Militia Man (Uncut) 02-05-2025
MM&C Iraq Dinar News-Commitment Judicial Decisions-Central Bank of Iraq-French Ambassador-Paris Club
Hey everyone, before I get started I just want to remind you that if you like my content, hit that like button, subscribe to my channel, and then join the Militiaman and Crew Patreon community by clicking the link in the caption. Good evening everybody, Militiaman and Crew here. Just got a quick night and an update.
We’ll get started here just shortly, but hey, if I haven’t had enough information for all you guys for all the things that happen in forward slash Militiaman and Crew, come in and see it. Our Discord chat room has amazing, a chit chat room that maybe you guys aren’t aware of. There’s information in the chit chat room, it’s a thread, okay, that has all the compilations from about 2003 and you can see the likes of Pompey Peter, Petra, myself, and others, even Gigi Sampson on occasion.
She’s on a different time zone, but we’ve got a lot of people that come in and we document a lot of that stuff that we talked about. And yeah, it’s historic in a sense that, you know what, it’s been this study that we’ve been having for quite a long time. So don’t forget it while you’re in there, look for that and take a peek at it because Gigi puts in a massive amount of data.
Also, above and beyond all the articles that Sampson brings us that are in our Discord room, and then my analysis, of course, is in our Patreon forum. So all of you that have been with us and all you newcomers, check that out. It’s a wonderful opportunity to get a big picture.
And don’t forget, going back a little bit in time, there’s so much information and a couple pieces I’m going to get to tonight. It’s going to be quick, but the fact remains is that history, is important, because there’s milestones that come from that. So take it to heart.
It’s good. So anyway, the parliament speaker’s article says everyone’s committed to what the federal court issues. So there’s been some concern about the fact that there’s been some objections, and objections are okay under the Iraqi constitution.
And so the federal court takes that into consideration. But their biggest consideration at the end of the day, in my view, is going to be for the supreme concern for the Iraqi citizens. And whether that will effectively go against the objections or before those objections, that’s going to be to be determined.
But ultimately, the goal of al-Sudani, the religious leaders of the country, and their constitution, are about the people. And that’s the main supreme concern. So, okay, so the speaker of Mohammed al-Mushidani, that’s always a tough one, today, says we’re witnessing a realistic embodiment of democratic principles, noting that everyone is bound by judicial decisions.
I think that’s a very key point. They’re bound by these judicial decisions, and it is what is issued by the federal court. So the federal court is going to have the final say so about anything.
So if there’s been some sort of a holdup for the 23, 24, and 25 budget, it’s going to be a temporary, because that’s obviously in the articles that we talked about a couple of days ago. And so here we are. It says the file of legislation of laws within the legal and constitutional frameworks were discussed.
They said everyone looks at the Iraqi judiciary as a safety valve, and it’s an umbrella for all Iraqis, and everyone is committed to the decisions it issues. It says Iraq is witnessing a real and realistic embodiment of democratic principles, as representatives of the people sometimes resort to the federal court to object or write to object to some laws and decisions in a democratic manner and within the legal framework. The statement basically comes out and says everyone is committed to the judicial decisions that is by and or issued by the federal court.
To me, what they’re saying is that they’re playing by the book. They’re looking to make the laws that are so crucial to be giving the constitutional rights to the citizens are at stake, and they’re looking to work toward that end for all people. I believe that the supreme interests of the people of the country are going to take precedent.
I believe that the people have their constitutional rights coming, and I think that by their actions, by al-Sudani for the last two years at least, have been to that manner. So we’re going to see how that turns out. And obviously that’s been ongoing for just a couple of days.
And is it something that’s temporary? I think that’s exactly what they said it is. It’s temporary. And then that’s why they had today a focus on that topic.
And so because right now Iraq’s in a critical time frame, and I think we all know that and we can see it. But interestingly enough, I’m going to get to two things, but I’m going to give the last part is because it’s even the most important. But a lead into that is the Central Bank of Iraq had a meeting with the ambassador of France.
And in that article from the Central Bank on their website is really powerful information. The Central Bank of Iraq can only tell us so much. They can’t tell us, oh, we’re revaluing our currency next week or tomorrow.
They can’t do that. But they’re going to tell you where they stand. And when they do that, take it for what it’s worth is because they can’t front run and just tell everybody it’s happening tomorrow.
I think you all should understand that and know that by now. But here, the director general of the Central Bank of Iraq, so it’s a director general, and he’s from a branch of the Central Bank, which is out of Basra. Mr. Qasim Rahif, he’s a member of the council of representatives.
He goes, the two parties discussed the role played by the Central Bank of Iraq and banking institutions, especially in the Basra government area, in supporting all economic sectors that positively reflect on the citizens of the government. So again, it’s focusing in on the citizens. So Alak had a meeting with the French ambassador, and he spoke very loudly in that article.
I talked about it last night in Discord at length. I had the opportunity to speak with members. Petra came in and gave his views.
And all of us seem to be in agreeance that how important what I’m going to get to is. But talking about the economic sectors, talking about the positivity for the citizens is really something to focus in on, because at the end of the day, it’s about the citizens of Iraq. It’s about all Iraqis, because even the politicians are citizens.
It’s going to affect every single one of them. In my view, every man, woman, and child in the country. But remember, they issued 42 to 45 million national cards, and they said they could be for everywhere.
And so that means all Iraqi citizens are inclusive of what’s going on today. And here’s another article. The Central Bank of Basra receives a delegation of the provinces of lawyers.
So not only is this guy from parliament talking, who is part of the Central Bank of Basra, and now the delegation of provinces of lawyers, of the lawyers in the area of Basra are talking. It says the two parties discuss ways of joint cooperation and activating, keyword, activating the Central Bank’s initiatives for medium and small projects in order to support the lawyers’ segment in opening up work horizons that require citizens to benefit from this important segment. So once again, it’s coming back to the citizens of Iraq.
The lawyers want to be involved for the small and medium projects so that they can do their work. And so that’s fascinating. It’s not surprising that the attorneys of the Central Bank are talking about activation initiatives and cooperation and activation of small and medium projects.
For what it’s worth, small and medium enterprises are a backbone of an economy. And so they want to make sure that everybody’s getting representation from the sounds of it. And that’s really kind of big.
Also, let’s see, it says, forgive me, that article doesn’t go on, but that’s okay. But the bottom line is that you’ve got two articles that lead into this particular article. What that came from, those two articles are post this article, okay? But this article I’m going to get to, but I remember when they talked about the French ambassador, I don’t know if you guys all know this, the history, but there was a Paris Club agreement.
And it was initiated back in November of 2024. No, excuse me, 2004. And effectively the date, I guess it was November 21st, 2004, you guys, sorry.
But it says that the Paris Club met November 17th to November 21 and agreed on November 21, 2004 with the representatives of the Republic of Iraq on comprehensive debt treatment of the public, external debt owed to them, providing a total amount of debt reduction of 80% in three phases. You guys can Google this and you can find the Paris Club agreement with Iraq, just find out and you’ll see that it’s a real document and it’s a real deal. Okay.
Well, ultimately, I don’t know if you guys remember al-Abadi, but, and then there was a prime minister called Mahdi too. So some of those folks date back a long time and they were involved in helping Iraq stay out of chapter seven bankruptcy. If they would have been in bankruptcy back then in 2004, we wouldn’t be, probably be investors.
We just wouldn’t be. But anyway, what it’s going down to, what it comes down to is that they had some remaining debt and they were going to reduce it down by 80%. And what Iraq owed was $120.2 billion in debt under Saddam Hussein’s reign.
Okay. I think that at that time it was, it was the most indebted country in the world when it comes to specific debt. Well, for Iraq’s history, it was definitely, but $120 billion in debt, and they relieved upwards of 80% of that is phenomenal.
So that debt of $120.2 billion in nominal value at the end of 2004 was a massive issue. And so they had to fix that. And so they were able to say, get a negotiation for the people that were involved, all the different countries that were debted were able to come to an agreement.
And that was going to last upwards of 23 years. Well, right now we’re, Iraq has done massive amounts of things. They’ve changed their system.
They’ve gotten not only oil income, they got non-oil resources, and they also got, you know, tourism and all those different things besides to add into that. So, but anyway, the cool part is at the end of the day, the governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, and this was on the 4th of February, right? He comes out and says, the governor of the Central Bank of Iraq receives a French ambassador accompanied by the delegation from the French business district. So I’m going to tie this in because I think it’s important and you’re going to find out in a bit why, because of the nature of the circumstances, it’s going to be somewhat symbolic.
But it says the governor of the Central Bank, Moshe Al-Alak, received a French ambassador. His name was Patrick Dorel and a French delegation, which included a number of French banks and companies in various sectors in the presence of officials from the Central Bank of Iraq and the director general of the TBI bank. So that’s fascinating.
So they’re talking about banks and what are we talking about? They were talking about debt back in 2004. His Excellency, the governor, reviewed the investment opportunities in all sectors, especially after the security and stability witnessed by Iraq. So they’re focusing in on stability that Iraq is today, its stability.
He explains the priorities, plans, and initiatives that the Central Bank is working on to achieve general stability in prices by controlling the inflation rate and supporting economic growth through its financing initiatives to achieve economic diversification. So this is coming from Al-Alak. He pointed out the role of the Central Bank in expanding financial inclusion, moving to electronic payment, digitizing the economy, integrating into the global economy, integrating into the global economy and its financial system, okay, and the great success in moving foreign transfer operations.
Again, those three things are so powerful, foreign transfer operations to the latest international practices and standards. So I’ll read it smoothly. He pointed to the role of the Central Bank in expanding financial inclusion, moving to electronic payment, digitizing the economy, integrating into the global economy and its financial system, and the great success in moving foreign transfer operations to the latest international practices and standards.
His Excellency explains that the laws that facilitate the movement of investors’ funds into and out of Iraq, stressing that the endeavor to overcome the difficulties facing investment companies wishing to work in Iraq within area of specialization. So they go on and he says, his Excellency, the CBI governor, French ambassador, stressed that the French companies have an important and great opportunity to invest in Iraq and deal directly with the private sector. So we can deal directly with the private sector.
And he says, especially with the existence of laws and support investors, or no, with the existence of laws that support investors and commercial projects. So they have that, especially with that. So the French delegation basically is saying that they can contribute and they’re going to keep doing so.
And that’s interesting because, like I said, I think this situation that Al-Alaq spoke those words, because you guys, if you really think about it, what those words are going to be about the ability to move financial transfers. One of the things that you probably don’t know, and if you haven’t known about the Paris Club and subsequently what happened after the Paris Club, Iraq’s had restrictions on her currency and on currency transfers. And she hasn’t been on the Forex, for instance, in an international capacity.
So ultimately, why? Because I’m going to get to my view on it, but it has to do with the IMF and it has to do with obligations and it has to do with compliance and it has to do with currency transfers across the world for trade. So it says all of those things, but I guess to get to the point, my view, the central bank is talking like she’s effectively going international. That’s what I get from it.
All what he is saying, which is a lie, to me, Iraq has the tools in place to contain inflation. They’re moving to electronic payments. They talked about that.
They’re digitizing their economy. They’re integrating its system, its financial system, and that she already has great success in moving transfer operations, foreign transfer operations, to the latest international practices and standards. Well, that sounds like having the ability to move her money, which is the dinar, across borders and to do trade.
That’s how I see this. So it basically looks like Iraq has the ability to fully accept the IMF’s compliance with, these are key points, article eight and article four of IMF’s requirements. And those are regarding the IMF’s articles of agreement that are set out legal obligations, which effectively promote free convertibility.
So free convertibility of members’ currencies. Free convertibility of members’ currencies for payments and transfers for current international transactions. So it says payments, transfers for current international transactions.
She’s in a position to fully accept all these obligations based off what Al-Alaq is saying. That’s how I read this. And basically, what’s this look like? It looks to me like Iraq has gone as far as she possibly can in making an announcement, in a sense, interestingly enough, with the French ambassador.
And full circle, that’s why I brought it up, is because Iraq has a relationship and somewhat of a neutral relationship with the French because of the Paris Club. So think about it. I think it was powerful.
And basically, Al-Alaq having that meeting and stating those comments on the fourth. Subsequently, a day later, you have the Bostra Central Bank talking about providing that for the citizens. You have the federal court coming in ahead of time saying, hey, look, this is going to be temporary and what our goals are for the citizens.
And then you have the lawyers coming in talking about being involved with what? Small, medium enterprises. And what’s that deal with? Private sector, which is going to support the public sector. So at the end of the day, what do you have? You have on the back of Al-Alaq, you have all those things happening at the same time.
And is the court situation going to be ruling for the people? I would imagine so. And if Al-Alaq didn’t think so, he probably wouldn’t have had that conversation. And then you wouldn’t hear from the Bostra branch in the governance of that area talking and the central bank portion.
And nor would you have the attorneys talking about helping the people. Everybody’s coming in line and they’re obviously focusing in on it. So take it seriously.
It’s pretty powerful. Enjoy. Thank you for being with us.
I appreciate it. And again, hey, everybody hit the like button, subscribe and much appreciated for being with us. Thank you very much.
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