Economists Uncut

This idea will outweigh silver, and the Iraqi Dinar (Uncut) 03-08-2025

In 90 days, this idea will outweigh silver, and the Iraqi Dinar

Hey, everybody, Economic Ninja here. In the next 90 days, there is something that you are going to be able to witness in real time that is going to outweigh silver and the Iraqi dinar as far as investments. Now, first off, I want you to understand, I own silver, I own the Iraqi dinar.


I own both of them because I understand their true value based on a couple of different things, but it really comes down to manipulation. If you own silver or the dinar, please do me a favor, type it down below, and I want you to understand something that a lot of people don’t understand, but I think a lot of people on this channel are starting to get it. You need to become a renaissance investor.


You probably heard the term a renaissance man. Renaissance man knows a little bit about everything, not a pro or professional at everything, but knows enough about many topics to be able to hold a conversation and be able to do something with that information. And that is the key to real wealth.


The truth is, we all understand that silver is highly manipulated in price and that there is not that much of it. And we also know that the dinar is worth a lot more than it is because the US government destroyed its value after 9-11. And instead of going in after Iran, it went in after Iraq because Saddam Hussein did not want to sell oil for dollars.


He decided he wanted euros. So we went in there, we destroyed their currency’s value, and a lot of us know that we did the same thing back in the early 90s with another currency. So that’s why we held it.


The problem is, there have been a lot of people that are holding silver and dinar, and they have not done what they expected them to do over time. And in the next 90 days, I’m going to show you how something, a movement around the world is about to take place, and you are about to see something amazing. So I have two great stories about silver and dinar.


I want to go over with you. I want to tell you, and I want to thank everybody that has taken advantage of the course that we’ve put out. And I think everyone needs to learn about blockchain.


And I’m going to teach you and introduce you to the most decentralized blockchain on earth. So the crypto prepper course, the sale is almost done, the pre-filming sale, because we just released most of the videos. I think they may even all be up there right now.


And everyone has been doing something perfect. You have not been buying that much. You are not running out speculating.


You’re just buying $20 or $50 worth of this stuff. And we’re going to show you how to put it onto a core wallet. We’re going to show you how to run a node.


And you’re going to go to see things, the backside of a blockchain, the truth and reality. And in 90 days, you’re going to see something amazing happen. And then you’re going to have three baskets of investments, silver, dinar, and crypto, right? A specific type of crypto that governments don’t like because it’s extremely decentralized.


And hopefully you have more. Hopefully you have some stocks, you understand the bond market, you have your money diversified over seven or eight different arenas, because then you’re going to be able to see cycle investing at its finest. And remember, cash or a cash equivalent, like a fiat, is part of an investment strategy.


And then you move from basket to basket. In the next 90 days, you’re going to see things with crypto that will blow your mind. And I can guarantee you, you will wish you were a part of this.


And I’m not saying this because this isn’t financial advice. This is life advice. Good, solid financial life advice is don’t get overly burdened with debt.


Buy things that make you a rate of return, right? Either monthly cash flow or you understand how something’s going to go up in the future. The thing is, all of us understand, type one, if you agree, silver should be a much higher price than it is right now. Especially after you’re watching gold go up and up and up in that silver to gold ratio expand, right? Silver is the money.


They say gold is the money of kings. But I think that silver is the money of people, of deep understanding and knowledge, of things that are hidden and that someday will be exposed. That makes sense.


The Iraqi dinar, when people invest in that, a lot of people invest in it for wild gains. Those gains have not come to pass yet. A lot of people wish that they would have, you know what? I wish I would have bought a little bit of Bitcoin back in 2009 or 2015 instead of buying all that dinar.


This is why we have to be diversified. Check this out. I don’t want to bag on these because I have both of them.


The Iraqi dinar, this just came out in the news, just hit a nine-month high against the dollar. Why? Well, the central bank of Iraq knows that their currency based on trade that they do with other countries is worth more than what other central banks or our central bank says it’s worth. It says right here, the Iraqi dinar exchange rate reaches highest levels in the past nine months with the currency strengthening against the US dollar in both the Iraqi and Kurdistan region markets.


It says despite rumors surrounding potential sanctions on Iraqi banks, the exchange rate has remained stable, providing further confidence in the resilience of the Iraqi economy. The fact of the matter is, and I think this is going to change under Donald Trump, other countries want to do deals with Iraq and they’re open to doing deals in their local currency. This is going to continue to strengthen the Iraqi dinar.


And with the latest news about the dinar going digital, that’s going to be even proven more when you actually see the blockchain transactions and who these countries are that are doing deals with Iraq. The next story I want to go over, and it has to do with silver, and this is coming from Eric Sprott. Eric Sprott’s talking about why silver price at $250 to $500 is entirely possible.


And he says, look, silver prices have been manipulated for the past five decades and a breakout with a price target of $250 to $500 is entirely possible, according to renowned investor Eric Sprott. Sprott is predicting a significant price increase due to a technical deficit where the consumption exceeds mining production. Just so you know, this has been actually happening since October 15th, I believe.


I’m sorry, October 31st, Halloween night, 2015, where demand has outstripped supply. And so with recycling getting added, silver recycling getting added into the mix, we are dwindling in numbers. But the fact of the matter is there’s no price recognition.


There’s no price discovery there. We still see a meager $32 an ounce. Now, when I first started the channel, silver was at $14.


And I told everyone, I would highly suggest people look into silver. You’ve now doubled your money. I also said, hey, check out the denar.


The denar hasn’t moved anywhere near that percentage basis. Then I also talked about buying Bitcoin, buying XRP. Those have absolutely exploded.


But the fact of the matter is if you had all three asset classes, you’d be up in all of them, some more than others. And there are so many people that are holding back and not getting this. I highly suggest you start to learn about blockchain and don’t go crazy.


Put in a little bit of money. Now, what myself and two other gentlemen are doing is we are going to expose the most decentralized cryptocurrency on earth. Once you learn about it, you understand how it works because we’re going to show you how to reach in the backside of your computer and actually touch a blockchain.


I know it sounds crazy, but this is not like your buddies that went and started a Coinbase account and bought some Bitcoin. What I’m going to teach people that have no understanding or background in crypto, it will blow your mind. It’s going to change everything.


You’re going to start to really understand how CBDCs are going to move, central bank digital currencies, which are going to be forced on people. And if you know how this is going to happen ahead of time, I gave the analogy of being able to build a device that blows things up. Right.


I had to go to train on how to build these things so that I could identify if somebody bad was doing that when I entered their house as a firefighter. All right. This is the exact same thing.


There are detonation devices built in the economy. And once you learn about how these things have been built, you’re going to understand, be able to recognize them and be able to save your finances. Does this make sense? Type yes or no if this is making sense to everybody.


The reason why I think this is so valuable, this information, is because every single person here has a pretty good understanding that governments around the world are wanting you to be poor. They want a slave class. And I don’t want that.


I want you, if you want to be successful, I want you to be as successful as you want to be. As a matter of fact, I’m probably going to try and get you to up your success level and your idea of what you can accomplish. Right.


This channel is not for quitters and people that sit there and whine and have excuses like, dad, you know, he’s the reason why you are. At a certain point, you left the house and you got to put on your big boy pants and don’t sit there and whine about, well, you don’t understand. You know, I don’t make that much money.


Copy. It’s a free world. Go apply for a new job.


This channel is not for whiners. This channel is for people that want to be successful and understand that the government doesn’t want you successful. They want you feeling just successful enough where you got just enough money to go on a vacation on the weekends, you know, once every couple of months.


But you don’t realize you’re actually drowning in debt and dying. They they want you right there. So you’re right on the edge of revolt.


Right. They want to tax you till you’re just about ready to revolt. And the fact of the matter is not only Americans, but around the world, we’ve just accepted this.


There are revolutions that were fought over 2% tax or whatever that percentage was, and people have fallen asleep. Do you guys agree? Yes or no. The fact of the matter is it’s time to wake up and we’re going to do something that the banks and the governments don’t want you to do.


And that is become part of a movement and a decentralized currency for some some times ahead that are very dangerous. I believe in the next 10 or 20 years, this is the perfect opportunity. So I’m going to put the link down below to the crypto prepper course for the price.


It’s a no brainer. And again, I want to remind you, and everyone’s been great. Only only pick up like 20 bucks, 50 bucks.


OK, if you have to and you want to go big and you want to spend 100 bucks, fine. I don’t want this price to run up. You’re going to learn in a month why we don’t want the price up.


We want everyone around the world to have a little bit in their wallet around the same price. I cannot stress this. If you speculate in this market, you’re going to get burned.


OK, and what we want to do is a collective. I will know how many people I will be able to show you. You’re going to see how many people around the world are part of this movement in real time.


You have never had an opportunity like this in the ever. Everyone’s computers will talk and they will show you data that will blow your mind and you will know unequivocally even pronounce that word right. What’s going on, unlike the manipulation in silver and the manipulation in the dollar and other currencies, the manipulation in stocks, this one you will not be able to hold back.


I woke up this morning with an excitement over the next seven days. I think there’s going to be some breakthroughs happening in all of our lives. I woke up with this feeling that people are about to have this.


Awakening in their spirits and in their minds that they’ve never had before in the next seven days. I know it sounds crazy. We’re going to see where these videos go.


But I’m telling you right now, I witnessed one of the most intelligent people on Earth, a computer coder. See what’s happening with what you guys are doing. And I’ve never seen him smile and his eyes light up like this before, because this guy is a lover of freedom.


Loves Jesus and wants to see people out of the shackles of government control. And I’m telling you right now, the first time in like eight years, I’ve never seen him act like this. You probably watching right now.


All right. Everyone say hi to J-Rod real quick. Just say, hey, J-Rod, just he’ll get it.


He’ll get the joke. All right. I’m going to leave.


I want you well diversified. All right. The governments around the world want you enslaved.


If you’re well diversified and something goes down in value, it doesn’t hurt. Okay. They can’t take down everything because they own it all too.


And they’re still using your pension money. And that’s about to dry up here in the next six months to 12 months because of how many layoffs are coming. Reform the pensions and things like that.


And they’re no longer going to be able to use your pension money in the future to Lord over you. All right, everyone. I hope you got something out of this.


The Economic Ninja is out.

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