Coffee with MarkZ. 03/03/2025
hello all good morning hello Gypsy bear mous smitts hello New Hampshire yane hello half pint hello flipper F15 hello and moose see if I can catch it just reading a few of you all’s comments this morning good morning J uh really hope a man lot of hype for a huge amount of hype going for tomorrow um guys that I’m hearing it so if I’m hearing it I assume it has been plastered all over the boards with expectations but uh yeah and that’s on the RV side I mean everything else you’ve got going on um tomorrow tomorrow
the gas is I mean the oil is supposed to pump turkey says the pipeline’s ready uh that’s one of the many rumors running around State of the Union tomorrow I mean we got a whole heck of a lot rolling tomorrow should be one hell of a very long day I don’t know if you’ll see a ner tomorrow but I think you’re going to see at least a softball pitch a t-ball for the uh folks that aren’t awake yet on Nera I’m just reading a few of these having fun hello GTO oh four degrees in Caribou M no no Sissy’s birthday tomorrow I think it’s
bom’s birthday today cool be Fat Tuesday is it Fat Tuesday tomorrow too that’s it grab the beads right RW it’s good to see you Okie Bob now I’m still planning on a tomorrow evening podcast and then zester and I are planning on a watch party a watch party I don’t know bear I’m beginning to believe that they’re going to plaster it all over and then actually do it um I mean at this point whenever everybody says it’s time everybody just automatically at that point says it’s not happening I mean what a better way
to have finally numbed us enough kind of like the boy they called wolf wolf wolf wolf and then finally the wolf’s there nobody’s listening I think that’s a moment I think this is a positive take on theh tail of the little boy that cried wolf uh last week was Fat Tuesday the Polish dut day I do like those polish Donuts hello 12 Monkeys I believe it is let’s see uh boy I tell you things are happening quickly on the Ukraine front we’re going to talk about it do I can I have the golden overalls instead I think that’s I think that’s a
much better take Gary’s birthday today just reading all of these checking oh boy I tell you I need to get on Focus don’t know the reason behind wrinkles isn’t always in your or our control it’s more than about reducing stress or eating a healthy diet as we age our body’s natural collagen production declines which leads to visible signs of aging like wrinkles sagging skin fact studies show that after the age 20 collagen products decrease production decreases by about 1% a year that’s why use amazing device sucessful results
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the 14 foods for amazing skin a 60-day satisfaction guarantee and free shipping if you order now once again this offer is only available Health with Mark I better double check on that one make certain it is not just Health with um for some reason it is tickling my brain right now let’s make certain we got it right Health withmark boy I had it right it’s good to have something right this morning right it’s Monday and it is a week that I am downright excited about hello scar I did see what’s going on in South
Carolina uh yes and Trump requested to fly to South Carolina to be there and they were told no they were using planes in the sky that it would be much well they didn’t say no they said Mr President it would be conducive for our um operations that you don’t come until we have the fires under control so that you don’t block off airspace meanwhile the left out there going oh my God why is he not there why is he golfing why is he at Mar Largo instead of there because he’s not there because then they’d have to do
a nly Zone and they have helicopters and planes dropping water duh kind of like when they had to stop all Aid to Western North Carolina uh in the critical stages because uh Harris and Biden wanted to do a photo up you know kind of like that or like they did with California you guys get the notion he didn’t want to photo op to slow down the um firefighting efforts Dave War Turtle I appreciate you uh do you mean starting at the 1310 as far as valuation actually it’s flowing in US dollars right now because
the oil that’s going to Turkey gets paid for in US Dollars the dollars uh then go to Iraq which it sells to people on the street for trading International until they become an international currency well a fully International currency um so yeah absolutely it can start pumping at 1310 and it allows Iraq to buy more dinar off the street that doesn’t mean they’re not ready they’re desperately ready to change of value hope tomorrow is going to be another right I don’t think it’s going to be a nothing Burger I don’t
know if it’s going to be an RV but I do not look for tomorrow to be a nothing Burger uh Ray I often worry about those with um well kind of like Super Bowl they’re going to do with Super Bowl oh they’re going to do with this event oh they’re going to do last game of the World Series yeah I always uh even like um when I see uh State of the Union addresses I always try to moderate my excitement this one could be a good one though either way it’s going to be a wild one why are no news reporting on fires
in South Carolina was a stupid probably a stupid question prob because it’s all over the news I mean it’s all over the news no news on uh yellow dragons no news on Boulevard dong Etc we’ll get into what news we do have uh and then we will uh jump hick toown my thinkings before then much sooner than then let’s see JT Beach guy was within walking distance from the dirty Branch fire and five miles from Carolina Forest oh how bad is it I mean the pictures look rough but I can make a I can make a fire in my wood
stove look rough if I take everything from the right angle um do know some folks that are in the affected region and uh I’m hoping for an update so that I know what’s happening on the ground not just the presses puffed up whatever lots of smoke darling I appreciate that very kind of you mandatory attendance in Congress why was that ever an option not to be there uh you know I don’t have to stick the 10-minute Mark it’s just a habit guys I will break that habit you’re just going to have to be patient and give me
time it’s amazing how things become ingrained how human beings uh fall into well habits all right let’s get to it let’s start covering some of this where is it wow having a tough time finding uh where I put everything today there we go Mazar SLE this is the current day shib or the economic advisor to um Sudani geopolitical controls push for the shift to official channels for currency trading what does this mean they’re just talking about how successful it was shutting down how they were doing auctions and modernizing Banking and uh
making certain that we can track everything which has made a huge huge difference they talk about the official rate that they have right now uh but only that there should be no no reason with a proper banking system for any difference between the uh official value and the parallel value and this is something they’ve been trying to get a grips on so that they can raise the value uh which is what we all want uh Iran’s Parliament fire oh I got to kick out of this one there were a number of other articles out of Iraq but I could
not get them to translate to share I’d be glad to share them and talk about what’s in it but I could not get them to uh properly um translate nearly every one of them discussing everything that has been put into place for the new Financial reforms and uh the oil and what goes along with it they started talking again about the white paper reforms and the near completion of now remember when they talked about those reforms it was all so that they could raise the purchasing power of every Iraqi very specifically
every Iraqi how do you increase the purchasing power of every Iraqi you rais value of their currency it’s the only way to raise the purchasing power of every Iraqi all right this one I I got to kind of a hoot out of this is a atypical authoritarian government approach Iran’s Parliament fires the Minister of Finance over the pluming plummeting real and mismanagement saying it’s all his fault that the real has become basically useless they’re not going to get into the fact that they spend a obscene
amount of their GDP on Military funding terrorist organizations or that they have grossly mismanaged those dollars no we’re not going to touch on that at all we’re not going to touch on the fact that their military strikes and funding of terrorist organizations have led to nearly every nation on the planet putting Financial sanctions on Iran no we’re just going to ignore that we’re gonna ignore all the fundamentals and we’re going to fire the Minister of Finance makes perfect sense it’s like a special kind of dystopian stupid going
on in Iranian government now reminds me a lot of how thumb up the ass and ignorant that the uh European uh politicians are right now yeah I went there again I’m G have to break out that curse jar and pick up some ones watching the insane Insanity uh or should I say the embracing what’s a good word for this one as they ignore any kind of common sense in Europe this one’s going to be a fun one today can’t wait to get you guys as take can’t wait to get your take uh Lynn in a nutshell that’s uh that that’s where they were pushing
they’ve come very close to that and in the last week or so week week and a half they’ve really ramped up tightening on any dollar Flows In and Out of Iran we got a few more on that coming although we did have one oh that’s one of the articles that did not translate uh the okay Iraq is working closely with the government of Switzerland to go after money that was moved around 2003 massive amounts that were um embezzled out of Iraq so they’re settling all of these old crimes and Corruption uh they now have the government of
Switzerland also helping them go after all the funds that came through Switzerland and get them returned to the Iraqi government ner jera you got to clean it all up you got to expose it all and that’s very much what they are doing right now all right enormous announcement out of the White House over the weekend about the Strategic reserves and what they put in it um of course I love Bitcoin and ethereum that comment made uh Peter shiff still can’t understand it I like Peter I do but on the tech side he just does not
get it and I understand it many people my generation are older don’t understand it that’s because of they only see the world one way and there are a few more angles a few more colors on the pallet of how you can view things he somehow needs to put his head in the mind of a very educated and I don’t mean brainwashed I mean a very educated person of 25 or 30 and I think he could finally start clicking and see its value he said okay fine I kind of see Bitcoin because it’s digital gold but I don’t understand the rest of these do
understand Ripple being in there doesn’t understand Solana he doesn’t understand all of the rest that put in there and it’s clear they serve a purpose to move dollars in other words what he has embraced is the digital gold the gas the ethereum the xrp which is the vehicle that drives that Capital around the world and then he picked some that are very much focused on decentralization and web three I was a little surprised by some of what uh Donald Trump and his team put in there but not crazy because all made
perfect technological sense to me as to why they did it that way what they put in there provides for a freestanding Financial system outside of Swift and central banks that’s what he did now if any one of those were actually gold backed or asset backed that we could count on 100% I don’t mean like internet rumors or telegram roomors or whatever then we would have the complete slam dunk they do have the ability to be all of those things in quickly yeah xrp is one of those because of tokenization if you just simply
tokenized Metals with it you would fix all that then you would have the ability to move it transport it you would have the ability to bank it when you used Bitcoin the ability to have it in your regular account like you would um cash well not cash digital cash in your bank account really does fix it all just love that’s probably much appreciated much appre appreciated all right let’s keep going on this well this is where we really need to uh settle in and get um well comfy so linski rejects a call for
immediate ceas fire and won’t apologize for Trump says Ukraine’s not for sale really tell that to Joe Biden tell that to Europe tell that to Germany tell that to the UK say it with a straight face as your government is desperately trying to negotiate with the US for um about 500 billion in resources and hopes that they will come back to the table all evidence to the contrary it’s been for sale for a long time how many more articles from Washington Post New York Times tons of organizations out there talking about
the corruption in Ukrainian politics anybody I I love that that comment from zalinski got your head up your own butt much all right it really is uh it’s been for sale for quite some time and it only takes you know few billion bucks he acknowledged the public spat didn’t bring anything positive or additional to us as a partner however he also said the relationship will continue because this is more than a relationship in one moment saying that the US doesn’t have a choice he’s been taking a tour of Europe
feeling like a rockar for standing up to the big bad Trump as they kiss his butt the problem is reality does not match what they think well how do I put that one their expectations don’t match they’re doing a rockstar tour and Europe is dedicating troops they’re also dedicating increasing spending and they want to ramp it up maybe as high as 3% of GDP by 2030 and they said yeah we’re going to put boots on the ground they are their militaries are in horrendous condition they have been depleted for
decades because the US has been bearing the brunt of all of that they don’t have the boots to put there other than token amounts they do not have a deterrent without the United States but they are claiming they are going to put all kinds of boots on the ground planes on the ground people on the ground now to provide for peace in the Ukraine they are counting on the the fact that the US will have no other choice but to rush to their defense if any of their forces get hurt because of NATO they are counting on the US if I
were the us if I were Donald Trump this morning I would already have the bases in Germany the UK all over Europe packing up to come home to bring them all home until they get realistic in their expectations to hell with them because what they’re doing is they’re picking a fight with the biggest bully in their schoolyard and they know they can’t fight them and they’re counting on their big brother from the high school to come down to the middle school and have the fight for them that is not how this
works you don’t get to write blank checks for somebody else you don’t get to write blank checks on somebody else’s account that’s what they are doing right now all of your is doing that starmer believe it or not is probably the one that’s the most logical right now and is reigning back some of his rhetoric and even then he’s still over the top but I think he understands a little more how depleted their militaries are but here’s we got some really great examples coming at you uh on that front uh today
don’t worry we’re going to get into the dollars spent as well now I would like a reminder before we move forward much Russia’s GDP has never exceeded 15% of the EU 15% their economy their GDP is 15% % the size of the European GDP so I’m just trying to pause there for a fact to let it sink in but militarily speaking they can’t hold a candle to Russia’s military and Russia’s military guys is a bit of a paper tiger do they have some cool weapons yes do they have some nasty nasty uh soldiers especially Chan and
Georgia yes they do um um but as a whole not that impressive but they could still with one hand behind their back and one leg chopped off beat the snot out of Europe right now because Europe’s has gone that poor they’ve neglected it for that long because they had the US taken care of it we were enabling them so now we’re enabling them to go out and push the biggest bully in their schoolyard probably not going to work very well for them and now you’ve got to remember this guys when we look at the
finances of the us we look at what we have done we look at history normally when a country has spent themselves into bankruptcy they go to war they need some resources to pay it off they need growth they’ve gone stagnant usually the answer is some kind of War um whether it is intentional or unintentional meaning another country has seen them implode and said you know they’re right for the plucking or they go you know we’re broke if we’re going to hide this we need a war so we can go take re resources from
this other country kind of like what Japan did for World War II they’re like oh my God we’re not going to get enough oil uh our entire way of life because the US is growing so fast we’re just G to have to go and attack take it from somewhere else limited resources is the mindset here so Europe is in that right now Europe has they’re bankrupt even worse than the US uh they’re spending their government it’s all out of control I mean massively out of control so what do they they desperately need to war the
problem is they don’t have the military for war and even if they start today it’s going to take them a good five years to be ready for any kind of conflict or War reasonably maybe a small Skirmish in two years if they rally every bit of the public to help if every European starts growing their own garden if every European uh doubles the taxes they’re paying if every European just about rushes off and uh joins their drafts or their enlists in their militaries I mean this is how bad it is for Europe if Europe wants to pick that
fight they’re counting on the US to be the body bags for their virtue signaling problem is now they got a president who won’t play that game they’ve got somebody says no this is stupid how about a little Common Sense we don’t need this uh I mean we’ve said 91 we won’t expand it we won’t expand NATO any further we expanded further 94 we won’t expand NATO any further we expanded 99 we expanded 2003 pushed again 2007 I mean you see the cycle here at this point what would the US do if China opened a base on the Rio
Grande Grande Rio Grand all right let’s keep it simple how would we take that would the US be in a fight China opens a base in Niagara puts all kinds of missiles pointed here puts their Spy Service right there you know 100 yards from the border Russ puts theirs right 100 yards from the Mexican boorder would would the US take that would we accept that no but for some reason it’s perfectly acceptable for us to do that to Russia we have pushed and pushed and pushed did Putin violate all kinds of stuff and go yeah but it was only after
it’s kind of like getting mad at the guy that breaks up with the wife after the wife’s been like cheating on him for years and years and years and now you’re mad at the man because he left or vice versa absolutely usually vice versa although statistically know that’s not true anymore uh totally different note we’d be upset we would never put up with it but for some reason the whole world expects Russia to put up with it Europe expects them to put up with it when Europe would not put up with it uh so as
I watch this drama I’m waiting for common sense to somehow somewhere kick in and for somebody go you know we may not have made the best decisions but we can get back to more of this Ukrainian team was in tears but zalinski stayed argumentative at this point oh and he outlawed another political party uh let’s see what other uh groups or governments in Europe have been doing similar things uh there was a really good one in here I’m going to try to find it on press I think it’s over here defense promises S I think it’s going to be over
here we’re going to see we can find it UK pledges support for Ukraine’s air defense As Leaders discuss plans to end the war now they’ve decided they’re going to put together a deal and then present it to the US because they know that they cannot enforce any deal without the US they’re going to try to find something palatable enough for the US to put boots on the ground inside of the Ukraine so they’re working on a deal like this British prime minister Kier starmer said on March 2nd that Europe must continue to provide funding for
Ukraine to sustain his position during peace negotiations while also committing to roughly two billion in export financing Supply crane with 5,000 air defense missiles here’s the problem really irritates me one of the many problems here you know where those air defense missiles came from yeah us so now Europe is pledging all of the equipment that we gave to Europe and pledging it to go to the Ukraine yeah why would I give a missile defense system to the UK for them to give it to somebody else why would I
Supply defense missiles to France for them to give it to somebody else I really really think Donald Trump should consider as commanderin-chief emptying the bases in Europe and then see as they realize what it does financially to them let them figure it out because I guarantee you the rhetoric would change out of these European leaders I hate to play bully but they need a wakeup call they need a disruptor they need a bull in their China shot so they continue to say well we’re going to send this we’re going to send
that the reality is they don’t have the soldiers to send or for that most part the equipment to send you EU defense promises sore turbocharging Aerospace and defense stocks usually the only companies to get wealthy during war um so let’s see they opened higher on Monday European markets open higher on Monday with Euro stocks 50 gaining nearly 1% while defense stocks erupted amid expectations of increased military spending the jump in EU defense stocks follows last week’s collapse in the US Ukraine peace deal negotiations
promoting European leaders on Sunday to call for increased defense spending yeah they’re going all in at least they think they’re going all in their problem is they have governments that can’t afford to go all in and they have a people and they lack the will to go all in but there were I am looking for some really I’m trying to find this one article read this morning I can’t believe I didn’t bring it over uh I did do a little bit of research on GDP GDP of the EU is significantly larger than Russia’s GDP
in terms of purchasing power parody Russia’s GDP has never exceeded 15% of the used GDP since 1989 the eu’s GDP is comprised of several European countries while Russia is one of the world’s largest economies yeah but Russia is small in comparison is’t that wild but yet they can’t even hold a skirmish with Russia they’re challenging a military that would shellack them because they have ignored their own for so many decades sounds pretty stupid to me that would be kind of like me going and pissing off Mike Tyson on on purpose you
know I’m Inon a will chair I can’t fight him but I’m going to go do my best to call a fight I mean how stupid stupid can that be you’d have to be in pretty stupid all right now I’m going to try to find uh one of these uh other articles in just a moment Trump seeks to boost US Lumber Timber Industries I have some very excited friends in the timber industry in the Carolinas that has been devastated under the Biden Administration uh was brutalized during the uh Obama administration and they are awfully excited to get back to work um
now that they are looking to boost us Timber Lumber we’re going to start producing majority of our lumber I don’t know about majority but a huge chunk comes from Brazil from Canada Etc because of these proposed sanctions rather than let us all pay a fortune Trump is empowering domestic production to fill those gaps yeah I’ve talked to a couple of friends in the lumber business they are so excited uh it started probably a week two weeks ago they are starting to get more contracts uh some of the uh bigger
housing Like Home Depot lows reaching out to local uh Lumber Mills Etc to speed up production they are awfully excited thousands of Americans are going back to work in the lumber industry that have been mostly underemployed or unemployed for a very long time uh so kind of a Renaissance on that front I was a pretty good fighter back in the day but I was I was never Tyson level fighter Jennifer fador uh see exactly it’ll bring down the price to build yep uh Spencer Bond news where do I go guys without getting myself in trouble
this one’s going to be a very difficult one I have so many Bon contacts uh that are scheduled for final contracts I think that’s something I can say safely on Tuesday um yeah Danny all of you guys on the bond side I received some information over the weekend that makes it very difficult for me to even go live I probably should just say hey you know we’ll you know go live just this week for state of the union or other news but um on that one I really need to not say more than that uh until I get
some clarification on it uh let’s see we own login companies here in Kentucky and are moving Timber great business Alicia I love that I love that Rose’s birthday be mom Gary Rose uh don does anybody know the bush uh executive order that made it legal for us to have dinar even though um it was sanctioned or illegal and the rest of world I I want to say it’s like executive order 1280 or 1150 I I know it’s up there but if anybody knows the exact one please sound off so they can have that information Tom 47 is General
will General General 64w far goat group still a thing yes very much so still a thing no it’s not open for anybody else to get in if they ever open it up again they’ve opened it like twice in the last probably five years and added a few more people are updated no it’s not available to do now no you can’t send me an email asking I can’t do crap for you but if they decide to open it again I will make an announcement or have them come on and let them make that announcement Randy why say anything if you can’t say
anything because then I’ve got a look in here at chat as 500 people ask me the question repeatedly over and over and then start giving me because I won’t respond to their questions that’s why I said what I can in other words I can’t give you more on that front yet but unfortunately too many in this community don’t get the hint and are going to keep asking anyways so it’s best just to hit it head on uh Bill’s 52nd happy birthday to bill so it makes it tough I mean it makes it really tough to even have the
conversation really tough whip I know you guys will whip if it helps Fred will be right there uh leading the uh charge to make certain I stay on my toes Ma I’m skipping my birthday um I’m ready for the stady I’m ready my gut so much so many balls in the air right now and they can all click together so very quickly um uh let’s see here was a good one see if that’s one of the articles I was looking for I’m going to try to uh roll back through these where was at on this one America’s Republic not as an Empire Europe Sound
and Fury after draw dropping pivots in US policy uh the bits are falling into a distinct pattern a pre-prepared pattern I love some of these comments um um where do I start with this one actually I think we should probably start up here although I still love this one how did Democrats not see this coming lawyer Robert Barnes essentially says that the blitz C was exceptionally well planned and had been discussed in Trump circles since late 2020 the latter team had emerged from within a generational
cultural shift in the US the latter had given rise to libertarian populist Wing that’s us guys with working class Roots who often had served in the milit it had come to despise the neocon lives especially those in 911 that brought endless Wars they were animated More by the old John Adams addage that America should not go abroad in search of monsters to slay talking about this huge change in the direction of America the public opinion we just done uh there was a great one in here talking about Free
Press as well pretty certain it’s in this one let’s see if I can find it specifically referring to the number of people that have been locked up in Russia for speech for saying things they shouldn’t it’s like in the last uh couple of years 400 people have been locked up uh for for saying things that the government didn’t like do you know in the UK just in 2020 2021 they locked up 3300 people for free speech VI viations for saying things the government didn’t like whether that was lockdowns or Co or
Etc um so when we look at this uh who believes in free speech who doesn’t every time we turn around the Nations that claim that they’re defending democracy crap all over democracy over and over and over uh Trump finally or people like him people in that party finally ask asking the questions why do we do what we do you know why do we set the stage for Wars why do we enable War why do we why what’s the insanity why do we give every other country billions when we can’t take care of our own people
why and for the audacity of asking why they are hated hated by the globalist despised by the globalist I think it’s a good time to remind Democrats right now and the chenies and marowski of the world the American people voted for this the American people overwhelmingly want this they are the majority we are the majority we want Common Sense we don’t see the point in an endless war we don’t see a need for us to have to tell every other country around the world how they need to live why can’t they live their
own lives why can’t we make a business negotiation and do our thing why do we have to dictate the whole world why are we responsible for them this has almost become the reverse I shouldn’t say almost it has become come reverse you know the kid living in the basement refuses to leave um spends a fortune you know walks up takes Dad’s credit card out when they want to go out and drink or go out and party or buy a new video game and they show no respect for the parents it’s gone backwards now now what we have are
Europe are now living in our in-law suite totally irresponsible with what money they do have coming in they got the retirement money coming in they’re spending it they’re spending ours they’re not helping around the house they’re doing nothing but mooching off the system and then telling us everything we did wrong as children this is one of those reverse roles where you’re just gone completely South and off the rails as uh Europe is now the spoiled parent that has come back to live with the kids problem is they don’t
take care of the kids they’re out living their best life on our dime yeah really is rooll reversal thing going on here isn’t it they’re now the spoiled brats Kevin Torres I appreciate you uh greyhawk weird how you left out xrp sand adaa from Trump’s first post I didn’t leave it out I even talked about even talked about it but also too many eyes glaze over when I talk too much crypto so I leave that for zester it is huge how like uh uh what they set up for put in that basket I it really is a hit list of what
he would need for an alternative Financial system outside of the Federal Reserve I’m just reading through a few of these I know I need to get back just answering some questions uh Long Beach trick all participating countries in Iraq Bush signed article uh or executive uh thir 13303 so you could buy it in R Long Beach Rick thank you for that research so if you’re looking for it guys there’s your order uh Brad humanitarian project helps human uh humanitarian serves humanitarian purpose a nonprofit doesn’t
necessarily do that good a humanitarian project be under a nonprofit sure nonprofit is just a corporation that forms and they get tax benefits because they’re not going to make a profit it really kind of a stupid heading in my book screw it going to go look for another side job my hope he has been kicked in the ass W the Opium kicked in the AUM we should have always been fighting for more I made the mistake in the past too oh this thing’s gonna happen this thing’s gonna happen and made Bad Business decisions
because I wasn’t going to need the money no your job is to survive this until the reset because we do not know the timing you got to survive this thing um yeah I don’t know I don’t watch uh either one of them I’ll talk to militia man often but I don’t take time to watch stuff I see what Tim with a birthday yeah I see that see Mark people today are seeing so much homelessness on the street it’s something new uh we’re seeing some of those people are people who know impossibly friends no it’s getting it’s
getting worse Gary the fundamentals are broken that’s something we’ve got to remember this is not something that we get to blame Trump for although we can blame him a little because he did not do a very good job in his first term with uh government spending he learned from that lesson and he is addressing it in this one just like this article said it was a blitz cre they’ve been preparing for this for four years they have put all the pieces together they very much planned and executed that they were
going to have another shot at this and they are doing it in a very methodical way including the lawsuits every time you see another judge trying to get in the way they the Trump Administration did this on purpose they want to force the Constitutional crisis for all of these activist judges so Supreme Court gets to hear them they have done this on purpose and it is masterful to watch it work through the court system um because every time you turn around the Supreme Court is being forced to support
executive privilege and everything that goes with it in other words they are forcing a return to the Constitution they have caused purposely caused a constitutional crisis so that they could clean up the court system so that they could clean up Congress so they could clean up the bureaucracy it is it’s all inspiring watching what is occurring right now awe inspiring they are undoing nearly 100 Years of government abuse in weeks it is it’s impressive for all those out there saying nothing’s happened nothing’s
changing my God you’re asleep or just not educated not saying you’re dumb not saying that at all I’m just saying you’re not very educated in all the changes that we are watching study a little more and you will feel more content you’ll get you’ll get more warm and fuzzies like start reading when I uh put up articles start studying some of these and you’re going to get a lot of warm fuzzies it’s a it’s truly inspiring this this one article I think America’s Republic on Empire this one by Alistar
crook um just a fantastic piece matter of fact why don’t I just do that why don’t I go ahead and pull this one if that one article doesn’t give you warm and fuzzies over the direction of our nation and our world and the people of our world standing up to these abusive governments I don’t know what to tell you uh Cody boy that’s our problem Cody boy just said do you think Iraq could do us a solid and some cheap oil to get us through until we have our own oil refineries that’s our problem we have
enough oil production already we need more Refinery production so they could get us oil but we really don’t need their oil but it does help keep the prices of oil down we need more refineries uh Tinker works this is Absolut closest I’ve ever seen us absolutely the closest I’ve ever seen us to the end of this thing Hunter guy hunter guy hunter guy over on the rumble side yeah we’re not saying you’re dumb just stupid h k popped into kick h no I agree old Stokes made the comment over on Kick guys if they had
pushed to do this in his first term as present they would have failed Humanity as painful as been these four plus years this was the only way we went I have to agree with you I have to agree with you I’m just reading a few of those uh Cano Cowboy right yeah you guys yeah the people that consider this a scam drives me nuts think because how’s it a scam you can always sell back your currency you don’t have to stay in it if you don’t think it’s real sell your currency go about go on with your day you don’t have to be in this I don’t
mean here or whatever I’m just saying in general if you don’t think it’s ever going to happen what else can you do with your life M what does it take yeah Matt see I always get a kick out Google say it’s because enough people have putting articles so Google has to say it is because that’s the information has if there were a bunch of Articles saying the other then it would say yes it’s a real thing so it’s back and forth but for it to be a scam US Treasury holds a buttload Trump Buffett uh Morgan Chase how many of the biggest
players around the world are invested in and have currency from Iraq so if it is why are the smartest Financial Minds in the world why are they investing in it that’s a question I’d have to ask myself if I were a logical thinking person yeah Ronnie the little dog always causes trouble and gets the big dogs to help I think this time the big dog is going to let the little dog get his butt kicked or at least let it get close I love this J clampet how high do you think xrp and CLM will go I don’t know
what do you guys think I said a long time ago that I thought the most reasonable value for xrp in the near future was about five bucks I didn’t see I didn’t see it going like obscenely higher um seeing how people are rushing to it yeah I guess I could see it going higher but I I never see it at 10,000 100,000 or whatever at least not in my lifetime trying to make sense out of that one no what Trump did was get rid of the Obama computer crew that they bought in brought in that spent billions of dollars to create one or two apps um
billions of dollars when they could have paid somebody else some small little tech crew uh uh sitting around drinking their soda they could have given them a 100 Grand you know 100 Grand to create all those same apps he’s changing how we do that I’m just watching these uh Colette you’ll have to give me a email you want to use that I have much Zim but gonna have to sell uh at least some of it because I have sell and pay car taxes if you need to uh just let us know how much youve got or whatever not even that just just
give me an email and I can let people reach out to you I don’t sell currency don’t want to but I’ll certainly help you guys go back and forth and new no I do not want a piece I don’t want to cut I don’t want anything to do with that it’s y’all’s money cmkx uh trusty said they expect things to start Tuesday or Wednesday this week and that was Friday when I got that update GB but I haven’t seen any other hiccups any other talk I just had one person that was way up the chain said hey it looks like we may start Tuesday
or Wednesday of this coming week tomorrow we’ll see Deborah missed her birthday she turned 70 yesterday Ernest Anderson there was a refinery in northern Wisconsin upgraded a couple years ago it could produce tons of gas but Wisconsin government only allows asphalt production Ernest something similar going on in Western Pennsylvania with one of the old Quaker State refineries as well it’s it’s stupid it’s like the US somehow think well I shouldn’t say the us all of these environmentalists seem to think like the
Paris Accord do you know what the Paris Accords did they took the landfill out of the US and Europe and they put the landfill in every other country so all we did was move the crap if it’s this is a global event and we globally have to cut back our gases our pollution our everything why does moving it from one location to the next that has even easier or fewer restrictions or requirements and they don’t have nearly the quality of well quality control meaning they can dump whatever they want wherever they
want they don’t have to put in all the extra systems to reduce um carbon emissions Etc so how does moving it from a responsible location that’s going to do a better job with it moving it to another location where they’re not going to do a good job with it and they’re going to pollute how does that fix anything Paris climate Accords got to be some of the most Absolut devoid of common sense I mean not even borderline Insanity totally over the top Insanity doesn’t make sense I’m just reading few of
these Mark friends talking about renting or leasing his xrp to Banks uh Richard it’s called staking and it’s a great way to make a heck of a good interest rate if it’s an asset that you want to save you want to hang on to you don’t have any intention of selling it in the near term uh absolutely the money you can make staking xrp or Bitcoin to some of these larger ones it it’s considerable I mean 20 30% a year easily and it’s 100% controlled by the uh algorithm so they can’t screw you it automatically pays
you it’s really pretty cool 90th birthday to Betty today wow that is cool Betty congratulations probably should just go ahead and sing let’s see CAC my husband got his 8,000 deposit from treasury in his account yesterday he actually owed money to the IRS couldn’t I don’t know if could be Nera uh what he does for job may make a difference yeah normal I got a bunch of emails will throw away from the weekend because everybody keeps sending emails on the weekend but that’s normal remember no podcast tonight no
longer doing Mondays and Friday nights there haven’t been enough information and I really need to cut my work I’m trying to cut down to 60 hours a week guys that’s my goal I want to get down to 60 and then reassess from there see how I feel so in order to do that I got rid of Monday and Fridays the slowest evenings of the week for news Alexander is six today happy birthday Alexander Mike celebrating be a great day for one let’s see what we can do all right I’m going to sing happy birthday we’re going to
call it a rra reconvene tomorrow tomorrow will be extra podcast though because I’ll do the normal one I’ll do the news one and then zester and I will cover the State of the Union over on Liberty in Maine so uh yeah you’ll get a lot of time with me this week ah J I like that not a very emotional person but the prayers and thoughts this community sends is very touching who’s cutting onions thank you from bottom of my heart Jay they are we have some just world class people here are some great prayer warriors and just
some truly good human beings Richard you’re killing me Smalls uh State of Union guys it’s usually at 900 P.M p.m. Eastern is usually at 9900 p.m. Eastern I doubt it’s changed it could could be off a little I mean guys we know Trump’s never on time for anything he’s going to be three weeks late for his own funeral uh I assume zest will be on he’s starting to feel better finally he just needed some rest Bobby snorkeling I wouldn’t mind that one so you feel better but five 50,000 of us are more depressed on Mondays and
Fridays that’s why we’re still doing a Monday morning and a Friday morning and it does leave me time to record if something big does happen guys I’ll record a short one that way I don’t have to stay up and stay at the desk uh Patriot hero um yeah but it was probably halfway through on the bond front I’m just going to leave that one it’s getting really tough we got a lot of people with tremendous expectations in the bond side uh for tomorrow and where they fit this week with their payouts I’m GNA leave it there you’ll
have to go back through and find it let’s see Mark article saying Iraq official change meeting from Tuesday till what Wednesday didn’t say um yeah I don’t know which one you’re talking about on that one but I really do have a couple of really good ones but I I got to work on my translator so I can share more of these because we had one uh from turkey and they had uh talked about how they had the pipeline’s been ready for a year and a half but it is now tested again and they are ready from their side Iraq says their side is
up and running and ready and should start pumping tomorrow was the uh update I got I’m just watching some of this all right uh absolute wait I never ever ever ever refer to Zim as a bond ever ever ever ever yes I know it’s an aggro check or they talk about the 100 T Zim bonds but when I’m talking about his toric bonds I am never referring to a zim in any way with historic bonds are you guys tired of hearing me say that because I think I say it now every single podcast but I still get asked about it
every single podcast uh Joe Liberty on Main don’t worry I’m gonna drop it for you Drop It Like It’s Hot I’m looking it up for you on YouTube since you’re on YouTube all right it looks like this Joe Liberty on Main Street I’m putting the link in the description that is for tomorrow evening watch party that’s where you find it oh let me drop that over on Twitch as well I mean excuse me kick kick kick booger you’re killing me Smalls I saw you and we’re gonna keep asking ah Fred I may have to I had it
buil into the browser and now the browser isn’t isn’t only does it sometimes I but it’s only two of the news outlets that I use often where it’s uh playing those games with me so it’s got me a little frustrated but I’ll figure it out Andrea 49 today as well uh be mom I believe it’s your birthday unless I missed out completely Gary Rose Bill Tim Deborah Betty Alexander Mike so they tell me it’s your birthday well happy birthday darling may you live may you love may all your dreams come true happy birthday happy
birthday happy birthday to you Evelyn that site will get released this week it’s not been released yet it should be live I think Wednesday is what they’re telling me Evelyn on the uh new Meridian slash well uh redo on that front all right now I’m getting out of here see you folks tomorrow tomorrow morning if there’s anything breaking I’ll record a short one for you oh wait a minute I just missed one Sage Beauty First Time Sage Beauty thank you that is exceptionally kind of you and much appreciated now I get to sneak out of here