Hey everybody, here we go. It’s me Gregory Manorino. Sunday, February 9th 2025 you may be surprised to see me here I did not believe I was going to be able to do a video this morning for all of you But my plans did change.
So here we go We are going to talk about a few things some pretty big developments over the weekend And yes, this is my newest segment of Marcus a look ahead. Let’s start off with What’s happening with regard to the global debt market which you and I could not be more clear is a time bomb is being fueled with such ferocity at this time just to maintain The illusion that things are functioning. It’s kind of out of control.
And what am I talking about? exploding global debt Deficits across the board tell Greg Manorino one more time Who’s making up the difference here? Nations around this world including the United States cannot continue to run debts and deficits like this So when you run a deficit when a nation runs a debt or a deficit Which entity is it that makes up the gap? Well, of course, it’s central banks quite obviously and we’re watching Global debt balloon at a pace We’ve never seen before at the same time and they don’t want you to know this please do your own research about what I’m speaking about the global economy is contracting and Contracting and contracting and contracting and debt is ballooning. It’s quite it’s quite an environment to to live in right now, unfortunately and and who’s responsible for all this is really I Mean it’s pretty obvious to me again. We Unfortunately, the people in this world We can’t be free.
We cannot be a free people anywhere if we are being forced to live under a monetary situation Enforced by central banks. They are the enemy. It’s the central banks of this world It sounds familiar to you that have been driving The middle class of this world and the economy into the ground and you know that this mechanism has clearly Inflated an epic bubble in debt beyond our wildest imaginations, but what’s really happening here is this this debt creation Expansion cycle that we’ve never witnessed in the history of the world because it’s accelerating Has obviously allowed the stock markets to kind of float on On oceans of debt and as I’ve said to you further for which feels like a thousand years The stock markets of the world and I would imagine the illusion of the world built on the back of that is a house of cards Floating on a pool of gasoline so expansive.
It’s even hard for me to get my head around anyway, look so That situation is not going to stop nations around this world including the United States and are going to continue to allow the Central their respective central bank to inflate which is their number one goal central banks have this is not Anything new those of you that have been with me or understand the system realize this is this is a system that is ancient Ancient way way older than the Inception of central banking. I think we can all understand that Maybe you guys and girls need to look into this a little more. I don’t take my word for anything I say at all ever If something I say to you doesn’t hit you the right way Or you’re not connecting with it.
Then I urge you to just open up another window pause the video look it up See is is what Greg saying true or is this something Greg’s making up for whatever reason? Okay, just make up your own minds as always. I’m not here to change anybody’s mind. I’m not here to make up your mind We all have a god-given intellect and I believe we need to engage that you understand.
Okay, I think it’s pretty pretty easy here so Let’s talk about the mechanism here of trying to keep weight suppressed and at least what they’re trying to do is quite obviously This is a coordinated effort right now. It’s not working. What I’m talking about is central banks getting into the debt market Obviously buying all the debt in an attempt to keep rates suppressed to allow cash to move into the stock market to maintain the illusion the illusion of the stock market is Massively powerful people see their investment plans going up.
They don’t care about nothing else again there They’re paper rich so they think they’re rich. It’s not true Those digits that you see in your account, they’re not real. They’re just digits.
They don’t exist They’re not on the elemental chart You understand and again when this whole thing disappears and it’s going to again the debt hyper bubble is the greatest threat to human life on this planet is going to lead to a an issue with the availability of Resources not that their resources aren’t there that the the ability to obtain things via the system Shutting down will depend on their system here this central bank debt based monster of a system, which is Just a curse. It’s a curse upon the world Honestly, and there’s no world leader today not one who’s speaking out against it All they’re doing is trying to work with their central banks calling for lower rates here This is what we need we already have think about it historically low rates around the world How’s the economy of the world looking for you? Is it is it prosperous or be doing great the one in two percent is sure doing great but the rest of us here this mechanism of destroying the current the purchasing power of the currency via the mechanism of Artificially suppressed rates is a wrecking machine. It’s a wrecking machine for the economy It’s a wrecking machine for the middle class.
We need to again We need some world leader out here and the one who does it is gonna win Okay, because the people will get right behind that person whoever it might be We need a world leader somewhere who’s gonna say hold on a second We got to stop with this one You want to come you really want to cut spending? I know this whole thing with doge and everything else which we’re gonna talk about in a moment here Forget about cutting spending here We got to go to we got to cut right to the root cause of the problem The root cause of the problem in this case is the Federal Reserve who is inflating. They’re inflating on a scale We’ve never seen before the devaluing the currency on a scale that we’ve never seen before This must be this can’t be linear when it in other words to keep the illusion real you have to have Exponential rising debt in this case here again, it’s central banks who are the enemy they’re pressuring the currency via the mechanism of artificially suppressed rates artificially suppressed rates again is Is allowing the currency to freefall a higher Rate if we were getting higher rates here, for example, let’s just say President Trump changed his mind Okay, instead of saying we need lower rates here, which we know we’re getting it keeps getting floated out here Oh, it’s gonna be put off. It’s gonna be there.
Whatever it does. It doesn’t matter anymore You can see what central banks are doing. They’re getting into the debt market itself They’re buying the debt and you can see this being reflected in the 10-year yield here in the United States or the benchmark around the world understand So that mechanism here is again to do one thing Open up a doorway for cash to make its way into the stock market and inflate that bubble here Even even larger than it already is now higher rates Absolutely.
People ask me this all the time. Hey Greg, what would that do to the stock market? It would devastate it But it’s gonna get devastated. Anyway, it’s not real What you’re witnessing here with regard to the global equity markets is It’s an illusion again built on the back of oceans and oceans and oceans and oceans of debt You understand that debt bubble is gonna burst.
What do you think’s gonna happen to the stock markets of the world? They’re gonna still go up No, the stock markets of the world and you know this if you’ve been with me for any length of time Have become nothing but a derivative. In other words the stock markets of the world are getting their valuation from now suppressed Yields suppressed buying yields central banks getting in here buying at all. It’s not real as a matter of fact Look, man, I told you this a thousand times There isn’t a single asset not one asset class today that has any kind whatsoever of a real price Discovery mechanism when you have the system where central banks are in here buying it all they’re also, you know Look, man, don’t take my word for this central banks right now are loading up on gold They’re they’re the number one buyers of gold right now Meanwhile, they’re shoving their product debt and currency, which is not real money right down your throat and you work for these things No, no, no, you work for the privilege.
Think about this to borrow these bills into existence. You won’t own them those bills in your pocket They’re not yours. They’re owned by the issuing central bank.
They’re owed back to the issuing central bank Plus interest they created a nothing imagine who created this system. It’s an incredible thing who’s benefiting the one in two percenters That’s how it always is It’s called the Cantillon effect and that effect Cantillon effect moving forward is gonna make sure That the billionaire soon-to-be trillionaire some of them here Benefit well the rest of us pay for it in in the form of a deep rapidly deteriorating Economy and our own financial situations here with regard to the cost of living Exploding it’s not Going to stop. I really wanted to get this out here And I want you guys and girls to understand what’s happening here.
We honestly need real change that would make a difference to The people of the middle class that means right off the bat again when you hear a world leader saying we need lower rates or demanding Lower rates that means they’re working or they have to work with the central bank to make it happen Central bank any world leader does not have access to a printing press They don’t have the ability to buy debt But they can work with the central bank who does exactly those two things issue Debt through one door in the form of currency Which is not money and then buy it back through another door and this mechanism this revolving door is a vortex Leading to the inflationary situation that we’re in right now to understand no one can tell you that no one is gonna tell you that It’s but it’s too simple to just understand how it works. So we’re on the same page. I Mechanism of central banks and you’re buying debt This must increase Exponentially in other words to keep rates suppressed here central banks must buy more and then More and then more it can’t and it can’t go up in a linear fashion It has to go like a hockey stick like that It goes back to what I’ve been trying to explain to all of you for over the last week the law of diminishing Returns people are expecting.
Oh, we’re gonna stimulate the economy We’re gonna stimulate the economy because the economy has already been driven to the ground by the same mechanism that they’re gonna use to stimulate it Does that make any sense to you at all? Does it make sense to you that that’s going to work? Of course, it’s not going to work What you might see is a stabilization in the debt market via exponential debt and you might see a stock market recover That’s what they’re trying to do. Again. This the S&P 500 here in the United States.
We’ve gone nowhere We are still below the December 5th high of Whatever. It was a 6088 we’re still below that Okay The market hasn’t gone anywhere But central banks around the world are really trying to draw that market so they can maintain the illusion of prosperity People see the market higher. They think the economy is doing great.
Well, they don’t care again people look at their investment plans Everything’s fine. I’m great. I’m rich on paper, but you got nothing you got nothing until you take it out.
You understand Anyway look so with regard to the MMR I which is a clearly a reflection of what the Federal Reserve in this case Is it doing and this is going on around the world here? 10 year yield rising now MMR right back over 300 This market is struggling the market is struggling on the back of that part of the calculation here of my little my little thing I developed here is Utilizing the 10-year yield as a mechanism to create the MMR I’d also use a dollar on a relative straight basis You know that very simple mechanism color-coded for all of you is a hundred percent free You don’t have to sign up for it or anything. There is a link in the description of this video Let us move forward here. Now.
This is this is propaganda and I’m going to show you what propaganda looks like This is Reuters. So central banks grapple with uncertainty in 2025’s foggy economic landscape who’s responsible for monetary policy? Who’s responsible for the economies of the world via monetary policy the financial markets the financial system? It’s central banks. Okay, you’re not allowed to know that it’s not presidents Kings Queens dictators or monarchs who run the system it’s the central banks here and The mechanism here is these central banks know exactly what they’re doing.
This is not an accident This is not a comedy of errors why we are here where we are right now. This is 1 billion trillion percent Deliberate and this is not going to stop moving forward unless we the people do something about it If we the people could unify why do you think we can’t unify why we’ve been so divided why we’ve been conquered? Why you’ve been told falsehoods across the board and lies and deceptions and it’s this person’s fault and it’s that person’s fault Whatever it might be Everything to keep your eye off the root cause of the problem Which is again central banks who are clearly clearly understand what they’re doing and where we’re going the destruction of the economy in the middle Class you’re creating dependency on the system is only part of the bridge Right now as we’re being pushed into a crypto currency based system We’re not going back to a constitution what I always point to that ship. That’s the USS Constitution behind me.
You see that Anyway We’re not going back to a constitutional money system anywhere in the world unless you you take action start Demanding that we return to a constitutional money. So we’re guaranteed a Constitutional money system a gold-backed system in the Constitution. You don’t believe me.
Maybe you should look it up for yourself people and so big Disconnected from reality. You don’t understand what they’re actually been promised here. That’s what we need here Are we gonna get it? No with that fix the system would going back into a constitutional money system actually fix the system 100% it would President Trump could write an executive order today Making fiat currency illegal.
He could Put us back onto a gold standard by executive order by executive order. He could raise the price of gold to it would have to be 40 50 60 maybe even $70,000 per ounce and yes, indeed. We will have a real system back again It would send a ripple effect around the world.
This would end central banking around the world By the time President Trump finished his signature on the executive order Central banking would be over. We would have our system back that we are guaranteed here in the US Constitution But that’s not what’s happening here at all whatsoever We have a major issue with regard to bank Deregulation hold that thought because we got to talk about that it is now taking on a whole new meaning over the weekend And there’s merging a cryptocurrency with that system to bridge us into what we all know is coming And this is what really bothers me. Sometimes I get bent out of control my post pocket wrap up on on Friday I really lost it because I couldn’t believe what’s happening to people with consumer debt Skyrocketing at a pace.
We’ve never seen before in history in one single month people can’t survive people can’t get by What does that come down to the monetary system? They’re being dissolved people are being exterminated it’s it’s it’s an incredible thing to see is an extinction level event and it’s and you know in They’re trying to prop up the stock market what they’re trying to do here And we’ve reached that moment in my view where the law of diminishing returns is really hitting home It’s it’s what’s called a maximum saturation something. I came up with on my own the point of where the system is so Stressed out that nothing they do again the mechanism to prop this up Since the meltdown or a weight has been just heroin the the mark What’s the job of a market to determine fair value? We don’t have that at all anymore when a market crashes. The reason why it’s doing is trying to Balance out distortions.
That’s really all it is here And then what we have here this this stock market situation in the world is a nightmare It’s a nightmare situation is gonna end very badly. Of course. I think we’re all on the same page We’re in the middle right now the largest wealth transfer globally that we’ve ever seen in the history of world Right up to the one and two percenters right up to the one and two percenters and they’re as happy as happy can be But the middle class of the world that people are suffering here.
This is a dystopian situation. It’s not utopia It’s dystopia that sound about utopia for the one and two percenters here They couldn’t be happier because of the current situation there Sound about right to you. Yeah, but anyway going back to this central banks know exactly what they’re doing They’re not grappling with anything.
They know where the economy is gonna go. They just got to figure out ways to inflate What are they going to do? To inflate what mechanism they are going to utilize and we might have got a little glimpse into that. Let me show you What came out here? It’s just over the weekend.
You won’t be able to see this. I’m gonna read it to you So defense stocks Trump’s big military spending plans. Yes, I’m believe I understand We all need a strong military absent freakin lutely But let me read this to you so you can see where we’re going with this So as part of Trump’s America first policy sounds good to me I’m sure you do as you as well if you’re American citizen The u.s. Military and cyber security sectors could experience sweeping changes creating opportunities for investors Listen to this who recognized the long-term growth potential in defense You guys and girls look man.
I’m not telling you where to put your cash to work I never would but it does appear That and I there’s a list here of a few companies you might want to look at and I’ll provide that to you in just A moment. So defense spending under Trump is expected to increase to 6% of GDP Currently the u.s. Is spending 3.4 percent of GDP on defense Which already makes the United States the world’s largest defense spender, but it looks like we’re going to 6% So, you know what that even means trillions of dollars. Okay, where’s it gonna come from? Okay, like I’ve been telling you There’s a shell game going on.
Let’s cut this but let’s move that cash Someplace else Trump is not going to allow GDP to drop. Believe me. He’s not going to allow that to happen So there’s not going to be any net Spending cuts none that means who’s gonna support The system obviously the Federal Reserve got to come at it.
I have nothing. They just add digits to a screen here So going from 3.4 percent GDP on defense spending again Which already makes the United States at least according to this article the largest defense Spender on the planet. We’re gonna go to 6% Now there are the top four Corporations here producing military hardware for the United States.
I mean this isn’t gonna surprise you Let me just show it to you real quick. I don’t know if you can see these here It’s good is a Lockheed Martin RTX Northrop Grumman Boeing. I would imagine that these companies are going to Do very well if we go from a 3.4 percent GDP to a 6% GDP spending on defense So again, wherever you guys can go stand on this you realize it’s a shell game.
You’re being played We don’t have the care of cash for this. We’re broke. We’re the most destitute nation in the history of the world This is the fact peer of the end look into this yourself.
Don’t take my word for nothing, but it looks like a massive Increase in defense spending here and certain corporations are gonna do very very well I just need them for you here I showed you Lockheed Martin RTX Northrop Grumman and Boeing you guys are gonna do what you want with this information I’m not telling you to do a darn thing All right. So there we go now with that I want to move on to something else here that’s happened over the weekend and I Don’t know how many of you if we’re actually familiar with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau After the 08 meltdown when people got completely destroyed this the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau was put into effect And it’s it’s right now Being in it’s under attack and there’s a new player here Someone I never even freaking heard of and maybe you guys and girls are familiar with this person I don’t know but I’m gonna tell you who this is. I’ll read this to you in a moment here You know, let’s just get to it here so here we go So Musk team takes control of key systems at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Make up your mind if this is something that you guys and girls Want to go away because it looks like it may be going away.
So let’s look at this here This is two days ago here. So representatives. I’m just gonna read this to you straight out and then you guys and girls We’ll talk in a second So representatives Elon Musk cost-cutting team have entered the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and gain access to internal computer systems In the wake of two thousand of the 2008 financial crisis the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has returned more than 17 billion to consumers who had been determined were wronged by financial firms.
Now, you know my take on this Banks are the enemy. Why is it in in your opinion and you’re entitled to your own that banks are being Basically, they’re gonna have no regulations moving forward there I think there should be parameters in here. The banks cannot have The ability to do whatever they want with your cash again.
They’re not playing with their cash They’re playing with yours the same situation that really melted when people lost everything in 08 this bureau here was put in place to the Financial Protection Bureau was put in place to do that and 17 billion dollars have been returned to consumers. Now. This is where this gets a little I Don’t know man, it’s kind of interesting to me now you guys are gonna let me know what you think about this So prominent venture can I never heard this person in my freaking life up until this article here? And I did do a little research into this person.
So you guys and girls, please do your own research so prominent venture capitalist and software engineer and billionaire mark a Andreessen, how do you say that word? I’m very bad at saying names Andreessen mark Andreessen he blamed the federal this the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau for terrorizing financial institutions for terrorizing financial institutions now, I did not know this this this mark Andreessen is helping to advise Helping to advise Musk So this guy another person, I don’t know we didn’t vote for or or anything Andreessen is helping to advise Musk efforts in using doge to reshape The government the federal government including the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. I don’t know who this guy is I don’t know anything about him could be the nicest guy on the face of the earth. But here we have This might not even been Trump’s idea This guy Andreessen here helping Musk or advising Musk advise look at the word here advise Advising Musk to in using must system to take down this organization Which he blames for terrorizing financial institutions Do you think that these financial institutions are been terrorized at all with record profits across the board? Make it up who’s paying for this.
I Sincerely believe that the banking system as a whole which is being massively deregulated And if this is in my view what we’re seeing here is nothing but another mechanism to strip any at all Regulation away from the banks the banks. There’s something going on here I’ve been telling people for a very very long time. We might and we’re going to see we’ve seen it already a consolidation of power Power must be controlled by fewer and fewer people in other words Power and fewer and fewer hands moving forward to have a greater control over Everyone else does that sound right to you or is Greg not right on that? Do you does that hit you the right way what I’m saying or hit you the wrong way? I sincerely believe that this Wall Street has already picked their scapegoat and I told you this scapegoat Years and years ago before it was actually chosen here by President Trump, obviously Who actually pointed at and Fox Business who Fox News who pointed at Bank of America for being discriminatory? Towards conservative Republicans.
Meanwhile, their CEO look this up for yourself Moynihan is a conservative Republican Banks have been blamed for discrimination since the beginning of time I believe the Bank of America is being set up for a scapegoat. They gotta assign blame. You have to understand that For my lawyers out here.
All right. I know there are a lot of lawyers that follow this blog Does that sound right to you assigning blame even if it’s not true or is true? Whatever it might be as a blame must be assigned. So the system is gonna come down.
They know it They have they’re already picked their scapegoat in my view real or not The fall guy for Wall Street to say, okay. Look this is the fault. This is why it’s they were taking bad bets on derivatives Sound familiar to this is what we were sold last time and why we the people had a bailout the system Partially why the well a main reason why the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau was created Which has returned 17 billion dollars to consumers.
But again this person here Mark Andreessen write that down marc Mark Andreessen a and e r e e s s e n Blamed the consumer is blaming the Consumer Protection Financial Protection Bureau for terrorizing But they’ve been terrorized. They’ve terrorized banks on behalf of the people He doesn’t like it this guy here. There’s multi-billionaire already and he is Advising Musk on what action to take.
Did you know about this? Were you told about this should you have been told about this is what I want to know Alright, look, I want to hear you take on on All this Military spending 6% GDP This is just absolute propaganda on a massive scale and let’s keep our eyes on this people Let’s keep our eyes on this look with regard to this video You guys can go to make up your own mind here. All right, is it important what I spoke about? Not important and you can let me know by those thumbs up if I’ve earned your thumbs up because what I’ve spoken about is something You feel you should be know about and I really believe that we should have been notified About this this mark Andreessen now advising Musk And blaming the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau for terrorizing the banks Let me know you think about that do you feel that these banks shouldn’t be terrorized are they our friends Do you believe that the banks are on your side? Interesting, isn’t it interesting concept? I personally don’t believe that I think these institutions are predatory. I think that will suck you dry They’ll take everything you have Without even thinking about it because you’re nothing you’re a means to an end to these institutions.
So you do you want to see? Do you want to see this happen? Do you want to see mark Andreessen? Take down the consumer for 10 Financial Protection Bureau. It’s early And and do you think that they’re guilty for terrorizing financial institutions by returning 17 billion to the people we the people You want to see this go away? Let me know you think right love you all from the heart with all I got people I will see you in the morning. All right from my usual My usual thing that I do for you.
I hope I hope you guys have a great weekend here I and think about these things that I’m talking about Please if we don’t start to stand up for ourselves stand up for our rights. What’s ours here? Demanding the return to constitutional money a real system here. We don’t want to be bridged into a crypto system We don’t want to be the crypto capital the world.
We want to be the constitutional money capital The word does that sound right to you? Tell me if I if that alone sounds right to you I mean a lot of things here. I’d love to hear from you guys and girls on I promise to read through the comments This guy with all I got loves you from the heart With all I got people and I will see all of you tomorrow as usual until we meet again What am I gonna tell you? Please secure yourselves and take care of each other