Militia Man (Uncut) 02-12-2025
MM&C-Dinar-IRAQ-News-Federal Court Ruling-Government Decisions-Sovereign Guarantees-Financial Rights
Hey everyone before I get started I just want to remind you that if you like my content hit that like button subscribe to my channel and then join the militiamen and crew patreon community by clicking the link in the caption Good evening everybody militiamen and crew. Hey, it’s it’s the 11th And I just wanted to say you know what? I’m still kind of reeling about the you know, the Eagles the birds I love the Eagles It’s fun because I you know I’ve been around out in the Northwest and there’s a lot of birds and some of the experiences I’ve had been around eagles and Many different types of birds and stuff. So anyway, but hey good on them.
They looked well, they did well and You know go birds. So that’s to my son. He he likes to say that.
So anyway Tonight we’re going to talk about some some exciting news because look there’s been some you know Just you know some rulings in the courts that have roiled everybody, you know made us all nervous I understand that but look the bottom line is today There’s some really good information that supports the fact that you should have every reason to be excited about our investment And that is the Iraqi dinar and so tonight we’re going to go into the federal court It says here’s an article it says the federal court state order to suspend amnesty personnel’s status in real estate laws, so What those folks did? They go ahead and said well, we’re going to suspend that It says the federal court Says to cancel the state order so against the state order to suspend the general amnesty the personal status and real estate return laws, okay That latter part is the one that I really like is because that is got a component to it that gives Citizens their constitutional rights and I think within that is not just the right to vote it’s it’s going to be something similar to their purchasing power because There’s a lot of revenue on that land a lot of a lot and they want to secure that
So I think that’s that’s a big deal before all citizens because of the way things work in that country is going to be powerful and Keep it in mind, right? And so it says the Constitution is a supreme highest law It says it defines the powers of the country and achieves public and private freedoms So they refer to article 61 of the Constitution defines those powers of Parliament through voting on legislative laws In which they have already so Back in January, I think it was on the 21st It says the court confirmed that it decided to cancel this state order to suspend the implementation of general amnesty personal status and property return laws
So anyway, so back on January 21st, the House of Representatives did vote to approve the personal status law and the draft law real estate big one Which was included in some decisions by the Revolutionary Command Council and they say here in this point. They just give a little blurbs like dissolved I have another article that supports that so they basically they includes it’s inclusive at all three of What was said to be on hold or effectively in my view? Not to be on hold anymore. That’s big So to me, it’s a very big sign That Iraq can push forward and I think that means her reforms economically financially Everything it’s pretty good.
So anyway, here’s another article. There’s a lot of it in the news today Samson in our patreon forward slash mm and crew Have it all. I Have a hard time keeping up you guys because we have so much information in our discord at militia man’s chat room You’ll be amazed.
So she’s up early in comparison to what time zone I’m in so kudos on her and then again kudos on Our admin Gigi she keeps our room Tight and to the point which is the Iraqi dinar. We’re not necessarily political Sometimes there’s there’s political You know articles out there but the bottom line is our focus is on our study of the Iraqi dinar and Kudos on you Gigi. Good job But here this article says the federal Supreme Court ruled that the dissolved Revolutionary Command Council’s decision number 190 2001 regarding priority appointments to jobs is unconstitutional as It violates the provisions of articles 14 16 of the you know Constitution of the Republic So anyway, the point is is that this court’s decision confirms to me that this is just one example They give out today instead of going into the other two Additional ones they just use this one But they use the words Dissolved in the past and they use it again that they dissolved it So they they said look it’s not it’s not binding why because they didn’t have with the authority to do so That’s a big big jump you guys.
It’s really a big thing So after that you got this long lengthy report that I’m not gonna read it all because it’s al-sudani And it’s got one two, three, four Five full pages of data so you guys can come in and read it yourselves, please do It says the Iraqi government issues new decisions So that was that was the federal court and that we’re going to talk about too But here now it’s the Iraqi government is saying similarly They said but here they’re talking about doing things is what are they doing?
It says during which it discusses a number of general issues and economic service files in addition to the priorities for Implementing the government’s program. So all these things that al-sudani has been trying to do and is doing It’s almost like he’s got carte blanche now to do it because the Supreme Court or the federal court has ruled They have the power not anybody else effectively So it says number one increase the cert reserve amount for the component for the residential complexes we’re talking about investment Increase the reserve amount for the residential complexes in different areas So again, they’re just reiterating to them that the investors that are going to go building those millions of houses 100,000 units here 1.2 million or 2.2 million elsewhere over time, you know over you know, so many years It’s a lot of work. It’s a lot of investment and It takes a lot of materials to import into the country port of file.
We already know that it’s already up and running They’re going to be even expanding over the years And so but the ships are already coming in and so it that looks like that Al-sudani is living up to those time frames and he’s in a pinch and hence we had the other day I think it was in my last video that He had direct meetings with those the powers that be to Get things moving and he even had one with the court So that’s a good thing and here again increasing the reserve amounts for contracting companies for The sewage plants for instance.
I mean that’s all about infrastructure Infrastructure is what they’re getting at There Here’s another part that they are even going to a little further in depth. Is that they’re you know working with consulting firms international ones it says They’re inviting a reputable consulting firm and they’re looking for Preferably foreign ones to review the designs and supervise implementation with an independent component being Included in the project so they’re having they’re defining that they need specific things for them to be I guess somewhat Professional and credible and so I’ll sit down and he’s touching all the bases in this article It says the cabinet also approved authorizing the ministry Ministry of finance to sign an addendum to the contract with the Ministry of financial legal advisor based on the text of Paragraph 15 of the original contract that they have for in for Institution to work as a legal advisor.
And again, it’s regarding the subject of sovereign guarantees Again, that’s investors related countries want to know that they’re gonna live up to those Sovereign guarantees so that when when they start doing business, they don’t have to worry for for so many years and It goes on I think It says they get talking about a thorn auditing regulatory situations They go on to say things like that Auditing is a big deal because it’s going to be a transparency Transparency is going to be with with that new technology that they’re using The blockchain for instance if that’s if people are probably pretty much aware of that so basically really from this article you guys and I’ll go and I’ll say at the beginning of it, it’s called the Iraqi government issues new decisions I would suggest you read it and absorb it and and understand it because if you’re an investor in the Iraqi dinar You should know what you own and I think that most everybody does but not everybody some people are new and welcome. Okay The federal finance requests the implementation of three points to finance the salaries of the Kurdistan region So as the federal ministry of finance requested the Kurdistan regional government to send information on employees and retirees According to the mechanism set by the Supreme Court and transfer non oils Non-oil revenues in order to pay salaries. So there’s been a hindrance by the Kurdistan region they haven’t been up up up front with all their Non oil revenues, so you got to be going to pay attention It’s because the non oil revenue streams are going to be more than oil or well or at least similar Because their production changes, of course, and it’s going to increase over time But anyway, it says it also includes information regarding transferring non oil revenues for the month of January But they’re kind of getting suspicious specific But they’re like look we need to get this started and we’re talking about a specific month So it is from within the last 30 days because we’re not quite outside that yet.
Totally It says the issue of paying salaries to employees in the Kurdistan region was one of the most prominent outstanding issues Between the federal government and the Kurdistan regional government as there was difficulty in implementing the law on salary distribution Which led to long delays in paying dues So they’re putting the blame effectively on a lot of what we’re seeing right now is is on Kurdistan That’s how I would read it It says but he says the recent efforts between between the two sides the recent efforts. So that’s just like now promise a quick solution to this crisis with both sides now committed to implementing the law in a way that Guarantees the rights of employees and improves the financial situation of the region so basically both sides committed to it and what that I would imagine the citizens are probably like smiling large right now because again, all of this is oriented about Taking care of them being able to pay their bills and likely to get purchasing power And I think that purchasing power once the country goes in international is going to be far more than it is today So here’s another article that it talks about contracts it says there was eight thousand eight thousand one hundred roughly They demand a MasterCard to disperse their salaries. So they’re like, come on.
Let’s go. We want this money So they’re open and they’re watching and now that the federal court has made decisions I think it’s gonna be the pressure is even going to be ratcheted up even more and we all know that there was in Kurdistan There was people, you know on the streets. They were literally upset, you know so It says the delay in delivering the cards was hindered The receipt of their financial dues which has put us in a difficult living condition.
So the citizens are talking They’re calling on competent authorities to urgently Intervene to solve this problem and guarantee our financial rights as soon as possible So that is a kind of a heat kind of a fire under there under their backside It says these eight thousand nine hundred ninety-nine contracts in Ambar are temporary job grades launched in 2024 but they were according to the Tripartite budget and we all know that there’s a component of that Tripartite budget that hasn’t been exposed which is I believe the exchange rate of their new real effective exchange rate So anyway today’s final and binding decision Should be music to their ears. I Think it’s kind of music to mine. But this this last article is really what is the one that has has my attention It came out a little bit earlier than that one But the bottom line is is that that’s just the way the newsfeed works sometimes but the final word.
That’s the topic of this Article that’s in our patreon room and in discord It says the final word the federal court settles the controversy and binds everyone to its decisions It says in a decisive step that reinforces the principle of the rule of law the federal Supreme Court Confirmed today on Tuesday, February 11th, 2025 that its decisions are final binding and all authorities after rejecting the appeals filled filed against the general amnesty the personal status and property return laws Just love it you guys. It’s like I’m I’m pumped about this one Okay, so I keep goes on it says today the decisions of the federal court are not subject to appeal or discrimination They’re just she kind of shuts it down, doesn’t it? It’s I love it. All right, so it says rejecting the appeals implementing the laws are approved by the Council of representatives without any obstacles and then it goes on it says the decision comes amid Anticipated political and legal scene as the federal court occupies a solid Constitutional position that grants its supremacy in its decisions over the judicial bodies which enhances the stability of the legal system in the country and Paves the way for implementing legislation in accordance with applicable constitutional frameworks Like I said, you know earlier on it’s like I’m smiling large, you know, I’ll say it again.
Everybody should be smiling It says to me in my view It’s if there’s good news to be had that you know, Iraq’s ready to join the international financial system. This is it I really believe that I mean the rejection of the appeals is the star of the show so far today. I mean The final word.
I mean, that’s it It says the federal court settles a controversy and binds everyone to those decisions So if this isn’t the door opening for Iraq to the world, I don’t know what is I look at it like this. The shackles are off and Iraq has Nothing stopping her at this stage. So at this point It should be somewhat of a timing timing mechanism because obviously you guys just witnessed the pressures from the citizens in Sulaymaniyah and other places The contractors are wanting their payments.
They want it what on the cards they wanted electronically So that’s going to be a fast and easy system if they are hooked up their card should just be able to be turned on effectively and They should be able to be off to the races and the fact that it’s binding on all authorities It should I think it’s going to resonate throughout the country And I think it’s going to resonate throughout the world And if you go into to our room and you’re going to see all the different entities that are doing things It’s not just these few articles that I give you tonight there’s so much more to the story, but but it also all of it supports the fact that this here is going to be something that we have to pay attention to quite quite closely to because it’s it’s real and It’s what we were waiting for.
So that hindrance that we thought from those appeals was was depressing people got a lot Really frustrated, I you know in our room and and out there in the real world people were frustrated saying Oh my god, this is this is just going on and on not and at this stage of the game well, hopefully there’s nothing else out there that Keeps it going that way, but it looks like the door has been opened. So anyway I hope you guys all enjoyed join tonight and by the way for all you folks that are on the West and in and in the Central part of the Rockies Be safe because it’s really getting cold here We got huge storm systems coming across those folks that are in, California that had problems They got weather coming big time and they got it.
It’s going to be cold. It’s going to be windy and nothing presents more You know harm than cold rain and wind It takes its toll so my prayers are with everybody on the west coast tonight Because the winds are going to be 70 80 miles an hour and then the snow level and the cold freezing temperatures are going to Hit this side and that’ll just move to the east. So anyway, but on a bright note before a cold storm What we have tonight I think should heat everybody up so enjoy and thank you for being with us and thank you Again for all your support that you guys all use PayPal zone Venmo Appreciate it and don’t forget Getting close to that 50k hit that like button subscribe and then we’ll see you as soon as I can Once again guys, don’t forget to hit that like button If you like this content subscribe to the channel or join us at the militia man and crew patreon community for even more exclusive content You can also donate to this channel by hitting the links in the banner to help keep this page up and running Your generous support is greatly appreciated as always much much appreciated.
Thank you so much. You have a great day