Economists Uncut

This New Tariff Could SKYROCKET Energy Bills (Uncut) 03-19-2025

This New Tariff Could SKYROCKET Energy Bills

So today we have to talk about the impact on the states because we’re talking about everything else in the federal government. Well, states have a huge impact that they’re shielding right now. In fact, Ontario is going to impose a 25% export tax on power.


So that’s energy to three U.S. So the question really becomes who really pays for the tariffs? It’s not governments, is it? If these tariffs persist or if the Trump administration moves forward with any additional tariffs, Ontario will apply a 25% surcharge on the electricity we export. I won’t hesitate to increase this surcharge or if necessary, shut the electricity off completely. So are we really in a position to just give up all of the energy that we import from Canada? I don’t think so.


And he won’t hesitate to increase the surcharge or shut the electricity off completely. How is that going to impact you? And where are those states? Well, it would impact 1.5 million homes in Minnesota, Michigan, and New York. So if you’re in any one of those states, you might want to pay more attention to this and see how.


This is why I’m talking to you about the mantra, right? We need to have security in all of those areas in order to have a reasonable standard of living. If your energy is cut off, what does that do to your standard of living? It kills your food if you can’t keep your refrigerator and your freezer going, but it really has an impact. Are you energy secure? New Yorkers faced stressed by prices now face higher electricity bills.


Oh, is it from the tariffs? Well, yeah, that’s partly it. Ontario was threatening retaliatory levies on electricity supplied to the state. But just as the city’s main utility is seeking approval for higher bills, right? This impacts everybody.


The utility wants the state approval to raise electric bills 11.4% starting January 1, 2026. So we’ll get the approval now and then bam, you’ve got a while before those go into effect, but they definitely have a great impact. Even natural gas bills would climb even more, 13.3% if regulators agree.


Wait a minute, isn’t inflation like two and a half percent, but yet your energy bills are going to go up 11.4 to 13.3 and that’s not including the tariffs. That’s not including the tariffs. You got to think about this because the price increases are passed on to the public.


Of course they are. They have to be. Can the public absorb this? Can you absorb this? Smallest U.S. firms slashed payrolls last month.


Well, the small firms supply a lot of the jobs for the average person. So that’s a big problem. Small businesses cannot afford this.


Hey, if you’re being backed by wall street, you don’t have to make any money. They’ll still support you, but a mom and pop must make money in order to stay in business and pay their bills, let alone themselves. So what are we looking at? Among a data set of 20 states, Oregon, California, Illinois, and Colorado, small business jobs were at least 5% below pre-pandemic levels last month.


So here it is in Oregon, California, Illinois, and of course, Colorado. You can see that that’s a problem. So, you know, is everything hunky dory? No.


And in the jobs front, you know what they were trying to generate, which was fewer jobs. I believe we’re getting that now. And how’s that going to impact everything else as well? The declines were broad based, showing up in all 12 employment sectors included in the survey.


So job losses in all 12 sectors in the employment survey. The report also showed weak revenue trends. Well, duh, you know, we are a consumer driven economy.


States count on taxes, payroll taxes, sales taxes, etc. Taxes, which is also a form of confiscation from you. But if the employment roles are smaller, those tax revenues are also going to be smaller.


So it’s not really a big surprise if you’re having trouble in the employment area that you would also show weak revenue trends. No kidding. So do you think that this, all of this might possibly pressure the state’s income? And then what does that do to the services that the state provides? Teachers, police, and more.


But Republican mayor braces for tariffs. We didn’t budget for this. Well, no, they didn’t budget for this.


And how will those tariffs impact the states? Because right now, does your state tax revenue compare with its long term trend? I thought this was really interesting because overall, before the tariffs go into place, you’re already looking at a decline of 2.8%. Total state tax collections were 2.8% lower than the 15 year old, the 15 year trend at the end of Q2 of 2004, which was the most current data that I could find on this. So that was already happening well before President Trump came into being. This is definitely not all on his shoulders.


One person didn’t create this mess. One person is not going to end this mess. But the sales tax revenue adjusted for inflation and seasonality, you can see it.


The tax collections underperformed their long-term trend in 38 states. So the long-term trend is up, but their revenues are down in 50 states. This is not a good trend with what we’re facing in terms of markets and consumers.


Look, all of this back and forth. No, do I think that the normal person is paying attention? No, actually I don’t. In fact, believe it or not, I had a conversation with my daughter, Megan, the other day.


And I said, Megan, are you seeing everything that’s happening? And she said, you know what, mom? I’m just so busy that I don’t have time to pay attention. And I would say that that’s true for most people. Now she’s in a kind of a different position because I’m her mother.


So she knows that things are taken care of. But I would say that that’s true for the lion’s share of people. They’re so busy just trying to make ends meet and working and trying to keep their families fed and intact and everything they need that they’re just not paying attention.


But I’m telling you, ignorance does not make you immune. It just leaves you vulnerable. I don’t want anybody to be vulnerable.


That’s why I believe it is so critically important to be as independent and self-secure as you can. Food, water, energy, security, barter ability, wealth preservation, community, and shelter. Please, people, please get it done.


It’s just critically important that you do that. Because if the long-term trend before the tariffs and before the additional inflation that we’re going to be feeling, if that was already impacting the states, then that means that what the states provide, again, police, teachers, and more, it’s going to be a problem. And especially in some of those states like California and Florida, where they are the insurer of last resort as well, telling you huge problem.


And that’s why you’ve seen so many states begin to reinstate gold and silver as sound money. So you guys know I am part of the sound money movement. I’m on the advisory board and they have a phenomenal legislation tracker because I’m going to suggest that every single person that’s watching and anybody else that you can talk to gets involved in this and takes the taxes away from gold and silver.


They put the taxes on there. I mean, they put the inflation tax on the fiat money, but they put visible taxes on gold and silver because they don’t want you buying it. They don’t want you holding it.


They don’t want you protecting yourself. I say do it because it’s the only way that you’re going to be made whole. So where are we? Well, as you can see down here on the bottom, and I’m just going to focus on the green lettering.


So we’ve got we’ve and the gold lettering. So six states actually have legal tender laws fully in place. You’ve got 19 states that have active legislation.


I put the link in here so you can go and see if that is your state. And, and I’ve been told, and I believe this because not like I really know how to do this. We’re learning it together that a letter, a written handwritten letter is the most effective because they don’t get those very often.


So why don’t you look, take a look at where your state is in this process and encourage this legislation because this is about protecting you. And that’s the state’s jobs. Originally it was, I mean, the individual was at the head.


Then you had the states that was supposed to protect the individual rights. And then you had the federal government that was supposed to protect the states to protect the, the individual’s rights. And that’s been flip-flop.


We have to take our rights back. We have to. And the only way that I see to do this is to promote gold and silver as legal tender again, and remove that taxable event.


It’s ridiculous to tax money. Ron Paul said that it’s ridiculous to tax money, but they do it to keep you away from it. That’s their perception management.


And I say that we have a choice right now, and we should all get involved and letting your state representatives know that you want sound money back in the system. And that’s on a local basis, on a global basis. If we conferred our fiat into sound money, guess what we have the opportunity to do.


If enough of us do this, we could have the opportunity to have a say in the next monetary system. And that’s what I’m really fighting for the most, because otherwise they have us going into a full surveillance currency. And even though president Trump said that he does not support CBDCs, we definitely support cryptos.


And if all the other countries are going toward CBDCs, the EU thinks they’re going to have one out by October. What do you think is going to happen? I wouldn’t count on that. I’d become my own central banker.


And what that means is that you build your gold and silver portfolio and you hold it. So it runs no counterparty risk, and it protects your purchasing power and it protects your rights. You want to keep your freedom in your choices, hold gold and silver outside of the system.


And it truly is that simple. So make sure that you give us a thumbs up for a like, subscribe, please. It helps the algorithms.


And let’s have this conversation. I want to know what your thoughts are. So type in in the comment section and let’s have these conversations and come and see us on Tuesdays.


That’s the great place to come and have the conversations and bring your thoughts, bring your concerns, bring your fears, bring everything. Let’s have this conversation so that you can make educated choices that put your best interests first. We’ve got to support the states in getting gold and silver as legal tender, removing those taxes, because if enough states do it, we can pressure the federal government.


And I absolutely 100% know together we can make a positive difference for a lot of people. Join our community. Let’s make that difference.


And until next we meet, please be safe out there. Bye-bye.

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