MarkZ Evening (Uncut) 03-12-2025
Evening News with MarkZ. 03/12/2025
Thank you for joining us. David, you gave me a chuckle. So what you’re saying is, you’re laundering money.
David, you made my day, my evening. I like that strange sense of humor. Or anyways, I tickled myself.
HL, I spoke with Rod today. A little back and forth, checking on him. Tough, I mean, he pretty much has to do all of his texting with just a thumb.
Having a tough one, but before I forget, we are going to help set up over at BioZox with the Ben Ben Iver, whatever, going to set up a link specifically for Rod and some other things. So when you guys are considering purchasing some of those things, it would make a big difference. If you’re already getting them, because then Rod makes a little money to help with this recovery.
We hate to see that suffering, but I will work on getting him in in the next few days, at least for a short update if he’s up for the call, HL. But we’re working on it, trying to give him as much help as we can. We know everybody’s suffering.
Hello. Oh, before I forget. Yeah, we knew Chuck Schumer was going to push it.
If he cared about the American people, he’d figure out a way to make it work. But it’s all politics, though, Chuckie boy. All politics.
HL, I’ll say when on that one. Got myself a little distracted there when I saw that one with Chuck Schumer. These are the same people that are upset because they’re talking about naming people that are terrorizing Teslas around the country as domestic terrorism and giving terrorism charges, which they should, because that is exactly the reason they’re doing it.
They’re doing it. Oh, it’s just protest. It’s just protest.
Why are you burning dealerships, trashing charging stations? If you care about the environment, why are you doing all that? Releasing all those toxins in the air. Threats, death threats. Not to mention social media.
I mean, if the right did that against, I don’t know, when Zuckerberg and Facebook were putting billions of dollars into shady NGOs for election based and I mean, just actively and working with the Biden administration to censor us. Would that have been just protests? I mean, no, it’s just protests. But if we were burning down offices, if we were threatening employees lives or if we were threatening somebody that used Facebook, would that not have been terrorism? It would have been and it is.
That’s the short of it. You may not like it, but that is reality. When you’re threatening lives, hurting people and destroying property, you’ve stepped over the line.
That’s simply the way it works. That’s reality. They should check into it, give it a shot, see what it’s like.
Test drive it. Drive it around. Let’s see.
Let’s see. Patriot Mom off. Oh, you are so welcome.
That one wasn’t necessarily an Intel one, so we went quickly. Next thing you know, the elite will deny eating mermaids. Best crowd ever, ever.
Exactly, Mark. It’s only different when the right does it. They definitely stepped.
They completely stepped over the line. Cooper, do I think the government shutdown is a good thing? Well, clearly the Democrats think it makes for good press, even though they’re getting pretty much everything they want in this bill. I’m not overly tickled with it.
It’s an improvement, leaves room for still a lot of cost cutting, but it’s a heck of a compromise. They’re not going to get better. I think they’re going to know.
Democrats haven’t figured this one out. The American people have turned against them greatly. They’ve figured out what’s going on.
They can see reality at this point. Shutting down government now would be solely on the Democrats. You know how the Democrats used to get excited over the last few years when the Republican House wouldn’t approve or they couldn’t make a deal on it, and the Democrats went screaming all over mainstream media about how irresponsible and obviously they can’t legislate and all those things, and of course they were— it was the Republicans then blocking the Democrats, but it was a full court press, and it was anti-American.
It was downright economic terrorism pretty much. I know we’re throwing around that terrorism word a lot this evening, but they pitched a fit, but it’s okay if they do it. Now, now, now, now, now they’re just standing up for the average American.
Yeah. We are simply just not that stupid. Oh, I am glad you said that.
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Sun kissed. It’s okay. How old’s your daughter? We’re just going to channel our inner Ronald Reagan here and remember that if you’re not a liberal when you’re young, you don’t have a heart.
If you’re not a Democrat, I mean, excuse me, a Republican, when you’re older, you don’t have a brain. Red light helmets regrow your hair. Good for alopecia.
Yeah, Tilly Bob, I want to give it a shot. Thicken the old hair up. And I did.
I am arranging with Jonathan from last night to head down to his place and try some of the red lights. I will let you guys know. I will chronicle that journey.
It’s just really neat that we only live 40 or 50 minutes away from each other. So very much looking forward to trying that one out. Oh, wait a minute.
Chrissy G’s got a glass of Malbec ready going. Oh, whiskey and wisdom ought to be good. I’m seeing it, Matt C. Shut it down.
Roland, this won’t work. Let’s see. God’s given 27 years, well, 27 years, wait, yeah, 27 years experience in beauty industry to grow hair or thicken.
Must massage scalp every day. God’s chosen. I’m going now taking applications for those that would like to massage my scalp each day.
You’ll see me over here going like this. Hey, what’s this? It’s a brain sucker starving. Oh, Paula, it’s good to know we were at least that close, right? Mike already cracked open that bottle I gave him.
I did give him a nice bottle. You’re going to see it this evening. Justin, it’s all and I know that dog too.
Oh, that’s great. Hello, Big Butters. Trying to work out with Kyle in an event in Nashville.
It’s going to be fun. All right, let’s keep running. Where are we at? 709, that’s close enough.
It is going to be the news in a flash so we can get back to where I can get settled in, eat a bite before whiskey and wisdom. Ruthanne, you’re getting good to shut it down now. Dems will be to blame in the public eye.
Plus, we’ll bring the RV. Could, could possibly, yes. Linda, I’ve never heard that, but it makes sense.
Ivermectin said to help with the orthopedic industry injuries. I have to do some studying. I’m just reading a few of these.
It’s fun. Let’s see. I’m still hearing that there are at least that many currencies in the first basket.
Patty’s going to have a birthday tomorrow. Oh, no, Patty. You’re going to have to listen to it later, but I’m glad you mentioned it tonight so that I can make certain we sing to you, Ms. Patty.
All right, let’s get into it, hit it as quickly as possible. Not a huge amount of light, but some fun confirmations coming. I had another bond contact where the facilitators asked for their wire information, actually, for their direct, like ACH or whatever you call it, yeah, ACH information so that they could send travel dollars.
They said that they will be prepared at any moment, so they needed those numbers. They have not moved that travel money for the second contact or actually third contact yet, but they asked for those so that they could be prepared to send it immediately. Once they get their slot, I had another bond contact that has not gone yet or heard anything in a while that suddenly was told today, actually yesterday evening, to expect their payments to start end of this week or throughout the weekend, and they have not gotten an update in a while, so their update saying, hey, it’s finally going to be our turn, we’re in the queue, that one was pretty exciting.
Those are the only, like, non-whatever, haven’t heard anything on CMKX, any individual currencies or prosperity. That’s all the updates I have on that front. Debra, I don’t know, but do a search.
Put in, I don’t know, like, do a web search for ivermectin and bone density and see what it says. See if there’s any scientific studies there. If they are, share them with your doctors.
Doctors don’t have enough time to study everything. I know that sounds crazy, but most of them in today’s world have their own specializations, and the best specialist for your condition really should be you. You should be a champion of your own health and do as much research as you can.
Where is this last one traveling to Europe? It’s one of those Zurich ones. Spencer, I do not consider just getting travel money meaning they got paid. I don’t, but it does mean a whole heck of a lot that they have moved to that level.
Tahoe, I do not have a hair loss, just more forehead than in yesteryear. It’s to handle all that growing intelligence and wisdom that is being planted in your head. Right.
They just need to stay at the Holiday Inn Express like the rest of us medical know-it-alls. Yeah, I’m not certain what you mean on that one. How is it? Let’s see.
Mad Max, I’m surprised to learn from you that PR isn’t even big enough to offer 15 minutes road. You can do a 15-minute road trip here. You can drive a couple hours, but it’s only because of the size of the roads.
The island is roughly 120 miles east to west and about 40 miles north to south, roughly. And let’s see. I saw another one in here that I did want to touch on.
Somebody’s saying, how is it other people have so much more information on or there’s a lot of misinformation going out there. I’m hearing a lot of the same things they are. I just refuse to share them until I can get some kind of vetting or confirmation or if they make any kind of sense.
There’s a tremendous amount more coming in, but just simply most of it doesn’t jive with common sense. So I wait a day or two, and then I’m like, okay, am I still hearing this before I share it with you? You guys, you go through enough hell. You don’t need me to add to it.
Wendy, I am told at least here in the U.S. that most Americans will be traveling 50 miles or less. Certainly, there’s going to be exceptions. If you’re in the middle of nowhere, Wyoming, Montana, the Dakotas, somewhere, yeah, you don’t have a bank close by.
But the overwhelming majority will have someplace within 50 miles is what I was told. Tim just said, Dr. Kia is saying banks are prepared for Tier 2, which is currency. You’re going to hear a lot of these.
Don’t freak out when you hear Tier 2 instead of the Tier 4 you’re putting on. When we talk about Tier 3, Tier 4, these are things we added. The banks don’t see it quite that way, Tim.
So I’m kind of glad that Dr. Kia said that or that you mentioned it because I have heard that to the banks themselves for us, they look at it as just Tier 1 and Tier 2. Tier 1 being those SKRs, people are having groups in Tier 2, being those that are coming into exchange. So I’m glad you mentioned that because I have heard that recently from a couple of banking contacts. Lily Bayer, no update as to whether they’re working this weekend or not.
Ticktown, it feels good. Could be six months from now. I think it’s going to be in the next couple of weeks.
We do not know for certain. We are guessing based on everything we are hearing and being told. Sue me, right? If you can’t impress them with the facts, dazzle them with the bullshit.
Unfortunately, Sue me, there’s too many people out there that are dazzling them with the BS. A lot of well-intentioned people, they’re just excited and they want it to be right and they’re sharing things before they should be sharing them. Wise is connected to Forex and 4B is a private event.
Will money in the Wise account be available after appointments? I’m told the moment they put it on Forex, the Wise money is in there. I need to get through these as quickly as I can so I’m ready for whiskey and wisdom. The Kurdistan government confirms its commitment to export and sell KRG oil through Soma.
This is heating up in these conversations. The Kurdistan region appears very much on board. Matter of fact, they are doing something in good faith.
Let’s see. We have them already with some of this. They are putting salary money and they’ve gone ahead and deposited it in paying accounts, which is neat because this wasn’t going to start until the oil was flowing properly, but they have already worked it out.
Did I even do this one right? Yeah, I got them. There we go. Got to get the articles in the right place.
What we have here is their commitment to make the oil move so that they can afford salaries, etc. Here we have the Kurdistan regional government decide to distribute salaries in the region tomorrow, so they have moved things up. This means that we are about to see all the money flowing from oil.
That’s a really good sign for us. I mentioned this earlier and another article came through the wire today. Economist Iraq needs 700 million standard cubic feet of gas to achieve self-sufficiency.
The U.S. is working so closely right now. We have a couple of good articles on that today. I think I’m only going to share one with you.
Central Bank Prudential policies to face the effects of change in the global economy. I found this one great. They’re talking about everything they have done to isolate their economy from the world at large because the westernized countries are struggling.
I found this to be very insightful because it’s true and nobody seems to notice it. Let’s see if I can find this spot in here. They’re talking about stagflation and some of the things that are hitting because of these globalist policies that have been happening for the last couple of years.
It is becoming evident that we have been in the middle of a recession now for a few years of stagflation. They were just cooking the books. I love this.
This is the top advisor speaking here for Sudani. The evidence is the current crisis that has harmed the economies of large countries. It’s harmed the economies of large countries before the small ones.
What we are following now from the rise is recessionary inflation in most countries of the world, prominently in America. We’ve been telling this. They changed the definition of recession.
We’ve been in one. The European Union countries and the countries of the geographical region and the low purchasing power of local currencies of these countries. Therefore, we believe that our economy in the short term will suffer from the negative effects of global economic system from lack of control over food and basic commodities.
Oil prices may fall below what is planned in the general budget for 2025. In light of the changes in this situation, the effects will lead to negative effects. What do we do? Let’s talk about that.
What we need to do is load up on gold. We also need to focus on the exchange rate of the dinar within the balance rate in the trading market, despite the fluctuation from time to time to make certain that it stays safe and stable, backed, improved, etc. And they get into all the things they knew, diversify their assets here.
There’s another big one. We saw a similar article come out of Kuwait right before they went as they put theirs include a basket of currency gold bonds and securities. Exactly what Kuwait did.
Guys, pay attention. I love it. It’s getting exciting for me because we can see it in print.
Reading a few of those. 67 to 71 economics stated five quarters of recession equals a depression. Right? You can’t just change it.
You just can’t change the definition. They do the change the definition of unemployment, change the definition of recession, change the definition of a woman, right? Change the definition of a man. Let’s just change the definition.
Kukla, thank you for sharing that. Thank you for sharing that. The response has been great.
So many people in need. Don’t forget we have gone live over there. forward slash original mark Z. For all your research chemicals.
Well, specifically fenben and ivermectin. All right. Classic definitions.
I’m still a still a fan. Yep. Change the definition of a virus.
They changed the definition of liberal. Liberal used to mean you believed in personal freedoms, individual rights, and a free market. What do we believe in? Individual freedoms.
You know, protections form free markets. We believe in those and they hijacked liberal. Yeah.
Now none of us want the definition that most closely represents us or defines us. All right. Now let’s do this one.
I’m going to go quickly, guys. Only three more so I’m ready. Yeah.
Gender, sex, you name it. They keep trying to redefine things. It’s a war on reality.
It’s a war on our sanity. FAA orders permanent restrictions on helicopter route near Washington Airport. They go into it.
They go into the history of it and it goes, you know, this is insane. Let’s change these flight corridors after that flight that the left tried to clip in on and blame Donald Trump for, which he had nothing to do with. It appears that it’s been a problem for some years with numbers of near misses.
So they have changed the flight patterns. That was just a quick touch up. Another one of those things they tried to pin on Don that had nothing to do with Don.
Wall Street Journal’s chief foreign correspondent declares it is over for the Ukraine for Ukraine in the Kursk region. They are in a pretty much a full out retreat. Ukrainian troops appeared on the point of losing their hard won foothold inside Russia’s Kursk region on Wednesday as Moscow claimed further advances there.
Military bloggers on both sides said Kiev’s forces were withdrawing. Ukraine’s Ukraine sprang one of the biggest shocks of the war on August 6 last year by storming across the border and grabbing a chunk of land inside Russia, boosting citizens morale and gaining a potential bargaining chip. In other words, that chip is off the table.
They are desperately trying to get their 30 days of peace and a settlement now. And guys, this is just going to accelerate that. You know, Mr. She was worried.
Hey, how long is this thing going to run a drag on? It could be done by the weekend at this pace. Then this one, just great common sense. I wanted to share this one for before my wrap up.
RFK Junior, most of our scientists are against the bird flu culling operation. I had no idea it was this big. You know, I had heard the number of birds that they had slaughtered, killed, etc.
And they go into some of the science and why the science hasn’t been working, what we need to change in that, and they broke it down to science. With scientists, we’re talking like some craziness, like peer-reviewed, logical, science-based science. I know science-based science.
Instead of the pseudosciences we’ve been practicing for the last four years, we’re actually going to listen to the scientists and the studies. I know it’s craziness instead of just the scientists. We’ve been practicing for the last four years.
These folks, these folks are trying to these spokespeople and the non-scientist. So, Masty population, somewhere in here they talk about just the number that they have killed leading up to this and how they’re changing it. I’m going to try to get to it and find it in here, breezing through it.
Originally, I thought it was about 55 million birds, but guys, it is exponentially more that they have killed. Let’s see. It’s in here somewhere, probably pretty early in the article.
166 million chickens is what they have destroyed through this. You know, if you kill 166 million laying hens, you’re probably going to have an egg shortage. But they’re also looking at using iodine to help suppress spread.
Then they’re only going to remove the sick chickens. The way it works now, guys, which is really nuts because it’s like a PCR-style test, which means not proper to be used, according to the scientists that invented it, for the detection of viruses, for active viruses. So what they do now is they do random swabs of chickens.
They swab them, chickens are released back into the group. They check it. If it comes back positive, then they take as long as four or five of the birds come back positive.
They destroy all the chickens. We don’t even know if they’re sick yet. Heck, this test could be positive because they were exposed and then got healthy and no problem, meaning developing herd immunity or natural immunity.
But the chicken’s dead. So they’re pointing out, the scientists are saying, you know, we’re killing our own natural vaccines, meaning many of these are already developing natural vaccines against them. We could be using this for the next generation.
We would have resistant chickens or chickens that just don’t get it, immune to it, or just resistant. So they are changing the approach, which is going to be a long-term improvement in our food supply. Just really cool stuff going on here.
RFK breaking it down with, well, science. Yeah, RM, I know there is a group out there saying that if you don’t have your XIM with a group already, you’re never going to get to do your XIM and that they’re all worthless. It’s just not what I’m hearing from the bankers.
I’m not saying that there’s not a chance that those folks are right. I’m just saying from all of my top people, they just adamantly disagree with that take. So you’re just going to have to figure that one out, folks.
I firmly believe that diversity or diversification makes us all safer, whether that’s having silver, whether it’s having some kind of savings, whether it’s having seeds, whether it’s having different currencies. Makes sense. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket, just in case they’re right.
Do I think they’re right? No, not at all. It doesn’t jive with anything I’m hearing from any banker, from any paymaster, from any group. It’s the only one place I’m hearing it, but it’s blowing it up.
So you guys are just going to have to decide for yourselves. History is going to be the one that lets us know if we were right or if we were wrong. Richard, yeah, you should expect a lot of these, just like before any revaluation, pretty much in world history where they come and they talk about how it’s not happening or it can happen and then it happens.
So guys, make your own decisions. Do your own research. What makes the most sense? Does it pass common sense? Does it pass a sniff test? No, just reading a few of these.
All right, guys, that is all I wanted to cover now. I’d love to stick around with you, but I need a short break before Whiskey and Wisdom, get a couple of bites of food and change my shirt so I don’t get in trouble and break out the bottle. I’m probably just going to heat up some quick leftovers, Ms. Kugel, if you want to know what’s for dinner.
It makes the most sense because I really don’t have time to cook cook. Eli, isn’t that great? Because of Glint, I’m able to buy gold, even if it’s $10, $20, it’s still awesome to be able to. All right, see you guys at Whiskey and Wisdom.
For any of those that would like to join, I don’t expect Andy to join us. He’s traveling. I did send him a link.
But we might have one surprise guest this evening that I am trying to get to pop in. All right, we’re going to leave it right there. And for those that are joining, I’ll see you at Whiskey and Wisdom.
The rest, I’ll see you tomorrow morning. Bye, guys.