iranian influence or monetary. So of course, they’re cutting off a lot of the Iranian supplies and sanctions.
A lot of folks pitching that it is going to brutalize Iraq. We’ve got a few things, and you can ignore those fear-mongering stories, and we’re going to get into that. I told you that they were moving to secure gas production, supply and importing so that it can be brought in and brought out.
And here we go. The articles are already starting to hit, which is great because it gives me more faith in my sources in those positions because they’re telling me things. And within a few days or a week, I’m seeing it in the news.
It makes me feel much more comfortable about what they’re telling me now. South Gas confirms an imminent signing of a contract to build a pipeline for imported gas via floating platforms. Carl Spivey, well, I don’t even know where to go with you folks.
Just thank you, Carl. Thank you, Michelle. You guys, too kind this evening.
So we’re already looking. Now, this one is a twofold. This one is a two-way pipeline.
They’ll be able to unload natural gas for their energy needs. And as they produce a plethora, an overabundance, they will be able to sell it via the same platform. So this story to me is a lovely one because we knew it was coming.
I told you that they were speeding up projects, green lighting, sending dollars. And here we go. They’re doing exactly what they told us.
The Minister of Electricity discusses the charge of the U.S. ambassador to the development of the energy system in Iraq. In other words, getting ready to dump a fortune into energy and production to remove any need for Iranian electricity. Guys, these are things that make Iraq stable, ready and greatly increase their economic output.
These are just fun. And I don’t even know where to go. You’ll see about the increased energy requirements that will be hitting Iraq as they are moving towards prominence.
Parliamentary talks about the payment of salaries of the region’s employees conditional on Kurdistan’s obligations to Baghdad. Say, hey, everything sounds really good, but the Kurds have to do their part. They have to send the revenues to Baghdad.
Well, lo and behold, within a couple of hours of that this morning and those articles, we had region’s finances. The Kurdish regional government deposited 52 billion dinar of non-oil revenues in federal treasury. Suddenly it is flowing so they can do exactly that.
This is one, to me, some of the signs we’ve seen in the last two or three days or this week since Sunday are clearly showing that the Kurdish regional government is playing ball and doing what they need. So I am very upbeat about Article 12 and budget tables this week. Now, here’s a great one.
Protecting the financial systems are priority for the central bank. And he’s telling you that Iraq has been through a lot. Trump coming into power, making these changes is not a problem for Iraq.
They can adapt and they’re looking forward to working with him. He tells us it is time to stop the fear mongering, the crap, the anti-American rhetoric when it is not accurate. I love this one.
Some media outlets, social networks, and non-specialized analysts, I like that, non-specialized analysts have begun to return to their analysis and statements by scaring citizens of US decisions to tighten economic sanctions in Iraq. We must clarify here that Iraq is one of its first priorities is protect its national economy, its financial monetary system against international American economic sanctions, all of it. In other words, we’re prepared.
Stop with the fear mongering. I love that because I think these are important because we see them working together. We see them working together.
John, I appreciate you very much. Let me leave that up a little longer. Public nuisance, I’m coming to Nashville for the first time, end of May.
Would so love to meet any of the truthers there. Well, public nuisance, have you found that a VPN or any of those crews are going to do a function? I like going that direction. All right, the government decides to increase the capital of Rashid Bank by 2 billion dinars to 50 billion dinars.
They are stepping it up and they are increasing the physical dinar deposits in the bank. The bank can loan more, et cetera. But in this interesting timing, that right as we just say, hey, Rashid is one of the banks that just worked out the kinks in those international transactions and settlements, and now suddenly they’re getting ready to make a 25X growth in deposits so that they can service customers.
That one I like too, guys. That’s another one I liked. Specialist, here’s part of the reason we are seeing this sudden interest in Iraq and the US to greatly increase energy production and availability, security, et cetera, in Iraq.
Specialist, the establishment of industrial cities is an advanced step to support the national economy. In other words, they’re going to create industrial cities on the border so that they can have factories spinning it out. Facilities for power infrastructure next to them.
This is part of the growth. They want to be the manufacturing distribution hub for the Middle East. They’re spending the dollars.
It’s great when you take time to read these if you guys are interested. I know it’s a lot to digest. I’m giving you the short, brief cliff notes.
Carlos, I appreciate you, Carlos. Here’s a lovely read. In light of the liquidity crisis, why doesn’t Iraq print more currency? For those that don’t know, people are hoarding their dinars right now in Iraq.
They refuse to let them out. They’re keeping them in their possession. It’s almost like they’re expecting something to happen.
Maybe they just know something is, but there’s liquidity crisis. People don’t want to let go of their money. Similar what happened to the U.S. in the early 1930s.
We had a scare. Everybody kept their money. They didn’t trust the bank.
They didn’t trust whatever they wanted on them. This one is a little different, but it does cause an issue in liquidity. They’re saying, hey, what do we do? Do we print more? We probably shouldn’t print more because they do the pros and cons.
I love these. On the pros, wait, no, this one. As for the disadvantage of printing currency, Al-Lami believes that it may lead to hyperinflation is when money is issued without real economic cover, meaning they didn’t increase the GDP to cover it.
It leads to uncontrolled price rise, well-lost confidence in national currency in addition to deterioration of exchange rate as a result of increase in the money supply without sufficient economic support and gap between wages and prices can widen. Oh, wait a minute, basic common economic sense. I just love that.
They did point out in this article that they can more than cover about doubling their currency in circulation at the current rate with no problem, but they do some others and statistics in here that are interesting and a little bit of a deep dive on here and you will see that the only thing that fixes their problem is an increased rate because then everything that is in circulation purchases more goods. I mean, it’s just, it’s really feeling good. Jordan, I’m feeling weekend or early next week right now is what I’m feeling.
I do not know the timing. So, yeah, some of these articles are just getting fun. All right, let’s take the news time banner down.
I want to rip through, I mean, literally going to have to whip through it. Don’t know what to tell you on a black swan event or the market crashing. I don’t know if it’s still necessary or not.
It’s still going to have a whiplash effect whenever they do something like this. All right, I got to hurry and go. I did have lunch with Floyd today.
Very enjoyable. He went to lunch with Zester and it has been an interesting time. Haven’t been able to spend much time, hang out much because of the work schedule is just, well, brutal this week.
Darlinson Vale, you are appreciated. Thank you. I’m going to slow down.
Make certain everybody can see it and get credit. Mark Z, Kerry and Thornton. I don’t know who that one is.
I should know probably that I really suck at this part, guys. I just don’t pay attention to podcasters. Some of the big ones or whatever that I watch for diversions.
Had a video day and said RV to happen Thursday to Saturday. Certainly fit with a lot of what I’m hearing. It’s not far off.
Ah, somebody wants the gardening link. Let me drop that one. Which is even better because, guys, just to show you what is capable.
John is disabled. Reasonably so. Gardening is not easy for him either.
He works on making everything easier. You see what he’s capable of doing while getting around. This shows you what most of us are capable of.
Heck, even I do some gardening and I’m in a wheelchair. All right. Back to where I was at.
Let’s get into some quick politics, guys. I’ve got to run fast so I can be back. Judge temporary blocks DOJ from accessing federal student aid data.
Oh, now this one is just weird, right? The agency cannot see or use information from more than a dozen internal databases related to student finance until next Monday. Judge isn’t trying to block them just until next Monday. I wonder how many shredders are going to be going nonstop.
I mean, we already know what DOJ found with social security in just a brief look that there are literally what I believe, what was it, hundreds or thousands of people that are 150 years old that have been receiving benefits since the system started. Things like this that are questionable. Oh, could it be a keystroke? Oh, we didn’t enter them right.
No, they’re not really that old. We’ll fix it. So we’re going to find out if it’s real or not.
If it’s not real, meaning, I mean, if it’s, how do I put this one? If it’s real and it’s a legitimate person and somebody just put in a keystroke wrong and the age isn’t represented, then we still need to fix it. So we know if there’s any grip or graft or waste, but we still got to know nobody’s going to trust the system until you accept and embrace trans, well, transparency. So I love this one.
Temporary blocks it says, hey, you cannot look at these books and who got what until Monday. Oh yeah. Don’t come in the door.
There’s nothing to see here. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Do not look behind this curtain.
Nothing to see here, right? Jackie, you are appreciated. I have not heard anything fresh or new on the DONG or ZIM today. I see somebody joining late asking.
Kevin, appreciated. Shredders are going to be smoking all over DC. There are so many rumors though that Doge have been taking jobs for some time now and putting people in these agencies to find out what’s really going on, like insiders.
In other words, we’re told that we’re about to have one of the largest whistleblowing events in American history is what I’m hearing. Waiting for lawyer to file an divorce weapons at this pops. Well, when did you separate? Some, well, I’m not a lawyer.
I’m not giving legal advice, but I can tell you how it works for most people. If you hadn’t poured the separation or she said she didn’t want it, then it’s all you, buddy. Don’t worry about it.
All right. I got to hurry. Senate confirms Gabbard.
Tulsi Gabbard is director of the national intelligence in a 5248 vote. Many of our votes are going to be this way. We will know who has to be primaried in the Republican party as they vote on Kash Patel.
We’ve already had a number of litmus tests. Many of them are unwilling and not happy about it, but so far have been adhering to the litmus test of the American people. Excited about that one.
Putin invites Trump to visit Moscow on a highly productive call, ready for peace. Trump says, hey, I had a long talk. Well, not a long, about a 30 minute conversation with Putin.
We see some common ground. We want to move forward with foreign ministers from other countries in the meeting room. We want to do this properly.
Sit down. They invited after this is all settled, they have invited each other to their own respective countries. Of course, the left has freaked out and said, my God, Russian collusion.
Trump spoke to Putin before he spoke to Zelensky. This one’s a really easy one to disprove. He’s spoken to Zelensky a couple of times since taking office.
It has been all over world news, national press, Ukrainian news, BBC, European news, Asian news, American news. He has spoken with Zelensky a number of times. He has now spoken with Putin once today for 30 minutes.
Do they believe the crap that comes out of their own mouths? Do they take the time to just logically think about what they’re saying first? And the answer is no. So yeah, get a kick out of Victoria. Thank you.
Thank you. Send a big thank you from all of Canada. I love you folks in Canada land.
I’d be tickled if you wanted to be a state, but I want it if I were you. All right, I’m having fun. Many of you in here disagree with me on that one.
I just know if I were Canadian, I’d have some kind of sense of national pride. I guess that’s all I’m saying because as American, I have a lot of national pride. I wouldn’t want to become part of the EU or something.
I want to stay American. I guess that’s why I see it that way. He’s saying he was on the call with Putin for 90 minutes.
Most of what I have read has said about 30 minutes. 90 sounds much more believable when you read what was discussed. So that would make sense.
Okay. No Ukraine deal without Ukraine and Europeans. French, specifically, he mentioned France, Germany, Spanish, their foreign ministers.
I know you’re right. Here it says an hour and a half call this morning. I think some people just left out the hour or I missed it when I was reading.
Yeah, we talked about the visits. We talked about the productive conversations, what they see for the world, and I love this one. Putin even used very strong campaign motto of common sense.
In other words, it’s time to look at these things through the lens of common sense. What did Mr. Xi tell you? Ukraine, Russia. As soon as you saw it being settled, bam, I think he’s right.
Fired inspectors general sued Trump to get jobs back. Oh, bad boy Trump. The one who came in and canned us in these IGs.
Of course, inspector generals work for the executive branch. He does indeed have the constitutional power to can him, but they’re going to try to tie it in court and do a little virtue signaling. They’re trying to weaken Trump any way they can right now and rob him of political will.
It’s not working because they’re moving too slow. Somebody did some hellaciously good research in this transition team because they know exactly what they can and can’t do and have rarely misstepped or been wrong. They’re winning in the most important court in the world, and that is the court of public opinion right now.
They are devastating the left. The left look like a bunch of whiny folks that don’t worry about waste, corruption, and all they want to do is stall and hide. It is a public relations nightmare for the left going on right now as they pitch their fit.
Did you guys read the article a couple of days ago? There have been a number of these that have dropped. Mental health experts see a increase in despair and burnout among Democrats. I probably should have done a piece on that.
They’re not well. They’re having a very difficult time. You might need to go comfort them.
The thought of not having to pay obscene taxes to an authoritarian government really scares them. I mean, the thought that daddy won’t be there to govern them harder scares them. Must be tough.
All right. It stops today. Pam Bondi in the house.
Department of Justice sues New York Governor Hochul and New York Attorney General Letitia James over licenses for illegals. They are going after me. Hey, you are defying federal law.
We are coming after you and naming them specifically. Pam Bondi announces the DOJ has filed charges against the state of New York Governor Kathy Hochul, Attorney General Letitia James, and DMV Commissioner Mark Schroeder. They have chosen to prioritize illegal aliens over American citizens, and it stops.
It stops today. I was told by a Democrat that works for a think tank that they are now preparing for all 22 blue AGs to be sued in the coming days. That’s what they’re preparing for.
I don’t know what it’s based on or why they’re preparing for it, but they are in complete, utter freakout mode right now. This one is getting fun. All right, guys.
I went further than I had thought. Let’s see. It’s chosen lawsuits over indictments against Chicago, New York, including Hochul.
No, I’m not too sad about that. I think this is where we see the evidence displayed in the court of public opinion. To me, this is how they’re doing disclosure.
They’re trying to do it in a way that doesn’t cause mass riots and a civil war in the streets. I think they’re doing it. You and I, we just want them to rip the Band-Aid off.
Come on, man. Hold it right here. World Court in front of everybody.
Worldwide. Let’s hold the trials on X. I think they’re taking a very measured but forceful approach. I’m like many of you guys.
Rip the effing Band-Aid off. Do you like how I cleared that up some? Okay. John, make certain I say thank you.
Carlos, I think I’d gotten your darlings. Kevin, ah, now I see some new ones popping. Thank you all for these.
These are just exceptionally kind. Jackie, Kevin, Victoria, of course, had mentioned Houston. You are appreciated.
Dog, Nails, you are appreciated. All right, guys. I need to wrap it there.
I know I’m leaving a lot of questions. Dr. Scott’s joining tomorrow. He is not going to prepare a PowerPoint or anything.
We’ve had so many questions, and it has been so fruitful. The last couple of times we had them last Thursday, Tuesday, just answering questions. It’s coming up.
I don’t know what to do. What are your thoughts on this? My adult kids, they don’t think it’s real. What do I do? How do I give them money? All those kinds of questions.
We’ll give you our thoughts, guys. We are not professionals. It’s not legal advice.
This is education and entertainment. You got to think for yourself. So important.
But he is planning on joining tomorrow night for that again. We are supposed to have Andy Scheckman tomorrow. He will not join until a little later in the show.
In other words, not at the 30-minute mark. It’ll be a little later in it, but he is planning on joining us tomorrow morning. He thinks he will make it for a brief visit towards the end this evening on Whiskey and Wisdom.
We are expecting Phil McConnell as well as the regular crew. Should be fun. All right, guys.
I must get out of here now. Mods, thank you. For those that are going to join, we will see you at Whiskey and Wisdom.