Economists Uncut

There Is Nothing More UNJUST Than Fiat Currency… (Uncut) 02-15-2025

There Is Nothing More UNJUST Than Fiat Currency…

Today is a really exciting day for me you guys know that I sit on The Advisory Board of the sound money movement and I’m trying to work and help create a global sound money movement as well today we have Daniel Diaz the executive director of The Sound money movement and a lobbyist he is a fervent advocate for civil liberties and Financial Freedom and he comes from that honestly being a first generation Cuban americ his family had to immigrate and lose everything in order to come and find this Freedom

which he’s seeing is now being whittel away he has dedicated his career to empowering individuals through financial education and political activism and as part of this board that’s where I come in as well for the education that I can bring cuz I’ve been studying s money since I was four years old I am so excited to have this conversation and invite you too to join us in this movement Daniel thank you so much for being here today thank you for having me onette um so I’m the executive director of citizens for S money and our mission

is to promote the use of sound money and protect people’s rights to do so and the way we protect people’s rights to use sound money is through Blobby and legislation last year with our group of uh organizations our Coalition of organizations that were lobbying for sound money um sound money Defense League economic war room and Missouri Freedom initiative we were able to get S money legislation in 27 states of those 27 States SE only seven states passed something and most of them got rid of either capital gains tax or sales tax

the only state that made gold and silver legal tender last year was Louisiana so last year our citizens for sell money our number one priority was Florida because Florida is the third largest economy in the country and the 14th largest in the world so we put most of our time and resources and last year we were able to lobby and and uh touch and explain sound money principles and the sound money act um to about almost a 100 legislators and and and executive branch um officers that are appointed and

elected thank goodness we did that last year our bill what we called an omnius Bill had everything in the kitchen sink that depository electronic currency legal tender anti-concentration month mid February end of February so we’re excited because on December 11th the CFO uh Jimmy petronis put out a press release saying that he was supporting the study bill and so for what’s been coming out of it and making gold and silver legal tender he was all over Fox News and talking about making gold and silver legal

tender in the State of Florida so on the legislative side we’re hearing a lot of great feedback we’re hearing from leadership which is the most important thing uh when you’re lobbying leadership is basically the Speaker of the House and Senate President and the governor three people that basically determine what’s going to happen and what’s going to pass through a state legislature and and thank goodness we did all the leg work last year because the only people we really needed to talk to this year

were the freshmen I think there was 26 freshmen uh most of the legislature already knows about the uh the bill last year and we have a only a paired down version this year all we have is making gold and silver physical and digital legal tender and then we have a separate repealer bill get that gets rid of the sales tax in Florida Florida is only one of five states that still has um sales tax and it’s the only Republican state that has sales tax and of the five states it’s the most aggressive because

it only charges sales tax on those who buy $500 or less if you f buy $500 in one cent worth of precious metals there’s no sales tax that disproportionately affects those who can’t afford to buy that more than $500 worth of gold and silver so that bill looks like it’s going to uh shoot right through the legislature the the repeal of the gold and silver yeah fingers crossed fingers crossed but one of the things that you said was that they didn’t make it a priority right yeah and so is there a level of Education or why

do you think that these politicians have not made this a priority well so last year I I I lobbied in New Hampshire South Carolina Florida and Missouri and I and I phone calls with other legislators and 90% of my job was sitting down we get 15 minutes that’s basically it as a lobbyist we get 15 minutes with legislators and 10 of those 15 minutes was explaining Economic Policy explaining what money is uh when we were on the gold standard what’s happened to the dollar since we got off the gold standard so most of my job last

year was an educator and we’ve done a great job in Florida we’ educated most of the legislature so we don’t have to redo that except for the Freshman um and that’s the number one thing and that’s why citizens sell money we started the sound money movement and we thank you Lynette for joining as an Advisory Board member for the sound money movement which is our Education Foundation the the mission of of sound money movement is to educate all generations on the necessity of sound money principles for

a free a free economy and Society to exist so we’re working with you and David Morgan and John Williams from Shadow stats and Nathan Lewis um from econom uh I think it’s called New Economic world I forget his his foundation but he’s a fellow uh the brown Brownstone Institute uh he’s an economist we’re going to recreate curriculum and provide free education to provide financial literacy and sound money um education so that people know what money really is and how to save and invest their money properly yeah that

that is critically important because sound money has been Tau away from us and how many generations have been born that never had gold or silver as part of their money because we started doing away with that in the 60s with President Johnson and it was amazing to me that he even came out and said if you try and hoard that silver we’re going to crash that market so a sitting P president admitting to manipulate the markets but it’s that education piece right and and talked about that in a recent meeting where we

need to create these pieces of education for grade school high school college and the government 100% yeah one of the most successful events that we partnered with economic war room was a legislative dinner it was during committee weeks in October of 2023 and we had about 34 legislators from the house and the Senate show up and Kevin Freeman and myself I spoke spoke briefly Kevin did the presentation gave a history of money in the United States going back to the colonial times where you know they printed infinite uh

cash and yeah and our founding fathers hated uh paper money and that’s why they put gold and silver in the Constitution exactly a perfect example and uh you know not it’s not worth the Continental came from Washington because they printed so many Continentals they couldn’t even buy shoes for the Continental Army so we it was a a history of money then the gold and silver standard the Federal Reserve and then what’s happened to money today and that was so um powerful because we were able to hit like a a shotgun blast

basically a third or quarter of the legislature in Florida so that’s a a program an initiative and in the sound money movement that we are uh going to be deploying um either this session or next session because sessions already started so it’s going to be a program that we’re going to start implementing once we have the funding and we’re fundraising for that right now through the sound money movement in CTI sound money but to go back to your make sure and put that link below if you so that people can can participate and you know

when you’re looking at I know this is what I’ve been encouraging people to do because it’s what I do for me is I look in the mirror and I go if not me who if not now when so the individuals we need to we were talking about a Grassroots and and a top down at the same time movement could you go into that a little bit more and give people an idea of what they can do so they don’t feel powerless and let somebody else do it we have to participate we have to make this change absolutely so for those of of your

viewers that don’t know the the government process yeah there’s how to make a bill I forget the cartoon you know you get the representative that creates a bill and so forth that’s true to an extent um the reality today is that in every legislature the 27 states that we had uh sound money legislation of those 20 states that failed when we we debrief with our our different Coalition teams it always came down to three people that killed legislation it was either the governor vetoing it it was the Senate President killing

legislation or the Speaker of the House killing legislation that’s that’s the top uh the top approach right so the the way that you influence leadership is um you know you can Lobby and build a relation with them or the in the United States and citizens united they created the Super PAC system and the large corporations they have control of most of the legislature the insurance Lobby the banking Lobby I mean you name it big a is huge in Florida Missouri where we were lobbying they have huge uh lobbies

and then they pay money to their packs and do fundraisers for them and and gain influence right so in politics it’s it’s 90 % about access when you give lot lots of funds now these po these politicians they don’t guarantee a vote but look it’s human nature if somebody gave me half of my finances to run a campaign I might lean towards voting for their legislation so that’s a top down approach and what we’ve done at CI for sell money our our late founder Jim foresight um him and I before he passed

away started realizing this when we were lobbying in New Hampshire and Florida and and South Carolina and we’re like look we we’re going to need to create a super pack and it isn’t just donating it’s also running campaigns so super packs can actually run um uh campaigns uh and support sound money Advocates that’s kind of our mission with the superpack to support sound money Advocates to get into office or to oppose those who have been fighting against us if like there is one person that’s been in office because there’s no

term limits for 20 years that might be something we might do in the future um but that’s that’s where Jim and I discussed like look we need to create a super pack um so we created a super pack called economic freedom pack um and that’s the top down approach now our our bread and butter which is what uh myself and and the other organizations that we’ve been working with is the bottom up approach which is Grassroots raising awareness to the constituents to make phone calls show up at the capital send letters make emails

and that is extremely important because you can’t just just do top down alone or bottom up alone you need both you you need to get access and and let the leaders know like Hey we’re serious about helping people in your state we’re serious about in my my phrasing saving America from the Fiat system you know because it the your viewers know this but the printing of infinite currency steals the wealth of the people redistributes it to the the rich who it’s called Calon effect those who are closest to the printing of the currency

get the best benefit in the full purchasing power and then it trickles down through the spending of the government spending in large corporations so you know that’s the top down approach we get to leadership we explain we get more time with them typically and we explain the whole issue um and then from the bottom up approach we’re whipping votes so an example in Missouri we Patrick Holland was supposed to be on the show but he had a family emergency but we at the uh CI on money and um in the uh Missouri Freedom

initiative we were get whipping votes and and get making sure that the legislators are going to vote Yes or No and then we had multiple uh volunteers show up at the cital we all started going to all the different legislators asking hey how are you going to vote on this bill do you have any questions about the bill and that’s extremely important too look making phone calls is great and there there’s a statistic for for advocacy when you send an email an email represents about 50 votes making a phone call represents about 100 150

votes sending in a handwritten letter is about a thousand votes and I’m telling you that’s the most effective uh because legislators don’t get handwritten notes anymore you know and I’ve asked probably 15 different legislators I’m like if you get a handwritten Note versus an email what are you going to read he’s like absolutely the letter and I’m going to put a little more effort into it and when you show up to the capital you represent about 5 to 10,000 votes so that’s the most effective way because

people that constituents who spend their time and effort invol volunteer to go speak about an issue that’s the biggest impact and that’s when you bring the issues right in front of the legislature so citizens sell money we we have we we did a bottomup approach last year before we had our super pack now we have the super pack and we’re looking to do some fundraisers for um for leadership and and getting involved in the at least the the Super PAC in the political process to try to bring some money legislation

and and help get uh some money Advocates elected so do you have um you know on a state-by-state basis or are you focusing on certain States first and then how would I mean we’ll put all of the links for people getting involved because it’s it’s critical I’ve been talking about building a community and and this is it this is Statewide is what we’re talking about but it also has to be Global as well doesn’t it yeah 100% so we have uh citizens sell money Turkey um we also have citizens from sound money Israel

we’re looking to open up Canada and and Australia and we’re also doing Australia sorry I can help with Australia excellent yeah every time I go to Australia it’s like my work goes to a new level so yeah I love Australians and Australia New Zealand yeah I have contacts there we could do that excellent I’m looking forward to it um you know and this is global uh CI for S money is doing a TV show that’s going to be a have a global impact um it’s going to air on a network uh here in the United States and then it’s going to

we’re going to go on the the the what is streaming platforms that it’s going to have a global impact and it’s all about educating about sound money uh similar to I love Mike Maloney Mike Malone is one of my heroes I met him last year in in Porto Rico I loved his hidden secrets of money and it’s kind of that kind of that idea where it’s the history money the current state money the future money and that’s where season one of our TV show is going to be uh educating people about what is money and it’s going to be

made for National Television so it’s going to have some personal stories and so forth I think you’ve seen some some of the footage of the that we’ve been creating so um but yeah sorry what was your question I I well you know there are people that are listening to this and they’ll be all over the world quite honestly and in the US they’ll be in a whole bunch of different states right and we need people to come together in community to support these efforts so so how do they do that I mean we’ll have

the links and everything but how does the individual actually know what you’re working on and how they can get involved in their state absolutely so if you go to Citizens the number four sound there is become a member we have a Pioneer membership when you sign up to be a Pioneer you get legislative updates uh quarterly from me uh updating you on Via video and then every week right now it’s every week I give a legislative update on what’s Happening uh across the country um you you also get access to

something called metal markup that gives you some of the cheapest uh boole on prices online um it’s a it’s a a benefit only uh membership and that’s something that’s that that Jim foresight before he passed away he was able to acquire somebody who created this uh this algorithm and uh we we made it into a a membership but we have communications um we have YouTube so our YouTube YouTube channel is at for the number four sound money same thing with our Twitter handle we post updates on Twitter at 4 uh sound

money and if you sign up yeah it’ll be underneath and if you sign up uh for our newsletter you’ll get our newsletter as well so that’s one way and one thing that I’ve committed I had a phone call with an activist in Illinois last night who wants to try to bring s money to Illinois and he I I gave him pointers I said hey this is what you need to do sessions are ready the only only thing that can happen now if your your legislature hasn’t filed a bill is that you can actually amend a bill and add a

completely another bill onto it so I I have a meeting on Friday with the New Hampshire delegation we worked with last year um and we’re looking to do something similar there we’re we’re looking to do something in Illinois so if you are interested in bringing some money legislation to your state you can contact us by at support citizens or you can call our phone number it’ll ring our vo system and it’ll actually ring me at 877 7491 1776 87774925103 we can actually create a Grassroots movement of of sound money advocates in

each state in the country so if you want to become part of the sound money movement in the Grassroots movement for sell money join the Pioneer membership today you’ll get access to um updates you’ll have access to me um and you also have access to some of our member benefits as well yeah and you’ll have access to me too because I’m part of The Advisory Board I’m very happy cuz you know if not me who if not now when and and why is it in your mind that it’s so critically important to be participating in sound money I mean

we’ve been off the sound money system really since 1913 but specifically since 1971 and I was there I remember what that was didn’t understand what was happening at the time but definitely lived through it yeah while I was lobing across the country I came across people like in New Hampshire um the manager of the hotel I was staying at um we were talking she looked exhausted we were just uh discussing and she was working three jobs to just make ‘s meet and I was asking you know she she looked frustrated the next day she overslept in

the parking lot before she went to her Dunkin Donuts job I’m like when do you sleep I don’t she said and then in Missouri the last week of of session um I just finished meeting with a chief of staff for one of the Senators that how helped us get to the Senate and I called an Uber and the Uber driver drove by and I noticed she was an older lady she came back and it was a brand new Escalade and I started that just open up a conversation like you know why are you driving she’s like I can’t survive off

of my my husband’s she’s a widow my husband’s Social Security and my security in pensions anymore this is I drive to eat 78% of Americans almost four to five Americans are living paycheck to paycheck and don’t have ,000 to the name and they don’t know why we know why it’s because we got off the gold and silver standard and then the government just started printing currency into Oblivion and stealing the wealth of the people when we’re on a Fiat economic standard it it’s a way I mean John Mayor Kane said that not one

in a million men will know the theft or detect the theft they’re stealing from right under us and that’s why it’s so important to learn about sound money and start a sound money movement so that we can give the wealth back to the people and give people power in their finances once again so you’re seeing a shift I’m seeing a reset from one system one Fiat system and they want to push us into another Fiat system which is digital and gives them even more control because at least this is classified as debt that

doesn’t charge or pay interest but it does charge you inflation to your point and I have a table that we’ll put up with uh income average income in 1913 1971 and I just updated it yesterday yest so it’s it’s very very current I think it was something like over 700 if you were just paid in Gold the same amount that your income right now would be over 700 something thousand a family of four can definitely survive at this point I don’t think that’s always going to be true to be perfectly honest with you

because I I think we’re going into hyperinflation but how does this fit in with the transition from one system into the next system and and how can the sound money movement influence that so with the new you know um cbdcs or crypto currencies like stable coins and so forth we’re basically just a derivative of the dollar um you know it’s interesting what the world is doing when JP Morgan Chase Bank of America the bis are talking about using stable coins or making their own digital currency you need to question why um they’re not

doing it for the goodness of humanity they’re doing it for their pocketbooks so um what I love blockchain technology and blockchain technology is the only reason why we’re able to now create asset back digital currencies that are on to one peg to gold and silver you have um load kesis you have tether gold Pax G and these are are the tokens are kind of like um back in the history of our country there were Supreme Court cases where states were recognizing privately issued uh paper certificates uh that were minted by

private Banks private corporations exactly and the states have the authority to recognize currency backed by gold and silver and also electronic currency back by gold and silver which is what we’re doing with our legislation we want to make gold and physical gold and silver and digital gold and silver and that that is sound money and and that’s part of what our T TV show is doing as well because it is pegged to sound money and it’s redeemable for physical gold and silver as well and that’s the most important part yeah

Daniel that’s the piece right exactly the piece because if you cannot convert that digital currency into the physical gold and silver and remove it from the currency that’s what gives the public the power around these politicians right because if we can’t redeem it and pull it out and create restrictions and fiscal responsibility we have no control we get what we get yeah 100% And as a necessity and our in our legislation we say that the electronic currency is backed one to one um and it has to be redeemable for

physical gold and silver otherwise what’s the point of having an electronic currency is no different than the dollar and it’s perpetuating the current system right um so I think that that’s why the time is now because of this Administration he is not only very Pro crypto he also is appointing really strong sound money um Advocates into his government as well and you know Trump he loves gold you know so um I think that this is the time now that we can make a push or sound money because of how much

it has affect the global population on how the the the the wealth disparity Gap is widening between the rich and the poor and the middle class is disappearing and falling into that poor class in fact for for your history Buffs I mean John Mayor kanes talked about it he was quoting um uh was it Lennon he was quoting lennin about how they were planning on using this printing of currency in central banks to steal the wealth and destroy the American economy I mean it’s I don’t want to go down the rabbit hole you know uh G Griffin

through the creatur of J creature of jaal Island great book with a lot of references that to history and what’s going on but um but right now is the best time you know I was listening to um JP Cortez he was on I forget what network he was on the 20th of of January he was talking about um how last the last few years they’ve been in in in they’ve existed for 11 years it’s been so difficult for them to get legislators to accept sound money but for some reason and I I know what the reason is it’s just what’s happening with

inflation and what’s going on economic Ally legislators are listening they’re a lot more open to to taking on sell money legislation because the in my opinion the Fiat economic system Keynesian economics has failed oh of course I think we’re seeing the death of Fiat and that’s why they’re running to create a digital version and the cbdc is the worst version of Fiat possible because it it isn’t just the printing and stealing of wealth it’s surveillance it it it could it could like in China they can limmit who where you go um to

spend your money and there’s so many things that that can go wrong with the cbdc now thank God president Trump has said he under his administration cbdcs will not exist um but what’s going to happen in four years what’s going to happen in 10 years we have four years to make this country a sound money country and give the power back to the people over their finances and we’re not saying replace the Federal Reserve System we’re not saying that we’re saying give the people the option to run alongside the

Federal Reserve System and put their wealth into gold and silver to preserve it well that makes a whole lot of sense and you know they they make these Transitions and I did this in an interview this morning is like well wow I knew that but I never thought of it like that so here there and this is how they do it and this is how they would usher in and they could call it a digital dollar because the name the dollar is on this $20 1 o gold coin and you had the sil the gold certificate the $20 gold certificate and then you

also had the $20 Federal Reserve Note and all of these things ran at the same time at the same purchasing power value so everybody got used to it when they took the gold out of the system these two things went away but this stayed and so people didn’t think that anything had changed when in reality everything had had changed and they’re doing it to us again with the digital currencies because in my very strong opinion very very strong having studied currency life cycles since 1987 I 100% knew that the current system

died in 2008 and I don’t think it was a surprise if you read that 1996 NSA white paper on how to create a mint that Bitcoin was born in January of 2009 and then quantitative easing was born in March of 2009 how much of this Fiat would have gone into physical gold and silver had Bitcoin not been created and what do they do they call it digital gold yeah right you know look at how close that looks right I know and this is nothing this is air yeah yeah you know I I before I became executive director or legislative

director then executive director C for some money I was a blockchain consultant and crypto Miner and um I I heard about within the the the Skeptics of cryptocurrency about how they believe that the government created uh Bitcoin and all that I didn’t really give much Credence to it until the last I don’t know 6 months 6 months to a year I started thinking like man cryptocurrency is 100% dependent upon the capital injection of Fiat everything is all cryptocurrency except for those Peg to Gold and Silver and other real world

assets there’s other ones out there with real estate and so forth but let’s just talk about cryptocurrencies that aren’t real backed by real world assets I mean it’s 100% dependent upon the injection of capital um and I’m like man they can print the Bitcoin Reserve Act yeah it’s great if you own Bitcoin but they’re looking to buy I think it was one or two million Bitcoins or something like that I mean all they got to do is print fat and then injected into it I mean it’s I’m questioning I mean look I I I think

bit blockchain technology not so much Bitcoin and all that I think Bitcoin is the best of all of them but I think blockchain technology was the the the world changing technology that allows us to own electronic digital assets that is what uh blockchain technology did and that’s why we’re able to digitally own gold and silver and so forth and actually own it not have a third- party um administrator like an exchange or or Bank uh Monitor and actually have the real control with transactions that’s the beauty of of

blockchain it’s peer-to-peer like gold and silver and you can actually digitally own it because of the the the way that Satoshi Nakamoto created the signature process um but I’ve been questioning a lot lately about uh cryptocurrency and then you know we’re going to delve into this I’m still I used to be a Bitcoin Maxi now I’m just Bitcoin is the best of all the cryptocurrencies um but i’ I’ve been evolving you know I think growth is challenging your own beliefs and and questioning like what is really going on

so I’m I’m I still I don’t believe cryptocurrencies sound money unless it’s pegged to sell money um and there’s a lot of Bitcoin Maxis that qu that say Bitcoin is the Ultimate Sound money because it’s scarce at 21 million I mean yeah it’s it’s it’s an interesting concept but um it’s too volatile right like I’m thinking about the the woman in the Uber and and the woman at the hotel in New Hampshire and if they put their money and retirement into the Bitcoin and it does one of these 10% swings they

won’t be able to pay their their their uh bills or eat um with gold yeah gold and silver fluctuate but not 10% it does maybe half a perent 1% here and there and it’s stable and it keeps up with inflation and that’s a completely different thing and that’s something we had to discuss with legislators well doesn’t gold and silver fluctuate yeah but if you look on the long-term charts it always goes up and keeps up with inflation so it’s it’s it’s interesting uh the whole concept that Bitcoin was created by the government um and I I

think what you said was was interesting from 1996 2009 and nobody knows who created bitcoin it’s it’s a mystery but and we but if you also look at the markets that have developed around cryptocurrencies it’s it’s trading it’s risk on baby that’s what it is it’s risk on and yeah pegging is different than backing pegging means that they’re tying it to some price that is easy to manipulate so when you’re talking about you know gold and silver fluctuates it’s a trading Market if you go to the physical only market and I know you were

talking about buling and a lot of people do talk about buling I personally having lived through that right this is my personal experience I do not personally buy bullion in fact I don’t want anything that I can hold inside of an IRA except maybe for some silver because it’s because it gets used up in industry but this if you go to the physical only Market a lot less volatile and this is constitutional money like this is constitutional money right so we should not be really shortsighted because for me I have a

real concern around confiscation and it’s very easy to confiscate because most of the gold that people hold are inside of their IRA and the eminent domain laws tell us the government can take anything they just just have to pay you fair value do you really think that 28 or $33,000 is fair value for one ounce of gold $28 you mean 28 $2,800 100 2800 I mean right now well 2840 2850 no you think and I need to talk a little bit more about fundamental value I mean you know I have been born and groomed for this moment moment in

time and I don’t know too many other people and maybe you do that have been studying currency life cycles since 1987 and we see these repeatable patterns and and right now there is a rash of confiscation that’s going on and it’s been happening to you and that woman that you met in the Uber and that woman at the hotel since the day we were born because inflation is not a monetary phenomenon it is a Fiat money phenomenon and when they were creating the system they even said I mean read the documents

it’s there they even said well if people have to work more to sustain their standard of living they’ll have left less time to watch what we’re doing so I want a more honest system for my children and for our grandchildren and for for the future because the system that I see being put in place is full surveillance we’re going back to feudal times where you just have a couple of people that own everything and everybody else has to rent right yep you’re never going to have a future if you’re stuck in that

position and that is a big concern of mine and even I I like the blockchain because it strings ownership but I’m going to tell you right now I am putting my I’m not tokenizing this I’m not doing it they’re going to have to really force me to do it before I would because I don’t want the beauty for me is how invisible this is even though I’m holding it yeah I know I I love the fact I have quite a bit of physical myself uh yeah I have quite a bit of physical myself I have a good portion in digital

UMC as executive director one of the CTI have money one of the things that we promote is asset back digital currencies so I have a little bit of money in a bunch of different systems that are digital um and they’re volted audited and insured um but you’re right ultimately are they all convertible they’re all convertible correct that’s a key that’s a key yeah yeah like uh Kinesis I think it’s uh 200 o of silver 100 gram of gold to to minimum to convert um load it’s 1 o um orus it’s 1 o as well so there’s a bunch of

different platforms out there where it’s convertible um like if it’s like there was a I forget there was some project out there that was pegged to Gold but it wasn’t convertible I’m like that’s not really S I wouldn’t call that sound money cuz what’s the point what’s the point of owning an asset that you can’t get physically so um you know I don’t I didn’t invest in that into that project but you know what that’s a thing that I know in the gold and silver community that they say if you don’t hold it you

don’t own it yep but you know I’ve been looking at the statistics on on X we we make posts and I look $60 70% of the people that are looking at our sound money posts are between the ages of 20 and 29 I mean that’s a young demographic that’s yay yay yeah 100% I’m excited that we’re getting the the the Youth of this country to to look learn and listen to what we’re doing um and they don’t deal with physical they’re all digital I mean the the younger Generations It’s All Digital and I would have to disagree

with that because I’m actually watching around the world the transition of the young it gives me so much hope you have no idea but the transition of the younger generation that are realizing that what they’ve been told is a lie now they are certainly a lot more comfortable with the digital system um than certainly I am at 70 years old no doubt about it but they’re also they’re also into the physical I mean who do you think is is Serv in Amazon right or Costco or look at South Korea and China they’re buying little teeny

balls of physical gold yeah they’re physical so yes they are digital but they’re not just digital and they better not be just digital because that can change in a heartbeat yeah I agree you know and I um you know I I have a side business where I sell gold and silver locally to my local community and actually quite a bit of the PE my my customers are younger like my age or younger um but I think there is something with with the youth actually buying physical they they’re they’re they don’t trust the dollar they

don’t trust the system they don’t trust the stock market um and I I you know that’s an interesting concept that the youth are going towards physical but even if you just look look at the global economy um and what we’re trying to do with our legislation we’re trying to make physical and digital gold and silver legal tender right just just because a lot of people like we live this live and breath we know how to test for gold and silver we we know how to value gold and silver and take it in for payments if we want to do for goods and

services but the masses don’t most people have no idea how to test gold and silver so by making a digital component I mean it it’s more conducive for small business owners to accept digital gold and silver and pay slower credit card fees than it is for them to take gold and silver and have to test it if they have a long line of people um unless they have something like goldbacks or us minted coins which is really easy to identify but you still need a test minted coins goldbacks right now there there’s not enough technology

out there to actually mimic gold backs or orms or Kinesis bills out there because if VOR makes them um but you know it’s for those small business owners that want to take gold and silver that’s what our legislation does it’s completely optional take physical and digital gold and silver if you want to just take dollars you can take dollars and that’s one of the things we discussed with the states that want that uh with the legislation that says that the states have to take gold and silver but they um the CFO or the treasurer has

the option to accept it when they want kind of like what Utah is doing um we do explain to them like look just partner with Boolean businesses that have physical locations they already do all the work they say say it they test it and then instead of giving the cash to the person um for paying taxes you just send the cash to the state if they don’t want to take Boolean so there’s a bunch of different solutions out there if there’s any legislators watching and you’re questioning how much will it cost

a state they can be a zero fiscal impact to the state for accepting gold and silver if they license to like say local coin local coin stores or local businesses that already do this for a living um and and a say gold and silver and any local pawn shops pawn shops uh small business owners that want to take gold and silver I mean it’s very easy that there’s multiple ways of test you know there’s the Ping test there’s asset test very cheap ways to test it and then if you want to really invest and get

your biggest bang for your buck you have the sigma metal litics machines out there that you can actually test gold and silver um so it’s a learning curve you know and that’s something I want to create with sound money movement how do we know gold and silver is real that might be a great lesson in teaching business owners are like hey I want to accept gold and silver to preserve my my profits and preserve my wealth how do I do that effectively and quickly and we can you know show them different ways to

do that so there’s a lot of opportunity out there I think now is a time to really push sound money physical or digital you know I’m I’m 50/50 I got probably 50 of my wealth and digital and physical at the same time we we need to talk some more so that you know because look forward to it and then there’s gold and there’s silver and then there’s silver and everything has a different function so people that are watching maybe they’re new to the channel but they know that the sound money strategy that we execute here is built layers so

there is a space for that digital gold that is convertible for those daytoday transactions or for those gold backs or dare I say it even for this garbage stuff cash right I mean there is it’s built in layers but whatever it is that you’re doing the first thing that you do is Define your goals and also you have to be 100% sure which I don’t know that anybody can be 100% sure that there would not desperate governments do desperate things and historically in this do you do you know that in this country gold has been

confiscated three times not once three three times three times I’m guessing the Civil War uhhuh and also the War of 1812 so there is a solid history in the US of gold confiscation and I got to tell you to hopium think that it’s not going to happen Let’s Ask the Magic eightball will gold be confiscated again in the US it is certain here take a picture of this I’m not going to move it it says it is certain yeah you know maybe I’m going to be right maybe I’m going to be wrong I like to try and do things that doesn’t

matter whether I’m right or wrong so yeah so that is the importance of having a welld diversified portfolio even amongst your gold and your silver because there’s all different kinds and it performs all different functions and um I prefer a layered approach and I also personally prefer constitutional money uh and there’s lots of reasons for that and and you and I should have another conversation about that absolutely I I like um I like constitutional money the pre-33 uh gold and and you know Morgans

and silver dollars and everything um I’m I really am a big fan just side note I’m really a big fan of gold Franks they’re they’re 30 some countries I I have a stack of gold Franks they’re my they’re my favorite coin low premium and they’re about 550 bucks right now give or take depending on the price of gold um and it and it’s affordable and if it gold like I like watching um my favorite analysts is Northstar bad charts if everything goes as they predict within the next three to five years they say in 10 gold

get $111,000 an ounce so if it gets to $1,000 Chum change Chum change right now as you and I are sitting here do you know how to determine what the true value of an ounce of gold is is the fundamental value you divide you divide it by the total debt of the US you well you can do it country for country but this is a global issue so my personal preference is to do it on a global basis and since money right now and this system is Created from debt you just take all the debt that they have created and you

divide it by all the gold that exists in the entire world even the inground Gold Rock and Roll Hoochie to and that gets you somewhere north of $41,000 an ounce yeah and let I you when they need to regain the confidence of the public and they start these overnight revaluations taking this that has no value at all and it’s used in one place and then they revalue it against this that is used in every single sector of the global economy that’s why golden silver never lost has never gone to zero because of it’s broad-based utility and

therefore what a concept the broadest base of buyer duh this is not rocket science it’s actually really simple now that is on a onetoone basis and when they do those overnight revaluations we don’t know whether they’ll do it on a thousand to1 or 4:1 or whatever that revaluation is going to be but the more debt they print the higher that number goes and so in Venezuela the first they’ve done six overnight revaluations but the very first one some reason I UND I remember it the most 35 100% yeah so there’s all sorts of

strategies around how you can utilize sound money gold and silver to address all of your debt which is a very similar strategy that the governments employ by repaying that debt within this country dollars that have virtually no value it also even though mostly it is definitely an insurance policy to ensure your purchasing power that’s that’s the primary function but because it’s so severely undervalued when those incom producing assets that are at no bleed level right now that’s going to flip-flop and then

yes right you’re going to be in a position the public what a concept will be in a position to have the wealth shift their way for a change yeah you know that that’s a concept that Mike Maloney calls wealth cycling you you you basically put your money in wealth generating assets and then when it’s the uh the ratio of golden silver gets to that historical High you sell that asset put it into gold wait for gold to get to that historical high and well cycle and then Northstar bad charts um they called

it the capital rotation event and they Capital moving from the stock market into gold and silver and then there’s typically a 10-year bull market we’re already in about one or two years of gold and silver but a 10-year bull market of gold and silver and it just doubles and doubles and doubles again so I’m really excited to see this Capital rotation event I sleep soundly that 90% of my wealth is in gold and silver physical and digital if we would have had this conversation a year ago it was 90% Bitcoin so it’s I completely come

around um and I I know that gold and silver is truly money and I want people to experience the peace of mind that I have that I have my wealth in gold and silver and I never have to worry about it going uh down the zero now there is third party risk people break into your house or break into your vaults or whatever but I know where it’s at nobody else knows exactly and who’s GNA think that you have it yeah yeah right it’s it’s safe and that’s one thing I like I like using currency for for money

currency for dollars and and money for gold and silver I like Mike Maloney’s uh verbage and like I only have the currency that I need to pay for my daily expenses yeah everything else is in gold and silver I I save in gold and silver um you know I have a little bit of cryptocurrency from time to time when I want to jump in and and multiply my my wealth um multiply Fiat wealth yeah my Fiat wealth well I converted I trade gold and silver so I I will go in Bitcoin I do gold and silver pairs I I’ve changed my mind to think of

everything in ratios of gold and silver so I I it’s I think that’s one way to see it because gold and silver is money everything else is is credit um so I’m I you know I’m excited about what we’re doing across the country I’m excited about the Sal money mov and educating the world on what money really is teaching people how to protect their wealth their economic energy cuz what you’re doing what I’m doing we’re exerting our economic energy for a wage and we should have everybody put that economic energy and store it in gold and

silver that’s always going to preserve and keep up with the the uh irresponsibility of the governments around the world of trying to steal your wealth if you have it in gold and silver they can’t steal it from you all it can do is keep up with inflation you’re preserving the same purchasing power everything else gets more expensive and gold and silver just keep up with it you know so I’m looking forward to educating as many people as possible through the sound money movement with you David Morgan John Williams Nathan Lewis and

others that we add in the future to The Advisory Board and you know if you want to help bring sell money to your State Contact Us contact me at citizens sell money and we’ll come over if we if I’m not lobbying full-time in Florida or some other state that we have a primary focus I’ll come and try to lobby and and get the legislation through uh the Committees and so forth if you’re able to get it in as an amendment so you know we’re here to help we’re here to spread the sound money gospel sound money

movement and I’m looking forward to uh continuing to come on the show learning from you as well clearly we have to have a couple more meetings well absolutely I mean I’m so excited to be on The Advisory Board because honest to God since I was four years old I have been groomed for this moment in time and I’m so glad that I’m 70 years old and have had those experiences that I can bring to the table so that it’s not just this or that it is um building a Global sound money movement and and together one

person you know what can one person do but together we can do everything the team everything you know I I I want to close with this story um in the summer of 2023 Jim fory and I we were we were finished lobbying at the capital we were at his son’s house um and we were just having a drink talking and we were just talking about the exact same thing that everything that Jim went through in his life everything that I went through in my life it just seems like God brought both of us to this point in human

history for this purpose and we just kind of looked at each other and like man we we clinked beers and then we went in I’m like you need to run for office and get into Congress you’ll be the next Ron Paul and him and I had a good time um we miss him we miss Jim foresight uh he was the Rock and The Peacemaker and the bridge builder in the sound money movement he is a founding father of the modern sound money movement and uh he started a vision and he started a movement that we feel responsibility at

citizens sound money and sound money movement to pick up that torch of freedom and liberty and run with it and bring sound money to the world so um I think you’re right I think that God brought us all to this point in human history to change the world and to free Humanity from the the the theft of currency and the theft of of the Fiat system because if not who when you know if not who like who’s going to do it exactly we’re called I feel I think we’re called to bring this the freedom through the monetary system because uh

you know God is a god of of just weights and measures and there’s nothing more unjust than fiat currency that is so well said and this has been a lot of fun and you know you and I are still getting to know each other um and uh yeah yeah I I should probably also share the strategy with you because it’s just built on it’s just based on the repeatable patterns so it’s part of the education and it’s part of what we have to let the world know thank you so much for being here Daniel I really appreciate it and this is just

the first time yeah absolutely I’m looking forward to giving more updates and giving letting everybody know what’s happening across the country with legislation in their states absolutely and I hope you all got as much out of this as I did and I really enjoyed this conversation and remember we don’t have to agree on 100% of everything we all need to just bring our gifts and our knowledge base to the table and share share share share because then everybody’s knowledge get base gets bigger and stronger and together I’m

getting chills again together we can make a positive difference in this world and we have to do it if not me who if not now when look in the mirror ask yourself that question and join us in changing the world for the better and until next we meet please be safe out there bye-bye

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