Dinar Guru Uncut

Militia Man (Uncut) 02-03-2025

MM&C Iraq Dinar News-Baghdad Fair-1250 Companies Attend-2024 Budget Law-Salaries Paid-Global Markets

Hey everyone, before I get started, I just want to remind you that if you like my content, hit that like button, subscribe to my channel, and then join the Militiaman and Crew Patreon community by clicking the link in the caption. Hey, good evening everybody, Militiaman and Crew here. It is the 2nd of February, and I think everybody’s been paying attention, we’ve been watching some really good news.


Super Samson’s been bringing it to Patreon.com, and that is at Patreon.com forward slash M-N-A-N-D-C-R-E-W. And don’t forget our Discord chat room has multiple articles on a daily basis that give us the information that we’re going to talk about tonight. Hey everybody, I don’t know if you guys know this about me, but I’m a big coffee drinker.


In fact, my wife and I drink at least one, one and a half pots every day. So the quality of coffee really truly matters to us, and that’s why we partnered with Freedom Forge Coffee to offer you a pure and delicious coffee. So just visit my, the link in my caption for a discount if you want to try it.


Something to think about, that’s what we’re going to try to do, and it’s going to help benefit Militiaman and Crew members. The crew members are really important to me, and I hope it helps out. It’s going to be a good night, because I think if everybody’s been paying attention, like I’ve said in the past, is that the study that we have here at Patreon, it’s going to be I don’t know, it’s pretty stellar stuff.


And again, thank you to the Militiaman and Crew, and everybody that works with me. I give you my utmost support, and that’s, thank you very much. You guys are brilliant.


I appreciate it. Hard work, team effort is really important. So tonight and today, Samson, Super Samson’s brought us some fantastic information.


It’s been kind of bouncing back and forth as far as, is it, is the budget been done yet? Is it going to be delayed? Is it going to be doing these things? But I’m just going to get to the points, okay. It says here that the Prime Minister, his news is that Iraq is a fertile ground for all economic dreams, and I think he means that. He says in a speech today, he says, today we opened the 48th session of the Baghdad International Fair to be an addition to that inspires hope and inspiration for productive and promising partnerships and stronger cooperation that enhances facing challenges.


This is what they’re talking about. And to the people that are coming into Iraq, what are they doing? They’re drawing a roadmap, effectively, for what? Prosperity, confident economic growth. Those are the items he’s talking about.


He says he welcomes the representatives of 1,250 companies and destinations participating in this year’s session, which carries messages of communication and constructive partnership plans for, what is it, about 22 sisterly and friendly countries. That’s pretty big, you guys. I mean, they opened up an international conference or a fair that has, what, 1,250 companies, and – which includes, what, 22 countries? I think that’s pretty big because that just opens the door.


Yes, we’ve seen this before back in the Kuwait areas, but today is not the same. It’s not even close to being the same. All the new technologies that are available, all the new – where they’ve come for the last two years is just as outstanding.


It’s phenomenal. Today is a big day. Why? Because we had the 2023, 24, 25 budget amendment on the table, okay? Have they given us this – exposed the results of that yet? We’re going to find out.


But I would have to say that it’s a big, huge step that we’re at right now. So it says the Baghdad International Fair is an opportunity for partnerships between the private and international sectors. So they’re talking about private and international sectors.


That’s massive, you guys, because that’s cross-borders. That’s going to be something that needs to have a currency that’s cross-border payments. That’s going to have to have the technology to be able to do that.


And Iraq at 1310 has never done it before. And we all know that there’s an amendment for the cost of oil, that Article 12C – 12.2-C has been on the table and is a key component of that. So we’re going to talk about some of that stuff tonight.


So it says – he points out that 20 countries – well, they said 22 in that one, and about 1,200 in this article, but 1,250 they said companies are participating in the Baghdad International Fair representing various industrial, agriculture, and commercial, and communication sectors in addition to other development sectors. It says he seeks through the Baghdad International Fair and the General Company for Iraq Exhibitions to be a turning point in real partnerships with the Iraqi and international private sectors in addition to determining the direction of the development process through investment. Investment is going to be a big deal.


That development road project is just going to be a big money-making endeavor. Iraq is witnessing a qualitative development today in most aspects of life. And the Baghdad Fair contributes greatly to the economic development process by doing what? Exactly what they planned – attracting Arab and international companies, and also it determines the relationships between these companies by establishing commercial deals.


Those memorandums of understanding turn into contracts. Just because the memorandums of understandings aren’t always binding, but they can be. They can be doing commercial deals.


Commercial deals, doing business, is contract-related. So, look, the fair is underway. That’s a big deal today.


And it just got started. So, subsequently, okay, they’re talking about the retirement authority begins dispersing retiree salaries for the month of February. Okay, well, what happened to the previous months? What happened all the way back to the beginning of the year in 2024? We’re going to find out.


I don’t know if we’re going to find out exactly what that means today, but we know that in our data shows that they’re going to be doing back pay. Like, what, the tripartite budget is a retroactive budget. So, the people might just get a really good bonus.


So, chairman of the authority, Hassam Abdul Sadr, told the official agency the disbursement of salaries for retirees for the month of February 2025 has begun. So, they’ve started it. Retirees who receive text messages via communication, like they talked about, receive text messages to review disbursement outlets to receive their retirement salaries gradually.


So, this is going to be a little bit over time. What that time is, well, once people start realizing that they’re getting those text messages, it’s probably going to go like wildfire. So, surely this right now, that today, that article in itself is slightly different.


They’re acting differently. And in my view, they seem to have an urgency with this one. And that’s a big thing.


So, are they going to do it at 1310? I don’t know. I don’t think so. There was an article out yesterday that talked about effectively they’re a new currency.


They sure really do seem like this has been a different situation for them. And they have somewhat of an urgency now. And I think that is timed accordingly.


I think that them doing that this month so quickly and saying that they’ve launched it is very fascinating. And here’s another article that says the Labor Department, if you will, the Labor announces the launch of the social assistance payment for the month of February. So, there’s two articles out that are backing this.


It says launch of the social assistance payment for the month of February 2025. And they go on to talk about how much they’re doing and what that means. But go on, it says, this gentleman by the name of Al Nassawi, he called on all beneficiary families to review the disbursement outlets to receive the aid allocated to them, stressing that the ministry’s commitment to supporting them deserves and the deserving groups in improving the living conditions of the neediest families.


So, it almost looks like they’re starting to pay the citizens or they’re going to be ultimately via text messages. And they’re going to start from the bottom up, from the neediest families first, if you will. And over time, it’ll subsequently grow.


Okay. So, here again, they’re paying the poor first. That to me is powerful, because who are the most needy? The poor.


And what’s Al Sudani about? All the citizens. So, hey, start with those that need it the most. And that’s a powerful thing.


So, here’s an article about the House of Representatives votes on the draft law amendment. We’ve been waiting for this. The House of Representatives voted today, Sunday, February 2nd, 2025, on the draft law amending the first budget law.


And so, the Council of Representatives voted on the first law of the federal general budget law, Republic of Iraq, right, 23, 24, and 25, number 13 of 2023. But it says, today, Sunday, the Council of Representatives opened its fourth session of the fifth electoral cycle with the attendance of 176 representatives. So, that tells us they have quorum.


And there was some back and forth about delays and this and that. But it sounds like, in this particular case, they had an attendance of 176 representatives. So, that’s powerful.


They look like they have, very well indeed, have the vote. So, we’ll see how this turns out. This is after, here it is, I guess, after approving the budget amendment.


This gentleman by the name of Shaquan Abdullah announces containing the problem of Kurdistan oil and employee salaries. And they go on to talk about, accordingly, oil will be exported from the Kurdistan region. So, they’re going to turn it on.


That sounds powerful. So, again, it goes, oil will be exported from the Kurdistan region in the future. And our goal is to contain the problem of employee salaries.


And he goes on and expresses that, with their various names, right, that voted in favor of the budget bill to resume export of oil from the Kurdistan region is considering this. But check it out. If you think about it, they’re talking about, hey, we’re going to publish who voted for it and who didn’t.


So, that’s going to be, yeah, going to be interesting. It says that an important step to reconnect the region to global markets. So, this is basically an important step to reconnect the region to global markets.


That’s internationalism. That’s big, okay, in my opinion. So, it says the decision to sell oil through SOMO removed all excuses for the federal government not to send the budget.


So, it’s been kind of a back and forth. It says despite some problems occurring during the sessions, everyone eventually reached a conviction to pass the project. Everyone reached a conviction to pass the project.


Because any amendment would have taken us back to square one, especially since the project involves three parties, the regional government, the federal government, and the oil companies. So, right now, it says, Abdullah stresses this, there’s no longer any obstacle to resuming oil exports. That’s huge.


Because they’re going to need an exchange rate, a value on the assets. That’s what they’re going to do. And if they’ve taken this long to do it at 1310, you’re going to just go, what? That’s not going to work.


That’s not going to work. So, obviously, they didn’t do it that way. And obviously, a big change has come in.


It says the agreement came after a series of meetings between the Kurdistan region delegation, the government, which effectively started last Friday. It says the issues of salaries from the Kurdistan region. It says – here it says it was – the issue of the salaries of the Kurdistan region were at the top of the list of disputes between Baghdad and the region, and we all know about that.


It says, especially the decision for the Iraqi federal court last year updating the prime minister of the federal government and the federal council of the president of the Kurdistan regional government to localize salaries, employees, and workers in the public sector in federal banks. So they’ve come to a decision, you guys. They basically have probably a unified agreement, and I think that’s going to be powerful.


So they look like what they said they were going to do has been done, and we’re going to have to see how this turns out, because obviously they’re going to start flowing oil through Turkey again. And then again, what are they talking about? Turkey, oil going across. We’ve been talking about this.


Paying salaries, really? Okay. They’re talking about text messages. We talked about celebrations today.


We talked about all these different things that are happening in subsequent conversions at the same time. I think it’s a powerful timeframe, you guys. I really do.


I think it’s really powerful. So we’re going to get to a couple more articles that are – it should be pretty quick. Here’s one that says al-Sudani and Moussa Barzani welcome the passage of the budget.


So they welcome the passage of the budget law amendment, a responsible step. So it says Iraqi Prime Minister Sheik al-Sudani welcomed on Sunday the passing of the amendment to the budget law while considering the vote on the law a very responsible step, and basically he expresses the appreciation of the responsible people in their constructive steps taken by the esteemed House of Representatives by approving the amendment to the federal budget law of the Republic of the Year 23, 24, and 25. He goes on and says that the Iraqi council representatives at the end of the day, they just – they voted on the law and they’d done it.


So will they expose the results of this outcome from today? I believe they will. They have yet to expose the budget tables. The 23, 24 budget tables haven’t been exposed, and there’s also an article out today talking about that specifically, that they have not got everything ready for that particular case.


But I think that information, even though we haven’t seen it yet, it’s probably just not public information. So let’s see how that turns out. Here’s another article, though.


I think it’s my last one, but it says Al-Sudani Parliament’s approval of the budget amendment confirms political stability, and we call for starting it immediately. So they say it. Al-Sudani, it’s him talking about starting it immediately.


That to me is like, wow, what an eye-opener. So let’s see how it turns out. He says that approving the amendment to the federal budget law, 23, 24, and 25, it says, on this occasion, His Excellency extends his thanks to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the first deputy chairman of today’s session, the second deputy, and the heads of the parliamentary blocks for their understanding and support of the government’s vision, which has continued to implement its program according to the priorities previously approved by the people’s representatives, which meet the aspirations of our Iraqi people in our parts of our country.


I’m not telling you this is an announcement, but I have to say that’s pretty powerful, because look who he invoked. He invoked all those people that were there. It’s big.


They go on to say that it also reflects a high cooperation between the government and the House of Representatives to continue working together in order to continue the momentum of the Wheel of Development in Reconstruction and Reform, which has started and will not stop. I just love that part. It will not stop.


But he goes on and says, based on this amendment, the prime minister calls on both Kurdistan Region and the government, with its specialized institutions and the Federal Ministry of Oil, to immediately, again, they use the word immediately, begin work on this amendment in order to optimally invest our natural resources, especially the oil wealth, and let the wealth be a factor in supporting stability and a motive for further accomplishment of plans and programs that meet the needs of our honorable people. So the whole idea here is to take care of the citizens. So I hope that today was a good day, and I hope that everybody realizes that what we just shared tonight is really amazing.


It’s really good information. It’s in print. You can catch it at patreon.com forward slash mmincrew.


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