Dinar Guru Uncut

MarkZ Evening (Uncut) 03-13-2025

Evening News with MarkZ, joined by Dr. Scott Young. 03/13/2025

This is a test. Ah, Jojo, would have been cool to have you down here working. Hello, Rocky, CryptoCanny, Lynn, Dime, Nickel, Turd, Ferg, MZChick, Moose.


Hello, Sissy, ExcellentGal, MyTitan. Hello, SoulOrm. That was everybody this evening.


See, a lot of people like the new music. I’m still pretty undecided, but I want to do a cooler intro-outro anyways. You know, kind of make it mine.


Is that like, you know, the Volkswagen commercial where the guy licks the door handle? Yeah, I’m trying to do that. To the podcast, hello, Kristen. Jay, good to see you.


I think we’re all anxious. You are not the only one, Jo. Feels so close.


And we, you know, it just, you already know. It’s frustrating. So close, and it feels so close that every minute seems like hours.


WK, Jailhouse Rock. I’m going to put on my dancing shoes. Oh, Jo, I’m going to be bouncing when I finally get to give that big announcement.


Let’s see, prayers for my husband, Chris. He was bit by a pit bulldog while visiting a client today. Now out of work for a week.


Oh, poor guy. Yeah, Todd, I’m with you. Two weeks we’re on Epstein Files.


I don’t think Bondi’s been sidelined, but I think there’s something bigger going there. Of course, it was. I mean, truckloads, they said, of documentation that had to be sorted.


But I can tell you, I mean, I don’t want to add to it, but the Trump administration definitely has a very limited time schedule for them to give us Epstein Files, JFK Files. Epstein Files, there is, it’s a short clock and it is ticking. Or should I say it’s one of those, you know, one of the sand hourglass things.


And they’ve got a limited amount of time. They’re going to have to come up with something soon. They don’t get to wait.


Tomorrow, oh, isn’t that going to be great. C. Skytayee. Oh, yeah, I just about butchered that name.


You’re going to have to pronounce that one at some point. You’re going to get the short name of C. Sky. How’s that? Hopefully, that’s okay.


It sounds like, let’s see, Skytayee. I’m just guessing. Hello, APC Lorenz.


Hello, Debbie. Hello, Rexy. Hello, Mark Meier.


Now, we do have Dr. Scott with us. Be bringing him in pretty quickly this evening. I’ll whip through news since I don’t have to wait.


Well, the Epstein files, it was truckloads. And because they need to remove, not because the prosecutor, but to protect the victims. Sorry, guys.


So, they need to protect the victims. So, they are waiting to release it to go through all of it to make certain that they have sanitized for the victims so that nobody can figure out their identity so that they can release it. They claim that that’s all they’re going to remove from it.


And I hope that’s accurate. But it is time to start applying pressure. The Trump administration and crew, they need to know.


I know he’s got plenty on his plate, but that one is a big one. If he’s looking to solidify support and public support, it is daggone important that they get that disclosure out there. Hourglass, right? Like, hmm, glass, hourglass, sands.


Let’s see. Dignitary from Israel met with Epstein many times. I mean, how many different whistleblowers, insiders come out and say that Epstein was an asset of Mossad and the CIA? What’s true, what’s not, we don’t know.


But if they release the files, we would probably know. Yeah, see, Floyd, great point. Epstein’s not a pending investigation unless he is somehow still alive.


What do you think? A lot of theories out there. A lot more, all right. Yeah, I’m with you.


We should have arrested the FBI in New York for withholding the files. Absolutely should. At some point, you have to go or pursue action against these political activists, bureaucrats, law enforcement that are working for us, that are actually trying to get in the way of that disclosure and legal orders.


A number of people think he’s alive. All right, let’s plow into it. Let’s get to it.


Let’s find a news time banner. We’ll see if Dr. Scott has anything big, too, and we’ll talk about that together after we get through the articles. Government sends the 2025 budget tables to parliament amid expectations of large deficit.


Well, that’s what they said, that they send the budget tables. Now it’s saying that they’re expecting to send them any day now. They’re moving forward.


They talk about oil. Oil is stabilizing around that $70 a barrel spot right now. Right now, 3.4 million barrels a day.


They’re expected to add about another 600,000, I am told, not counting oil. I guess that makes it over a hundred and some billion in revenue just from that, not counting gas. But we’re getting closer.


There are many, including my contacts in Iraq, that believe that that rate is going to be in those tables, so we are watching it closely. Thought this one was a good one for all you Shabibi fans. Actually, Sudani talked about this one, and so did Al-Alaq.


Association of Private Banks organizes a dialogue session to discuss the latest developments in the banking sector in Iraq. In other words, how far they have come into the modern world and how there are about 70 more banks that want to join them. They have done the classes.


They have the technology. They are modernized. This is one of the things that Al-Alaq and Sudani had talked about in the white paper reforms that needed to be completed so that they could increase the purchasing power of the NAR for all Iraqis and make it once again the father of the dollar.


For me, when I read these things, it’s letting me know. It’s like watching a checklist of what has been done, which I like. Let me turn that news thing off just so it’s not bothering me.


I’m going to hit one or two more. I’ve got a couple of fun ones. Treasury sanctions Iranian oil minister and the Shadow Fleet operators.


It has been a full court press to remove any Iranian influence in Iraq. We know that Iraq is standing on its own feet. This is really good news, guys, becoming safe, stable, and a leader.


That rate is what we’re looking for now. Now just a couple of other interesting news ones before we talk about and see if Dr. Scott’s got anything fun contact-wise. Senate Banking Committee advances a genius stablecoin bill despite banking pushback.


Now I get a kick out of this because the banking pushback is because they feel like they will lose a road banking market share. It’s all about protecting, not you and I. It’s all about protecting the bank’s profit margins. You’ve got a number of banks that are very concerned about this stablecoin bill because it would remove our need to work with them.


We could often handle transactions, never need a bank. We could bank without a bank. I love it.


Love it, guys. This is one of the things that Trump keeps pushing. He keeps pushing decentralized banking so government can’t control you.


For him, it is more of a, how do I put this one? It’s a very strong belief that we need to be independent. That is not something you hear out of any other politician other than maybe Rand or Ron Paul. I also want to touch on the genius bill, as it’s called.


I am certain that Zester is going to cover this tomorrow because this is a big occurrence for the crypto world. Clinton-appointed judge slams Trump’s sham, orders agencies to reinstate thousands of fired probationary staff. Yes, a very, very well-known activist judge appointed by Clinton, San Francisco-based.


The law affairs continues as judges continue to, what’s the word I’m looking for here? Abuse the power that was given to them. But it does, guys. I keep telling you that Trump likes this.


I know you’re like, how can he possibly like this? But we’re going to get to it here towards the end. Right here, SCOTUS needs to clean this up ASAP. That is exactly what is occurring.


He is forcing constitutional crises to force these cases to be heard by the Supreme Court to clarify them. What that does, guys, is it absolutely obliterates activist judges on both sides of the aisle. But it restores peace and order, and it does something that our legal system hasn’t had in hundreds of years since the bar took over.


These are big. I keep telling you, he has a plan. Somebody inside of his inner circle told me that he is forcing these lawsuits, and he expects them, and he knows, and he is forcing them because it forces clarification.


He is restoring the power of the executive. He is also forcing power back to the legislative branches, and he’s taking it out of the judicial where it’s just been abused. I am really digging it.


He has a plan, and he’s executing said plan. This one I just found interesting as we’re moving forward, of course, BIOZOX, and those are offerings on that front. Eleven U.S. states are filing bills to make ivermectin over-the-counter.


Eleven more states. You’ve got Minnesota, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Kentucky, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Texas. I just love watching sanity come back to a health care system.


Ooh, wouldn’t expect it to do that. Look at you, the little guy over there. Hey.


I’ve never clicked that button. Yeah, there are a whole bunch of little buttons you guys don’t know about in StreamYard that are like, and they changed them just the other day, so then we’re all trying to catch up with that too. Have you noticed the eruption of gold? I mean, check this out right now.


We’re sitting at 2,993.8 for the first time in recorded history. Gold futures are now over 3,000. Hey, I said it hit it this first quarter.


Looks like we’re going to hit it today or tomorrow at this rate. It keeps going to the point where my first thought was $5,000 where they would set it to. Ain’t no way it’s going to be $5,000.


It’s going to be significantly higher. Jim Rickards claims that $25,000, $30,000 is where it should be based on all data. Right.


And I do have one article here I want to show you guys, so you can kind of bring that one up too. Sure. That’s not in the way.


But I think I looked this up here. I think the funny part I’ve been seeing here is the Senate Democrats are now saying, well, as bad as passing this CR is, allowing Trump to take over with even more power with the government shutdown is far worse. So and this is, you know, really NPR, you know how they think with that, too.


So and when I looked at the at the bill, it is virtually the same as Biden’s bill in the past. I just I, you know, I listen and everyone’s beaten up Massey. And yet Massey actually just introduced abolish the Fed.


You know, so I don’t know. I’m I’m I am not sure what’s actually happening on that level. So I would, you know, I kind of disagree with people, you know, saying Massey’s bad.


I don’t think so. And I think there’s there’s some theater going on in there with that, too. I think there’s a lot of theater going on right now.


And I think we need to keep our eye on the bigger piece because a lot of people are allowing the theater to move their eyes or take their eyes off of the goals or letting that theater. They’re getting so wrapped up in the theater. And we know and, you know, I always loathe to use the word, but I think Charlie’s right, Panama.


And I mean, we’re watching it. We’re watching theater. And it is meant to distract you as we’re going through this.


Keep your eyes on the goal and do your research. And I guess I guess the other thing that I would say is that I want you to think back four or five years ago. If you started watching Mark or me or whatever, you know, and those kinds of time frames, we were sensing the possibility because we saw maybe the PPP loans, you know, sublimating the Fed underneath the Treasury.


So we saw that. But was there direct evidence of that? And then we had the 2020 fraud issues and the fraud of the inauguration. And yet we didn’t see the real evidence.


Now, faith is called substance, has this point of substance in there. So I want to throw you some substance on this hundred and fifty K part and listen to listen to who cares. I tell you what, who cares? Donald Trump cares.


And when we balance the budget, you know what that means? That means our deficits stop. Interest rates come smashing down. His goal is to have external revenue.


You know, the way I think about it, we all are so used to paying taxes. We’re so used to it. We have like Stockholm syndrome.


You know, don’t stop the Internal Revenue Service, God forbid. How about this? The rest of the world leans on our economy, breathes off our economy. Not only is our economy twenty nine trillion dollar GDP, but we consume twenty trillion dollars a year.


We are the buyer of everybody’s stuff. We buy everybody’s stuff. So who is more important, the people who sell stuff or the people who buy stuff? So we are the buyer of everybody’s commodities, products, goods and services.


Everything comes from us. Right. Let them pay a membership fee.


We all understand that model. Let them pay. How about we, you and I and every single person we know pay less? How about no tax on tips? How about no tax on overtime? How about no social security? How about all those things? These are the kind of thoughts that will change America.


I know what his goal is. No tax for anybody who makes less than one hundred and fifty thousand dollars a year. That’s his goal.


So I want you to catch what he’s saying here. And so he he first starts to introduce the tariff. And by the way, if you want to know, I did a video here.


It’ll be for next week. And in Matthew 17, 25 and 24 and 25, it actually intimates that tariffs and taxes are only supposed to be for the illegals. And not the citizens of a country.


I mean, like I couldn’t believe it was in the Bible. And I was sitting there just freaking when I remember a church and the pastor kind of glazed over it. And I was going, we need to address that one.


So we actually here’s what he did. He talks about tariffs as a membership fee. I think that’s a good point.


Then he kind of then he starts bringing up the no tax on tips and social security and overtime. Another nibbler. Then he says, I know that the president and remember who this is.


Howard Lutnick, a billionaire, is a secretary of commerce. So in essence, business, what what happens to how how business moves throughout the nation and throughout the world? And he stipulates a statement. He says, I know that the president’s desire is to have no taxes below one hundred and fifty thousand dollars.


Now, again, when you when you look at that, he’s dribbling you further and further down the line. And so and on top of that, we have, like I said, Senator Massey with H.R. 1846, who is telling you to abolish the Fed. We have all the nuggets in line.


So why haven’t we seen the release of the JFK files? Why haven’t we seen the diddy? Why haven’t we seen the Epstein? Because once those things drop, the whole system falls. And so I really think this is will drop all at once when it all drops. Don’t be worried about, well, you know, these certain dates when they drop, they drop so quickly and so fast.


I personally believe that that Trump would have had to set the RV and the Nassar pieces in motion weeks ago. He might have said it, you know, in late February. And it takes this long to do it because the processing of the bonds and the processing of those things are so particular.


They are looking over every single piece with truckloads of these people and bringing in these truckloads of boxes of things. So they have to look them over and they have to make sure that it goes into the QFS and goes back, goes into the QFS and back. I mean, it’s it’s a crazy process that they do.


And yes, you know, we have the H.R. 25 that’s rolling around there somewhere, too. So, guys, the evidences are there. We’re just we see all the pieces and we’re just ready to launch.


Right. So we’re we’re like, you know, before June 6th of the launch date. We don’t know that a lot.


Exact launch date. What happens then? Know that, you know, if you go backward and look at that, that time frame of June 6th, they were ready to launch in May. But they had a date in mind.


And that’s what I think is happening in the background with that, too. Sort of thoughts on the rift between Trump and Massey. Well, I think that’s the that’s the political theater theater.


I don’t think when I look at the bill that happens in there, he’s still putting in a lot of money for age for HHS. He’s putting in a lot of money for other things. I’m just not convinced by it.


And Massey has been his biggest supporter with that, too. So I think that’s a little look over here. So you don’t watch what I’m doing over here in the background.


So I think they’re getting people focused on things that are not, you know, have no matter with it, too. I said there’s a Jeanette actually has a great statement. Very last one.


You know, after these bond holders get their travel money, what next? We next, you know, I mean, you’re talking about when they are are going again. What it takes is the tier three hitting at 30 percent is the is the approximate ratio. And when that happens, I’m telling you what, it’s it is it is a snowball rolling down the hill.


So what’s Reno’s part? Well, Reno actually has a lot of the centers. So we know that Reno is part of is pushing this thing forward. And, you know, some of the military that have that capability as well.


Remember, the RV is military just as much as military is RV. I mean, we’re and that’s why that’s why this is so much. It’s not a financial issue.


And people sit over here on the financial side and focus on that. But there is a military side that we’ve got to focus on. I had a conversation with Patriot Underground.


I put it on last week. And, you know, there are all the things are set up for the military situation to the EBS has to occur as well. I’m sorry, I’ve been reading so many of the comments.


I got a trademark. We next. We next.


Let’s see, why would the bondholders get travel money instead of going on their own dime? See, some of them are most of them are going on their own dime. Some of them can’t afford to go on their own dime. So, well, we’re made because of how long this thing is dragged.


How many of you guys are going to have a tough time making things happen? If you were going to need to go, you know, 100 miles or 200 miles from home? I don’t think I was going to go that far unless you live in a very remote state or area. But when you’re talking about international travel, a number of them are going to are going to need it. Well, the other thing that happens with the bonds is there.


There are such unique points of currency issues that they look at, and they need a very special person to look at. Most other people don’t have those. These are very when we talk about bonds, we’re talking about historical bonds.


These are bonds that were, you know, some of them 100 years old. And very, very rare. And that’s what sets them apart.


So you have to have those brought in. And you don’t want to go on a commercial airline. And you don’t want to take that stuff on a commercial airline.


So they’re actually doing private flights with that, too. So that’s what I do here with that. Will currency be held in wise accounts be redeemed at redemption along with the cash? I really have no clue what that is.


It’s a multi-currency, like, account. No, I mean, I meant to say – I meant to say – I say that wrong. I know what it is, but what I mean is since you can’t walk in there, and you’re not going to walk in there with your cell phones, I don’t know how you’re going to show it.


So that might come on the back end of that. I don’t know. It’s a multi-currency account.


It should just automatically because it’s still in that account as that native currency. So there should be zero for you to do. It should just be automatic.


Now, you might be a little upset when you try to pull, like, daily limits off that card, but so what? And that’s probably the same kind of thing happens for your other accounts as well. They’re just getting flipped in that way. Unfortunately, 101, nothing fresh on CMKX in a couple of weeks, not for lack of searching, though.


Trisha, I got no clue. I have no idea what to tell you. Trisha asking, what about old Soviet war bonds with some coupons attached? I have no clue at all.


Never heard of it. If you’ve got any questions on any of this, when you finally get a bank appointment, when we get to go across that threshold, we’ll get all with you. Yeah.


Right below is Dawn. She said, you know, Dr. Scott wants the bondholders pay will go with tier three. And then after tier three, it’ll be tier four.


Correct? Yes. So now there are some tier three that kind of know that they’re they’re pretty far at the end. So if 30 percent are going and then you get the tier four, you know, a B or excuse me, A and B, then the bond people could be going later as well.


So some of the other bonds might go later as well. So we just don’t know all that kind of order there, too. I still have zero thoughts on the Pango.


I don’t know what to tell you. I can’t I can’t get a banker to comment. I don’t know what to tell you on that one.


I’ve got some and it looks cool and I’m hopeful. Just trying to handle a few of these. Go ahead.


Oh, wait. I didn’t know if you wanted your funny one yet. I just occurred.


Let’s see. Oh, we’ll do that in a second. Catherine Lake said, my worst nightmare is all my money in a block chain account.


And then it’s mandatory for me to have the chip on the hand to get a forehead to get it off. Catherine, that is not what we’re having here. That is not the situation.


Don’t play that that game right now in your head. I understand that that idea. But that time frame, I’m writing a book, right? I’m in the middle of a book.


I’m seven chapters in on the tribulation. That’s not yet. So don’t worry about it.


Bond folks, people that hold bonds, people are processing bonds. The people that work for the countries that are redeeming the bonds, you know, people that have bonds to trade in. Anybody involved in that process? Those are the bond people.


I’m trying to read a few of these. Let’s see. Well, we know what our currencies are worth before we go to our appointments.


I personally I don’t think we will because I think they’re going to try to get us in as quietly as possible before posting to the Forex. Now, there are a lot of people that disagree with me. And it’s very possible that they are right, that they’re just going to stick it on Forex.


And we’re going to find out that values have changed and we’ll have to find banks that were deemed. But I’ve been told by two different banks that they have already planned on circulating all the information in hopes that people will come exchange with them. I’ve also been told that the rate is set.


You don’t have to negotiate it. The fees are set. You don’t have to negotiate them.


There is no such thing as negotiating, according to every single one of my bank contacts. They could be wrong, but I doubt it. So, yeah, two different lines of thought on that one that we’re going.


They’re going to keep it extremely quiet and get us in the door before they post it on Forex. The other thought is it’s going to post on Forex and the banks are going to give notices. Which do you think makes most sense, Dr. Scott? I just don’t see it posting.


I think they’re going to try to keep it as quiet as possible. I just don’t see it posting in that way. I just think, I mean, it’ll post sometime for exchange rates.


Now, remember, that’s exchange rates that will happen. I think that’s more of a tier five kind of conversation, too. Judy, it is my opinion that there will be many banks still saying the exact same thing while we’re exchanging.


Because that is what they have been told from the get-go in order to keep it quiet. I mean, if everybody that worked at a bank knew something like this was going to happen, how many employees would you have the moment it happened? I mean, there would be nobody to process it. Nobody to do it.


And nobody to work in the industry. It’s ugly, but self-preservation for many. We’ve had a number of people in the community that have recent banking stories where they’ve been approached by a banker who said, you know, I’m sorry, I told you you were crazy, you’re right.


They started training us for this. Hey, they let us know, you know, a couple of key people, hey, you’re right, please keep me in mind when it’s time. Yeah, and Judy, I also believe that even after it has occurred, they will do just like they did with Kuwait.


They will write a couple of BS stories and try to convince everybody that it didn’t happen that way. And only a few key people got to do it. They’re going to make up those same stinking stories because they’re terrified of people having the power.


That’s my opinion. And by the way, I mean, several people have asked about the June 6th reference. Again, I didn’t say RV in June.


I was talking about as a analogy. What is the reference? It took months and months and months, almost probably about a year and a half before they were ready to launch that massive invasion. Consider this thing is bigger.


Yeah, way bigger than that, way bigger than that one. Randy asks, can markets either supposed to be contract rates or just forex? Redemption for contract or banks for forex? Yes, redemption for contract and banks for forex. Yes, and I am told that there absolutely are contract rates, but they are not massively different than the forex rates, but considerable, especially when you, all right, do the math.


If there’s a, I’m just going to pick something out of my butt, guys. I’m not saying this is what the rate is, but let’s say that the DONG goes for $2 on forex, but you can get a contract for two and a quarter, turn in a couple million of them. That’s massive money difference.


So even if it’s just cents, pennies, a nickel, a dime different, that’s massive, plus all the perks. Coolbee, yeah, we’re going to be told, we’re going to be told what our options are, Coolbee. I’ve been told that over and over and over of people in the banking industry.


So I very much believe that we are going to be told which ones are handling it and doing it. We’re not going to be left on our own. I don’t know, Mad Max, if I would call them redemption centers.


Call them redeeming banks. I think that’s a more accurate term. It’s a bank that can handle those international transactions, knows how to exchange it, familiar with what it looks like, has the trained staff to deal with it.


I wonder if we can change the terminology here at this last moment. And Danger Dan, yeah, absolutely less than 1% of people own currency. Way less than that, right.


I mean, you walk into a busy mall with 5,000 people on a Sunday and there’s probably four or five people in that entire mall that have currency. So you’re talking like 0.04% maybe. No, it’s way less than 1%, massively less than 1%.


Just like how many people drive a Burgundy Chevy pickup truck. You know, a lot of them out there, but as a percentage of the population, not that many. And I think a lot of people have given up, too.


So that’s another issue that’s going on, too. A lot of people have given up. And if it takes days or weeks more, there are going to be a lot more people that give up.


Sure. Someone asked what’s your opinion on Zim. Again, Zim, I believe, was purchased.


It was, you know, it is a bond in essence, but it’s a note that’s supposed to be 100 T note. So if you had 10 of them, you have a quadrillion. It’s a crazy number, and there’s no way it’s going to be a one-to-one.


It will have a, you know, I’ve seen the ranges, you know, 100 T notes as low as 18 and as high as 50 million for 100 T notes. So, you know, you pick. Yeah, I was told a long time ago that we have to stop looking at Zim as the former currency, that we’ve got to look at it as a new version of a prosperity package or humanitarian package.


I’ll see if I can get somebody on to do a better explanation because I did a horrible one this morning for a lady on Iraq’s importance because Mr. C’s like Iraq’s not everything. It’s not the, you know, we can do this or separate parts, but I didn’t explain how important it was as part of the engine of this thing. I really flubbed up the answer on that one.


So I’m hoping he bails me out tomorrow and does a better job describing that one or maybe you can if you’re up for it. A lot of people seem confused when they make comments like that, but this is so much bigger than just one country. One country doesn’t run this whole thing.


Well, I mean, here’s what I know on this is that the Quanta Financial team has been working for a very long time. It’s been first looking at each of the countries of what their capability is. Then you have to move into, you know, how would that interact in the region to how would that interact in the world? And then there was negotiation about every single one of the countries and, you know, they were in and out and trying to, you know, do their negotiation.


It’s like the trade deadline kind of thing. And then it moves further and saying, okay, but how much was your currency? Well, one country had a higher currency value versus, you know, the Reichsmark in Germany versus, you know, Zimbabwe, for instance. And yet what they had to do is find some of those that they had to raise up and there was a significant raise of that price.


And that has to be one of the capabilities of doing it. So the Zim, you know, is so massively overvalued. So is, by the way, so is the Bolivar that it’s almost hard to calculate.


And so it had to be sold. It’s sold through China and a couple of the nations at a discounted rate. And so what Zim also does is has ability for projects in there too.


That, Wendy, I’m told, yes, the 50B, the smaller Zim are good. You’re just going to have to do the math to figure out what they may be worth. You know, if you get to the trillions, you just got to break out your calculator and turn your high school algebra.


Turn your iPhone on the side and start doing the math. And that’s how you can do it. Trust me, it’s a way of looking at that stuff.


It works. Yeah. And I’ve done the math on the podcast a number of times.


If values were 11 million, that’s about the lowest I’ve heard for 100G. If it were 30 million, if it were 50 million, I’ve done the math a couple of times on a podcast. So it’s not difficult math to do.


You just got to take the time to do it. Let’s see. One question is, will we be able to negotiate the bank perks? I think so.


I think there’s going to have a lot of bank perks. But remember, the more you have, the more you can negotiate on the back end of these perks. I don’t think you have to negotiate perks.


I think they’re going to throw them at you in hopes that you leave money in their bank. Correct. Bonds and currency.


Massive difference. Massive difference between a bond and a currency. Another great one for a matter of fact.


Why don’t we go ahead and start making some notes here for Mr. C. tomorrow? Rather than me tackle all these and take away from some of the great questions you can hit while we have you. You want to see if you can find a different question in there? And I’m going to start making some notes for him. Let me speak here.


Let’s see here. Are we going to be required to sign an NDA? Listen, I don’t know if we’re required to sign an NDA on everything. I think that you might have to sign an NDA on relation of what the currency is and what you did.


And what the rate might be. But you know what? You should never tell anyone anyway. So I’m not sure why an NDA is a concern.


Easy chair. I’m told Will Fernard is absolutely still in effect. Rain Man.


I’m still being told from all my sources 30 to 50. But there’s one or two prominent podcasters out there that keep saying 11. So that’s why I mentioned it.


What happens if they’re right and I’m not? I would rather everybody be prepared to get less and then be surprised by it being more. I guess that’s my approach. I shouldn’t say I guess.


That is my approach. And I think people are worried about like someone Sam mentions. Will people living in states with income tax need to be moved before the exchange? The whole point is as we move into a go back currency, which is at the tier 4B kind of thing, IRS is deleted.


So don’t worry about that stuff. Gail, Mr. C is not going to be able to answer that question for you because he was told specifically not to deal with the currencies. But there is swing to bond and the currency is very much in his wheelhouse to comment on.


But I’ll just give you a. I just let you know, I don’t think you’ll be able to answer that one for you for tomorrow. I can’t touch half of these. Is it safer to hold money in savings account or invest in crypto? Depends on you.


What crypto? What bank? There’s a million. Go on that one. Well, first off, it would be it would be the most evil thing for them to rip your money out of savings because then most people would lose everything.


And then we would have no country left. Guys, don’t worry about that stuff. That’s where we have the QFS.


It is going to be covered for you with that. Janice says, heard you can’t change the amount paid out and says it on that. That is correct.


But it is a Zim dollar. So a Zim dollar is not worth anything close to a U.S. dollar. That’s the part that really has a lot of people confused.


Yeah. What’s your gut telling you? I don’t know if I want to touch that question or not. I don’t I don’t I don’t believe it.


Well, we got a new phone. I was talking about your gut telling you the new phone. I’ve been told repeatedly by people that have been training that, no, you’re not going to get scanned by somebody from another planet.


And no, they’re not going to hand you new, really cool phones and stuff. No, or computer. You’ve got to be able to afford to go get the top of the line, whatever you want.


Go buy your own. Yeah. You know, I mean, you’re not going to be getting that stuff.


I mean, is there you know, are there technologies that are going to come out? I think it’s going to be an app based kind of issue. If I if I were to think about this is like an app slash website capability, because everyone’s got to be able to, you know, have access to this kind of thing in the very near future. What you got? I’m loving these kind of like LSU girl.


We talk to Mark’s gut all the time. Yes. And right now, my gut’s just saying it’s going to be dinner time as soon as I finish that.


That’s what my gut’s telling me. I’ve told you guys for some time now. I think probably mid to the third week of March is what’s feeling good right now.


But that’s just my gut. And it’s based on a lot of what I’m hearing from Bond and some of the currency groups. And I’m still waiting for some updates from currency groups as far as like being in a group, because I am I’m in one or two of the bigger groups, just like many of the people in here.


But they don’t communicate much at this point. They’re just like, hey, everything’s pulled together. We’ll tell you when it’s time.


And I do. I think that’s the way it’s going to work for most of us in those groups. I think we’re going to find out the day it goes.


And nothing before. Yeah, people are asking me what my gut feeling is. I stopped using my gut a long time ago because my gut kept wanting to move forward here.


So really, I have to, you know, like someone said, if the RV hasn’t happened in the morning, they’re kind of depressed. She didn’t say exactly that, but something the same thing. And my response was in me is that I get up and I want to center myself before I go into the day and not worry about things that I can’t control.


I cannot control this. And so I have to let it come to me. We are going to have to let this stuff come to us in ways you can’t do it.


I’m going to tell you, I want you to think about this related to that. That answer. Can you play this little thing called Lux on your side? This is a cutest, funniest video I’ve seen in a while with it to give me just a minute to get that one up there.


You give me the name of the standard unit of electrical power. What? Oh, what? Will. Hey, Mr. Will.


Hey, give me the name of the standard unit of electrical power. What? Oh, what? Correct. Famous comic actor was Mr. Will.


Mr. Will Hay, correct. A legal question now. A man is released from prison because he has received the royal… Pardon? The royal crown, correct.


And what were the last words of Ludwig van Beethoven? I’m sorry, I didn’t hear that. Yes, they were, correct. The name of the first Bond film was Doctor… Do you know it? Er, no.


Doctor No, correct. I want you now to tell me the first two words of the song that goes on, Give You Anything But Love, Baby. I can’t.


I Can’t Give You Anything But Love, Baby, correct. What is the English for je ne sais pas? I don’t know. Correct.


What is the standard reply of a British Rail Information Officer? Don’t ask me. Yes, it is. I just thought it was interesting.


I think guys, we’re looking at this stuff and we’re going, I don’t know how to process, I don’t know how to figure this stuff out. Guys, you’ve got to be calm on things because you can’t control things that happen to you. Yeah, that haircut was something.


It was awesome. I loved it. That is something.


Who’s on first? That one was just great. Yeah. Yeah, see, trying to… Actually, I just noticed the time.


We’ll go maybe a few more minutes. If you’re up for it, Dr. Scott. My guess is they just want to make certain nobody’s recording or cameras.


I want to be surprised that they let you have your phone and do something like tape or monitor you, or you’re allowed to have it at the front so that after you handle your process, you can check your app so that you can see your dollars or whatever. But I am told in the middle of the exchange, you won’t be able to have it for security reasons. Right.


And what if they have a room in the back or something like that, or that you could use? I don’t know. There’s a million ways, but it’s not going to be in the middle of the exchange with all the paperwork and stuff. Yeah, it would kind of make sense for them to have stations where you go, you get to the point, and then the final station is showing you how to get in your app.


After you’re through the process, currency’s done, you move off to the end. I mean, it would make sense. And we’ll find out soon.


Looking for some good question here you guys have. Mom, you’d be that’s a hoot. Thanks for making me laugh.


I needed that one. So these comments are to say, I’m sorry, I made the mistake of looking over at rumble. When we redeem our currency and bonds, are they processed, deposited into a QFS account and secure? Yes, but every account will then be QFS compliant.


That’s just the Scott terminology for it. So every account, so for instance, you get a new account, and its name is X. I’m just making up something. And that has all of your currency put into that.


You walk away, and you have this new account number. When you go home and you start playing around with your other accounts, very soon thereafter, all the accounts and all the systems will be QFS compliant, which is part of the reason why you’re going to see the debts. So a credit card account will then go to zero, too.


So that’s going to be some powerful things. We’re going to be watching this kind of stuff, really, really interestingly. Yeah, very.


Do I have any fun ones? My cat tells me it’s happening until it’s not our time. Peter, you’re right. It’s happening when it’s our time.


Spiritual Angel. Overwhelmingly, yes, it will just be a bank, a bank that is trained to do redemptions there. I am told there will be some areas where it will be an actual redemption center, meaning not at a normal bank location.


They will have set up something else. And I’m guessing maybe bigger cities or something, or maybe for military personnel or something, because there’s such a high percentage of military personnel that hold them. Yeah, or it could be upstairs of a bank kind of thing, like in their wealth management division.


I mean, they could be doing it in a different couple of ways. I just don’t see it necessarily just in the exact teller location. I mean, that kind of doesn’t help you.


No. Let’s see. Where are we at with more? Yeah, isn’t that a great – this is a conversation I’ve never had with them.


Yeah, that’s a good question. But here’s what happens. If I have a $5,000 credit card, I have $3,000 on it.


To zero out the account means take it from $3,000 to zero, but it doesn’t mean that you lose the credit accounts. You still could drop $5,000 on it. I would recommend you not unless you had a whole bunch of ability to pay it off.


It’s going to be a big conversation for people when they find out that their credit has gone to a zero, which means that they have no debt on it. Most wealth managers – Most do not. My gosh.


Most of them just know that they are expecting a lot of new clients. Banks have said, hey, look, there’s going to be a transition. You’re about to have a lot of new clients, but they don’t know where they’re coming from.


They just know they’re about to get a lot of new clients. That’s a conversation I’ve had with so many in wealth management. Many of them are just looking at it.


They just don’t get it. They don’t understand things. They’re still talking about tax.


They’re not even listening to the realities that the government is saying. We’re going to kill off the IRS. You can, KMA.


We’ll get copies of all of our signed documents. Absolutely. When they ran me through the testing thing, the role play thing, and they had me come in with some currencies – This was years ago.


They gave me a nice little folder. They put it together. Hey, here’s all your information.


They really role played out what it would look like. Somebody else asked, Dime Nickel, I’m told they open you a new account. You can move it to your old ones if you want to.


That’s what I was told. Dime Nickel just asking, will the Funds of Redemption Center be loaded into a new account or into existing bank accounts we already hold? I was told they’re going to give you a new one, and if you want to move something to your old ones, knock yourself out. Yes, and we have been, guys, slowly – We’ve had a couple of them reach out.


Kukla’s doing a wonderful job on these, putting together a list of some of these for when it occurs. Don’t ask before. They are putting themselves out there for when it occurs.


Could you imagine having to deal with everybody that doesn’t have dollars right now, but they’re expecting to, and you’ve got to answer thousands and thousands of questions and still do your day job? Yeah. It would be impossible, humanly impossible, to handle all that. And we’re going to need a whole bunch of new people for that.


Still no idea what to tell you on the Yellow Dragon notes. TMBMama, again, when we find out what redemptions or redeeming banks, take them with you. That is what I’ve been told over and over and over repeatedly.


This is a good one. Polly actually asked the question, do married people go together or do we get our own account? Yeah, I would say you probably do. If you did it under your name, Joe and Jane, if you separated your currency to each person, you might have different accounts.


If you did it in a joint account, maybe that’s how they would open that one. It’s kind of the same thing as business or business ministry, other kinds of accounts. They would put it under whatever name that you’re putting it through.


Sounds great. Let’s see, who else do we have here? Randy, yeah, I’ve been told business credit cards get zeroed too. They’re fractionalized.


The money didn’t exist. Right. Should we ask for proof of funds from different amounts? I think that’s a powerful point.


I would say that that’s after the RV, but maybe there might be a backstation of someone that can do that for you. It would be pretty easy to get that done. Now, remember, if you’re making a major purchase very quickly, you might need a proof of funds, but how long is it going to take you to buy something? If it’s going to be a month or two down the road, then worry about it then.


Yeshua’s Child, I’ve seen there’s been put out, that will be wiped on the 17th. Well, it would certainly fit with a lot of what we’re hearing timing-wise, but I’ve not seen that mentioned anywhere yet. All right.


With time for me, though, it is time for me to wrap up. I need to eat a quick bite, and I’ve got another call I’ve got to do tonight. Not a podcast, folks, a real-life one.


Okay, this is real-life. I think you know where I’m going. Yeah, real-life one.


It’s his day job. There you go. Are you up for closing us in a prayer again? Yep.


Lord God, I just come to you right now, and we just open ourselves up to you, Lord Jesus, and tell us what we need to know right now. So thank you, Lord God, that you have controlled all of our anxieties because we lay those cares upon you. We just thank you so much, Lord God, that it’s coming, and we’re going to be at that position.


I guess what I’m hearing, guys, is see yourself in that position. See yourself in that joy. And let’s operate in joy.


So I just pray for joy over the people right now. Just thank you so much for that. In your name, we pray.


Amen. Amen. Much appreciated.


A lot of people still ask, do we have to go in with a spouse? Do we not have to go in with a spouse? When you go to the bank now, can you go open accounts separately? Can you go open a joint? Can you go to the bank without your wife or without your husband now? Yes. I think it’s not that different from what you’re going through right now, just a heads up. Amen.


And thank you for that prayer, Dr. Scott. And to the rest, Mr. C. Tomorrow morning, 10 a.m.

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