Coffee with MarkZ. 12/23/2024
[Music] [Music] good morning all hello CAA Taylor let’s see please pray for pilots and Crews or sunf flies down to lower 48 for the holidays with oh see Taylor that is awesome enjoy it hello Gary Libby David hello Dana felis na’vi DOD flying squirrel joyful voice whip hello Mr Lee hello cu you uh ready for all the pronunciations today hello NC gal um we should probably start because we’ve got a little bit of time so we can have a little bit of fun to start with is what I am thinking um before we candive into uh the news what do you think is this a good time to do it absolutely let’s do this all right for those that are like wait what is going on this morning we got some winners to get to pick we do we do so exciting you guys were so amazing with this contest um from we the mushroom ladies um although my other lady isn’t with me um I have a My Little Helper here with me Dale um you guys sent in so many cute pictures and we had so many entries almost a thousand entries into the pet food giveaway so
we’re going to get to this quick we’re going to draw some names for the seat belts first we’ve got gosh we’ve got so many love this one now now folks I am dropping the link it is on she put this on her uh website so that you can go through and look at all the pictures the outcome is scroll all the way to the bottom and you’ll see the Mark Z furry followers if you guys want to uh check them out all right back to you we’ve got 20 seat belt winners so I’m going to I just grabbed the handful so I’m going to
count them out one two three four five six seven8 nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 okay here we go we got 20 seat Bel winners so we’re going to go ahead and I’m just going to yell out the names real quick I will be contacting all of you the seat bels are in a cute little little bag here and it is a dog seat belt for your dog so that your dog is Tethered and that’s really important um if you don’t have a dog we can make an arrangement to get your your if it’s a cat a little toy or something so let’s move with the
names real quick I’m just going to name them off we’ve got Darlene Gilmore we’ve got Jolene Bighorn we’ve got Kimberly band and again I have all their emails so I will get back to you Sam perk and we have uh ridding the wings we also have Kimberly M we have uh Mitsy stro we have Sylvia Howen we have Barb Avery we have Maria Hill and we have Rebecca bayi let me see how many that is one two three four five six seven8 nine 10 11 and then we have 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 okay we have Rosa Leon we have Maria
hill we have Dell Langford Charlene oh my gosh Charlene won too because she had two entries cool is that wow lucky girl mix him up better yeah no we mixed him pretty darn good we have Hannah Lee that’s a coincidence we have Joyce Anderson and we have uh Deanna Mason and we have Teresa Elmore so those are the winners of our seat belts I will be contacting you via email to get your address and we will get those in the mail right away now for the food so we’re giving away5 50 prizes in food will be sending out our freeze dry food
which is amazing food and the reason we want to send that out is because we don’t expect you to change your Foods the diet of your dog that’s just not really practical but this can be used as a Topper it’s five pounds um it has our coros forac Cola antler in it and it also h a mushroom and it also has our antler powder in it so it’s a fabulous food it smells amazing and if you have a kitty cat then we will be sending out um $50 worth of the free fre dried kitty cat food um I just want to caution
everybody right now you know we’re almost at New Year’s we’re very very close to New Year’s if you think about it get on Mark Z pets go in and order some chill doggies so you can calm your babies down for New Year’s it’s a really tough time for them when all of the fireworks start happening you’ve got time if you place an order today you literally could get these chill doggies in your hands so that you can calm your fur babies down for the fireworks especially you mark you say you have a lot of fireworks
down there we got a lot of fireworks y that’s pretty amazing alrighty so we’re gonna pull out 10 winners I’m GNA count them one two three four five six seven eight nine I think I got 10 hold on one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 winners these are the dog food winners and and let’s see who we’ve got we have Rose Francis winner winner winner winner and we have um Maxie Sherwood winner for food and we have Jan Ellens and we have jeie bills and Anne Thompson Robin Lon Crystal luck oh what a good name
Crystal luck I like that Kathy Rus seems like these are all ladies um Cheryl traban and Kim the Caro you guys have all won $50 worth of dog food cat food whichever you prefer and I’ll be reaching out to you today so guys you know this is this this is part of what Mark’s Community does because you guys support the website markz we’re able to do things like this for the community and we want to do more of it um and we just appreciate Mark we appreciate everything can you do for us um but uh it’s all been a fun fun
contest I’m telling you what the pictures are amazing you guys you guys were just it was look at this look at these pictures they’re it’s hysterical some of the the white cat with santa was probably my favorite look at these babies H these are your furry followers I’ve had few people tell me Mark that some of them hear your voice and come running into the room so and I believe that because dogs are like that you know I had a few people tell me that Mark they’re they’re Avid Mark followers oh look at these pictures I
just love them H well hopefully we could be scrolling some of these over the holidays if you think about it go on and take a look at it but remember Mark and uh have a very very happy happy Christmas we were happy to do this we’ll be getting in touch with all the winners 20 seat belts uh $500 worth of food and uh we’ll get that in the mail to you guys right away now you are awesome that is so appreciated you guys have a lovely merry merry Christmas if I don’t talk to you before Merry Christmas
Mark Merry Christmas Mark Merry Christmas enjoy all the people com to see the lights yes we will thanks guys thank you mods thank you very much all right the uh mushroom ladies were just a uh extremely kind uh giveaway wasn’t that awesome I like that one all right yeah congratulations the winner she will be reaching out and emailing you directly Karen’s yesterday was kinsley’s first birthday happy belated Kinsley so we got Rossy James uh Fruit Ninja mocha big Ms mom we got a lot of birthdays this
morning uh now flying squirrel though I come on and uh their lab needs to go pee that’s just timing I worked it out with them hello Jared um no not yet I’ve got somebody that’s going to join on platforms as soon as this goes that has been informed that they will be able to take more people into their platforms investment platforms guys Victoria’s birthday we missed it by a day happy birthday Victoria the all one is uh an RV can we just have that for Christmas Josiah and my two daughters-in-law Jennifer and Becky’s
birthday boy you got a bunch today do like that name Josiah writing him down hello miss Lynn hello Graham 86th birthday today for Bill uh we did see some rates pop up over the weekend briefly for a while again so I mean things are getting exciting oh Lily Pad breaking election lawsuits are underway in New Mexico North Carolina and Tennessee as canons claim irregularities we really should clean up the system paper ballots proper ID yeah we really should clean them up right hello r Deborah’s birthday as
well you folks are like really leaning into whole Christmas season for your birthdays all right we’ll dive into the news at the 10-minute Mark like always uh Daisy what does it mean well we’ll get into it Daisy that is part of this stuff to cover today part of the stuff to cover today uh before I forget Freedom Forge coffee bringing you this morning’s podcast still drinking the Sumatra still a big fan you can find them at Freedom Cofe did you hear one of the federal reserve’s top men has seen legal advice
prior to Trump’s oh yeah a lot of them are lawyering up Sergio like Matt said Saturday about Wells Fargo drw by my Branch at 6:30 p.m Saturday and a work team was reconfiguring the Personnel help areas for high yeah don’t you love it oh it’s getting fun yeah Bernard yeah it would be one of it okay I’m laughing let’s get to it and we’re going to get into the rate that was seen not just by me but by many we even have an interesting pairing now coming on coinbase for uh the IQD and ripple which which is uh interesting
let’s see oh before I forget executive order on providing for the closing executive departments our federal government’s closing uh a day early this year just unusual I don’t know if it means anything or not normally they don’t close until Friday I mean excuse me Christmas day on Christmas day they don’t close both Christmas Eve and Christmas all right curan Regional government suspends official working area hours until January 2nd so the Curtis region shutting down parliamentary legal reveals the date of
the resumption of parliamentary session they are leaving not coming back to the ninth what does this mean we’re going to get into it nobody panic yet nobody jump off a cliff um well we should probably do that first and then come back and circle around let’s see my daughter’s in PR today at the Pina Colada dinner catching a ship floating oh neat glad she loves it all right C no they got their funding deal right um my source okay in iraq we had 3.47 popping up um on the Forex sites a number of the uh currency shot sites
over the weekend showing uh the IQD at 3.47 which is uh unique I wish I’d have been sitting with an open banking currency in hand at the time it popped wonder if they would have traded um but we saw that from a number also getting very similar numbers from contractors that believe that will be the rate for their contracts um of course that would mean International the street rate whatever you guys call it uh pretty exciting to consistently see those rates popping up on the bond side still quiet this morning uh last update Saturday
they were hopeful they were still processing this week I have another one that is told they will not process theirs before January 7th but I don’t know if that changes Us in any timing or them because of the deal they have structured I don’t have the details of their deal uh things still appear to be very much on track and moving forward we got lots of good stuff still in Iraq make certain I got the news time I’ve been going for a while Iraq’s development path is an infrastructure for the entire region this is all the uh
grandf port the uh um I know I can get this one out the Iraqi development Road that’ll be connecting ports and going in through turkey giving direct safer access to the European market I like this because they’re showing us that this is going to be key and vital for the entire region and for Europe uh seems the whole world in Europe is especially excited to be working with Iraq now International guys think International Iraqi oil maintains gains with an opening of Mark markets exceeds $72 a barrel $70 is that uh push that
they’re hoping for for revaluation we are staying there consistently I’m hopeful uh now we’ve got a nice fluff one to to wind out the year for the Iraqi banking SE section Central Bank policy and light of banking compliance with International standards between the okay this one’s just a long one and really wordy but really awesome goes into just the huge amount of successes and changes for their economic reforms that they have made in 2024 and they are ready to be International fully I’m excited about
these um still pushing dates still look good still hopeful that we will get something throughout the week we’ve got another uh birthday alexand Andra reading a few of these cath’s 76 no news for you on General 64 news when there is something they will reach out uh Helen I have not heard anything about the military not being paid I got a lot of friends in military so I’d be very surprised they would have told me by now reading a few of these oh let me let me drop the banner so I can get that out
of the way it is ripping did Jesus believe right be okay with it waking up to it on the second or before Josephine 6th birthday I think I’m gonna spend more time writing down uh birthdays today boy we got a lot today yeah we’re already at 14 oh 15 reading all of these man y’all are loading it up this morning it’s good to see everybody in here though Gavin’s 9th wi Rider I was looking at your links for the evening and they weren’t uh wi riter it depends on your browser whether you have it set up to translate them or
not I’ve got mine set up to translate them for when I share them you’d have to set Yours up to do the same if you want them translated Karen’s 63rd no special news for the Vietnamese Dong guys still expected to go at the same time as the rest of them J simple Seafood not many people eat seafood down here considering you they live on an island couple of good places though couple of good places is to find it definitely not as prevalent as you would think it would be yeah don’t feel crazy when you shared
rates on a screen when you saw them Carolyn it’s exciting we don’t get to exchange yet but it’s exciting to uh see things move let’s see whip from GT 69 proud new pawpa 7bs 5 O baby girl oh isn’t that awesome congratulations GTD ah precious little baby girl that is awesome we missed Jack’s birthday yesterday oh no on Saturday it was 67 Good Year Karen celebrating her 63rd Ron I would love to be in Pittsburgh to watch my Chiefs play the Steelers yeah it’s been kind of a rough uh two weeks for my
Steelers finds and penalties have not gone out yet Mary Jackie 68 I was really hopeful we were going to see cmkx and those things in fin penal and Farm claims start moving Sunday we missed Sue’s birthday yesterday reading through these Joy where there’s water there’s fried fish paty’s birthday was Saturday too happy belated Miss paty is ripping Panthers held on yeah Panthers are just trying to ruin their first round draft picks they want to do just good enough to not get their first round draft picks so that they can snag the
feet out of the jaws of Victory Ronnie I will do birthdays tomorrow again yes I am planning on being here DJ the big 52 today happy birthday DJ DJ tominator Reading Man y’all are ripping all right let’s get into some news some more news B I’m with you I like my Seafood platters sister Carol’s birthday yeah I think we’re g to end up with like 30 birthdays today we even got Kenny yeah Chad I got you on that list buddy Rossy happy birthday all right let’s get toh some more news Trump says the US will take back
control of the Panama Canal if us interests are threatened has anybody figured out this is how he negotiates he comes in he screams they negotiate he gets uh most of what he wants straight out of the gate still waiting for people to figure this one out they’re all too busy kneejerk reacting going oh my God he would take it he’s pointing out that we have a lot of interest that Panama up until recently with the change of presidents who was getting ready to take office has not been very pro- safe or
restricting um immigration so he’s screaming plus uh the former Panamanian government was charging extreme rates for us shipping and giv China preferred rates so he’s just saying hey we got to redefine this relationship not nearly the crazy freak out that many on the left are having over his comments he is softening them up for negotiating classic Trump classic Trump and I’m still waiting for him to figure this one out uh but just saying hey if if uh they don’t uh work with us for our interests we’ll just take it
back oh we’d be better off just building a um taking a page out of Iraq’s uh book and doing our own development Road Project in other words put a port uh on um one spot rail highspeed rail across port on the other side it be cheaper than D digging a canal that’s my two cents load unload um of course I’m not a president so they don’t let me make those decisions us Congressman woman missing for six months found at amentia Care Home you can’t make this up guys over 25% of Congress is now uh over 70 or over nothing
against folks that age most are still extremely sharp we got a few issues in Congress we got Nancy Pelosi falling down steps we got uh Joe Biden falling down steps we got Mitch McConnell uh locking up and freezing and falling we we’ve kind of got a mess but now this one offends me and this is a republican on this one all right the percentage of Congress over the age of 70 it’s [Music] exploded um time for the Baby Boomers to start handing things off uh why for some folks with enough energy to uh do it I
know that sounds bad that sounds agent but wait until you hear this now another baby boomer politician who’s been missing for six months has finally been found this time at a dementia care home reigniting the conversation about term limits uh meanwhile Baby Boomers out there trying to start World War 3 but local paper Dallas Express recently launched an investigation into the whereabouts of republic congresswoman K Granger who was represented Texas 12th congressional district since 1997 the investigation follow reports
that she had been absent from office for months uh here’s more of the reporting Dallas Express found out from a local resident the Granger was not missing but instead residing in an assisted living facility specializing in memory care here’s more from the reporting we then received a tip from Granger constituent who shared that the congresswoman has been residing at a local memory care and assisted living home for some time after having been found wondering lost and confused in her former Cultural District West 7th
neighborhood the Dallas Express team visited a facility to confirm whether Granger was residing there and to inquire about how she planned to vote on the spending Bill upon arrival two employees confirmed the Granger is indeed living in the facility however we are not permitted to conduct an interview regarding the current spending debate in the House of Representatives and how or if Miss Granger planned to vote uh Taylor Manzel who’s assistant executive director from the senior living facility acknowledged to the
Dallas Express that this is her home can’t make this one up guys she was in a memory unit wandering off been living there six months and her office is just running as if it is perfectly okay doesn’t need replace doesn’t need a change who the hell is running Congress right now is it just the staff members we just elect some people for for Giggles that do nothing and their staff runs everything she has been living in a memory care unit God bless her I know it’s difficult it’s tough my heartbreaks
for her and her family but it doesn’t change that she’s not doing the job for the American people that we are paying her to do anybody else upset that one upset me lyanna’s birthday we have Dry Creek I can’t wait to see what you guys yeah C 72z unbelievable but not surprised and she getting paid the whole time let’s see native Dow gal K Granger was a mayor of Fort Worth previously many of us wondered why she turned Rhino she probably didn’t the staff just started voting Ryan 04 Q said enjoy the show what a show art
people should be upset dag on Skippy they should be she get Joe Biden as a roommate shame on her family for not letting Congress go shame on her staff shame on Congress somebody in Congress knew it was happening and said nothing unreal unreal all right yeah time for term limits time for term limits guys uh now in one that’s absolutely horrendous to me and we do not know the immigration status of this person but migrant sus suspect arrested after allegedly okay they say this guys they have them on
film doing it so it’s uh but you have to until court date is done until legal battles are over it’s still allegedly migrant suspect arrested after allegedly setting a woman on fire in New York City’s subar lady sleep on the bench in the subar yeah that’s a picture of her actually burning train coming to a stop he sees her over there decides to go take his lighter light her clothes on fire and then go sit on the bench and watch her burn in what world is this okay this one I guess I believe it was
Guatemalan could have been here yeah Guatemala came in 2018 no idea what 33y old suspect no idea what the uh immigration status is at this point but I just want you to think about that Lit somebody on fire and watched she was just sleeping maybe headed to work sleeping on the way to work or back from working third take care family we don’t know we don’t know the details maybe cracked out I don’t know maybe on our way back from church from a long one we don’t know that one but it doesn’t make it okay just lighter
on fire I’m like yeah I’m Blown Away on that one too all right keep going yeah that’s sick sick now this one has me super excited this one breaking early this morning Rumble shares erupt after 775 million investment by tether the token the coin the crypto tether shares of YouTube competitor Rumble surged as much as 55% in pre-market trading in New York after tether the issue of the largest stable coin agreed to purchase a 775 million stake in free speech video platform tether purchased about 103
million of rumbles class a common uh shares for about 750 a share investment includes primary commitment of 250 milon in cash with tether also supporting rumble’s tender offer for up to 70 million shares uh reinforcing the Futures growth initiative I I’m I’m super excited this means we’re going to be able to afford the tech that we’ve been waiting for I am some kind of excited about this investment in free speech uh rumble’s almost unwatchable with all there yeah Kevin hopefully this means they won’t have to do as many or they’re
going to offer like uh the ad free version and this one I just included somebody shared it with me new bill Social Security big increase coming do you qualify by Dr Edge supposed to be world class that I’m just concluding that because some of you guys if you know how to do it right may have a big old uh Ray coming that’s what we’ll call it all right I’m reading all of these congress’s P Congress is power hungry too bad I sold Rumble stock last month for poor performance and now they’re going to
perform hello Miss let good to see in here this Christmas week let’s see I’m just reading through all of these yeah g whiz tells us what kind of chemicals are on our clothing if you can start someone on fire with a flick of a bck right that is scary Stephanie saying Dr Weir is awesome that is Dr Ed Weir Boy A lot of people are watching this one um he is uh he’s considered probably one of the best on social security and benefits so hopefully that helps Cherokee Rose we don’t know we think it is a street rate
but we don’t know for certain can any of Biden’s pardons be reversed well I guess if he’s not really a present it’s Corporation then I theoretically you could Jeff M green beans for Christmas dinner no yeah I’m not a big fan of uh tether but I was excited about that big investment in Rumble no I did not see the video where you can catch Oreos on fire with a blowtorch uh Anon La saying he supposedly put alcohol on her and then set her on fire yeah I’m getting mixed stories my gut wish I know what to tell
you I feel good about this week I know that my Iraqi contacts seem to think that this is the ideal time to do it now that their government is going on break um that makes me feel a little better the bond contact or two saying they don’t get expect theirs until the 7th of January threw me off a little but then I’ve got others that are expecting it this week we’re in the short short I don’t know what to tell you on my gut right now other than this Pretty stinking excited hello Doug in Pennsylvania I
want him to just do it let’s get across the Finish Line oh did you guys see the uh the the meme that Trump put out on Chris Christie where they figured out what the drones were hilarious D said nater said the 28th wouldn’t surprise me I’m reading through these trying to keep up with them ban assault [Laughter] lighters oh that is too funny oh oh that is just that something uh yeah 72z Sal delivering McDonald’s it was drones delivering McDonald’s and Chris Christie they’re just stuffing his face it was
funny now I’m reading these These are fun Lord tab let’s hope it happens before then I like it though who controls the auctions in Iraq the CBI does the CBI runs them Central Bank of Iraq think of them as their treasury because that’s what they are their treasury yeah Biden partnering child killers and commuting death sentences he’s saying that we need to end death sentences and the US government the federal government level we should have it it’s too barbaric we should never have them again I have to disagree with them I
know it’s tough but I think you have to have that that punishment there to keep people on the straight and narrow not everybody has a moral grounding so since they’re not going to do the right thing because it’s the right thing you want them to do the right thing because they’re afraid of the punishment it’d be better if it wasn’t that they were afraid of the punishment they didn’t want to do the bad thing they wanted to do the right thing at all times but unfortunately some people don’t work that way it’s the
fear of punishment that keeps him on the straight and narrow not some moral sense of right and wrong but some sense of fear that they don’t want to be punished therefore we need it yeah I’m see bowler death penalty is the greatest deterrent to crimes it is right wrong and different yeah how can an incoherent have you seen some of the stories coming out I mean even New York Times has started running stories um The Dominoes are falling fast over the Biden mental health cover up how they’ve been covering this up for
some times I mean Washington Post New York Times Wall Street journal they’re all starting to run stories how uh the left and the Machinery has been propping him up and covering when he has not been capable of running a c well he wasn’t capable even in his best days running a country but I’m reading these according to the late Dr Walter Williams the murder rate went up when the death penalty was abolished I believe it th 37 thank you Terry for putting that one in there uh that’s what I was searching for um see if we had auctions
going today and there it is Biden commutes the sentences of 37 death row prisoners yeah reading all right what do you guys want to talk about this morning I don’t think we have Stacy today I think she’s off this week ah yep she just told me that means it’ll leave me time to go finish I need to pick up some horse radish and some other things for my Christmas dinner Biden presidency is declared illegal all the judges sees place just Joan I would think so yes they would have to Noe CJ Mama Bear we never did get to
find out why Biden and Harris went back to DC instead of off to their vacations I am ready Virginia to the New Deal we are just what seven we’ll give us s eight yep 28 days away from uh presidential inauguration horse radish is great with prime rib all right who agrees uh yes we have grouper also known here as matal it’s not very sought-after here either it’s usually cheaper than Mahi way better but usually cheaper sometimes as much as half but I’m making prime rib my world famous mashed potatoes
aou um let’s see what am I missing uh did I say grilled asparagus save all year treat yourself one day boy am I looking forward to it see Hollywood Terry knows you got to have horseradish with prime rib Amos I’m with you I love the horseradish Lily Pat what time you serving H like four or five on Christmas day that’s my plan uh ply I don’t like my with the sour cream more like the creamy horseradish I like playing like prepared horseradish just Boop uh Rob yes on occasion got a buddy of mine down here um Christian
Amadore uh he is a local fisherman he used to play minor league baseball in the Carolinas um so yeah boy I tell you he’s gets awfully excited when I make barbecue but he is a local fisherman occasionally he’ll bring a wahoo yeah horseradish clears a sign and say Surfer I don’t know the name of the one it comes from a bght in town called Stokesdale is my favorite um but you got to settle for whatever you can find here which is Slim on the island I could see horseradish and beef stew had prime rib yesterday at son’s
Christmas dinner was yummy Karen oh oh yeah I’m jealous ribeye for me and ground chuck for my dogs Craig they’re going to be happy dogs H I know horse rat sister a sledge it does sound good I am planning on doing a podcast this evening guys my daughter Cassie’s birthday is the 27th my husband Tad the 28th my son-in-law Max is 29th oh 31 wow you got a busy next weekend don’t you we’re beginning in next week Doris yeah rain man that’s the truth Horus radish is something people either love or hate
I love it I love it like for me the best cocktail sauce is just horseradish and ketchup nothing else just mix those two things don’t overthink it makes the best cocktail sauce on the planet and then horse radish along with the aou on that prime rib how is their street rate if we are correct with the oil for dinar somebody asked that question here I don’t know if I can still find it um we have been told that we’d be offered a premium because they’ll be able to turn in ardar overtime for cheap oil so they would pay
us or could possibly pay us a bonus level George horse radishing oh George I’m about to make you the biggest believer in history that is all you need if you need to have a little more kick you add a little more horseradish if it’s a little too uh much kick for somebody add a little more ketchup two ingredients don’t overthink it everybody out there trying to throw celery salt and wish to shear and all kinds of lemon and stuff in it nah doesn’t help keep it simple keep it simple oh Aussie mom said we rotisseria
whole rib roast in the outdoor grill oh that sounds good Pisa we can work this out I’ll take your horse ratus you take my green beans kind of like this deal Claire you just got to present it to him the right way with prime ribbon aou and then he’ll like horse radish wife likes horse radish with mayo a lot of people do they call it yum yum sauce in a lot of Japanese restaurants it’s pretty much just mayonnaise sugar and a little bit of horseradish nasty yeah Mitsy I’m with you I don’t think he can pardon anybody but he’s
still trying jalapeno ketchup and horseradish that’s going to kick somebody puts horseradish on their salmon paty Arby’s roast beef with horse with the Horsey Sauce I Arby’s is the best fast food out there in my book if you’re going to eat fast food all right Secret Squirrel I’m going to need you to send and horseradish best horse radish is made by Amish in my hometown in Ivor County New York yeah I’m going to need to try some of that horse radish popy I want to learn how to do that popi said dad used to grind our own
horseradish could not be in the house I want to learn how to do that one let’s see KLA says we’re smoking a prime rib double baked potatoes roasted parmesan asparagus mac and cheese uh horseradish course homemade sweet rolls blueberry cheesecake tiu and Greek cookies I think everybody is now headed to your house they’re all headed to the Chicago area yeah I like that when Arby’s got the meats yeah a lot of folks are claiming this lady from Texas went serus Rhino either way she’s been living in a like
permanently living in a memory SL assisted living for six months she’s still on the payroll people are still pulling a trigger for her voting I would assume maybe they just pretend she’s voting her office calls and says hey she wants to vote this way I mean how’s that working somebody’s got some somebody needs to give up some answers somebody’s got some splaining to do hey Lucy you got some splaining to do Seth I might like green beans but put horseradish on it yeah ly oh I’m still I’m just blown
away lady’s been living in a memory care unit for six months not moving home she has moved out she is mentally not there and she is still on the payroll and somebody’s not doing the job the office is just chugging along as if nothing changed I bet they probably would have run a free election wonder if she just ran for reelection and she was wait didn’t she have to just won a reelection from the people in Texas meanwhile she’s been I blown away yeah cheeseburger and Paradise I need job Amen brother let’s see if we
can both get one of those gigs I see I’m with Panos does not like green beans he said y Panos I agree with you brother not interested in the green beans sounds like McConnell trick to me yeah pretty much uh PTA says she’s my rep a new one incoming PTA thank you for sounding off on that one so she did not run for reelection or she got defeated because she wasn’t there running one of the two yeah Beach lover on with you term limits all right guys let’s call this one a wrap we’ll be back tonight we
don’t have Stacy today so we can end a few minutes early uh looking forward to this evening we got a lot of birthdays Miss Kathy Miss Rossy Deborah Bill James’s daughter mocha big um Fruit Ninja Ms mom Victoria Josiah Jennifer and Becky Alexander lyanna Kenny Carol DJ Sue Jackie Karen Gavin Chad Josephine Dry Creek man we got a bunch and I’m certain I’m missing some of them so many so they tell me it’s your birthday well happy birthday darling may you live may you love may all your dreams come true happy birthday happy
birthday happy birthday to you happy birthday to all those celebrating jry I did try a fried green bean it wasn’t too bad it was fried with like uh Panko and Parmesan it was interesting yeah I just Shan I would love to get rid of lame deck lame duck sessions because used to a lame duck session would get used to push forward things that you thought were controversial that needed to happen in other words it was your last good chance because you weren’t worried about the push back now the lame duck session has become similar
but so that you can give away any dollars so that you can pass very corrupt ones you don’t have to worry about being uh reelected because it’s already over and people will forget so the lame duck session used to be used positively now it is used very negatively so yeah I’m all about ending the lame duck sessions Rossy you’re welcome enjoy that birthday all right guys I’m out of here I’ll see you this evening at 7 pm Eastern mods thank you thank you very much hopefully we will learn something more from the bond side today bye guys