Economists Uncut

The System Is Not Ready For What’s Coming… (Uncut) 03-14-2025

The System Is Not Ready For What’s Coming…

Today we’re gonna talk about transitory detox. But look, before we get started, I need to tell you guys something. And that is, is that I am not getting political.


I am staying economic in what I’m seeing. I have been born for this moment in time. This is the moment in time that I have been waiting about and talking about forever.


And it’s really challenging, but I want you to understand, first of all, I’m on your side, and my job is to help you see what is coming, what is unfolding, what is happening, and what is coming. So I’m staying purely economic on this. I don’t choose any sides.


And if you’ve been watching me for a long enough period of time, then you know that. I’m just gonna tell you what I see. And what I see, just like I did when they used the term transitory, remember, we need a huge crisis to usher in the new system.


Is this going to be the crisis, or is the crisis going to erupt? I’m gonna tell you, when you come in with a machete and you make major changes, and we’ve been talking about the foundation of this whole global monetary system forever. I’ve been talking about it forever. And that’s really what I’m seeing.


So here we go. We have Treasury Secretary Besant warrants of detox period. Have you gone through a detox? I’m actually going through one right now.


And I had a headache for three days. I’m kind of achy. I’m not sick.


I’m just going through a detox. Detoxing is hard. And depending upon how big this is going to be in a fiscal sense, it can be very, very painful.


However, you know what they’re also saying is, President Trump said, I’m sorry, I gotta tell you, this is his words, not mine. There’ll always be a little short-term interruption. I don’t think it’s going to be big.


Could he tell you anything else? Even if he knew that it was going to be big, could he tell you anything else? No, he can’t. Just like all the other presidents before him, all the central bankers, all the Treasury Secretaries, their job is to keep you in the system, making it as easy as possible for them to transfer the wealth. And when you’re wealthy, this is just a little bump, right? It’s not going to be that big a deal.


It’s not going to impact them as much as it’s going to impact you and me. It’s a much-needed course adjustment. Guess what? I really actually agree with that.


The government is way too bloated, and where it was initially set up that you, the individual, were the head, and then you had the states supporting you, and then the federal government supported the states that supported you, and that whole thing has been flip-flopped. So I actually completely agree with downsizing the government. I mean, I don’t know that I would make the same choices, but I’m not in that position to choose.


We’ll see whether there’s pain, he added. I’m confident if we have the right policies, it’ll be a very smooth transition. That would not be supported by history.


These transitions are never, ever, ever easy, and we can see that the biggest thing for people as they make these transitions is food. That is the single biggest issue. That’s why I became a farmer back in, you know, after the system died in 2008.


So I really do want you guys to understand that I’ve been talking about this for a very long time. It is not designated at one person. One person didn’t get us into this mess.


One person isn’t gonna easily get us out of this mess. We’ve got to systematize, and we’ve got to reset everything, and those are painful, and that’s why you wanna make sure that you’re as secure as possible with food, water, energy, security itself, barterability, which for me, you guys know, is primarily silver, wealth preservation, which is primarily gold, community, which is arguably the most important because I’ve been working on this since 2008, and if you haven’t started yet, we just don’t have the same luxury of time. So you find like-minded people in your community and come together to weather the storm, and of course, you have to have shelter.


These are the things that no matter what’s going on, good stuff, bad stuff, it doesn’t matter, these are all the things that we need to lead a reasonable standard of living. So don’t worry, be happy. If you are prepared, if you have your gold and your silver, your sound money strategy in place, call us, we’ll help you get that in place and execute it, but you need all those other things as well.


So my question to you is, do you believe that this is gonna be a no big deal? And if it is, and if it isn’t, is it really so bad? If you own physical gold and silver and you have it in your possession, you have sound money? Well, let’s see, because remember, this is a huge con game. Now, this is Larry Summers, and for those that have been watching me for a long time, you guys know I’m not a huge fan since he was definitely instrumental in allowing the derivatives market to explode and implode. Another story for another day.


However, Trump’s trade war reignites Fed’s transitory inflation question because they’re saying it’s not gonna be a big deal. It’s gonna be a big deal. You don’t go in and make these major changes without any blowback, without any problems, without any crisis.


We haven’t seen it quite yet. I believe we will within the next three months or so, but tariffs will be a one-time price adjustment, as President Besson said. While I’ve agreed not to talk about prospective Fed policy going forward, because he’s not part of the Federal Reserve, he’s the Treasury, but I would hope that the failed team transitory could get back together and think that nothing is more transitory than tariffs.


So do you believe that? Because I like to kind of look at things that are happening to know, is this true or is it not true? Nothing is more transitory than tariffs. It could be appropriate to ignore or look through an increase in the price level if the impact on inflation is expected to be brief and limited. So that kind of goes back to the central bank’s definition of price stability.


If you think this is only a one-off thing, you don’t change how you live your life, your desire to spend or invest or save or anything. And so that’s what they always want us to believe. This is just a one-off.


Even when President Nixon took us off the gold standard, don’t worry, as long as you buy US products, you’re not going to experience inflation. And yet we have 3 cents left on the dollar. So, you know, really, do you believe them? Because however, if a different monetary policy response could be appropriate, if above target inflation is sustained or even more important for them, longer term inflation expectations rise and we’re not getting great news information on what’s going on.


But let’s take a look and see, is this inflation actually really transitory? Hmm, I don’t know. Because there’s theory tariff inflation will likely be transitory, but Fed won’t say so. Well, goodness, a Fed study done in 2018, because remember, we haven’t really been in a trade war for quite some time, World War II and then around 33.


But Fed study in 2018 found tariff inflation likely wouldn’t last. That’s the theory. But the pandemic fail makes it harder to look through price rises.


Yeah, I always thought that was a good excuse and I maintain that. Because what you’re looking at here is the reference to transitory per month as the Federal Reserve was saying, oh no, this inflation, it’s just transitory. It’s just going to hit a little bit and then it’ll go right back down.


And then there’s the official inflation rate, which if you and I are going to the grocery store, we probably feel the real inflation rate. Of course, they do take food out of that equation, but you can see that the inflation is really higher than it was prior to the pandemic, even the official. And I have quotes around that because they changed the accounting rules and changed the numbers.


But here’s the reality, because this is the consumer price index. So this reflects inflation. This was a dip in the CPI in 2020 as the whole global markets were shutting down.


But how transitory does this look? And you can see it sort of looks a little flattish there until we hit 2018 when we did the tariffs the last time. So that’s the reality. Are things cheaper or even the same that they were prior to 2018 or prior to 2020 or prior to 2008 or prior to 1971 or prior to 2013? It doesn’t matter.


You need to understand that inflation is baked into the system. And whoever gets that money first gets it at the highest level of purchasing power. And that’s not you or me, that’s the corporations.


So you gotta ask yourself, and please do, do price increases really seem transitory to you? They’re not transitory and they’re not short-term. They’re here to stay. And we are at the end of this currency’s life cycle.


And quite honestly, I don’t care what political party you’re in, that’s just the simple reality. I am not getting political here. I am merely stating a fact.


I have been groomed for this moment in time. What we are experiencing and witnessing is a transition into a new system. And those transitions are never, ever transitory or easy.


But they don’t want you to realize that. So what exactly did happen in 2018 the last time? Well, they used an example of washing machine prices. That’s just one example.


And you can see when the tariffs came on. And then, of course, we saw the CPI. So you have to ask yourself, and here’s what they said in this study.


We find that the price increases are noticeable fairly quickly. So I’ve been saying that I felt that we would really notice the higher inflation by June, occurring within a three-month period of the new tariff. And here we are, March, April, May, June.


Hmm, isn’t that interesting? That’s the PPI, the Producer Pricing Index. And there are tariffs that are, I don’t know, it’s back and forth, going in, going out. But you can see that when they instigate the tariffs, immediately there’s a price increase.


It also gives U.S. goods that are actually made here, and there are not too many that aren’t using cross-border products. That’s going to go into the price of cars and washing machines and food and everything else. So yeah, not so transitory, I’m sorry.


You can see the big jump in 2008. There’s the Consumer Price Index. You can see how much that’s gone up.


And I just showed you, in fact, let me go back and just remind you of this one more time. There’s the CPI since 2018. Was this transitory? Seriously, no, not transitory, because you’ve got to understand that’s exactly what this system is based on, is this inflation.


In sum, our analysis suggests that the producer and consumer prices are about a third of a percent higher in 2018 as a result of higher import tariffs. Now look, I actually really agree that the tariff system is not fair, but we’ve got to deal with whatever it is that we’re going to deal with. How can you deal with this inflation? Ta-da, this is not rocket science, it’s really simple.


This is the only proven way to protect yourself from inflation. The only proven way, not anything else, not even cryptos. There’s a lot of uncertainty.


We don’t know how long the tariffs will apply. We don’t know what other countries may do in response to this. That could create a problem.


And it’s all about perception management and maintaining that public confidence. Remember, over time since 2008, we had bank-to-bank confidence go away. We had central bank-to-central bank confidence go away.


We had markets-to-central banks confidence going away. There’s only one more level, and that’s the public confidence in the system. And that’s what this jeopardizes, because we’re getting a whole trough of information and economic data that does not look so good.


And even though, even the Bank for International Settlements said, oh, a soft landing is still our scenario. That’s garbage. Don’t believe it.


Their job is to lie and keep you in the system. So we can look at consumer sentiment, down. Inflation-adjusted spending month over month, down.


Well, we’re a consumer-driven economy. That could be a problem for those corporations. While official inflation year over year is up, and long-term, this is way more important, long-term inflation expectations are up pretty darn substantially.


And when those prices actually start to seep through and go up faster, what do you think that’s going to do? Because that’s the only thing that’s holding the system together, is that confidence. And that confidence is clearly going away. I can’t tell you the exact moment, but I believe we are very, very close.


And I think that by the end of this year, it could be ushered in. So could this be the test that will push that public confidence over and have them lose all confidence? Because that’s what rapid inflation does. That’s what it does.


And it wouldn’t matter who’s in office. This had to happen. It had to happen because the old system died, period.


It died in 2008. Are we ready for the new system? I don’t know. I think we’re about to find out.


But what do we know about both gold and silver? We know that it’s used in every single sector of the global economy. And we know that it’s sound money. And when you’re looking at AISC, that’s All In Sustaining Costs to Mine.


Gold and the price. And so you can look at the increase in, this is the price, and this is the All In Sustaining Costs. It’s over right now.


They’re looking at well over, looks like close to 2,500. And you know where the price is on gold. It’s somewhere around 2,900, right? Rising prices means higher royalty and mining tax payments.


That, my friends, is a product of a means of confiscation. They don’t name it. They don’t say, well, we’re confiscating the gold by doing this.


But taxation is a form of confiscation. They have been confiscating your wealth since the day you were born through inflation. That’s not gonna stop now.


And the higher the spot price goals on these, the more money the governments are gonna siphon off. That is rather dangerous. In fact, in Q3, 24, as the global average royalties and mining tax unit costs rose 5% quarter over quarter and a significant 31% year over year.


Desperate governments do desperate things. What can I tell you? And you know, the experiments that are happening at this moment, they’re big. They’re very, very big.


And you really think that there is a soft landing coming in. We haven’t seen the impact of all of the government layoffs yet. We haven’t seen the impact of all of the commercial real estate that now is coming onto an already stressed market.


We haven’t seen the impact of anything yet. So you still have a minute to get your strategy in place and execute. And one of those things should be to develop a local community, get to know who’s creating your food because we need that food, water, energy, security, barter ability, wealth preservation, community and shelter.


We need all of these things in place. So there’s so much chaos. And this is one of the things that happens 100% of the time during every single currency transition, regardless of who is in office.


It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter. Chaos creates confusion and a confused mind.


Don’t be a deer in the headlights. A confused mind does nothing. Don’t be confused.


Just know that no matter what, you’ve got to get yourself protected. You are the one that is going to feel the impact of any choices that you make. It is time to get to safety so that you can live to fight another day.


And you can live to take advantage of the opportunities that yet lie ahead of us. Make sure you watch the rest of the videos. I still have three in this series on confiscation, but I’d really like to see everybody get a much firmer handle on what that really is.


So also the ones on the trade wars. I mean, I don’t know what’s happening. One day it’s one, one day it’s another.


The markets don’t know what’s happening. Is all your wealth in those fiat money markets or how about those crypto markets, right? Those are all risk markets. They’re all used in one place and they’re all dependent on this stuff.


So what happens when this goes to zero? Well, my $10 trillion Zimbabwe note. That’s what happens. It’s happened over 4,800 times.


You think this time is different? Really? It’s not. It’s never different. I’m sorry.


So just know though, we are your community. We are here for you on this end. And please, you know, bring all of your thoughts, whether they’re good thoughts, bad thoughts.


Let’s have this conversation because we cannot allow politics to divide us. This isn’t political. This is economic.


I’m here working for you. I have to tell you what I see. But I want you to understand that this is coming from an economic place just like it always has.


I don’t care who’s in the White House. They’ve been marching us in this direction forever. Wait till you see the laws on the books.


And what I do know too is together, we can make a positive difference because not only is that local community important, it’s so important, but the global community is critically important. Don’t sit in dollars or euros or yen or wherever you happen to be in this world. Don’t sit in that government debt-based money.


It does not and will not serve you well. Sound money, physical gold, physical silver, we can create a quiet and peaceful movement, a quiet and peaceful revolution just by converting our government debt-based fiat money into sound money. I want us to have a seat at the table so that we’ve got a shot at having a more fair system that we’re transitioning into.


Let’s do that together. And until next we meet, please be safe out there. Bye-bye.

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