Economists Uncut


everybody here we go it’s me Greg manino Sunday March 2nd 2025 my newest segment of markets a look ahead and that’s exactly what we’re going to do I’m going to outline a few things with you I want to cover the mystery that is behind this maralago Accord and why Wall Street is getting all giddy about it that’s a bad sign in my opinion but again I I want you guys and girls to to make up your own minds with regard to the moral Lago Accord and what is developing here and I would love to hear from you uh is it a great idea

is it not such a great idea it is just a way to Kick the Can down the road is it a Ponzi scheme you guys and girls let me know again at the end now before we get there you guys and girls know who have been with me for any length of time I’ve been explaining for three years that we are we’re being pushed into uh a situation of extreme halves and extreme hav kns a Neo feudalistic Society here and it’s really unfolding very rapidly uh unfortunately this is where we’re going and I don’t see any way to

stop it right now and it’s pretty evident that the economy of the world is is being systematically and deliberately at least in my opinion love to hear yours taken apart piece by piece by piece to create dependency on the system something I’ve explained for years uh slaves to the system only to pull off some kind of bait and switch uh and thrust us into a new system which I’ve been warning about since time in Memorial uh a system of control and people I really believe this are going to be willing to to to

sacrifice their freedoms and their Liberties for the promise of some kind of stability now this is not new this concept that we’re witnessing unfold in the United States and around the world so be very careful honestly um and pay attention to what’s happening anyway with regard to this two-tier society that is manifesting itself this is Bloomberg this came out on Friday America’s toospeed economy how the rich are driving spending plays right into what I’ve been trying to warn people about for from years let me just

read this to you America’s economy is now running on two separate tracks the top 10% of households those earning over $250,000 a year account for half of all consumers spending and a third of GDP this is incredible really according to Moody’s Analytics this concentration of spending power has has reached record level since tracking began in 1989 to me this is a clear indication of exactly what I’ve been warning about for many many years now people and it’s accelerating look man um do you like this do you want to have over

Lords uh cuz that’s really what’s going on here and again it’s the the wealth has to come from somewhere where’s all this wealth coming from is just being created no what do we know is going on people look at this headline here the first quarter is on track for negative GDP growth our economy here this is Friday in the entire world the economy of the world is Contracting at its fastest Pace on record you’re not allowed to know this is going on at the same time what’s what’s happening Global debt is ballooning it’s ballooning and

if you’re anywhere if you live anywhere in the world you know exactly what I’m talking about the every single developed economy there’s a common denominator here and I’ve been screaming from rooftops about this for the longest time it’s the mechanism here of currency purchasing power destruction on the back of artificially suppressed rates I don’t know another way to put this to you and this is the greatest most diabolic in in my opinion wealth transfer scheme the world has ever seen um and it’s not going to stop until

well it’s not going to stop the eventual meltdown in the debt Market which is going to meltdown the stock markets of the world and and we’re just going to see uh the price action of suppressed asset Skyrocket we’re going to see the debt Market I mean people everyone’s going to run for the door at the same time yield spike in in an uncontrolled fashion here uh meltdown in the stock markets and that isn’t even the worst of it the worst is we’re going to face a moment of a locking up of the entire

system a credit freeze when the flow of credit or debt stops moving to the system everything locks up you go look at your investment plans zeros across the screen you go look at your bank account zeros across the screen this is where I believe they’re pushing us into uh and maybe this maralago Accord has something to do with it you and goes again make up your mind now instantly what people are going to do especially those that see no wrong in what’s happening with Elon Musk and Trump and they’re going to think just because of

the title here uh it’s it’s a good thing maral Lago Accord you could call it whatever you want I’m going to outline for you in a moment what this actually is and you guys and girls can again make up your own minds as to what’s happening so again the the the economies of the world are Contracting debt is ballooning and that’s just the way it’s going now here’s something else I want to bring to your attention real quick so it looks like hedge funds are betting against the market here betting that the market is going to continue to

follow the stock market now there’s no connection at all whatsoever between the economy and the market it’s astonishing to me that it it appears that hedge funds don’t don’t seem to understand that uh I guess I don’t know maybe they need a wakeup call I would be very very hesitant to bet against this market right now even though it is in la la land it’s totally disconnected from reality has no basis on any fact or ex extrap of fact it’s just fake you understand okay there we go but in my opinion here we’re going to see

unfortunately a massive push to keep rates artificially suppressed even if let’s just throw a hypothetical out here the Federal Reserve uh we heard from Barkin you know Federal Reserve barking bark bark bark bark who said you know the the inflationary situation is is not working out the way we thought it would like they really didn’t see this coming we did how did they not okay we may have to actually raise rates yes this came out of barin’s mouth V president Barkin what they what are they going to do 25 basis points 25

it’s a joke it’s not going to make any difference whatsoever uh anyway look man the bottom line is I believe and I want to hear from you on this too that central banks along with world leaders are going to collude to continue to flood the world with more debt again going back to maralago Accord we really need to outline this you know what let’s just jump right into it right now if you do subscribe to my newslet 100% free this is in your inbox right now and um again when you read through this I’m

going to cover this with you now but please share this stuff get it out this isn’t for me I know this stuff obviously I did the research this is for you for you everything is for you that I do you understand so anyway look let’s cover this Moralo Accord now I wrote a real solution or just another Ponzi scheme now you decide don’t get triggered anybody just because of the name maralago Accord and this is about trump it has nothing to do with Trump I am going to outline what this is so you guys and girls can make up your own mind

so just sit back take a deep breath and relax now the world this is how I start off people the world right now today is experienced a rapidly worsing worsening multi crisis event and at the top of this L of this list there are five interconnected Dynamic forces in play and these are number one this is a worldwide phenomenon an inflationary crisis number two a currency crisis number three a debt crisis and this is what the maral Lago Accord is attempting to address specifically number three de crisis number four we have a liquidity

crisis and number five a growing inability to pay the interest on United States debt and this plays right into number three the current debt crisis that we’re in first of all does that sound right to you what I just outlined or I’m not getting it if I’m not getting it and you do not believe that that is what’s happening here okay can you read that one two three four five you guys and girls can let me know where I’m getting that wrong all right I appreciate your input there we’re stronger together now these five

simultaneous crisises events listed above which I just showed you are obviously interconnected and there are real solutions which could be implemented to fix the system however instead of addressing these issues headon which would mean what would it mean to address it headon return purchasing power to the currency the mechanism here of artificially suppressed rates people currency purchasing power losses is an e is a wrecking machine for the global economy henceforth why we’re seeing things like

this I think we can all agree now this is where this gets a little bit interesting ing so now Wall Street is getting very excited about the idea of the rising possibility of a debt restructuring proposal known as the maralago Accord the maralago Accord is a debt restructuring proposal that’s what it is if someone ask you hey hey whoever you are have you heard of the Maro Accord yeah I’ve heard of it I don’t know what it is can you tell me very briefly what the moral ACC court is okay here’s here’s your answer for that person if

you want to just look a little smart it’s a debt restructuring proposal sounds good doesn’t it of course we want to restructure the debt we’ like to get rid of it but that’s not what this does uh but again here we go so now let’s see why Wall Street is getting so excited about the maralago Accord the fact that Wall Street again is getting excited about this and wants to see this happen should tell you that more than lik this is not going to benefit you and unless you live to 100 years old or 100 years

from now however old you are in 100 years from right now you may see a benefit and I’m not joking so let’s talk about why Greg just came up with this number of 100 years so looking at the list at the top of this page the mar logo qut addresses two of the five crisis situations that we just listed two of these and I just put where look at number three okay and then then look at number five this is what the maralago Accord addresses let us move forward here the core premise of the marago Accord is as

followed the marago Accord is a debt restructuring model that’s what you’re going to tell people who ask you what the maralo Accord is it is an attempt to pause or offer foreign creditors who are by and large foreign Nations who own large amounts of US debt in the form of long-term treasury notes to swap these out this is where gu amazing to swap these out their long-term treasury notes for special they’re very special extra longterm treasuries and here’s how it would work creditors in this case mostly

foreign Nations okay would be offered the opportunity to Own by swapping out the bonds they currently hold into 100y year non-tradable zero coupon bonds what this means is these 100-year bonds would pay no interest zero yeah you read that right I actually wrote that you read that right you read that right so who would want to do this let’s talk about that instead these Ultra long 100-year bonds would be sold at a discount to their face value which would make them attractive to someone who wants to invest in a 100-year bond

here and the only way to recoup the investment on these 100-year bonds would be to hold them to maturity which means 100 years So eventually the debt on that those bonds would become due but not for one 100 years what do you think of that let’s move forward here obviously the only creditors who would be interested in holding 100-year bonds would be foreign Nations so what’s the perk there is a perk here and I don’t like the perk let me read to you what the perk is perk is the ability to borrow against the bond in the form of a

loan directly from the Federal Reserve at near zero interest so what does this do it will make the FED stronger key Point here’s the issue and why this is being looked into and why Wall Street likes this idea indeed via this mechanism of debt restructuring under the maralago Accord this would absolutely work people this would absolutely work to reduce paying interest on the US debt sounds obvious to you however it would not prevent the debt itself from expanding and I mean expanding as a matter of fact it might

expand much further now you don’t have to pay interest on the debt anyone who’s again buying these 100-year bonds is going to defer those payment this we won’t have to pay the interest on that for 100 years in fact we won’t have to pay any interest at all these are being sold at face value okay I’m sorry below their their their market value or face value and then in 100 years uh you know the debt will become due it’s an amazing kind of a concept so in your opinion is the marago Accord a real solution to the to the debt crisis

I wrote America’s debt crisis or just another Ponzi scheme it may be just it look it looks like a combination of uh it’s a temporary Band-Aid in my opinion it’s no solution obviously uh debt will expand EXP entially it does bear the markings of a Ponzi scheme quite obviously because we have to borrow to pay the debt one way or the other uh and it also could be a a ma a major way to Kick the Can down the road for 100 years for 100 freaking years so anyway look man you guys and girls this is in your

inbox right now I want you to read through this make up your own mind as to what this is what is this in your view is will this benefit people in the long run run I think the obvious answer is is pretty obvious this this is uh there’s no solution here but Wall Street is really liking this idea and that tells me that it’s more likely going to happen Wall Street always gets what it wants you know that let us move forward people now I put this out earlier to all of you um I’m considering this and um us I put

out that I would actually charge for this but I don’t like that idea I’m trying to figure out a way I can do this for you for free where you going to get something like this for free people if if there’s a way to do it believe me I’m going to figure it out uh let me let me let me read this to you so portfolio analysis and specific technical analys technical analysis for swing Trad so I wrote Lions I am considering possibly getting into personal portfolio analysis and even specific technical analysis

regarding a particular stock or ETF with portfolio anal is I would need all the ticker symbols in your portfolio for example Greg I own Apple Exon Mobile Costco uh LMT need the ticker symbols and so on and with this information I would be able to analyze what you can expect with regard to growth potential all right sounds sounds fair enough right now with stock or ETF analysis and this would be beneficial to swing Traders I was a swing Trader for a very very long time so I’m pretty Adept at doing this uh I can break down potential

price price movements from say one week out to a month based on a particular stock or an exchange traded fund Greg for an as an example can you give me a technical breakdown of ticker XYZ and make a price prediction based on time frame up to one month now with portfolio analysis depending on how many positions are involved it may take me from several days to several weeks to break it down for you that’s the truth now with regard to technical analysis on a particular stock or exchange traded fund possibly a

day or two maybe less depending on how much work I have to have initially I said that I would how could I possibly offer something like this for free so I wrote I wish that I was able to do this for free however this would require a lot of time and significant amount of work but I’m going to work I’m going to figure out a way if I can do this for free if I can do this for free somehow and I have a few ideas that I can maybe do um and I’ll send this information out in my newsletter so if you have not

subscribed to my newsletter please do that link in the description this video I’m going to make this happen again I I I I’m all about offering information to people for free um I think the best things in life are free and I think the more people do things for other people that would benefit them and really would benefit all of us for free the better off we’re all going to be does that sound about right to you so I’m going to work on this all right I’m already a guy who’s immersed in so many things and I

have no life and no time unfortunately other than a drag racing once in a while uh but I’m going to work that into into my uh my repertoire so just look out for something like this uh I may pick a particular stock or an exchange traded fund and do a breakdown technically on it and then post it to my newsletter or maybe a particular sector of the market um maybe come up with a potential portfolio that would benefit from the current environment and then post it for free you know what I mean obviously this is going to take work on

my part but I’ve already told you man I am 100% dedicated to you all of you out here this is this is a beautiful thing that we’ve created and I’m going to make this work even better than it is already for all of us and we we have done it amazingly well now people look the beginning of every single month I humbly ask for your support hey Greg you know what you’re doing a really great job here uh I want to support your work all I ask for and this is dwindling unfortunately I understand people are

hurting right now big time but if you’re able all right all I ask for is $5 a month five bucks okay and there’s multiple ways to do this uh there are several links in the description of this video you can click on one of those again all I’m asking for is five bucks and that will help me bring something like this to you you understand that I can do for free so help me help you and I I I again this is not compulsory if you’re able to five bucks a month beginning of every month I ask for your assistance with this here and uh I do

really appreciate it anyway with that said people I hope you do choose to support my work if you’re able to and I’m going to make this a reality for everybody I really am um I have some good ideas with this but I said people listen I hope you got something out of this I hope you understand the marago Accord I want to hear from you on this 100e bonds with no coupon you buy these at a discount to face value and then in 100 years 100 years obviously the debt will become due and then you’ll receive face value who knows what it

will be at that point it’s just kind of an interesting concept man but anyway Wall Street seems to be getting his head around this and likes it is it a good idea let me know all right love you from the heart with all I got people I mean that I will see all of you in the morning I promise and we got this let them play their games we’re going to play us too that’s it I I’ll see you in the morning

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