Dinar Guru Uncut

MarkZ Morning (Uncut) 03-12-2025

Music Hello, all. Trying to keep up with you. Hello, Busted Gia.


Hello, Mr. Jensen. Hello, Eagle Claw. Let’s see what we got hanging over on the kick side this morning.


Got a few balls. Sissy, Rosie Posey, Half Pint, Hoops, Chicago Mama, Matatan, hello, Larry, hello, I’m blessed. Hello, David and Michelle.


Hello, Mr. Fuller and Cosmic Soul. Anthony, good to see you in the house. Hello, Water Tiger.


Trump Day, right? Hump Day. Buzz Rocket, hello, Irenka. Hello, Flatline Racer.


Tim Foo, anyone for a side of filibuster? You know what’s coming. What did Fred say? President Trump told me to tell you, please tell Mark to keep up the excellent work. Can’t use Led Zeppelin, but we’re definitely going to start working on some different music.


I want to do a whole different intro. Yep, USAID, they’ve shut much of it down. They’ve got their shutdown date, and on their way out the door, they’re trying to obliterate all the documents.


We’ll talk about that this morning. I think they may have to go lock that place down. Hello, Mr. Frousto, it’s good to see you.


Jay and Amy. 48th birthday to Anthony. Well, one of the Anthonys.


George, the person you’re looking is Fearless Floyd. Fearless and Floyd. Yeah, get Zester’s help with a new intro.


I’ll work on that one. I’ll give it a shot. Let me stay somewhat pulled together this morning.


We’ve been told our whole lives that wrinkle creams were the easiest way to look younger. Now, one doctor said that’s nothing but old news. According to Dr. John Lakey, the world renowned Beverly Hills beauty expert, most wrinkle fixes on the market are nothing but glorified moisturizers.


They hardly make a dent on your appearance, and some can even be harmful to your skin, he said. But recently, Dr. Lakey has focused his attention away from mainstream cosmetic practices. Why? So he can pursue a revolutionary anti-aging breakthrough, one that some experts say could empty the wallets of the cosmetic industry.


It’s almost like Photoshop for your face. You may even be mad after seeing how easy it is to visibly erase your wrinkles from view, Lakey told reporters. His clients have dubbed his new do-it-yourself technique the Age Rewinder Method because it can take years or even decades off your appearance.


In under two minutes, in light of this amazing breakthrough, Dr. John Lakey has released a step-by-step video to the public, free and uninterrupted, where he outlines exactly how to use this simple solution from home. This helps even one person look younger or feel more confident. I’ll be thrilled knowing I helped, Dr. Lakey commented.


The video has since gone viral. At first, it was shared by users on Facebook, but since then, it’s racked up over 2.3 million views and counting. So far, the comments and feedback have been outstanding, but with thousands of women reporting they look decades younger, one viewer even commented, Best results of anything I’ve used.


I can’t believe how well this works. I’ll never stop using this. Don’t understand how it works, but the results are great.


Thank you. So you can find out more yourself by going to bhmd1. That’s the number one, bhmd1.com forward slash Mark Z. Or you can click the link in the description because, come on, remember, bhmd1.com forward slash Mark Z is kind of a pain in the butt.


There is one thing, Dr. Lakey, you would like to ask from the viewers though. If watching this video helps you look and feel younger than you have in years, please share this video with your friends and loved ones. Together, we have the power to help as many women reclaim a youthful look as possible.


Link is in the description for you guys. Rumble and over on YouTube. Mark, you’re trying to install the central bank digital currency to control their people.


What say you, Christine Lagarde? I tell you, I used to think she was on our side, but she very clearly isn’t. She is pushing hard over at the EU for a CBDC. A fiat CBDC.


If the U.S. falls, the world collapses. For a while, it’ll come back. But it would be pretty ugly.


Oh, jeez. Oh, Thomas, that one’s bad. Jerry, I very much enjoyed the red light presentation.


The science behind it is huge. The problem is there are a lot of really crappy red lights out there, so you got to do your due diligence search to make certain you get something that is the right quality to be effective. But the research is really cool.


Jason, the Jeepers, Trump really positioning Congress and the IRS. Yes, he’s really working on them. There are many, I shouldn’t say many, there are a number of ideas that are making the rounds in D.C. as they’re discussing them on what’s practical, what could work, what would work the best.


Yeah, it’s a real conversation. And he is pushing. Wait.


Sharon said, I was thinking about opening a salon after the RV with full-service red light therapy for those in pain. I thought about it even before because it is so costly. Maybe doing a community-based ones in a couple of different spots throughout the country.


Stop waiting for the RV and make things happen. RV’s coming. I very much think we’ll get it in the coming days or this month, but at the same time, I don’t want to wait.


I don’t want to put anything on hold. Our health, the community’s health. Let’s see.


Patsy Williams says, I strongly believe that I’ll be rich between now and the 22nd of March. I promise I will share the update. I’m spiritually being laid up on these feelings.


I like it. Rain Man sees where I’m going with. TA said, used red light on my dog for broken leg and spine bruising.


It worked well. That is so cool. Brian W, only a matter of time before I get one of those red light setups.


Yes. Just got to work it through. Yeah, the science is great.


Then I got to talk to him after. I did not know he lives in Puerto Rico, so he was 40 minutes down the road. Never met him.


Let’s see. John Trantos and Good. Let’s see.


If the U.S. is gold asset-backed and the IQD plus many others, doesn’t it make logical sense? All currency? Yes. That is exactly the plan, John, is to revalue to adjust values, then reset to go to parity, and then it would be all one-to-one based on assets. I tell you what, Pastor Redlight, got a ticket.


I thought those red lights were beacons for hookers. That is only Roxanne. You guys are great.


Let’s see. Clinton says tomorrow morning I go into Moffitt for cancer surgery. I wake up to a whole new world.


It’s going to be a great world, and you’re going to have great success praying for a very what’s the right word here? Very, very capable doctors. Let’s see. Rashid to an American newspaper.


Iraq’s ready to mediate between Washington and Tehran. They are. They’re pushing, but I tell you the news stories that are coming out trying to sow dissent in Iraq are unreal.


Government keeps saying, guys, this is all BS. U.S. government keeps saying this is all BS. Well, I should say the Trump administration keeps saying this is all BS, and the Iraqi government at all levels keeps saying this is BS, but they keep having these stories about all these troubles that they are supposedly having.


Doesn’t it sound a lot like our press right now with total BS as they’re telling us how dangerous it is and this is getting cancelled and that’s getting cancelled, but we have a press that is purposely sowing division in hopes of keeping things, well, divisive so that they can manipulate anybody else paying attention. It’s happening all over the world. It’s not just U.S. press or mainstream press that we’re used to.


It’s ripping. Ah, it’s time so we can get to Andy today. We should have him.


Let’s make certain. I’m going to put this up. Short, uh, yeah, okay.


Make certain he hadn’t, like, cancelled at the last minute or something on me. It happens. He’s a busy man.


Boy, where’d I go on this one? Oh, I see what I’ve done or not done. There we go. Let’s get to some news.


We’ll start here. Al Khazaraji calls on the government to explain the reason for the delay in sending the budget tables. We’ve got everything.


You’ve done everything. We’ve agreed to everything. Why don’t we have the budget tables? Because there’s a new rate in it.


That’s my belief and the more stories I see like this where we talk about what’s been completed, what’s been agreed to, what’s been voted on, but we still don’t see them. To me, it is very clear that they are trying to hide something in those budgets. What makes sense? They’ve already allocated the dollars.


The dollars are theirs. What would they be trying to hide in that budget, in those tables specifically, that they are dragging, handing them off? To me, it makes perfect sense for that to be a rate. What does Iraq’s success in zeroing the burned gas mean? Boy, I tell you, these two languages do not jive.


An economist answers these questions. What we’re getting at is the amount of gas that comes in through Iran, what it takes for Iraq to supply itself and what they are flaring. In other words, they’re flaring enough to take care of themselves and it breaks it down in here.


They’re having to import Iranian gas to generate 8,000 megawatts from electric power from gas stations. They get a chunk of power. I think the decision is they’re going to allow, at least from what I’m reading in Iraqi news, they’ll still be able to get electricity temporarily from Iran, but they’re going to cut off the natural gas.


They do have enough natural gas in their own country, but the speed at which they’re going to have to develop backbone and infrastructure over the next couple months to be ready for the height of the summer season really is daunting, but doable and they have been making great progress. Gray one just breaks down how much gas, what is needed, what comes from where. I thought this one was good, but it does, guys, clearly shows that Iraq is capable of self-supporting itself without anything coming from Iran.


The KRG, this is the Kurdish Regional Government Cabinet, convenes to discuss oil exports and federal budget law compliance. They are trying to pound through this one. Of course, the back and forth is exasperated.


Did I use that? Or aggravated? Anyways, made worse right now from press trying to sow discontent between the Kurdish region and Baghdad, but they’re working on finishing out all of what they need for the oil to start pumping. It has not started pumping yet. It’s going to drive me nuts on that front.


Let’s bounce here for a minute, shut off this banner. As I mentioned on the news last night, I now have a couple of individuals that have been issued travel dollars to take care of bond appointments over the coming days between now and early next week. This is an absolute first that I’ve seen that because these are just holders.


These aren’t facilitators. These aren’t paymasters. These aren’t attorneys that have grouped POAs, power of attorneys.


This is something I’ve never seen in this process, so I’m going to take it as an excellent sign for those that did not join last night because we do have some folks that are only in the morning, some that are only at night, so I wanted to share that one. I have been trying to chase down specifically, I’m trying to find information on two programs because it’s where I’ve got the best contacts. That is in the original Farms Claims and OMEGA, and I’m trying to find, of course, I’ve got some great ones, CMKX too, but I do not have updates on those yet.


I’ve already on Wednesday reached out to try to find out if they know for certain whether Wealth Management folks are working this weekend or not. I know it’s kind of early in the week, but I’m kind of hoping that they already have a direction because that would tell us how confident banks are. If they’ve already told them here on Wednesday that they’ve got to work on the weekend, then that might give us a clue.


Just love. Wasn’t that neat? Watch the show Monday about methylene blue enhancing effects for red light therapy. I just found that just fascinating last night.


Leanne Luigi. Yes, I do. I live north side of the island.


Came for work three years ago because we were back and forth all the time and fell in love. You know, Rob, that’s a great idea. He’s got to have units at his house.


He shows videos of them. I think I’m going to work out something with him to do just that. Maybe even this weekend, go do just the therapy for the eyes.


I mean, study, blind study, well done study, showed 17% improvement in your eyesight over the age of 40 on the first three minute treatment. I do have one bank, well, not a bank story I’ve got. Gina, I don’t know if I’m allowed to say exactly who or not.


Let me verify that one and ask that again this evening. Do I know the answer? Yes, I know the answer. But because of who’s paying them, I just need to make certain it’s okay that I’m not getting anybody in trouble.


Place is awesome. The people are amazing. It’s like going back in time 50 years where neighbors actually care about each other.


It really is pretty cool. All right. I got a Venezuelan update from somebody on the ground in Venezuela.


Of course, we shared an update where they were removing currency art, etc. from the streets. In other words, old bills.


Now we’ve got another update. Let me see if I can find it. Internet has been largely non-functional on a national level in the last day or two.


The news there is running stories saying that many people’s credit cards will stop functioning because the digital banking platform is being changed to a new one. In other words, they’re making a complete change of the Venezuelan banking system and they are giving people a warning that their credit cards may or probably will not work for a brief period. That’s an update of their entire national system.


I think that is a heck of a big tell in my book. Sharon, unfortunately, you’re not trading the boulevard with sanctions yet. But isn’t it something cool to watch that roll out? We’re starting to see some of these values and increases.


We know why we’re not allowed to trade them yet. Dave, I thought about that. Glasses have become like a signature thing for me.


I’ve got to take them off and look into the camera when I’m serious. I think I’d be okay. I don’t know if it’ll get good enough to not need them, but it’d be nice not to have them for a brief look at the phone to see what time it is or something like that.


Would be nice. Mary, that’s what I said. Not really a bank story, but a country story, so I shared it about Venezuela.


No news on Zim. Stephanie, just throw the rumor out the door. If Venezuela is going to revalue internationally, that means it has to be international, which means the U.S. would take it, too.


It’s some of the stupidest reporting I’ve ever seen going on out there right now. It’s just like stop, drop. When you hear one of those, before you repeat it, run it through your brain.


Does it make any sense or not? If it makes zero sense, then spend a little extra time vetting it before you share it. I have definitely not heard anything about the Yugoslavian currency, the pengos, the denara, or any of those. Let’s see.


Last time I spoke with Rom three or four weeks ago. Logical, Spock. I don’t know.


Would helping to get rid of the chemtrails be considered a humanitarian project? Possibly, but how do we know they’re not already putting in good chemtrails now to get rid of the backup? I know. It’s so convoluted. All right.


Let’s keep running. I’ve not heard anything different on rates on denara. I’ve not heard anything different on rates in a while yet.


I think they’ve already got those settled on. Dow’s only down 126 on this correction. Yep.


  1. All right. Who’s keeping up with news? Where do we need to go now? I know we’ve got plenty to talk about before it is time for the folks.


Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. I’m trying to slow this one down. One of my friends just had her student loans paid off for more than 200 grand yesterday.


Steph, boy, I tell you, this is one we’ve done a lot, but could you please explain tiers? Mr. C’s way better at explaining the tiers than I am, Steph. Sim holders get paid at the transition from three to four between historic bonds and currency. So basically at the same time as currency, same time as four.


So if you have ZIM, it would put you in what we call 4A unless it’s already been aggregated with somebody, and then, well, wait, it would put us in 4B. If it had already been aggregated, then it would be in 4A. That’s the only difference between, in other words, when we all get to go, that’s tier four.


If you have, somebody came up with a term to change it for people that have already aggregated their currency, in other words, they’ve saved keeping receipt, it’s already been handed off to a group, there’s already an attorney in charge of it, they’ve already done background checks and everything, then that’s been termed 4A now. 4B means you still hold it in your hand and you still have to go take it and exchange it when it’s time. I know that’s kind of a short one there, but we’ll definitely make it a point to ask that question Friday.


Xavier, oh, it’s because you watched this program. No, I’m just kidding. Hopefully you’ll see that soon.


Yes, I have heard of the 24 karat gold 100 T-notes. I don’t know. I’ve got one of them back locked up in me safe.


Don’t know. I mean, I’ve been told they’re not accepting them, that those are just collectors. Ross, he just said Argentina’s going silverback his assets.


I’ve not seen any stories on that, but Ross, if you find any, I would love to see them. Because that could be a big tell. All right, got a limited amount of time.


Let’s get as much covered as we can and then I’ve got a number of people that want me to talk about this or want me to talk about that and well, we’re going to do our best. Wait, bank story. My mom went to her bank.


Truist, she asked the lady if Truist would be part of RV and Bank. Lady said I’m not sure. My mom said, so you know about the RV and Bank? Lady said, oh, yes, we have Denar.


Nice. Love it. Okay, we already did all that news.


Let’s get over here. Trump drops plan to drops a plan or the plan to double tariffs on Canadian steel and aluminum after Ontario suspends energy export tax. Welcome to the business world, folks, in Canada and the U.S. as they go back and forth.


You tell them, hey, this is your first offer. This is your second offer. This is something the Canadians are just not used to doing with the U.S. because in the past and this is not Canada’s fault, this is U.S.’s fault for not negotiating aggressively, properly, responsibly or any of those things.


So this is how it goes. It is a back and forth as you work out a deal that makes sense for both so that both parties leave the table feeling like a winner. This is what’s happening now.


Boy, is it really throwing a lot of people a curve. Throwing people, I mean, a lot of people a curve. They just don’t understand normal business practices.


So here we’ve got cause and effect, decisions, answers and here you go. Okay, let’s drop the double tariff, stick with the single one on steel and aluminum. You drop the one on the energy export tax that you were going to charge us in, I believe it was Michigan and we can work all this out.


Bam, it works like a charm. Meanwhile, the left and mainstream media has been freaking out about a normal business practice. They just don’t get it.


Egg prices down $1.85 in less than two weeks. Agricultural secretary is showing saying, hey, just be calm. We have a plan, three to six months eggs will be back, dirt cheap.


We have to deal with the bird flu plan. They’ve rolled out a very comprehensive plan and how they’re dealing with it and it’s working. We’re already seeing a substantial decrease in those prices.


Of course, that’s one thing I just didn’t want to touch on. Core inflation continues to cool. It’s not down to the target area yet, but it really surprised all of the mainstream media.


What’s the word I’m looking for in here? Opinion folks today because it came in considerably lower than they were expecting. They were all projecting higher numbers and it just didn’t happen. Really throwing them off.


How does this work? It’s because it’s business and you’re negotiating and you’re fighting through these things. Because of tariffs, it was all supposed to be through the roof and it wasn’t. I’m not saying that tariffs won’t raise prices, guys, because they will temporarily raise some prices.


Here’s the phone with Department of Education to cut half its workforce. Cost saving measures also include closing all offices and places including New York, Boston, Dallas, Chicago, and San Francisco. In other words, they’re only going to have offices in D.C. Here’s a damning figure for you.


You think about just how wonderful our government institutions are. This is some satire in here. You may be surprised.


Actually, I was surprised at just how efficient they were. We find out at the very end of this article right here, only $0.47 of every dollar her agency meaning Ms. McMahon’s, the U.S. Department of Education, all the money we spend nationally, federally for that education that we send to Washington, only $0.47 of every dollar her agency provides or the Department of Education makes it to the classroom. She said most of the federal money is spent on compliance with regulations.


You get where that’s going, guys? We could spend half the money on education and have the same education. We just have to put it going to all the bureaucrats in between there and the classroom. To say that there is no waste or from the left going, oh my God, you’re going to dismantle this, nobody’s going to get an education, no.


We’re going to streamline it and make it efficient. I would like to point that 1979 when they founded the Department of Education, I think it was 79 under Carter. We were number one in the world for education.


Not true anymore. Department of Education has obliterated education in the United States. It’s kind of counterintuitive, right? Weren’t they here to improve our education, not destroy our education? I haven’t heard anything on a doge check.


We don’t, of course, know if we’re going to really get a doge check, but they have to finish saving the money before they can distribute the money. I wonder how many Americans are going across the border to Mexico to buy eggs to bring them back, right? Petra, I absolutely believe that you’re going to be able to redeem a Zim bond in Canada. I’m told you’re going to be able to redeem them globally, worldwide.


I’m reading a few of these. I’ll get back to it. Wait, Peggy, is that really? They don’t teach cursive anymore? I read an interesting article of all places on Epic Times about reading and what’s best for us.


Your level of retention, education, so many things go up considerably if you read it in print, not on a computer screen, but in actual print. Did you know that a person that grows up in a household with real books on average have three more years of education by the time they become adults, meaning they’re more likely to go to college, stay in high school, etc., on average? I’m talking three years more. It’s stunning.


I was reading that article. I was like, wow. I guess what I’m getting at is take the time occasionally to take your eyes away from the screen and read an actual book.


Pick up a newspaper. I know they’re old. Maybe a magazine.


It changes how we learn and how our brain processes it, whether it’s a pixel on a computer screen, a telephone, or whether it is a physical book. I thought that was just something. Hey, wait.


Is Rod in the house? I just saw somebody make a comment to Rod Steele. Rod, if you’re there, sound off. Give everybody a health update if you’re there.


30 plus years in public education administration. I have seen the corruption. Majority of those years in funding.


This is a good thing. Gina, I love that you commented. This is somebody from the inside.


This is not some guy, armchair quarterback, sitting out here. This is somebody in the midst of it. Thank you for that.


My kids are in their mid-20s, and neither of them were taught cursive, and that was a charter school advance from the local public educator. That’s just nuts. Yes, my son is in one of the best schools in Detroit as a junior currently, and he can’t write in cursive.


Isn’t that crazy? Gary, yes, the ceasefire between Ukraine and Russia could be the end that Mr. C has talked about, and it’s due to start on Friday. According to sources, when I say sources, a number of representatives from Russia, they are very much considering it. They are analyzing it now, what they have to gain or lose, and are very much, at this point, probably 90-some percent positive that it will be the first step towards a permanent peace at the end of those 30 days.


That one really could come to fruition much faster than Mr. C had anticipated, meaning that perhaps we’re going to see an RV much sooner than he anticipated just last week. Texas artists, I took my children to the library bi-weekly, and we read to each other preschool. They are all brilliant and still prefer reading TV.


Read to all my kids. Lucy’s not really fond of books. My boys will read.


Zach more so than Riley, but Banana, isn’t this an interesting one? Who has the authority to sell Greenland? Theoretically, Denmark, but at the same time, the people of Greenland would have the ability to decide where they wanted to go if they decided. In other words, we’d rather become a this. It really is kind of a weird one.


It really is kind of a weird one. Her doge dividend check approved is included in the budget bill. That might be a possibility, Landlover, that they could have it squeezed in there.


I did not see any Rod Steele update, so he may not be watching, guys. He may not have been. Somebody just may have commented on him.


If you can’t write in cursive, you can’t read it properly, but you could change history. I’ve been teaching my grandson at 16 how to write in cursive. That’s sad.


I could write in elementary. When did we learn? Anybody remember third grade, I think, is where we started learning cursive? Any time on the continuing resolution, today or tomorrow, is my understanding. It has to be passed by Friday.


Today, tomorrow, or Friday? By Friday, is when they’re expected to vote on the continuing resolution. I’m told they’re pushing for a much earlier vote in case they have to go back to the drawing board because of the uncertainty of getting it through the Senate. Now, before I have the end, guys, I’ve already got one in the back.


Mr. Cousins is already there, still waiting on Andy. But I need to do birthdays. Sing happy birthday to all those celebrating before we head over.


I do have one more story to touch on after we’ve touched on the U.S. Department of Education. That is the shred and burn all documents. USAID staff ordered destroy evidence on Tuesday.


Tuesday, the order came down. If you have anything sensitive, if you have anything in your safe and you’re uncertain, we shred it. When the shredders need a break or repair, we will burn documents.


Yeah, you can’t make this one up. The materials marked for destruction include classified safes and personal documents at the Ronald Reagan building, according to an email sent by USAID’s acting executive director, Erica Carr. Mike Benz here did a good breakdown on some of this, just what and who they’re asking to have stuff destroyed.


Current acting executive secretary of the USAID who ordered the mass shredding and burning of all paper files at USAID, today worked in the Obama OPM, then Obama’s USAID, then personally named USAID executive secretary by Joe Biden, his first week in office. Even Politico, even Politico is reporting on this one, guys. USAID official tells remaining staffers shred and burn all your documents.


Matter of fact, an all-day group effort to destroy documents stored there, many of which contain sensitive information. The materials earmarked for destruction include contents of the agency’s classified safes and personnel documents. Shred as many documents first, reserve the burn bags for when the shredder needs a break.


You can’t make this up, guys. The mainstream media is not having a complete and utter meltdown right now, is stunning to me. Clearly shows that they are not to be trusted or responsible with their jobs in journalism.


Unreal. I wanted to get into the death threats, the intelligence agencies warning Alex Jones that he is a target of hit squads now. Of course, they had one of his staff members executed, what, two days ago, outside his home, not too far from the office.


His voice has gotten too big and he’s too close with the administration and with Jones. So, excuse me, with Musk. Let’s sing that happy birthday and let’s spend some time answering some glint questions.


So they tell me it’s your birthday. Well, happy birthday, darling. May you live, may you love.


May all your dreams come true. Happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to all those celebrating.


And I think we’re going to bounce over now and spend a little time with Jason if he’s ready. Hey, born ready. Born ready.


How are you doing? Doing fantastic. I was just pulling up and seeing if I could get the latest gold prices. It’s been quite a rollercoaster in metals.


And we got so many questions for you. I don’t even know where to start. Do you have anything you want to share? Because there’s some really cool updates coming out of Utah and some of the states.


Oh man, there’s just so much good updates coming on with the US state stuff. It’s unbelievable but yeah, happy to talk about that for sure. The biggest one is, do you have any update on when silver is going to be an option for folks in the US on glint? What, to spend? Yeah.


To be able to purchase. It’s live. It went live in December.


Yeah baby. Wow. So in other words you can buy gold or silver in your glint account or app here at Stateside too.


You can. I had somebody asking the question. I was like, you know, we’re going to have them on momentarily.


They were asking earlier this week already. Yeah. Philosophically, I resisted it for a long time.


I was kind of like, okay, I understand why inferior metals to gold were introduced for de minimis payments, for small payments. You couldn’t exactly pay for an apple with your gold. The gold would be too small when it was used physically.


But glint solved the de minimis payment issue by using electronic payments. I can buy something for one cent of gold. I can do that .000 something grams of gold.


I can do that. I thought, well, why do we need to have silver on? But popular demand battered me down. The final thing that really got me convinced was, of course, the stuff we’ll talk about in a minute with the US States.


That is extraordinary. It requires silver to be on our platform if we’re to be chosen to be the ones fortunate enough to run that for any of these US states. We definitely added silver.


We haven’t switched on to spend yet. You can buy it. You can store it, save it with glint.


You can sell it, of course, any time. But you can’t spend it yet. But it’s coming.


I’ve lost you. Did I lose you there for a second? Yeah, the folks across the street were cutting down a tree and I didn’t want everybody to have to listen. So you did kind of lose me.


I know completely off-ball question here. We were talking about just that. You probably heard us discussing it when you were in the studio.


Cursive, did they teach that in the UK? Cursive handwriting? What is it? Explain. Wow. So we write, not in print, but we write in cursive where the letters flow together.


Kind of like your signature. They do. They do teach that to young children.


But I qualified as an architect and so for a little while, for a long while when I was going through university, I spent seven years doing everything with capitals and stuff and not cursive and being trendy and stuff like that which I tend to maintain into my late adult life. Any plans to expand GlintDoc for any additional precious metals or gold and silver is where we’re sticking. Not adding platinum or palladium or any of those possibly? Again, it’s all possible.


We could make coffee beans a currency if we wanted to. Not that, because have I told you I’ve got part of a coffee company called Freedom Forge? Can we send you some coffee? Yes, please. No, that’s a good plug.


I didn’t mean that. Thank you for the opportunity to plug. But just because you can do something doesn’t mean that you should and I’m very preciously guarding the kind of focus that we have here which is effectively creating sound money.


It’s a sound money solution. I set up Glint because I set up Glint because I was appalled by the fact that my money was being destroyed in ways completely outside of my control through inflation. I set it up because I was concerned about the systemic risk within the financial system.


It’s all about money. We could allow stocks and shares to be used as money. Of course, we could add platinum on and stuff.


We were offered a lot of money by somebody to put platinum onto the platform once and I turned it down. So we could. Should we? I’m not sure.


Is platinum money? I’m not sure. I think perhaps in the future it will be considered similar to gold and silver. But here’s a question.


Any other countries in the eye now or are you guys just trying to finish getting UK and US squared away? Yeah, we’ve got our hands full with the UK and the US. I mean, what’s happening in the US is extraordinary. We, of course, would love to go live in Canada.


You can download the app in Canada. The onboarding process and things are not really as optimized as they should be for a country like Canada. You have to transfer funds to bank accounts in London.


So there’s extra costs associated with this stuff. I don’t really go around telling people that it’s available in Canada, although it is. But you can’t get the good old Glint Mastercard because this is like, it falls under regulatory scrutiny.


So we have to get all our regulatory licenses and everything sorted out. And I think it’s just best for us at the moment to focus on the US and the UK. But listen, eventually of course we want to be in Canada.


We’ve spoken to lots of people about that. A lot of you people keep on telling us where you want us to launch and of course that will determine what comes next maybe. Yeah, I guess we should mention this.


In other words, they can buy silver here in the US but they can’t spend silver yet. Is that accurate? In where, sorry? So they can buy silver now in the US on their Glint app, Glint card but they can’t spend it yet. Yeah, no, that’s not right.


Is silver connected to the exchange, six weeks, all that stuff? No, look, it’s not. Gold, Glint is… Can you pull that question up again or has it gone into the ether? It is back from my mother. Yeah, no, no, there’s nothing to do with… I think maybe what they’re referring to is six to eight week settlement is that a few weeks ago well actually it bubbled up a few months ago before Christmas even and this whole kind of squeeze on the whole gold market and I don’t know if this is related to it or not because Diane’s question is around silver but effectively what was happening is there was a huge demand for gold in the US.


No one was selling gold in the US a few weeks ago unless you wanted to pay $52 an ounce premium. The demand was off the charts and so what was happening is including us, I mean we supply one of the US states with gold for their reserves and there’s just an idea of the kind of volumes we have to do apart from our retail market customers and we had to go to London and buy the gold. We couldn’t just be buying it on the US market and we shipped it over.


That’s okay, I mean it’s an international market but of course what JP Morgan and these big bullion banks cottoned on, there’s this arbitrage between the UK or anywhere else in the world and inside the US. So they were buying gold from Australia and London and they were sending it to Switzerland for refining and then bringing it over to the US. Of course that meant they were also buying gold that was in places like the Bank of England and of course the Bank of England is not set up as a transactional vault like Brinks which is the one we use where gold moves in and out every day, obviously very securely.


Most of the gold that goes to the Bank of England goes in and never moves for centuries or for decades and so they’re just not set up for the kind of movement of metals that was being demanded a few weeks ago and so I think there were waits of six to eight weeks back then, but no we’re not part of any of that type of thing. I am here with you, I’m making a couple changes Andy is on a plane to Canada and I just had him in here, he’s joining so I was just cleaning up a few things so people don’t get confused. A number of people have asked this already, whether or not they’re going to be able to transfer glint to a trust or a corporate card.


Yeah, we want to do that on the roadmap business accounts, trust accounts yes we’ll be doing that. I can’t give you a date of when that will go live but that’s definitely on our roadmap. And desktop and laptop, yeah so that again, that’s something a lot of people are asking for is to be able to have a desktop solution.


We picked the mobile first, we actually believe it’s one of the most secure It’s going to get you the most adoption. Yeah, get us the most adoption but we do want to bring desktop solutions to people. Yeah, I mean obviously it’s difficult for me to comment on specific people’s issues.


I mean, I would definitely get in touch with client services if you’re having challenges with drawing. I haven’t got the US app on my phone, I’ve got the UK one, I’m in the UK at the moment. Certainly when I Oh, maybe they don’t understand this.


First of all, do you know that you have to sell your gold into US dollars first and then go to withdraw. So from the US dollar section you should have a withdraw button in the bottom right hand corner. So check that out.


If I’m not hitting the mark there, then please get in touch with client services. But to withdraw sell your gold into dollars then go to the withdraw button. But you can’t withdraw when you sell it’s two days, I think you have to wait before that money can be withdrawn.


That’s because this is a real physical settlement here, there’s metal moving around. That is in most of the cases. We do allow some transactions to settle quickly if the netting off on our platform allows.


Otherwise we’re waiting for the funds to come from our liquidity provider which is one of the biggest in the world. I mean they provide gold to the US Mint. So they’re a very reputable firm.


So just bear with it if it’s a time issue. But just go and check, go into the US dollar section and see if you can see the withdraw button there. Thank you Ann.


I love your accent too. I love the American accent. See yeah, and I’ve had so many folks from abroad, they’re like oh I love that love that accent.


I’m like whoa, no you’re the one with the accent. Jack Glint is already here, but I’ll let you handle that one. How long have you been here? We’ve been there since 2019.


We’re not only are the first company in the world to make gold transactional in real time with electronic points of sale, but we’ve been in the US since I think it was something like August the 1st 2019. I was in New York and I was invited onto numerous news channels and stuff. It was really good fun.


But yeah, we’ve been used to doing this in the US for a while now. We’ve got a great team over there. They’re brilliant.


They love to look after you as well. But if you do want to keep contacting customer service, if it’s something that’s not specific to your account, use the chat function on the website. That’ll get you through faster.


The next best solution is email and the one after that would be the phone of course if it’s a little bit more complicated. If I get a thousand in my account, does it stay at a thousand or go up and down? It goes up and down. You’ve got gold.


You don’t have dollars in your account. That’s the whole point. John, you’ll be pleased to know that as the price of gold goes up and down and generally up, then of course your value of your gold will too.


We’ve had a number of people in this community that have already seen a 10-20% rise in their glint holdings just because metals have been going up. Last time I checked, I think my metal had gone up 44% in the last 12 months. Of course, I think last year it was about January to December was about 38% or something.


Look, what we’re seeing actually is not gold going up. We’re seeing the value of the dollar going down. I think everybody on the channel should understand that.


Most people don’t understand that in society. Fortunately, the folks in this channel get it. You’ve been a good educator, Mark.


It’s extraordinary. It’s absolutely extraordinary why anybody would want to have a currency, a fiat currency, ordained by the government that loses nearly all its value in one’s lifetime. Unbelievable.


Nearly 90% of its value. Look, FDIC insurance is for the dollars in your account, not your gold. The reason why, of course, there’s FDIC insurance is because your money is put at risk.


There is no money in the bank. They create money out of thin air on the keyboard. The banks do that as they lend money out to the central banks as they do quantitative easing.


It’s extraordinary. That, therefore, needs insuring in case these banks get out of kilter. These questions are firing on all cylinders.


The gold, of course, is in the vault. It’s not lent out. It’s in a big, dark vault where it’s hardly ever opened.


It’s insured. It’s insured by one of the biggest insurance companies in the world, Lords of London. You don’t need FDIC insurance for that.


Your value of your gold can keep going up beyond 250,000. You can accumulate much more than that. We have many customers who have had much more than that.


I think someone asked about ND24. Is it still working to get a free card? Yeah, for sure. If you type in ND24 during the registration process, please do that.


It still works. Yeah. That’s a good shout.


It’s still working. ND24, you can use that. In fact, actually, there’s also a new thing.


If people refer friends who then, I think, go on to buy a card and have it delivered to them, they get $10 worth of gold in their account and their friend gets $10 worth of gold in their account. If you refer a new user, they’ll get $10 worth of gold and you’ll get $10 worth of gold. We really wanted to reward the army of advocates out there who really want to push the message for sound money.


We would normally probably pay that much to acquire a customer if we were advertising on Google or Instagram or something like that. We thought, why don’t we give that to our users? It’s been very well received. It just went live a couple of weeks ago.


If you’re a new user, put in ND24 and then you’ll get a free card. If you’re an existing user, once you become a user, please do tell your friends because this is a battle for the very heart of our monetary system. This is more than just a product.


This is a movement and we need as much help as you can give us. I love that you do that. Folks, don’t hesitate.


You don’t always have to give them the ND code or whatever. I don’t think it works that way if you give a referral from yourself, but don’t hesitate. If you’ve got a friend that’s considerate, somebody in your family, that’s $10 for them, $10 for you.


Take it. I did have somebody. Fred was worried that, hey, does the card stay active? Do I have to make a purchase, do anything? In other words, let’s say I bought $1,000 worth of gold and $500 worth of silver and it’s just sitting there.


Am I going to have to make a couple of purchases each year to keep the card active or are they automatically going to just put it back into me? The answer is no until your card expires. At that point, you have to order a new card. All I’d say is this.


It’s a huge infrastructure and the costs to us are massive. We’re doing everything we can. This is a David versus Goliath battle for sound money.


All I’d say is, look, please use the card. You’re choosing Glint because it gives you liquidity. It means, as one of my first and oldest investors said to me, Jason, what I love about Glint is that you can put your ready money into gold.


You can put some of that money that you might need and you can still spend it when you need to. I encourage you to try and use it as often as you think is sensible. To me, it would be a flexible savings account.


Yes, it is. Obviously, only you can tell when to do that. I’m not telling that everybody would be able to or should be able to do that.


I just say, if you think it’s reasonable, then do use your account. That helps the cause. Do you want to know where the reference code is? Yes, that is exactly what you’re looking for.


Should I bring it up on my phone? Yes, I think that would be a great idea. Okay, let’s see if we can do this then. If not, just show which screen you’re on.


Hold the phone up to the camera if we can’t get it on the screen. Let’s see if we can do this. Okay, so let’s go into my Glint account and let’s just come out of there.


This is certainly in the UK version. This is the withdraw button down there in the bottom right-hand corner in the US dollar wallet. I’ve got a slightly different version to you guys because I spend most of my time in the UK and back in the US next week.


But if you look in the very top right-hand corner, you have this little circle that’s got my picture in. Difficult to see there, I know. But if I click on that, that’s my profile button.


If I click on that in the top right-hand corner, it brings up the profile settings. And it’s in here that you get your gains or losses report, by the way. So we’ll talk about that maybe in a second.


But the thing you specifically asked was refer a friend. And there it is. We really should push that to the top, shouldn’t we? But down the bottom there, it says refer a friend.


If I click that… Now, I’m not in the US. We’ve only made this refer a friend functionality that gives you $10 in your account and $10 in your friends. We’ve only made that available in the US, not in the UK.


And so you just share my code. And you click that button and you can text it to somebody. So it’s pretty straightforward.


Off you go. I mean, wouldn’t it be interesting to see how many of you can refer today? That’d be amazing. If you think there’s somebody today, right now, in this second, who you think might… Oh, I nearly clicked.


I nearly clicked leave the studio. Are you still there? I’m just hiding in the back, trying to see if I can make it feel like… Yeah. How many people can we get referred today? How many people can we bring into the glint movement for Sam money? I don’t know.


But you guys are out there. Please do consider doing it. And you’ll get rewarded.


Is there any limit on that invite a friend? In other words, because they send it to their whole 500 people. Yeah, go for it. Go for it.


Which I just love. Ra, you know, Andy and I have worked it out where we are using the same code. So when you think me, just think Andy24.


Same thing. Mismo. Same.


Rashane wants to know, is there a way to direct deposit paychecks into an account? Are you talking about physical paychecks or are you talking about just your paychecks? I would assume like electronic deposit. Yeah. Every two weeks you get paid, they automatically deposit into your account.


Yeah. And is that normally done through like an ACH in the US? I think it is. Yes, done through ACH in the US.


All you need to do is go in. We did have somebody ask what an ACH was because they were asking on the app when they can pay via ACH. Maybe it’d be a golden opportunity for you to tell them what an ACH is and then show them how to do it.


Yeah, no problems. There’s two different ways of doing a bank transfer in the US, as I understand. And by the way, I’m not the expert.


Our client services team are definitely the experts at this. But an ACH stands for automated clearing house. It’s just the way bank transfers happen.


You have to go to your bank and set it up and then the transfer will go through. It’s the same as a wire but the difference is with an ACH, it’s free. With a wire there’s some cost to it.


I think it’s about $25. But generally speaking, for millions of dollar type transactions or hundreds of thousands of dollar transactions, people tend to use the wire and if people are just making small transactions, then they tend to use ACH. And of course, there’s no limit to how much money you can put into the ACH system, as I understand.


But I might have got that slightly wrong. It works basically like a wire. Somebody asked Andy24 no space.


Does Andy24 like the first one, Rain Man? No space. Yeah. So he looks Rain Man looks famous.


I don’t know. He reminds me of an actor. I’m not quite sure which one.


But there he is. I’m trying to remember. Are you famous Rain Man? Anybody out there? Maybe I’m imagining it.


Anyway, yeah. So it’s any amount. Any amount.


Now, I don’t want to get distracted. I know there’s so many questions but I really did hope you would touch on some of the legislation going on in the U.S. on gold, Utah, etc. right now before we get so distracted that we don’t get that over before we get into even more questions.


I’m glad you asked me that question, Mark. This is unbelievable. I don’t think anyone would have believed this.


I never thought for one second that this would be the situation. Let me just check my mic still working. I’ve got a message coming up saying that I’m good.


I’m good. Unbelievable. Unbelievable what is happening across the United States of America right now.


So the exciting news really came through on Friday about Utah. Let me just give you the backdrop to Utah. This is a movement that’s happening across America.


I’m going to give you some color on that. But basically what Utah are doing is passing a law that makes gold, transactional gold, so kind of what we’re calling constitutional gold currency. We’re making it legal tender and making it actually be able to use as money.


Now what does that mean? Every state under the Constitution is forbidden to make its own currency except gold and silver. So Article 1, Section 10, Clause 1 of the Constitution. Article 1, Section 10, Clause 1. Go and check it out for yourself.


It says no state may make anything but gold and silver, a method of making payments. And people kind of, I think, maybe just lost their consciousness and thought about that. Meanwhile, as the federal government, the federal central banks kind of went out of control when they came off the gold standard ever since they came off the gold standard in 1971.


And so suddenly states are waking up to the idea they can take destiny into their own hands. They can do something about this. And states across America are either drafting, working on, passing laws to make transactional gold currency legal tender.


And Utah, their legislative session is a little bit further ahead of everybody else’s. And also they passed some laws last year that allowed them to, number one, do a study on this whole thing and make sure that everyone understood what it was all about. And secondly, to be one of the first states to buy gold for their reserves, their ready-day funds.


So they come into this session. Let me tell you what happened, Mark, and all your beautiful viewers out there. So what happened was that it went, they had to go through various stages.


Any bill has to go through a House committee, then the House floor, then the Senate committee, and then the Senate floor. It’s a lot of things to jump through for a bill to get through. It went through the House committee, and I think it was something like seven or eight nil unanimous bipartisan support.


That never happens. Never happens that people both sides of the aisle vote for the same thing. There’s normally kind of rivalries, like, oh, you’re a Republican or you’re a Democrat.


No one agrees on anything. No, no. It went through unanimous bipartisan.


Then it ended up on the floor of the House. And this is when a lot of the House members are there. I think there’s 71 members.


And as I understand it, what was happening is that one of the parties started, some of the people in one of the other parties started voting against it. And people in their own party, as I heard, started shouting across the floor saying, no, this is a really good one. You need to vote for this.


This is about economic justice. And suddenly all the red X’s started turning green, and the whole thing went through 71 to nil bipartisan unanimous support. When has that ever happened? Never.


Right? And then it goes to the Senate. Now, you know, they’re a different group, of course. And so the Senate then started, the Senate committee, it went through five nil.


And then, of course, it comes to the Senate floor. Now, all of this has to happen before the legislative session for 2025 ends. And guess when it ended? Friday was the last day.


Okay? So it’s kind of entering the Senate for consideration to be held up for debate. Last Monday. Okay? And, of course, everyone’s on tender hooks.


Everyone’s thinking, is this going to go through? What’s going to be the case? Now, obviously, this massive momentum and massive support, you wouldn’t think it’d be a problem. But anyway, it didn’t go up on the board. And every day, they’re voting on different bills.


I don’t know who selects which bills go on the board or anything like that, but I can imagine there was frantic activity, people talking to different people, different senators saying, hey, you’ve got to make sure this bill goes up there. And this is where you guys out there in the world can make a huge difference. We’ll talk about that in a minute.


But, you know, bills might not go up on the board. Maybe they say they ran out of time. I think they have more bills than they have time to debate.


So they’re only going to make decisions based on bills they think are going to be popular. And so it gets closer and closer and closer. And I’m looking at these boards, and it doesn’t go up.


It doesn’t go up. I’ve got some people in Utah that I know, and they give me feedback and say, what’s happening here? This doesn’t look good. Is someone trying to squash this? Is someone trying to stop, you know, the people’s choice for sound money coming to fruition? What is going on? Of course, you think about all of these things.


I go to bed on Thursday night, and I’m in London at the moment, so I’m thinking, this doesn’t look good. Why on earth is it not up on the board? Why is it not being debated in the Senate? Like, this is crazy. And I went to bed feeling pretty flat, actually.


Anyway, I woke up in the morning, and I hear, this is what happened. There’s lots of discussions about what’s going on. Lots of lobbying by people ringing up, senators saying, you’ve got to get this bill.


Eventually, it goes up. And as I understand it, it was really late, like half past 11 at night. The senator decided to extend the legislative process between 7 and midnight.


Midnight was the absolute deadline. The bill goes up, and apparently then some other bills came in and pushed it further down. Like, what? But then suddenly, at about 25 to 12, they started really going through these bills really, really quickly.


They’re getting really, really past. And it got to like 6 minutes or 5 minutes to midnight, and the Utah Precious Metals, Transactional Precious Metals Bill, got heard. And it was voted through.


I mean, you know, this amazing, exciting situation where everyone’s voting, and it went through, everyone’s jumping up and down. And then, apparently, people saw a runner, because this is in the Senate, and it was a House bill. And people are in the Senate, so they have to take the bill and get it, as I understand it, signed in the House and stamped in the House before midnight.


So apparently, you have the state representative Ken Ivory shouting for people to make room, because of course, the Capitol building is full of people. He’s shouting. The runner’s coming up behind him with the bill to get it across to the House side to get it stamped.


And apparently, it got signed, stamped 2 minutes before midnight. I mean, the drama on this is unbelievable. It’s going to be a great movie when they eventually make it into a movie.


And so Utah, yeah, the first state of course to do this, and they’re going to be standing up a transactional gold platform. It’s super exciting. When that might happen, I don’t quite know, but the bill is passed.


This is phenomenal. The governor there will need to sign it off. And I just encourage everybody to really get involved in this.


This is happening across America. In fact, Mark, is it possible that I could show a website about how it educates people about what’s happening in America? It’s not my website. It’s not our website, but let me just present this.


This is important. This is really important. I think it’s probably one of the most important things that’s happened since 1971 in the last 70 years.


Okay. So this is a website called, if you could bring it up when you’re ready, Mark, this is called transactionalgold.com and it’d be great if you could put it in the description. Transactionalgold.com. It’s not run by Glint.


It’s run by some activist grassroots team, Economic War Room in Texas. They’ve written a book, by the way, on this called Pirate Money. Pirate Money.


You’ve got to read the book. It won’t take you long. You can buy it on Amazon.


If there’s any chance you could put that in your description, Mark, that’d be amazing. It’s a great read and it explains why transactional gold, constitutional gold currency you might call it, is important, how it might work. It’s a kind of Bible about how this stuff all works and what states need to do.


And those guys have been phenomenal. I mean, I’ve met them. They’re just going state to state.


They’re not like one of these big lobby firms or anything like that. These are genuine people who just want sound money and they understand how important it is for people. Because as we know, those furthest away from the money supply do not benefit from the way it works.


Those closest to the money supply, the banks, the richest in society of course, are benefiting from this very unfair system and they want to create a level playing field as I do, which is why I said that I’m just very privileged that we can be there to demonstrate how easy it is to work with a platform like Glint. So if I go into some of the other pages, let me just pull this up. There’s a button there on the top left-hand corner that says Active States.


Boom! Look at that. I think that’s about 24 different states. And look at this map of America.


The gold revolution is just rushing across the country as heroic state reps in all these different states work on getting bills passed. And some of them are working together as well. But it’s very, very exciting.


And so Utah of course, leading the way. I mean, in Utah, when they did their study group, by the way, it wasn’t just a bunch of gold sand money advocates like me and you, Mark. It was some heavyweight financial industry titans were on that committee.


I mean, there was Randy Corrals, who was former vice chairman of the Federal Reserve. There was Gary Crittenden, who was former CFO of American Express. There were a bunch of monetary commentators like Luke Groman and Adam Taggart.


It was a really well done thing. But Utah leading the way. And of course, all these other states.


I actually can’t keep up. I mean, Kansas. I mean, Kansas still got to go through the House.


They’ve got a committee hearing, I think, on the 18th. In Oklahoma, it’s in the House, and they’re working to get it through the Senate as well. They’ve got a very favorable state treasurer, as I understand it.


Again, we need to support these people and give them a big high five. If you’re behind it, let them know this is something that you all want. In Texas, their House bills and their Senate bills have been submitted.


And New Hampshire, as I understand it, they’ve retained last year’s bill. I’m not quite sure what’s going to happen there. I think legislation is going to be dealt with in the fall.


In Wyoming, they’ve passed the laws to buy gold for their rainy day fund from their reserves, as Utah have done. And I think there’ll be some kind of study report coming out in the summer. In North Dakota, it’s in, I think, with the Senate committee.


In Arizona, there’s movement forward. But you need to make sure that the governor and people involved know how important this is to you. In Louisiana, the session starts in April, so it’ll be a bit later in the session.


But they’ve already passed some legal tender legislation last year, so they’re ahead in some ways. And in Tennessee, they’re looking to pass legal tender for gold and silver, of course, with some transactional language coming in next year. And then the last one that comes to my mind is Missouri.


They’ve, I think, passed the Senate committee hearing, and Senator Mike Moon has introduced the Bill SB 25, so involving all kinds of things, like constitutional gold money and stuff. So, really exciting. If you click on one of these, so depending what state you’re in, if you click on, for instance, Utah, you can see here, you can say, okay, I want to be able to help with this.


It’ll tell you how to find your Utah legislator who’s sponsoring the Bill. You can see there Representative Ken Ivory and Keith Grover. You can view the Bill, and you can take action.


This is what, this is in your hands. You can take action. You can click that button, and I think it brings, I think there should be a button.


Stay in the know. This will tell, you can fill in your details, they’ll keep you up to date, and you can then be part of the kind of transactional gold currency, sound money army, and you can all get involved in helping make sure this legislation is a success and goes through. It’s up to you.


You’ve got to move. This is the first time in 70 years. By the way, I’ve taken the screen share off, Mark, so you can put my handsome face back on if you want.


Large, so they can really see it. Honestly, this is the first time since 1971 that you have a chance to have sound money. Real, sound money.


Officially, state-authorized gold and silver currency. If you don’t write to your local legislator, if you don’t phone them up and tell them it’s important, if you don’t write to your governor or your treasurers, if you don’t do that, then you’ve only got yourself to blame if this opportunity comes and goes. We don’t have this in the UK.


We don’t have this opportunity. We don’t have a state versus federal system. The only way anything like this could happen is if it happened at the federal level.


You’re fortunate because your founding fathers had this divine inspiration to create the system the way it’s created. It was created for a reason because they knew the temptation to move off sound money by the federal government could happen and they put in this check and balances. Your state reps are voted by you.


You need to tell them. Your governor, I think, has voted by you. You need to tell them this is important to you.


You’d be amazed at the power of people. I’ve seen these grassroots people really making all this difference. I’ve seen grassroots activism in action.


I’ve seen a situation where someone was trying to block it. Maybe it was a governor or a senator. Suddenly the grassroots came out and made their telephone system go down.


There were that many people calling up saying, you’ve got to make this pass. That’s the power you have. A lot of people, and these are questions that are going to be difficult for us to answer for you.


These are personal decisions. Medina is asking, would it be wise to put half my savings in a Glen account? I think it’s a great place. I absolutely can’t give personal advice.


It’s absolutely dependent on your individual circumstances. We also know that most things are priced in dollars at the moment. We’re not at a stage, we might be in the future, where things are priced in gold.


At the moment, they’re priced in dollars. If confidence in the dollar, for some strange reason, temporarily goes up, it does temporarily go up sometimes. Confidence in the dollar can, which means the price of gold goes down.


What if you need that gold to make a specific transaction? For instance, if I had some savings and I had a holiday coming up and the holiday was in eight weeks’ time, I wouldn’t put it into gold because I know I’m going to have to pay it in dollars in just a couple of weeks’ time. It depends on all kinds of things. It depends on your attitude to risk.


It depends on your time horizons. I would speak to your financial advisor if you’ve got one or speak to someone who you think is a trusted, sensible head. I definitely can’t say that you can put half your savings into gold.


I’m all in, but that’s just me. Exactly. I’m one of those where I agree with you, but I can’t make personal decisions for people.


GlintPay. Somebody asked for the website. For them, it is glintpay.com forward slash US.


Yeah, and you can go to the App Store to download the app and download the app, whether it’s Google or whether it’s iPhone. By the way, one of the reasons, Mark, that people might say that maybe we didn’t know we were doing silver, I don’t think we’ve updated the website or the App Store yet. We’ve been moving so fast trying to… We’re dealing with the fantastic demand that we’re getting that we haven’t had a chance to do that, but you guys are in the know.


You know when you download the app, there will be silver there for you to be able to buy should you need to. That GetBent has a card that’s getting ready to expire. Do you guys automatically send one or do they have to request a new one when it expires? I think you have to request a new one.


I should know this. I don’t know, to be honest. That’s really bad, isn’t it? I think just go on the chat on the website and ask them.


They’ll tell you because it’s not personal information. It’s just generic information. What happens when your card’s expiring? Just say, How do I do that? You know, don’t need to give me any details about my account.


They can’t do that. Sorry, Rashane, what’s she saying? I’m still trying to figure out how to set up direct deposit when she wants money to go. Okay, so yeah, sorry.


So when you go to a US dollar account and you’ve got this ACH details, and if I go into mine, yours is a bit different again, but let me share my app again. I share my screen window. So again, this is not the US version.


You don’t have pounds or euros in the US, but in the US dollar section, if I go into there, it’s not dissimilar. I think it’s not dissimilar from memory. If you click the fund button here, you know, you’re not going to have British pounds.


It’s going to be something about US dollars. Just look into there and the details you get for ACH, you press the ACH button, not bank transfer, and they’ll give you the details, the routing numbers and things like that. If you give that to the person who organizes where your paycheck goes, when you get your job, you have to tell them what your bank account details are.


You’re just giving them these details instead of your Wells Fargo or your whatever bank account you’ve got. And the money will come into your US dollar account. We don’t yet have what’s called direct gold.


So when the money lands, you will have to then go into your account and you’ll have to buy some gold with the dollars that have just descended. Next one for you. How long does it take to receive a card? I have a number of people.


I’m trying to remember what they told me. Like if they go in today, they order, you know, they buy a little bit, they get a card, they sign up for the app, they buy a little bit of gold, get the free card. How long does it take to receive that card? Look, you could be waiting up to a week, depends where you live.


Oh, that’s not bad. So a week. Yeah.


That’s pretty quick. CAC Ranch, how long? Wait, somebody else had asked on the card. Mr. Bill has already gone through the process, said you just cancel your current card and then the app will ask if you want a new card.


So that’s the easy way to get your new card. Yeah, I love it. It’s a great way, isn’t it? To help each other so that you’re not having to wait in the queue for a minute.


It’s just ask one of your fellow Mark’s ears. The glinters, the glinters. Yeah, we’re gonna have to get some merch done.


I can work on some merch for you, give you some ideas. Yeah, that sounds good. Oh, I like that idea.


Make myself a note. Yeah, we’ve got some ideas around. We’ve had like caps and sweatshirts, hoodies and T-shirts with some with slogans on.


Maybe even some posters, you know, so framed pictures and stuff around what we’re trying to achieve here. Yeah, a number of different things. And we want to bring the, we do have as well.


I don’t actually have mine on me, but have we talked about the solid gold debit card? That’s pretty impressive for some of our customers. Yeah, we’ll answer this one question and then I really like the idea of a solid gold card. Really like the thought of it, but Medina is saying, I couldn’t pay for my vacation with a MasterCard they get with an account.


I’m guessing it’s because there’s a daily limit and you were trying to get more than the daily limit. There is a daily limit of I think it’s $5,000 a transaction. It could be that.


Of course, we don’t know what different merchants. I mean, we always say that you can spend it in almost any place MasterCard’s available. So I don’t know the circumstances of the merchant involved, but also there is a limit for most people.


If you’re a high net worth client with significant deposits in Glint, you can apply. It’s not commonly known, but you can apply for a higher limit should you be able to demonstrate that you’ve got higher deposits in your account. There’s a due diligence process we have to go through, of course.


Let’s see, Roy. When you get a new card, is it good for 2 years, 4 years, 5 years? Well, you should know on the back of your card, it’ll tell you when it expires. I think it’s normally about 3 years.


You can look on the back of your card and it’ll say valid 2. That’ll be the valid 2 date. Gold and silver prices. It’s based on whatever country you’re in when it gives you the value.


Well, yes, but the gold price is the international kind of gold price we’re using with the wholesale market rate. Glinters are us, but yes, if you’re spending it in Belize, then there’s going to be a Belizean currency to a British currency transaction to gold. It’s going to be slightly different to the US one, because of course, fiat currencies all work differently.


Peter, glinters are us. Alright, we were going to go into something else before I distracted with that one. Solid gold card? Solid gold debit cards? We’ve been working on this for some time now.


It’s beautiful. I wish I had mine with me and I could show it to you. It’s beautiful.


It’s 52 grams solid gold debit card. Does it have the chip in it and everything? Yes, it has the chip in it. We’ve sold about, we’ve tested it in the UK and I think we’ve sold about 50 of them.


They’re extraordinary. They’re the ultimate bragging rights to your sound money advocacy, I’d say. We want to get it ideally this year, get it available in the US.


We’ve done a lot of work on that. How expensive would that be? Well, actually, you have to be invited to have one. Currently, you have to be invited to have one and the price is a closely guarded secret.


It might have something to do with how much gold you have in the account as well. I couldn’t possibly comment. Yeah, and I’m with I want a gold card too.


I’m loving that one. Yeah, I don’t think, wait, you can’t order the card unless you’ve actually purchased some physical gold, right? You actually have to purchase the medals after you sign up on the app. Yeah, so look, when you’re going through registration, it’s quite easy.


Someone just emailed me today saying, I can’t believe how easy it was to set up my Glint account. A question that some people ask sometimes is, why do I have to give my social security number? Well, that is a requirement for the federal government so we have to be able to do that. We’re not sharing information as such with people, but we have to go through what’s called Know Your Customer Identification Program.


All kinds of financial payments programs have to do it. We have to be clear and sure we know who you are. Your information isn’t shared with anybody.


It’s held very securely, as is your gold. But once you, as you go through that process towards the end, remember, put your ND24 code in because it’s a bit difficult to add it in later. But when you go through that process, we do ask you to buy some gold with a credit or debit card.


Now, we just want you to get into the whole concept of it and not waste everybody’s time with buying an account. So you can buy as little as maybe $10 worth of gold or $100 worth of gold. You do pay 3%, I think, when you do that.


It’s a credit or debit card charge. We’re passing on the costs the acquiring banks give us. But once you’re in, you can either carry on using debit or credit card if you really want to get your gold quickly, or you can do an ACH transfer, like we were talking about before, or a wire transfer into a U.S. dollar account and then use that gold.


And one thing that some people get mixed up is that if you’re paying by card or debit card, there’s a, again, there’s a maximum amount. I can’t remember how much it is. Maybe it’s $5,000.


That isn’t the maximum amount of gold you can buy on Glint. You could buy millions of dollars of gold in one go if you transferred those funds into your U.S. dollar account with an ACH or wire. It just means you select the ACH or wire, so you select your USD wallet as the source of funds rather than debit or credit card.


We’re going to try and make that a bit clearer. I think we’ve got a slightly different setup version inside the app coming out in the next week or two, should make it a bit clearer. But you should be, I think you guys can work it out.


I think so. DJ, I don’t see a reason why you couldn’t have Social Security directly deposit to Glint. There are a number of people that are paid via government that go straight to prepaid cards instead of traditional bank accounts.


You just have to figure out the fees, figure out your lifestyle, see if it works for you. That would not be an unusual thing to do. I would imagine you get a lot of people that use them as their bank account.


They just put their money in there. I think there’s a growing number of people that are using it as an everyday product. I think that there’s a few features that we need to put in before we become a viable alternative to a bank account, like total viable product.


You can’t do auto pay for your utility bills and things like that at the moment. But we’re working on it. You guys keep telling us, write in, text us, email us, and tell us what you think is the most important next feature.


That’s often how we decide what to do next. It’s based on the feedback from our wonderful customers. Which I just love.


Johnny, I know it’s only $20, but $20 two months ago, it’s already $21.50. $20 you put in over at any other bank is probably $9 now, $10 after they throw on your fees and take your dollars, and then the inflation. ACH is probably safer than a wire transfer because it’s instant. It doesn’t expose it.


People knew how unsafe wire transfers were. They probably wouldn’t use as many. It’s kind of like flying in an airplane.


I didn’t fly in an airplane for over 10 years of my life, and now I’m flying backwards and forwards between London and the US every month. I don’t know why people say, have a safe flight. I’m like, can you just tell me to have a comfortable flight, please? Hope you get there safely.


Well, gee, thanks. Yeah, no, I’m with you. It should just be, have a comfortable flight.


Hope service isn’t, it’s normal, horrendous. I’d say, wow, my account just went up $10. Don’t you just… Yeah, I think to do with your card, this is like a little drawer.


You can pull it down with your finger. You can’t see my finger, but I’m pulling that down from the top, yeah? I can throw it up, I can push it back up and down. If I pull it down, you can see where your gold is there safely in the vault and you can see your debit card.


You’ll only have one. I’ve got two debit cards here, but you can freeze your account. So if you’re worried about losing your, imagine you’re like, where’s that card? I wonder if I lost it? And you’re not quite sure, you don’t have to cancel your cards.


You can just freeze it and it’s good fun. If I click freeze, then, look, it’s frozen my card. I’ve got three cards, gosh.


It’s frozen my card. And I can cancel it then, and then you’ll have to go and get a new one, or I can defrost it once I realize I left it. It fell then out of my pocket underneath the car seat.


So that’s… Sorry, I had two cards. Sorry, it’s just my particular… Because I’m the CEO of the company, I have some extraordinary privileges like the blitz and have three cards. Yeah, I mean, that kind of checks out.


Plus, the last thing you want would be your main account or whatever showing what you have in it when you’re doing these things. So it makes sense to me you’d have a couple. Yeah, see, I like that.


Gonna have to do a Mark Z. Glint gold shirt or an Andy one. Or do it for an event. Well, what we’ll probably do as well with the gold card, because, you know, it’s fun that we get to, you know, they are expensive and they are only for higher rollers, but I think what we might try and do is do some competitions.


That would be fun, wouldn’t it? Where it doesn’t matter how much gold you’ve got, you can have the chance to win a physical gold card. So that would be fun. That would be a lot of fun.


A lot of fun to set up, to help organize, etc. It would be a lot of fun. Yeah.


But don’t forget to, don’t forget the ability to… We lost your mic. You probably just hit a mute button. Sorry, did you hear me? Can you hear me now? I can hear you now.


Yeah, yeah. They’ll get $10 worth of gold. You’ll get $10 worth of gold.


They have to order the card, by the way. So it’s like, you know, we don’t just want to end up with loads of people spamming it out on YouTube and a bunch of people getting, you know, free gold. So what we’ve done is link into, are you going to use this account or not? So if you do, they have to order the card.


So when you tell them and you refer them, say, make sure you order the card. I’m looking forward to winning that gold card. I appreciate that.


What do you think people, do you think people, sorry, hi Mark. No, I just like this. Does Andy pay the Miles Franklin staff using Glen? No, but, you know, he should probably set something up with Jason for paying influencers or something with… Well, well, it’s funny you should say that.


So, in the rest of the world, outside of the US, I can send gold to anybody else’s account. Just like sending a text. I can actually, it doesn’t have to go into dollars.


I don’t have to use the card. It’s what we call our peer-to-peer transfer system and that’s what’s going to be coming to the US. And if we’re fortunate enough to be chosen to help one of these states run their gold currency platforms, then we’ll be looking to switch that on immediately in the US.


Oh, by the way, there’s the one thing we have not spoken about, which is the implications on capital gains tax. All right, hit me. And then we’re going to probably have to call her a wrap this morning.


Yeah, okay, this is a good point to wrap up on this. This is pretty incredible. So, obviously, when gold, transactional gold, is declared legal tender, the IRS, it is thought by all the attorney generals and all the legal scholars that I’ve spoken to that the IRS will have to let capital gains tax fall away when gold is used as money.


That is phenomenal. That is going to be amazing when that happens. I mean, obviously, there’s nothing funnier than politics, but you’ve got an administration at the moment that I think are very bullish on this type of thing.


They love gold. Trump and Musk are going to go and live stream, I think, the audit of Fort Knox. I mean, they love it.


They want you to do well, I think. And so, that is the big prize. I mean, there’s three reasons why states need to get behind this, even though something like Glint already exists.


One is trust, because trust taxes and taking. One is trust because, you know, the states being involved means that companies like us will be, you know, the audit will be visible to the state, and the state can say, yes. I mean, we’re audited, and we have to go through all those hoops.


The gold is audited on a monthly basis. We’re already supplying one of the states with their gold, so there’s a lot of due diligence that’s gone through Glint. But, the state being involved, I think, just adds a slightly higher level of due diligence on there, and a bit more comfort for people.


The second one is taxes. No capital gains tax. That would be extraordinary, wouldn’t it? The ability to, you know, if you’re fortunate to have a capital gain, which you are more often than not, you have to pay capital gains tax.


We have a report. You go back into the profile, down to capital gains tax report. You can order a report for $35.


It’ll work the whole thing out for you for your tax man. But, imagine not having to do that at all. Zero friction to Sanley.


That would be amazing. And the last T, the last reason why states, we want them all to get involved is taking. We obviously know that there’s been a time in history when the federal government did confiscate gold, and no one wants that ever happen again.


I personally don’t think it could happen again for lots of reasons, but the state endorsing this means that really the federal government have a pretty hard time doing that. I think we’re on to something for T-shirt designs. Picture of an eye with a glint logo in the eye.


In other words, he said bright future for you. I shot back. Can you see the future of money? That’s a good one.


Or what about this one? We might get a trademark infringement. Back to the future of money. With a DeLorean in the background.


The future of money is the past. I don’t know. Back to the future.


I like that one too. We don’t need no stinking roads. All right.


Thank you, Mark, and thank you to all your wonderful listeners out there. You’ve got a fantastic community, and I’m very proud to be that many of you have got glint accounts. Really, we’re doing it all for you as much as anyone else.


Thank you for your help. Thank you for referring friends, and thank you for getting behind transactionalgold.com. Put your details down there. Get informed.


Get active. Can you imagine a whole army of people getting in touch with legislators across the country? There’ll be no stopping this at all. No, I absolutely agree.


It is the future, guys, and you are making things happen by jumping on board, so much appreciated. Jason, I can’t thank you enough for taking your time. We need to get to the point where we do this at least once a month, but we’ll talk about that one for the rest of the folks.


I’ll see you at 7 p.m. Eastern this evening for news and whiskey and wisdom at 8. Everybody take care.

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