Economists Uncut

Is Bitcoin REALLY The NEW GOLD? (Uncut) 02-09-2025


People are trying to put gold and bitcoin in the same basket. They don’t belong in the same basket and I’m going to show you why. But we’ve got to start out with a little bit of a lesson which is on money and how they make these transitions.


So originally we had the gold and silver coins. They’re commodity based so they’re physical, oops, physical gold and silver. They store energy so it takes work and effort to pull them out of the ground and then and all that energy and then that is stored in the coins and then afterwards used in every single sector of the global economy.


So it stores energy rather than just uses it up. It requires fiscal responsibility. When a currency is actually backed and convertible into the gold the public has the tool to hold those that are on fire, has the tool to hold their toes to the fire.


You control it. You hold it. You own it outright.


It’s private. It’s invisible. It’s got 5,000 or more years worth of history on protecting people’s wealth through inflations, hyperinflations, deflations, political crisis, global unrest, etc.


And it performs four functions. It is a medium of exchange, a tool of measure, a short-term store of value so that you’re fairly paid for your current labor and a long-term store of value so that no matter when you use that money, it still retains that level of purchasing power. So you are always fairly paid for your label.


Four functions, four basic functions of money. Then they transitioned us into what? A federal reserve note. Okay, federal reserve note.


And what’s that? Well, that’s a government fiat money, money by decree. It is debt-based. It allows fiscal irresponsibility, as you see with the debt layers in this country alone, above $35 trillion in climbing plus all of the garbage products that they can create from that.


It is in their control. If they want to regulate the rate and speed of inflation, they do it through interest rates and they just print more and more and more of this, which reduces the purchasing power value of everything that’s already out there. You still have privacy because if I’m holding a bill that is invisible to those that are in power and it has a hundred or so year life cycle, so much shorter life cycle.


And we are at the end of this current experiment and it eliminates one of those functions, which is the long-term store of value. I’m sure every single person watching this knows that if all you do is save those dollars, that the purchasing power, you can buy less and less and less with them over time. That’s what erodes your purchasing power.


So when they shifted us from the real sound money with four functions, now the federal reserve note has three functions and they want to take us into a digital currency, a CBDC and or Bitcoin. And my personal belief since I’ve studied currency life cycle since 1987, my personal belief is that Bitcoin is a Trojan horse to get adoption to make it easy to make this transition. So this is programmable fiat money.


We don’t really know clearly quite yet what will justify creating it. Debt was created from the federal reserve note, right? But it does allow for fiscal irresponsibility and it uses up both energy and water, which are two critical elements that we all need to retain a reasonable standard of living. It is completely in their control because it is programmable.


So you aren’t going to write the code. Those that are in power or those that create these new cryptocurrencies, they write the code. And let me tell you, I don’t need to be an engineer or anything to understand physical gold and silver.


That’s easy peasy. We’ve got a long track record, but I do need to be a specific kind of engineer to understand cryptocurrencies. So when they’re really, really complicated, I don’t know.


Do you think maybe there might be something in there that might not be in your best interest? I can’t look at that. I don’t know. But additionally, what they’re going for is to reduce it down to two functions.


So it’s just a tool of measure and a medium of exchange. No longer will it be a long-term or even a short-term store of value because according to the central banks, they say that once we have that CBDC, because right now these dollars, they don’t pay you interest. They don’t charge you interest, but in the programmable money they can.


And so they can have their finger on the economic button 24-7. And if you are not spending money fast enough, because it’s a consumer-driven economy, that very well could be what they’re going to base creation of this stuff from. There are no limitations to how low they can push interest rates, which actually means there are no limitations on how quickly they can attack your principal because they’ve already gotten all your purchasing power.


So we go from four functions of money to three functions of money down to two functions of money. You have to decide if that’s okay with you. It’s not okay with me because I understand it really well.


And that’s why every single portfolio needs to have a sound money foundation in your possession outside of the system to protect your purchasing power, be a proper diversifier for whatever fiat money products you’re going to hold, including cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin. But it benefits those that are empowered, the governments and the central banks, to support the CBDCs. And so we’re seeing this big push, the electronic money standard, and the possibility of a zero inflation target because that is how they are going to sell it to us.


This is what they’re saying. Hey, you give us a CBDC and we promise you there won’t be any more inflation. No, there’ll be deflation because they’re going to attack your principal.


I’m not giving it to them lightly. And I hope that there’s enough of us that can come together in global community, have this movement, the sound money movement, and prevent them from being able to have complete control over us because that’s what they’re talking about. Now, these are some of the top five reasons why advisors recommend gold and cryptocurrencies.


And you can read Bitcoin, but it’s actually the top six and I’ll show you why. First of all, it’s for diversification, right? And you can see whether it’s gold, 49% are saying you need to hold gold to diversify your portfolio. I think that number is higher in my opinion.


I think everybody needs to have a portfolio in gold for proper diversification. Gold and silver, sound money foundation. But yeah, cryptocurrencies, I can see it for diversification.


Also, this is tangible versus intangible. That is a huge difference. In this one, in the diversification in the crypto, it’s crypto versus fiat money versus this stuff.


That’s the diversification. I don’t know. What do you think? I would rather have everything diversified and so gold fills that role.


Cryptocurrencies do not fill that role. They also recommend it for long-term growth. Yeah, because the more that the central banks do this, the less value all that stuff has.


And that’s what the long-term growth is. Really, the single most important function of gold is to hold its value over time so that no matter, number one, no matter when you work for that money and you’re fairly paid for it, it retains its value. So if you want to retire, you want to plan for your kid’s education, you want to buy a house or buy anything in the future, guess what? Gold will maintain your ability to purchase not just the same goods and services.


That’s really what silver does. But it expands your ability because of how much money they’re printing. And when you look at the spot market, that isn’t even telling you what the true value of either gold or silver is.


So it’s severely undervalued. This is proven 5,000 years of history. This is trading wealth.


It’s only been around since 2009. It is going through a test now, but it has not yet been tested. Now the rest of it with gold, a hedge against inflation, this is all proven.


A hedge against inflation, protection against deflation, as well as a safe haven asset. You don’t see those anywhere on the crypto side because for the crypto side, it’s more about exposure to innovative technology, portfolio modernization, early adoption advantage, global accessibility, decentralized. Yeah, it’s decentralized, but as we’ve seen a lot and actually a lot in China, it’s not as invisible to those that are in power that you think.


They can still control the internet. They can still shut it down if they choose to do so. The other thing that I talked about was movable wealth.


Now this is where both Bitcoin or cryptocurrencies and gold are similar. They’re similar because I could put that necklace on and go anywhere in the world. And if I needed money, you guys know, I have my travel jewelry, that’s gold and silver.


If I needed money wherever I was in the world, it’s easy for me to convert it into any of the local currencies. Maybe that’s also true with cryptocurrencies. I don’t own any, so I haven’t done that experiment.


And you know, maybe I’ll get a little, I don’t know. Patience, patience. Because right now as we’re making this transition from one financial system into the next financial system, since this is what I’ve studied for how many years? I mean, on some level, my whole life, I want the safest thing that I can do because a hundred percent of the time, thousands and thousands of years of history shows me that a hundred percent of the time I can always convert this into any local currency.


We know my good friend, George Gammon, went down to South America and did it and had luck with silver and gold and nobody wanted Bitcoin. So, but since gold and silver are used in every single area and sector of the global economy, you’ve got the broadest base of demand. So they didn’t put that down on there, but it certainly should have been global accessibility and decentralization at guess what? A hundred percent.


Because I can’t put my house on my back and walk away, but I can put a gold coin in my pocket and walk away. And depending upon its rarity would determine how much wealth I am walking away with. And I’ve traveled with this.


And so I know I can travel with this anywhere in the world. It’s tiny. I can stick it in my pocket.


I can stick it in my purse. We have to be real because what gold and silver physical in your possession does, it is tangible. You hold it, no counterparty risk.


The rest of it is intangible and it’s all counterparty risk. So the reality is, is while gold and silver are safe haven assets, if you hold them, what the cryptocurrencies are, including Bitcoin are speculatory transitional assets. So what that really means is that gold and Bitcoin perform two different functions.


You want to, you want to speculate on Bitcoin or any of the cryptocurrencies, take your pick, go ahead. Just make sure that you’re properly diversified and that you have enough gold. So that if you lose all of your wealth in the stock market, if you lose all your wealth in the bond market, if you lose all your wealth in the crypto market, you’ve got that gold that will make up those losses.


It’s not rocket science is just proper diversification, but intangible to intangible is not real diversification. They just want you to think that it is, but it’s not. But quite honestly, if I’m not putting my wealth in gold and silver, then I’m putting it in food, water, energy, security, barter ability, wealth preservation, community, and shelter, because that’s what I need.


That’s what we all need to sustain a reasonable standard of living. I just want you guys protected and come together in community. Let’s do this.


We can do it. We can build a global community with gold and silver, quiet, peaceful, but real so that we have a chance at securing our future and our children’s future. Critically important.


A hundred percent. I know together we can make a positive difference in this world. Let’s do it.


And until next we meet, please be safe out there. Thanks for coming. You make sure you subscribe, share this, everything.


We’ve got to get this message out. Bye-bye.

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