Trump Tariffs To Cause Ripple Effects In Gold Market (Uncut) 03-05-2025
Jim Willie: Trump Tariffs To Cause Ripple Effects In Gold Market
I got to say that there’s more happening now in the gold market and there’s more happening in let’s say international finance and there’s more happening in Bank activity and there’s more happening in a lot of different things including the health like cancer cures this is a an enormous explosion of information [Music] well hello there my friends Chris Marcus here with you for Arcadia economics and well I guess we don’t do this monthly jym but once uh every other month or so we get the great Dr Jim Willie to come
and give us some insight into what he is seeing and also his biceps with Jim can we get another shot at those it looks like have you been lifting some pineapples or something papayas okay and coconuts well there you go down uh well we we’ll leave your country nameless although I think people know where you live but either case uh Jim it is great to have you on here we’re recording Tuesday March 4th looks like the tariffs are in action uh we pull up the latest news there and Jim and I know for all of your
Canadian fans would love to see a nice picture like that of Justin Trudeau perhaps uh in our call today you can I’ll I’ll make a note I’m curious what you think is happening I know he said he was on his way out and but anyway we have a lot happening in the months since Trump was elected we’ve had constant blowouts in the efp premiums the between the the spot price in London and the comx Futures a lot of other things happening apparently we’re getting an audit of Fort Knox and I think there are few
people as qualified to talk about Fort Knox as Dr Jim Willie goes without saying so anyway with that long intro out of the way there um how are you doing today my friend I’m doing pretty strange a little more strange than usual but uh a little more excitement than ever before um I would say that I’m I’m approaching the 21 year anniversary in April 21 years and I got to say that there’s more happening now in the gold market and there’s more happening in let’s say international finance and there’s more happening in
Bank activity and there’s more happening in a lot of different things including the health like cancer cures this is a an enormous explosion of information and uh I don’t know these little glasses they’re great for reading I I can’t read really too well anymore uh I guess 71 years was enough for no glasses now I I you can be one of those old guys now goes my glasses my I need I need that little monacle um I’m telling you there’s more happening now in the last two months than has happened in the last four years
if you ignore the vaccine I financially uh there’s so much happening I I gotta say regarding the tariffs I I’ve just got to say it I believe the tariffs are a device to bring about economic cooperation investment foreign direct investment and bring about gigantic trade deals investment deals toward trade uh to you know invest in treasury Bonds in plant and equipment in the United States there was a big deal announced I think it was uh yesterday perhaps or Friday about Taiwan semiconductor okay they use a lot of AI
but they’re involved in oh gosh I think 70% market share of the global chip Market it’s just astonishing if we can get if we can get apple and we can get soft bank and and we can get Taiwan semi uh I think it’s a really good start for a gigantic technology parade and you you watch in the next three or four weeks you just watch Canada Bend I don’t know how I don’t know what exactly Trump is pushing for regarding Canada but he’s already announced that um that energy products are not subject to tariff and I don’t
know if that applies to Canada uh we got a lot of things going on I’m very excited about the gold market I think we’re in the midst of a default a default in London okay I I gotta yield to you and I mean this mean this in a very complimentary respectful way I I don’t imagine I can tell you much of anything that you don’t already know in the gold and silver market but what I can add come on now this young I’m just no let me picking my notebook up to the great doctor and man let me let me let me qualify
what I mean by that um what I mean by that is what I might be able to add to to your current greater knowledge in the gold and silver market is is exogenous factors that are coming in to play uh I noted 47 factors that are aiding the gold market gold and silver uh and I put that in the February report that was posted last Friday um I’ve never posted since 2003 that many reasons I had 25 one one one article I wrote it was with gold it was back in 2003 a year before the newsletter was launched I was
just a young buck and I realized you know these economists are pretty stupid they work for banks they work for the government they’re corrupt to the left or they’re corrupt to the right they don’t know what the hell’s going on they’re misrepresenting the gold market and I I wrote 25 reasons why gold will rise and it did in the next three or four years well now it’s like here’s 47 reasons and that’s kind of a magic number with Trump here’s 47 reasons why gold is going to go to 5,000 and it’s coming and we’re going to
get oh gosh when they break the silver market I don’t know how it’s going to happen I don’t know when it’s going to happen I just know that it’s going to happen and when they do it you’re gonna see Fibonacci playing music 10 20 30 50 80 you know I have a joke that I I give to people I say 10 20 30 50 80 what’s next hey hey Jim just since 130 it’s 1:30 thank you for that um just since you mentioned it uh you were saying there about how you see the silver market as a matter of INE inevitabil inevitability did you happen to see that
that call I did with Rick rule uh I think it was back in December who was involved with the pslv trust during silver squeeze and so certainly some close access to the market he talked about how he’s like we cleared out the silver in Chicago then we cleared out New York then Nova Scotia Ottawa um but the takeaway that really stood out to me is that after all he’s seen and someone with his access and experience he also said that a fracture between the paper and physical markets remains to him a matter of when rather
than if um I’ll send that to you later I think you’d find it pretty intriguing I I I got a quick story to tell you about Rick Rule and this is funny and it’s not meant in any way to be um you know stupid or consulting or anything like that it was about the second or third conference that I went to in the Cambridge House in Canada and I went early to the speaker dinner it was 2006 I went early to the speaker dinner and I was the first guy there because I I didn’t want to get lost I was you know I was new at this okay it was my second
year of the newsletter no actually two and a half years of the newsletter and I got there and I was the only one there so I was minding my own business reading an article and this guy walked in and it was Rick rule but I didn’t recognize him and and I I said hi I I guess we’re early and he recognized immediately that I didn’t recognize him and he was really modest about it he said you’re Jim Willie and I said yeah I I just started a newsletter a couple years ago and uh I’m kind of new at this so I came early so I wouldn’t get lost I
I don’t know Vancouver very well I said what’s your name he said Rick just just Rick I knew who Rick R was but I didn’t recognize him so we’re talking away we’re talking for 20 minutes and other people come in and he said well nice meeting you Jim good luck um he was probably the nicest most encouraging person at the conferences in the next two years I was there for four years I did 15 conferences and he told me once Jim you bring a different angle to this I I know you’re a statistical guy but you bring
in a different angle you bring in currency economy and you that’s what I try to do the exogenous factors and he said you’re entertaining don’t lose that don’t lose that and I said no no I I don’t think I could if I tried and we laughed and he walked away it took me 24 hours to learn that that was Rick Ru it was a friend of mine I said I I said yeah there there’s a guy I met there’s a guy I met at the dinner last night his name was Rick he said Jim that’s Rick rule what okay pretty funny it was funny very
uh you know I was naive um I didn’t know people um I I met Bill Murphy uh Bill Murphy was with me in Munich when I got the death threat Bill Murphy was really nice to me calming me down I mean he he held my arm and offered me a glass of wine I said no pineapple juice would be fine but I was jittery I was jittery all day that oh that November day in 2006 in Munich a death threat from Homeland Security well look at how you’ve overcome which is obviously the most important thing and you know going back
uh 2003 I guess that was before you had your cult-like fan status on the internet so um glad you got to meet Rick and Jim if I could take uh one more question about something you said earlier you were you were talking about the technology aspect curious have you heard much about that battery that Samsung has developed the new more powerful EV battery that I believe it was like 2.2 pounds of silver um so substantially more it’s interesting I did read that it’s not just well they’re making it and
thinking about it now but that they are in the trial period where other companies are using it I’ve seen the numbers if 10 or 20% of the EV Market adopts it and the size of the EV Market stays the same or gets bigger it would be a you know looks like it could come out to a couple hundred more million more ounces of silver I would love to know if you had any thoughts on that one um I actually wrote about that it was honestly about six or eight months ago and I cannot remember all the details except that it was very
impressive uh specifications its performance was very P very very impressive and uh I remember back then I think it was about last summer it was in the newsletter mid mid 2024 and as I recall they said in their own uh specifications and their own rollout plans that it was two years away and I thought well you know Market has a way of pushing that a little faster when there’s a bigger profit people will work overtime and they’ll just get more Partnerships and they’ll get it done um I tend to think that we’re going to see
uh a revolutionary break uh with uh more advanced batteries but we’re also going to see the fuel cell we’re going to see hydrogen and and oxygen brought together and and making very power powerful cars with water emissions uh this is going to be really interesting and and silver will be a big player in the fuel cell car and and you know Samsung is a an upand coming Powerhouse but I gotta tell you it’s GNA be Toyota it’s it’s GNA be Toyota they’ve they’ve already got um oh gosh see if I can get this right
okay now methane is NH3 nitrogen three hydrogens and I’ve been wondering for the last 5 to 10 years how are they going to deliver the hydrogen for a car for an engine without having a tank that would blow up the city block if there’s a car accident and the answer is ammonia oh gosh did I say methane I I didn’t I’m sorry I misspoke it’s not methane it’s ammonia ammonia has a lot of hydrogen and what Toyota has done is they built a turbo engine with water mixed with ammonia and that delivers the hydrogen so it it’s an
ammonia tank and I can’t remember golly is Amon I know methane no ammonia is NH3 I’m sorry I’m sorry methane is CH oh gosh it’s been a long a long time since chemistry my advanced placement chemistry senior year in high school okay methane is I think CH4 carbon hydrogen could you check um I think it’s CH4 um and ammonia is NH3 the key to Toyota CH4 you are correct okay and ammonia NH3 um it’s been a long time my God I’m I’m talking I’m talking 50 53 years since high school grad long in the tooth huh all
right Chris Toyota’s got turbocharged methane supply of hydrogen and in their prototype their only complaint was this thing is zero to 60 in in you know 40 seconds that was their complaint 0 to 60 in 30 to 40 seconds and then they said well let’s turbo this and they did and they got some really good performance Toyota’s GNA be leader in the class and and we better get in line we better get Toyota building cars in the United States and sharing the technology um and you know what they’re going to do they’re going to share
treasury bonds they’re gonna they’re going to do plant equipment uh it’s debt for Equity you’re probably all over this too uh the TR Department of treasur is going to issue credits in return for treasury bonds submitted and the credits are going to be good for plant and Equipment Supply training you know land purchases you name it um and this is how we’re going to get reindustrialize but it’s not going to be fast this this took 30 years this took 40 years I I remember this this is a very seminal important
event in my life it was Autumn of 84 and it was my buddy my buddy John my buddy Bob my boss Jack and me in my office talking about a Wall Street Journal article about chip fabrication plants being sent to the Pacific Rim and we joked and we said well you know those little Asian women they’re they’re they got small hands they can do all that chip work okay that that’s the joke the reality is that we got bankrupted I said to John Bob and Jack you know three or four or five years we’re going to have a
national bankruptcy problem that was Black Monday in ’87 so it was three years later we’re gonna have a return of manufacturing a return of in Industry Chris and it’s exciting but the hard part is how it’s going to happen it’s not an easy matter to convert treasury bonds into plant and equipment for productive manufacturing sites and um it’s going to be loaded with AI and I’m I’m a little bit fearful of AI I don’t really care to discuss it too much but uh Trump is using tariffs to get agreements and watch the agreements that
Canada makes because they already created a a fentel you know fentel are it’s not fentin you people it’s fentel with a Y um Canada created a fenil and then kind of removed all the power from that office so there’s no fenil enforcement across the Canadian border remember China got flooded by opium 123 years ago whatever we’re getting flooded by fenel and cocaine our nation and it is doing severe damage to our society I’ve already had two consult calls and they were both women they’re each women and each one had a daughter who
was killed by fenel so and except for that I haven’t heard of any deaths I know that there are deaths okay watch candidate comply with whatever Trump is arguing and you know he’s gonna want to turn on the the energy uh spigot in order to make gasoline de diesel um and and just gas supply make it cheaper he’s going to want lower Fuel and lower cost electricity okay I learned a long time ago I I’m I’m a self-taught economist and and I I have a a saying in my bio from a way back I’m unencumbered by the limitations of Economics
credentials okay there are two major factors for an economy to lower prices it’s interest rates and the cost of energy see you have the advantage you didn’t sit through Jeremy seagull’s class at Wharton you know you didn’t you get nailed with that one so no no I I um I caught a little bit of him on CNBC and I thought well you know he he makes some sense but when he talks about kinism that’s just uh my teacher back in 2004 that was when I was in business school and I’m you know going down there thinking just pay attention learned
something and he’s explaining how if the economy is weak fed comes along and you know so right in line with a lot of the other stuff that you hear out there in Wall Street today but well the Keynesian the Keynesian line and you know what’s really tragic is that John Maynard kees did not believe in excessive debt he believed in paying down debt during the expansion years and we didn’t because we we believed in the Forever War and and the uh what what do they call it the the social welfare net so with social
welfare net and War uh we had a big deficit in Good Times that’s not what K’s advocated he didn’t Advocate big government either um anyway that is one name that’s been bastardized and and really butchered uh in the economic textbooks and it’s really quite sad kean’s made a lot of good sense now if you’re a household move from macro to micro which I do a lot when I when I make arguments if you’re a household and you’re unemployed and and you’re you’re undergoing work or training and your your kid is just graduated from from
college and he’s still living at home and he’s about ready to get a job too you can go into debt a little bit and then you get a job and your son gets a job and everything starts flowing and you pay off your debt in the next year and a half and you’re you’re moving you’re moving and in in a good gear that’s not the way United States has treated debt uh we went to War I think you know it’s not a real mystery we broke the gold standard because of the cost of the Vietnam War and the Vietnam War happened before
your time before you know when you were uh becoming you know a young man graduating in college and all that I was in the 1971 draft lottery for Vietnam 1971 um I was 19 and I got at Pennsylvania 218 lottery number they only went up to 160 and I’m out I I I I dropped my 1s deferment I figured they’ll never get they’ll never get to 218 those and they didn’t and I’m out okay Vietnam almost got me okay and I learned about Vietnam’s Cambodia triangle a lot earlier than a lot than most other people because I knew people who went to
Vietnam came back and told me about it well anyway uh go ahead well I I I can quite imagine what that was like although Jim uh just perhaps bringing some of the things you said earlier back to uh you know I’m hooked on gold and silver what can I say no me too you were talking about some of the things that Kane said and also obviously touching on what Trump is doing now I’m I’m of the school of thought I very much agree with what I hear Luke Ro and say that there’s an order of operations you can do Doge but you need
a devaluation of the dollar first if you do the cuts and you lose that GDP unfortunately the way we’re set up now what is it 23 24% of GDP is coming from government spending so it’s like on one hand yeah let’s cut fraudulent spending I think everybody’s on board with that although the body’s so weak and fragile now so Luke talks a lot about how that can work but the dollar has to be devalued lower obviously we’re hearing about a Fort Knox audit Scott Besson had his comments of I’m sure you heard of
monetizing the assets on the US balance sheet he has since come out and said that he was not referring to Gold when he said that maybe that’s the case uh sometimes government officials say things that you know until it happens uh but yeah do you think that just just the way it’s being ruled out or do you think this will work do you from the Austrian School there’s a lot of concern that gee this is like at one hand there’s parts of this that are good but there’s that Day of Reckoning might be arriving
sooner so I’m sure the audience would love to hear about any of that Chris we need multiple things multiple factors at the same time in big change multiple factors you can’t just say well we need a cheaper dollar then Doge with all the the budget cuts that’ll make everything fine now we need foreign direct investment we need more oil supply we need lower price for gasoline diesel for the entire distribution chain we need incentives for the supply chain to overcome the damage of the lockdown the lockdown
really harmed the supply chain that’s where we got a lot of price inflation we need we need encouragement for the supply chain we need foreign direct investment in the hundreds of billions per year with fast TR track Fast Track we need to get to production within a year even if it’s just lowgrade product we need to get it within a year of course yes we need a cheaper dollar but it’s going to be very difficult I tell you we’re starting to get in a very real way my forecast from 2015 16 and 17 the dollar is going to
rise rise then rise some more before before it vanishes they’re going to have to reduce the dollar somehow Chris when everything is pushing it up Jim can I can I share what I personally think is gonna happen sure I’m gonna pull up a forecast I don’t think anyone can argue with this but let’s take a quick listen what you’re describing it seems similar Dynamics to which means I need the rate height and a rate cut they need a rate height and a rate cut Jim that is that is one of my favorite moments of you I send that to friends
regularly and it makes people smile that I think we need to turn these into ringtones but it’s like what you’re describing is is similar to what you said there though where what was the year of that Chris this was just a couple months ago Superstar well but it’s like that’s the position so much of this feels like it’s in where it’s like well if we cut spending and and raise it at the same time then we’ll be good well we need we need r for stimulus but you know I I was just talking in a consult call with a
client a few days ago and and she asked me when you started the newsletter how did you develop your clientele in the first year and I said I wrote a very interesting three-part series with Gold Eagle Etc that was before uh before Kitco um Kito got got on board with with my work in about 2007 or six um but I wrote an article was called ask backward economics part one two and three lower interest rates are not stimulative they’re not they’re not retirees have less spending insurance companies have less money income pension
companies have less income and they all have big payouts why do you think we’re getting a big rise in insurance cost for home home protection for fire and Hazard because of 10 years of low interest rates not stimulated at all okay we need to see higher interest rates to bring reality to the table regarding 36 37 trillion dollar of of US Government debt you know the the very tragic thing right now regarding US Government debt is it we don’t know if it’s 36 or 37 trillion because next month it might go up
another trillion are we going to see structure on that during Trump’s second term I I’d like to get to the restructure after I talked about the the more accurate accounting I think we’re going to get a verification of what the debt is and it’s going to be higher than what we think I think we’re going to have a restructure of the debt I think we’re going to probably see some kind of a gold revaluation and it’s not going to be I I I really honestly there’s a really good argument that it could be like 15 or
20,000 for gold there’s a good argument for that but it’s not going to touch more than a quarter of the debt okay I have a firm belief based on a hint from an Intel Source a military Intel Source it’s a really firm hint from a couple months ago that Trump is going to have a fumble on restructuring the debt and uh not what do you call it a reform a reform of the dollar he’s going to have a fumble he’s going to be arrogant and he’s gonna think he has it all figured out he’s gonna have a plan he’s gonna
fall in his face and then we start stage two well that didn’t work what are we gonna do now okay you can’t have a 30-year problem it’s it’s actually 50 years the first trillion was you know right after at the end of my college days 73 um the first trillion was Vietnam and and it just ramped up um it’s been doubling over every eight-year period now when we had those eight-year president the Narco presidents okay I I’d like to tell some something I’d like to say something um we’re we’re needing to recover now from 30 years of
Narcotics presidencies Papa Bush Clinton baby Bush Obama and the the Biden show because he was dead Biden was dead let’s let’s you know let’s get over it Biden was dead what that guy was not Biden it was some British actor um we have to get over 30 years of Narcotics presidencies where they were in a hidden fashion installing communism in the United States and we need to get past that Chris and it’s not going to be a one-year recovery for the debt that took 30 years to accumulate it took more than
30 years to accumulate let let me say something else I got a little reminder to myself I have no social network account that posts anything I have no social network account that posts anything so anyone who has a Jim Willie account I know they’re about eight or nine in Twitter and they’re about 11 in YouTube they can follow my work and that’s fine but if they pretend to be me it’s not me because I have no social Network account that posts anything um Jim do you have any Social Network accounts I used to but not
anymore no I don’t I have none I have not trusted Facebook from the start um I I knew that Facebook was uh a stolen product and um you know let me just let me just add on some ugliness to an ugly cake Amazon Google Facebook Netflix they all got pumped up Tesla also they all got pumped up by Narco money they they don’t just there’s no justification for their trillion or two trillion dollar market caps it is an infusion of Narco Narco money into the US economy and into the US financial markets in order to control technology
and you saw it with the censorship all right let’s move on um I think there’s going to be a revaluation um for gold and you know if you double the gold price you’re basically saying the dollar is cut in half but I like to look at it as a dichotomy you got a financial value of the dollar and you’ve got a purchasing power of the dollar the financial value of the dollar is very much determined by dumping treasury bonds and liquidating derivatives and the the reality uh in households for the value of the dollar
is how much was my food bill for my family of four and a dog because I know you like dogs um dogs are not very expensive for dog food it’s amazing you know when I was in college and I was eating Alpo dog food I found it to be really cheap no no I’m sorry that was my neighbor here was a cokehead Chris the dollar is a mystery most people haven’t figured out the dollar I’ve been misquoted many times in the last three years sheim really thinks the dollar is going to crash I never said that no I said the dollar will rise
rise some more and finally rise again before it vanishes and it’s going to rise like a supernova because of treasury bond dumping and derivative liquidation okay you know the Wall Street Journal did not properly report the 2021 and two event in Japan they dumped $200 billion dollar worth of Treasury bonds and their Yen went down they dumped treasury bonds and the dollar went up versus the n and they’ve never recovered sents and their solution Chris is to go to the gold standard and right now they’re facing assassinations
and I I heard that uh a certain newsletter writer who whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa slow down there what what what about Japan going to a gold standard please elaborate on that oh the bank of Japan announced a year ago they were GNA quietly accumulate a lot of gold why do you think Gold’s going up it’s it’s not because of you and me buying gold coins I can assure you well actually Jim that was one of the things I wanted to ask you where we have uh a guy named Matt Riley who’s done a lot of research on the unit you and I have
talked about the unit the proposal for a 40% gold back payment currency if you will um yep and the last time I had Matt on I keep thinking back to how this rally which began just about 13 months ago now in mid-February at a time when we were supposed to have six or seven rate Cuts we got a couple of them later in the year but it wasn’t like we got unexpected easing and I keep thinking why did gold and silver rally at that particular time as opposed to any other year I’ve wondered I I can’t prove or verify this
but certainly have speculated in my own mind that perhaps what we’re seeing out of the bricks is the driving force I asked Matt you thought that was largely the reason you’re suggesting Japan as well but how much in terms of you said is that is maybe Japan why the price Rose um along those lines do you think that a lot of last year’s rally really was driven whether they’re obviously they’re not formally using the unit yet but was this to some degree anticipation of that whether for the unit or otherwise but that that was the bricks
yeah they couldn’t they couldn’t get ready I’m sorry they couldn’t be in a position pardon me my my eyebrows are bothering me uh they couldn’t be in a position to use the unit unless they had the backing for the unit it’s like well you know we we’re going to use gold for a lot of transactions but we don’t have any excuse me okay so they did a year of accumulating gold so they could use the unit now here’s a statement it’s really quite funny Japan acted more like a brics nation than any of the brics
Nations they’re not a bricks Nation they dumped $200 billion dollar worth of Treasury bonds between October of 21 and October of 22 and their currency went down 22% okay that was a warning to the bricks be careful how you dump your treasuries because if you exit your dollar reserves your currency is going to go down okay this is we exported toxic paper Chris and the world just like John Connelly said treasury secretary to Nixon the dollar is our currency and your problem the bricks nations are being
very cautious now and how they’re dumping gold I’m sorry how they’re dumping oh how they’re dumping the treasury bond I think they had a good 18 months of of gold accumulation and and regarding the interest rate concept I was all over that I was following that the the announcement and the realization of of Fed rate Cuts uh I think it lit a small fuse in the gold market because of Arbitrage between treasury bonds and gold and there’s another angle to that this’s nothing is simple when it comes to gold and the dollar and treasury
bonds there’s another angle to that and I and I forecasted this Chris I said when they when they cut rates they shouldn’t cut rates but they’re probably going to cut rates they did in September and they did again in October they did again following that I said we’re going to see a steepening of the treasury yield curve we’re going to see long bonds go up and and the the short bonds short bills they go down with the fed the Fed rate cuts and now we we have a steeper yield curve which is a signal of
inflation and that’s that’s a trigger for gold purchase there are so many factors going on right now and I got 47 of them so you know go to goldenen sign up for the newsletter support my work because I’m a hurting Cowboy if you think I’m swimming along great oh you’re dead wrong no I’m getting attacked and and it’s really quite it’s really quite sad what’s going on I’m getting attacked um and it’s not at my front door it’s at a very high plane um I I’m like a high plane Drifter Chris um and and uh oh I got to put this
up just to Anno you uh this is Arcadia Jim do you want to take a moment to explain to people your fascination with the Eastern Time Zone before we um I’ve always been confused with the time zone and we’re in the Eastern Time Zone here and uh where I’ve live we we were so confused sometimes we’re Central Time Zone and sometimes we’re Mountain Time Zone and it depends on the daylight savings time Jim that’s what I love about your shows you get economics a little science earlier and basic date and time zone information so
with that said you’re saying you do feel the bricks we driving force and also that Japan is how would you phrase what exactly you think more like a BRI speculating versus fact they act more like a bricks nation in Japan than any of the bricks Nations they’re d dollariz right now and they’re going to be going to xrp payments all right and there is part one of our interview with Jim Willie where as usual he had plenty to say and part two coming up tomorrow night Wednesday 800m Eastern although if you’re sitting there at home
and thinking you can’t wait that long you’re just going to combust if you don’t hear more Jim before then well do go check out golden that is his site which is in the description field below can see some videos that he’s put together as well as you can get access to his report or even you can do a Consulting call so you can talk to Jim and hear some of his great stories and information and anyway that’s in the description field below and last thing before we wrap up did want to mention
that I have heard from a lot of people lately especially some people selling and trying to find a good bit on their silver and also obviously we have a lot of uh different bullion dealers on the show from time to time so if anyone did need help finding good pricing or going through that process always welcome to email me at Chris arcad and happy to help and anyway with that said we’ll wrap up for tonight but do hope you enjoyed this one and we will see you again with part two tomorrow