Dinar Guru Uncut

MarkZ (Uncut) 02-08-2025

Weekend Coffee with MarkZ. 02/08/2025

Hello all. Good morning, good morning. Hello, Shiny Ben in New Jersey, Moose.


Hello, Bear, George, Janice, CryptoGanny. James, you keeping them straight? Hopefully you are. Hello, Quester and GooseGirl.


I see LeWolf is in the house. Oh yeah, there’s more significant sludge funds out there lost in Q8. We’re just getting started.


They haven’t even gotten to the biggest one yet, the DOD. Hello, David, BarbecueHoncho, EatOar, SendStone. Boy, just ripping now.


Kicking chickens. Hello, Harry and the Hendersons, BustedGia. How are things in Tahoe? You guys are just ripping.


Well, I guess before the cold hits, it’s a golden opportunity to talk about staying warm. After an extremely warm summer of 2024, the cell spikes and power bills. Now, households are seeing the same problem with heating bills.


As America heads into the peak of a frigid winter, families are bringing attention to exceptionally high heating bills they’ve received earlier this month. There are almost double that of the previous month. Rising utility costs are even forcing some to have to decide between paying for food, medicine, or their heating bill.


So, I use an amazing portable heater. Absolutely love how toasty warm it makes my home feel without added heating costs. Amazing device.


Portable, powerful mini heater that makes any of my rooms warm and cozy in no time back home when it’s cold. It’s compact enough that I can take it anywhere, but powerful enough to warm up bedroom, office, living room, or anywhere else and need nearly instant warmth. Plus, it includes built-in safety features like overheat protection, adjustable heat levels from simple warmth to toasty comfort, which a family and I love, and lower heating bills is the icing on the cake.


Do your well to favor and grab one up 60% off this winter season only at staywarmnow.com. Plus, order today and you’ll receive free expedited shipping, a 60-day satisfaction guarantee, several other free bonuses. Once again, that is staywarmnow.com. Hello, Benugels. Yeah, wait a minute.


This isn’t gold? Can I find somebody who’s not color-blinded to, you know, pull everything together here? Let’s see. Has anyone noticed an increase in children’s illnesses? I hope it doesn’t have to do. Well, we’re just going to leave that one there.


All right. Let me hit rumors real quick before we get to Matt and the fellas. I am getting positive stuff out of Iraq with oil flowing out of Kurdistan, hearing a lot of fun stuff from Iraq and for groups.


The expectations are through the roof right now. The liquidity’s been released. I’ve got more groups now sending people to execute payments, etc.


Is it possible? We’re going to see something Monday morning. It’s possible, guys. Stay calm, though.


There are a lot of moving pieces right now, but I am getting tons, tons of comments from folks with groups and contacts in Reno that is suddenly awakened, busier than we have seen it in years. And that’s encouraging. Doesn’t mean this is it, but it’s very encouraging.


And more than one person has noticed that for a short bit, we did see on the forex, we saw a denar a little over one U.S. dollar to one denar. I think it’s a little bit of testing. Don’t panic that that’s the rate, although I would take it in a heartbeat and be happy.


And I think so would the squirrel man. Good morning. Would you take a dollar if it came out today, Bam Buck? You’re out of here.


For the denar? Yep. Dollar? I would take. And you know, I know something.


I know people are going to be shocked. I would take a dime. OK, if that’s what it came out and then they said, oh, we’re waiting.


I’d wait till next day if they went up to 11 cents or something per dollar. I’d rush in there and get rid of my stuff as soon as possible. That’s just me, though, but I don’t I only need so much money to be happy.


The squirrel. I don’t have the same demands I used to or the same desires and wants that I used to. Now I just want to be comfortable and paid for and enjoy life.


You know, one one thing, though, I I think people might want to, you know, they get so much currency and they kind of what’s the highest you ever heard for the denar that people would say you could get, Mark? Highest I’ve ever heard is twenty fifty that some people are saying we should get twenty fifty for the first 10 million denar that we have. And I while hopeful, I don’t think it’s realistic. Yeah.


And but but see, I hope a lot of people didn’t base how much they they acquired based on that. I would I would think you’d divide that by 100 and base it on twenty and a half cents maybe per denar. You know, I don’t care.


I mean, there’s maybe there’s no justification for it, but that’s the way I live my life. I base it on way, way lower, you know. So just just throwing that out there, you know, because it’s you know, I’ve heard in the past, not in your show, Mark, but this is years ago on other shows, you know, and I’m not going to mention any names, but they would say, oh, just get enough to base it on like what you just said.


You know, I think that’s a fool’s game if you did that. So anyway, it’s just because once it’s starts to get redeemed, you’re not going to be able to buy any more at the price from before it’s over. Yeah, true.


I mean, just to get folks and this is from one of our own listeners. Let me see if I can pull it. Give me just a minute, guys, while I do this one, because we got a screenshot.


And I mean, we’ll give you an idea of some of what and this is just one of a few folks that have sounded off. Let me put this one up here. IQD to Forex, 10 IQD worth nine dollars and eight cents if you’re looking at it from IQD to US.


So that’s 90 some cents, 50 at 45. So we’re talking like right at a dollar, 100 IQD would get you 90.76 US dollars. I mean, that’s showing in that’s actually 90 some cents.


And we’re seeing similar things to that like that right now. So I mean, it is it’s encouraging that we’re seeing that kind of movement. I don’t think that’s a final rate, but suddenly having that pop for everybody’s eyes to see, not just the person that happened to be up at 333 a.m. for a 90 second clip.


It’s kind of neat. Yeah, that’s wild. Right.


Yeah, I guess I’m I don’t know. Where do you know? I was going to say, where do you look at that time of night? You know, I don’t know. Yeah, right.


I don’t know where that’s coming from. But I mean, I mean, like the Vietnamese deal. I mean, if that came on a dime, that’d be awesome as far as I’m concerned.


Got it. Great. You know, and but, you know, some of the other currencies out there, I think, are going to do a little dance, you know, and and they pretty much all of them are, I think.


Well, maybe not all of them. I mean, if they don’t play ball with Trump up there in Canada and Mexico, maybe they’ll be left out in the cold. But we’ll see.


Yeah, I would like to reiterate for my Canadians, I don’t think Canada is becoming a state. Sorry if you find it offensive, but it has been very effective at waking people in the U.S. and many Canadians up to the fact that we had a very lopsided trade and defense deal worked out. I mean, like horribly, horribly lopsided.


So, I mean, it needed addressed. You know, it’s good, though, all this they’re they’re finding all the money that’s just been just basically given to everybody, not everybody, a lot of people for nothing. And you always I guess you always wonder about those people who live a certain way and you ask them what they do.


Maybe that maybe they had three or four government jobs, you know. So who knows? Do nothing. But I think that part has to get straightened out first.


You know, I’m guessing that. I don’t know. It’s kind of fun to talk about this, Mark.


I mean, who do you think’s behind the whole thing of financing it? Who do you think it is? Behind financing what? The whole RV deal. We continually are told that it is some ancient banking families, most of them Chinese and a combination of descendants thereof. Also hearing much of the Marco gold, much of the Gaddafi, not Gaddafi, Khomeini gold from Iran from decades ago, which is historic dollars or historic gold.


I’m hearing that’s that is a combination thereof from all those groups that are financing this reset. Yeah, and I imagine those people who are financing it got a little rule book for the country. I guarantee you.


I know I would. I’m putting up that kind of asset as collateral. You dig on stinking better bet on the fact that I’m going to have some serious transparency requirements.


Yeah. And so that’s what’s happening right now. Cleaning house in our country, you know, so probably cleaning house around the world, everywhere, cleaning it everywhere.


Yeah. Because these guys require it because they’re not going to throw them. I mean, they want humanity to be better for sure, but they’re not going to do it unless it’s up to their standards, you know.


So anyways, that’s what I like. This one from Chuck. Good morning, all should Elon audit Fort Knox.


Is it empty? I think that would be a great, great idea. Matter of fact, I’m going to turn Matt loose and go ahead and make that post while Matt is loose telling you about how to get into the site. Oh, OK.


Yeah. Let’s go OK. So you guys to get into the CBD gurus, you get in the seat, you go to the CBD gurus dot com and you go to the wholesale button on top and then you go to the Marxi wholesale.


Are you there, Mark? Yeah. Oh, I couldn’t hear you for a second there because I was being quiet. I was like doing my ninja thing.


It’s like an Indian, like, you know, brave about to ambush a bad guy. OK, so now you go to the Marxi wholesale, hit that button, then if you’re not in the site already, which you’d be in the weekly specials, you guys, then you go to you put in lowercase K.R.A.M.C.B.D. and then you get in there and then you’re able to order and look at everything and go to the specials. But the main thing is that we switched it over on Thursday night because Scotty had something to do Friday.


So that, you know, I was doing some yesterday morning, too. And so we started the special off for the week Thursday night. And if you want to get 8 percent off on your order, uh, put in F.E.B. 8 at the end where it says put in, you know, a discount coupon or whatever.


Please don’t do your order and then call back, you know, because we get so busy Saturdays. We sometimes we get, you know, correspondence with people, quite a few, you know, and our guys, you know, everybody wants to get work done and then, you know, have the rest of their day just like everybody else. And then and sometimes if you try to get a hold of us after a certain time on Saturday, it might be till Sunday night.


You get replied back to or Monday, you know, and don’t worry because we can’t send anything out at that time anyway. You know, the shipping. So.


So anyways, at 50 dollars this week, you get not including postage and discount, you get two thousand an hour at 100, you get five thousand an hour and at 150, you get five thousand an hour and ten million boulevard, you know, and then and then above that you get just oh, you have any questions on orders if you’re new and we’ve been getting a lot of new people or new people. Percentages went up almost 50 percent in the last last month or especially since Wendy’s been working and Wendy and Amy are kind of doing a little work together there. So getting questions answered for the new people, it’s great.


And so you call six one two four one two eight three four three. If you need help on an order, if you can do your order yourself, that’s great. If you have questions, text them over to that number.


That’s great. Or you can email over to contact at CVDGurus.com and we’ll get your questions answered. It might not be right away, but we’ll get them answered for sure.


OK, so then we we got mushroom coffee there in the first spot, five bucks off you guys for a special and we got the lion’s mane, we’ve got the turkey tail, we’ve got the five matrix mushroom, it’s got all the mushrooms listed there, reishi, cordyceps, chaga, lion’s mane, turkey tail. And then we’ve got the let’s see, that’s 60 capsules for 32. And I always bring those with me, you guys, because sometimes I want to get coffee on the road, you know, and they don’t make it at our local gas station.


They’re not buying it from us yet. So I just bust open a capsule of the stuff there and I just put it in my coffee. I love doing that when I’m out and about.


OK, out and about. I sound like a Canadian out and about, but I don’t. Bitter patter, you better get at her time to get out and about.


Yep. And and you know what, you guys, regardless if you become another state or you remain who you are, the main thing is you get rid of that that punk leader. Oh, God, did I? I hope I didn’t get any trouble, Mark, on that.


Geez, are you getting me in trouble again? All right, keep going. But the CBD Guru’s regular gummies, 28 bucks, they’re great any time. Delta 827.


They’re great any time, but don’t have too much during the day, especially if you got to get work done or you’re driving or babysitting. If you’re babysitting, take a smaller amount because you got to, you know, remain alert. And let’s see, we got the Miracle Gold gummies.


Those are always great. You know, I take the Miracle Gold oil, but I’ve I’ve kind of supplanted that with about half my consumption, at least, of Miracle Gold with the gummies because they’re so easy. And then and I just lost it.


I’m hitting all the buttons here, Mark, but I’m going to get back in this site here. Here we go. OK.


And then the next product we have is the ACV gummies. And we’ve got the next product after that is the 10 count, 10 milligram gummies, if you like, twice as strong. There you go.


And then one after that will be a 30 count gummies of our regular gummies. It’s a mixed flavor. It’s our five milligram THC gummies.


And then we got the 10 count THC gummies. So if you get three of those, it’s 27 bucks. If you get that mixed back there, it’s 25.


And then we got the immunity. We got the you know, nootropic for the brain. We got the weight loss and the weight loss.


It’s you still get a lot of excuse me. I’m sorry. I should have hit the mute button.


We get a lot of people still buying that all the time for sure. Miracle Gold one ounce bottle Miracle Gold two ounce bottle of THC. You know, Lucas, it was a while back, Mark, and he’s not here to defend himself, but he gave me a double batch of that.


You know, and I said, good Lord, you know, the first time we got it, you know, but yeah, it’s it’s become a big seller. So we it’s great. I’m glad he did.


And then we’ve got our 14,000 CBD with all the THC in there. It’s got about two and a half milligrams of delta nine per serving, you know, in there. That’s just a half a dropper because the dropper is bigger than that than the one ounce bottle.


Then we got our one ounce with THC and CBD in it. And then we’ve got our paint cream. We’ve got our lotions.


We’ve got our 120 count five milligrams or 120 count party back. It looks a little different to you guys because the labels guys, Jordan and Scott and Sid, you know, I don’t know. I didn’t I don’t really like the color that much, but I do like the design and the effort and I don’t even care.


I just as you guys do that, that’s cool. So that’s why it looks like that. But it’s the same old thing in there.


It’s a one milligram, 120 count. And here’s an example where that can be used. My warehouse guy, John, he was leaving last night.


He’s got a big neighborhood party last night. And I think there’s about 40 people there, adults, you know. And I said, how many of them do you think take THC? He says, I’d say probably all of them.


And I said, why don’t you grab a party back for him? You know, maybe you’ll go through at least half of it and then just keep the rest. So he grabbed that for the party. And, you know, then we got the hundred and twenty five count party back.


We got the pet oil, we got the chocolates. And if anybody’s small out there, we still got some small shirts for 388 for Trump, you know, taking back America. We should have Trump right on.


That’s it. Oh, you know what, Mark, I did get a complaint from one of our users of THC, you know, they said, I’m a liberal out here. I don’t appreciate you talking about Trump all the time.


And if that guy’s listening, delete it. It just doesn’t matter. I could care less.


Yeah, it’s got to be a tough time. I mean, your brain’s getting beat upon if you. Yeah, it’s got to be a tough one for you facing that reality.


Yeah. So that’s it on all the specials and everything. Hey, one thing I’d like to hear.


And I’m sure when he gets questions, I get questions, you know, emailed over and texted over and all kinds of things. And people will go, can you give me the benefits of lines made? Can you give me the benefits of THC? Can you give me the benefits of CBD? And I just and we and you don’t want to know something. We do have some people that don’t have the best site, you know, out there and we help them all the time and doing orders.


And but if you’re normal and everything, just just put it into Google benefits of THC or CBD and I’ll answer all the questions you want and lines main. And, you know, I got this one search engine. It’s called Brave.


Have you ever heard that word? And I’m not I’m not pimping it or anything, because they don’t. But it’s a great deal. It’s like it’s an ideal built in.


So you put something in there. And like, like a question yesterday was somebody told me to take 25 milligrams of CBD per day. I’ve acquired some sort of cancer.


And it’s almost like I was shocked even even read that because it’s like 25 milligrams of CBD. I truly have that what times 10 at least per day and if I had cancer and probably go up to probably three 400 milligrams, you know, and so but yeah, just go in there and just if you use Google still that’s cool, whatever. But like I said, this other search engine plus it protects you from a lot of BS, you know, it was I shouldn’t even talk about it, Mark, because you probably got a deal with some search engine.


Do you got a deal already? I don’t have a deal. And I’m personally I am a fan of Brave. It has some drawbacks for us.


Yeah, so I tend to use some of the mainstream ones because they’re better at translation services. And I read so much from out and about. I agree.


Get rid of ads, which is really nice for the user. But it sucks for the content creators because they don’t make as much revenue for their time. In other words, they work for free a lot.


I agree with you. So I do use guys, but that one, for some reason, some stuff, boy, whoo, it just it really spells it out. You know, but that is that Zach, Zach, Zach Zester, whatever you guys call him, that is by far his favorite browser is the Brave browser.


Oh, okay. Yeah. But I mean, so any question you guys have, you know, that you can send to us, you can you could easily get answered within two to three seconds in Google or that Brave or whatever you’re using, you know.


So just come on, you guys, give us give up. We all got very, very busy days, you know, and we like to help people out. But it’s just I just I just wonder sometimes because it’s harder, especially if you’re older, you know, and you got it, but you got to dive into it.


You know, you got to just make yourself say, I’m going to learn all I can today. And the other day when I was what’s that, Mark? I do it. Learn all you can today.


Yeah. Learn all you can. And when you don’t want to learn anything, go play, play some cards with people and interact.


Have fun. Better yet, go pick up a senior and take them when you run your errands. Oh, man, I’m going to tell you how popular that idea was, how many emails I have gotten on just how awesome that was.


And, you know, there’s the benefit. A lot of those seniors don’t have transportation so they can do their own errands with you. Exactly.


You’d be helping the community, you’d be helping yourself, be helping that person. And who knows? Maybe their families already pissed them all off and they got millions of dollars in the bank to leave you to the one person that cared about them. Right.


You know what? That’s 100 percent true, because a lot of people, their families, they might be super conservative and their families liberal and they don’t want to hang around them. So this is I’m sure this would end up being a pretty conservative idea because I can’t see really liberals doing anything that would. Yeah, they tend not to volunteer and stuff.


They talk a lot about it. They tend not to do it. Conservatives tend to just quietly volunteer and do it.


Liberals usually make a big show about volunteering 10 minutes a year for something. Not always. There are absolutely very awesome human beings, even on the left spectrum politically.


They often find out if they were to take an objective look at their beliefs, they would find out they belong on the right. But we don’t want to confuse them. Oh, yeah, exactly.


They’re really good at volunteering other people. Yes. And volunteering our tax dollars are.


Yeah, right. But you know what? But you know what? Here’s a good thing. So all I would say, how much is what’s our audience breakdown, Mark? Conservative, liberal.


What do you think it is? It’s probably 90 percent conservative. 90? Easy. Yeah, yeah, yeah.


And and I’ve always said after, you know, we have discussions with some buddies and I always say to them afterwards, I said, you know what, I’m I’m helping every conservative person I can. And then then the liberal people, unless you’re in dire straits, you know, where it’s a health thing, you know, just to keep them alive. They’re all going to be at the back of the line for my deal.


Trust me. And that’s just the way it is, man. It’s just like you’re your own first, right? Yeah, they got Musk going through and pulling out all the all those people with those jobs.


And trust me, I wonder what the percentage of those people that they’re finding that don’t do any work for their paycheck. I’d say much. We’re talking about government.


Yeah. So how many of you folks have worked at big companies or whatever? And, you know, many people there that were working and getting paid that really didn’t do much of anything. I mean, we all have examples that are in our lives from is when you’re the one paying the bill.


You don’t want the dead weight. Right. Goose girl.


Kukla had great success with the weight loss weight loss capsules from CBD gurus. You have to quiz her when she’s back. Panos is under the weather this morning.


So Kukla is spending that time to take care of Panos to help the family out. Of course, it’s her brother. She loves him.


He’s awesome. Panos is just what a cool dude. So she is not with us because she is taking care of Panos.


So we can’t ask her this morning. Yeah, he’s a nice guy. I’ve had a chance to talk to him a few times.


Nice guy. Yeah. He noticed I wore a bracelet, so he made me this one.


Pretty cool. I wear it sometimes when he gives away the keyboard. So I’ll wear it when I’m not on air, when I’m away from the desk.


I forget if it was like a Christmas or a birthday. I think it was a birthday last year. You know, you know, before, Mark, when I said, honest to God, this is based on I get in the morning, something I had you on mute.


You know, what’s your feed was about five minutes. And I’m looking at I’m going, Mark, you’re talking. I can’t hear you.


I’m unbelievable. God, sorry, Mark. Oh, my God.


It’s you know what, though? It’s it’s all right, you guys. It’s all right. I can handle it.


Let’s see. So when you get if you have any questions. Oh, and some and some.


This is a question I got from somebody. It said I was told because I have I’m not getting their name, but I had cancer by my doctor or somebody who knew. And they said I should get 25 milligrams of CBD per day.


And I’m going, Lord, you know, it’s twenty five unless you were a small, small like a chihuahua that’s way too low. And just the intake of CBD. Like I said, I’m pretty healthy, you know, and I feel really, really good.


And I think I average about, I don’t know, anywhere between two hundred seven fifty a day. Sometimes I go overboard, you know, I take I think. And Lucas told me, he says, man, you can’t be taking so many gummies sometimes.


But I’ve taken and not THC ones, you guys, regular regular ones, you know. So but I know I feel healthy. I get a good report from the doc, you know.


So and that’s the other thing when you get older, you know, where God, you become a I swear to God, Mark, once a week I get these calls and they want to come and do a home evaluation because I’m a senior age person, you know, and it’s like I always tell him I say, hey, listen, I got a problem. I’ll call the clinic and go like I always did my whole life, you know. So anyways, that’s that.


And then I was in line the other day at Taco Bell and the guy in front of me, I didn’t even I truly I didn’t even know there was discounts for seniors, I guess, after the guy yelled it at the person taking the order. All of a sudden I had the window down about half and all of a sudden I see the guy doing the order. I’m going, OK, let’s go.


Let’s go. He does. And then after he’s done, I hear him yell to the guy, I want my senior.


You know, it’s good to know, you know, it’s like, good Lord, you know, this was like five seconds after the guy’s ringing it up. You know what I mean? It’s not fun anymore. I’m getting close to getting the senior discount.


Yeah, but I didn’t I really forgotten that’s available, but you’ll encounter it now and then. And all of a sudden these people just blurt it out. And it’s like, here’s a way to do it.


Yeah, right. Well, you’re right before maybe the end of the order saying, hey, you got the senior discount, you know. Oh, OK, cool.


You know, but yeah, it’s kind of funny. But I don’t know. I don’t ask for it.


I don’t know. But I guess I guess you can. Yeah.


Why not? If you want to go, you know, a couple burritos or something, you’ll see a buck, I guess so. But what do you think, Mark? That’s what we call cheap ammunition. Oh, oh, oh, that would almost you know what? Now that I think about it, that could go go in with seeing what they what was my idea.


They serve with your ride along seniors or something like that. What guys do you remember what his term was? Yeah, I can’t remember. I was I was so so into it.


But good. I mean, I honestly got now you could see guys you’d pull into fast food the way they’re so expensive now, you know, anywhere. McDonald’s, Taco Bell, any of them.


And just a guy just jump in the car with you for a couple of minutes, you know, and I think you get a senior discount for the whole bunch. Yeah, we’re going to go back to that senior discount after a gap. I’ve run out of immunity caps is full spectrum caps close to the same thing.


I’m looking at that and I’m thinking, are they talking about the immunity formula? Here’s the caps for it. Yeah, right. Gel caps.


They’re in stock and on special this week. I think that’s what I think is talking about. But now Jimbo over here being a dude.


Why do you have to be so stinking mean, Jimbo? Fifty five. I’m already dead. Gone at Jimbo.


Am I? You can’t get that during the hour. Your discount during the happy hour. You can have two for one drinks and I’ll get 10 percent off more.


So anyway, I would go for one drinks, two for one drinks, and then you can walk. I can’t walk to this. This works.


Boy, that’s you don’t want to serve his seniors. That’s what it was called, Mark. And then you guys, I’m kind of joking, but really I’m not, because I think it would be a great way to get people out and about, you know, interact with people instead of the TV.


You know, I know we’re on video here, which is great because we’re all learning something. And I wish we were learning something, but I think we are. But but I mean, just every night, you know, you drive by houses when you’re going home and all you do is you see the big screen through the windows in the house is just rolling, you know, and it’s back in the old days, man.


Everybody would go to the local bars, be playing cards, having fun. Anyway, that’s it. Yeah, they still go to him here and they’ll be sitting around even young or whatever, and they’ll be sitting playing dominoes at the bar, having fun with their friends.


Look at that bill gets it says Bill gets ads for the coupons for the cremation services. I’m like, Bill, isn’t that like brutal? Like we noticed you’re 79 now. Have you thought about prepaying for your funeral services? That’s just like it is, you know.


And here’s another one. And I mean this too. If everybody anybody wants a humanitarian project out there, I think we call them kids casinos.


And and I know people are out there going, oh, my God, he’s went off the rails. No, yeah, no, no, no. We rather suspect.


But we thought you went off the rails and you gave us one of the best ideas we’ve ever heard with the senior ride along. So so hit us. See where this goes.


Kids casinos. Well, they don’t play for any money. They play all the regular games slot machines because those those aren’t interactive.


They’re not. You got to you’re going to have to play whatever dominoes, cards, kids roulette, you know, and they trust me, kids playing roulette. They love it, man.


But the arcade, you know, so that the kids can go with you, you know, give them quarters or else pinball machines. We used to have pinball. So you’re going to blend the arcade with our casino.


And if you’ve been in any modern day casino, it looks like an And that wasn’t an ad for pizza because there’s none left. Sorry. Are you there, Mark? Yeah, I’m just dying at some of your ideas.


No, but the kids casino would be great, man, instead of, you know, get them into real life. You don’t forget about all that Dungeons and Dragons cards, man. Get them in there playing poker, playing cribbage, playing five hundred and then reward them.


You know, they do good and have it put on by just just don’t don’t let them do this activity with with the Biden family, because it’s inappropriate when children play strip poker. It just really is. It is not OK.


No, no, that won’t work. That didn’t even enter my mind that deal. Oh, Lord.


Yeah, that’s that’s bad. But but I know what I do with I would do with some grandkids. I know.


And they just they love playing blackjack for fun. They just love it. And then the old guy here might reward him with a couple little pennies there.


We used to play a game, Mark. Did you ever play marbles for money as a kid or you didn’t do that either? Mark, sorry, it was loud here, so I’d hit my mute button. I was sitting there talking away and you weren’t listening.


I mean, you weren’t hearing me. So you were listening. But now I never played marbles for money, but I know people that did.


You would play like jacks close to the wall. You’d like toss pennies, bounce them on the wall, try to get the all kinds of different things you play. Yeah.


Yeah. So, you know, as I was mentioning, I was talking to somebody yesterday about that playing marbles for money. And they said I just said and they go, no, I never played as a kid.


And I’m just sitting at my almost popped out of my head. And I’m sitting there thinking me and my buddies, when we had nothing to do, we’d get between the two garages. It was about a 25 foot track there, 30 feet.


And we’d make a little we’d always move the whole around kind of like a cup, you know, at a golf course, you know, and it would be about four inches deep and you’d throw the marble from certain distances. You’d be betting we’d play for hours, you know, before we went home and watch our bat, the Batman show. No, we’d be allowed.


Let’s go. Batman’s starting, you know. So you go watch Batman then.


But no, it’s, you know, playing like that’s fun. It’s you’re interacting. That’s the main thing.


So the kids casino. No, I’m really I really would do that. They’ll be a kid’s casino at every humanitarian resort.


That’s for damn sure. So anyway, but I guess we better talk about CBD and stuff here. Yeah, we should.


We should just go free arcade next to the casino. Yep. You know, I would say the free arcade next to the casino.


Yeah, for sure. Yeah, I ain’t gonna be charging any money, especially if you’re wearing one of the Trump shirts you bought from me, because it’s always free at the. Can we partner with some Indian nations and see if we can lease some land there or buy some land there for RV resorts that way they can run the casino so it helps the Indian nation? Yeah, for sure.


We’ll do that. Yeah, I wonder if that’s a possibility. It might be fun.


All right, let’s get to it. Sabrina and I’ve had probably four people ask this question. When are the THC drinks gonna finally get to start shipping again? I know we’ve got another polar vortex hitting Sunday and Monday.


Many of you folks are about to be she lacked with obscenely cold, nasty weather in the coming days. Yeah, whenever, you know, it’s going to probably just to be truthful, I think it’s going to be because you never know about the weather, but probably right around the first or second week of March, it should work. And, yep, we’ll ship up three flavors.


We’re going to have a lime, cherry and orange. Yep. I like it.


Yeah, just it’s just and then some of the other products we have in stock, we should be in everything in stock by the end of this week. And you just got to understand Lucas is moving a big warehouse operation from Oh, my God, he’s Yeah, it’s a guys did definitely be considerate for the next few weeks as they finished the it’s daunting what they have to get accomplished here over the next few weeks. And I’ve already been doing over the last what two weeks? Yeah, two, three weeks.


And then and then just life happens in general. So then this it slows you down, you know. And but anyways, if you now that I told everybody to Google and go to brave for all the answers, we got no health questions.


We had some of them in here. We were just talking about everything but that a lot of folks are still looking for the the ETA on the but I remember Lucas talked about yesterday, but I think it was an inventorying thing with between warehouses. But he was hopeful.


I forget what he gave us in a time schedule. Do you do you know that off the top of your head, Matt? I think it could be by mid next week or maybe near the end. I hope for sure.


It’s just it’s hard to say when you get your when you get your load to the warehouse. That’s all. It’s the way it goes.


Well, we’re trying you guys are trying to get everything in stock. You know, in certain times you have more in stock than other times. And there’s certain reasons it goes out of stock because, you know, somebody wants to buy quite a bit of things and then it goes.


But, you know, we always got the stuff we have in stock now pretty much should always have in stock. It’s just the soap, the super immunity. I know that will be here in a few days.


The water soluble, we’ll be getting that in a couple of days. And yeah, I don’t know or the immunity drops. Any idea on those? Yeah, that’s the super immunity.


Yeah. Yeah, that should be I’m expecting that to come rolling in Monday or Tuesday. OK, but I would put it in stock ahead of time.


But see, with the weather, you guys, you just got to watch it because now, you know, the weather, the snow on the highways, man, it can slow trucking down. It just doesn’t slow that truck down for that day. Then now you just backed up everything for everything.


And so whenever you get a storm, you just everything gets screwed for four days, five days. And in the poor and then poor postal people, man, I’m going to say it again, the UPS, they they really monitor their deal. They if they have too many packages coming in for their workforce, they’ll they’ll change the pricing, you know, where the polls are like surge pricing.


That’s yeah. Yeah. So they they they change it up.


They get they can. I’m pretty sure they can change it up whenever they want, where the post office has to do by schedule that they submit. And I couldn’t imagine being a mailman nowadays and all of a sudden getting there and just, oh, God, it’s going to be an easy day.


Oh, it’s not. We got 250 packages on your route. And I just I don’t know.


It would be hard for me to work there. I don’t know if I could do it anymore. When I said five packages, I’d start pitching, you know, so anyway.


Here’s one that I don’t know if you’re up for this one. I know I’m not really up for this one. It is one that Lucas has done a number of times, and I’m wondering if we should get him to do it in one of the informational emails soon.


What Matt, what’s the difference between CBD, CBG, CBGA? Well, no, it’s a different cannabinoid, but Lucas said CBG is probably it’s a precursor to CBD. And then CBGA is an acid. And it’s just don’t let that scare you.


It’s just the way they they refine it or whatever they do. And the CBGA and the CBGA and the THCA, which we don’t use any of the THCA. I don’t think too many people do.


But that’s the kind of stuff that kills microbes. And you can if you ever want to look at what it does under the microscope, I think that’s a video. It’s called Hemp versus COVID.


And you can go in there. That’s in YouTube. That’s always been there.


And it’s very interesting because it kills the CBGA and the CBDA, which is in the immunity product that kills the those tentacles that come off of cells. And they just tested it with those certain cells. But we’re talking about the spikes on the spike proteins with the CBGA.


God, you say it so good, Mark. You got it, everybody. It’s the spike protein.


Yes, sir. Yes, the university did. And I mean, now they are doing studies and it’s showing tremendous results and benefits against all kinds of viruses and viral replication.


It just puts a halt. It’s like, boom, no, you’re done replicating. You’re welcome.


Just sit over there in the corner with your dunce hat on, but you’re staying in the corner. You’re not allowed out in the body to play. So I mean, it’s really cool.


They’re using it for AIDS. They’re using it for all the different 300 different herpes varieties. I mean, it’s stunning what they’re finding virally with the CBGA.


There’s some fun stuff. We’re definitely have to lean on Lucas Wednesday, see if we can get them to do a breakdown for them. You know, I think when I did have the shingles that time, if I would have had that product, we didn’t have it out yet.


It really would have helped me. We had the Miracle Gold out, but the CBGA and the CBD, that product in the soft gel and the super immunity, that really would have helped because what it does, it gunks up the end of the tentacles, you guys. So then they can’t hit the other cells and infect the other ones.


So the infected cells in your body become less and less and less and less until they finally just all die off. And your natural immunity of your body just takes over. It’s pretty cool stuff.


So like I said, I haven’t really got, I mean, I get a horse throat, you know, but that’s got nothing to do with being sick. You know, so I just, I haven’t been sick now going on almost over three years. So it’s pretty cool.


I mean, I’ve had nerve damage, but that’s not being sick. So, you know, that’s a different thing. You know, I listened to some of the previous shows, Mark, and all of a sudden I hear myself on here.


I think I’ve taken a little bit of Delta nine or something for pain or something before. And I felt like a, like I’m a little Bob or something on the show. I don’t know, man, but sorry.


I had one of those one, one, one evening where my back was killing and I took, took a D nine and it went fine, but I can definitely, I was, I was having to like keep it focused. Right. Yeah.


Hey, so you guys, for the specials, they’ve got some good specials, a good currency. And I think, man, it’s, tell them how to get in there and then you can tell us about your Superbowl plans before we get out of here, before you get out of here. Okay.


Yeah. I’m a, okay. So you go to the CBD gurus.com and you go into the Mark C wholesale area and you put in a lowercase K R N CBD, if you want to, if you’re not in there yet and you’re a new person.


And if you’re anybody wants to get that discount, the 8% just put in Feb eight and Feb eight and you’ll get your 8% discount. And then also you’re going to get the currency. It’s not going to show up on your slip.


It’s just that we know that everybody that orders during a certain time and orders from, you know, Mark’s area, they’re the wholesale that they get it. So you don’t have to worry about it. Won’t be on the sheet.


It’ll just be in the order. And we take pictures of all the orders. So we make sure it gets in there and a Superbowl.


Okay. I’ll be watching it. But, uh, I was almost, you know, I was almost thinking, uh, maybe not watching it, Mark.


I’m just going to be watching it with the normal, normal crowd. I was, what’s the normal crowd, the normal crowd, like, you know, goofy and Bugs Bunny or Yosemite Sam. I mean, are there any good characters in here? No, just be the family, you know, and, uh, I’ve been known to fall asleep during the Superbowl.


I, uh, I don’t get into it as much as a lot of people, but, uh, it’s, uh, just, just family and, uh, friends. I, you know, I was at a huge Superbowl party when I was younger, but that was, but I never go to this. I would never, ever go to the Superbowl.


That’s just too much. I don’t like going to the live game. So you know what, I, it depends how the seats are.


When I was at the Pittsburgh stadium, Mark, their seats are beautiful. There was a lot of leg room for me. I loved it, you know? So that’s, uh, I, to watch a game in person, I gotta have a nice seat room, you know? Otherwise I gotta stand up and walk around, but, uh, yeah.


So I’ll just, I’ll watch a game probably, but it’s not, I, I hate how they drag it out. You know, I remember the Superbowls when they were just a game, you know? And, uh, yeah, no, I miss it. All right.


Oh, geez. Everybody now they’re talking about, uh, Chrissy Mullenleaf, Mullenleaf, look M-U-L-L-E-N, look for Mullenleaf, um, on the lung thing. Although we do have a number of people that have said that, uh, orally taking the miracle gold have really helped their lungs.


And that makes sense. It’s antimicrobial, uh, antibacterial. So that effect in the lungs to help them would probably be good.


Makes sense. Anyways. Yeah.


Well, yeah. Time’s going over, Mark. I’ll let you get going, but thanks for having us on and, uh, go in there and I’ll order you guys get some, uh, good stuff there.


Okay. All right. Take care.


I’ll be in the chat. See you, Mark. Bye-bye.


Thank you. Yeah. Bye.


All right. You guys take care. Oh, wait, I gotta stay.


Um, yeah. Isn’t it going to be curious to see what Musk’s Super Bowl ads are? I mean, if it, if nothing else, that is going to be huge. I mean, going to be huge.


Um, still cowgirls say Mullenleaf. Oh, so there’s an I in there. It leaves been amazing for my asthma.


I love you guys sounding off on what works for you. Gravity Warp Job. There was a post on Facebook where Hillary Clinton and Maxine Waters demanding Elon Musk stop looking at private records.


He’s got a clearance. Both must be scared spitless. Yeah, they are.


It is coming in. So now let’s get to it. Um, we do not have a budget or budget tables in today’s, um, Gazette did not expect one at all.


We do have some very interesting things before the program really started before Matt came on. I gave you some of the, uh, uh, latest chatter, including from Reno. We will do that again.


Um, I do find a lot of things interesting. The number of just normal, traditional bank employees that, um, some of them are in our community that for some reason have to work on the weekend today. And some of them, nothing to do with redemption.


I do have some redemption contacts, wealth management contacts that are working now for their second weekend in a row. They will not tell me what they have been doing on their weekends. They are not allowed to.


Um, so I’m going to take that as a positive sign. Uh, we did get a check in from a, uh, I’ve had a couple of contacts that are, how do you put that one? Upper end in some groups. And I have seen a number of them headed in the western, uh, direction now headed towards Reno.


Uh, and one of my best contacts, uh, was, uh, forced to go earlier this week at last minute’s notice. So I think that is just fantastic. And I hope that means that we are close.


Um, of course, uh, I shared a picture earlier. Uh, we are starting to see some interesting things on Forex again. Uh, this one would put the IQD at just under a dollar.


We’re looking at 10 IQD worth about nine Oh eight U S. So we are starting to see doesn’t mean why that’s going to be the right guys. Um, but we’re starting to see what I think is more testing of that system. Uh, they haven’t opened it up to exchange yet, but it appears that they are playing with some of those numbers makes me feel warm and fuzzy.


Uh, let’s see what else Reno contacts though. They’re, they’re so optimistic. Um, so optimistic.


I’ve got bond contacts saying, no, no, no, we’re getting paid Monday. I hope they’re accurate. Most of what I heard was 10th through 12th on the bond side and well, Monday’s a 10.


So perhaps they are accurate. Uh, I did have two different contacts. Tell me that the M or the liquid, the M one liquidity portion, meaning M one is like money you can spend.


Um, so you have more than contract to proceed. You have actual receipt. I’ve been told that that money is being distributed and is now M one, meaning liquid two groups this weekend for distribution this coming week.


I hope that holds up. Um, it was exciting to hear it. Now we need it to actually, you know, you guys that are in groups or whatever, get the call Monday and said, Hey, go look at your bank account.


Uh, let’s see, let me get that one pulled down now that we have shared it. Um, so I mean, it is, it’s exciting. Now in this one, interesting, the IRS, your account service outage, February 9th, starting at 1am to 7am.


Looks like they’re doing some kind of big update, uh, over at the earth. Now let’s get into Iraq. Iraqi parliament stopping the export of Kurdistan oil cost the treasury $13 trillion.


They want to tell you just how stinking expensive, uh, it was to shut it down and what it means to, uh, them and their government. But boom, here we have it. KRG directs resumption of oil exports in coordination with Baghdad.


They have worked out the differences on selling the oil. They worked out the salary one. The final biggest piece we are still being told is the final number for, uh, money held to process each barrel of oil, the portion that goes to the Kurdish region to pay the contractors.


So, uh, money now going to Baghdad, uh, that appears we, we appear to be past 99% of roadblocks with herbal and HCL. So we are expecting some big things and budget tables. We do know that there are high level meetings going on in Iraq today with parliamentary members and members of the KRG in Baghdad to see if they can finalize and finalize a lot of the budget tables.


So we are very hopeful that we will see major, uh, progress in Iraq over the weekend. Uh, just some real fun stuff. Uh, this one, what was this one? Ah, total expenditures last year, the visit investment budget, 25 trillion dinar, uh, even more this year.


They do want us to know that they have cut their budget deficit in half because the projects are starting to pay off ahead of schedule. Um, and they’re just showing, you know, where does this money come from? They’re clearly investing in the future. Uh, corruption has become like a virus, mutated and adapts itself.


What he’s saying is now that they have started going in with, uh, new and better systems, uh, they catch a lot of the, the grift and then the grifters that, all right, what’s the best way to try and describe what he’s, what he’s explaining here? Because the translation really did suck. So many people had gotten used to the unfettered corruption and theft, uh, that when they put in the new systems, they were cleaning a lot of the same people were so addicted to it. They started coming up and trying to game the system again.


And his point is that we have made tremendous progress, but we can’t let up now we have to keep on it so that they learn generationally so that the next generation of leaders, whatever, don’t even think about it. They remove it. So they have to stay very vigilant on fighting and combating corruption and inefficiency.


So Donnie has made this statement a few times last few weeks about the inefficient government being just as dangerous as a corrupt one. And he is so very right. This has become a worldwide thing with doge.


Uh, there are so many politics playing out in Iraq now with the new administration, it stands on Iran. Iraq is walking a very fine tight rope, uh, to leadership and regional dominance, in my opinion. Uh, so far, I think they have done a masterful job, not perfect, but really solid considering everything they’ve been navigating and still managing to make tremendous progress for them and their people.


Uh, just an interesting one for you. China insurance funds to buy gold. China is trying to shore up its insurance industry.


Uh, and one of those ways is allowing them to purchase and hold physical gold so that they can have the stability of that market. I think that’s just interesting piece shows us where the world is setting a goal. Of course, we know China has been buying up physical gold at a break next at a historic speed.


So that was pretty cool. Let’s, uh, turn that one off. What have I missed? I think we already touched on all the, uh, bond room rumors, group rumors.


I’ve not heard anything specific on CMK or prosperity. I really was hoping to get some updates, uh, after all of the Reno-esque updates that I have gotten in the last, um, 24 or 36, uh, probably more like 48, uh, hours or so, but I just, they’re just not coming in. I’m not getting any, uh, any news.


Doesn’t mean there isn’t a lot happening. They’re just not sharing it with me. Uh, D-Day, it should.


I don’t think we’re going to be taxed, but just in case, I picked up extra currency for it. It’s better to be prepared, uh, prepare for the worst and expect the best. Reportedly community notes on X are funded or were funded by Elon.


I mean, funded by a USAID. I’m loving this fallout. Uh, Kathy, I don’t think most people understand what they’re doing.


They’re denominating their bond sales in Iraq by denar. You purchase and they have a 500 million denar bond and they have a 1 million, I mean a 500,000 denar bond and a 1 million denar bond, if that’s the bonds you were referring to. And if not, I’m not certain which ones you’re talking about.


So it would not be a, you could just ignore what I say on that front unless it is that bond and they don’t need a new rate for it because it returns and its interest is based on the value of the denar. So that bond would change immediately with the new rate. Uh, would suddenly make more sense, uh, for a, for a bond because it would be worth more larger and it would be almost like us selling treasury bonds for value to change.


But I’ve seen that question, not just from you, but probably 50 people, even while Matt was talking and we weren’t even doing Intel. If that’s what they’re referring to and if not, I don’t know what they’re referencing. Lilypad, who are young people that Elon has doing the audits? Could Barron Trump be one of them? He’s only like a 19 year old kid, guys, uh, one of them.


And at one time he thought it was clever as a teenager when he was 16 to have a profile, some gaming profile called big balls and boys, the left melting down. Like why are we letting some, some guy named big balls out or whatever, what they’re missing here is these said young people are not as affected by politics yet, but most importantly, they are mind numbingly brilliant. We are talking, he has brought in a team of rain men.


I mean, Asperger’s picket, whatever spectrum, whatever, whatever they want to shade, they want to throw at them. It’s because these kids are, these young individuals are, their IQs are so, so far up there that they have a tough time interacting with some others because they just don’t get why they’re worried about these silly, silly, silly things. And they’re doing their job.


They are brilliant enough to find, to look for the patterns, to find the theft, to be able to look at any algorithms that automatically steal, to look at where payments go, to pull it all together. I mean, he has brought in, it’s the brain train and it has arrived in DC to clean it out. And it does, it has them just wigging out, just wigging out.


Yeah. It’s a great group of young people and all they want to do is fix things. It’s a mental challenge for them.


It’s getting excited over a difficult puzzle and you just can’t wait to just do it and put it together. I mean, they’re loving this puzzle and they love fixing things. Maria, I am not a doctor.


I want to be very clear. We do have a number of people in the community that have had tremendous success using a combination of fenban, ivermectin, and turkey tail mushrooms. Most of these people work with their doctors.


Now, a few of them work separate from their doctors, meaning they did the traditional treatment and on the side and the doctor’s going to figure out why it was so successful, why their treatments and they’re like, you know, I’ve never seen somebody respond this way. This is, you know, this is a miracle. I don’t know if you’ve done anything else.


And like, yeah, this is what we did. And they’re like, we’ll keep doing it. The research is getting very interesting out there, Maria.


Like I said, my strong suggestion is find a open-minded doctor and work with them closely. Tell them everything you’re doing. Well, maybe not everything, but you know, gotta have some things private.


Savvy, same idea. Say, I enjoy finding needles in a haystack. It’s challenging.


Same idea. These kids love that. And they’re brilliant.


Billy, any thoughts for chances over the weekend? Tomorrow’s my birthday. Would make a perfect birthday present, Billy. I’m afraid to share how excited I am right now about the coming days or week or two, because I don’t want you guys to get any more hyped up than you already are.


This crazy train, this roller coaster is difficult enough, but I’m quite literally bouncing. I’m reading these as we keep going. I know there’s more news to hit, but I’m enjoying our time together right now.


Katrina, I have no idea what you’re referencing and what site. Unfortunately, with chat, I see about 10,000 per podcast. So try being specific and we will see if the mods can catch it too to bring it to my attention.


Jim, I like the way you think. All right, let’s just keep running. Mr. Kung Fu, there’s a difference.


I am also telling you to be very calm because we’ve heard these big things before. So stay grounded. But right now I am from so many sources.


It’s exciting over the last week or two because the chatter, people that haven’t moved in a couple of years are suddenly, I mean, all in a tizzy to get things done. So it’s exciting. It is exciting and might actually be right on that.


He might actually be right on this one. But like I’ve said before, nobody knows the timing. I don’t know it.


Tony doesn’t know it. Bruce doesn’t know it. Militiaman doesn’t know it.


None of those guys know it. That’s myself included. We are taking all of our sources and making our best guess at it.


And if you cannot deal with that, don’t watch the show. Don’t watch the boards. Put your currency on a shelf.


And when you see it posted on the news about new bills coming out and a huge change, then go to the bank. That’s my very strong suggestion to you, folks. Or start your own podcast.


Next Saturday, I really hope we’ll be through it. Gravity warp drive by then, I hope and pray. Yeah, buddy, I’m, I don’t know, I’m a little excited before.


But yeah, definitely. I’ll be excited when I’m walking out with cash in the hand. Don’t get excited till then.


Even when he doesn’t know it. A lot of them think they do. And they called me and you know, a year ago, two years ago, hey, hey, are you excited, man, this thing’s happening, 11 or whatever.


And I’m like, you know, it’d be great if it does. I hope you’re right. But that’s just not what I’m hearing.


So I get a kick out of it. All the ones that some people follow. I’ve heard them call it over and over and over.


But Holly said we need world peace before it goes then it would never go but world peace isn’t gonna happen till Jesus Christ returns. Like openly returns and the battles are done the heavens open up and Satan’s been tossed in a pit. So no, no part of me thinks we have to have absolute peace around the world.


Do I think there will be a period of peace as soon as it happens? A period meaning a period a time span of peace when it happens? Yes, because the world will be digesting it. Wow, now this one has surprised me. David T just said my contact Mark said it hasn’t come out yet, but they’ve discovered 23 trillion that was stolen, not billions trillion.


That would not surprise me David at all. I’m reading a few of these. I know we’ve got more work to do here.


Reading, reading, reading. All right, let’s get back to some news. Because we do have a few fun things.


From signs memorandum, memorandum directing review of federal funding for NGOs, all of them, they are looking for all NGOs and they will be auditing every single NGO to make certain that the dollars, tax dollars, your tax dollars, my tax dollars, your grandmother’s tax dollars, your grandson’s tax dollars, your sister’s tax dollars, your niece’s tax dollars, you get where I’m going on this one. They will be doing a complete audit to see if funding those NGOs do anything to further US security or interests, and if not, they are axing them. Where was this many? I mean, this should have been from day one.


This should not have, oh my God, I can’t believe we’re not doing this. This just should have been done every single day in our government. Our government should be going through every expenditure and saying, is this necessary? And does this improve America and the lives of the American citizens? They should be doing the same thing in the UK.


They should be going, hey, does this improve the lives of every Brit? Same thing in Canada. They should be going through every single expenditure and saying, does this make sense? Is this the best expenditure for these dollars? Is it improving the life of Canadians? Is it making their government and their lives more stable? This is something that should have been fixed in government thought processes. So it’s really neat to see it at least starting.


Maybe we can start a trend. Department of Justice issues directive ending Biden-era task force aimed at seizing assets of Russian oligarchs. The claim here is because the Biden administration was saying, hey, we’re doing this because we don’t want them to be able to use these wealthy oligarchs to skirt sanctions.


The Department of Justice is saying, hey, look, you’ve already done enough of a job on that one. We just don’t want to continue to waste the massive amount of manpower that you guys have going after Russian oligarchs when we are so close to peace on that front and we have these cartels. So they have taken all of the assets that were busy chasing the Russian oligarchs, and they are now assigned to chasing cartels and cartel dollars and operations to break their funding.


So now they’re taking all of those assets, all of those investigators, all of those attorneys and prosecutors, and they are turning them directly towards, there you go, for the total elimination of cartels and TCOs, terrorist cell organizations, referring to transnational criminal organizations. Man, I got that one bad or wrong, which to me, I’m all about this one. All right, FEC chair, I just got a kick out of this one when I’m seeing this one.


You want to talk about a lady that is so delusional? Maybe very lovely lady and neat and all those things, but her work record should be enough reason that she accepts stepping down. FEC chair, Federal Elections Commission chair, reports receiving a letter from White House about her dismissal, but she’s like, yeah, he doesn’t have the power to do what I’m saying. Yeah, he can suck it.


He doesn’t have the power to remove me. So Ellen Weintraub, chair and commissioner of the U.S. Federal Election Commission said on Thursday, Trump administration has moved to dismiss her. She also stated, meh, I don’t believe he has the power, so I’m going to keep going to work.


That’s just not how you replace an FEC commissioner. That just isn’t it. I’ve been lucky to serve the American people and stir up some good trouble along the way.


That’s not changing. Anytime soon, she wrote. He’s just grandstanding and all this blah, blah, blah, just pretty much challenging them to keep her job.


Now, let’s think about this. Weintraub was first appointed by Bush in 2002. How many controversial elections, I mean, absolutely poop shows has this lady been in charge of? The whole buck stops here thing.


How many Republicans have been complaining that they don’t believe elections are accurate? How many Democrats? I mean, did you, anybody been paying attention to social media and the meltdown? They want complete audits from 2024. They wanted complete audits in 2016 because they had no faith in the election process. Of course, Republicans had no faith in it in 2020.


In a couple of midterms, they thought some of the races were pretty questionable. For this one, I just got a kick out of it. She feels like she has done one heck of a job and she’s not going anywhere.


The elected officials can fight it. Even though the elected officials get elected by the people who pay her salary, she’s just missing that part. I think it’s a good time for her to just say, you know, I’m gonna go play with grandkids or whatever she does for her off time.


Oh, wait a minute. News breaking. The Trump has hired a PSC through a constitutional war account to take out cartels.


Yeah, wouldn’t be surprised. I would have to do some serious look into the constitutional legality of that approach. In other words, hiring assassins to go descend upon the cartels.


It’d be a dirty way, but it’d be effective. All right, now let’s get to it. Another key Donbass town captured by Russia as pressure grows on Zelensky.


Zelensky has attempted to push a little bit of a offensive out of the Kursk region again because they have now lost some major chunks in the last few days. C is the key mining town of Toretsk. It’s a coal mining town or area.


It was formerly known as a different name when it was under Russian rule in the past before it was overtaken by Ukraine. So, I mean, this is like a back and forth kremisko or something. I’m trying to remember the name of the town, but it’s looking more and more dire for Ukraine.


They are losing ground. I mean, villages and towns every day now. This is quickly wrapping towards an end, and it needs to.


I mean, pretty much an entire generation of Ukrainian men have been removed from the gene pool. There are going to be some long-term issues and problems for the Ukrainian nation because of it. War.


Nobody wins, just the defense contractors. Defense contractors win, and the devil wins. The headman wins.


The death wins. Life doesn’t win when there’s war, and truth is the first casualty. Todd, I very much agree.


It has definitely worked out better to have that gap between Trump’s terms. He’s been far more, epically more effective this second time around. He’s gotten more done in, let’s see, where are we at? 20 days.


He’s been 20 days, if I did my math right. Somebody want to double check me? 19, 20 days. Somewhere in there is how long he has been in office, and he has gotten more done this term than he did the entire four years, and he got a lot done in four years between 2016 and 2020.


19 days, says Flipper. I think that gap is what has made it happen. Just reading a few of these before we call it a wrap.


Anik, you know, I really like your take on this. Why aren’t some Americans proud of using our best resources? Are young, intelligent Americans fixing our own system? It’s not even that. They’re finding the flaws in the old, and they’re saying, why do we do it this way at all? Why don’t we have a new system? This system’s simpler.


It’s easier. We do. In many incidences, we don’t need to fix the old one.


We need to toss it and build something new. I’m not saying throw the baby out with the bathwater, but I’m saying the bathwater probably needs changed and the baby put in some nice, clean, warm bathwater. I’m still looking for the JFK files and the Martin Luther King files that have been promised.


One, two, three, 15 days. He did that four days in. I mean, yesterday, today, tomorrow, sometime early this week, we should have those files.


Donna’s celebrating her 73rd. We got Robin, Anthony, Rowdy, rockin’ Rowdy. Anybody else doing birthdays? Let’s sing and call it a wrap.


We have FEMA Audit. You know it’s coming, landlubber. I mean, he’s already said they were going to.


You know it’s coming. It’s probably already started. I’m just reading a few of these, the ditty list.


We got so many things. Of course, some of these disclosures had been waiting for Patel to get sat. Some of this disclosure, we can blame the delay because there was that, what, seven-day delay or whatever from Congress or Senate, excuse me, the Senate, which is part of the Congress.


So they tell me it’s your birthday. Well, happy birthday, darling. May you live, may you love.


May all your dreams come true. Happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to you, to all those people celebrating. Happy pre-birthday to Linda, and Linda will turn around and sing a belated to you on Monday as well.


You’re going to get to double up. Yeah, I think Kosh and RFK Jr. are going to open the floodgates. Sergeant Thorne’s birthday was yesterday.


Happy belated. I know I’m going to miss some of you, and about the time I click the button, we will find one of our most favorite people from the stream has a birthday, and boom, the stream will already be ended. I hate when that happens.


Would I trust a wealth management company that was previously length and treated? Yeah, in other words, we’re talking about Abbott Downing or Wells Fargo or some of those other big ones. It’s going to take some thought on the wealth management side. Put the money someplace safe.


Take time to find the right professionals. A good professional help will be worth the money you pay. All right, now let’s get out of here.


See you all Monday morning unless there is breaking news.



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