Major Transactions-USD Control-Crypto WDC on 7th-Gold-Oil-IMF-Digital Currency (Uncut) 03-04-2025
MM&C-Iraq Dinar News-Major Transactions-USD Control-Crypto WDC on 7th-Gold-Oil-IMF-Digital Currency
hey everyone before I get started I just want to remind you that if you like my content hit that like button subscribe to my channel and then join the militia man and crew patreon Community by clicking the link in the caption good evening everybody militia man and crew and today’s the 3D of March and I just want to say hello great to have you guys it’s been a pleasure uh I think you guys have been paying attention I think you guys uh saw my last uh video which was um a lot of it was about digital technology it was
about a digital transformation those sorts of things um was pretty packed I think that if you haven’t watched it you might want to get caught up on that because some of the things that you will see in the news uh well even today was interesting because they’re still focused in on um that digitization of Iraq and digital currencies and uh the the effects of that are going to be profound um I think that some people e in the parallel Market are going to find that one Iraq does a full integration into the
International Financial system um it’s going to be in a digital world in a digital sense and uh the use of currency per se most often is not going to be the way it was in the past in Iraq so they are going to a cash less Society not completely no cash but they’re going that way my belief is that the amount of uh for instance small denominations that they we’ve all talked about they’ve talked about um or smaller currencies Etc um will be limited they just it just won’t be as profound as it has been in
the past that’s for sure so anyway in our country and in their country and a few other places around the world um you’re going to see things that are happening in real time and they’re uh coinciding for uh tomorrow for instance I mean we have meetings in the United States and uh here’s one that’s coming up on on Friday of this week but it’s to that point where um our White House is to host a a crypto Summit it says it’s the first White House crypto Summit next Friday so they’ve never had one before and there’s
a working group that includes the Departments of the treasury uh and Justice as well as the Securities and Exchange Commission and the commodity Futures Trading commission so they’re talking about when they say uh crypto Summit I think they’re talking about new Technologies I think that’s um a blockchain environment and I think everybody should be aware of it and get quite used to it because it’s not going to go away uh there’s an article where Al alak uh says Iraq has become one of the best countries in the world controlling the
sale of the dollar so they basically have controlled the sale of the dollar and that’s why you’re going to see some barking from those factions Etc that are in Iraq that use the parallel mark market and they’ they’ll have a warning and I’ll get to that tonight I believe um in the sense of SLE has an adviser to um the Ministries is telling them that um hey look you guys you’re paying 1450 1460 1470 it may go as high as 1500 because why because the dollar is drying up it’s getting harder to get those
banks that are that are still selling the dollar to facilitate that um I think they’re going to have a problem and and I would say that they’ll probably have a big problem okay alal told these news outlets that Iraq has become one of the best countries in the world today in controlling the sale of the dollar as this process is carried out with transparency and accuracy and the citizens verified these documents and his departure from the country through it explaining that this mechanism is the most disciplined transparent controlled
in the world so they have really got their act together as indicated by International experts that’s what they go on to say it says that Al ala lock notes that false news and media Distortion May harm the interests of the Iraq and the banking sector uh reputational risk for central banks is something they don’t they don’t like and they’re not going to allow it and so they’re going to talk about that and that’s why al la lock has come out and said so it says the government and the Central Bank are working hard to
establish sound practices that are compatible with International standards calling for the need to highlight these achievements in the Medias in other words media get on board talk the truth right that’s what we expect here in the United States that’s what they expect in Europe uh but do we all get it well we all know that the answer is no we don’t but it goes on it says they’re highlighting these Transformations and developments what does it do it helps enhance International confidence in the Iraq banking sector which is vital to
continue developing its new Financial system so alak is you know beating the drum about um we’re the ones that do it proper and if you’re going to do it right do it right and here the central bank for instance they talk about a lot of things that they’ve been increasing and they do that in their gold reserves they do that in their um foreign reserves and they’re also doing that with all the things that they’re increasing they’re increasing the in their output of oil they’re increasing their liquified natural gas
they’re int they’re introducing their um their minerals and metals uh they’re introducing within a very short period of time the ability to flow oil through Turkey um and they’re also and that’s as early as today they could have done that today because they said they were going to have that meeting again on Tuesday which is interesting um but they say they moved it forward so today was the day that we’ll find out maybe tomorrow maybe tonight maybe super Samson tonight will F will find that and we’ll see it
in the morning when when I get up anyway uh so her day is just beginning so uh thank you Samson for all your hard work thank you for the crew members thank you Gigi for all that work um and thank you Greg for bringing that new gold and silver is real money thread into our Discord chat room which is free for you that come in uh with a paid membership to mm and crew so come on in and check that out if you haven’t already because most of you that are watching this are already there so anyway the growth of reserves
has has great benefits but what they did say at the beginning it says uh the gold reserves grew by 45.1% in the fourth quarter of 2024 compared to the same quarter of the previous year so if you guys realize that when central banks buy gold the price goes up and what is that at today it’s really close to 2900 still which is massive and in the context I would highly recommend anybody and everybody do a 30 40y year chart on gold and look at all those beautiful patterns that they make and look where the gold
is it’s an Uncharted Territory um and that’s pretty bullish and I think all the gold gold bugs out there know what I’m talking about I think a lot of the gold sales people that are out there there’s probably some really good ones um but there’s some definitely some good stuff out there to be able to be found and we’ll try to bring some information on that on as it goes but look 45% just in 2024 I believe that’s around 20 T 20 tons of gold that they purchased basically it says the growth reserves has great benefits as it
enhances economic and financial stability and protects against uh risks and is considered an important tool for intervening in the foreign exchange Mark market so when they say intervening in the Foreign Exchange Market you got to read into the because the you know the foreign Reserve Market is going to be also about Iraq’s Foreign Currency Exchange Market and you’re going to find that we’re going to talk about that they’re talking about doing major transactions through the IMF have been talking about it um in the foreign
markets and with large transactions major transactions in the dinar I’ll get to that in a little bit because um they’re not going to be just using the dollar anymore they’re going to be using general are in the future and that’s big okay because they’re not doing it internationally they’re not internationally acceptable on the Forex around the world just yet and once they are then this the story is going to change okay reports more Iraq IMF announced new steps to boost the national economy he goes on says uh this
gentleman by the they were well the international monetary fund was in the Jordan capital of Aman and I think think there’s been more than more meetings potentially since this this one but I think it took place uh that was a few days ago but the bottom line is they didn’t report it until a few days after but this is a couple of days and this was Sunday so look it says um intensify uh expand cooperation with foreign correspondent Banks okay it says the international monetary Fund in Jordanian Capital where it was agreed to
intensify efforts to expand cooperation with foreign correspond banks in an aim to enhance Financial stability supporting the national economy they go on it says this this Iraqi delegation hel um headed by the Ministry of Finance T Sammy uh she goes on and says the governor of the Central Bank of Iraq concluded the meetings with the international monetary fund February 24th 26th so that was a few days back about a week ago indicating that the growth was expected to continue to 3.5% in 2025 so Iraq growth is going to you
know have a nice big increase which is huge for um you know a uh third world country if you will now reflecting an improvement in economic diversification and reduction in dependence on oil which enhances the stability of the national economy so they’re obviously doing those other things that we talked about the natural gas the non oil revenues the tourism all of those things a lot of people think hey we’re just want to talk about the dinar but when you’re talking about all the revenue streams you’re
going to be be talking about the value of the dinar and when they’re going to in intervene into the market that’s what they’re talking about they’re going to be able to defend their new currency exchange rate because why because they have all these extra um inputs Iraq has inputs and outputs but they’re going to be able to take advantage of both inputs and outputs and if you don’t know what I’m talking about on that I think you should do a Google Search and accounting and see what inputs and outputs are for economic uh
stability in a country and how how massive Iraq’s inputs outputs are and how they can take an advantage of it we’ve gone over it um time past in patreon and I think if you look that up you might find it in the search search engine they have for you it says the meeting also addressed uh updating the public debt strategy emphasizing the importance of developing the banking sector to support Investments attract foreign Capital which will contribute to improving Financial stability they go on and say that the
international monetary fund affirms its support for Iraq in developing Financial policies by providing advisors and experts to assist in the ministry managing public debt and improving the tax system that’s something I didn’t even um add in there tax revenues taxes and tariffs at the borders International all those trucks that are coming in in the ti that we’re seeing right this new report that they have out today um that’s been in progress for years and it’s they did a test today which is phenomenal um they call it historic
we’ll get to that I think uh but in conclusion the statement stress that the meetings confirm that the continued progress in financial and economic economic reforms reflecting the Iraqi government’s commitment to achieving Financial stabil uh sustainability that supports development and drives investment that’s the private sector in a light of an ongoing strategic partnership with the international monetary fund and so look when they use the word intervene like I said it means that they’re going to move into the
markets and they have some Snippets here that it says the Central Bank um direct uh let’s see despite the clear seasonal effect there are other factors that cannot be ignored such as the levels of dollar sales by the central bank which directly affects the size of the money supply in the market so they’re talking about money supply in the market in addition to the timing of the general budget law so that they they’re reflecting back to the budget law which is 23 24 Tri part typ budget and we haven’t seen all of that just yet
have we I don’t think so it says it also takes into factors like the geopolitical situation that could cause sudden disturbances in the demand for foreign currency so when they have to intervene um they have to do supply and demand adjustments and that’s what central banks do that’s what they’re good at and they’re really good at buying gold and silver when they need to because it helps helps them defend their currencies it helps them intervene in the foreign exchange markets okay it also provides an important element in
establishing the country’s creditworthiness enhances the country’s credit rating International transactions and provides cover for its local and another snippet here is Jamal cougar I call him cougar I don’t know if it’s koser or not but we see it spelled cgar I think it’s pretty funny uh anyway the member of parliamentary finance committee told the agency Iraq’s large reserves of hard currency including gold provide cover for the local currency and give it stability and says many bet on the Fallen demise of the currency which is
Iraq’s dinar and they say well and therefore they they these reserves make the Central Bank intervene in the event of any imbalancing facing Financial policy so basically just reiterating what I just told you I just give some Snippets to support what we do here at patreon and our Discord chat room so the financial adviser um Mohammad SLE geopolitical controls push towards shifting to official channels for trading currency so it says this shift aims to move away from informal which is the parallel
Market to move away from informal financing from the parallel dollar market intensively so they’re going to do it aggressively they’re going to have intensive moves on this especially with the change in the the behavior of small Traders keep that in mind so when I say keep it in mind what they’re doing is they’re avoiding the parallel Market uh that are linked to other countries in the regional and geopolitical problems that they have they’re they’re moving away from that okay so it says this shift comes in the
context of importance of increasing Iraq’s foreign reserves confronting money smuggling operations in addition to facilitating external transfer operations ations throughout Iraq’s banks that deal with International banking correspondent banks at an official exchange rate the official exchange rates at 1320 the parallel markets at somewhere over 1,400 okay so the people those small Traders they’re being forewarned once again look do it right do it properly and you’re going to be able to uh take
advantage of the official exchange rate because when we have an official exchange rate and if it changeed is changes right you’re going to be involved in that but if you’re not you’re not going to be and I so I think they’re just finally telling them at the last minute to say look you better take care of business or you’re not going to be doing any business all right so he also stressed that the end of compliance of the compliance platform which is something that is happened they’ve already put in
the compliance platform so that at the end it says adopted by the Central Bank of Iraq in the past two years so all all under sani’s watch and the country’s entry into a new phase which has contributed to providing G great flexibility in financial transfers Through official CH channels so in other words if you’re hooked up you can do transfers digitally a lot faster with transparency accuracy um and knowing that you’re going to be safe and secure whereas dealing in the parallel Market it’s not so much or not at all
anymore it says that the snippet here it says the international monetary fund but I already brought this up the biggest thing in this part is that it was agreed to intensify cooperation with for corresp foreign correspondent Banks which could could contribute or would contribute to facilitating foreign trade financing operations and enhancing the use of Iraq dinar in major transactions hey and to this next next piece is that Iraq receives the first historic trans transport operation through the international TI system and
you don’t have to go into the history of that but you guys know that it’s a big deal because it’s International Trucking going through the country and that what I think is what they’re saying is a test that they did today it says Iraq is close to achieving historic this historic achievement in Crossing border trade transport operations are expected to continue continue Under the Umbrella of the international land transport system soon as the event represents a turning point for the country and a major step
forward towards full integration into the recognized International System for Customs Transit with Iraq’s success in this achievement we stand on the threshold of a new era in the field of transportation and international trade as it adopts the best Global practices to enhance efficiency security and stability of growth economic growth and so if you think about that for a minute I mean isn’t it everything about security and stability sustainability efficiency Security even with um their money right
transparent digital electronic everything’s going towards um transparency Customs taxes oil salaries electronic digitization you start start to see the picture I think that we can see there’s a whole new era and that’s true and uh the amount of trucking that’s going to go through the development Road Project from the East to the West um is going to be powerful and all the countries we see turkey coming on today about water Syria you know Etc the neighboring countries making sure Iraq has enough water
because they’re going to need a key component plenty of water to be able to build out this uh whole event that’s going to benefit all the neighbors and the region and the globe at large so keep all that in mind it’s just it’s more to the story than just the Iraqi dinar it’s about many things but the bottom line is collectively all these things that liquid natural gas the oil um everything non oil taxes and tariffs revenues tourism all of that’s going to be able to be the backbone of that private sector which is going to
support the value of their currency and what is that going to do for them it’s going to them to be able to intervene in the market the central banks not just Iraq but other central banks are going to help intervene to stabilize the currency look when they when they’re talking about reconstru reconstruction of a whole country and this whole development Road Project they’re going to need a lot of materials they’re going to need pricing to be stable they’re going to need to have that dinar in stable situation to be able to do those
major transactions that they talk about on an international scale and that to me means they’re going to have to be um IMF compliant with their rules and regulations you know we know that the article 4 and article 8 reflect on that article 4 article 8 is in the IMF you guys can figure that out I think everybody probably has by now at least read it once if you haven’t I suggest read it more than once because it’s it’s a lot to get through okay so Kurdish delegation holds meetings in Baghdad to decide on
resuming oil um exper exports well what do they talking about well aren’t we talking about things that are happening this week this one specifically says resuming oil and they were supposed to do this tomorrow they were talking about having this meeting tomorrow but they moved it up a day but we don’t know if it happened yet or not but here’s here’s the article that says the source says uh this meeting was scheduled for to be held next Tuesday which would be tomorrow but developments in the file
prompted the date to be brought forward so that’s where I get that from okay so that’s a big article and then um I think we’re going to see something from our dear uh finance ministry about um Tuesday as well but it says dispersement and here it is dispersement or postponement the fate of Kurdistan employees salaries depends on tap Sami signature so she needs to sign on the dotted line and guess when is expected well the work is expected to be complete today today is Monday so but yet the results will be delivered
tomorrow Tuesday I can think of Petra one of our crew members we were teasing about uh Popeye sand man wimpy guys remember that the burger Tuesday so yeah so anyway uh tap Sammy she says that she will make her decision regarding dis dispersement of salaries for the Region’s employees for the month of February and it says this gentleman says that uh he explains the decision to pay Sal depend on the extent of the Kurdistan government’s commitment to the terms and conditions set by the Ministry of
Finance most notably the delivery of non-oil revenues and compliance with other technical Clauses requested by the ministry so that was uh expected to be completed today expected to be completed today and the results could be as early as tomorrow you know there’s some other things that’s happening that maybe you guys don’t know about yet but one of them is going to be in in what I wrote here it says uh to me my belief is I find this timing to be fascinating there are many Global meetings that are lining up for tomorrow
the results of the decisions on salaries the meetings have been ongoing regarding the flow of oil there’s a call for an emergency Arab Summit to precede the state of the union tomorrow in the USA right it’s going to be a powerful situation because I think they’re going to talk I think they’re all going to be telling it like it is and that’s going to be hopefully powerful I see that some of the the markets have been kind of uh rallying around that as we started off the crypto Market has popped and then it you know
pulled back a little bit could have been news feed could have been lots of different things that did that but uh I think the Market’s getting edgy and they they’re looking for uh real value so this article the last one I have is the Parliamentary Finance the government has adopted the digitization of the country’s banking system there’s a major shift in its opportunity to ensure the principle of transparency limit the amounts of money and reduce Bank notes didn’t we talk about that tonight reduced Bank notes in other words have
less cash and it’s also a necessity that must be taken into account given that there’s a global Trend in the issue of digitization and the adoption of bank transfer companies it says the finance committee is following up on the process of the financial digital transformation and its contact with the Central Bank of Iraq to develop plans to resolve this issue and so we have no choice as a country to try to launch its banking system but to proceed quickly and quickly quickly and quickly to resolve
these matters so anyway that’s what we have for you guys tonight thank you for being with us with militia manic crew and if you hey you know what if you like the content hit that Subs subscribe button and do please do me a favor and uh don’t forget to look below um all your guys’ support with zel VMO PayPal truly do help us keep the wheels going thank you very much once again guys don’t forget to hit that like button if you like this content subscribe to the channel or join us at the militia man
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