MarkZ (Uncut) 02-18-2025
Coffee with MarkZ. 02/18/2025
Good morning all. Hello Daniel, Muddy, B-Rob, Whip, and all you folks. Uh, Shiny’s birthday today, one of our moderator’s birthdays.
Happy birthday, Ms. Shiny. Here we go, Jaleve. Over there, hello Elvis, hello Tony, hello Jason, hello Bad Street.
Trump called for an audit of Congress that will cause some upset. But hey, they’ve audited him over and over and over. They’ve even leaked his taxes to the world.
Audit Congress. I’m with them. Hello, Ms. Little, Mr. Happy, hello Jay, hello Midwest, hello Sissy and Greg in Utah.
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Rumbleicious. Booger, we’re coming for you tomorrow, big guy. Samson on Militiaman said, good info on the Gazette.
Yeah, I heard Militiaman had a great one that dropped recently. Not had a chance to listen. Let’s see, Bill chiming in.
Mountain Goat said this morning, the freed up oil in Kurdistan is not HCL. Not yet. He’s not wrong, not necessarily right.
He, she, but very, very, I mean, pretty spot on on that one. It’s not HCL yet, but it is a step towards it. It’s a big part.
I’ve not seen this one. Did you see an announcement of the country of the Philippines? No more fiat and global revaluation currency. I have not seen that one.
I’ll have to look for it. Next week, possible. Things certainly look good.
We’ll dive into it. Don’t worry. Aunt Dina, 62 today.
This is, yeah. Aunt Dina. Happy birthday tour.
Ah, the forever elusive HCL. No, that’s, when you see those steps, you see the pumping oil, you know it’s close. And I think they are holding the HCL announcement, announcement for when they change the currency.
That’s my opinion and belief. See, I wonder why Representative Jasmine Crockett wants to stop Elon Musk and Doge from exposing government corruption. Their salary, $174,000 a year, net worth $9 million.
Could have something to do with it. Oldest living person ever was Gene Helmet, 122 and 164 days old, died in 77. So I wonder if she’s one of them collecting social security.
It gets even crazier on that front. We’re going to have fun. We’re going to have a little fun on that one.
Then we should have Stacy Z later today. Everything’s a little, like, weird this week. Then we’ve got Mushroom Ladies on Thursday.
I think we’ve got Wade on Monday from Wade and Gina, the water store folks. Hello, Kirk Purtle. Fred, thanks.
I don’t think we’ll wait until March 4th. I’m not going to rule it out, but just granny, not all of the birthdays are getting social security checks. They’re just eligible for them based on that social security number.
Seems it’s become popular for some of these social security numbers to go to, well, possibly illegal immigrants. Or at least that’s what’s being reported by many outlets right now. No update from bond contacts, but it’s only 1104, guys.
It’s not time for the news yet. Until next week. Then we get to start early.
Treebeard, I keep looking for you. I’ve been looking for a bunch of you guys in the back office, but you still aren’t showing up in the nodding room. Stuck in the corner.
Dana, I don’t know. There is a history of revaluing during Ramadan. So history would say absolutely possible to revalue during Ramadan.
Yeah, I’m definitely ready to exchange now so I can have a much long-deserved rest. And seriously slow down. Will it $16? Oh, well, I don’t think we’re going to see that.
But if the purchasing price of the dollar goes up. Dave, let’s just take an example. Let’s break out the currency calculator.
The kookulator, if you will. And we’ll put in $16 of 1970 money. Let’s just go back to 1970.
And 2025. So it’s going to give us currency calculator. We’ve done this one.
So $16 in 1970 value would be $133.94 now. So is it feasible if we reset currencies for all these things to drop that level? Because the money will be worth what it’s supposed to be. This is what inflation has done to you.
$16 of 1970 money now takes $133.94, guys. And that’s with some really conservative inflation numbers. That’s, like, way off.
We all know it. We’ve experienced it. So that will give you an idea.
Not a problem once you revalue, once you reset those currencies. Michael, do I think some of the exchanges will occur on military installations? Absolutely. Makes sense.
Wouldn’t it? I mean per capita military members hold currency more often than the general populace. So especially in areas that have a lot of bases or a lot of military, it would absolutely make sense to do some of the exchanges on bases. Doesn’t mean they have to do it on bases.
You know, Weiser, isn’t that insane? Money is so worthless. I mean, it’s crazy. What, 2% of the value? I mean, you really want to have fun? 1913, that’s when we got the Federal Reserve.
That is when they took over for our monetary system. So let’s go back over here and let’s just go with $1. We’ll go to the U.S. Inflation Calculator.
Let’s go to $1. Let’s go back to 1913. And now let’s calculate that $1 from 1913 is $3,188.
Yep, that’s what happened. I don’t even know if I buy that math. Let me do a little other quick math, and then we’ll dive into the news for the day.
Let me do this backwards. And we’ll take the $1, divide it by the $3,188, and we come up with, oh, it’s 3% of the value it holds, 3.13, although we know after Joe’s inflation, that number is about 2%. So in order to come up with that, yeah, I’ve got to do some math backwards in my head, but it would be more like $40.
Welcome to Irresponsible Money Printing, brought to you by Greedy Politicians. Kathy said, happy heavenly birthday to my first son, Brian. He would be 47 today.
I lost him in 2014 to a fentanyl overdose. I miss him every day. The pain does not go away, Kathy.
I cannot imagine that it does. Sending warmth, comfort, and prayers for you today. Nader posted the budget law in Gazette State, $16 per barrel.
Yes, matter of fact, we have a breaking story that I have yet to get translated because it came in moments before the podcast started, but in a nutshell, oil minister Hayan Abdul Ghani Al-Sawad announced today, Tuesday, the delegation from the ministry will be sent to the Kurdistan region to agree on a mechanism for receiving the region’s oil and exporting it through the Turkish port of Seyhan. The delegation is headed that way with Undersecretary of Ministry for Extraction Affairs, Legal and Economic Department, the oil market company. Visiting her will negotiate the mechanism for receiving the region’s oil.
Agreed at $16 a barrel for extraction costs. One of the big hang-ups, hiccups, if you will. Let’s put that banner up.
Let it do its thing. Let’s hit a couple of these. Specialist warns of the repercussions of punishing a number of Iraqi banks on charges of smuggling dollars urgent.
One, the consequences are they stop sending money to Iran and they stop undermining the value of the Iraqi nar in the local markets. He continued, the sanctioned Iraqi banks are small and medium banks which seem to have been active behind the scenes with activities harmful to the Iraqi economy and in violation of the U.S. and international sanctions regime, leaking and invading the Iraqi dollar allocated for foreign trade. They talk about the consequences.
Consequences aren’t good for Iraq, so the banks need to be brought in line. This is a part of getting rid of the corruption, the seer-to-seer, in my opinion. A tougher penalty for the theft of the century.
Exactly. Cleaning up corruption. Transparency.
It’s a theme, and we’re seeing it regularly. Here’s a really fun one we’ve got coming out of Iraq. You’ve got two back-to-back.
Support each other. Parliamentary praise for the strategy to support national industry. I like this one because it talks about everything Sudani is doing.
There’s a couple of other good ones today, but I don’t want to overload you with too many articles. With the electronic transformation, they are noting that Sudani is acting like they only had three years, and two years in, they had to complete all of these things or the people weren’t going to accept it. They had to work at a blistering speed, and it talks about his work ethic, that he works double the hours of the employees around him, that he never slows down or stops because he’s convinced they have one shot to fix this, make it right, and get a value for the people of Iraq.
Love it. Investing in the national industry. The projects have done exactly what they expected.
They have created a juggernaut of an economy, and they are quickly gaining steam. Love this one. Plan to increase oil production to 7 million barrels per day.
Is it time to break out the calculator again? I believe it is. Because we’re going to 7 million barrels per day. Let’s hit 7 million.
Let’s go times. What are you guys running? Well, right now it’s about 75 bucks for crude, for the good Brent crude. $525 million per day times 365.
Yeah, $191,625,000,000 per year in oil revenue. Guys, we’re not talking gas, agriculture, manufacturing. Yeah, it’s going to be one of the highest per capita GPDs on the planet.
Iraq has a lot to be excited about. I’m going to take the news banner down for the balance of this one. We’ve got more coming.
You didn’t miss any fun news yet, Jay Select. Bonsai is still quiet. It was loud on Saturday.
It has been quiet on Monday, which I found pretty odd. I’ve got some group people working. They won’t tell me what they’re doing.
They’ll just tell me they are hard at it. Nose to the grindstone was the words that were used, which I’ll take that as positive. Fortunately, I don’t have anything specific to any one currency for you.
But I did have some curiosity. Somebody pointed out and sent, and I don’t have it pulled up. But they sent an old Q-drop.
I know, crazy conspiracy theories. Grab the tin foil, make the baseball hat, make the cowboy hat. It said gold will destroy them.
Gold would destroy them. Destruction of the deep state. Do you think perhaps it’s the knowledge that we may soon have that Fort Knox is empty? Therefore, the Federal Reserve and the corporation is bankrupt? What do you think are the chances of that? For all you Q fans out there, and you know I’m still on the undecided fence on that one.
But there have been just some eerie accuracies, which makes you at least logically consider it to be very real. Or maybe it’s just like the Simpsons. They’re just getting real damn lucky.
Gold will destroy them all. I always thought they just meant destroy the central banks because people would prefer gold. It’s safer.
They’ll run to gold. They’ll abandon the fiat currencies. And it probably is still accurate.
But finding out that your central banks have been lying to you and holding crap and telling you that it helps back the value of your nation and your currency. It can be a lot of upset people. What happens when they go into London and they go audit that bank and they find out this? Trust me.
If they audit one or two of the biggest in the westernized world, like the UK, the US, Germany or whatever, and they find it not to be anywhere close to accurate. Or perhaps, I don’t know, gold painted lead bars or something. What do you think will happen? I think they may be on to something.
Gold will destroy them all. The only fun news in the Gazette is the agreement for $16 a barrel. And now the budget tables are moving forward.
I mean, it’s good news. But it’s not go sing from the mountaintops news yet. Young at heart, said Mark the screenwriter, the Simpsons is a mason.
Luck has nothing to do with it. Maybe I should become a mason just so I can dive in and learn some of the secrets, guys. Do I have to sell my soul to do it? Hope not because that’s not an option.
Common Cause ad ads to fire Elon pulled from New York Post. They said it deeply concerning that our ad was censored and rejected without a valid reason. Well, isn’t that funny, sweet pea? Without a valid reason, do you know how many conservative companies had all of their ads pulled for no valid reason? MyPillow pulled from all kinds of… You don’t owe them one.
New York Post is a business that does not take money from the U.S. government, unlike the New York Times and the Washington Post. Oh, isn’t that just classic? There’s the pot calling the kettle black. Sabrina, we’ve all heard it.
We’ve all heard 650 plane loads, all kinds of money coming from the Vatican being stored in. I think the latest is the Grand Canyon, etc. And we all hope it’s true, but we need to see it.
We need enough people that the world trusts, that citizens trust to be able to go and verify before we’re going to buy it all. At least that’s me. I want to see it.
I want to go. I want to ding it, knock on it, make certain it’s real. Then I’ll buy it all.
Till then, pie in the sky hopeful story that sounds really cool and really good, but we need to see it. The people are not going to have faith in a new economy, a new monetary system, if they can’t see it. We’ve had enough of the shell games.
Gold on paper is probably not a good thing to hold, JP, if history is any kind of indicator. Sometimes you don’t have a choice. Is it allocated, not allocated? There are certain things to make it safer when you hold it on paper.
But just keep in mind that there are exponentially more paper ounces out there than there are physical ounces. I want to see the proof on the pudding. Let’s see.
Mexican Senate Commission has authorized members of the U.S. Army 7th Special Forces Group Airborne to enter that country starting this week. I told the cartels, I know you think you are awesome. I know you think you’re powerful, and you are powerful.
But I don’t think you understand the level of the enemy that is coming for you. And they’re coming with righteous indignation from every trafficked daughter to every dead son, dead daughter, strung out, whatever, fentanyl addicted, or death that was caused to an American family or anyone else. I don’t think you understand the level of pain and retribution that is headed your way.
It’s my suggestion you go legit while you can. And then pray to God to save your soul. Because they’re coming for you.
It is time to run. Let’s see. Will mods and Twitch get axed? I’m hoping because we need them that they will move to some of the other platforms, Bearcat.
And I will need a particularly brave one if I decide to experiment with kick. But that will be a mod that’s going to have to learn a whole new system with no support or no help. The majority of the fentanyl comes across the Canadian border.
And if you don’t think the U.S. won’t strike on the other side of Canada’s border if Canada refuses to go after those same cartels, then they’re silly. War has been declared. You can either get out of the way or you can get caught up in it.
You got a choice. Think I’d go to ground and go legit. Get down on my hands and knees and say some prayers.
No news on bonds or moving money, Angel. Unfortunately, I already told everybody that earlier. Really surprised.
I figured by this morning we were going to have a lot of movement. Let’s see. If Mexico announced they’re coming, they’re already there working.
Exactly, Greg. They could just set up a legit shop in Canada. Or in Portland or Seattle.
Todd, I think you are being exceptionally kind to them. I think that number is probably much higher. Todd’s comment CIA is behind 80% of the world’s chaos, in my opinion.
Five eyes probably responsible for 99% of it. Oops, I can see a new phrase for a kick change. I get a kick out of you.
Richard, that’s something that’s different. I actually have some bond facilitators that have physical money. I’m really excited about it because that is something that we’ve never, ever, ever seen in this journey.
For me, you may look at it as, oh my God, same thing, same thing. It’s not the same thing. Not even close.
A lot of people are doing the same thing, rolling their eyes. Until they go to the bank, they’re just going to roll their eyes. Even though there is a tremendous amount of progress right in front of your eyes.
Clinton, I like this. Mark, let’s do a guess at an R-rate pool for fun. I say 392.
Clinton, that was the number I was going to pick. Clinton and I are at 392. Anybody else want to sound off on what you think things are going to be? We’ll do the denar first and then we’ll do the dong.
I’m curious. Rain Man says five bucks. Rain Man, Sharon, picks four.
I’m excited because we are finally seeing traction, real traction. 340 B-O-Y-U, 396 for Cindy. Ted for 348.
Sitting at almost 10% of their commission right now, Tahoe. Mitzi, hope it’s three bucks. Platinum Baby, 398.
Red Rock, I’ve been keeping an eye on that. Gold Made Pop, three grand. Mark’s getting excited.
North Man, four and a quarter. Jill agrees with you, North Man. Miss Newton says four.
Becky says 475. Some project. Yeah, I’m referring to a street rate.
Judy thinks 366. Daily Origins, bucks. Donna, dollar.
Believer in 387. Vacay’s Mom, 310. Friends Making Music, dozen and a half eggs.
Oh my God, that’s going to be valuable. That’s like 10 bucks. 411 is what DJ thinks.
Darren’s playing it safe at 76. Rebecca at 420. You and Elon Musk both on that one.
Marks for America, 290. Jay Branch thinks 393. Do I hear 393? 3, 4, 76 over here with Musical Fishman.
Four and a quarter with Julie. Bink, 150 bucks. Now we’re talking, brother.
Or sister. You know, Bink, I don’t know. Chris, Grias, 368, 478 for Baja.
Bronco’s Freak. Oh my, we got Stew Ball. Oh, Stew Ball saying the dong at 398.
I kind of like that one. Jackie Thon, 288. Yeah, 17’s very wishful thinking.
Beach Taffy, 350. Darla, 375. Red Runner.
Road Runner, I assume. 422. Rum Doctor, four and a quarter.
I’m just seeing some of these. Hunter Guy, do I hear 477? Cheryl says I’ll take you to 492. I’m loving some of these guys.
Keeping it interesting. Mark Jameson, 17 cents. You know, a dong, that would still be okay.
I mean, I don’t know about you, but if you think about it, I mean, you’d be talking about getting 170 grand for spending 40 bucks. I could live with that. No more fresh news.
Oh God, if it’s 666, I’d probably take it, and then it’s going straight to my bunker with my Bibles. They can come dig me out after the tribulation. R.I., Gary, R.I. at 340.
I mean, very feasible. Bustagea brings up a good point. Kuwait’s at 324.
They said they will go back to their position as the most valuable currency in the world. And NAR will return to its former glory. It’ll become the father of the dollar again.
All of these things. So Bustagea’s approach at over 320, it makes a lot of logical sense based on what we have heard from Shabibi, Sudani, Alalakh, when do I think the tribulation kicks in? Does it serve any purpose to guess at these? Because I have some clear ones. I just don’t want to cause a panic or anybody to, when do I think the tribulation kicks in? I think the tribulation probably most likely kicks in sometime in the next two to five years.
I think there’s going to be a lot of unrest, a lot of changes. I hope I’m right. I mean, I don’t believe I was gifted prophecy.
I was gifted logic. I can see a lot of things coming because it’s just logical. I think we’re a few years away from the tribulation.
I think now’s the time to harvest. And we’ll see. I mean, how many generations? Every generation since the death of Christ have thought they were going to be here for the return of Christ.
Every generation. Every generation until now has been wrong. Are we going to be different? Or is it just kids can’t be any worse now than they were before? I mean, we all do that throughout history.
Oh, it’s the end of times. Is the sun going to keep coming up tomorrow? Sure. So I’ve got a tough one.
What do I think biblically? I think you’re going to see the tribulation in the next few years. And then you’ll see the return, based on my understanding, probably somewhere in the early to mid 19, I mean, 2030s. We’ll see.
Could be wrong. Get the revival first. Kurt, I’d be glad to hear anybody’s guesses, but I continue to hear 330K per 1 billion.
Debbie thinks tribulation started with COVID. I think it was just a prep or warmer, but you could be onto something here in March 2000. Christ will return in 2027.
I could live with that. Then do we have an antichrist running around right now? If so, who is it? Philanthropic, yeah. The poor apostles probably did think Jesus was coming back next week.
They didn’t own how long their job was going to be, right? Chuck Schumer. All right, let’s keep running. We’ve got some other news out there and I’ve been negligent in not bringing it to you.
Nissan CEO, we might move car manufacturing out of Mexico over Trump tariffs. Yep, we are eyeing and considering a return to the United States for production that is now occurring in Mexico. Their business model does not support 25% tariffs.
I would like to point out that Trump has made it a point to say that we’ll charge them the same tariffs they charge us. They’re already charging us if we try to sell a car on the other side of the border, so he just wants to return the favor. Not so lopsided now, is it? Well, Nissan looks to be in the beginning stages of securing manufacturing space facilities in the U.S. to move their operations back from Mexico into the United States.
That’s what we call winning, in case you were curious, winning for the American auto worker. Maybe we can make Detroit great again. Get them some decent water, education.
Might need to kind of flood them out, though, to get rid of the dirty politicians. Major drop in daily encounters with illegal immigrants, Border Czar says. Started as a Border Patrol agent in 1984.
I don’t remember the numbers ever being that low, Tom Homan stated. 229 aliens across the entire southwest border in the last 24 hours, down from 11,000 a day. What do you guys think? Is that winning? I think that’s winning.
We still have immigrants coming. They’re just coming legally again. Of course they were coming legally all along, guys.
There were many coming legally. The problem was there were exponentially more coming illegally. So we’re just, we’re getting things, the ship, righted again.
All right, now let’s get into Doe database lists. 12 million people older than 120 is eligible for Social Security, according to Musk and what they have learned. This gets even more fun, guys.
We have, on the Social Security books, I know. The chart shows that there are more than 17 million centenarians who are marked as alive and eligible for benefits. Does not mean they are getting the benefits.
I want to make certain everybody knows that. I do not want to give a misleading story. Another person is purportedly in the 240 to 249 age bracket.
And the oldest person in the system is listed as older than the United States itself. Yes, our Social Security system has somebody at 360 years old. Now, if I take my pro tandem, my NRF to Stacy, will I too be able to live to 360 years old? I just, I figured this was a great, like… Seven more percent.
Seven more percent. Yeah, I think even seven percent doesn’t add up to 360 percent or so. All right, go back to sleep.
I’m removing you again. All right, yeah. What they are fed is Chinese elderly.
I like Musk’s take. Musk says, maybe Twilight is real and there are a lot of vampires collecting Social Security, Musk wrote in jest. This might be the biggest fraud in history, he says.
There are far more eligible Social Security numbers than there are citizens. Yeah, Social Security Administration. All right, let’s just say that not a single dime is going to the wrong person, wrong place.
We know better. But let’s just say it’s really a minor problem. It’s not that bad at all.
What does it do to your faith in your government agencies when you know that they have, you know, over 12 million people on their books, over 120, even only a handful, maybe even one are collecting that don’t exist? It breaks your faith in the system. This is important. The people have to trust the government or the government is broken.
It doesn’t work. So unless they restore that trust by being highly efficient and transparent, government will be broken. This is true throughout history, not just American history, not the last three years, 10 years.
We’re talking about human history. They have to be able to trust the government or the government loses its power. This government is losing its power because it can’t be trusted.
Now, how do you restore it? By doing exactly what they’re doing, airing the laundry, doing the fixes, and making certain that people know that you are going to do what it takes, earning their trust again. Yep, 360, man. Of course, the oldest person living in the United States right now is supposed to be 116, I believe.
Somewhere in here it says, no, let’s see, no, the world record was 116 in Japan and passed away in like 1970-something, if I remember correctly. No, wait, what does it tell us here? The oldest living person in the world according to the Guinness Book of World Records is Tomika Ituka, 116 in Japan. Another article gave me the oldest one in the Guinness Book of Records and it goes back, they passed away in like 1970-something.
I’ve got that article in here somewhere. Not for you guys, just somewhere in my browsers. Successful U.S.-Russia talks conclude after four plus hours with no Ukraine or EU reps.
Boy, are they mad about that. Why are we being left out? Let me tell you how this works. You’re being left out for a reason.
When you are a mediator, whether it is mediator in a divorce hearing, you’re going to sit down with each party individually as the mediator before you put them in the same room and start screaming because you want to understand what might be acceptable for both so that you can mediate. I know this is a crazy theory. This has only been happening throughout recorded history and it is a cornerstone of U.S. foreign policy, but for some reason, it’s no longer accepted because of, well, virtue signaling.
That’s why. Can’t believe they’re leaving us out. We’re not leaving you out.
We’re doing this by the book. You sit down with both sides. You see if there’s any common ground.
Then you come together at the negotiating table. This is how grownups do things. Not people sitting at the little short table in the corner.
Not the kids. Grownups sit down with both sides, find the common wants, the common desires, and tries to find a way through it. That is what’s happening, but for some reason, it’s got them melting down to the point where Zelensky is with McCrone trying to whip up forces and going, well, trying to hijack and take NATO so that they can have a war.
Of course, U.S. and Russia are pushing for no war, and we have a sit-down between everybody and a fair election because elections have been, well, delayed. Suspended is a better word in the Ukraine because of their national emergency and the war, so it’s not really a democracy right now. I understand.
Last thing you want in the middle of war is an election when you need to be focused on the war. I get it. I do.
But Zelensky would not last in that election. His numbers are too low. He would not survive an election.
Based on the polling inside of the Ukraine from many different organizations, he is not very popular anymore with the Ukrainian people because they just want it over. They want their lives back. They have a complete generation gone.
Not complete, but nearly. It’s pretty much a generational genocide going on in the Ukraine right now for men. So successful.
They’re moving on. They’re exploring closer relations. U.S. and Russia also want to normalize a little by putting embassies back.
In other words, U.S. reoccupies the embassy in Moscow. Russia reoccupies the embassy in D.C., which I think would be positive. Even if you are not allies or anything, I think having embassies there so that you have a point of contact so that you can start the conversations, I do think it’s a good idea.
Fun one. How a U.S. Iron Dome could reshape global nuclear relations. They’re talking about finding some technologies that don’t exist and using some that do.
As they’re telling us about these directed energy weapons that already exist that they could deploy and use, of course they all told us we were crazy for saying they had these directed energy weapons, that they’re now saying they have these directed energy weapons. But hey, let’s just leave that one on the side and put on our blue roofs and wear our tin foil. They’re talking about a combination from new space state interceptor in a boost phase, shooting them with rays, microwaves, directed energy, tracking to throw off their tracking.
They’re talking about and actual missile batteries to shoot them down. They’re talking about, well, a realistic Star Wars just like Ronald Reagan. He broke the world.
He redefined world power by the whole Star Wars gambit. The difference is, I think Trump actually has the technology to do it, unlike at the time Ronald Reagan did not have. It’s page right out of the book, right out of the Reagan book.
You may not like Trump, but he is very good at studying past presidents and key leaders in world history. All right, there you go. Macron’s emergency Ukraine summit, a gathering of warmongers, according to the Hungarians.
They are busy. Macron is trying to whip up an alternative military approach to the Ukraine, actively trying to undermine peace talks that the U.S. are having right now. Call it what it is.
That’s what it is. A lot of back and forth going on. Today in Paris, we reaffirm the Ukraine deserves peace through strength, says Ursula.
Peace, respectful of its independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity and strong security guarantees. Europe carries in a full share of the military assistance to the Ukraine. It’s not gonna work.
I don’t think Europeans want war anymore than Americans want war right now, but you can keep trying, Macron. Breaking a full roster of Republicans on the Declassification and Transparency Task Force have been revealed, and the task force will soon hold its first hearing. Oh, this is getting awesome.
Oh, this is getting fun. All right, I need to sing to Shiny, Dina. Who else is doing a birthday before we turn things over to Stacy Z? Oh, it’s only 1041.
We got a little bit of time, but we can start sounding off. Rain, man, I hate it when people ask me that too. I mean, my gut might be horrendous.
I thought this weekend was a decent chance, but maybe a little premature because of some of the meetings going on in Iraq and the U.S. delegations to different places around the world. If I just had to make a wild guess, it’s gonna be sometime this next week, but my guess is no better than anybody else’s, so don’t ride the roller coaster. Guy, a country cannot simultaneously prepare and prevent war.
I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones. The distinctions separating the social classes are false. In the last analysis, they rest on force.
I’d like to think we can be better than that, that we don’t have to go back to barbaric roots where the alpha dog, the dominant dog, is the only one that wins. I’d like to think we can somehow evolve, maybe be a little more Christ-like in our behavior, but history would tell you Albert Einstein’s right and I’m wrong, that I’m a hopeless romantic. Kevin says, Shabibi said start of the quarter would be best time, so I’m sticking with April.
I could live with it. I’d rather have it sooner. So many people suffering.
Looking Glasser is an innate ball. Yeah, just shake it and look at it. Biz, we would trust your gut if you’d stay out of Taco Bell.
Taco Bell. I haven’t been properly sick in a while. Let me try it.
Mark, I knew the man that invented and developed the Star Wars anti-ballistic missile system. He lived right here in town. Oh, isn’t that cool, Windrider? Joy, did you hear my take this morning on that, on the Fort Knox and the gold? Going back to, I know, a little crazy and on conspiracy theory QAnon made the comment, gold will destroy them, talking about the central banks.
Would not be surprised if they do an audit and that does it, because it would. I mean, it would be instant. If they don’t have it sitting there, ready to roll.
And, you know, this is where you need a Ping-16 at Fort Knox, somebody monitoring activity to see if they are rushing trucks in and out. Don’t get yourself in trouble. I don’t know what the policies are or laws about, you know, watching a military base, but I’d be looking.
Zootube, what is it like, two of the biggest Arab re-evaluations, including one of the Iraqi ones, happened during Ramadan? I do not think Ramadan is off-limits, guys. I don’t. Oh, join in, no.
No, it’s a great reminder for people that did, because Fort Knox is empty. How will that affect Janus? It would force them to go ahead and move forward. They would have to, or the people would have no faith and they would have to show us the gold they’re using.
Pink, my wife’s there is lethal as a directed energy weapon. She’s got that, that look, that, as they look at you with those snapping eyes, and you’re just like, golden egg shirt still right over here by the computer. Of course, I might need to wash it.
It’s getting a little dust covered. Smooth gray, yeah, my guts do have boots on the ground and that’s part of what helps, including some people that have been lining up some bond deals. That’s part of what makes my gut feel like this could be it.
I’m just reading a few. Okay, let’s sing, and then I’m gonna turn it over to Stacey Z. Shiny, our dear moderator, usually hangs out over on the Rumble side, does help out on the YouTube side often too. Birthday today, Dina’s birthday today, and don’t forget, guys, we have a major one tomorrow with the bug, doing a birthday.
So they tell me it’s your birthday. So happy birthday, darling. May you live, may you love, may all your dreams come true.
Happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to all those celebrating. There are a number of stories about the Ukraine arms ending up in cartels south of the border, including a few confiscated guns that match serial numbers to what was sent to Ukraine.
So according to stories, a number of stories I’ve read does appear to be very accurate. I don’t know if it’s as widespread as some would say, but definitely, I mean, probably the craziest thing was this huge shipment of ammunition that was supposed to be for the Ukraine that ended up in, well, Mexico. Nothing against Mexican people, guys here.
No, talking about, like, still ended up in Mexico. When do we find out about, oh, guys, don’t forget today as we speak, things are getting underway for the Kash Patel confirmation. Is it really? Let’s check the magic eight ball, seeing as they keep putting it off.
What do we have? It’s upside down. Let’s see. Yeah, as of last night, it was on the official docket or schedule for Congress’s session today.
So hoping you guys will keep me up to speed if it has started. Okay, the magic eight ball says, because I checked with it to see what was going to happen with cash, and it says concentrate and ask again. Okay, let’s try.
Okay, the new one is, well, this is really hard to read. Okay, it keeps popping up as that. Oh, happy birthday, Shiny.
Can y’all hear me? Yeah, we can hear you. Okay, so one more try on the magic eight ball. Oh, my gosh.
This is harder. Oh, I keep saying ask again later. We’ll ask again towards the end.
Yeah, okay. Oh, my goodness. Good morning, everyone.
So I promised about two weeks ago, I would talk about the gut and heart health connection. So finally, I’m getting the chance to do that. Hey, and I know you guys were playing with AI yesterday.
This is really cool. AI did this picture for me. Pretty cool, huh? So the gut microbiome and heart health connection.
The gut microbiome plays an essential role in the top five heart disease contributors. That is metabolic disorder, your met S, insulin resistance, diabetes, obesity, oxidative stress and inflammation, high blood pressure, cholesterol, lack of physical activity. So they’re all, believe it or not, interconnected.
Your gut is in charge of a lot of things and most people just didn’t know that. So the microbiome plays a crucial role in regulating heart health through several mechanisms, including inflammation control, metabolism and production of beneficial compounds. So it produces short chain fatty acids like butyrate.
And this is the craziest thing. All of a sudden, everybody’s starting to talk about butyrate. Even after I had this plan, it was funny because I was reading one of Dr. McCullough’s articles yesterday and it was all about butyrate, but for the metabolism.
So we’ll talk about that next week. So because, well, maybe it’s still a heart health month, so I might keep finding heart health topics. So butyrate, a short chain fatty acid, is produced when gut bacteria ferment dietary fiber.
It helps reduce systemic inflammation, supports the gut barrier integrity and improves insulin sensitivity, all of which lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, right? Because remember, MET-S, insulin resistance, diabetes, obesity is the number one cause and oxidative stress. So it also lowers LDL cholesterol levels while improving HDL cholesterol levels, all while enhancing bile acid metabolism, helping remove excess cholesterol and metabolizing fat. So it also regulates blood pressure.
Certain gut bacteria influence blood pressure regulation by producing these short chain fatty acids, which help dilate blood vessels. And imbalances in the microbiome can lead to hypertension. Butyrate also influences cholesterol and lipid metabolism.
Some gut bacteria regulate cholesterol absorption and breakdown. Dysbiosis, the imbalance of the microbiome, can lead to higher LDL, the bad cholesterol, and lower HDL, the good cholesterol, increasing heart disease risk. Butyrate also modulates inflammation and immune function.
So a healthy gut microbiome prevents chronic inflammation, a key driver of atherosclerosis, which is the plaque buildup in arteries. And then bad things happen when that gets oxidized. That’s how you get heart attacks and strokes.
It regulates immune responses, reducing the risk of autoimmune and inflammatory heart conditions. It also enhances GLP-1 and metabolic function. Certain gut microbes promote the secretion of GLP-1, a hormone that regulates blood sugar, appetite, and weight.
This helps prevent diabetes and obesity because fat, diabetes, insulin resistance, that all has to do with metabolic syndrome, which impacts heart health. It also maintains gut barrier. A compromised gut lining allows endotoxins like LPS, liposidylsaccharides, that get into the bloodstream, which triggers inflammation, insulin resistance, and arterial damage of heart disease.
So butyrate plays a pretty big role, right? Well, there are some things that help butyrate get created in the GI tracts. So we started with the Pertandum NRF2, right? Got our big break on ABC primetime. They tried to show that we were just not the real deal and were over saying what our product could do.
Well, it turns out it created a firestorm of studies that people paid for, and they found out that it’s actually probably the most potentially extraordinary therapeutic and preventative breakthrough in the history of medicine, and it’s natural. It also prompted the American Heart Association and the Ohio State University to do a big study that led to finding out that Pertandum NRF2 prevents a process that causes blood vessel blockage in a new peer-reviewed study from the Ohio State University. So it actually got the American Heart Association, the NIH, to fund a study at Ohio State University that found that we actually keep vessels from getting clogged back up when you have heart bypass, stents, anything like that, cleaning out of the carotid arteries, all that stuff.
So this is what that firestorm created. All these universities paid to do their own study on our product. The Ohio State, the National Institute of Aging, Virginia Commonwealth, American Physiological Society, University of Colorado, Harvard, Colorado, Washington State, Northwestern, Montreal, the American Heart Association, Louisiana State University, American Aging Association, Texas Tech, and a university in Amsterdam.
So it does amazing things, and it’s all natural. So what’s important about your heart and NRF2 synergizer? Like Ohio State University and the American Heart Association found out, NRF2, your nuclear factor, nuclear factor-related factor 2, it’s a pathway in the body, is a master regulator of antioxidant defense, inflammation control, and detoxification, playing a crucial role in both gut health and heart health. So how does it help with gut health? It protects the gut barrier and prevents leaky gut.
How does it do it? The gut lining is a protective barrier that prevents toxins, bacteria, and inflammatory molecules from entering the bloodstream, such as harmful substances like the LPS, the lipopolysaccharides, which triggers inflammation in the blood vessels, increasing the risk of atherosclerosis, which is the plaque buildup in arteries and heart disease. It actually strengthens tight junction proteins, TJP1, to reduce gut permeability, and it increases mucus production, which acts as a protective layer in the intestines. It also prevents gut inflammation caused by oxidative stress, processed foods, and toxins that are in those processed foods, or infections.
And then, okay, how does it help the heart? Also, by improving blood vessel health and reducing heart disease risk. So chronic oxidative stress damages blood vessels, leading to high blood pressure and heart disease. It neutralizes oxidative stress, your reactive oxygen species.
It suppresses pro-inflammatory cytokines, activating production of glutathione, superoxide dismutase, and catalase, all of which protect blood vessels. It also increases nitric oxide production, which relaxes and dilates blood vessels. It reduces LDL oxidation, preventing plaque buildup in arteries.
And remember, we talked about this two weeks ago. LDL, the reason why it’s bad, is because when it oxidizes, that’s when it turns into strokes and heart attacks. It also increases mitochondrial function in heart cells, enhancing energy production, because the heart has one of the highest energy consumptions in any of the muscles in the body.
It’s huge. So because of that, it’s creating huge amounts of oxidative stress. When that oxidative stress comes in, you get hypertension.
You get LDL cholesterol issues. You get heart failure. You get atherosclerosis.
So you take protanin NRF2 synergizer, and you reduce oxidative stress by 40% in just 30 days, and 70% in 120 days. It also activates the production of glutathione by over 300%. Why is that important? Because that helps get rid of the toxins.
It’s a detoxifier. Most important thing for detoxification. It activates the production of superoxide dismutase by 30%.
It activates the production of catalase by 54%. And it activates the production of hemioxygenase by 700%. That’s huge because that’s the inflammatory marker.
So the only natural product proven to extend the life of mammals by 7%. So that gives you more years to go out and collect Social Security, unlike the 350-year-olds that are still collecting it. Okay.
So increased levels of butyrate and GLP-1 benefit the heart health. And why is this important? So remember we came up with protanin NRF2. It was a huge breakthrough, all that kind of good stuff.
But we kept going with products that would help with the overall health of your body, to help you live longer, to collect that Social Security. And we just created the GLP-1, the Mind Body GLP-1 system. So it helps with both of this, right? So butyrate, right, it’s that short-chain fatty acid.
And GLP-1, the glucagon-like peptide one, play crucial roles in reducing heart disease risk by improving metabolism, reducing inflammation, enhancing blood vessel health, and regulating cholesterol and glucose levels. So butyrate, short-chain fatty acid, is produced when gut bacteria ferment dietary fiber. Sounds yummy, right? It reduces systemic inflammation by inhibiting the NF-kappa B, that bad dude I’m always talking about, which is a key inflammatory pathway linked to atherosclerosis, the plaque buildup in arteries that, when oxidized, turned into heart attacks and strokes.
It also lowers levels of the pro-inflammatory cytokines, tumor necrosis factor alpha, interleukin-6, and interleukin-1 beta, those other bad dudes I’m always talking about, reducing chronic inflammation that damages blood vessels. Lower inflammation equals reduced risk of heart attacks and strokes. It also, butyrate, regulates blood pressure, which is your hypertension prevention, right? Improves nitric oxide production, which relaxes and dilates blood vessels, reducing high blood pressure.
It supports gut microbiota balance, preventing hypertension-associated gut inflammation. And then it also lowers, the benefit is that it lowers blood pressure, which equals reduced risk of heart failure and stroke. Very important.
Butyrate lowers cholesterol and improves lipid metabolism. So it reduces the LDL, your bad cholesterol, and increases the HDL, which is your good cholesterol, improving the HDL-LDL ratio. It also enhances bile acid metabolism, using up excess cholesterol, right? We all know we need cholesterol.
They keep changing the numbers on us, but you need cholesterol. Your brain needs it. You need cholesterol to function properly.
So you want to have a better balance and you want to use up any of the excess cholesterol. So better cholesterol balance equals lower atherosclerosis risk in heart and strokes, heart attacks and strokes. Butyrate also improves insulin sensitivity and helps prevent metabolic syndrome.
So it enhances insulin sensitivity, reducing the risk of diabetes-related heart disease, prevents fat accumulation in the liver and reduces triglycerides, both of which contribute to heart disease. So better blood sugar and fat metabolism equals reduced heart disease. So GLP-1 actually helps benefit the heart health as well.
So GLP-1, it’s a hormone secreted by the gut in response to food intake. It reduces inflammation, oxidative stress. So GLP-1 actually helps activate the Nrf2 pathway even more, boosting antioxidant enzymes, superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione.
So it helps pump them up even more, activate them even more, right? Lowers oxidative stress in blood vessels, preventing arterial damage and plaque buildup. So stronger, healthier blood vessels equals reduced risk of heart disease. It lowers blood pressure and supports vascular function.
It promotes nitric oxide production, improving blood flow and vascular relaxation. So it reduces endothelial dysfunction, a key driver of hypertension and atherosclerosis. So it actually reduces endothelial dysfunction not only in your blood vessels for your heart, right? But it also reduces endothelial dysfunction in the gut, which then means you have tighter junctions so then you don’t have leaky gut.
So better circulation equals reduced stroke and heart attack risk. Improves insulin sensitivity and blood sugar control. So it enhances insulin secretion and reduces blood sugar spikes.
It prevents diabetes related heart damage, reducing glycation, arterial stiffness and inflammation. So better glucose equals lower diabetes related heart risk. It also helps regulate cholesterol and lipid levels.
So it lowers triglycerides and LDL cholesterol, your bad cholesterol, while increasing your HDL, your good cholesterol. Prevents lipid accumulation in arteries, reducing heart disease risk, your heart attacks and strokes, right? So your lower cholesterol and triglycerides equals reduced black buildup, which means a happy, healthy heart. OK, so how is this GLP-1 produced in the body? So when you eat, your body naturally makes GLP-1, your glucagon like peptide one.
It’s a smart hormone that communicates with your brain via the gut brain access to control digestion and balance blood sugar. It also supports the health of several organs, including your brain, your heart, your lungs, your liver, your pancreas, your kidneys, your immune system and your adipose tissue. So what do you need to do? You need to put in heart healthy, gut healthy foods.
Those, believe it or not, are not just straight up protein. You need straight up protein for building muscle. That is very important.
If you guys do the MindBody GLP-1 system, you have to have a gram of protein for every pound you weigh is pretty much what it equals out to. But you have to have some very important other foods. You have got to have healthy, complex carbohydrates because your hormones are not going to function properly without them.
You need apples, berries, blueberries, strawberries, all that good stuff. You also need healthy fats. You need healthy, single sourced, cold pressed olive oil, avocado oil, same thing, or avocado itself is a snickety snack.
Guys, your body needs certain things for it to have a diverse gut microbiome so it can function properly and create the butyrate in the GLP-1. It all works interconnected and you can’t just cut some foods out and think that that’s going to fix your problem. You also can’t do an intermittent fasting forever.
It’s not designed that way. And for women, here’s a spoiler alert. Intermittent fasting, if you do it too long, teaches your body to pack on the fat on your butt, your hips, your thighs, everywhere else.
Because it realizes it’s not getting the fat it needs through your diet, so it’s holding on to what it has and it’s creating a bigger issue. So like I said, when you eat, your body naturally makes GLP-1, the smart hormone. So what happens, you eat this wonderful food or you take the MindBody GLP-1 system because it has huge amounts of fiber.
It has chromium, magnesium, all kinds of amazing stuff, licorice, stuff that heals the gut. So these nutrients, when you eat them, enter the gut microbiome where beneficial bacteria metabolize resistant starches and fibers, which is all in that MB enhanced into short chain fatty acids such as butyrate. And what is butyrate though? Everything helps regulate your insulin levels, your cholesterol levels, all that good stuff.
So these short chain fatty acids bind to specific receptors on your L-cells in your gut lining in the colon to stimulate the GLP-1 production pathway. So then these glucagon-like gene directs production of proglucagon, a precursor protein for GLP-1. And then the PCSK1 gene produces enzymes that convert proglucagon into the active form of GLP-1.
The GLP-1 is then released from the cells, which are broken down sometimes by the enzyme DPP-4. And then it goes. Oh, happy birthday, James Collins.
And then it travels through your bloodstream and helps regulate all of. Oh, thanks, Kukla. Have a great day.
Regulates the bloodstream and the GLP-1 in the bloodstream. So GLP-1 and other hunger hormones communicate along the gut brain access. And they tell the brain that you’re full and that your blood sugar balances and then your digestion slows.
So it all works together with a very healthy diet to make some incredible things happen in your body and protect your heart. From cholesterol issues, from hypertension, high blood pressure, heart disease, insulin resistance, diabetes, all that good stuff. So it’s really cool.
We actually did a third party study on our healthy weight stack, which is like the best thing for heart health. I can’t tell you unless you want to add collagen because then then you have an amazing process. You’re adding collagen to help keep your veins and vessels non-rigid so that they can actually help blood flow even better, which lowers your your blood pressure.
And then it also helps repair organs. And so does the heart, the healthy weight stack. It’s crazy.
So insulin resistance is the leading cause of metabolic syndrome, diabetes and heart disease. And high blood sugar damages blood vessels, increasing the risk of hypertension, arterial plaque and heart attacks and strokes. So many people with normal cholesterol still have heart attacks due to high insulin and blood sugar levels.
80 percent of cholesterol is made in the liver and regulated by gut bacteria. So believe it or not, this healthy weight stack actually helps with the liver health, too. Amazing.
So the Pertendum NRF2 in the MindBody GOP1 healthy weight stack. They did a huge study, third party study on this, and they found that when used together in the combination as known as the healthy weight stack, the products not only amplify each other’s benefits, but also activate 22 new genes that target key causes of age related organ decline to help organs stay structurally strong, support tissue cells, regeneration, repair and improve coordination, signaling and impulses with tissue cells and nerves. So, oh, my gosh.
So the Pertendum NRF2 increases your life seven percent. But then, oh, my gosh, look at this. You’re activating 22 new genes when you add the MindBody system GOP1 system to help keep your organs healthy and repair them.
So you’re going to live even longer. So you might be 400 and still collecting Social Security. Sorry, I couldn’t resist.
So, OK, the study found that it activates four new antioxidant pathways. It activates and amplifies nine new fat and fatty acid metabolic pathways, increases GOP1 hormone one hundred and forty percent on average in 12 weeks. You can actually lose up to nine pounds in eight weeks and twenty five pounds in 12 weeks, an average of one to two pounds a week, which is sustainable and healthy.
And you have a twenty seven percent reduction in visceral fat, which is what’s killing your organs and creating disease and a five percent reduction in body fat. And one hundred percent of the people in the study who took this system did not lose muscle. Those synthetics, the way that you lose weight so fast.
Well, number one, they are quadrupling the amount of GOP1 in your body, which is unhuman and is obviously going to create issues down the road. So many issues. I mean, it is crazy how many people are going blind.
It’s just scary. All the stuff that they’re finding out about it now. But the reason why you lose weight so fast on those is because you’re losing muscle, which at certain ages you just can’t get back.
It’s hard. You’re losing water weight and you’re losing bone weight. Guys, those are things you can’t afford to lose because that is your longevity.
All of those very important. It also helps regulate your appetite and regulates blood sugar and glucose spikes. Guys, we’ve had so many people that are that have metabolic syndrome, have diabetes, type one and type two that are having results on this product and are lowering their insulin levels.
And a lot of people’s insulin resistance is coming range, including mine. So it also helps heal and repair the gut, which is very, very important because it helps regulate your cholesterol, your immune system. Let’s see your heart, your brain.
It actually helps with your lungs, too. It’s crazy. There’s a whole your gut regulates everything that happens in your body.
OK, so like I said, it helps all of your organs, not just not just the heart, but all of them. So increased levels of GLP hormone provide multifaceted protective effects across key organs by enhancing metabolic control, reducing inflammation and improving tissue health. And these benefits highlight the therapeutic potential of GLP one receptor agonists and managing diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular diseases, neurodegeneration and more.
So how does it help the heart? It reduces inflammation and oxidative stress in cardiac tissues. It enhances myocardial function and cardiac output. Improves vascular health by increasing nitric oxide production, which supports endothelial function.
And. Not only may it help lower blood pressure and heart rate, but it has helped we have people have told us left and right how much their blood pressure has come down on the product. So the key benefits reduces the risk of heart failure and atherosclerosis enhances overall cardiovascular health and function.
Very important, the pancreas, it helps the pancreas helps protect it because that’s where insulin, your glucose dependent insulin secretion preventing hyperglycemia enhances beta cell proliferation and survival. Why are beta cells so important? If you’re insulin resistant like me, you have to protect those beta cells like no tomorrow so that you don’t get type two diabetes. It maintains insulin production capacity in the beta cells.
So in the alpha cells in the pancreas, it suppresses glucagon secretion, reducing hepatic glucose output ever and stabilizing blood glucose levels. So the key benefits there improves glucose homeostasis, preserves pancreatic function and delays the progression of type two diabetes. It also helps the adipose tissue.
Why is that important? So it promotes lipolysis. That’s your fat breaking down a fat, getting rid of fat out of the body, aiding in the reduction of fat stores, connective tissue that is part of the endocrine system that regulates the metabolic system. So they all go hand in hand.
It enhances insulin sensitivity and adipocytes, which are your cells that store fat for energy. It decreases systemic insulin resistance, reduces visceral fat, which is linked to metabolic syndrome and all those diseases of the organs because that visceral fat is choking them out. It aids in fat and weight reduction, improves overall metabolic health in the liver, right? That’s where your cholesterol is made.
So we need to protect it so that it does the right thing. It doesn’t overproduce. So it indirectly reduces hepatic liver glucose production by suppressing glucagon.
So there’s a lot of people that they can’t they have such a hard time lowering their cholesterol. It’s because they have an overactive liver that produces way too much cholesterol. So it helps reduce hepatic glucose production by suppressing glucagon.
It improves insulin sensitivity and hepatocytes, which are 80 percent of the cells in the liver. So that’s huge, guys. Reduces hepatic liver fat accumulation.
So what does that mean? That means it mitigates. It helps get rid of and heals alcoholic, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Huge for metabolic syndrome.
Key benefits prevents liver related metabolic disorder, supports healthier glucose and lipid metabolism. And last but not least, you will not believe how important GLP-1 is for your immune system because it modulates immune responses by reducing pro-inflammatory cytokine production. Those bad dudes I’m always talking about, that NF-kappa B, the tumor necrosis factor alpha, the interleukin six, the interleukin one beta, all those bad dudes.
It decreases chronic low grade inflammation associated with obesity and metabolic syndrome, which then leads to heart disease. So it protects against non driven. Well, it helps protect against infections and supports immune system balance.
OK, with all that said. It also has the wonderful side effect of getting rid of fat out of the body. So you can order the healthy weight stack it for consultants.
It’s one hundred and eighty nine dollars and ninety nine cents. You just pay fifty dollars to become a consultant and then you can have the better pricing for regular customers. It is two hundred and thirteen dollars and seventy four cents.
But there’s this amazing thing where we have these healthy reward credits. If you put your order on auto ship, you will start getting five dollars for every hundred. So usually the following month, you save fifteen dollars on your next subscription.
If you do it as a one time, which I suggest you don’t, because the studies show that eight weeks and twelve weeks are where you have your biggest breakthroughs as long as you are drinking 64 ounces of water at least a day and eating the proper diet, protein being the most important. And they have amazing resources on the site. And we have an amazing Facebook group that can help with resources as well.
So the synergy between these two is just amazing for your heart, for your gut, for your brain, for all of your organs. And if you can for even better heart health or organ health in general, because it helps with tissue rebuilding, if you can do the premium stack, you actually. Oh, yeah.
Like if you do the GOP one, the heart healthy stack, you get the protein of men are up to for just thirty three bucks and it’s usually sixty bucks. If you do the premium stack, you get the NRF two for a penny. It’s amazing.
So it gives you even better results with your organs and heart disease and all that. What it does for lungs, for the heart, it’s just amazing. Oh, and by the way, the added side benefit there is you get rid of wrinkles and it does an amazing job.
It’s actually award winning collagen. Most people are just dumbfounded by the results. It’s got 10 peptides.
It’s liquid because your body can use 90 percent of it. Unlike the powders and usually the most collagen types that you get in a powder five. We have 10.
So it does an amazing job together. You can order at the Mark Z team dot LifeVantage dot com. That gives Mark and I both credit.
And if you’re wondering, it pops up as Wendy. That’s our sister, Wendy. And then if you have questions to figure out what the best thing is for your situation, just text me seven or four to four, nine, five, five, six, five.
But you can see we actually have the healthy weight stack. We have the premium stack that’s the same, but includes the collagen. But then we also have prebiotics and probiotics.
One of the things when you start using fiber in the system and your body’s not used to it, you can get a lot of gas and it’s not so comfortable. It’s because you still have a lot of oxygen in the gut, which means you’re feeling bad bacteria. So you’ve got to ramp up the good bacteria and block off the oxygen so you can do that by putting in good bacteria.
That’s what helps that. So, OK. Oh, oh, oh, oh.
So exciting. I got like an update this past week. We saved a person’s big toe.
I love it. Yeah. They have peripheral artery disease and they got they started the NRF to the cardio for life and it just did amazing things.
Their toes no longer blue. I just love getting stories like that. So, OK, that’s it.
Twinkie. I was busy in the background setting up Twitch. Oh, looks like they had a troll roll through Rumble while I was over here.
Dr. Leo Spaceman spamming. All right. Thank you, Stacey.
Oh, you’re welcome. Hey, let’s check the magic eight ball on Cassius situation. OK, let’s check one more time.
Let’s go for a miracle. Let’s see what we got. Oh, my gosh.
Trying to read this is impossible. What the heck? I think my magic eight ball might be dead. I’ve kind of had it since.
What, since high school? Long time. That is a long time, isn’t it? Oh, it’s not. Let me read it.
Shoot. Come on. Hold on.
Oh, man. Oh, sweet. Without a doubt, he’s going to be certified.
Nice. The magic eight ball says so. I like it.
Can’t be worse than the rest of us. Exactly. So, OK, thanks for letting me participate today so I could make it to our niece Ryan’s bridal shower this weekend.
I’m jealous. Please give her my best. I will do so.
Oh, yes, Cuba. I do. Do I get to be recharged? I don’t know.
OK, everybody have a great week. All right. Take care of me.
I’ll see you this evening at 7 p.m. Eastern.