MarkZ (Uncut) 12-30-2024
good morning all Jer happy birthday LSU girl Hello Hoops Mr Lee lost in Q8 yeah what is the market doing I know it’s supposed to open down holy crap it is taking a hey look at that straight out of the gate we’re 30 minutes in it’s down 686 points wo ah good to see you making it live hello Anthony good to see you hello flipper hello Captain Peggy turd fer Texas gir girl hello Carmen yeah see it’ be nice to buy more Hello mea good to have you live Lumber youw folks uh we haven’t seen a while live
are in here this morning hello J and Amy Hello Johnny Bravo Juliet is pretty cool Hello humble bumblebee what is this about uh um let’s see minds and everyone prayers needers I’m in the hospital dealing with an open wound oh prayers Derek good to see you brother flight level Simply Southern Okie Bob hello William David hello Lil Barb and Gypsy Baron Eric soba Bronco freak good to have you back in the house hello Diane in Quebec hello Miss Trisha SD McCormack finally have sound on R Tech man H Bridget good to have you out said
just got out of the hospital yesterday from pneumonia hello Todd uh Heather’s birthday Tom’s wife Heather happy birthday Miss Heather Todd glette just said best update for militia man last night there’s so much coming together just try to buckle up I know staying patient not easy when you are struggling at the end of your rope but oh so close Fun Run looking forward to you getting there too be militi man says Sudani and soil said January 2nd that’s pretty close to what we’re being told right now we’ll
dive into the how or why of that in just a moment but it has to do with uh the auctions lot that’s what’s being said there all right dark spiral reading through these justtin join them hello Miss sstone jpv cheese head clades hello Mimsy Krypto Kenny joa said Frank 26 was great last night too it’s it’s coming together it’s just frustrating because we don’t control the timing and we’re just waiting it’s like playing Hot Potato waiting for the potato to go man lots of folks joining this morning good to have you
here yeah I’m with you uh whip I’d rather the baddies be at the end of the Rope instead of me hello Miss Kathy busted Gia speaking of a Cathy with a birthday happy birthday busted Gia to uh your sister Kathy boy timing was good good morning all birthday today for mgu girl yeah that’s uh Jimmy Carter passing at 100 what do you guys make from that what are your comments and thoughts I’ll keep an eye out on uh Rumble and on YouTube twitch uh Etc oh boy wait is anybody seeing this morning Jimmy Chief State Carter that
Xavier sounding in how we get info for the qfs contact oh don’t worry about it Jamie when you go at the bank when they change we are told it will automatically be qfs you don’t have to call anybody special it’ll all that’ll be your only choice David could play Jeopardy music that’d be copyright violations they take all the fun out of it don’t they Dave Rex is 79th today happy birthday Rex Arizona has their thoughts on Jimmy ruined a lot of lives in my humble opinion there’s a special place in you
know that that that warm place reading back and forth just makes Biden the worst living president in history because he’s still harsh it’s just ripping we still got a few minutes Nancy having a birthday hey buddy hey Jason yeah I saw somebody else saying Jimmy’s been gone for two years number of people uh given some other dates let’s see how do we transfer qfs as simply as you do now actually it’ll be simpler because you should be able to move as much as you want should not be a problem at all cuz
you have free use of uh funds free and clear my wife and I 29th anniversary day Larry happy anniversary yeah Sandy a lot of people feel that way like okay they’re ready to start letting it all all out with the passing of Jimmy sorry some of these Stephan you take that and throw it right out on its ear it does not suddenly going to start all over again that is some horrendous Intel yeah that I’m not going to argue that one he was a horrendous president president horrendous but he did set the stage for
Reagan rega want minan protocols and a number of other things so his inep uh did put into motion part of what we’re trying to get finished today so you got to watch that one I you got to like that part of it I guess David just said my IMF contact saying around the second David is not the only one giving us those dates Teresa it’s not an email address for getting notifications I am told to go to um two different banks have told me this punching it in going to share the link show you the picture and they’ve told me to go to
Dinar Recaps or the news aggregating sites it’s the easiest way to get the information is to send it to them because they already have all the email newsletter lists they have email mailing lists it’s by far easier than the banks jumping through hoops if they just simply send notices or information about their services to the aggregating sites for them to share them it is exponentially easier I’ve been told that you go to the blog you scroll down towards the bottom of their website and there will be a
place to uh join the blog uh actually let’s go to the home let’s do it this way and go to the bottom pretty certain that’s where it’s at ah newsletter sign up there’s a little uh marker right there little tab newsletter sign up you sign up for the schedule it is free does not cost you a stinking thing you do not have to pay for their proservice one uh the additional pay option they have is for people to want their news without a couple of hours of delay I do not in any way believe that there will be a delay
when it is go time they will put it out there you give them an email address first name is optional you don’t have to give them your uh identity if you don’t want to hit subscribe it’s free cost you nothing probably should drop the uh web address in there oh wait a minute that is definitely not right now I’m going to have a bunch of people let me see if I can uh find that one and remove that before we end up with a million people in chat yeah let’s yeah can’t remove it oh well hopefully nobody pops s a chat that’s
the backyard uh Studio let me see if we can get this right because it did not copy and paste now let’s get it you’re trying to get signed up it is Dinar Recaps that might go better let’s see as a senior citizen I’m worried about setting up a password I’ve heard that they will say set security where no one can access your account uh boy you guys are worrying about things you don’t need to worry about at all at all you will have banking Personnel to help you for those that aren’t up to Snuff on the tech side of the world
there is a legacy system that will be in place so that it doesn’t change how you operate Don’t Panic Frank 26 saying the auctions are done period well let’s talk about that because today in Iraq Monday December 30th the auction was 279 m694v into some news guys let’s just keep running oo thoughts on Boulevard we’ll talk about it in a minut minute Connie even share you a picture let’s see if I can share you a picture let’s drag this over there I mean it’s all kind of new bills suddenly being printed lower
denomination in uh Venezuela here’s 100 Boulevard uh picture coming from from someone in Venezuela uh you can I’m not freaked out I don’t have a whole lot in wise but a little bit no big deal should have immediate access I I don’t see what the problem is I want to put all my eggs in that basket but kind of confused why everybody freaks freaks out all right we need to get to it we talked about Jimmy Carter is passing G Recaps you do not have to pay the membership fee unless you want to get like VIP service and get your uh
read on the Articles a little ahead of the rest of them that’s all it does it’s all it changes you don’t have to pay for it info is still free Gina all right let’s keep going Jimmy Carter passed with the beginning of the new year the US dollar enters a new phase in Iraq this is all about the uh Changing of the Guard the changing of the auction system how it’s going to work this one’s a little longer but it also gives some interesting time for how that is going to pan out coming into the first couple of days as the system goes
from 95% to 100% during that time span it talks about who the sales were where they were going how this process is going to work and for the ease with easy access to currency foreign or foreign currency in other words foreign currency exchanges great one guys there is some pure gold in your articles today as to that change in system that is coming in Iraq they don’t hide it Financial liquidity delays the payment of salaries for employees this is getting back to the Kurdish region money’s there liquidity is the problem as it goes into
the bank out of the bank they didn’t do their paperwork in time in the next couple of days they will have full access but it’s just uh so many rumors out there has been paid hadn’t been paid it’s uh better to try to keep up with the facts have they or have they not check’s been deposited Iraqi Parliament speaker hints a possible election delay citing emergency you got a couple here these Don’t Panic we’re talking about elections next year that they may have to uh delay depending on security in the
country and the change over of currencies and it also gets into uh with Trump coming on board they want to make certain that they prevent the spread of armed groups Express concern over turkey’s growing influence in Syria this is all after conversation with Donald Trump in other words they are working directly Trump is working directly with the government of Iraq laying preliminary stuff that doesn’t violate um he is president-elect he is supposed to be coming up to speed on these he’s supposed to be making
these this isn’t a Logan act thing before somebody on the left out there like melts um already working on that security and laying the groundwork for a new international top of the Heap world class Iraq speaker of the Iraqi Parliament Trump stressed to the sudin the need to limit weapons to the state in other words uh you don’t need a bunch of militia groups running around the government does it all meaning your local law enforcement uh your military Etc and it’s going to be very important for Iraq
to be independent Sovereign Etc the most powerful influential country in the Middle East that’s going to take a currency I love this one Iraq in the list of the most attractive countries for Investments took from two years to go from the very bottom of the list to the top of the list for Iraq and international this is all part of setting that groundwork those effective steps development Road dollars money guys why do I keep telling you this it’s because we are watching the economic reforms that they told us about in their
white paper their reforms what is part of that part of that they have told us is to make the dinard the father of the dollar again to make it more valuable to um return it to its place of former glory as the most valuable currency in the world they told us this is what they want to do they also told us the steps they were going to take and we’re watching them do the steps I’m particularly excited about the news out of Iraq this morning Iraq prime minister receives an official invitation to visit Japan
G7 is now courting Iraq left and right all because they want to see uh Iraq become the most prominent influential calming influence in the Middle East economic Powerhouse look at the currency values of the other countries in the Middle East the same basket oh it’s getting fun it’s getting fun let me turn off the banner there’s going to be a lot more coming I’m certain Trump just oh beat me up I think Trump endorsing Mike Johnson Mike Johnson does definitely gives me a little bit of a belly ache because I believe he’s
that weak looking for a better word to put because uh you know there’s still great hope for individuals whatever he just needs to find some fortitude um stop playing the compromising game and stand but it’s the smartest move to make right now going into January to not inflame make it worse uh because of the need for the election process to go smoothly excuse me the um inaugurational process transition to go smooth so I guess we’re taking our medicine we don’t have to like it uh we’re looking for pup Grammy the
one we think will make the biggest difference is the Indonesian rupia Indonesian rupia not the Indian rupe so Indonesia Jesus believer I don’t think Johnson is weak I think someone has something on them yeah same thing then he’s either strong enough to not cave to that or he’s not so for me maybe it’s something really impressive yeah he endorses people usually for um J Branch I don’t have a current value um Trump when he picks people people sometimes he picks them there’s a strength there we don’t know about it
and sometimes he picks them so that they will implode so we can go and get them out of the way he’s like all right this is the system you want here it is like I showed you I told you definitely a lot of movie going on here Rachel I do not in any way see how this can continue for another year no part of me thinks it Todd I’ve not heard anything cool or fresh on coins I’ve been told that the coins that they will transition from the coins we have uh as treasury takes over that down the road we’ll get new coins
but not immediately that’s what I’ve been told no for oh yeah I’m glad somebody else asked we had the uh auction news we do not have Bond or group news yet I have a number of people with updates between two and seven depending on whether it’s a group an Indian Nation whether it’s a bond salesperson this morning I have nothing I’m expecting a number of Updates this afternoon hopefully they will have a clearer picture of what they can expect which will give us a clearer expectation of what we can
expect I’m not convinced buddy that Trump imploded Matt Gates I think we got something interesting twist coming on that one Brad no somebody asked me that last week did I take part of the quadan N no but I had friends I had a towards older people that I great respect that tried to get me to do it and I did not they did exceptionally well I mean exceptionally well and that was probably my last big monster wakeup call that there was a lot going on that I did not understand so did I have the opportunity
yes was it pushed in front of my face yes did I walk away from it yes do I feel like an idiot absolutely that’s one of the biggest reasons that I’m not letting this one slip by Mary we just covered that one uh expecting that update later this afternoon on the zurk bond contact all right now let’s get over here uh just a sign of the economy so many people out there painting false narratives that I think it’s important for us to search to make certain we’re getting something actually solid not we’re already getting reports of
homelessness sky rocketing the implosion of the middle class in China China’s coming unglued as we speak economically I mean to the point of if they did not control their news so much this would have already started the global economic collapse would have already started in my opinion uh but we are seeing signs in many markets and this is usual when you see a collapse you see the indicators so many people ignore them because that’s not how it’s been in the past it didn’t collapse in the past this kept working
was scary but there was nothing to worry about until it doesn’t and until that doesn’t moment really does seem to be hitting California makes world class wines but industry pressures are leaving grapes to die over overall wine demand tanking add that competition from lower cost Alternatives places like you know Chile Peru other countries now getting into the Global Wine markets where they can produce even cheaper than we can with the labor taxes uh crazy government uh standards and such in California so they can’t compete
so they make great wines but they are rotting they can’t even uh they can’t make the wine it is cheaper for them to let the grapes rot on the vine than it is to turn them into wine turn them into anything else this is a sad sad State of Affairs AS Global demand starts slipping off a cliff we’re already seeing it in durable goods as well okay other news I’ll wait for a minute you’re wel welcome J and Amy uh stinking eggs are back up to $5 a dozen because a polar bear flu scare you do have to ask yourself what’s
the next scare Terry happy belated birthday I kind of prefer Terry when we get you guys like on Saturday and on Monday because you get to double dip when your birthday’s on a Sunday you get the pre-birthday the post birthday reading a few’s fine but whisky’s quicker H we can get the grapes picked without Federal migrant pay R hey look we still had Biden brought in all that cheap labor Mike they let it come across the border they told us that if Trump got in office they wouldn’t be able to afford the labor to harvest the
crops wait a minute we can’t afford the labor to harvest the crops so in other words their plan wasn’t working Jay believes Johnson is Trump’s guy it’s all good an independent image is important it is yeah why is gas so expensive petroleum sickness things are starting to calm down in the Middle East it should be going down not up Iraq getting ready to start pumping again so they can get around the OPEC restrictions should make it come down just reading a few of these I know I get to let’s see my grocery store had
a limit of two on eggs the other day wow I guess it’s time to uh go ahead and build a chicken CP this week right uh vay’s mom is I’m in the dinar recaps list but none of that existed back when I invested Omega with Clyde Hood I moved several times since then how will they ever find me Bay’s mom what I have been told is that they every so many years they hire a number of private investigating firms whose job is to find people on the update list um probably four years ago or five years ago I was informed by somebody that was
very involved with uh hood and crew that they have been doing this regularly for years part of that money uh that has been invested will go to that and they update lists in other words they very quietly find you in today’s world that’s not difficult unless you move into a cave tell nobody and touch no cell phones banking uh or anything at all they know where you’re at Azie in the house hey Trapper it’s good to see you Lisa so we got 20 chickens farm fresh eggs they are better Gordon we’re all tired of them
and we’re tired of having to search for them in an Ideal World we wouldn’t have to search this hard for truth but this is Satan’s World king of lies and we got to like find our way through them and we have to be okay with the fact that we’re not going to get it perfect just keep striving see Rumble birthday amazing 1196 Pat celebrating her 74th happy birthday Pat R wife you did miss most of it pointing out of Iraq to somewhere between now and the 2nd of January um we don’t know the timing we’re fighting to try to find the timing
I’m expecting updates later this afternoon number of them from uh uh some groups one from an Indian nation and a couple on bonds uh this afternoon hopefully we’ll have something good for you tonight reading a few all right let’s keep going oh wow darar had the uh your nephew had the big 50 I am kind of surprised though with the Dow seeming to uh stabilize at that uh that uh right around that 700 mark it shot to there right around the upper sixes and that has slowed a lot in its dive all right let’s get back to it
jetliner shot down unintentionally by Russia azer bani president has said of course Putin has admitted um they apologized to the country of course they are going to help pay for victims all those things uh looks like both countries trying to do the right thing this is what happens in a wartime we also saw a new radar system upgrade come online which resulted in the Downing of American jets due to Friendly fire this extra level of tension fear Etc this kind of thing happens right wrong whatever this is
history we’re starting to see it happen throughout the world this is the sad state that fear uh regime change Etc brings us to it’s also what usually results in a lock step um eyes open walk right into World conflict and and we have so many fighting it I am very impressed uh you know I I love beating on where’s these white hats but in reality if some weren’t in here fighting we would have already descended into war the massive efforts to get the Middle East inflamed the massive efforts to get um NATO Europe
Russia fighting I mean they on on three different fronts from the Middle East to the baltics to uh Asia through China Taiwan Etc there’s a massive effort to cause World War II to start war war II to ignite us into a global apocalyptic confrontation but they keep pushing back sanity is still there I know it’s a battle I know it’s touch and go but I am very impressed Julie’s big 60 but when I see these stories I know how bad L it could go uh something a similar story like this and next thing we knew we were in World War I the
Lithuania right Mass oh Massie I love this one and getting back to your question on Matt Gates it may have been used as a prepper for this Massie uh Marjorie Taylor green urge release of a multi-million dollar Congressional sexual SL fund list they spend 17 million settling with um sexual oh what’s the word harassment uh cases 17 million burying them from the public we don’t know who got the money where got the money actually we know we don’t they refuse to release it Massie marjerie Taylor green
of course Matt Gates Etc pushing hey you guys are coming after me releasing what you want put it all out there let us all see exactly who said who did who had to settle who had to pay whatever and I love this so I’m wondering if Gates was used as a trojan horse to get uh um disclosure on so many of our elected officials oh now we got another Patty birthday you got a lot of birthdays today folks Sunshine Boulevard news you started I finished it just that there are new lower denominations bills in
print that have suddenly started hitting circulation and what the heck for if the rate’s not going up exponentially massively Sunshine we showed a picture that’s what we were discussing that was all the news no more on the boulevard so uh yeah I love this one some someone suggests the following plan to me former Congressman Matt Gates saying Stow up 13225 to Congress participate in the speaker election I was elected to the 109th con uh Congress after all take the oath file a privileged motion to expose
me too I love this one that me too one uh settlement paid using public funds even of former members resign and start my own program on AO o Ann I kind of like it kind of like it Matt you should it’s exactly I love the idea expose them all Let It Roll Down that MSY no part of me thinks it’s possible for this to take another year at all oh work could be baby Charles born today at 2:33 a.m. congratulations reading a few of your comments has keep me a little distracted but I am enjoying them um B Noles just curious why there’s so
little information same reason there’s so very little information on the dong but it’s expected so same reason there’s little on the uh um Indonesian rupia the easiest one for us to track because of the news and the friendly relations we have with them the easiest to track is the dinar it’s just one of them it’s the Cornerstone it’s the easiest so we track it if it were easier to track the boulevard if it were easier track the dong we track those instead don’t read too much into it is what I’m saying latest race hoax why did I bring
this one up because I want to tell you about the efforts to divide so that they can conquer just like they are attempting Wars in Taiwan China to inflame just like they’re trying to inflame in the Ukraine Russia Etc just like they’re trying to flame in Israel Palestine is they’re trying to inflame in our uh day-to-day society as well and they are doing one heck of a job but I am glad to see it’s starting to get rained in and exposed now the question is who’s going to apologize and who’s going to admit that they took the
race bait latest race hoax slurve posted at College at College fabricated to make Trump backers look bad how many more of these do we need this is happening all the time now it has to be an absolute insult to those uh that uh how do I put that one there is racism in the world but to know that 60 70% of it is fabricated to inflame Division I wonder how much of that that Israel would not exist if it were not being if the Flames weren’t being fanned if they weren’t purposely trying to whip it up but let’s get back
to this particular Story the latest manifestation of persistent phenomenon a race hoaxer at a college stepped in to fill the gap between demand for racism and the supply by creating fictional racism in the form of a written slur posted on campus school officials say this phony incident took place over Thanksgiving break at RADS College small Private School in Memphis with an enrollment of about 4,000 a dozen sheets of paper that paired a race message was support for then recently elected presidential candidate Donald Trump were
left at the school’s National panh helenic Council Plaza which is attributed to school’s historically black fraternities and sororities blacks represent 9.7 of school’s enrollment according to the reported accounts the handwritten Pages said uh F you whatever ni word Trump rules School immediately issued a campus security alert reported hate crime of intimidation based on racial basis including a list of sources available for the survivors which included personal counseling along with the guidance from the college’s
institutional Equity office they had silent protests stop racism stop hate speech they had investigations and then the whole thing turned out to be phony thanks to the tireless efforts of her campus safety officers at Memphis Police Department the investigation and the hate crime that occurred recently our campus has ended with the identification of perpetrator of the conclusion this incident was was fabricated the individual has admitted responsibility the matter has caused enormous pain to community taking appropriate steps to
hold this individual accountable including all legal avenues that may be available meanwhile they refuse to release who whether they worked at the University they’re association with it they refused to release any information on it other than saying hey they’re gonna get to the bottom of this hoax but it was 100% hoax they have proved at this point the roads College episode the latest to many campus racism hoax is a very small sampling of other such frauds include black male student who wrote racist graffiti dorm in Albi in college
black female student reportedly vandalized her own dorm room at Wayne State it goes on and on and on guys we do I mean racism is true it’s ugly it is where hate and ignorance meet but intentionally whipping it up is what is occurring it is bad enough on its own and it’s tough to beat on its own but then we have to go with this we’re better than that we’re bigger than that I would like to think so anyways uh Mike uh no but we do know that Vietnam spent a big chunk of money for new currency with security features
from delaro so we know the Dollar’s been sent just like we can go back to 2018 and we can see that Iraq spent a fortune on new currency that we have yet to see in the market so we know these com uh countries have prepared where is it somewhere under lock and key just like we know the US has done something similar where is it you got the receipts you know they bought it where is it that should tell you a lot uh Jack’s 26 today happy birthday [Music] Jack Labrador yep do my part is for California Mike I’m with you I think it
was a profess that whipped that up I think it was a professor a TA something along that somebody that actually works for the University probably somebody trying to keep their uh oh what is it they call it their colleges institutional Equity office uh funded that’s my guess uh we don’t know Sher Sher we have no idea I have no idea maybe somebody out there does I cannot get a consistent take on what to expect Boulevard rate so I don’t know what to tell you guys on that one reading a few of these I do want to wrap up here in the
next probably five minutes or so sing happy birthday because we’re going to have Stacy Z and then the highfields are going to join us with her uh actually Michael we had some great news where were you were you listening earlier go back uh to the first probably 15 minutes of this thing you’re going to find some pure gold in there out of Iraq that has to do with the uh foreign auctions the new phase the going from uh 95% the last 5% that will be accomplished in their reforms uh between now and the second they talked
about it greatly but yeah go back there were some really good news in here this morning really solid stuff take the time to read the articles this is important I put them there when you guys don’t see any evidence that things are moving forward it means you did not take the time to read any of them that you just did the hey just checking off this is what I heard and keep moving take the time to read them if you care if you’re trying to get it right take the time to do a little due diligence yourself I put
it there I make it really easy I give you the probably three to half dozen articles coming out every day just about so you can stop worrying yeah I’ve seen Lou well actually I didn’t watch I’ve I’ve got a link to L’s uh video even talks about taxes the voluntary portion but I’ve not watched it yet I’ve got the link it’s pulled up I’ve had a few people give me the skinny I haven’t taken the time yet U Jo I’ve actually heard of three different banks that are planning to process Z and yes that’s one of them that I’ve
heard let’s see would it be okay to save some currency to give to friends Post Exchange absolutely Kevin just don’t wait too long uh Peggy I don’t know if Frank still is selling currency at one time he was uh Tom I did not watch militia man last night but he has access to many of the same sources I have or different ones within similar offices he also has same access to articles SL whatever and the articles are Pretty stinking clear about some of the changes we’re going to see so my guess he had very similar to
what I telling you today all right let’s sing some happy birthdays just so we have that out of the way and I’ll keep taking questions until they’re ready to jump in uh Jack Patty Julie Jer Heather Kathy mgu girl Rex Nancy Terry Pat anybody else please keep sounding off uh just Joon jet if I heard of any other countries issuing smaller nomination no but the only ones I’m paying attention to are the ones we expect to change so it would probably be an unfair thing for me to comment when I don’t have any knowledge CU I haven’t
looked doesn’t mean it’s not there how B of A crash you think we will see before we go I’ve heard 40% I’ve heard 70% but I’ve also heard that the most likely fiery is the crash will occur at the same time we go Lori 68th happy birthday and Sherry you must be running behind in chat we don’t know I can’t get a consistent can’t get a consistent answer on that from anybody I’ve tried all right all you birthday people ah I’m gonna read some more of these in just a moment so they tell me it’s your birthday well happy birthday darling
may you live may you love may all your dreams come true happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday to you to all those that are celebrating Katie boy had my last day ever at my job is New York state licensed do on last Friday petition Friday the 27th still having to pinch myself wow right rush rush rush now you get the slow that’s awesome congratulations I’m looking forward to enjoying many of you guys’ retirement with you and traveling and getting that opportunity to you know grab coffee in real life eat
a sandwich I’m ready to like do a diner tour of America like a Main Street Diner kind of tour where we get to actually like sit down break bread talk really looking forward to it uh position what happens it it doesn’t have to go by the end of the year it I don’t understand your question does it appear that it’s going to go right around the end first yes it very much appears that way U but it doesn’t mean that it’s going to reboot uh if it doesn’t happen by uh 1159 59 on tomorrow night that doesn’t mean that
it’s been put off till 2028 or 20 20 whatever guys it doesn’t mean any of that just any grer out there telling you stop listening hey you got to do what you got to do all right you handle it anyway you want but stop giving into the fear porn read study Mike that’s a good question when is the next group to get together I’ll work on one I know for certain that I will be at the quantum uh what do you guys call it the quantum convention Carmine’s putting on in March I know I will be in um Margo in May I
will tie in another event or two while I’m in Florida already in may as well and April I plan on doing one in the Virginia Beach area but that’s all I know so far all right looks like we have the folks in the background now what’s up guys good morning good morning Mark hey Stacy hey I’m trying not to be salty this morning actually it’s a really good day really good week and a lot of Hope in the air yay I have lots of Hope in the air for Brian to help me out today because somewhere between all of my travel
between Tennessee and Virginia Beach I managed to go from a sinus infection to a cold oh no yeah good times but I like the background where you’re at oh yes very much so we missed you here this year I missed you guys too I know if you can’t tell the background is at uh my uh Mother’s and the uh Commander’s house yes all right I’m gonna remove me you guys start talking and uh I’ll play it by ear just so I’m not uh distracting okay very good well Brian has some amazing news for us today today because we have oh my gosh you guys you
executive leaders in Life Vantage have come up with the most incredible plan to help everybody reach their goals this um new years’s so yeah I mean we’re entering the season where uh everybody’s making New Year’s resolutions one of the top resolutions is to get healthy and lose weight and uh so we we timed it perfectly I I I feel like with our new glp1 product um uh glp1 I mean either you’re on one or you know someone who is I mean it’s that popular it is the hottest selling drug right now uh with
the synthetics and the injections um you know so you’ve heard of AIC wovi mangaro and so all these sdes triptides um very popular right now hot again it’s it’s it’s a money maker for all these drug companies but there’s problems as as you not surprised right with synthetics and with drugs is there’s a ton of side effects and people are taking them for primarily two reasons one is uh for managing their blood sugar for type you know type two diabetes that that’s originally what what it was created for um and then
second is is weight loss because that’s one of the U side effects if you will is people lose weight when they inject themselves with G the glp1 hormone problem is one of the biggest side effects is their weight losses mostly muscle loss 66% of the weight that they lose is all from muscle not from losing the fat which is what they what they need to lose right that’s what people need to lose and so um that’s one of many side effects there’s many many more um with those and people when they stop taking
that drug usually the weight comes right back um and that’s another big problem y I have a neighbor in that situation bad right now yep yeah yeah and there’s something called OIC face and OIC butt if you’ve heard of those terms because it’s a it’s a sagging issue and so sometimes you can uh you can see it in in their face it’s one of the side effects is is all of a sudden you see the sagginess uh in their face uh there’s a whole ton of other side effects effect um you know gastric pain I mean all types of stuff uh that goes
on and and so what we came up with recently just to bring people up to speed who may not be is we came up with a natural solution for increasing glp1 your body knows how to make glp1 it’s been making it it’s a natural hormone that your body uh manufactures to help with things like managing your blood sugar regulating your appetite uh helping with digestion helping with um that brain gut uh axis and uh it’s a problem as we get older your body makes less and less of it and uh and so now we have an glp1 activator product that’s
all natural and so it’s a perfect solution for those people that were scared to inject themselves uh B don’t want to take a a synthetic and don’t want all those nasty side effects and the other big thing is those drugs cost a lot of money and insurance companies are not covering the cost of the drug so people are spending ,000 $1,200 out of pocket a lot of cases um to to to get access oh hey Brian did you know this so the FDA was allowing the um the generic form of the semiu tiddes and everything because they
couldn’t keep up with production and it was all based on Diabetes however come February 2025 nobody’s going to be able to get the generic form of semiu tiddes anymore right and and it was a little it was a little scary too because then you you trusted all these um compounding pharmacies to mix it up just right for you um and most of them do do a good job and it made it cheaper but you’re right now that the manufacturers have caught up they’re going to stop these compounding pharmacies from making a
generic form and and those cheaper prices are going away so this is the perfect time for those people looking for a natural alternative uh to increasing their glp1 um and just real quick the the clinical results uh are phenomenal because it shows 140% increase of glp1 140% on average that’s the average um it also shows that people lost about 25 PBS on average over a 12we span uh which is great and people had more energy and here’s the big the big thing zero side effects reported zero um and we’re doing it all naturally
like I said it’s a two-step process um so the the system is called the mindbody glp1 system and it’s a twep process like I mentioned so there’s two capsules you take in the morning before you consume any calories and then there’s a delicious drink mix that you take uh throughout the day or anytime during the day that you want to um and it works so I’ve been taking I know you’ve been taking it longer than I have uh I’ve been taking it for since uh what mid mid late October um and I lost eight pounds
within about two weeks um I had a lot ton of energy and I got to say it’s been hard to keep up because of the holidays I mean all of a sudden we hit we went on a family crew Cruise so you got the buffets and all that available to you right you’ve got uh Thanksgiving and that big meal and then we just came off the holidays or you know with Christmas and all this tons of food around and I’ve tried to keep up with it and my weight started to fluctuate a little bit but it’s it’s it’s back down to where it
was I still I still have lost the eight pounds and now I’m looking forward to the next year of building up more muscle because that’s other thing that they showed in the clinical trial is you actually increase your muscle mass on this product which is which is absolutely phenomenal so uh just the gp1 hormone I mean it helps with your insulin secretion it slows down digestion it suppresses your appetite but it also has other benefits and that’s what people need to understand is it supports cardiovascular health it’s
got neuroprotective properties to it um and you’re going to see this you’re going to see the FDA start approving all the drugs for a lot of different disease processes because that glp1 hormone is critical for managing a lot of a lot of uh functions in your overall health and so um it’s really I’m sorry and addiction oh yeah they’re been testing it with for addiction because again it it just kind of removes those Cravings whether it be food cravings or whether it be other types of of addiction so they’re testing
it for that um so that the the uh the mind body system um you you can get it from life vage it is back in stock because we that was a big thing that was huge we actually broke the internet first of all when we released the product because everybody wanted it two we had five months of inventory and we sold out of all of it in 13 days five months worth of inventory 13 days gone so then we got our second shipment in that was gone within two weeks so then we got our third shipment in and we shouldn’t run out again so if
you’ve been waiting on the sidelines um Now’s the Time to to order yours so that you have it uh for the new year and and start to meet your your health goals and and meet your weight loss goals with with this product yes so and that brings me that makes me full circle to how you you started it because we have come up with something really big for everybody um so we we’ve kind of pulled our money together and it started out small right we thought okay we’re going to come up we’re going to try to accumulate
and maybe come up with $5,000 of prizes for people and try to give them some incentive and we’re gonna have a contest we’re going to see who can have the best body transformation it’s not just weight loss okay we’re talking about transformation because here’s the thing do not judge your health just by the scale okay because if you are increasing muscle and decreasing fat you are getting much thinner but the scale may stay exactly the same it may even go up but you’re going to look a lot better I
mean I’m starting to see my abs I haven’t seen my abs Stacy in 20 years I don’t think I’ve ever seen yeah I didn’t have a kback I had a keg and now I’m losing The Keg going back to where I can actually see my abs in in my stomach again and so but the scale has gone down a little bit but I can see the transformation in the pictures Holly my wife she was supposed to be on today she she’s at a doctor’s appointment with uh with her son Austin uh he’s got a little bit of a cough so she wants to make sure
there’s nothing serious but uh she was going to be on here but she had some great before and after pictures herself and it shocked her because she had very low expectations she’s like I’m just going to set my expectations zero see what happens but when she took out the measuring tape when it was measuring the inches around her arms her legs her chest her waist her hips everything started to shrink everything was going down uh with that so we came up with this contest this this transformation contest and it’s become so popular we
started out small we thought maybe we’ll have like a few hundred people want to do it we’ll give out $5,000 in prize money to a few people um it’s it’s blown up it this is so popular right now we now have $25,000 to give out give away uh $225,000 to I think 15 different winners okay so we’re going to spread the love around for people who can show us the best body transformation in 12 weeks and you can start any time I think through January I want to say yes January 1 yeah it starts January 1 and it and you can start any time in
the month of January and go from 12 weeks from whatever your start date is um I I think I’m right on that but I was looking for for confirmation but essentially you can start in the month of January you have 12 weeks of of being on the product you you have to uh order basically um did I say yeah 12 weeks so that’s three months worth of product so you have to order three systems over those 12 weeks and so you can enter this contest doesn’t cost you anything to enter other than buying the product
itself and we want to see who can have the best body Transformations so we have different categories we have a male category we have a female category and we have a couple category so those husbands and wives out there that want to do this together uh we have a category for you to see the best overall transformations of a couple as well yes hey Brian in that didn’t they say last night that it could also be like father daughter or um sisters or brothers anybody who wants to do it as a couple yeah I I think I think you’re
right on that um and it’s in the contest rules which I was looking up here uh but yes I I think that I think you’re right right so it doesn’t have to be a husband wife to your point it could be just best friends doing it together giving each other support and making it happen yeah and so um so we’re going to be uh there’s a Facebook group that people can join Stacy can also get you the details but we have a a link that we’re going to be launching on January 1 where you can enter the contest you can
take your measurements we want some before pictures okay that’s how we’re judging this is before and after pictures uh so you’re going to take some before pictures you’re going to take a picture of the scale with you want it right or just the scale top to show the weight so we can get validation of your starting weight um and then you’re we’re going to do updates every four weeks and at the end we’re giving out $25,000 to 15 uh lucky winners okay so it’s me was just asking what does she she just got hers in um he
she I’m I’m not sure um what do you mix the powder with my favorite thing to mix it with is in the morning I do my protein shake with it because it’s got a vanilla taste to it so sometimes I’ll just mix it with water and drink it if I’m in a hurry um or I do my protein mix with it a lot of people put it in with their smoothies people put it on their oatmeal they add it to their yogurt um whatever your little heart desires yeah yeah I I I mix it with a lot of different stuff uh it could be a protein shake um I love axio that
flavors it up nicely with with that that’s usually what I drink it with but you can you Holly mixes it in her coffee um any liquid you can take it you just mix it with water and and drink it and it tastes good just with water by itself yes and I am po in the links you can order from um the original Mark Z or me you’ll see the mind body system I was trying to let’s see here we go and if you want if you have any questions you just text me I will answer questions and help you get set on the right path because there’s three diff
different mind body systems you can order right and there are some advantages to each one so you can just get the mind body system by itself it’s 159 for Consultants or 179 for auto ship orders um that’s literally just the mind body system and then we have another one called healthy weight that includes the Nrf2 and why does it do that most people don’t realize that a lot of weight gain is because of inflammation in the body so that’s why we include the um Nrf2 with the glp1 system that’s called the
healthy weight it’s wonderful it gets rid of oxidative stress helps get rid of inflammation in the body and you get the Nrf2 for a while whopping $33 when you get that stack right that’s like half the price of prandom what it normally cost exactly getting on top of it super smart there’s this incredible stack called the premium stack that if you have a lot of weight to lose it is not only going to help you with the inflammation with the Nrf2 it’s gonna put the inflammation getting rid of inflammation in super drive with the
Nrf2 and the collagen but then if you have a lot of weight to lose it’s going to help with your skin and keeping it elastic and keeping it tight as you’re losing weight and in that stack with the collagen the Nrf2 and those are three hottest selling products right there the the mind body system pandum and the collagen activator um so you can get them all three and they give you a price discount when you bundle them together in that premium stack as well so in that stack you get the Nrf2 for a penny one penny a penny
a penny a penny more so Nancy Joe she asked does it get thick when you mix it h no it doesn’t it it actually uh it mixes in really well and you can drink it throughout the day you don’t have to drink it all at once so I sometimes I’ll drink half of it I’ll forget about it leave it sitting out and I’ll throw some more ice cubes in it and shake it up a little bit and drink the rest of it you can you don’t have to drink it all at once yes and when you first start the powder I will suggest because a lot of
people do not have a lot of f fber in their diets and this is a lot of fiber start with a scoop see how your belly does with it um I prefer to do two scoops um around 10 o’clock with my protein and then I do my other two scoops in the afternoon around 4 and that’s what keeps me from going into the pantry and eating Dove chocolates after dinner so it works out perfect but yes everybody’s different if you’re super sensitive to stuff start out with one scoop work your way up yep yeah and uh I gotta stress again so do not judge don’t
let the scale be your only judge oh in the clinical trial most people lost their weight their weight between weeks eight and 12 yes and so some people see some weight drop off right away like I did Y and other people it took that eight to 10 week period before the scale started to move soe please don’t do that uh just just using the scale as your judge take measurements so measure your arms measure your chest measure your waist measure your hips measure your legs because a lot of a lot of people
may not see the scale change but they see those uh those measurements start to start to shrink and that’s important and then also yeah just I mean again most people report they have so much more energy I I experienced that uh so much more energy um there’s all these other benefits that you’re going to you’re going to see as well oh it’s huge and somehow or another in society we’ve got to get off of weight loss and start talking about fat loss because it’s not the weight that’s killing you it’s literally the fat that is around your
organs that is what is killing you and causing disease yeah that that visceral fat is is really tough to get a get rid of and uh in the clinical trial with this product 27% on average of the visceral fat disappeared in that 12we trial that visceral fat this is this is where that that uh insulin resistance kicks in because if you’re if you’re have a high intake of sugar um your body struggles to keep up of where it’s going to store that Sugar first of all it tries to use the energy but if you’re not that mobile um and and
you’re not working out uh then the insulin is trying to figure out where to put that sugar and and at The Last Resort what it does is it’s going to pack it onto your organs is that visceral fat and then it’s really really tough to get rid of it but that’s where this product comes in handy oh yes and actually qball that’s a very good point like a lot of people if you don’t drink water you’re going to be you’re going to be in an interesting situation because that’s how the body flushes the fat from those cells out of
the body so the other key thing is at least at the very least you have got to drink 64 ounces of water very very very important because your body’s got to flush it somewhere yep yep so um so Stacy had sent out the links uh if if you wanted to get started on that um we’re going to launch this Challenge on the first so uh getting touch with Stacy for in the challenge and then she’ll be able to send you the link so you can sign up for it y um and upload your your pictures and put your measurements in there so it asks for all
the all those details when you first enter the challenge and then you’ll need to start uh taking the product and uh report back to us every four weeks on on your progress and then we’re going to give out a bunch of prize money at the end of this can there be barley or hops mixed in with that 64 ounces of water you need a a certain amount of water that’s just plain water but then some of your water can be from coffee then some of it actually can be food um there’s this a great app that actually tracks your
water intake and can break it down as to what it can be it’s called water minder and if you’re not good about drinking which a lot of people I mean you just get busy you forget it’ll actually put an alarm on your phone to remind you to drink water and honestly and truly I added it which is crazy because when I play tennis I’ll drink you know I love my little W wallo um water bottles I drink four of these every single match but because that is and I’m being so physically demanded I’ve got to drink
even more water on those days but when I’m not playing tennis I honestly and truly will go start doing other things and forget to drink water so I’ve got that app on my phone yeah no it’s it’s it’s it’s absolutely important so I’m glad I’m glad you brought that up yeah so yeah put the link out I know people are asking for the link again so put the link out so people can can look at this um if you’re interested in the clinical trial there’s a link to it on there there’s also a a uh study they did to
show that the gene expression because the way this works is much different this is not a supplement this is an activator it’s actually communicating with uh the DNA in your cells that are responsible for producing glp1 and all it’s doing is giving it instructions to produce more glp1 than what you’re producing today and so it increases it by 140% on average so we’ve included that uh study in there in there as well and that’s based on the 12we study oh and this was really cool I have been dying to see like in I know everybody in
all my presentations I usually show all the pictures and everything um because it is really important a lot of people lose inches more than they lose weight which is really cool and that’s really what you want to do that’s that’s creating sustainable weight loss that’s weight loss fat loss that isn’t gonna come back um but one of my favorite stories is Shauna mlo she’s one of our consultants and um I’ve been dying to know how much more weight she’s lost well I finally got to see last night she’s down 27
pounds and she had tried everything in the world and nothing worked and this finally did it’s oh I was so excited to see that so yes we have people who have lost 25 pounds and more how much did Lucien he lost a lot of weight yeah it’s it’s incredible to see the before and after pictures the people that have been taking it for the past few months uh on there and there they have amazing Transformations themselves and so um yeah so sorry Brian before I forget to answer this guys if you order from Mark it
gives him credit the original Mark Z if you order from Stacy Z it actually gives Mark and I credit and it actually helps give Brian credit so yep yep we’d like to spread the love around so um but yeah and again it’s it’s the feedback has been phenomenal on this product um and it was just released in October like I said it was sold out of it uh in 13 days it’s back in stock should be back in stock for good now we won’t run out of it um and so people can can keep taking it for as long as they want to let me put that in perspective
of how much we sold out of in 13 days it was 50,000 units of glp1 that we sold out of in 13 days that’s so yeah guys so actually Brian we were talking about resolutions for the new year right guess what is flipped it’s interesting because usually health and wellness is always number one guess what it flipped to this year Financial so we actually have a solution for financial and health and wellness because if you become a consultant which is only $50 you can actually help get your friends on these
products and make the money like how many do you have to have like six customers and yours you get five it’s like five or six customers it basically covers the cost of your product ex and what we’re finding is people love the product so much that they want to share it with their friends their family or whoever because you obviously know a lot of people that um are looking for a solution want to manage their weight better and so um so there’s an opportunity there at least get your product for free if not actually make a
few extra dollars from do oh yeah and this is crazy so I was just looking at some of the um some of the statistics I’ll be dipped this Market is going to be 142 billion dollars next year yeah yeah and we’ve got the only natural way to boost your glp1 everybody else is coming out with drugs there are supplements you may see on the market but all they are are vitamins they do they don’t really boost your glp1 we’re the only clinically proven natural product to boost your glp1 yeah um so it’s it’s something really truly unique
um and again just show you the excitement so we did a call last night um to talk about this product and also talk about this this contest where we’re we’re giving out prize money um we had room for a thousand people on that Zoom um when we busted it uh we as soon as it opened we immediately had a thousand people and there there was probably another thousand that couldn’t get in and so we’ve been sending out we’ve been spending all day all this morning sending out the replay to the people that weren’t able to get on last night
yeah um so it’s very popular people are really interested in this uh and it’s it’s a big big deal so I invite everyone to check it out um and see if it’s a fit for you if not that’s okay um but um it is a much lower cost alternative than all the drugs out there I mean when you’re talking 100 180 bucks on subscription versus the $1,200 that people are spending out of pocket right now uh it’s a huge that’s a fraction yes and yeah and what’s scary is all these people that are getting the generic version from the compounding
pharmaceutic I mean compounding pharmacies that aren’t going to be able to get it anymore come February I just my heart breaks for them right and I’m talking to people every day where their insurance company is is cutting cutting it out and they’re not going to pay for it anymore and yeah there are states that are actually now looking at dropping the um the drugs for their employees because it’s breaking their um insurance accounts yeah it’s crazy yeah so it’s it’s definitely a good thing worth
checking out see if it’s see if it’s the right fit for you um and again give yourself time at this everybody’s Bud’s different just don’t use that scale as your only measuring tool yeah because it’s not it’s not a true Health measuring scale it really isn’t that’s why in a lot of my presentations I say I say I have a picture of throwing out the scale because it doesn’t do you any good yeah absolutely yep well good that’s that’s all I’ve got for you today Stacey I think it’s uh so we sent out the leak
several times inviting people to check it out they can text you if they’ve got questions and uh if you need help with any answers you um the the links never made it to rumble oh they didn’t can copy and paste from uh streamyard so somehow when you get your links they never make it to rumble I’m sorry oh so then um it is literally the original Mark Z dot Life Vantage so l i f e v is in Victor a n t a or you can do M Stacy z. life or just be smart text me and I’ll send you the link to
use that’ll make it so much easier yeah it will because if you Google that link it doesn’t go to the right place so make sure yeah you gotta type in directly in the URL or just have Stacy text you the direct link oh yeah and hey just as an FYI and I thought about this the other night um thankfully I was trying to help a customer not too long ago and we realized she thought she signed up under me because she went to the Life Vantage site to sign up well she wasn’t under me and I couldn’t find her and I couldn’t help her but
thankfully we got her switched so she is and now I can help her with all of her stuff so if you go to Life Vantage directly neither Mark nor I nor Brian get credit for that so if you could please and if you D if you’re not sure which link to use please text me I will get you the right link that way we can help you at all times and all you gotta do is look at the bottom of the screen and read her number and text that number exactly you don’t have to have somebody give it to you it’s right there yes yes yes yes anything else you guys
want to cover or is it time for me to get to the work day I think it’s time for you to get to the work day and for me to go blow my nose thank you Brian for helping absolutely happy to be on guys thanks guys for everybody else back this evening at seven if you guys will remind me I’ll talk about how Iraq handled actually Kuwait did let me do that real quick I’m gonna say bye to you guys and I’m gonna answer one or two more questions real fast okay bye everyone and she does take yes Kathy she she does text back she’s really good at
that one um I mean there was I think one time when she was traveling internationally where she missed some for a couple of days people were like so lost because they’re not used to it because she’s normally dead on it but that’s to be expected um now I’m going to try to catch one let me give just a quick one for uh LT there Kuwait part of that article is correct part of it is horrendous and if you’ll read it and pay attention to it it’s been debunked so many times S is to be painful what Kuwait did um after the invasion is they
did a twart revaluation meaning that they did indeed take the currency from that was their currency of the day when Sadam wasin invaded Kuwait and they did they absolutely removed it from circulation they replaced it with a new one because they did not they they knew that Iraqi forces raided the banks took pallets and pallets and pallets and pallets of Quai uh dinar and took it home so what they did was they issued a new one and then that new one is the one that six nine 10 months later or whatever got revalued so
if you exchanged your existing currency for the new one then you did get to take advantage of it and you did great and I know many people in real life that did that but the ones that want you to think hey this is never going to happen they latched on to that story and they ran like crazy with it to get everybody to bail and not turn stuff in but if you had converted it from that original one to the next one the interm one you did great world class Iraq did the same thing we called them the Saddam Hussein
notes then they came in because they had no idea how many pallets of them or here there whatever they issued a new currency that’s the one they revalue just like what you’re seeing today we shared a number of articles on that last week for those that are wondering on Kuwait we do it every so often um I think it was Thursday night last week just look through last week’s articles there are a few on that one um but that’s one I wanted to uh touch on and then there was another one in here and I just I’m afraid I’ve
missed it um so hopefully I will catch it this evening but that is one that we’ve talked about in depth uh you give me time again I’ll bro it again I’ll pull the same articles out and in the one article where it talks about that they did not revalue that original currency it explains that they exchanged it because they didn’t know where all the currency was so they created a new one let’s call it a post Saddam Hussein note and that’s the one they revalued so they didn’t revalue the original one but
if you had the original one and you were legal and not part of the Iranian I mean excuse me Iraqi crew that came in with Saddam Hussein and uh invaded the country if you were a legitimate person with legitimate currency you were able to trade it in for the new one then you were allowed to exchange it months later when it changed but they certainly do like uh love using that uh article to try to dissuade folks all right that’s the short of that one but I will uh oh L you’re very welcome on that one everybody’s like wait the LT1 why
you’re welcome but we did we share articles on that one if you’ll really read the one that you have which I gu guarantee I know which one it is because I’ve seen it a million times read through that one closely and the light will go because they’ll talk about what they did but then they use at the same time and say but it didn’t happen it’s the craziest craziest leap of logic they use in that article I mean like nuts all right see you guys this evening hopefully we will get some news bye guys