They Are Erasing Financial History Right In Front Of Us (Uncut) 03-04-2025
So really people are operating under really bad data, but today we’ve got surprise, destroy, and rebuild going on and a lot of chaos. The history of the data is being destroyed and now really how many times can you be lied to when you do not know the truth? It was worse before. That is why my friends, I believe in gold and silver, honest money, sound money, and we fight for the community and we fight for sound money and we do it on a local basis as well as a global basis.
So with what we’re looking at now, let’s talk about the data and then let’s have this conversation because a lot of things are happening. The attack on the bureaucracy and the changes that are being made hides a history and that history apparently doesn’t seem to be held anywhere. And that’s a bit of a problem because statisticians call on Congress to help preserve data integrity.
Honestly, the integrity of the data wasn’t great before because what they do, politicians, they change formulas, they don’t change behavior. And I would say that that is also true today. The behavior is the same, they’re just changing the formulas and how they’re approaching it.
But if we can’t agree that the data is credible, valid, objective, then that undermines civil discourse, the ability to discuss what’s really happening and how you’re really feeling. And it makes a confused mind and a confused mind says no. And so people are kind of frozen, but don’t freeze because we need to maintain.
It’s been important. It is as important today or more important than it has ever been that we are as independent and self-sufficient with a sound money foundation because this is a huge fight that we are in. And this is your bazooka.
This is your bazooka, intangible currencies. This is a pen knife. This is nothing.
It’s going to zero. It should be pretty obvious. But I want to show you the statistics between 2012 and 2022 because there are a lot of industries that are dependent upon that government data and how are they going to be able to use it now? We’ve got internet publishing, management consulting, scientific and technical companies, market research and public opinion, real estate, and new syndicates.
And look at how much that they have grown in dependence, even though that data wasn’t good, it was consistent as it moved forward. So the average dependence on government data in the last 10 years, between 2012 and 2022, has grown 168%. So what happens to all of those companies? And remember too, data is the new real estate, right? Data is what’s important.
Your data, my data, everybody’s data. And it’s being, well, obviously manipulated prior to this, but now a lot of that is also being hidden. Can you see how convoluted in the problem that it can happen? Because disappearing US data dims the economic outlook.
And maybe that’s why we’re seeing interest rates plummet right now, right? That’s what’s happening. The markets are convulsing. It should be just the opposite, but it’s not.
If government data becomes less available, trusted or dependable, well, I don’t really trust it. But then again, I’m reading their data all the time. Then garbage in will increasingly become the norm.
And as every computer scientist knows, that inevitably leads to garbage out. Maybe this is good because maybe it’s cleaning everything, but we have no data to work with to begin with. We don’t.
It was garbage before, it’s more garbage now, and we can’t go back and track anything. So the question is, how many times can you be lied to when you do not know the truth? So how do you know where to go to get the truth? My friends, this is the truth. Sound money is simple, easy to understand.