Okay, here we go everybody it’s me McGregor Manorino wednesday march 5th 2025 pre-market report, you know what? Stop for a second What I have done and i’m going to continue doing moving forward Is every day I am going to do an in-depth technical breakdown of the s&p 500 or the broader stock market so right now I want you to stop watching this video You can come back to this because I want you guys and girls to have this information before The market opens in the description of this video Is a link to my website. I want you to click on that. You’re going to see my interpretation.
This is my interpretation Of what’s happening today. This is going to be every day for you guys and girls weekdays, obviously monday through friday um, not holidays, okay, so But this will give you guys and girls a really Heads up perspective on what you can expect from the stock market. We’re all concerned about it.
All right me You know, i’m more of a guy that watches the debt market. I understand that’s the driver here But what I i’m doing here for you will allow you to read and learn How dynamics are playing out with regard to the stock market now at the bottom? You’re going to see my interpretation bullish bearish and this is going to go on like I said every day So stop paying attention to these things. I also Updated my my stock picks for you and the top three performing cryptocurrencies people.
I got your back man All right, and i’m going to work twice as hard as i’ve been working. So you guys and girls can gain A real insider’s perspective as to what’s going on. All right, we’re gonna win.
There’s no way out of it We’re not losing. I already told you that i’m not losing There’s no way on this earth or anywhere else. This guy’s gonna lose that means you’re not gonna lose either All right, so go uh, go take care of that and then come back to this video again link right in description of this video If you did that well, welcome back You can just open that up in another window.
I suppose. Anyway, look guys We do have to talk about a few things i’m not going to get into the details of president trump’s address Yesterday, but i’m going to cover one thing specifically Uh with regard to black rock. Sometimes I scare myself.
I really do I said Watch the video I did yesterday. I said this was going to be touted as a way That uh, this is going to make america great again Now you guys and girls when I talk about black rock and what they just did and what president trump said Tell me where i’m getting it right or wrong. I really need your input on that.
But before we even go there let’s start off with The stock market actually the debt market. This is the u.s. 10-year yield this morning yesterday was a whipsaw Uh watching the the u.s. 10 year you’d bounce up and down like a freaking yo-yo That to me Is a clear sign of instability the debt market is supposed to be rock solid when you see These kind of gyrations with regard to the benchmark i’m talking about the 10-year yield, you know, there’s a problem here We all know that we all know that this there’s no reality With regard to the stock market. There’s no price discovery with regard to any asset class today It’s all floating on oceans of debt and I believe with all I got though.
We haven’t even begun to see What’s going to happen here with which? Debt Trade deficits deficits are going to balloon like you can’t possibly believe moving forward This is very negative for the purchasing power of the currency. I think we’re all on the same page Anyway, so that’s that’s what’s going here with the debt market now this morning You got stock futures higher pretty much across the board despite what I wrote With regard to my interpretation of the s&p 500 for today. So again, that’s in the description of the video so we got We got this going on We got gold and silver catching a bit crude oil under pressure here.
This is because of Speculation and there’s no really it this is a no-brainer that the world the world is going to fall into a very Deep recession, maybe even a depression. I think we’re already in a deep recession right now um this issue with energy, um crude oil This is not going to last for multiple reasons here Commodities are priced in dollars. The dollar is being systematically destroyed The world is turning their back on the dollar hold that thought because I want to talk more about that in just a second anyway Cryptocurrency is pretty much higher across the board.
What a crazy ride we’ve had since president trump did make his Announcement that he did issue a presidential executive order to make cryptocurrencies uh a part of the u.s reserve or strategic reserve now with regard to With regard to the dollar here. This is interesting Uh, this is market watch from this morning The u.s dollar is sending an alarming signal to investors and consumers people. We already know this All right, we don’t need to be told by market watch or anything.
Everybody knows what’s going on I think at least I hope so if you follow this blog, there’s no doubt but the issue here the issue here is We understand we are in This is an economic war Economic war is war There will be casualties you among them. You understand you and me both we all of us are going to pay for what’s going on here Uh, this is not you see what’s happening. See a lot of people and i’m going to defend president trump here I’m going to defend president trump here.
All right, everyone’s talking about trump’s trade war trump’s trade war trump’s trade war This is no longer Trump’s trade war because they’re all doing this to each other now. So how is this? Explain this to me. Okay.
Um, how is this trump’s trade war? The whole world right now is at each other’s throats with regard to this economic war. So this is Look man, maybe trump was if you want to say, uh the instigator of it, okay But this is no longer trump’s trade war. This is the whole world right now Is is in the same boat and the people we the people of this world Are going to be casualties of this global war right now, right so just I just wanted to get that out there.
You know what I mean? I hope you guys and girls are understanding what i’m talking about. So anyway with regard to the dollar We should be seeing The dollar stronger on a relative strength basis With regard to a comparative strength basis other currencies. Okay, that’s not happening The the issue with these tariffs again should be you should see a stronger dollar Man, I have itchy nose.
I’m, sorry Uh, you should be seeing a stronger dollar on a relative strength or comparative strength basis Based upon the tariff war the the trade war the economic war that we have right now But we’re not seeing that as a matter of fact the dollar this morning is getting slammed Again, this is the relative strength of the dollar. That’s a problem and it I have to understand what the bigger picture is. I’m a macro Guy, I look at the macro picture Okay, what this should tell you and it’s pretty obvious is the united states and I think this is going to progress Is has lost Its its status as well.
This is not this is isn’t news to anybody The united states is no longer the economic engine in the world. We’ve lost that we’ve we’re now losing our Spot here with regard to influence on the world The united states is quickly falling off the map All right Now you can have your own perspective on this and your entire too But the fact of the matter is the world is turning their back more so right now over the last few weeks uh under president trump’s Leadership, okay, whatever than ever before in history. We’ve never seen this before we’ve literally Abandoned our allies.
They’re not happy with the united states The people of the world are not happy with what’s happening here in the united states The dollar is going to suffer the dollar is going to suffer. Now. This is this is multi-faceted here Okay, we already know bear with me on this man We already know that the world today, uh is de-dollarizing this is no secret and everybody knows it Nobody wants our dollar not even you if you’re if you are a american citizen someone living here.
No one wants our dollar Nobody wants our products. Okay Uh facts these are facts now what this means is again more pressure on the dollar. This is inflationary Okay now Being that the world is de-dollarizing and it’s I think this is going to accelerate moving forward, uh, because again look I’m, not i’m not condemning president trump here you guys and girls who are so overly sensitive here The fact is that what i’m saying is true.
You don’t believe it. I don’t know what to tell you man Maybe you’ve got pigs or eggs. I covered this yesterday put out a newsletter about it um, but the fact matter is The world the united states is falling off the map now with regard to The dollar it means these dollars that nobody wants not even you are going to start rushing back here to the united states faster creating an Underscoring the main issue here of inflation Inflation inflation now trump admitted and I want to give the man credit here.
He admitted Okay, despite the fact that he admitted that the tariffs are going to cause issues here in the united states. It was temporary Okay, I get it. I get it But you see this is interesting because scott bessen his u.s. Treasury secretary is saying don’t worry You’re not going to feel a pinch from tariffs So we already know that scott bessen is a liar of the highest possible order.
Can we agree on that now president trump? Surprisingly enough. I did not expect this Told us the truth that we are going to feel some pain here because of the tariffs this was yesterday during his address So kudos to you president trump. Thank you for letting people understand that we’re going to face some hardship here Okay, let’s give credit where credit’s due Now, let me ask you being that scott bessen our u.s Treasury secretary said the polar opposite is he going to be held to account or is he going to now say hold on a minute? He’s going to change his whole narrative scott bessen has been Broadcasting on cnbc bloomberg fox business wherever they’re going to show his creepy face.
Oh, excuse me I’m supposed to be a nice person now, uh that we’re not going to feel any any, uh, Increase in prices because of the tariffs. We all know that’s a lie. We know that’s a lie, man So at least president trump clarified that for us last night um Now before I talk about you know what let’s do this last night president trump This is a headline here trump touts blackrock panama central port deal says u.s Is reclaiming the waterway president trump is taking credit here and i’m sure he did this in brokering a deal That blackrock would buy ports.
Uh You 25 billion dollars or something along that those lines here and we covered this yesterday. So president trump working with blackrock Okay, however, you want to look at that so blackrock can buy ports In panama. No, this is what happened president trump said that he helped broker a deal between Allowing blackrock to buy ports in panama and he says president trump that this is a way that we’re going to Reclaim the canal for the united states now I’m going to tell you what bothers me about this and you guys and girls tell me where I got this wrong Blackrock, I think first of all do your own research into blackrock.
All right, i’m not even going to go on about it, but Blackrock and please please please please It’ll take you a second to do your own research on this has massive Massive investments in china. Okay, so Explain to greg manorino how blackrock here is not going to be looking out for its best interest or the interest of its shareholders I can tell you And this is a no-brainer man. The fact that all right.
First of all president trump brokery helped brokering this deal Fantastic. He’s the greatest deal maker in the world Why didn’t president trump last night explain to the people that blackrock here? And again, please don’t take my word for this because greg could be lying greg might actually be lying here I’m lying right to your face right now blackrock has massive Massive investments in china So do you believe that blackrock is going to look for the out for their own interests or yours? I didn’t even really come on man. This is really a no freaking brainer here This is not not and not going to help america make america great again I’m, sorry.
All right, if you guys think I have some kind of Derangement syndrome here because i’m not loving this I’m, not foaming at the mouth over trump brokering this deal with blackrock to buy ports in panama Well, you guys are girls again, you know, maybe there is something wrong with me. Let me know Okay, where am I getting this wrong? Why was it omitted from this whole thing that china has massive massive massive investments in china? I don’t know guys and girls man. Look, I don’t know as I said, i’m a macro guy I look at the bigger picture, but the fact that this wasn’t even Spoken about is a lie by omission in my view and I don’t think this is going to help america at all right now I’ll be honest with you as a matter of fact.
Look man There’s no way to stop america and the rest of the world economy From just melting down further and faster than it is now And we the people of this world are going to pay for it as we always do Oh not the one or two percenters because i’m going to tell you something else Let me let you in on a little secret here that maybe you’re not supposed to know Okay, there’s a lot of talk here About what the fund reserve may or may not do. Oh, the fed’s not going to cut rates. Oh, no No, we’re going to remain pat.
I’m going to tell you that that’s a lie, too Okay, and i’ll call my if I get this wrong. All right, I will come out here publicly and admit I got it wrong I’m telling you that I first of all, let me just let me just set the stage for you The next fomc meeting I do not believe the fed’s going to do anything I could be wrong on that, but I don’t believe so I say Mid-year june july something along those lines as the economy gets worse Inflation continues to rise People are suffering the fed’s going to say okay everyone we’re going to start some kind of a program here To stimulate and that is going to involve Cutting cutting rates here Which is unfortunate because we don’t need lower rates at all You know what we need here unfortunately president trump leveled with us yesterday that we’re going to feel some pain from the tariffs I am I was really A little bit surprised about that. Okay, he admitted it.
But why doesn’t he admit that? we need We need more pain. Unfortunately. I don’t want any of us to suffer here, but we don’t have a real environment The mechanism of artificially suppressed rates is a wrecking machine for the middle class man It’s a wrecking machine for the economy.
We need to start raising rates We need to start raising them now people because i’m telling you we’re going to fit this this tsunami That is coming at us with regard to inflation is getting bigger and bigger and bigger and it’s picking up more velocity It’s going to hit us harder Now that we let the cat that president trump let the cat out of the freaking bag that tariffs are in fact going to hit us in our pocketbooks why Not just take the next step and level with the american people say listen, man We got issues we need to fix them and and what we don’t need and i’m changing because again President trump has aligned himself with elizabeth warren And scott besant who says let’s let the fed off the hook. Let’s just work on getting the 10-year yield down Come on, man Is what i’m saying? Does this make sense to you or is greg also completely deluded because he doesn’t support trump and warren’s idea to To lower rates that greg has some kind of derangement syndrome. Let me know where you stand on this Okay, it’s a no-brainer man.
I say since trump let the bag the cat out of the freaking bag let’s let it all out of the bag explain to the american people that We need much more Than than just what’s happening here in tariffs Uh, and maybe president trump can explain to us how he feels that black rock is going to put Our interests before their own and their shareholders Let me in on that one, too I need to know love you guys. It goes real quick man. As I said, I want to hear from you There’s a lot of technical people a lot of people that study the market If you happen to look and I will read through the comments at my breakdown the technical breakdown of the s&p 500 And it’s very easy anyone can understand this even someone that’s not That kind of jargon because I put my own interpretation at the bottom Tell me if I got that right or I got it wrong if I got it wrong Tell me where I got it wrong.
I am willing to admit or accept the fact that I may have gotten that wrong So let me know what your interpretation is Do you agree with what I wrote with regard to the the stock market the s&p 500 again link in description of this video? And I will do this every single day for you every day. I’m going to do this for you Who else would do something like that for you? I don’t know man. I I I I feel Responsibility to all of you people.
We we gotta we gotta start Coming together as I’ve been telling you for a thousand freaking years All right. Love you all from the heart with all I got I mean that i’ll see you later 4 or 5 p.m Eastern for the live stream. I want to hear your comments on everything that we just spoke about great.
You got it, right? You got it wrong. Let me know man. This isn’t my thing.
This is not my thing This is our thing. All right, and and together we can change this freaking world We just we just kind of put a little more effort into it. Does that make sense to you as well? All right, that’s it everyone i’ll see you later until the meeting and please take care of yourselves and each other