There’s Only 0.04% of USA’s GOLD Left. (Uncut) 03-12-2025
There’s Only 0.04% of USA’s GOLD Left. Can Trump Buy it Back For $42? | Mike Maloney
This is the story of America’s gold. They talk about auditing this, auditing that. If anything is missing, that is going to really be something.
But there is a reason that they keep this shrouded in secrecy. There’s a reason that they have just blown off senators and congressmen that are requesting a real audit of the Federal Reserve System and the U.S. gold stocks. There’s less than 0.04 percent of the gold that is still owned by the United States of America with no lien against it.
Does the Federal Reserve own or hold gold? The answer is simple. No. They own a lien on all of America’s gold except 0.04 percent rounded.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt. He doesn’t look like a criminal, does he? But then again, these politicians never do. So when he signed the executive order nationalizing, not confiscating, nationalizing all of America’s gold, the gold held by the public, it required on or before May 1st, 1933, that all gold coin, gold bullion, and gold certificates, that’s going to be important in this video, be turned over to any Federal Reserve Bank branch or agency or to any member bank of the Federal Reserve System.
Going further, this is the American Presidency Project, going into the text, what you see here is, for the purposes of this regulation the term hoarding shall mean the withdrawal of gold coin, gold bullion, or gold certificates from the recognized customary channels of trade. So hoarding. I’ve always found this interesting.
They want you to take their promises to pay nothing, their Federal Reserve notes, and hoard them. They call that saving. But if you save gold, you’re a nasty hoarder.
So all persons are required to turn it over. But going down here to section 4, upon the receipt of the gold coin, bullion, or gold certificates delivered to it in accordance with these sections, the Federal Reserve or member bank will pay, therefore, an equivalent amount of any other form of coin or currency coined or issued under the laws of the United States. So they’ll take your IOU, the IOUs that you’re holding from the government that are IOU something, and they’re going to give you an IOU nothing in return for it.
And that IOU nothing, you know, a Federal Reserve note, you can always go in and get changed. So you can get other Federal Reserve notes for it. But it’s not redeemable in anything.
You know, when we were in Hong Kong, we were going to do a video, we recorded a video of me going to the, there’s an address of the Hong Kong Shanghai Bank that issues all of the Hong Kong dollars. And I went in there and we filmed trying to redeem it because it says you can bring it to that address and redeem this bill. The teller had no idea what I was talking about.
He just didn’t get it. It was beyond his imagination. So was Roosevelt a criminal? Well, I believe that he did something that was treasonous.
This is the National Constitution Center. And when you jump down in the Constitution to Section 10, you know, this is, Article 1 contains all the most important stuff that the framers of the Constitution thought should be in there. This is what they wanted to communicate to future generations.
And it says, no state shall, and then emit bills of credit. Well, what is a Federal Reserve note? What is bank credit? Or make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts. So the only thing that can be used as money is money, not credit.
That is specifically what this is saying. And Roosevelt outlawed money breaking, violating the Constitution. I believe he committed treason.
I believe that Roosevelt was a master criminal, basically. But he really didn’t know what he was doing. You know, his chief financial advisor was James Warburg.
Who is James Warburg? The son of Paul Warburg. Sort of an evil looking character, isn’t he? Paul Warburg was the chief architect of the Federal Reserve System. He is the one that really created, in the Federal Reserve Act, he was the one that created the way that the Federal Reserve was going to work.
He was very high up in Kuhn Loeb Bank. Kuhn Loeb was one of the world’s largest banks. I can’t remember what they’ve merged into since, but he was one of the members on Jekyll Island that created the Federal Reserve System.
So Paul Warburg was Roosevelt’s chief financial advisor. So the son of the guy that created the Federal Reserve was the financial advisor to Roosevelt. And why is that important? Well, to give you an idea of who Paul Warburg was and how he thought, here’s a quote from later in his life.
We shall have world government, whether you like it or not, by conquest or consent. Whoa. Anyway, so here’s Roosevelt signing the executive order nationalizing all of the American citizens’ gold and taking away our constitutional money.
And nobody knows who penned this, but I can bet, I mean, I can guess that it was under the direction, it’s a bunch of attorneys and stuff, but it’s under the direction of this guy, Paul Warburg. And he’s protecting his father’s creation, the Federal Reserve System. Because, I mean, why would they go to all this trouble? Why make gold illegal? Gold is the most inert, I mean, they can’t trust us citizens with this dangerous element, gold, that is so inert.
It doesn’t do anything. It doesn’t corrode. It’s a wonderful metal that, because of its properties, is so non-dangerous.
You know, they made teeth out of it for many, many years. You can still get gold teeth. So you can put it in your mouth and you can live your entire lifetime without it doing anything to your body.
So why would they see this as so dangerous that they have to nationalize it? Well, gold was our base currency at the time. It was our base money, I’m sorry. It was our base money, but they had issued a bunch of national fiat currency, Federal Reserve notes.
And at first, these notes, this is a 1928, and they were redeemable in gold coin on demand at the United States Treasury. Now I find that interesting. Federal Reserve saying, here’s my IOU, the Treasury will pay you.
It’s like me issuing an IOU and saying, my neighbor will pay you. They’re not one in the same. But it’s redeemable in gold on demand at United States Treasury or in gold coin or lawful money, lawful money, meaning that this is not lawful money at any Federal Reserve Bank.
So what is this? This is, you know, it’s awful money, not lawful money. It’s unlawful money. It’s national fiat currency.
It is not money, it’s currency. But it was redeemable in money. The problem was under the Federal Reserve Act, there was a 40% reserve ratio.
So for every $100 bill they put in circulation or $100 worth of bills that they put into circulation, the Federal Reserve, the Treasury only had two $20 gold pieces to back that up. And so it was a lie. It was a fraud.
And now when people start withdrawing gold coins and taking them home, it threatens to expose the lie. That is why gold was dangerous. It wasn’t dangerous to us.
It was dangerous to these lying, cheating politicians and the people that run the Federal Reserve. So what was the lawful money? It’s a gold coin or lawful money. What is the lawful money? It’s this.
This is in the chapter one of my book, The Great Gold and Rush of the 21st Century. This is a U.S. Treasury note. This certifies that there have been deposited in the Treasury of the United States of America $10,000 in gold coin payable to the bearer on demand.
So you could take this receipt for gold, this currency, and go in and redeem it for your money, gold. Gold was money. The Federal Reserve notes, this is an IOU money.
The Federal Reserve notes were the Treasury owes you money, but there’s actually only 40% of it there. We’ve printed a whole bunch more IOUs than we actually had gold to back it up. So when they nationalized gold, what happened to it? Well, we already saw that the Federal Reserve printed up some notes and bought it from you.
So they printed up the notes that weren’t redeemable in gold. They called back all of the gold notes, these Treasury gold notes and the Federal Reserve gold notes. Those were to be turned over to the Federal Reserve.
So the Federal Reserve was buying the gold from the American public with Federal Reserve nots, the IOU nothings. And then the Treasury turned around and bought the gold from the Federal Reserve. And these notes were printed up that certify that there’s been deposited in the Treasury of the United States of America $100,000 in gold payable to the bearer on demand or as authorized by law.
So at first, this is a 1934 $100,000 gold note. Now these never entered circulation. They were strictly between the Fed and the Treasury, but that was replaced.
And I’ll show you that in a moment. But so getting back to the Department of the Treasury’s report on the gold reserves, if you jump down to the bottom, there’s the $11,041,000,000 at the statutory rate of $42.29, which is 42.22222 out into infinity, and it never stops with the twos. So it’s an irrational number because you cannot resolve this number.
It goes on for infinity. And so, I mean, it totally makes sense. An irrational government created an irrational an irrational number for the price of gold.
It’s the government is totally irrational, and this is a stupid price. But what’s important here? The gold reserves held by the Department of the Treasury is partially offset by a liability for gold certificates issued to the Federal Reserve banks at the statutory rate, which Treasury may redeem at any time. So there’s $11,041,000,000.
Let’s take a look at a little bit deeper in there. Gold certificates are book entry transactions, so they no longer use those $100,000 bills. It’s book entry transactions that represents the monetization of government-owned gold at its par value of $42.222 per fine-try ounce.
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York issues and redeems gold certificates, so they both issue them and they redeem them on behalf of the U.S. Department of the Treasury. The value of the gold certificates is credited to the Treasury’s general account, the TGA, and is used for the general operating expenses of the federal government. So a long time ago, $11,000,000,000 was added to the Treasury’s account and they spent it.
Now, moving further down this thing, background. The gold certificates represent a Treasury liability to the Federal Reserve Banks, since the Federal Reserve has loaned cash to the federal government with gold as the collateral. Gold is the collateral.
So what is the Federal Reserve? If the gold is the collateral, that means the Federal Reserve is some big pawn shop. That’s all it is. It’s a pawn shop.
If you go to a pawn shop, now I’ve only been in a pawn shop one time and it was just next door to another store and I was looking at the stuff in it. I’ve never used a pawn shop. But people go to pawn shops in desperation for a loan and they loan something of value to the pawn shop.
They get cash. They’ve got a certain number of days where they can go and redeem their claim check, pay the cash back plus interest, and get their valued object back. Most people are unable to pay it back and they lose the valuable item, which is then sold.
So the Federal Reserve is acting as a pawn shop to the US government here and then it goes into the account and gets spent. So moving on, there’s something that happened in 2001. The US Mint, the Fiscal Service, and the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve updated reporting procedures when the new demonetization policy became effective in 2001.
To affect the demonetization policy, Fiscal Service requested that the Federal Reserve Banks redeem gold certificates for 100,000 fine troy ounces of gold. And so at the $42.222 it equals $4,222,222.22. I’ll stop doing that in a moment. But it looks as though to me that the Treasury can redeem all of the gold certificate account by just paying back the $11.37, this number $4,222,222 is important as you’ll see in just a moment.
But if they they can buy back the title, the lien on that gold by paying $11,037,000,000 to the Federal Reserve, I believe, and then we really have the gold. But right now, right now the gold is not there. Even if it’s there, it’s not there.
There’s a lien on it. Somebody else has a lien against America’s gold. So here is the Federal Reserve’s, so Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, sorry, Federal Reserve Balance Sheet Factors Affecting Reserve Balances.
It’s the H.4.1 release. And we scroll down here and we can see gold stock $11,041,000,000. That’s the entire U.S. gold stock.
That’s all of America’s gold. But if we scroll down to the very bottom of this sheet, you’ll see the gold certificate account is $11,037,000,000. What’s the difference? It’s that $4,220,222.2222 dollars that they demonetized when the Fed redeemed 100,000 troy ounces.
So what percentage is that that has not been pledged, that is actually U.S. owned gold that does not have a lien against it? What percentage is that? So $11,037,000,000 is what percentage of $11,041,000,000? And it is 99.9637. So, you know, this is huge. There’s less than 0.04 percent of the gold that is still owned by the United States of America with no lien against it. It is 0.0362 something or other.
This goes on for quite a few digits. So anyway, this is the story of America’s gold. They talk about auditing this, auditing that.
If anything is missing, that is going to really be something. But there is a reason that they keep this shrouded in secrecy. There’s a reason that they have just blown off senators and congressmen that are requesting a real audit of the Federal Reserve System and the U.S. gold stocks.
So, the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, does the Federal Reserve own or hold gold? The answer is simple. No, they own a lien on all of America’s gold except 0.04 percent rounded. I want to thank you for watching.
We’ll see you next time.