FRANK26….12-29-24……COUNTDOWN AT 1
look at that Jen all this time while they were sitting here waiting look look at all that look at all that they’ve been talking to themselves I’ve been talking to them you’ve been talking to them oops how about that do this on do this ready Mo I’m gone all right all righty it turned itself on that will not turn on what was the date I’m looking for 20 we were on the 27th so I’m looking for TW the last day of 27 look at blank isn’t that amazing it’s trying to he must have just I know it’s trying to I think everybody’s
trying to get into the forum this always happens I just got to be patient and just let it work itself out look at how fuzzy it is everybody’s trying to pour in sorry 27 right that was the last yeah 27 okay I got it so got it 3 two one go the recording has started everything is super slow right now really I used to be a until I watched Franks with a twinkle in his eyes and gu by his side Frank teachings reaches far and wide so whenever I need a fix I tune in to Frank 26 he’s got the latest greatest news
from the street tune in out tune in here this is the D now take it from me Frank is noie it’s okay T give this man a cookie tooly you never know what suit he’ll be wearing so I wear my sunglasses because they are so glaring so whenever I need a dinar I tune in to Frank 26 but he’s got the latest greatest news from the street tune in now tune in here this is the D sit up be patient and get ready Frank’s got some news from rocking stick and Eddie Frank breaks down news and keeps us straight come on Iraq can you give us
the R so whenever I Need A din fix I’m tuning to Frank 26 he’s got the latest greatest news from the street tun in now here this is the hey I need a cookie come on come on tank I deserve some cookies cookies cookies cookies come on tank give up the cookies greetings family surprise surprise welcome to another one of your frank26 ubby tubies it is the 29th of December 2024 and I greet and a God love we are it stands for keep the faith always in our heavenly father before we do anything we always go to
God In Prayer to prepare ourselves for what we’re about to do would you please join me Holy Father I walk in your light where I once walked in darkness Holy Father I have learned that I cannot do things perfectly but I have learned that I can do things holy Heavenly Father help me tonight to put these words together that you have brought to us heavenly father thank you all honor and glory to you tonight we had a beautiful Faith Church service with Pastor Kendall Andy Burma tin everybody that contributed thank you we
even had a sister that confessed you as her personal Lord and Savior it doesn’t get any better than that does it I Rejoice I danced I’m sure that you’re the angels in heaven are rejoicing as well too for this person I love you I sincerely love you I have learned how to love you in the name of your son Jesus by the Holy Spirit I pray amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen um tired of hear tired of hearing what the show far cuz he blew it a lot tonight oh no no no no no ible study you only blew it 32 times and this is only
the first time here so no no no your lungs you’re getting a good workout that’s for sure thank you Andy we love you yes sir we’ll see you at the end brother well ladies well ladies and gentlemen um first of all we’re having trouble with our uh our ktfa how is it over there for you it’s fuzzy it’s fuzzy yeah it’s going to be fuzzy for a while because a lot of people are trying to pour in right now I apologize but hopefully you’ll be able to hear me I’ll go slow this is a surprise isn’t it we were not
scheduled look at I mean what did I just say look hey I can’t see you man your picture’s all broken up what kind of service is this your lousy I just can’t please everybody you see my stress do you see why I got cancer now that I’m done feeling sorry for myself let’s get to work the reason why I gathered us together family is because do you recall that I told you that they were going to show them the monetary reform you know in the sense of education and you’ve seen that education haven’t you did we not also said say
that they would they would show them um the lower notes uh in in in what did I say uh Billboards uh big big boards like you know remember that at the banks at the CBI well it turns out that um we want to talk tonight about many subjects that are hot and I want to eliminate some subjects that are hot we’re going to talk tonight every about about uh the governor of the CBI showing the citizens of Iraq the lower notes from 1940s up to the uh the the the the rumors in the streets of the black market is at 10 cents for the Iraqi
citizens right now what I know you are a member of my form so I’m asking you to please go into my form right now that’s probably going to be also difficult because everybody’s going to try to crash it please go to I’ll wait for you I want to start with final article number 4828 final article number 4828 as you can see family this is the the one that we we talked about the last time that we were together and we are not scheduled to be together until what is it Thursday the January the 1st right Thursday or
Wednesday Wednesday this is Sunday I call it Sunday Monday Tuesday I’ve called you four days before I told you that we were going to get together and I said that if it was prudent if it was required that we should talk before that that I would I want to talk to you Eddie wants to talk to you we can’t calm him down oh guess what guess what yeah I just remember guess what let me see if I can find it here guess what for the first time because he was so excited he o he superseded he overrode my contact Neil here in America
and instead he sent me a picture look what Al lck is holding and then he for the first let me see let me see if I can he hear it the first one this look like the new money they gonna use okay okay okay okay so uh yeah Eddie it was a pleasure to hear your voice I have two recordings from Eddie I may share them we’ll see family everything that I’m about to express to you is strictly in my opinion everything that I’m about to say to you is strictly in my opinion okay if you have someone you love if you have uh other sites that you
study at call them get a hold of them tell them you really want to come in here and uh and study with Frank tonight let’s get to work final article number 4,828 was the article that we looked at when we were last together a few days ago it says that uncertainty over the 2025 budget Parliament we don’t know anything about it yet what do I say up on top ktfa family I told you now I didn’t say I told you and theno I promise I wouldn’t never say that again but behold we told you that Parliament has
no idea what’s going on with the monetary reform Howard how are you my brother hey good to see you Howard thank you brother anybody wants to help us with financial contributions know that we appreciate it in fact we need to start collecting for next week to to send to walking stick if you can help us we’re humbled and we’re grateful thank you I prefer actually not not credit uh not credit cards or PayPal give me a call me if you want to help my friend walking stick my phone number is 419 283 2552 419 283
2552 do you see what Aki said is is that why you want to come and see me Mr Frank did you know okay back to what we were saying this is uh showing to you what we’ve been exemplifying Parliament has no idea why because they’re the crugs they were the counterfeits they were the Smugglers they were the one that stole the money they were the ones that came up with a fake cont contracts the fake bills everything you think Sudani is going to tell them step by step the monetary reform so that they can go in there and
throw a throw a ratchet in there and just screw everything up again no and this is what we’ve been teaching you forever and ever and ever this example uh this this article right here is a powerful example to tell you where we are at in the monetary reform right now family tonight it’ll be my honor to tell you that the auctions are done now don’t forget everything I tell you is just strictly my opinion now the if the auctions are done ahead of time final article number 4,829 delegation from the United States
Department of Treasury visits the CBI Mr Frank Mr Frank what Edie you’re not going to believe this what what you call what you why you communicating so late at night they just got a a big Caravan where at the CBI at a CBI this late at night what’s going on he us treasury just arrived y’all we see them same guys were here before they just got here and and and and and and we don’t know what they’re doing okay well keep your eye on it and let me know okay now this was three days ago ring a ding ding ring a ding ding I
look at the the text that’s being sent to me Mr Frank what Edie you know what Sudani is giving awards Awards yeah like Blue Ribbon Awards or trophies what do you mean he’s giving awards to the CBI workers that that worked on the monetary reform and he said and and on the new currency you’re not pulling my leg are you Edie no no I couldn’t do that we this is exciting okay keep your eye on it okay keep your eye on it I want to know everything that they say the following day he tells me what they say and I’ll
share with you when I get to Edd’s report let us continue to look at this article delegation from the United States Department of Treasury visits a CBI what do I say up on top what’s the blue title Sudani is giving Oscars and uh and the Academy Awards uh uh to those that made the monetary reform successful announcements from the Central Bank of Iraq December the 26 2024 a delegation from the United States Department of Treasury has just visited the Central Bank of Iraq and the delegation expressed their gratitude and
appreciation for the procedures taken by the CBI during last year in the operations of combating the financing of terrorism and money laundering security and stability to the doctor shb be wanted in order to release the new exchange rate this article is powerful that’s why it’s all mainly all red as can be final article number 4,830 the Prime Minister and the Parliament stressed the need to unify discourse and positions to enhance political stability uh what do I say up on top what’s the blue title for this article
Parliament politicians answer to Sudani in other words these are the same people Parliament that kept saying no you ain’t going to get nothing Iraqi citizens no Sudan is not going to give you anything but purchasing power no we don’t know anything about this of course you don’t but all of a sudden this article the Prime Minister and the Parliament stress they stress the need to unify discourse disagreement and uh positions to enhance uh political stability the security and stability that we needed
from you thieves yes well no wonder I gave it that blue title Parliament politicians answer to sadani try to do something make my year final article number 4,831 Al Sudan’s governments ask Parliament to amend the paragraph on Kurdistan region oil uh ring ding ding ring ding ding oh this is Sudani who is this this is Parliament Sudani how you do it what do you want uh and uh can can we see the budget no but you want us to sign this part that you know with the Kurdistan region with the oil so they can send it over to
Baghdad can’t we just see the whole budget and so that we can see what’s going on no Mr chani can we go see Mr alak at the CBI no what you want us to do you now what is the blue title on top of this article you have until the 7th not until the 10th and when you look at the article you’ll understand why in the world I’m saying that please pleas enjoy the article final article number 4,832 will the dollar this is the question being imposed to the Iraqi citizens will the dollar price witness a significant increase in Iraq after
stopping the currency window oh you know for sure it’s going to stop yeah it stopped today now we’re just asking will this was asked three days ago why you asked three days ago oh you were just asking what you ask will the dollar price witness a significant increase in in Iraq after stopping the currency window didn’t you listen to my last ubby tuby didn’t we talk to you about the bubble the magic bubble oh yeah we heard it so why you asking a stupid question in fact here’s the blue title for this
article will you stop asking stupid questions thank you very much noting this article noting that stopping the currency window has no effect on the rise in the dollar price do you see what I put in blue parentheses shut up when when when when Parliament talks they talk like they don’t know what they’re talking about what did you just say that is the complete opposite that is complete wrong oh yeah that’s right you guys have not been told anything by Sudani about the monetary reform let alone the economic reform he
only sends you little paragraphs of the art of the of the budget so that you can do whatever he’s asking you to do it yeah how do you feel like like like like like ignored you should feel that way mission accomplished sir you get what you reap let us go to the next page family and Page 242 and we’re going to be looking at oh my word look at J we’re going on 27 00 people I want to thank you I want to thank you I’m honored I’m grateful I’m humbled thank you for coming and studying with us thank you very
much uh and by the way I am desperately trying to get to the next page uh but there’s so many people that are trying to get into our form let me see if there’s another way that I can get in into it with my laptop computer oh dear here hold on y’all hang in there okay we’re looking to get to page 242 under the final article threads honey do you have any ability to get to the final article thread okay I’m looking for page 242 nothing I’m just I’m just totally shut down I have never seen anything like
this oh oh oh praise God all right family here we go final article number 4,833 Iraq is the world’s first in the density of natural resources a new vision for investing resources what’s the title what’s the blue title that I give this it’s what I’ve been teaching you family as we shared there will be no Dutch disease in the GOI of Iraq now if you don’t know what a Dutch disease is let me help you when the blessing occurs and you decide to diversify your money your your your profit in your portfolio if you put
all of your money let’s say in Gold but you forget real estate you forget business Investments uh you forget uh other men if you put everything in one basket that creates what’s called a Dutch disease but it creates it for a nation if a nation depends on one thing solely one thing to bring in their income that can be Financial suicide that can affect their economy their inflation their currency their their their rates their values everything so this article says that Iraq is uh is the world’s first the
density of natural resources didn’t I tell you that did did didn’t we say that Iraq has U let me see how do I put it Iraq is a unique place that God created because what he did is he took the Euphrates he took the Tigers you see he took these four rivers and he one of the things about rivers if you’re lost find a river and follow it it’ll lead you to a town all all towns were established on river banks this is very interesting um the the the four rivers that for for for for for for forever have flowed into this area of
Baghdad in Iraq has brought so much silk so many minerals so many precious metal it’s brought so much stuff the land is incredibly Rich dates olive oil you name it they’re going to grow it the farming industry is amazing this article is saying that there will be a new vision for investing resources look if you want to invest in Iraq the sky is the limit but be careful you don’t know these people you don’t know this government be careful I’m going to invest in my own own homeand my own Hometown made in USA ETO in no that’s
wrong ETO avocados at you in Mexico um shoot I dream of buying a 100 acres of land here in Ohio and putting nothing but P just rows and rows and rows and rows and rows of solar panels I’m going to farm electricity I’m going to diversify is what I’m trying to tell tell you and that’s what Iraq has done not on their own but because God put these four rivers at the right place at the right spot to me the Garden of Eden was in Iraq where the four rivers meet and and and and and that place was just incredibly Rich incredibly rich
with resources Beyond Compare you think a got diamonds anyway so yeah Iraq is the world’s first in the density of natural resources in the density of natural nothing we got a whole cocka load okay okay thank you very much uh final article number 4,834 Central Bank of Iraq announces monetary policy indicators during the 2024 this is a beautiful article look at a lock there talking and bragging what do I say up on top a lock is is proud of the monetary reform accomplishments and what this article does is it explains exactly what
he and Sudani have done in the monetary reform process there is just a little small part the Central Bank of Iraq what’s wrong shoot I got it I got it the Central Bank of Iraq revealed the position indicators achieved by the bank for the third quarter of 202 4 compared to the same quarter of 2022 and 2023 stressing that this reflects the success of the monetary policy adopted by the Banks during 2024 this reflects the success of the monetary policy that was adopted by the CBI Banks when in the year of
2024 now do you see why I went to Hawaii in January of this year but I had to come back the Central Bank announces wow you guys are really bragging aren’t you are you doing this because the US Treasury is watching you the Central Bank announces the success of monetary policy in Iraq and it reveals its indicators for the year 2024 and what are those indicators everything is going to everything is going to be very well final article number 4,835 parliamentary moves towards the central banks regarding the dollar
exchange rate parliamentary finance committee threatened on Sunday threatened on Sunday to host the governor of the Central Bank of Iraq if the exchange rate continues to fluctuate in the parallel Market Parliament is so in the dark they have no idea what’s going on so they see the fluctuation the bubble that we studied they see the fluctuation of the dollar exchange rate and they think it’s a disaster oh high inflation oh we’re in trouble uh Sudani Sudani uh we Parliament we demand we demand to meet
the governor of the Central Bank of Iraq okay Sudani make that happen please okay make that appointment Sudani you got that and Sudani says yeah whatever and uh what do I say up on top just like we told you family Parliament is in the dark and it is so true another uh article that uh relates to it experts what about what you guys going the central bank’s decisions threatens banking sectors and stability of the national economy no Knuckleheads it does the opposite of what you just said every time you open your mouth you
sound like my Democrats just shut up what do I say upon on top um hey Parliament what I agree with you what you agree with us yeah I agree with you that you you you you Parliament terrorists uh uh have been collapsed no no no no no no we’re saying that our economy is going to collapse our national economy is going to collapse if the if something is not done you know uh with the banking sector and the stability of our exchange right I mean this is insane hey Sani did you did you hear them yeah I
did all righty final article number 4,836 a video this is uh tabak tabali on Iraqi markets he says the AI and cryptocurrency well I put this article in here family because AI is the future for a lot of things no doubt you can’t resist it the Book of Revelation talks to us about cryptocurrency well it talks to us about digital digitalization H you really won’t have Fiat you won’t have physical cash it’ll be electronic videotape let’s see here this guy is talking about Iraqi markets Ai and cryptocurrency what do I say up on top
what’s the blue title for this AI for the CBI they got no choice uh final article number 4,837 now what we have here family is a is a is a it’s a it’s an article that actually it’s two but this is the backbone of of the reason why I called you in for tonight this is the reason why I called you in for tonight now let’s look at this you already got a little bit of it with one of the articles but let’s follow up and and and and and I know you’re watching and you’re following with me I mean look at this you see that do you
understand what you probably don’t know yet but but that’s a lock at the CBI and he’s well here let’s talk about it the article says what will happen on Sunday goodbye dollar auction Central Bank announces the end of 20 years of billions and suspicions what will happen on Sunday goodbye dollar auction uh I agree with that the Central Bank announces the end of 20 years of billions of billions being stolen yeah and um and suspicions yeah but uh it the suspicions are over with because we know exactly
who is dealing what do I say upon top um one old Note One old note for one new note remember family we told you we suggested to you that the CBI was going to be showing the Iraqi citizens the lower notes in my opinion this is a start of what we showed you they are showing the citizens of Iraq a one lower note from the 1940s now why would you do that why would you do that because they want to show the example of what was what once was gapped gapped by Decades of 30 notes that are worthless will now become again
what once was currency with value in their country that was gap between Decades of stealing by Parliament is now going to be again the blue title says one old note for one new note did we not tell you that they would be on bulletin boards what is Sudani holding I’m sorry a lock what is a lock holding in fact do me a favor blow up the picture come on you can do that if if your if your computer if your screen does that blow it up I’m going to blow it up here with you okay I BL out the best that I
can now study this picture this is from the CBI itself and you found out tonight that the United States Treasury and a lock are handing out Awards to their employees for the success of the monetary reform and the success of the new currency so a lot then comes out and he shows the Iraqi citizens the citizens look at this is what we used to have back in the old days you see this right here you see that ugly guy right there yeah that that oh you probably can’t really see it can you I’m I’m I’m counting on the fact that you are are
watching with me okay so look at this a lock is holding up like we told you a big giant bulletin board that shows the old one yeah that is a one note the old one note from the 1940s that means in my opinion they are now going to show them the new lower notes of 2025 the auction stopped today in my opinion therefore Sudani could keep his promise with these last two days when you look at this picture you can see many other things that are very interesting because not only is this one dinar being displayed but look up here
here that is another dinar that is another dinar that is another dinar now I’m not going to tell you what those Dinars are I’m only going to tell you what this dinar is that a lock is holding in his hands with a big chester cat smile on his face in fact what I find interesting is look at this guy he he’s flirting with a with a with a girl there and and this guy over here he’s getting giving Goog Google eyes to the other girl that’s there there oh there stop it but U yeah so that that’s what what
what this article is about now what is it that I say underneath it ktfa family this is an old lower note being used to teach and to introduce the new lower notes just as we suggested that they are being presented on boards H and then they show them more old old currency notes why I think you know why the following in this the body of this article says here what did she say was that important no it’s nothing copy the sale of the dollar was was a mechanism and and what do we said there’s a new mechanism the sale of the dollar was a
mechanism wow we’re almost at 3,000 people the sale of the dollar was a mechanism adopted by the Iraqi Government after 2003 that’s right when we went there in 2003 we said guys we’re going to have to sanction your currency we’re going to have to punish your Banks tell you what why don’t you use the American dollar and we’re going to we’re just going to get rid of your exchange rate what is it $322 to $1 yeah how about if we make it half a penny half a penny to one American dollar and that’s what they did and this mechanism that
they established there was to protect the Iraqi dinar and the country from inflation and other issues and it worked for a certain while but it wasn’t supposed to work for 20 years and here it is that they’re saying that the sale of the dollar was was was you see was today is Sunday it ended in my strong opinion the sale of the dollar was a mechanism adopted by the Iraqi Government after 2003 during the era of of shabibi remember what shabibi wanted exactly this uh shab wanted this for several goals mentioned in a study by the bank
officials um this was uh Dr W whatever he’s a good guy we talked about him before including including including controlling controlling the exchange rate and raising the purchasing power for those with limited income among others and it doesn’t it doesn’t get any clearer any better than that here’s what we used to have here’s what we’re going to have well that’ll be the next step they’ll show them and this is what we want to explain to you the monetary reform was a success shoot the CBI we’re out there giving out Academy
Award winners we’re giving out Oscars to everybody we’re rewarding ourselves for the job we did nobody knew that the US Treasury was here until the article came out um continuing reading this article one of the most frequently mentioned files uh in discussion about corruption one of the files was about corruption yeah so you know about Parliament this whole thing was about Parliament okay yeah one of the files uh most frequently mentioned uh in discussion uh was about corruption about fictitious import invoices fake
bills what’ I tell you uh fictitious import invoices and currency smuggling to neighbors countries uh among others uh now now according to the new system after the window Clos according to the new system you have a new mechanism is that what you’re saying that’s going to replace the auctions well yeah right what is it a new rate okay according to the new system after the window closes Traders will have to deposit their money in Dinars in Iraqi banks that have entered into partnership with foreign Banks yeah
called correspondent Banks we studied those already these correspondent banks with American banks will undertake all verification and compliant procedures many experts believe that this step has re re Rel many experts believe that this step has relieved the Central Bank of responsibility for any potential manipulation of invoices or attempts to smuggle currency I make a little comment in blue what do I say there in parenthesis yeah it’s it’s it’s all here it is very very plain very very clear let us
continue to read what this article is talking about because that’s why I brought you here because of this article kav kavla said the date for closing the platform is fixed it will not change and it will not be extended I’m trying the banks have been preparing since the beginning of this year with Governor alot announced his intentions to close the platforms yeah continuing this will be noticeable during the first days of the new year oh that bubble is that what you’re talking about of course Frank
thank you this will be noticeable during the first day of the new year as the central banks transfers to banks that are operating at full capacity will not change by strengthening the balances with corresponding Banks however he left the door open to the possibility of a very slight and ineffective decline in the Central Bank sales he pointed out and by the way that’s because of the fluctuation of the dollar rate in that bubble he pointed out that the majority of banks in Iraq have corresponded Banks
and have been operating according to the new mechanism whoa whoa whoa what’ you say I said I pointed out that the majority of the banks in Iraq have correspondent Banks yes yes yes yes yes I know the These Are banks that the The Exchange centers that Sudani gave licenses to he needed a lot more they’re going to work with the you know the for like Raad Rashid trade bank and all yeah yeah I know about all that but what did you just say after that uh the majority of banks in Iraq have correspondent
Banks and have been operating according to the new mechanism since the beginning of this year what new mechanism oh my gosh you’re confessing to the second set of books he pointed out that the majority of banks in Iraq have corresponded Banks yeah and have been operating according to the new mechanism yeah uh since the beginning of this year yeah that’s where I went and Traders uh will not face any problem unless their money is in a bank without corresponding Banks because Sudani is protecting those
Banks wait a minute you just said that uh Iraq have corresponded and they have been operating according to the new mechanism since the beginning of the year you using two sets of books according to the Deputy Governor Iraq is to end the dollar auctions uh by the start of 2025 in my opinion they stopped today he explained that starting January the 2nd uh 20125 the Central Bank of Iraq will no longer directly sell foreign currency for external transfer transactions related to financing foreign trade and the other payments to
local bank clients on a daily basis you you explained that starting on January the 2nd Central Bank will no longer directly well if you’re not going to have the what are you doing on January the 2nd that’s interesting now these are the Articles family that I wanted to talk to you about tonight now the next thing that I’m going to do is I’m going to I take you straight into um Eddie’s report and again we were together give me the date we were together J 27 no I did the day the U the day of the week Friday Friday
so that means Saturday I’m looking for Saturday to share with you Family Friday Friday Saturday actually this is late Friday night Mr Frank a big delegation from the United States Treasury Department just paid a visit to the CBI here none of us knew about this this is a surprise um I said Eddie you’re GNA find out more but here knock knock who’s there the new exchange rate that’s why they’re there Eddie uh Frank we wondered what in the world they would be here for wink wink we know Mr Frank uh Frank
Eddie says alak is talking about a big party alak is talking about a big party that they’re having right now at the CBI for all the CBI employees who have worked so hard on the process and on the development of a of a new currency and they are celebrating along with the US Treasury delegation here on their visit oops everything this is all in my opinion right okay so I’ll show it to you so yeah Eddie from this moment uh Friday night going into Saturday this is where things started to click the last
time I was with you I had already told you family it really looks like uh Eddie is uh the pendulum swing is is moved over to the other side I think it’s very difficult to discourage him right now he knows what’s going on and I credit Mr Samy for helping a walking stick and myself to help him yeah so apparently there uh Sudani ack they’re having a meeting at the CBI with all the employees that worked hard on the process of the development the on the development of a new currency along with the US Treasury
delegation uh here uh here on a visit um oh they’re happy babe good okay to which I said uh I know Eddie I mean I know Eddie you know to to to to a certain point uh we did see the article isn’t it amazing the CPI is rewarding all their employees uh the employees that did all the work that excelled in the monetary reform uh yeah I will admit Eddie that I I will admit that’s pretty cool that’s pretty cool okay and it’s it’s also a Telltale sign that’s why the US Treasures there and then he says it must be a late Christmas
party with bonuses no no no no I said Eddie you know what this is like it’s like the Academy Award uh it’s like the Academy Awards um those that uh that made the monetary reform successful with Sudani and with the CBI yeah they’re all getting Oscars and then and when I told him that he says that’s that’s well described excellent I’m sending it that they’re giving out Oscars all right so now let’s pick up let’s start with yesterday investment Authority Representatives on TV giving a five-year plan for Investments this is getting
serious Mr Frank because this investment cannot at all be under a program rate we we are we are starting to understand why they are showing us all this because without the pro without the the new rate none of this would work government requests to amend the 25 Budget on Kurdistan oil but Sudani told them to uh yeah okay told told him to go away uh Chalet on TV saying Iraq is first in world with density of natural resources and Iraq will have several new ways of investment this is good Mr Frank not
only for the investors that are coming into our country but us Iraqi citizens as well we can invest yesterday 2501 in the afternoon uh he he he he um it it was yesterday yeah yeah it was yesterday that I started to send notes from before what does Mr Sammy have right now and then yesterday he says uh the crooks the crooks on TV again they’re not they’re just not giving up they’re saying that the lowering of the dinar prices once the auctions end it will create huge inflation and we will be blown out of the water through we will
blow through our reserves and Iraq will be facing crisis OMG these corrupt they just won’t give up spreading all their lies that’s true Eddie but you are made of a different material now aren’t you Eddie you have matured you know what’s going on with the monetary reform you know the source of evil in your country I say to H I said that’s a good way of putting it Eddie they definitely are Crooks but you know son the good thing is that you are now mature enough you are now mature enough to know you are now mature enough in the
monetary reform form education to protect yourself from these lies you are now well educated and you know what’s going on you have been reassured by Sudani so many times this year he keeps telling you to stay strong I tell you stay strong with him he’s going to need you as a leader you know Eddie I wish I could have been there last night when I wish I could have been there last night when Sudani and alock were handing out all these Awards to the cbii members that participated in the monetary reform
process he could have at least given me a cookie he could have at least given me a cookie uh uh I helped a little bit you know hey tank this is about to die on me hold on stay there wait there I headed backwards um so repeating wish I could have been there last night when Sudani and alock were handing out a word to the CBI members that Parliament that participated in the monetary reform process he could have at least given me a cookie I helped a little bit you know and he said I’ll give you a cookie Mr Frank uh we wait we wait to
see over the next days to see auction stop now this was yesterday and I believe they stopped as of today Mr Frank we wait to see over the next days to see auctions stop and what is going to happen after that uh the rumors out that we the people of Iraq supposedly we already have 10 cents of purchasing power on our currency we do not we do not it’s still uh like CBI s site States 1310 it drops on the weekends to like 1304 due to Travelers and other things but the average always comes back to 1310 so we do have so so we do
have everything I say to you is strictly my opinion right okay so we do have 10 cents of new value on the streets but hopefully soon a lot more I’ll show it all to you Eddie is expressing to me that because of the auction stopping that they noticed a couple of days ago that something started to happen to the exchange rate he tells me that in his opinion he now has more purchasing power at 10 cents 10 cents of a new value on the streets but it is not official it is not on the CBI he just told you it averages out to
1310 but these are the precursors these are the telltale signs this is what we’re looking for as a team very happy to see it I say the following to him yes said he yes Eddie uh we heard about the 10 cents but I’m not going to teach it until I know that it’s official it is mainly within the streets it is mainly within you Iraqi citizens but I believe it will be official very soon with more added for you this is the beginning of your purchasing power that’s why they’re showing you so much at the the CBI that’s why the US
Treasury is giving out Awards Mr Frank Eddie says that we may not hear anything until Parliament comes back on the 8th maybe right before the 7th we hope sooner um I share this with you without saying anything more because you know Sudani gay Parliament until the 7th to do something continuing Mr Frank we strong see a new rate by the time that Banks reop yeah look at that there’s nothing I can do about it this has gotten out of hand this is so much good information they could hear it they just huh they can
hear it they just can’t no look you cannot hear that mine’s not spinning yours is not spinning family may I ask you is your is is my image uh strong see a new rate by the time that Banks re yeah look at that this has gotten out of Shang doodle in my our form you know that she’s our transcriber she does a good job she’ll do her very best this recording had so much powerful information and you’re not getting it right now there it goes again it’s just spinning and spinning are you spinning no not at all but it’s going
slow motion and breaking up and this is very difficult I’m so sorry okay let me see you’re Frozen someone says Frozen someone says good now Frozen back now yeah this is not working and this is powerful information that I’m sharing with you but you’re not able to hear it I don’t know what to do for you I’m sorry we’re going on 33 00 people and that’s what’s doing it because they’re all coming in at once so let’s see what we can do here let me oh so so this part based on what I showed you about the
about the seventh Eddie expressed to me we think that a few days after the auction stop in order to offset any inflation we’re going to see a new rate by the time that the banks reopen for holidays continuing Eddie I agree with your opinion I want you to stay close have today now once again because it’s all choppy because you’re not really hearing me I’m not even going to hold the phone up no more I’m going to read this I’m going to get it over with and let’s move on ah everything that I just read to
you I’ll copy and paste it and I’ll put it in premium and I’ll put it in club 26 you deserve it you pay for it all righty so once again uh let’s start with today and today was powerful Mr Frank the CBI is reporting on the news that we have a rise in gold reserves and we have very low inflation this is perfect to introduce the new exchange rate this is perfect for our monetary reform also alak is talking about the success of the monetary reform for this year he is bragging he is bragging uh the only
success the only success is a new exchange rate and Sudani knows that then I tell him Eddie I need uh I need your help see if Mr Sammy can tell you what year this old lower note is from you see they are going to show you this because they are going to give you the new lower notes they want you to know the difference between the two two of them Eddie I have decided to do a YouTube tonight at 700 p.m. Eastern Standard Time in order to cover this subject it is important it is way too important not
to talk about it tonight they are using the old lower notes to introduce the new lower notes to you Iraqi citizens by showing you an example of the old lower notes and that 10 cents rumor has a lot to do with with this Eddie get to Mr Sammy I only have about three hours before I get on the air I would love to hear his to have his opinion and I want you to ask him a question does he have more boards don’t ask him if he has if he has the lower notes ask him do you have more boards yes sir Mr Frank we
understand what you’re doing that’s the first time Eddie has ever sent a voice message he must have been extremely very excited about what’s going on I said there’s no doubt Neo Eddie has all the right to be excited because he he was told to look for something on the 28th and the 29th here it is I’m excited to see what Mr Sammy has to say because I know that he has seen everything everything that I’m saying to you is strictly my opinion uh Frank Eddie says the television is showing the auctions are
now ended after 20 years the Eddie are they saying that it has officially ended or or or are they saying that it’s going to end on on the 30 uh first it’s over they said it’s over now then then then then that means that Sudani can still keep his promise and showed them the lower notes before the end of the year but he’s running out of time I think we will learn a lot when Mr Samy shares his opinion today Frank Eddie says Frank Eddie says the television says the matter has been resolved there is no money dollar
currency auction platform anymore whoa okay after 20 years the matter is resolved to which I said no wonder they’re showing you the old lower notes yes M uh this is from the CBI spokesman EDD he says that he that that he heard it from him himself I said well that that’s an official Source then they’re over also Frank the television is showing the opening of some more new Banks as well I said yes Eddie Sudani is going to need all of these Banks and more and other banks that he can trust Frank Eddie said that the picture
that uh that you sent was on the television news uh when they talked about ending the auctions they’ve been talking an awful lot about this one dinar What’s the title of your UB tub family countown at one continuing Mr Frank the CBI says that they the start CBI says start starts week with 90% transfers of foreign transfers starts weak like this I say h fascinating I am holding on to hear from Mr Sammy Eddie the reason I say this is because I already talked to akie what did he say and he’s well I’m and I
think this is where I stopped this uh this sharing ladies and gentlemen you are looking at a situation where um where where the monetary reform steps are falling into into proper steps like we told you the last time that we were together um they can go with an operational budget in order to introduce the new exchange rate uh in case it turns out that um Sudani is not satisfied with Parliament at least by the 7th uh they can change the exchange rate at any time because they deal with this or Sudani can also deal with
the people’s money in the same fashion that he deals with the people’s oil that’s what the oil in Iraq is called It’s called The People’s oil and now this new currency the the people’s currency um Sudani can release it at any time that he wants he does not need Parliament he can establish an operational government an operational B budget I mean and uh make his own make his own move so just like the oil of Iraq the currency of Iraq belongs to the people and Sudani controls the oil and the currency of
Iraq and Sudani uh to the CBI are the only ones with the authority to make any changes in the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar if Parliament does not do the final reading of the budget then Sudani will overwrite it with an operational budget and ladies and gentlemen that’s what I wanted to share with you tonight you know this is the time of the year I always say something at the end don’t I you know that I will this is the time of the year that by faith the Magi they’re known as the three WI men
they traveled for months searching for the baby Jesus and when they found him under the star you know what the very first thing was that they did they bowed they bowed down on their knees and they worshiped him they showed respect I need to show God more respect in my life and I need to Brave the darkness a little better we had a lady on Faith Church service that was concerned about the fact that we are now seeing for example the digitalization of currency really we may have to have a mark on us in order to buy
things we can’t use paper currency see your coins anymore that’s the future well that’s one of the signs in Revelation I know isn’t that exciting no what do you mean no I don’t want to go through that you w it’s called a tribulation in my opinion we will be taken above but we will be able to see the signs of the tribulation I will Brave the dark because Darkness cannot drive out Darkness Darkness cannot drive out Darkness only the light of God and we do our very best to teach that by example I’m not going to force
my Christianity down anybody’s throat if they don’t want it that’s fine I’m still going to love them I’m still going to help them I’m still going to feed them if they’re hungry I’ll clothe them if they’re naked I don’t care what you are my job is to love you God’s job is is to judge you you cannot beat a river you cannot beat a river into submission you have to tame it with your soul you know I said it earlier when we were having our faith church service everything that you do does not it doesn’t have to be
perfect but everything that you do needs to be holy in doing so you respect God we at ktfa we are not political we are not political we are biblical we are biblical and we are soon to go into the five corners of the world where communism doesn’t like uh Jesus Christ but you know something there’s no courage without fear there’s no courage without fear and like I told you I just want to love I just want to help it doesn’t matter what what your religion is I don’t care if you’re a homosexual I don’t care what you
are I want to love I want to love anything as much as God loves everything and I ask God to help me to do that because you never know your potential until you challenge your limitations and I believe that very soon we’re going to be challenged Jesus is not one Among Us I would have told the disciples he’s the only one stay in constant prayer Pray for each other support each other love each other you know the question is not can you read music the question is can you hear the music oh my Dr tooth very humble thank
you thank you God says how father call me call God in the prayer talk to him talk to him constantly here I am God take all of me take all of me whatever’s left here I am God here I am and I find it interesting father that from the womb to the tomb is only one letter life is fascinating ABA heavenly father I thank you so much for this call tonight because I’ve been waiting for something like this I pray that as the days go by that we get closer and closer to this blessing I feel deep in my heart that it is
possible that we’re waiting for president Trump whatever the case is thank you for tonight thank you for allowing me to express my opinion in a wonderful country called the United States of America I love you I worship you I praise you I believe in you I walk with you I talk with you I sing with you I run with you I do everything with you in the precious name of your son Jesus by the holy SP spirit I pray amen amen amen amen there I reconnected can you believe this Jam almost 4,000 people it got up to
38 now CLE very honored God bless all of you thank you kindly for being with us but I did Pro dessert I always give you dessert and then I’ll play our uh and uh let’s see here theme song is right there so it’s in position ladies and gentlemen do you remember the last time we were together I told you that I was going to ask Aki can I come and see you at your bank may I open a bank account at your bank I’m going to use many banks may I use your bank and then not even 24 hours later the CBI is showing old uh lower notes to
the Iraqi citizens and Aki’s like is that why you wanted to come over so I asked asked them if I can come over and then uh we sent another question Aki do you have what we’re looking for and what are we looking for family the lower notes I pray that he will answer me and then I will determine what it is that I can do with that answer whether I share it or not and the last and final thing I’m going to share with you is these are two two voices he said two voicemail there’s where Eddie sent me the picture
he says you’re not going to believe what they’re showing us on TV and we know why they’re showing it to us on TV Mr Frank at first he thought that’s the lower notes for us and I told him I said no but here’s what he said when he saw the first one they they they’re on the Edge at any moment they know it listen this look like the new money they going to use this that’s a picture for one Iraqi money then uh after I communicated with him then he says the following I’ll be honest with you I forgot how the old money look like is
with air in the house I need to go check it first then I let you know it’s been so long remember what I told you the low lower notes from the 1940s a big big gap and then you teach you about the new ones they’re going to give you okay let me let me look oh yeah you’re right I forgot what they look like it’s been so long Eddie I hope you don’t mind that I played your voice okay it’s an honor to hear your voice and to talk to you pleas pleasure my friend Eddie you know you can call me anytime you want okay my
phones are secure Eddie trust me you can call me anytime you want family did you enjoy your ubby tuby tonight before I say goodbye to everybody what do you think did you enjoy your UB tub was it informative you are you going to walk away feeling good about what you learned tonight are you happy what do you think and the answer is uh let me go look and see what you guys are saying if anything at don’t there let’s see here how cool is that what a sweet voice what babe that’s Brandon oh Brandon’s with us the last
days brother Brandon you know BR Brandon you made a statement and you said that you were given a vision where you saw people were cheering I think you said something all Al but then there was also another group and I taught that I taught that I called them lottery winners remember that oldtimers remember that I called them lottery winners there are so many people that have no idea what they’re involved with they’re going to get a million dollars they’re going to go through that million dollars boom
just like that you can’t touch that million dollars you can’t use that that million dollars that million dollars becomes the foundation of what you’re GNA you see I I can’t I can’t teach you that so anyways U yeah Brandon there’ll be a lot that they refuse to learn they’re going to go out and buy themselves a okay you got what I got I got 10 million okay I bought a $5 million home okay can you afford it y I Got 5 million more do you know what the maintenance is for a million dollar home do you know
what the insurance is for a million property taxes are on an AG on a million you don’t do you I want to thank t-ball I want to thank Dr tooth Ferry thank you sir Howard COC dway jocks LL Shadow furry Pam Basset L LC shrimp dadddy LLC hey you bubble gump you bubble gump I love that movie Forest Gump ain’t it mama said I could never mama said I I never knew a cookie I didn’t like that look at that shrimp daddy El I talked to somebody from Costa Rica today and he says you know you’re going to have to come down here and look at our
properties our homes you know maybe you can buy a home down here and be my neighbor I said yeah it’s a possibility Costa Rica is beautiful and there’s a lot of missionary work that’s being done out there Food For Thought anyways shrimp daddy LLC thank you Eric Sims thank you Eric Sims Linda tetric Linda tetri thank you Goa gotcha got got got gotcha gotcha gotcha gotcha gotcha thank you gotcha uh bus driver be thank you well family God bless you all thank you one more where skier 39 Oh skier 39 hi how you doing
thank you very very much Hermanos Hermanas those conference calls those UB tubies close caption well guys I guess I won’t see you until next year if you don’t mind I’m just going to just going to back away and uh did I give you the dessert oh yeah I told you about Aki I want to know if he’s got any other boards he wants to talk about and if I can go and open an account with him y’all take care of each other God bless you and I’ll see you again when are we seeing each other babe again Wednesday January 1st Wednesday
January the 1st I’ll see you then and if for some you know strange reason something happens between now and Wednesday of course we’ll do another UB tub sweet Aloha to all of you God bless you bye I used to be a until I watched Frank with a twinkle in his eyes and got by his side Frank teachings reaches far and wide so whenever I need a fix I tune into 26 he’s got the latest it’s okay T give this man a cookie you never know what suit he’ll be wearing so I wear my sunglasses because they are so glaring so whenever I
need I tune Frank 26 he’s got the latest greatest news from the street tune in now tune in here this is the sit up vti and get ready friends got some news from walking stick and Eddie Frank breaks down the news and keeps us Frank 26 he’s got the latest greatest news from the street to the now tun here this is the hey I need a cookie cookies cookies cookies come on T give up the cookies God bless you all thank you kindly for being with us s Aloha I’ll see you soon next year byebye Go Lions goodbye