MarkZ (Uncut) 12-21-2024
hello h Hello Colleen Deo B Bill hello qall and Sharon and Michael hello Amanda hello Chad he see MJC the Chicago crew hello Alma hello Agape Tahoe hello wo bottle maker David hello Gypsy hello kenon North Carolina hello Chris Grant my Tian trying to throw guys who knows what it’s gonna pop up it’s that uh it’s at time of year where my clock stuff is completely whacked hello hello Michael Savvy CT well multiple Michaels in here hello moose and Ronnie K hello yeah wrong color right I mean it is Christmasy but and I’m all about some
Christmas about the only fresh stuff we’ve got and we’ll get into it are a couple of uh check-ins that uh they have expectations for find some penalties which of course would be cmkx Prosperity Packages Etc um possibly as early as Sunday but sometime throughout the week is the plan that they were telling me this morning that sounds great yeah we should check with Zar Savvy that would be funny we need one a sunny crisp 35 in the pedmont Hello Kitty boy Krypto P Petty probably time to get Matt and
Lucas in here they’re supposed to be with us to start with but uh we do have oh wait a minute we’re not going to go there we’re going to go to the where were those ah Central Bank of Iraq over1 billion last weekend auctions actually about a billion and a half one billion 44465 something like that in the way of auction sold so they are still cleaning dinar off the streets it’ll make it awfully exciting hello Mr Tuk yeah I’m wishing all of you guys a wonderful Christmas holiday I know it’s tough we don’t have money yet
I’m still hopeful still very hopeful Rob J 21 Celsius degrees in Michigan today’s the shortest day of the year here in the northern hemisphere well I mean as far as daylight goes it’s only uphill from here I noticed it this morning I had a tough time getting getting out of bed it’s like the body just knows the solsis is close it was still dark at 6:30 in the morning which is unusual hello Joseph Johnson in Puerto Rico volunteer to exchange in Iraq pet petty I’m with you I’ll go if if they’ve got a higher value I’ll
go trying to keep up with some of these we discernment necessary yeah K staff discernment is very necessary right now because of the stories and a handful of people Banks uh stepping out a limb possibly some exchanging for one or two people it is it’s got to stay awfully grounded Doug pointing out militia man and N are excited they should be excited and of course we uh had the expected troll article pop out where hey is this ever going to happen fresh article it’s every time it seems close one of those pops up
just to shake you get you to sell it uh they’re working this weekend I don’t know what to uh tell you other than that Mary don’t know what they’re doing if they’re exchanging or just closing out wealth management for the year all right we’ve got the big Matt J hello Matt good morning Mark how you doing I’m great how are you good good hey can I add a little Intel yeah we would love a little Intel okay and this is just this is because some people they they look at things I I look at things different than other people I mean I
look at all the same stuff but you know when you go to a bank you always go to you know I’m just going to tell you a few facts all right there was four seats for the waiting area and there was never the only time I had to sit in that spot and I actually told the kid to move but there was a mom and like four kids you know and I said yeah can you move over and sit with your brother and sister on those two chairs they were like 5 years old or six and I they said yeah yeah so they had four chairs now they beefed up
their uh waiting area and there was never ever ever a wait it’s not that busy but they beefed it up to 24 chairs now and then they put these big screens on the wall for education education especially for older people and I’m because they’re telling me this you know and I go oh great great I says ‘what are you expecting a big influx of people and they go well no and I said what the hell he put so many chairs in for you know well anyways and they’re not just like lined up like a movie theater it’s just
the I’m just saying the waiting area just got like six times bigger okay and then they made more booths in the uh area they doubled them where the where you sit with a banker you know and they were never full you could always just walk in there walk to the teller go sit down and they call you in within a couple minutes but you see you just got to be observant what they do and uh the glass on the uh the booth was only like uh I would say 4 feet high you know just 2 feet above the Des now now the glass
goes up uh almost 8 n ft high and they’re so they’re like soundproof to other people around him and I was looking at the glass it’s a lot thicker it was just before it was just like thin like almost like a window with black you sure it’s not to lock you in like a zoo no no and then and then they beefed up inside which there’s never ever been anybody maybe you know one person every I don’t know 10 minutes going to their money machine by the tellers now they got two real fancy ones to the side I’m
just saying they beat the place up and there was no need to do it because there’s no customers there you know hey what what’s the what’s the bank is it like uh peoples of Wells Fargo uh yeah it was Wells Fargo yeah ah okay yeah so now Place they’ve got uh they’ve got one they’ve got five ATMs or no they went from uh oh they went from two to three now they got five and there they probably went from five employees down to two employ employes no the employees no they like in other words how many employees now in
other words they just replace them with uh equipment machines no no that no not at all there was a wow there was always two people that were working between the teller and the drive-in area you know and this isn’t a big suburb it just people aren’t banking as much anymore but now in that area they had like yesterday when I was walked breezed right in oh and then the Workman they got this all done in this place from uh Tuesday until well when I was there right at 5: when they were closed and they were still working which was I
thought was unusual for guys I never seen any construction guys working on a Friday at 5:00 not not where I live because Friday at 2 o’ do you know where they all go Mark they’re all gone man they cut the day short you know unless they’re finishing up a house or something but this was was a commercial deal but yeah they started that on Tuesday and they were done they were look like they’re almost done yesterday or they were still working 5:00 but anyways and the uh people working that at least is tripled in the
teller area there’s people standing around joking around that’s the truth I’m just telling you the truth I’m not trying to get anybody excited just telling the truth no that’s uh I see those changes and I do get excited yeah and they they beefed up the uh area where you sit with a banker that that went up double the amount of uh deaths they have and everything and you know what I can even ask a guy there I get along with them pretty good but they ain’t going to tell me nothing you know but I thought it was weird that they
said oh we’re going to start having educational videos that you can just watch while you’re in the waiting area and the waiting like I said it went from four crummy chairs to like 24 now and I’m just like oh okay whatever yeah I’m going to come here and sit around and go to class know so but anyway that’s it Barb Minnesota that’s my bank story for you guys yeah how we like it yeah yeah it was good so and uh you know hey so no I’m happy I’m H really really happy for this time of year this my favorite time
of year for sure I love it well speaking of being festive we have Lucas in the house Festivus good morning hello festiv us I like that name I don’t know why but I do all right good morning Lucas good morning well wait was that a uh a brief uh delay there while you took a sip of uh tasty coffee it is it is I mean it’s 7:55 and I’m on my second cup so it’s been a good day I hear of course it’s 10:55 and I’m on my second cup but oh jeez yeah I forgot it’s almost 11 o’clock there exactly four minutes to 11
it’s crazy yeah just like with the time change it has me drinking coffee later so you know now I bounce back and forth between either mushroom or Freedom Forge or whatever it’s a it gives me more time to drink more kinds of coffee and enjoy them yeah I uh I like to bounce back and forth um and I’m not someone some people are like oh yeah have my two cups in the morning and I’m done yeah right two cups is just starting starting the cycle baby amateurs they’ll they’ll grow up one day yeah they’ll grow up one
day they’ll need something to wake them up Biz said it was minus three degrees on the way to breakfast this morning come up for a visit I’ll buy you breakfast wa can they get a stove even hot enough when it’s only minus three degrees oh my goast is that is that Minnesota today I didn’t look at the temperature wow oh we’re gonna be 60 we’re gonna be like 60s the weekend this weekend so I I don’t even know what it ain’t here yeah flipper uh called us out said I’m on cup number three how about you
Matt have you had coffee yet this morning um I’m on number two of a 12 oer for sure 100% and that was uh yeah yeah for sure I I’ll you know throughout the day I want to kind of stay aware of my situation I’ll probably have about six I mean gez what do you I mean being aware it’s just coffee I mean unless you’re dumping like a half a bottle of the water soluble in there you should be okay that’s not a bad idea I you know trust I I’m not gonna say that I haven’t done it before yeah it’s uh no it’s you know
what oh man you know what hey no I I don’t even want to mention it I was just saying I was I was MCH on some two and a halfs last night and it was uh it was great you know because they don’t they’re not as powerful as those five so after you take one you know and you go couple hours later I think I’ll have another one so those are 2 and a half milligram THC gummies by the way I’m talking about but uh Hey and for you guys who are waiting for the 125s I promise you if I would have been more organized this
morning I would have put those up on the site but I called Scotty too late he didn’t answer so I’m going to put those up at some point if you do want those in that bigger bag just uh or not bag it’s a jars yeah Lucas yeah we uh we got some uh in uh yesterday so I got to uh we’ll put those on the site everything will be fine nice yeah yeah I just and that wasn’t a promo for that although it did work I think you know but I you know what I could have went overboard on those last night I really could have and I didn’t thank God you
know so I mean I just I don’t it would affected me today if I take too much Delta 9 before bed then it it it it affects me in the morning if I take a little bit no problem you know but uh and go ahead no I was just saying yeah a lot of people uh the groggy the next morning if they do too much the night before um you ready to talk about getting into the site or start answering this Jerry’s really interested in best recommendations uh for prostate cancer okay why don’t you give him a recommendation Lucas and then I’ll get
in the site after that or should we do it the other way no we can do we can we can do that way um hey guys like one thing especially on this like we always have to preface it and let you know like and and honestly I was talking to Mark kind of off the Record the other day it’s really good practice um to make sure that you get with a good especially if you’re going through uh with cancer to get with a great oncologist that can work with you because willing to think outside of the box yeah well and the and
the the thing I was telling Mark is is it’s not necessarily about taking like what you take but it’s more about the dosage is even more important and having an oncologist or a doctor a family physician that can work with you on like how much you should take your because they’re also going to have to do a lot of blood work um if anyone you know has been through and knows like cancer treatment and tumors like you are on blood work you know regimen pretty pretty highly so you have to work with them um to make sure you know that
you’re label that you’re uh levels are stabilized um or at least stabilizing so uh that’s the first thing secondly two things that we looked at uh that you need to bring to your oncologist that would be a great asset one reishi and turkey mushroom those two phenomenal research on those two yeah I mean some amazing research on well cancer in general uh on turkey tail and then Rishi seems to be very much geared for prostate almost had some really cool uh studies on that recently yes so those two and then as
well as uh the Miracle Gold and Mo and and even just because of the high CBG concentration CBG has been known and used by uh doctors for um those specific like cancers as well in in medical research so take those two products um or I guess three uh to your oncologist but that that would be a great place to start a great place to start um we’re gonna get one more question in for Bill he’s getting ready to fly to Idaho wants to know if he can take his gummies with him yeah legal yeah the the thing is though
you know because their food they may not let you take that like a ton of them because they have like limitations on like you know uh for your carryon so you might have to take them under I mean now granted they may stop you like they did me because I had uh you know 50 pound literally like 49.8 pounds of gummies in my you know to take for a show and they’re like I thought you meant to mats no no no no and I was and they’re like are these T they’re like are these THC gummies I was like well they’re they’re CBD gummies
but yes they do contain uh THC see and they’re like this is this is a lot this is 50 lbs of gummies and I was like and you know I explain it to them and they’re like uhhuh sure but I mean they they they didn’t bother me too bad no worries here uh cheich yeah exactly yeah the TSA guys they don’t as long as you’re uh you’re under their restrictions for liquids and whatever they are you know for sizewise they don’t care about that stuff at all they’re not looking for the I mean I’m just saying the hemp products
you know now if you’re coming in from Jamaica or something you got to go through customs that’s a different story don’t ever ever take anything into the US from another country that’s illegal because they will catch you and and when they do not worth finding out what’s that no not worth finding out what happens you know you know it was really a sad deal when uh when you’d be picking up people at the airport which I did oh my god let’s go at least 15 to 20,000 times and they’re with a group of people coming back from out of the
country and uh they would all of a sudden hey we’re so and so you know they’re waiting in the car I said well you know you’re just parked out front I said let me go check you know then I’d walk in I’d take a look over there and I’d see then I’d go back out to the car I’d say let’s go they go why I said well looks like they’re resting so and so and uh you ain’t going to see him for a while anyway you know so don’t ever take anything illegally no uh Chrome just said recovering from sepsis anything I can
take I immediately just thought Miracle goal would be the ticket antimicrobial antibacterial Y and and if there’s the sepsis create sores too right you guys uh blood infection basically if I understand sepsis correctly but but it can lead to sores on your legs and stuff can it or I don’t know well anyways rub some of that Miracle Gold on your sores your Burns you know do all kinds of stuff and it’ll heal especially toe fungus man my buddy had toad fungus I put that Miracle Gold on there good Lord it was gone did you like
uh you know I can picture you kind of like you know down to nail salon yeah cleaning up the feet and everything and putting the drops on is this how this worked when you put these drops on on this friend St yeah yeah and I didn’t I didn’t mind it cuz you know I just he was in bad shape you know and he’s we’re watching football so I I rubbed it on his toes you know I mean you know it was just a you know doing it you know what I mean no big deal you know it’s not like it’s h it’s one of those things you know
he couldn’t even bend down and do it he was so goofed up you know yeah Lucas you want to comment on this are you just going to let me uh I you know what I I thought about chiming in but I I’m kind of checking out on this one uh I mean unless unless Mark you would like to rub some cream on my feet well no I was gonna I was gonna see if maybe we could get Matt to rub our feet hey you know what oh no no negative Ghost rer have you seen those hands of his yeah no see you know I met you in person mant
I’ve never seen in person no well you know what you will though pretty soon Mark I I guarantee you that this is uh let’s see in the next three months for sure ohin pu Rico so you did see those those big old hands shove some gummies into his face I did see that that was pretty awesome that was pretty hilarious hey let’s get back to the feet deal though I’m used to rubbing feet and everything you know for almost eight years you know here’s a deal I’d be you’d be just sitting in your house you know and all of a sudden some random
person would come over you’re watching TV with your parents or whatever other people in the family oh yeah yeah June can I can you will you give me a foot massage yeah come on in come on in all of a sudden just a not a stranger somebody new all of a sudden they take the you know shoes and socks off and they put their feet up and then my mom’s massaged them for like a half hour and you know so I’m used to the feet deal you know so anyway I used she used to massage my my feet all the time that was her deal man you know so the foot
massage hey you know what you want to make somebody feel good massage their feet you know put some oils on them the Miracle Gold if you have toe fungus and you’re listening out there and I’m I’m serious about this if you don’t put Miracle Gold on your toe fungus and you’re listening to this and you got a problem with it it you’re out of your mind I I swear to God you know so anybody would we never can get a tongus question unless you’re exactly a new person I don’t mean to get hyped up about it but you know he was he goes God
I’ve had this topus forever it was gone in 5 days and it’s like oh okay way to go Einstein so put start putting it on there I’ve been telling you for a month John that my buddy John you know and he goes I says you know you can have your people that live here do it with you too he lives in a house you know with other people because it’s hard getting around you know have them put it on there too have that nurse put it on otherwise I won’t give any free coffee anymore you know come on John I’m just kidding
around hey so let’s do the specials and you know yeah let’s do it and poly colly yes Miracle Gold is amazing for foot fungus and toenail fungus all right let’s get over here I mean I you know what and either one of you guys when we’re together I’ll rub some of that stuff on your toes it ain’t no big deal no Christ it ain’t a sexual thing good Lord Lucas anyways okay let’s get to the specials okay the super specials so when you go on the site you go to the CBD gurus do yeah CBD yeah somebody call
now Scott’s calling me finally got up here Scott’s a late night or on Friday take it and I’ll uh start on this while you uh get them to get it up on the site yeah go ahead I’ll yeah give me a second I’ll be right back all right all right folks you go to the CBD uh couple little things pop up look for the wholesale button Mark Z wholesale click it now that’s all you need to know to get the best deals uh they’ve got the buttons If you have uh specific products uh maybe some that aren’t on an extra
special sale still great prices uh $25 in order you get a 10 million boulevar at 75 they include an extra 20 million and $125 order they include a 20 million and a free lotion 2000 which is a $30 value at 175 uh of course not including discounts and postages you receive 50 million bevar and a free lotion a $30 value if you need help place in an order you can text get a call back I think it’s uh Wendy at the phones on uh Friday and Saturday 612 412 8343 otherwise you might end up getting to talk to Matt or some other Charming
person um all right you you want to chime in uh Lucas or do I just keep going no I I think it’s about time for me to chime in okay um you’re like okay okay hey well you know what we had a question and this may actually we we actually had a question and I think it was a good um kind of starter this morning and uh if you don’t care I’m just gonna run through it and the question was you you know it’s crazy because we’ve been talking about it for so long it’s you know and then new people join the show and they’re like we
don’t even understand so they this person did enough research and be like okay CBD THC CBG all these cannaboids they interact with my endoc canabo system but they’re like how does it interact how does it even affect my endoc canabo system and I was like you know what that’s a that’s a super solid question that I feel like we don’t really talk about so we’re gonna kind of go through that for like 10 minutes maybe not let’s do five minutes how about we get how about four and a half all right I’ll take four and a half and and if
Matt talks during my four and a half minutes kick him off the show I’m not gonna word so I mean Mark like I mean it’s good to review anyway but so okay so guys the endocannabinoid system like it affects a few things but mostly your receptors and your enzymes in your actual body and and it’s it’s a tad complex but m gave me four and a half minutes so we’re just going to have to go through that but the biggest thing like that these these set like you kind of call it your the endocrine avonoid system is
like the cell signaling system that kind of affects the various aspects of your body I mean it could do inflammation pain even your appetite your immune response uh for your te- helper cells all of that so like but first off like you have mainly two receptors you have your your your first receptors your second receptors they have professional names we’re going to skip that uh but your first receptors affect your brain and your central nervous system all right and then like they affect you know say your memory your appetite pain
reception motor function all that your second receptors um is mostly found in your immune system so they they play a role with your immune response obviously and your in the inflammation as well so one you can obviously being that it’s your brain you like THC for instance really uh hit your CB1 receptors so it it hits that you know obviously because the high effect and and all of that but also your inflammation um but it does that through your second receptors this is why taking pure CBD alone and why we don’t do like
pure CBD is because you have to take so much more because your CBD receptor or CBD doesn’t really affect or has a very minimal effect on um your your CBD or your two receptors unless you take the THC so THC works as a binder it affects your first receptors really strong but then it doesn’t um really affect your two receptors unless CBD is present and therefore kind of helps bond this the CBD to your number two receptor okay uh I have like 90 seconds left all right I’m I’m just GNA roll through this guys
I’m sorry Matt Matt Matt Matt’s uh gets on no but I really minutes it’s it’s awesome how this stuff works um and so like what they the major thing is and how it affects your receptors because it helps with and how it bonds to especially your second receptors which I really like is because of the inflammation in the pain receptor the pain reception so this is where they have found that this is why even the the pharmaceutical companies now use and have for what Mark three years they use a CBD which for um
epilepsy and so they actually have their own drug that is pure CBD that they use for epilepsy that bonds to the second receptors because they have found that by hitting the second receptors and being able to get in tap into uh the anti-inflammation and uh the anti- pain and all of this that they’re able to help people’s really your homeostasis of your entire body you know get back to normal and be able to get rid of that inflammation um that really kind of triggers a lot of these problem s that
we have on a daily you know day-to-day basis that’s all I’m going to do for today because I want to go down another rabbit hole but it’s gonna it’s gonna be too uh too long so I I’m looking forward to the rabbit hole I don’t know anybody anybody else is before I forget guys the passcode is k r m CBD I forgot that one I’m not as capable at this well I shouldn’t say that I’m not as practiced as Matt is on this part hey yeah if you guys have any questions uh or need any help there uh just give the number a call did you go
over that Mark yes we went over that part told them they would probably get a Wendy Z on the phone if they did today for uh questions uh if not uh first of the week they’d probably get your yeah what are your holiday hours um we you you mean answering the phone answering the phone and your shipping department just in case somebody orders they live in Minnesota they might actually still get it before Christmas but it’s they the guys are actually working uh today wow yeah and let me see is it tomorrow I’m just trying are they gonna
work Monday and then Christmas Eve is Tuesday and Christmas is Wednesday so I assume they’re off one or both Tuesday Wednesday are they’re probably taking off Tuesday and Wednesday aren’t they Matt I mean they’re not shipping anything out anyway well no but you know the the guys that work with me they’ll come in and work um you know like on Tuesday they’ll probably come in and work in the morning and then Sunday they’ll actually probably work a little while because I think the Vikings if they’re away
especially then they watch the game while they’re working but I don’t even know if the Vikings are playing see I don’t even pay attention to football that muchmore yeah it’s all whacked uh this weekend even my Steelers are playing today I believe hey hey Mark the Steelers they’re gonna I think they’re going to be in the Super Bowl with the Vikings boy I tell you I’d be okay with that one i’ probably think there’s probably a better chance and it’s going to be uh the lions in there but who knows no I’m just kidding you I you’re
right I if the lions are healthy man you can’t bet against that quarterback he’s Dynamite he is something else right now yeah but uh yeah let’s see so uh you went over all the specials all set there everybody yeah I haven’t gone over the specials but uh nemo1 Adams wants to know where full spectrum and sleep support the only capsules available uh full spectrum and sleep no no no we’ve got for capsules you go up to that blue button on top you guys and you hit that it’s uh then you’ll get in the Caps capsules
tablets and softs click that button and you’ll see uh all the different choices yeah we’ve got U the Lions made in there we got the turkey tail we got the isolate you know question came up yesterday about the isolate and I said no the isolate is good stuff at uh what was that question it was kind of important but anyways I got them on the isolate we got sleep capsules the immunity the immunity is dynamite uh you know we don’t go in too in depth about that but I did put something in the uh in another area in a chat thing because
I don’t think I can talk like I stck in there but uh man I use that for everything and I’m telling you I’m going on 36 months yeah sure I’ve had ner nerve damage that kind of stuff and bad knee but you know that’s got nothing to do with the I don’t I haven’t been sick you know that’s pretty good for an old guy you know anyway and I’m just telling you that immunity is dynamite any I feel anything I take four if I still feel it in six hours I take another four you know I don’t take four all the time
every day you know I might take uh on average over a two-day period if I’m not feeling nothing I’ll probably take three immunities total on average you know because I take so many other things you know I’ve got access to everything but uh you know the one I’m looking at the capsules there the one that uh I think is dynamite and a lot of people um take is the neut Tropic the brain neut Tropic that thing is dynamite man I got I you know what I got to take some of that the next few days my brain seems kind of
sluggish I don’t know why what the hell happened to me you know but maybe I’m on the verge of going over the edge like an old person but I told you guys I’m gonna blame the gummies last night I told you guys you got to be tough to the old people quit codling them we go you gotta get tough with me you know so yeah put me on my uh you know on my heels you know so and uh it’s so funny I got one girl that comes in she’s uh 75 she does work for us you know and uh I was talking like that yesterday about you
know but I kind of lump my my age into her category you know so I don’t pick on her but I says you know what you can’t coddle us old guys anymore you know and I think she wants to be coddled a little but I said nope we’re not going to coddle you anymore Kathy we’re gonna get tough with you you know so then she she put her coat on and left no I’m just kidding that’s what happened out here see I I I I once had a very wise person give me you know some wonderful advice um you know in other words tough
and upet if you’re gonna be stupid You Better Be Tough oh thanks I know that’s a shot but you know what Lucas you should have laughed at that so I got tough oh no I thought you pick it on me again Mark but that’s all right L see there you go I could well I think it was more of like just the fact that we H I mean honestly we really haven’t picked on Matt today which I don’t you know maybe we’re just we’re in the Christmas spirit yeah right just you we’re awfully giving it was the night before Christmas and all through
the house you could hear Matt chewing on gummies you know what I promise you starting next Saturday I’m G to have a guy come come on here and he can I’m going to have him rap for you he’s so good whatever you mention like you just said something Mark he would have went on with that for about five six WS you know he’s so good he’s unbelievable you guys will like you can you find someone that just turns what we say into like a country song absolutely you know what that’s what we’ll do we’ll have Paul on every
Saturday and he can just you name the subject Mark and he’ll come up with a song right there on show you guys are going to love them it’s going to be like that Rascal flat song though if we do country uh Lucas uh what happens when you play a Country Song Backwards you get your car back get your truck back get your dog back get your wife back super positive super posi it’s an optimistic turn yeah very you know what well you we’re just in the last three minutes I couldn’t get off the capsule area I just kept looking
at it I was mesmerized if you guys you know what here’s your here’s your assignment for Christmas when you’re just sitting there relaxing after to eat too much food and you’re just going oh what can I do to relax a minute after being with all the relatives get into the CBD Guru site and every button on top there you just hit that thing and study all our products that you you forgot we still have we’ve got so many up there they’re just do you find products in there and go oh yeah I forgot we had that the specialy products
I’ll I’ll never and you know what I’m going to say something about it to day and we’re going to get an onslaught of sales I’m sorry but anyways I’m sorry to myself because I probably shouldn’t do it but I’m going to the specialty oils man those are unbelievable with those tping in there you know and we don’t we don’t what’s that and o wheels are great but before I forget I didn’t go over like uh I did like the the currency that comes with at 25 50 75 all that but I didn’t go through these okay let’s talk about the
product in okay for sure all the products yeah okay we got coffee single with the immunity save five we got the coffee we got three pounds of coffee stock up um you know for the holidays you’ll have friends over and they’ll you know what give one for a present there you you know what give them what you have now and then you’ll be replenished because I guarantee you if it can sent to you unless you’re in the next town over you ain’t getting it before Christmas so anyways this is for after Christmas we got the turkey tail an
immunity we got our uh here’s the thing people have been calling once in a while and they go Hey where’s the 30 Co gummies the regular 5 milligram our TC gummies now we got them in the 10 counts and uh it’s the same price as the other one they’re just in 10 counts that that solved the logistics deal for us so it’s uh just get three of them it’s great they could stay fresher for you and then the the Miracle Gold gummies you know I don’t talk about them that much but I’ve been on a miracle gold gummy kick lately
that’s stuff is dynamite is that just like the oil Lucas except it’s uh Miracle Gold gummies yeah I mean I mean so what we did was we took pretty much a half dropper and we put a half dropper worth because most of the time that is what the what a lot of people like to take is just a half drop or full and so we put that exact amount in a gummy so it’s kind of dosed out that’s convenient you know I noticed that right away when I take those at uh man I took in the last three days I’ve taken uh oh God probably four or five a
day each day you know and my my feet they feel a little bit less puffy it’s just like clockwork that Miracle Gold gets a puffiness in my feet down not that I’m I’m super puffy and they’re not don’t think of me like I got balloon feet you know I’m just no they it’s just you get a little bit older and you get a little bit of that but anyways it’s cool so anyways you get the uh Miracle Gold gummies with soft gel that’s a good deal you know what I’m I’m going to buy that right today is it for myself but anyways
you got the Miracle Gold gummies you got the pain cream with the immunity I’m giving the Miracle Gold gummies I just decided out for everybody for Christmas and know they will make it to me shipping because all I gota do is grab them off the shelf but anyways Lucas do I have to pay for those yes yeah okay I will I really will I I’ll pay for it no the bigger thing is if like if you want it you have to put that amount of currency into the humanitarian project that’s the biggest part yeah I like that idea oh you know what let me
get do this quick so I can say one minute about the commun caring project okay so after the pain cream and the specials look what we got right there okay we got the 125 Count 2 and5 milligram gummies they’re in okay I’ve I gotta ask you a question quick Lucas I uh I I opened one up and I was testing them yesterday you know and uh they see they seem just a little bit drier than normal I mean they’re still good they’re very effective and they taste good is it because that was on the drying deal too long or something I
don’t know you know yeah I mean did you leave your container open too long no no I just figured when you made them you dried them too long was that’s all no big deal I mean they’re still good and everything they’re just a little bit uh drier than normal that’s all no big deal man but they’re good I don’t dry I don’t dry the gummies too long you left your package open don’t try to Plame this on me Ricky Bobby you know what you guys okay the bottom line is they’re great they work perfect oh I’ll tell you what if I didn’t have any
responsibilities this weekend I probably would have went off on a tangent last night and had about 10 of them but I you know I don’t have much in the way of responsibility ities once I wrap this up today for a short for a change well why don’t you take a few of those Delta H marks do you have any yeah I’ve got some eights I’m just kidding you no hey so anyways we got the lotions in there you guys we got the uh here’s the one that I really like it’s the 60count mushroom gummies with the immunity soft gels I
think that’s a really really good deal right there that is you get 60 of the uh mushroom gummies and you also get the immunity soft gels and then you if you want the 120 count 5 milligrams we’ve got the Immunity on there we got all the miracle Golds Check It Out oh and at the end I got some Trump shirts down there if you want one um and they’re 10 bucks a piece I just got some mediums and U Smalls left and everything and that’s all the specials you guys uh I know it’s getting towards the end what was I going to say
I was going to mention something something about eat chocolate it’s a Christmas thing to do oh oh wait I I said that you didn’t say that I don’t know what the hell I was going to say something crazy but hey oh you go to the CBD go to marxy wholesale lowercase KR CBD if you have any questions you can just text them over uh if you got to talk to somebody just call the phone deal and you’re all set and uh yeah that’s the way it rolls you know and uh hey you know what I know there’s people on here’s never watched
the video go into YouTube and watch hemp versus Co okay good Lord I don’t I I swear to God see if we lived in a society that really wanted to help people they would Play that video all day long on every news station forever but they don’t they tell you how vitamin D helps with seasonal depression improves your uh you know immune system and uh function they would talk about how effective CBD and so and these things are and the nutritional and the mushrooms they they would suggest that everybody have a box garden at their
house and grow some of their own food if they cared about you yeah and guess you know here’s a flash everybody they don’t care about you they care about money you got to care about yourself but Lucas has taught me how to care for myself really he’s really a scientific guy when it comes to health you know he really is he’s helped me a lot Marx you’ve helped me a ton too listening to your mushroom deals cuz at first I was scared of mushrooms I thought it was going to fungus me up or something but right no it’s fungus you
no they’re good for you man they’re just Dynamite well Mark it’s been a real nice day talking to you and uh everybody and Lucas Now Matt yeah um and Lucas uh next Saturday is going to be the 28th I am perfectly comfortable doing a podcast but I also don’t want to speak speak for you guys if you have like family functions or stuff over that holiday weekend um no I mean I I’ll be I’ll be fine I’ll be available because I got people coming to me I mean if if they’re sitting there in the show starts I’ll put them on with
you know what that’s even better yeah you know what yeah it would be fun we want to use like Ai and some pictures from Aunt tuty to see if we can uh resurrect Spirit of Aunt tuty for one of the podcasts God that would be Dynamite resurrect all those sisters man it would be a it would be a show to remember man they you got to understand these aren’t These Girls Aren’t They you know they were very attractive in their time and all that but they they were very very tough I mean good Lord you know couple
of them actually they went with gangsters you know and but they were nice to me in fact the one guy lay he was a nightclub owner my grandma man she would shake her finger at him Larry was her boyfriend her husband had died and she said Larry don’t you ever mess with Matt and he would get scared of her you know so anyway big softy like you right just another big softy like you yeah yeah you you are you know you always got to listen to your gal or your wife because if you don’t you you’re going to be in trouble man yeah so
here’s another gummy this is number three during the show Miracle Gold hey thanks for having us on Mark Lucas will you let Mark go so we can do his show good Lord I’ll put up the stories you tell people about them oh my goodness please hey have a good weekend guys have a good Christmas yep thanks for having us on Mark and happy birthday to Barbara there yeah happy birthday to Barbara Carolyn’s daughter we got some birthdays all right um I guess see you Matt yep time for us to get to it hit it let’s see wait uh Goldie birthday
Goldie’s birthday did they ever tell you about my aunt Goldie Goldie pH you want to talk about a hoot that woman was a hoot my great aunt Goldie man uh somebody else doing the birthday today Raz gold we’ll get to the news guys don’t uh don’t worry I did give a compressed version of it this morning before Matt and Lucas started I try to do that each Saturday don’t hesitate to try to remind me folks um just like with the dates and things I need the occasional reminder uh I’m a oneman wrecking crew The Tech Guy the producer
the talent the janitor the whole thing Kaden happy birthday birthday I have a nephew kayen great kid I mean well I guess he’s not really a kid anymore he’s in college but ah Jack Armstrong’s birthday as well and the star all right let’s get to it guys let’s get to the news parliamentary Finance Tri Park type budget is not the best solution and does not replace annual budget this one I just uh I found interesting we had somebody ask a question earlier if Iraq is just going to declare bankruptcy after the new
currencies come out and wipe their old books they don’t have to they only have like 19 billion in debt they can pay theirs off boom it would be one of the few countries that does not need a bankruptcy it’ll show you the uh standing and just the power of the Iraqi economy right now for its size I mean it’s all per capita keep that in mind um but I I I find this one interesting and I think the us could take a page out of Iraq’s book the tripartite budget may be a temporary solution but it’s not the
best alternative or the final solution the annual budget is the most suitable for any government to ensure financial and executive stability what have we not had in the US an annual budget since 2007 we haven’t had a balanced one since the late 90s this to me just screams that country like Iraq realizes what we seem to be absolutely clueless on you and I get it this community gets it your elected officials seem to have a lot of problems with it uh the annual budget is the most suitable for any government to
ensure financial and executive stability I just love this because it’s showing us how Iraq is moving to such a tremendous stable position and what makes it more impressive is the chaos surrounding Iraq and they continue to forge ahead in a stable sound Common Sense M manner not perfect but my God they are kick and buck compared to the rest of the world it makes me feel really good about their uh economic reforms AKA white papers AKA project to delete zeros did non non oil revenues contribute to the Iraqi Iraq’s budget
heck yeah it did uh touch about 6% annually they are fast tracking over the next year or two they’re hoping to get to 20% is non oil uh they’re making big movements this is uh important because it supports the longterm increase rate and uh stability of the Iraqi dinar everything they said they were going to do they are accomplishing they are checking them off one after the next just grinding right through their economic reforms part of that economic reform deleting zeros raising value raising the
purchasing power of all Iraqis to quote Sudani advisor the Prime Minister the government program seeks to raise non-oil revenues to 20% this is their goal in the coming short years there a lot of Cockiness going on in the Iraqi government they think they can reach it by the end of 2025 don’t know if that’s feasible or not that is a massive change Central Bank of Iraq sales exceed $1 billion last week they clouded it as hard as they could it got tough this week to pull together the or at least for me not
as easy as usual the uh auction data but I do find this interesting uh in the past week I mean we’ve had one over two billion this one about a billion and a half US Dollars auctioned off to bring Iraqi Nar in off the streets this one big stories guys they are clearly preparing we do know they are set to end I am getting conflicting dates right now I’m getting conflict dates that the last one was yesterday I’m also getting some that are telling me that the last date will be on the 27th of December so I’ve got a little
back and forth there we will find out this week I am am still hearing from racky contacts that they do plan on completing between this weekend and the 1 I pray that is accurate stay grounded just in case uh renewal of Iraqi Japanese partnership with 11 billion in loans for Vital projects and development policy this one’s important as uh Iraq becomes very International International International currency you get where I’m going on this one good stuff uh I do have a number of rumors that we could
see the beginnings uh late tomorrow afternoon for fines penalties agative funds whatever you guys want to call them that cmkx fines penalties Prosperity packages omegas all those things I am hearing rumors they could could possibly start as early as late tomorrow afternoon early evening uh so let’s pray that we got something accurate in there a lily pad for anyone remembers Isaac he just posted again yesterday I tell you the bond people are very very very upbeat now whether or not it happens that’s going to be the question
I want to see them all running around where I can conclusively say I have friends with money uh Audrey hearing gift letter for currency okay take one if you want if it’s a large amount my banking contacts have told me over and over and over again you won’t need one but if you feel better get one um because I’m still being told they don’t matter unless you just have you know you got like two cents to your name and you somehow are walking in with uh you know 20 grand worth of foreign currencies I’m going try to pound through more of
these Gary they did they said the end of this year of 2024 they’d be done with auctions and we do know they put in the mechanisms this past Monday and expanded them on Tuesday so we know they’ll be taking a number of bricks currencies uh Japanese one uh the the one also uh said they would be taking the Jordanian real and the Saudi um currency as well International baby International International International oh God Guardian Morgans isn’t this uh the truth oh my God getting so close to the end is painful
it is absolutely painful and it seems to grind I know that it is actually speeding up and things are going faster but it feels like we are going through molasses uh as we get to the ending of this thing uh Congress passes a revised funding plan averting a government shut down the bill heads to Biden’s desks includes 110 billion in disaster Aid 30 billion in Farm Aid and extends farm bill for one year not perfect not ideal but exponentially better than the first offer that they were going to sign at
the beginning of the week this one I believe it was like 111 Pages or something like that uh got trimmed down do I have that one in here anywhere anybody sound off if you can find it because I’m looking for it 118 Pages man right there in the first sentence that threw me off 118 Pages whole lot different than the 15 100 plus Pages we got a budget worked out until March 17th I believe was the date was that accurate giving them time to jump in on January with a new Congress Alaskan governor urges Trump to reverse
restrictions on oil and gas drilling uh Governor Mike dun leevy said he is all in he’s going drill baby drill let us do what we have been wanting to do all along and I had an interesting conversation this many years ago around the year 2000 when they were fighting over anoir all the all the different um pipelines oil pipelines areas and I had a captain boat captain said that the federal government just needs to get the hell out of Alaska’s business and that’s how overwhelmingly majority of alaskans felt he had this
huge map of Alaska and its fishing grounds and he cut a small piece of fishing line about this big and he just threw it right in the middle of it and he said that is what the pipeline that they’re fighting over is to Alaska it is Tiny it is not much of an impact at all but it’s economic impact all the people of Alaska is enormous the jobs the income the support for the government the schools everything uh and we do that we know better than anybody else know or they think they know better than everybody
else let us run our own lives I just when I read that one I was like who Ray for you guys um let’s get into immigration and some of the problems with unchecked immigration at least two dead 60 injured after a car attack on German Christmas Market Saudi driver arrested guys this not just any Saudi driver this guy’s a doctor a Saudi doctor 50-year-old Saudi Doctor Who first came to Germany in 2006 plows through a market he has to go down uh at speed down a uh side street so I mean this is not something he could
have done by accident this isn’t hey my foot got stuck maybe this is a frustrated guy tired of traffic and holiday people and the wife left them and who knows right um pretty slim chance I think this is probably more of a racially motivated attack against the infidels of of the West I could be wrong we’re going to get more information on this one suspect has been arrested lone perpetrator he went plowing through most of those videos have been pulled off of the web there’s still some floating of the actual uh
Rampage driving through the crowd uh last update we have at least two dead 60 injured couple of them in critical shape hopefully won’t lose anymore this is unchecked immigration that doesn’t fit culturally with the country right wrong and different hate it all you want call anybody you want a racist whatever makes you feel better with your full sense of uh moral superiority um this is reality we don’t need the virtue signaling we need reality you bring in people of hate been there since two that let’s say that
again 2006 so normal society normal whatever I do know that there is a problem where people just don’t activate they settle in they’re like you know I’m not going to do that but we we saw the same thing with young guys in the Boston uh Marathon bombings people day-to-day life working with us going out uh functions with us seem totally acclimated and then bam we get something like this the German people have got to be upset they have got to be just fuming uh their government would tell telling them they had nothing to
worry about the people have been saying hey but we have government reports telling us we have things to worry about and then they get this uh and just to let you know how big a problem it is in Europe right now Swedish rapper gaburo gunned down as Scandinavian nation is played with gang violence gang crimes a Swedish rapper gunned down in a parking garage as they filmed it and chasing him through uh and finishing him off filming it so they post it on social media uh The Gangs yes they’re immigrant
gangs have to keep the fabric of your Society I am very Pro immigration but it needs to be controlled thoughtful common sense with a lot of checks and balances uh Mark I read that Saudi has been asking Germany to deport the culprit because he was wanted in Saudi Arabia for crimes there Germany refused to extradite if they do indeed and plan on punishing them I think they should let Saudi Arabia take them folks need to realize they can’t run when they change countries like that just like the gang leaders that ran from
El Salvador and came here to unleash violence they need to know they can’t run from the violence there either send them right back to it let the countries deal with them or we should deal with them severely I’m very for the death penalty don’t know about you guys my gut about uh notifications going out I’ve got so many people telling me that they’re going to come out late tomorrow um I don’t see it I see it somewhere between uh that and the first but I don’t know what to tell you I’m as nervous as you guys are
oh wow JW Fisher is saying the death toll is now at five with over 200 injured in Germany uh we’ll have to make sense of it it has been all over uh between social media and others the numbers have just been all over the place from less to more uh Anthony can Iraq function without an exchange rate yes just not very well they would have to continue to pay for things and hard assets like oil it’s not realistic uh did the Iraqi economy tank because the of course it did yeah that’s exactly why US declared war and basically got
their fingers and Moe their resources for years for decades Trump tweeted storms Upon Us did he actually tweet it we certainly hope so yeah that doctor definitely messed up on the hipocratico to do no harm wasn’t it a Saudi doctor on the military base years ago that uh the shooting I believe it was in either Texas or Colorado can somebody sound off on that one whose memory is a little more crisp and clear on that one wasn’t that also a Saudi doctor tto the guy in Germany is a doctor working for jailhouse system in
Germany Adam saying TS posted about about a signal being sent out this morning possibly I wonder what he means oh like The Signal app like a that’d be cool Saudi military psychologist said Doctor of psychology okay somebody yep yep yes in Texas ah I think it was Fort Hood looking forward to just hanging out with you guys now let’s see what do we yeah nothing that important let’s answer a few questions ah Fred no no no Mark TS meant he would get a signal about notifications yeah I keep hoping uh that
I get something that I can count on try not to get you guys too hyped up but man alive is it coming in thick and strong hero I think you’re doing flaming yawn Prim rib where is Miss Penny this morning she’d been all over me this morning she slept on top of me I swear half the night oh wait wait let’s close this try to find this one my now retired life for USMC Marine Corps cousins a mess after Iraq and Afghanistan he was in the front lines and ended lots of lives then to find out why trust me I’ve Got Friends
of my kids friends of mine younger friends you name it that just so scarred from that nothing tougher than holding a friend you know a six foot three four friend you know 200 0 pounds of just pure muscle Ford Observer and just hold him like cries manly guy Ford Observer urah I mean just my buddy Brad I know too many of them the demons that they deal with every day try to keep it together Cory a little bit of a poker face because I want to see if it’s true or not and if it is yeah if the rumors are true and uh I
suddenly have a stock certificate uh or a FNP for cmkx I’ll be a happy puppy I’ll be showing up back in the States this coming week instead of my uh plan don’t forget to have zester do a video of the Christmas festivities in your area for Happy Hound I’m glad you did that if nothing else I will try to do that myself this evening if I can get somebody to do the whole load and unload the chair thing or if it’s not too loud I could do a live from my cell phone and walk around for Hood Texas Tas sash I don’t know on the med beds
for pets I’ve heard that there is but it’s a rumor like anything else Chad you’re G to be here Monday for your birthday EMT is telling us his wife Sue birthday uh JD no I live close to Theo camoy but the mask Festival is next week that’s going to be fun if you don’t mind it loud found out yesterday our friend son who’s an Army Ranger in Colorado has been on high alert for immediate deployment for the last 10 days he can’t be more than 20 minutes from his base hold Brigade Adam I have gotten so many uh reports
like that one um I even have a guy I another scout master uh he uh Marine Corp uh officer um they reactivated him for fujia um he’s got a very very very I mean just an awesome business in uh industrial air handling um and yeah they they put him on notice a few weeks ago that he may be called back to active one of the side gigs of being a officer and a highly capable officer yeah I’ve had so many military people tell me that they are either on standby on notice or have been notified that they need
to um put in a prepared pack for their family in other words stock their family up whatever they may they may have to tie up any Loose Ends they may have to deploy for an un unknown amount of time so they need to have things ready packed squared away family taken care of interesting monkey uh from Monkey Works had a lot of air trafficking Fighters This Week over the US uh Sasha you go right ahead the bill I assume you’re talking about the bill they were showing yesterday on that picture was the 50k toar
note Ramon’s in Pon Ramon I’m about do for a Pon visit maybe go down and eat at the Hard Rock Cafe or something that is one area that I’ve not spent enough time in I want to spend more time in learn the area Ramone all right let’s uh sing Happy Birthday and get out of here oh yeah I do look forward they put up the ice skating rink is up so hopefully I can get some pictures in uh Cy in the town center of the uh ice skating rink for you guys it’s really pretty cool same time poly colly cmkx goes at the
same time that is uh how it’s been explained to me uh Jamie I think people are saying there’s no emails or 800 because there’s no one specific no one magical email that goes out to the whole world or one 800 number that magically Works around the world that’s all I can come up with you’re going to have so many email emails so many options so many web links so many phone numbers and I am told that they have the same rate hockey whiz I’ll take a picture for you Hall yeah they put them up uh I mean
there is an ice skating or you can like bamon or somewhere uh but uh it’s an outdoor one that they turn on Just for these things it’s really cool they comes in they they lay down the thing it’s got like gly Co cooling through it and freezes in like an hour or two they Crank It Up and boom really cool how you birthday people uh we got Carolyn’s daughter Barbara Goldie rasg gold Caden Jack Sue anybody else sound off certain I’m gonna miss some so they tell me it’s your birthday so happy birthday darling may
you live may you love may all your dreams come true happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday to you to all those celebrating Corey most people aren’t even going to remember that 33 crash they uh blame it all on 29 the market actually in 29 did a little correction skewed for a while and then crashed biz say wait that was your first CBD the CBD podcasts are fun on Saturdays to me they’re more fun I mean the news it’s important we need to get through it absolutely it’s the reason we’re we’re we’re here but I enjoy the
break and the time with the fellas um ero no fun updates on Venezuela uh qball of course the rec center in CU Boulder Colorado has a nice rink along with z I want a zambon can I I just want to like ride around on it course can you get me up there uh Paulie yeah if something pops up I will be here I will come screaming back you never ever ever ever have to worry about that one all right let’s call her a rrap yeah that I’m with you flying squirrel they’re hilarious all right folks I will see you all Monday morning unless we get a
delivery and a reason to be back tomorrow Jenny Hayes penny is two actually she’s going to be three next month I think holy crap when did that happen wow you just got me really thinking all right guys I will see you on Monday morning unless we get a break take care have an awesome weekend don’t email me if you need help or want to donate MZ tie eyes Gmail .c uh reach out to miss KLA uh mods everybody else have a wonderful rest of the weekend as well as you can and I will see you then.