Dinar Guru Uncut

Militia Man (Uncut) 01-21-2025

MM&C Iraq Dinar News-Global Attention-Budget Law-Internally- Externally-Media

Hey everyone before I get started I just want to remind you that if you like my content hit that like button subscribe to my channel and then join the militiaman and crew patreon community by clicking the link in the caption Hey, good evening everybody. Happy Monday. It was inauguration day in the United States of America and God bless America but listen, we’re here with MM&C militiaman and crew and we want to Welcome everybody as we always do but one thing we want to talk about tonight is That there’s going to be some information that I think is is is really set the stage for some powerful information And we’ll I guess focus in on a few things But firstly the House of Representatives says the agenda for tomorrow Tuesday after amendment That’s the name of that article Okay Realize that what we’re going to talk about is that they they spoke a lot about it happening This amendment for instance, I think it’s article 12 second C For the 2024 budget.


I think that’s that’s probably where it really the root of it all is but but listen It says that the session will begin tomorrow at about 1 o’clock in the afternoon And so if they follow through with it, we’re gonna find out and that’s that’s fascinating because if you guys all know time zones You probably have realized that that could have effect on markets If Iraq is going to actually have a real effective exchange rate at one point in time those are things that you really should think about because a lot of times we don’t get in such depth because We can’t really Well in patreon.com forward slash and I’m in crew we’ve talked about this and We also talked about it in our discord in our super Samson brings that information in regularly She’s she’s amazing and I just want you guys all to know that what we do is we do it in print and What they’re telling us and it’s our analytical skills. We have many people here with the crew. You guys all know Pompey Peter, right? He’s his ability to communicate is is is phenomenal we have our dear Petra his his Scientific I call it or we call it Analytics is is so helpful and wonderful and our our crew members, you know You know, I give them kudos because I give the support GG for instance, she monitors our discord chat room her admin Greg.


She he is in there They take care of the background stuff so it takes a lot of work and I give kudos to everybody and especially on this day because We’re coming to a point where why is it that they have? Moved this amendment. Why didn’t they disclose that? Ministerial Office of Justice or forgive me, but Why didn’t they Show you the data specifically for that Number four eight. Oh two, I believe it is So they didn’t but but is that does it have a component that that’s related to this? Did they do things already? They probably have it just they haven’t exposed it yet And hence they haven’t exposed it yet just because they need to have an exchange rate.


That’s my our belief my belief Okay, we’ll leave it at that my belief because if they if they we’re gonna be at 1310 in the future Well, why didn’t they do it already? That’s a good question but the bottom line is is that they did it for a purpose and when you talk about the you know, the The major things that we have talked about which is going international Which we’ve invoked the World Customs Organization We’ve invoked the is cut a system. We’ve invoked the World Trade Organization They have told us those things they have told us about that. They have International organizations Dealing with Iraq.


So keep that in mind because That’s to be think that’s to be your thought process looking for that Explicit time date everything rate, whatever it’s really kind of lost because the fact remains is is that it’s that the country is going to Do what the international world needs them to do. It’s a digital transformation things are going to change because of it and Also think about that But anyway, we all know that their first voting of the draft finance law Which is of 23 24 and 25 the tripartite budget they have components We have an operational side and we have an investment side and think about that because that’s what they haven’t exposed The operational side can actually go on pay salaries do the things that they say they’re going to do in my view each and every year by a 112th situation So anyway, I’m gonna just gonna leave you with that because they talk about it tomorrow at Tuesday Why didn’t they do it yesterday? They said it’s imminent. They didn’t say it was imminent for Tuesday our Monday you said it was imminent.


They said they were gonna try and get it done on Monday, but they didn’t do that that’s okay, we’re gonna move forward and We’ll talk about another article. That’s pretty intense because there’s a UN representative visits the media network Why are they talking it says well look they wanted to say basically we’re thanking if the UN’s for their help and the directorates of the UN Secretary of the United Nations and Iraq’s Chairman of the Board of Trustees They say that of the media, right they’re supporting the state of stability achieved in the country So they’re talking about Iraq states, they’ve achieved stability And this is the UN related right? state of stability of achieved in the country the responsibility undertaken by the network and keeping pace with a government efforts and in the reconstruction and Building campaign, so that’s the things that are going to be doing as well. It’s role in Following up on the citizens citizens needs so that’s what they’re conveying They’re conveying a very bright image to the country of Iraq, and who’s who is that it’s the UN It says they had a warm reception They’re basically given kudos to the the media outlets It says the high reliability and neutrality in dealing with the files as well as its wide follow-up of them at home And abroad so what they’re saying is that they’re putting out information for those internally and externally and Says the media’s network Networks role is reflecting a positive image of Iraq and the urban movement that it’s witnessing And they say Iraq today, which is today is more secure It’s more stable open and prosperous and the stability requires a media role in shedding light on that Okay, it’s reflecting the true image of Iraq externally, so they’re broadcasting globally and basically what they’re saying is that don’t Give out fake news we all know that here in America sadly, but hopefully that will change, but they’re saying to not circulate basis and Baseless news so that type of situation is fascinating And here’s here’s an interesting thing that it says that was earlier on it was yesterday, or maybe it was even earlier this morning But it says in Iraq’s news they talk about shake called on citizens to take news and information from its approved sources and not believe the rumors issued from non-official entities especially through social media sites as the Central Bank of Iraq Officially denied the any allegations of suspending the work of electronic payment outlets and has no basis in truth at all Basically, they’re stating the purpose the purpose oars.


That’s very word are trying to spread such rumors for special Purposes aimed at offending the government and the banking system So yes the the purpose oars are trying to spread rumors such as for special purposes a little tongue-tired there and At offending the government and the banking system, so listening to fake news They’re telling their people is like look go to your official website go to the go to the CBI site go to the government website you’re gonna get accurate information, and I think that I Get that from people from all over the world that that know that to be true. It’s that You really got to be careful on what you hear because there’s a lot of people out there that are Are not happy that the black markets going away? that’s that’s their bread and butter and sadly doing ill it illegal or illicit trade Is going to create an environment for you. It’s going to be painful, but you’ve been warned or they’ve been warned for a long time That what we’re going to see is happening in real time Okay, so anyway Here’s an article that says a pause on the central banks decision regarding the real estate payment I’m not going to read the whole thing because it’s long and the thing about it.


Is it it’s that’s the the name of it You can find it in patreon.com It says with militiamen and crew mm and and C R E W and our discord chat room So everybody’s welcome, so come on in but anyway if you come in and read this article you’re gonna find there’s one two three four five and Item number six had my attention, and I think that it should grab your attention And this item says the world is moving towards electronic dealings So is Iraq Abandoning paper dealings and reducing bureaucracy because the world is now a world of speed and electronics that almost like sounds like blockchain and XRP or a ripple or that kind of technology is what it sounds like to me It says and we have heard a lot from officials about automating the state and governing authority. Well, that’s e governance We already know all that They’ve already done it. Okay.


It seems that it’s just talk for media consumption and that this step is an increase in administrative bureaucracy and an increase in the Increase in difficulty for the citizens so in other words what they’re putting out at times just makes it harder on the citizens and They’re acknowledging it Look, I I have a strong feeling that that item number six Is basically geared for alleviating the citizens aggravation in regards to their fairness and transparency No, no different than everybody else around the world I think a lot of humans around the world that do trading do investing and just downright Try to make a living at this stage Can use some real information and that real information is truth And a lot of times truth is good a lot of trying times. The truth is bad, but you know what if you’re armed with the truth and The bad at the same time you can make your own decisions and that’s a really a big thing And I think that’s what the newest technology is geared for. I think it is about fast furious real transparent quality information Kurdistan delegation in Baghdad is another article Greenlight to solve all problems.


So the Kurds are coming to board and they’re coming to Baghdad It says the Kurdistan region delegation visited Baghdad today To meet with the federal government to resolve the most pending issues and they say it’s most notably the salaries of the region’s employees oil exports Turkey Cyanport right Syria even they said in a few days coming days That’s funny, but we’ll leave that alone It says according to the approved controls in Calculating the state’s financial resources so they need a number to be able to Calculate the financial resources through a clear and Official statements so they need to have it on the books and so the Kurds and everybody need to be on board Baghdad needs to be on board. They need to have an agreement. They’ve been pushing this out and pushing it out They didn’t finish it yesterday.


Now. They’re gonna have it on the docket for tomorrow. I call it.


Well, it’s agenda, but or docket For the item number one at 1 p.m. And so that’s something we should be watching for Is it there’s a reflection does Allah locked in to do anything before that? I don’t know but it is the assumption that it Is related to the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar? I believe it is I believe that there is possible we could see that but if they push it out again We’re just kind of you know watching how it works and but it is a global initiative And there’s a lot of people as you know, as we all talked about That are involved. So I’m excited about it because There’s only so long that they can Hold this whole thing back. That’s that’s my view.


But anyway, it says the Ministry of Finance and Economy in the Kurdistan region Received the agency’s that their discussion has a focus on addressing obstacles facing the salaries of the employees the region the workers Everybody that’s involved right? It says they’re ensuring the achievement of joint financial Understandings with Baghdad, you know that they have a unified Treasury account, right? So when they use the words like unified Okay, unified means to me that They are coming together, so that’s that’s a big deal and this what this article here is that It says that the losses from the suspension of Kurdistan regions oil exceeded 18 billion dollars So because they haven’t finished this the money that they’re losing Equals according to this. I think it’s significantly higher than that. But that’s what they published exceeded 18 billion It says that this gentleman by the name of Muthana al-samari calls on Monday to expedite the vote on amending the budget law to prevent the Continuation of the heavy losses to the Iraqi economy.


Remember what they’re talking about the amendment That’s so the 23 24 25 a budget 12 Second see right that’s that’s what they published. I think it’s number 4802 and If that’s the case That’s why they didn’t ever give you The document so you can read it they published that it’s there in the Gazette. So it’s there They just have an executor It says while we emphasize the importance of the oil file as the main tributary of this state treasuries resources We express our surprise at the misleading statements and irresponsible actions that seek to obstruct technical procedures in particular And practical solutions to address the pending economic files as the general budget witnessed a loss of large sums as a result of the cessation of the export of oil produced in the Kurdistan region for technical reasons related to determine the costs and transportation and dues of international oil companies operating in the region and that’s Explicitly what that article is about the article 12, okay, and so they are you know They’re here now.


It sounds like they have a focus on that article 12 and They’re losing billions of revenues. That’s what they’re losing billions. I mean 18 billion since March of 2023.


I Really believe that’s light. But if you guys do the math on how much oil is worth and how long they’ve been Losing, I don’t know whatever it is for forty four hundred thousand barrels a day or something like that Okay It’s here’s an article. It says Parliament witnesses political agreement to resolve these pending issues tomorrow So they’re gonna reiterate the same thing.


What are they going to talk about? This is I mentioned at the very beginning They’re talking they’re going to talk about tomorrow So it says the political agreement has been reached So they’ve reached an agreement to resolve the controversial laws in tomorrow’s sessions Tuesday so so there’s a political agreement to go into Parliament and Take care of it. Okay, so it says the there is a political agreement that it was reached to settle controversial laws in tomorrow’s session So it’s not just talking about the one law, but it is number one in print This agreement was reached after the meeting of the presidency of the Council of Representatives with the heads of Parliament new blocks Especially since there’s no need for these laws that have been suspended for a long time so there’s no need any longer and which have a negatively affected the legislative and oversight work by the Disrupting sessions, so they’re coming down on on the Parliament for not getting it done, I guess He adds that there are many important laws awaiting the Parliament therefore Settling these controversial laws during tomorrow’s session Tuesday. That’s their focus is for tomorrow those are just what’s in print and We’re gonna watch and see if it happens Okay, Iraq enters the new phase of cooperation with America after we have a new administration Actually If you want if you want the exact wording of it, it’s Iraq enters a new phase of cooperation so Iraq’s talking about a new cooperation with Iraq after President Trump assumes the presidency So this is the first time I’ve ever seen anything in print about it being specifically political So kudos to those folks that say that it was going to happen after Trump took his presidency There was a lot of things that happened during that time Yet supported what we believed at that time was Sure that could happen, but but we weren’t there yet fair, but here we are now It’s fair because why because today was our inauguration day So kudos to those folks out there that are gonna feel like they got it, right, but the bottom line is We’re gonna just find out and we’ve always been about a study that It just tells you the progress and what makes sense and and here we are So it says there’s many questions that have begun to be circulated about what awaits Iraq after Trump’s arrival What will happen and whether there will be economic or political consequences on the near horizon or not? Here we must now Know that the next man is an economist.


They’re speaking of our president and The philosophy of economics is it not a flexible or easy philosophy? So they’re talking about themselves because economics is what drives politics So they’re even talking about themselves or talking about our new administration and they’re talking about themselves and they’re like wow so we have to be very careful on how we Do things and I think that is powerful. So I would suggest everybody come into a patreon.com forward slash mm and crew and Take a take a read at all the stuff that I have out in my room today and each and every one of these articles is part of my analysis because I’ve Well, I didn’t give all analysis to each and every one of them, but I find them to be important so I I have to go through The masses of about information that our good Samson brings brings us and I put out in our patreon room what I think is Helpful for everybody but everything that we bring into our discord chat room, which by the way for our Small fee and subscription for $9.99 a month. You could get a free discord chat room Where you can get every single article almost almost every single article that I have to glean through it on a daily basis the totality of that and the work is It’s intense.


But you know what? That’s why we do it we love it to do it because we help everybody stay grounded because we have confidence and That was a theme of al-sudani even In the UN Assembly in 2023 bringing confidence to the international financial markets International banks the largest in the world and who are they working with they’re talking about the Bank of International Settlements We’re talking about the World Trade Organization. They’re talking about the World Customs Organization and we invoke tonight even the UN the UN is giving kudos and they’re even giving caution for the fake news Okay, so if you take all that in and remember one of the things that al-sudani did was in Davao in early 2024 was that the theme of the meeting in Davao was restore confidence Iraq was a part of that and That’s what we’re seeing as I think we’re gonna see that confidence Finally arrive. That’s what I hope and we’re gonna see and if not, we’ll just keep following along as we go but the cool part is is that as they say that Article 12 to see Is imminent? But they’ve said it was gonna be done today, but they’re not gonna be on at 1 o’clock p.m Tomorrow in Baghdad and if that’s on the first on the docket So if that’s the case, we’re gonna find out and we’ll report it just like we always do So thank you for being with me.


I really do appreciate it all your kind kind words and everything in our patreon account in our discord account and our Even out there on YouTube you guys. Thank you for being with me and following. I appreciate it You’re all amazing and that goes for many so many countries you guys down there in Australia in New Zealand in England Canada everywhere We have members from China.


We have members from all over the world Every one of you out there when I say global I say, thank you everybody. So everybody if you like and subscribe It helps so much we appreciate that and we’re Really getting close to that 50,000 mark and I it’s it’s exciting I’m looking forward to it and I think that you guys are so helpful in doing so and don’t forget everything that you do when you go to PayPal Venmo and Zelle It helps keeps this channel going. So again, thank you very much much appreciated I wish Wally and Winnie were here for tonight because I think they should be just as excited as I am So enjoy your evening.


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