Economists Uncut

The Next 2008 Is HAPPENING NOW (Uncut) 03-25-2025

The Next 2008 Is HAPPENING NOW… and Nobody’s Ready for It

The next 2008 crisis is happening right now, but this time it’s not banks that are at risk, it’s you. Major retailers across the country, Joann’s, Big Lots, Forever 21 are all going bankrupt at a rate not seen since the great financial crisis, but this isn’t just about store closures. This is a coordinated wealth transfer designed to extract funds to the very top leaving every day Americans exposed.


But if you think this won’t impact you, think again. The 2008 playbook has been weaponized, transforming the system into a debt-fueled time bomb, one that when detonated could wipe out your retirement, your pension, your 401k with it. So how does this scheme work? How close are we to the breaking point? And most important, how does this threaten your retirement and what can you do to protect yourself? Let’s get into it.


In case you missed it, this week on X, Tiffany Cianci, someone who’s been outspoken against the system for years, made a video that is now viral outlining the current 2008 style crisis that is about to hit, leaving millions wondering how no one else is talking about this. Let me explain. Back in 2008, Wall Street knowingly packaged toxic subprime mortgages into fancy financial products called CDOs, Collateralized Debt Obligations.


Now these were sold as safe investments, but obviously when interest rates rose, the truth came out, they were garbage. And as the CDOs failed, while all the financialization built on top of it collapsed with it, and every day Americans lost everything. You know how the story goes.


But this time, they’ve tweaked the game. Bigger, riskier investments. Instead of being built on mortgages, they’re built on businesses.


Instead of banks engineering the collapse, it’s private equity pulling the strings. Here’s how it works. Private equity firms buy up companies that are struggling.


They then load them up with debt, but not just any debt. No, a very special debt. Back floating rate debt.


More on that in a minute. But once that’s in place, they then strip them of assets, extract as many fees and dividends as they can, bleeding the company dry, and even if the company is profitable, well, at this point they can’t keep up with the debt, and eventually the company collapses. Red Lobster is a perfect example of this.


Now, you might remember the media blaming its downfall on an endless shrimp promotion, which to be fair, made for good headlines, but it wasn’t the real story. It wasn’t one bad promotion that collapsed a household name. No, it was PE, private equity, which came in and sold the real estate out from underneath all locations, and even though the locations were still profitable, most of them, they saddled them with so much debt that eventually they could not keep up, and they were forced to shut their doors, leaving 35,000 people unemployed.


But here’s the kicker. The PE firms, they don’t fail when a company collapses or goes under. They’ve already gotten all their fees out of it.


It’s a parasitic relationship, one where they win and you and I lose, especially with what’s coming next, which I’ll get to in a minute. But first, the question remains, if all of these companies, if so many of them were still profitable, why are they collapsing at such an alarming rate? The truth is in that sneaky debt bomb I mentioned earlier, the one that no one is talking about, back floating rate debt. Now, similar to adjustable rate loans, but here’s where they get really crafty.


Unlike traditional loans that adjust as rates increase or decrease, these can act retroactively, meaning they can go back in time and saddle a company with rates that could jump from 4% to 9% overnight, causing these companies to collapse. But that’s just phase one. The terrifying part is what they do with all this toxic debt.


Where is it going? What are they doing with it? Well, they’re bundling it up and adding a bow on top and calling it a CLO, a collateralized loan obligation. Sound familiar? It should. It’s exactly what they did in 2008.


Same tactic, different name. Only this time they’ve sold these CLOs, these ticking time bombs to your pension. Ask yourself right now as you’re watching this, do you know what’s in your 401k, your pension, your retirement plan? Even if you think you know, there’s a good chance that it’s right there, that you are exposed, that it’s hiding in plain sight.


Because if these CLOs start exploding, then so could your financial future. I mean, ask your financial advisor. I challenge you to ask your financial advisor.


Chances are they don’t even know what’s in there. Why would they? They all make it so difficult to understand. Again, Tiffany Ciance, the one who blew the lid off of this on X, she says herself, it was almost impossible to find information on this topic.


I have to say, as I started researching this, the thing that blew my mind was the sheer scope. As if it’s not bad enough already, this is where it gets really scary. I’m sure a lot of people, myself included, when I first started researching thought, well, there’s no way this is as bad as a subprime mortgage crisis.


Obviously, that exposure was a lot bigger and this is just for some retail. But the truth is, what if I told you that private equity actually owns 25% of corporate equity and employs tens of millions of people? This isn’t just a small crisis, this is a systemic risk. They are in retail, they’re in residential mortgages, hospitals, nursing homes, you name it, they touch it.


And these companies have been saddled with trillions, yes, trillions of dollars of debt. Not just any debt, but this adjustable rate debt by no fault of the companies, the PE companies, the firms, they take it out, they saddle it on these companies. There’s no regulation, no oversight.


The private equity firms win no matter what. Meanwhile, these businesses are collapsing at a record rate. But since it’s so hard to understand the scope of this exposure, let me put it into perspective.


In 2007, the dollar amount of subprime mortgages, the exposure, was $1.3 trillion. Now, adjusted for inflation today, that number would be about $2 trillion. What we are looking at with these PE loans, with the private equity adjustable loans that have been dropped on these companies, is close to double that number, double the exposure.


But the financialization built on top of it most likely is even larger. We don’t know exactly the same way we didn’t know in 2008 because derivatives are so hard to see. It’s really difficult to have transparency.


In fact, today no one even knows how big the derivatives market is. Some estimate in total it could be over a quadrillion dollars. But we know that these numbers are big and they pose again a systemic threat, the same way they did in 2008, except this time on a larger scale.


In fact, in 2024, we saw the most bankruptcies since 2010, since the fallout of 2008, yet we haven’t yet had the crisis happen. That just tells us how bad this next crisis is going to be, especially since private equity-backed bankruptcies were up 15% year over year, the most on record. And the saddest part about this is that many of these companies are otherwise profitable, leaving these employees with no understanding of why these companies are collapsing and robbing communities of important resources.


Again, this is not just retail, not that retail isn’t important, but we are talking about every type of business possible that is being stripped away from communities, all for corporate greed. Because make no mistake, this is not accidental, this is an orchestrated effort with no oversight or regulation that benefits those at the top. But the scariest part again is that when this debt bomb goes off, it’s not banks this time who are on the other end, it is you, it is me, it is your grandma, your grandpa, your neighbor, your loved one who is at risk.


Everyone who has retirement plans, who is counting on those funds, those are going to be the people who are left holding the bag. Now, it’s easy to say that this time there would be a bailout, right? If it was banks, we know people would be rioting and saying absolutely never again, not again. But who’s going to say no to bailing out a loved one or making sure that you have your nest egg in place? Now, if it comes to that, if another bailout occurs, do you really think that our system can handle it? Your dollar has already lost so much of its purchasing power.


To have another huge papering over of the system, we would expect to see inflation leading to rapid inflation, leading to a currency devaluation or revaluation. We are talking about a system that would be unrecognizable, essentially a currency reset. Something that we have been talking about for a while that we know we have been moving forward towards, but that is happening at a faster pace.


And this is just one of those dominoes that is falling that way. Now, you probably are wondering what can I do to protect myself, which is such a valid question because especially when we talk about retirement, I have many loved ones who have expressed to me they don’t have the luxury of time. They are not working anymore.


They are getting close to retiring and they need to make sure that everything is in place and that they can count on their retirement. That is why inflation has been so devastating because it is difficult to outrun. Now, imagine something comes in and tanks your retirement, your pension, your 401k the way 2008 did.


Many people lost most of what they had prepared, right? That was cut in half. 401k went to 201k. Well, today, imagine all of it being wiped out.


I mean, it makes me sick to my stomach. So for me, number one, make sure that you are educated and informed, which if you are watching this video, you’re already doing. But there is strength in numbers and there is strength in knowledge, so it is a terrific first step.


Number two, I have seen some rumors of a grassroots movement. Maybe President Trump is going to move to stop these private equity firms from being allowed to do this. Only time will tell, but again, time is a luxury that not everyone has to wait and see and find out what happens, especially if these bankruptcies are escalating year over year and this year and next could be the years where we really see widespread collapse.


So for me personally, that leads me to number three, which is making sure that I understand where my savings are, where my wealth is, and that it’s protected outside of their system. Now, for everyone, that looks different, but for me personally, it is physical gold and silver, something that I hold, I own, that has no counterparty risk. I don’t need to worry about private equity.


I don’t need to worry about these back-floating loans, right? I don’t need to worry about it. I do because I care about everyone else, but personally, I know that I am protected and that is what I want for everyone else. So if you need a strategy or you don’t have a plan in place to prepare for what’s coming next, I highly, highly recommend that you talk to one of our expert analysts.


They will be able to guide you and create a strategy with you that makes sense for your concerns and your goals and make sure, most importantly, of course, that your wealth is protected. You can do this by calling us at the number below. You can click the link in the description below to set up a CalME appointment and you also can scan the QR code, get a copy of your free ITM gold and silver guide.


It is an incredible resource. It is a great first starting point if you are new to any of this or you want to learn a little bit more on your own time. And then, of course, it is action that will truly protect you.


So again, I so appreciate you being here. Thank you so much. I’m Taylor Kenney with ITM Trading, your trusted source for all things gold, silver and lifelong wealth protection.


Until next time.

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