MarkZ (Uncut) 02-07-2025
Evening News with Dr. Scott Young and MarkZ. 02/07/2025
Hello all. I see the questions already hitting. Good evening.
It’s good to see everybody. Spanker, prayers for the dog. Spanker2010 over on the Rumble side, guys, says, how are you all? Happy Friday.
I’m pretty sad today. Found out my dog has cancer and probably six months to live. I’m going to start him on Iver and FanFan combo.
Please pray for success. Spanker, praying for you. If needed, let me know.
I’ll put you together with the mushroom ladies as well on the dog side of it. DeplorableGG, have you heard anything about Dacababies? I’ve been told Dacababies will have a few months to start the legal process or they will be removed. They do have a short time period and there will be some type of mechanism.
Now, what that means, that came from somebody connected to a federal, well, a U.S. congressman, that they are making a plan or exception too quickly. There’s no free ride. Be very clear on that.
They’re not going to be able to push it off, whatever. They will be given a very clear, firm deadline to do everything. As long as they dot their I’s, cross their T’s, they will be fine.
That’s what I was told because I asked the same question. They just need to not put anything off, no excuses, or they’ll find themselves somewhere else. That’s what I was told.
Take it for what it’s worth. Trashpanda, the plan has crashed. I assume we’re talking about a caravan, a small one, pretty good-sized plane for a single.
Carrying around 10 adults with three bodies, the least being found so far. The wreckage has been located by the U.S. Coast Guard in Alaska. Just prayers for that family or the families involved, the pilots.
Alaska is tough airspace. I had the privilege of flying there a little, like I think I’ve got like four hours of flight time in Alaska, flying through the fords and stuff. And it is, it’s a unique place to try to fly.
Cessna Caravan, you familiar with them? They’re often used as puddle jumpers, excursion planes, et cetera, because they hold, they carry quite a bit of weight. They’re not that fast, but they are tough, they are rugged, and they take off straight up, come down straight down kind of thing. Not literally that, but as close as you’re going to get to a stole-style setup, you don’t have to have a trust.
Learn about them at least. If you have one, fantastic, but at least learn about them. Doge technomages use quantum mapping and find 55,000 NGOs funded by the USAID.
Don’t you love it? Hey, Elon Musk bringing in the Doge geeks is kind of like when technologically superior people show up to, let’s just say, some kind of indigenous people that have never seen things like planes and satellites and cell phones and cars. The folks there, the folks in government, you are horribly, horribly, horribly outclassed when it comes to technology. And often, you will find that you’re outclassed when it comes to just raw intelligence.
I mean, they’re bringing some of the starkest, brightest people in the world. And that’s not downgrading the people that work there at USAID or any of those places that are in government. I’m not.
But there’s a difference. We’re talking about the people that tested too stinking smart to waste their time going to Harvard’s and MIT’s and places like that. We’re talking about some of the brightest human beings in the history of the world.
And now we’re going to throw in extreme computing power and knowledge. You just, you might as well show up with a butter knife to a tank battle. Thank you for doing that.
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No, I have not talked about that and I don’t have enough details, but we do know what is it like five prime time ads that Elon is buying? I mean, it could be Tesla, could be Starlink, could be Cybertrucks. We don’t know what he bought these ads for yet. All I can tell you is I’m really looking forward to halftime.
I want to see what they are. Does anybody know, has anything been leaked on what to expect for those ads? Hey, I think Doge is going too fast. If they’re discovering fraud by current research, I’m thinking all of what they’re finding was found on the Pelosi.
It could be Jay. I don’t think they’re going too fast. I think they have had AI searching for that long before, like once that election was over, Trump had announced Doge.
I think that work had already started. I think the AIs, the algorithms, the sheets, the whatever you guys want to call it, I think was already being developed in preparation for getting access to make certain they didn’t do anything wrong. Wait, is Larry S. in the house? Larry, are you popping in for a visit? Do I see that one right? Yes, Quilting, Dr. Scott’s mic is on.
All right, he just muted it so you don’t hear him cough. Guys, be patient. He’s been recovering.
He was awfully sick. We’re just glad to have him. Super excited to have him.
Watch a little bit of Fearless Floyd’s UMPR. Lost the Wi-Fi to continue. I do plan on seeing him possibly tomorrow, briefly, but definitely on Monday.
We may actually cancel the Monday night podcast so that we can hang out a little, but I’ll let you guys know Monday morning. He is in the area. He’s not far from me.
He was actually passed by today. I didn’t have time to meet him. Too busy with work work, but he was headed to Crash Boat Beach.
Let’s see. Who do we have in here? Oh, we’re almost there. Two minutes away.
Heard they found today 2.3 million social security numbers belong to illegal aliens. Not a surprise. We have found that over and over and over.
Jill says, love us. Dr. Scott, Mr. Ron, it’s good to see you in the house. I hope you are doing well.
That is, guys, if you want to know where he’s up in Canada land, super, super, super individual. Hello, Kathy Lotito, Jesse girl. Oh no, I hate to hear this one.
I just heard yesterday. Cool dog. Yesterday, a friend’s mother was given six months and she took all the stuff you just mentioned and beat it.
Oh no, that’s great. The doctor was clueless. Had another one.
We had a testimony. Somebody was given the bad news and started taking it and they went and do the surgery, remove it. It was half the size that it had been on the scans just like a week or like weeks earlier.
They had done some of the protocols we talk about that are now becoming peer reviewed. And it had completely detached from the surrounding area and had shrunk half in size, making the physical removal exceptionally easy to the point where the doctor’s like, oh, so I mean, there’s a lot going on. Mark, I hear the ads from Elon is about doge.
We’ll see. Oh, that would be epic. Kukla.
If it was, he could like point out all the money saved where it was going. I do not have an update on Rod. Rod, if you are listening, please pipe in with an update.
PGH. Wait, let me catch that one. PGH.
God knows I love you, lady. You’re so sweet. Please give Rick my best.
I guess I’m not tired of winning either. Oh, too funny. Horsewoman, I’ve not heard anything about Zim being treated as currency, but it does fall somewhere in between as to how it’s being treated.
You should think of it as a currency for the exchange process. And if you get anything extra humanitarian, fantastic. That’s my take.
Miss Jeannie saying Frank is in need of prayers. I have no idea what’s going on, but prayers for Frank. Hope he’s doing well or perhaps recovering or I don’t know.
Pam, we will talk about the IRS some. And I know I need to dive in so that we can make certain we get maximum time with Dr. Scott. I tried to tell a karaoke couple about it.
Hate to hear that. It is so sad to see people. We lose them.
Beam me up. Good to see you. All right.
Let’s get over to this. I need to do just a couple of things. Guys, be prepared.
Jim Cantore, even the pattern is locked and loaded for nonstop storms to pepper the lower 48 snowmageddon, especially in the northeast. Sunday, Monday, you guys are about to get walloped again. Looks like somewhere around mid-Virginia is where the snow stops.
But the northeast, buckle up, kids. Oh, no. Frank got a medical report today.
Prayers, guys. Frank, if you’re willing to try it, we’ll send you stuff, man. We will send you stuff.
I just wanted to share that one. All right. We need to get to the news time.
So we are ready. Where do I start? Should I start with the articles or start with some of the things I’m hearing? I should probably start with some of the things I’m hearing. Or should I do the articles first so you’re not distracted? Saturday, I have had so many messages from bank personnel today that work, not some of them Redemption-related, and they are having to report tomorrow.
But I’m surprised by the number of bank employees that have nothing to do with Redemption, have never been informed of anything to do with it at work. And I am really shocked by the numbers of bank employees slash teller level, lower level, mid-level that work in banks that have no clue what’s going on, that have suddenly been called in to work this weekend. Could have something to do with updates, change in bank system, could have something to do with, matter of fact, we’ve got an article here somewhere.
Give me a moment. Or had, ah, let’s move this one over here and show it. Could it have something to do with preparing for the Fedwire migration? In other words, the full migration of the U.S. banking system to ISO 20022 that has to happen by March.
Could it have something to do with that? Now they’re suddenly panicking because they have to. That I don’t know. But I do find it interesting to get that from so many different bank sources.
Oh, okay. I appreciate that. They’re good glasses.
All right. Now let’s get to it. Where did I did the pattern lock? Let’s get to the news.
We have a news banner. Iraq’s external debt halves as projects start to pay off. They were expected to run 20.9 billion behind.
Half of that because their projects between gas, expanding refineries, et cetera, are already paying off. At this pace, they may have zero budget. They may be one of the few balanced budget countries in the world doing well.
I thought this one was just fantastic. And the oil field in Kirkuk, local foreign investments in Iraq has reached 60 billion. Just a great one.
I wanted to throw it in there. We do have some other things out of Iraq proper. Support the national economy.
Sudanese advisor admonishes citizens for storing money in homes and calls for investing it. We talked about that this morning, guys. What would happen if they unleashed the cash that they have hoarded in homes now that they are more stable, put it into the banking system? We are talking about, actually, based on the numbers I was reading in the article, they could almost triple the growth rate in Iraq by putting that money into the system instead of holding it outside.
I just thought it was fantastic timing on this article, so I wanted to share it. Member of Parliamentary Finance warns that investment projects will be affected by the delay of the 2025 budget schedule. What does that mean? What that means is he is telling them, hurry, we do not want to mess up these projects because guess what? These projects are eliminating our budget deficit.
We don’t want to lose the tremendous momentum that we have started. Finish them now. That’s all they’re saying, which I enjoyed.
Now we have a parliamentary member clarifies the positive determination of oil costs for the region of the budget. He is saying, guys, we have decided it is removing 99% of our problems and we are moving forward. We have set it at 16%.
Money is flowing. Get excited. The law has become a ruler between Baghdad and Erbil, getting rid of the contention between them.
More like right here, we are talking about, hey, get off the stuck. He is saying, hey, look, we have got it. He is right.
Let’s move. I love some of the articles coming out of Iraq right now. 70.51 million barrels of oil from Iraq in 2024, making them the number two spot for U.S. to bring oil in from behind Saudi Arabia, and they are looking to improve that number.
Saudi, excuse me, Iraq wants to improve their pumping numbers and go to finished products. They want to leave the renter economy. Mass export of finished goods, not raw materials, raw resources, but finished, meaning gas, motor oil, paraffins, ready to go to market, which would enormous benefit for their economy, which is really cool when you look at just, no, not that one.
Not that one. Where am I at? Anyways, where they cut their budget. Hang on it.
Yeah, well, wherever. It is in there. All right.
Iraq to implement projects worth $7 billion in 2025 as they are expanding refineries, projects, roads, development road project, et cetera. Where does all that money come from? Can you imagine how easy $7 billion would be with a change of value? Oh, my goodness. Unleash it.
Nancy, thank you. Penny, I appreciate it. Oh, you meant the bank kitty for when we need to help people.
Thank you. All right. I am going to take that one down for a moment, make certain I have covered anything.
And then we have had a number of people asking about tax related stuff. So, I do have a little bit of insight for you. What it means, you guys decipher it.
I have to make certain that I sanitize this a little. I was looking for the right word, guys. I want to make certain I get it right.
Some meetings with some management level upper end folks. And I am kind of condensing these meetings and stuff for you. IRS openings, of course, I shared the job postings where they have been removed, where they are no longer hiring.
They have frozen all hiring. They have removed help wanted. They are also have decided that if you are hired after January 20th, and they did, the IRS was still hiring, moving forward with their 80 whatever thousand employees, you’re gone.
If you are hired before January 20th in your probationary period, they are not quite sure what to do with you right now. I am hearing from staff that were involved that they are still just, we don’t know what’s going on. We don’t know if we have a job.
We don’t know if the IRS still exists. I am certain there are still people in there plugging away and working, but this is what I’m getting from inside the employees. Guys, none of this is secret information.
This is publicly known things. Many of the employees will talk. Nobody’s been sworn non-disclosures or anything like that.
The IRS is and the employees are preparing to bail. Many of them, not all of them. Some of them are like, oh my God, this will blow over.
We’ll still be here, but the sheer number of management and the people, we don’t know if we’re coming back to work. We don’t know if we’re going to work. We don’t know.
They’re telling us keep working from home for now until we decide what to do with you. They haven’t even brought them in. Many of them don’t get access to their systems.
Something is afoot is what I’m getting at. The IRS is, according to my sources that work there, and I know that for absolute certainty, it’s getting fun. YouTube glitching bad.
Anybody else getting the glitches? It’s running smooth on my end. Dr. Scott, has it been smooth when you’re listening to me? Yeah, smooth, but your face is kind of pausing there a little bit. All right.
Here’s some fun stuff for you. Out of the IRS, IRS says some employees cannot take Trump buyout offer until after the tax filing deadline. They’re saying if they are involved in the tax season for 2025, they can’t leave before May 15th.
They’re asking them to stay. They’re telling them they can. Of course, federal government and DOJ president said, yeah, you can take it.
Go ahead and go. The IRS is asking them to stick around until May 15th. Dr. Scott, do you think there’s any way they’re going to process all those returns by May 15th? The only way they’re going to get those are the voluntary ones that send money with it.
Yeah. See, I think the reality with this tax season is that if you pass the tax or the IRS killing kind of thing, what does it mean for 2024? I think what it means is a mass refund for 24 and whatever you got in 25. So I can’t imagine that they’re not going to be working a bit.
And so you need to process all the people that paid taxes in 24 and 25 or whatever. I would say that’s at least the case. Some people in here going, why May 15th? Tax filing deadline is April 15th.
To me, May 15th makes sense because anybody that sent checks at the deadline of April 15th, 1159 p.m. right before it switches over and it’s too late. I mean, how many post offices? I mean, how many of you guys have ever, maybe not as many of you guys as folks that have been in business and had employees. I mean, there are times where 11 something in the evening on the deadline, we’re getting a stamp by the postman at the central post office in town.
I’ve many times trying to pull it together because you’re scrambling. Where do I come up with the money? Where do I do this? I’ve got to add that this filing accountants are overloaded and you walk in at T minus five to get your stamp by the 15th so you don’t get fines. And my guess is they’re asking for the 15th so that they have time for anybody that goes ahead and sends them their check.
I mean, with one month, let’s say you have to actually audit a return, do something. I mean, who’s going to do it? There won’t be many people there. So my guess is, and I have no idea, guys, I’m not telling you, pay your taxes.
Don’t get yourself in trouble. It’s not worth the fight. But the only thing that makes sense to me looking at it today from the outside with the information I’ve been given is they just want to cash the easy checks, the people that aren’t fighting and just send it in.
I mean- Yeah. We’re going to find out though too, but guys, there’s plenty of time. Don’t get too worried about that stuff yet.
I’ve always over the years saved at least 25 to 30%. Just put it aside and I’ll put it in a tax savings account. That’s actually going to be the same thing I’ll do with sales tax.
I always kind of throw that over aside. So if you plan for things like that, I actually create a lots of different accounts. I have one for this growth issue and this for tax and this for that and this for that, just so I don’t spend it.
Just my way of doing it. All right. Let’s hit a little bit of news before we move over just to questions.
Jim, we will save this one. We’ve answered it many, many times, but I just want to highlight it so Dr. Scott will be prepared. DOJ, the Department of Justice agrees not to disseminate the list of FBI agents who worked on January 6th.
What they’re saying is if no charges are brought, if none of them messed up or did anything wrong, they’re not going to release their name. Now, if there is or becomes an active court case because they were highly prejudiced, then you might know their name, but this is the compromise that they have come to saying, hey, if you did nothing wrong, nobody’s ever going to find out your name. I think absolutely reasonable.
The concern from supposedly the concern that the FBI was saying, oh my God, they’re going to target us. We’re going to get harassed at school. Our children are going to get harassed.
My wife’s going to get harassed at the tennis club, all because I was involved in that one. They’re saying, we’re not going to share anybody’s name unless we do an active case against you because you have been found and there’s evidence thereof, but if there is no evidence thereof, go on with your life. Nothing to worry about.
I wonder how many of them are still pooping their depend. It still depends. I’m running with it.
All right. Coalition of 22 states sued New York Attorney General over climate super fund law. Boy, it’s not a good day to be Letitia.
Really bad to be Letitia. Letitia thought it’d be really cool to go after all these energy companies, power companies, et cetera, over global warming from the past saying, oh, we’re going to sue you for 50 years ago, 20 years ago, 10 years ago, because you led to global warming while you were selling us power. They didn’t just name New York state who brought the suit.
They brought a countersuit and named her specifically because she was weaponizing her office. 22 states, not mentioning the companies, the power companies in New York that are bringing their money. This is not even David and Goliath.
She’s not in the ballpark. She is so outclassed. I think this will be the one that buries Letitia.
All right. Trump’s shakeup of USAID reveals agency finance censorship and smear campaigns. Boy, I love this one.
This sub stack over at the Defender, absolutely epic. I’m just going to leave it in here. As we dig more and more and more, these are probably facts that the DOGE crew already knew.
When you follow the money, what they have been paying to do, this is Operation Mockingbird. This is Orwellian hell is what this is. This is a fun one.
I’m going to leave it right there because I want to hurry and get to Dr. Scott and hit one more. Tit for tat, Trump revokes Biden’s security clearance, bars him from intelligence briefings. Biden had previously revoked Trump’s access to intelligence briefings after he took office following events of January 6th, 2021.
Biden’s not reading the briefings. He wasn’t reading the briefings for the last three or four years. It really means nothing.
What it means is Biden’s staff no longer gets to see it. Biden’s operatives no longer get to see it. He no longer has a security clearance so that he can share it with all the Democrat operatives.
Huge move. Some people might find it petty. Yep.
An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. It might also be relation to the other presidents that are not going to get their security clearance either. I didn’t think about that.
It’s a good point, Dr. Scott. All right. Where do you want to start with all the questions and exchanges and such? Or do you want to deal with the capital gains first? Where do you want to go? Yeah.
Let’s do the capital gains one. So over and again, and I know Mark’s response, I’m going to do Mark’s response for him because he says he’s kind of had some extra currency to cover that. Okay.
That’s one way of handling that thing to kind of prepare. The reality is, what if you didn’t believe in any of the IRS kind of deletion? I think you’re going to find a way to be able to pay for it. Let’s put it that way, number one.
So don’t get too sideways on that. But capital gains is IRS taxation. So if the IRS is gone and Trump is telling you over and over again, don’t worry about capital gains.
Capital gains is a direct response of that. Now, foreign currency almost never has been taxed. I mean, if you came back from the UK and you brought back your currency and flipped it over and obviously you’d have more dollars than the UK note, what is it? UK pound, sorry.
They’re not going to charge you for that. I mean, they’re not going to pay taxes on that kind of amount. So it just has never been done anyway.
So I think we’re worried about something that just isn’t an issue with that too. Related also, again, we’re bringing up a lot of questions about, should I pay my taxes? Again, hold that stuff aside. You’ll be okay.
But don’t worry about it until the time comes up here. Should we create a mother account? I believe that you’re going to have, I mean, and I’m going to go over that just a little bit more effectively here. I pulled something that I think you guys might like that will kind of answer this.
If you don’t mind, let me click on that slide, that only slide I have out there. And I was thinking about what you might think about. You guys can find this on the SBA site.
So Small Business Association. I want you to think about it like this. Number one, if you’re doing an application for a small business loan, there’s a lot of information that they’re looking for.
They’re looking for the lender’s credit ability, debt repayment. There’s a personal financial statement. And even spouses that might have 25%, they would have to do it.
And you’re going, wait a second, why are you talking about this? Because this is very much, this is kind of related a little bit to the redemption appointment here. So it looks at current balance sheets, flow projections. These are stuff that I’ve done several times.
There’s even issues if you have real estate issue, they were going to look for environmental reports. I mean, there’s just a bunch of little things that kind of come out for these appointment types. So as we kind of look at this a little bit, I want to kind of transition a little bit.
There is a lot of conversation about redemption center versus bank versus an exchange kind of place. Just want you to realize this, if most banks don’t know how to deal with rare pennies, let’s put it that way. I mean, just don’t get off on those things.
But how do they deal with rare pennies? Well, they would just change it as pennies. They don’t know anything about pennies. So they have to have a person who understands those particular kinds of things, which normally means you got some outside dealer that comes in.
And what Mark and I both know is there are very specialized people who are looking at a lot of the bond kind of stuff. Some of these people from what I hear are kind of old, but they’re looking at the bonds. Now, the currencies, there are specially trained people that have to do that.
And so if you don’t like the term redemption center and you want to use bank, fine. But reality is you’re not going to go to any Tom, Dick and Harry bank. They don’t have the ability.
I love calling it a redeeming bank. My middle ground. Yeah.
Say anything you want to. I mean, I think we’re too focused because there’s a couple people out there, they’ll try to say, oh, it’s not a redemption center, it’s an exchange center, or it’s not a redemption center, it’s a bank. And I’m going, okay, first off, it has to be one of the big banks.
Okay. What are big banks? Probably, you know, one of the Fed type banks. Okay.
It has to be those kinds of things. So, you know, if and yet all the banks won’t be able to know what those things look like. So if I were doing it, I wouldn’t do it at a normal bank necessarily.
They might. I do it at a wealth management company. I’d find a different place.
I find a place that no one is so that it hasn’t been cased by anyone. Have you ever thought about that one? If you knew all the wealth management or you knew all of the other banks, don’t you think that they might be casing that? Why wouldn’t they put it on in a place that, you know, no one necessarily goes? Just a thought. And I think that’s why you don’t know where it is.
You don’t exactly know when it is. And you’re not supposed to know because they don’t want the bad boys to know either. So I think that’s one area.
But realize, you know, when you do a SBA loan, there’s a bunch of extra paperwork that kind of comes. Don’t get too freaked out about it. That in essence, and I was just given this, you know, today.
So I really can’t, you know, share it all the way with you. But the reality is, you’re going to get, they’re going to have some type of email, some type of phone number. You’re going to have the ability to kind of get in there.
You’re going to bring like two IDs. There’s going to be a background check. Don’t think that there’s not going to be a background check on you.
And why wouldn’t they? Why would you want to have some of the crazies with them? When he says that, I would just like to caution people, do not panic. If you are not terrorists, you do not have active whatever, you have paid your whatever to society, you’re okay. They’re only looking for the cabal, the rats or the folks that are busy building like suicide vests in their back room.
Guys do not panic when he says that though, but they have to do it. They have to do that check. Be responsible not to.
And by the way, as a business owner, I do background checks. You know, it’s something that you’re looking for. And it doesn’t mean that I don’t hire someone when I find something on their background check.
I’m looking for that, you know, situation and finding out a little bit about it. Okay. So again, it’s not about that, but again, you don’t want to have some, you know, crazy CEO banker that you know, is a bad person that is coming in with a, you know, with a wig and a mask or something like that.
Okay. So background check, address verification, at least have a couple different things for address verification. And if you don’t have it, tell them, I mean, just be honest.
Don’t, don’t walk in there with all kinds of crazy kinds of things. There, you know, I think a lot of people can have like a client information sheet. You know, you could type out something in a few minutes that actually has some of the same information here.
Now there is a massive issue with trusts. I think that comes up more than anything out there. The reality is that we have never experienced what is going to be on the other side of the EBS, the NASARA stuff.
We have never experienced life like that. Don’t you think that these wealth managers, when you, when you’re talking to them, they’re going to be talking to you about, they’re not, many of them are not awakened and they’re going to be talking about wealth management structures so that you’re, you’re not paying taxes. And so you’re going to have to, you’re going to have to do a big pause here because a lot of people won’t understand it.
And even the people that you’re talking to. So, you know, give yourself a little bit of time and effort in that circumstance. Commercial property was 17 years with a $400,000 loan.
If it sells, no, I mean, yes. If it sold five minutes before, you know, this thing happened, of course you’re going to lose the debt cancellation. I mean, I mean, it’s, you know, it still means be weird, Catherine, but you know, that is, that is the fact.
It’s not on the books. How can they give you money back for that kind of thing too? Let’s see here. We have, you know, I mean, so if you have set up a trust, the reality is you’re probably going to have to go see another lawyer and work on that again, because it’s not going to be for all the things you need to be done.
And it’s kind of why I think Mark has said it the way he said it. So again, I’m saying it my way, you know, you might say it your own way, but the reality is almost everyone’s going to have to reset these things in a lot of different ways to reflect what you need. Do you want to jump in? Tahoe.
Yeah. I mean, when I go open a bank account, I had to take something from either a utility or from the government, a tax, whatever. I had to take that and one photo ID, whether that was driver’s license, a passport or whatever.
Now, if you got a passport and a driver’s license, I was told I did not need the utility bill or whatever, because that was considered plenty of proof. But so that the address, yeah, you’re going to need one valid end date ID. But I have been told guys that if you’ve been moving, you could not update your ID, that they were making provisions where you would have partial access while you straighten that out so that you weren’t left high and tight.
You weren’t left on the street. Let’s just say you’re homeless, but you got a million dinars sitting that you’ve been hanging on to. You’ve been toting with you, pushing it around, whatever you’ve got to do.
And you exchange. I am told that they will, you will get instant access to a portion of it while you update that because you haven’t had a home. Of course you don’t have an address.
Right. Or you’re moving or you’re, you know, I mean, I know people that are getting away from another person, you know, that kind of circumstance that they understand that that’s a reality, you know, with that too. The reason why I talk about business kinds of issues too, is that with a business, they’re actually, you know, so if you’re talking about a project on there, why wouldn’t you want to talk? I mean, have some information about what you want to do.
And, and let me, let me pause and well, let me, let me answer that question here too. We’ll be able to pay it with a QFS card. Okay.
Remember, you know, do they, will they give you a credit card or some type of thing as an access point? Maybe. Will they give you paperwork, how to be able to get online and get it? Sure. So absolutely.
But it doesn’t mean that it might not be a good idea to ask them to move some of the money and different accounts, you know, as you get out there. So maybe you need to fund a few of your accounts to help that out. I think that would be a totally reasonable kind of a statement, but let me just say, I had a person that a couple of years ago, she was talking about two different types of projects.
And so she was, you know, she was talking about one for MedBets that she wanted to do in her, in her big city. And then the other one was, you know, a homeless shelters, and she wanted to have like a home, whole setup for homeless people. And I was like, sounds, I mean, you know, sounds fine.
Tell me a little bit about this. What do you do for a living? And she goes, well, I’m a real estate agent. And I’m like, okay, think about this for a second.
You’re a real estate agent. And so lease agreements and mortgage, you know, kinds of things are secondhand to you, you are like, totally set up over here to be able to do the homeless kind of thing, right? You know, you don’t know anything about medical stuff, unless you know, it shouldn’t have any medical background, kind of stick in your background with that too. And some people are going to walk in there.
And they’re not going to have a clue what they want to do, or they don’t really have the ability to do it. They probably have, you know, this is this is the way that if I were running it, I would say, you know, tell me what you’re wanting to do. Tell me what you what you want to, you know, I want to be able to help humanity in my town.
Okay. And they might have like different choices, we’ll pick between these kinds of areas. So we can shunt the money over.
That might be a way of doing that. A couple thoughts, a couple thoughts that I have on that, that kind of area. But, you know, have a little preparation that you might do upon what you want to accomplish.
And I think a lot of people have done that with that, too. You want to jump in and say something on there? I was just noticing this one. And I was just like, man, having loads of money is going to be huge responsibilities.
Everybody’s like, Oh, my God, it’s been so tough getting to this point. Find a good wealth man. I mean, it’s going to have huge responsibilities.
You know, the reality is you need to be thinking about what do you want to do with it? You know, what I mean, if you have a little bit, you know, or you have a lot, you know, you’re still going to have way more than you’ve ever had in your life. What do you do with it? And by the way, that’s called stewardship. I mean, you know, having a plan with money.
And by the way, I do that as a business owner all the time. I put aside a money. I know how much money I want to fund in an account for different things.
Shouldn’t we do that same kind of thing with, you know, with the funds that we have? Shouldn’t we be looking at, well, you know, what’s my long-term kind of needs out there with that, too? So I’m going to tell you one thing that I truly believe, and I’ve been hearing this over and over again, no electronics, no pepper spray. I’m going to tell you, you’re not going to be able to walk in there and like video record it and, you know, share it with your friends. You know, have a little tiny, a little light, tiny electronic calculator if you want to have a calculator, a little tiny thing, no big deal.
But you’re not going to walk in there with, you know, your cell phones and junk like that and iPads and making notes, physical notes with that. Jeff, with your question, will I be able to pay my bills with the QFS card until I’m able to transfer into my bank? Your thoughts on that? I mean, sure you will. You know, it’s an account.
I think too many times people don’t understand your other bank is going to be, in essence, this is the Scott word, not Mark’s. Scott word is QFS compliant, okay? All of them have to be along the line of the QFS and outside of the Fed’s system so that they have access it. By the way, that’s such a powerful point.
Realize if the Fed was hooking up to this stuff, and this is an argument against some of the people that don’t really understand the Nisar piece. If the Fed systems of the Swift were there, they would cut you off in seconds. This is why we have to have the idiots and the cabal out of the way and the Fed system cut, in essence.
So these systems have to, we have to have a QFS for all bank accounts and all those types of accounts so that they can’t get access to it. So in essence, that’s what’s going to work. I, you know, listen, people say this all the time and, you know, did President Trump hold it up? And I think we’re massively guessing at what he’s doing.
His long game is way longer than you realize. He was talking about stuff in 2018 that is only going to come to pass this year. That is a massive long game with him too.
No, it will not. Exactly. It’s not going to be nearly as chaotic because you think Mitzi, boy, you’re not the first person to hear that.
Can I tell you how many wealth managers that told me that because the bank told me that who now have been trained on the foreign currencies and now own the currency? I mean, I don’t know what to tell you other than if you own the bank, what would you tell your employees? You would tell all your employees that this thing is real. You should all have some. And then the moment this happens, you’re not going to have a single employee.
Your entire business is going to be forced to shut down. Or would you do the official line and say, oh, no, no, no, no, no. That’s just, that’s just a scam.
Don’t worry about it at all. I mean, what would you guys do? I mean, if all you cared about was making money, not taking care of your people, what would you tell them? I mean, that’s kind of my take on this one. I’ve met too many wealth managers, branch presidents, folks that have trained in foreign currency and banks that will greatly disagree with what you were told.
But I guess we all have to make up our own minds. Right. And here’s the reality.
Most people, the massive majority, I don’t care what, they’re still struggling with the idea that the IRS might go away. So are they ready for this? They’re not ready for this. I mean, so and by the way, I do want to get into this one thing.
Do not think you are going to negotiate the number. I mean, one thousand percent, you’re not going to negotiate a number. Don’t walk in there and ask, is this the best rate I could get? Is this my God? I’m telling you right now that that is not happening.
There’s no way they would do that kind of thing. The lawsuits, the pain in the butt, though, because themselves, guys, no part of me is worried about that. Unlike you, I’m like, yeah, I mean, if you feel like you need to say, hey, you’re not happy with the amount, say, will you sign something saying you’re giving me the absolute best price that you can? I mean, if it just makes you feel better.
But I have been told repeatedly for years that it is pre negotiated and part of the treaty, along with the fees. Yeah, I mean, and the fees have to be there to be able to pay different, you know, different groups in that circumstance. Guys, I think we’re like, you know, we’re struggling over the peanuts.
I mean, there’s a there’s a great line to, you know, walking over dollars trying to find another dime. Are we really worried about some of that stuff in that way? So. No, I’m with you.
It’s a good point, Sharon. Now, one of the things that I also kind of believe, too, is that first off, shouldn’t you have like, you know, have a count of your currency, know what it is, how much it is, you know, what the possibility is in there. Great.
I think that’s that’s going to be the case to their their, you know, crypto Kenny. That is a good point. A forex rate would be what the balance for the different the countries are working from.
This is a one time kind of very short period of time where you’re going to have there’s a contract rate to pull those those currencies off the street. But this actually funds a bunch of amazing projects are going to go out throughout the world. So there’s a contract rate for a very short period of time.
By the way, don’t say anything to anyone about it. That’s probably one of, you know, what what’s the point? How is that going to help you with that, too? So, you know, there will be a contract rate. Don’t cause more driving problems for yourself.
Right. Smartest thing you can do in this process is shut up, shut up before you hurt yourself. Patrick, here’s one I would like to tackle, Dr. Scott.
Hi, Mike. Hi, Mark. Dr. Mike.
Now, I’m in Northern Ireland. We’ll be able to donate. Will you be able to donate to local projects or just President Trump projects? Absolutely.
Local projects close to home are far preferable than some far off away land. Yeah, no, it’s not going to be. And Patrick, I really appreciate you asking the question.
It’s a very good question. Most people don’t ask. The reality is you live in Detroit.
You live in, you know, Northern Ireland. You live in Israel. You need to be able to take care of your community.
Right. You’re going to be building playgrounds. I mean, whatever that might be.
Water wells. I don’t know. Whatever your neighborhood needs, your area, your town, town, city, country.
Right. So and the other thing, too, is to make sure, by the way, be very, very careful about, you know, giving, giving money to friends and family. You know, there’s a way to do this.
And through, you know, through wealth management, kind of, you know, trust lawyers who help you do that kind of stuff. So don’t do not give people, you know, just walk up and give them, you know, millions and millions and millions of hours cash they’re not ready for. They’re just not.
Ted, I’m with you. If I help somebody, I’ll do without dinner myself. I just, it’s, many people have told me it’s one of my biggest character flaws.
I don’t know. I think it’s one of my strengths. Row two, it would be smart to only put what you need in a monthly into the bank, some extra, no need to put all the eight.
Row two, I was going to do a separate account for paying bills out just in case somehow it could be hacked or whatever I was going to put, but I was going to leave more than just a little. I was going to put like, let’s say, keep a hundred grand in it, pay all the bills for the month and top it off. Only so that when I walk into the average bank that doesn’t know what I have, but I’m an account holder.
Let’s just say I, you know, that I don’t know what’s a first Lincoln bank or something. I live in Lincoln, Nebraska, and it’s a small like regional spot. I’d probably put enough in there where they took me seriously when I came in and treated me well, but not like, oh my God, this is the rich guy.
We need to shake them down. Now this guy’s worked. He’s got a hundred, 200 grand in savings.
We need to make certain that we take care of them. Otherwise they’re going to be like, oh no, this guy’s only got 20 bucks in the bank. We don’t need to jump through hoops, waving any fee or any, whatever.
Oops, somebody messed up. There was a unnecessary charge. We don’t need to get to the bottom of it.
He doesn’t have any money. He’s not serious. So for me, I’d play that one in between.
That’s just my thought. It’s not advice. It’s just me looking outside going, this makes sense.
Exactly. So what do you think it’s going to look like? We’re going to show up. I was told to bring everything that you would need to open a bank account in your local area.
Meaning, and then bring, and I like Dr. Scott’s idea too. He’s just saying to be extra prepared, bring what you would need to start a business account, which is just a few more forms of ID kind of thing, or any trust information, or if you’re going to put something in a corporation. In other words, just bring everything.
And have a plan for your, have a basic plan for your projects. If you’re talking about them, I think it’s probably going to be like, well, it sounds like you have a plan. Great.
Then they’ll shunt you to the right people who will help you work that thing through. Ryan, I’m on disability, have no currencies. You don’t have to do a thing, Ryan.
You just relax, wait for things to change. You are going to be, let me tell you, there are people who have no money. They’re renting everything, what they are.
They don’t own any kind of thing. I promise you, if you walked out of prison three months ago and you don’t own anything, you are still going to be way ahead of the game. This is going to be good for every single person.
If you only have $10 in your pocket, but suddenly that’s like 2025 money, but we’re going to back up. If that were 1970 money, now you got a couple of hundred bucks in your pocket in value and purchasing. There’s much to go on here.
Don’t panic if you don’t have currency. The community may or may not have currency stashed away for those in need that did not have any, once this finally goes. How’d you get so stinking smart, Dr. Scott? I don’t know, guys.
This has been stuff I’ve been working on for a long time, but I’m a business guy and I kind of think about this and I get asked the questions, so I had to look at it. Okay, again, back to the QFS. Remember, every single account has to be QFS compliant.
Yes, you’re going to have a new bank account. That’s what it is. If it’s Wells Fargo, let’s just make up, if it’s Wells Fargo or Chase, it’s going to be suddenly a new Chase account and it’s going to have that money in there.
Then all you have to do is move money around, but they’re all QFS compliant. They’re all quantum financial system, in essence, QFS compliant, just getting away from that. Yep, I actually have a download that you guys can go.
It’s a free download. Pop that thing down. It will help you with a lot of this information.
I promise you we’ve been talking about it quite a bit and Mark’s looked it over too. Yes, yes, I have. Pretty solid stuff in my book.
Hevia or Jevia, I just assumed. Trish, answering somebody else, do all donating anonymously. Otherwise, you will have a lot of friends you don’t want.
Yeah, if you guys start rolling around, throwing money around, you’re going to have more friends than you ever wanted, but most of them won’t be real friends. Well, look at kids who get drafted in the NFL, NBA. I mean, they get a lot of hangers on and they’re bugging them and they have no idea that that signing bonus you think they got isn’t anywhere near the number that they thought they would have.
There’s a million people that will line up in that way, so don’t do that. Don’t be giving away something you don’t have. Sunkist, thank you.
You’re appreciated and you guys are welcome. Appreciate that. We don’t do it for our own ego.
We do it because we love you guys, or at least that’s why I do it. I mean, what’s the difference between gold-backed currency and being in the gold standard? I’m not sure there is a difference there. The gold-backed currency is… All right, so the gold standard is a way of saying that our currency system has to be on a gold standard.
So for instance, everything is… The money is based upon this, but a gold-backed currency might be the US note. Some people call it US treasury note. Some people call it US note.
And the reason why we think it’s a note issue is that notes are derived directly from an asset. So it’s another way of saying that with that too. And absolutely, every bank who’s going to be around will instantly do it.
And frankly, it won’t be a big deal to them. I mean, I just saw something and I put it on my Telegram account and I signed that to my bank and there was a big long statement about a new digital system. And I’m like, huh, it’s not that big a deal for them with that too.
I like that. If MedBeds are accurate and we may live a lot longer, I mean, it really does change the amount of money you need for retirement. If the difference is, well, I need a good retirement for 20 years or 15 years, as opposed to I need a good retirement for 200 years, maybe 1,000.
Fred, that’s a great point. Well, I will say this, definitely live on a budget, but you know what? I think Jesus is coming back soon enough. You’ll be looking for something.
I think it’d be a moot point. No. And frankly, no one even knows what the DONG is, what the DINAR is.
Listen, no one has a clue with that. This one’s for you. Okay.
Aren’t these accounts supposed to be an outside view, reach out to banks unless we have moved the money into their account? Let’s see here. How would I answer that one? Do you want me to give it a shot and you expand? Yeah, go ahead. I mean, I’m trying to think of how I’m saying that.
Yes and no on these accounts supposed to be outside of their view. If you’re sitting in front of them and you’re asking for them to do something, but no, they’re not going. It’s my understanding unless you are there with an account open, they can’t see what you’re doing.
Meaning that the teller sitting around that afternoon and they just happen to think of seeing Dr. Scott at the grocery store buying an entire beef tenderloin. They can’t go in, you know, I wonder if he banks here. Let’s see what he’s got.
And I think that really what that is, is really not necessarily on the banking level. It’s, you know, way above that. Think of, and most people do not think about this, but think about any movie you’ve seen in the DE about DEA, right? And they could actually cut off people’s bank accounts.
Think about in Canada where they were cutting off the trucker’s bank accounts with that too. That is systemic level. We’re cutting people’s access.
What the QFS does, and it’ll be for each nation having her own currency, her own setup. What that does is says, uh-uh government, you have no access to this fund unless I tell you with that. Yeah.
Kathy, I liked that one. Don’t let them suffer, but you know, waiting till after the NBA, I’ve just got to kick out of that one. Um, me for glory, answer Vivian.
Vivian needs to know to owe the IRS. So what exchange do I pay them at that time? My understanding is it’s white. You won’t owe them at that time.
That’s my understanding. But I do want to say that I was told if you, let’s say that you’re going to do your exchange and let’s just randomly pick, uh, let’s reach in this hat over here, grabbing name, like Wells Fargo. Let’s say you owe them $32 from a back fee from like 18 months ago, five years ago, whatever.
I’m told they are still going to do your exchange. They just might take that $32, whatever that is, but that should be white too. So I just, I would not waste a moment of my time worrying about that.
Have you found something else? Good. Dr. Scott to talk about yet, or I’m just trying to look at some of the other stuff. You know, I, I guess what I would say with this is, you know, I would be, I would start to envision this, um, every morning I’m up, I’m up by the fireplace and I’m, I’m envisioning what I’m supposed to do in the world, what I’m supposed to do.
Um, and God’s talking to me all the time. How about you guys spend some time and say, I don’t know what’s going to happen. Just calm down, take it down a notch.
You know, I, I think, I think many people are, are focusing on their fears and their anxieties, kind of physically take those anxieties and shove them aside and say, I’m ready to be filled up by you God. And, and calmly walk yourself through the process. Okay.
And you go, but I don’t know what the process is. They do. They don’t want this to be like, you’re freaking out, not understanding it.
It just be calm. And here’s one big thing. Do not ask him about aliens.
Do not ask him about like a med bed. Do not ask him about some crazy circumstance that, you know, that you want focus only on the money and the account. Don’t ask anything else other than, you know, if they give you brochures about something, take it, you know, but do not ask any of those other things.
Um, Emerald light. I’m afraid you’re not going to see that because it’s all make-believe money anyways. Um, because of the way they hypothecated it or fractionalize it.
What do you think? So what have you, 10 trillion missing from our government? Do we sue the government for that money back or did they just pay back to the people? The reality is again, we’re, we’re always focusing on, you know, um, what, how am I going to get my money back? How am I going to get paid back for all the fraud and all the other things? And the reality is you’re never going to get paid back what you really think. And even if they paid back people to some extent, you’d, you’d say, well, that’s not fair. I should have gotten more.
I, I, I literally hear this all the time. And, you know, I think that’s a, that’s a really tough focus. By the way, there was a person and I don’t remember who said it exactly.
They were talking about, you know, illegals being here and they got to be sent back for their, you know, benefits. And the reality is, I just had a weirder thought with that. So you come to this country illegally.
So you were illegal in this country. First off, you got to get out. Okay.
Um, and then you go back to your original country, what, to get benefits in that way, but you already left it, but you left the country. I’m, I’m told, I’m told you can exchange any country you’re in as long as you are legally in that country. But, but if there are some just Sarah and Sarah benefits, it pretty much makes sense.
You got to go back to your country to get them. Right. I mean, it just makes common sense to me.
But I, I just don’t see that it’s, you know, we want to say, oh, you got to go back to that country. So that’s going to be like, oh, come on over here. There’s a, you know, there’s a carrot over here.
Nah, you know, you are here illegally. You did something illegal. You’re not going to get a benefit for being illegal with it too.
So, um, we’ll be able to retire. Depends. Do you have currency? Do you not have currency? I mean, what you got going on? I mean, to me, are you, I think, I think most of you need to start being way more busy than you are right now.
Stop thinking I’m going to just sit back and, and relax. Maybe you’re not going to be, you know, working at, you know, seven 11 or whatever it is, you know, anymore, but are you going to be busy? Do not be thinking this is like, you should just be get on a boat and leave forever. I mean, maybe that’s, maybe that’s what you needed for a while, but you know what? You need to be like, there is so much rebuilding and so much things that we need to do out there.
Start seeing what cool things you could do and what kinds of capabilities that you have. And no, absolutely. I did notice Tom, we’re going to start losing moderators soon.
We’ve gone late, but yeah, remember a little bit early tomorrow. I say we take this one, call it the NIDRR app, but based on the just overwhelming number of questions, I think we, if you’re up for it, I will gladly do it without you, but it is nice to get that, that extra, you know, opinion or thoughts as we bounce things back and forth. But I don’t know if we can wait till next Thursday, whether we do it on Tuesdays and Thursdays, just you talk to me, we can talk later if you want.
Yeah, we can find a time. Yeah. Just text me.
We’ll figure it out too. Again, street rate and street rate would be what I kind of hear is, is, you know, let’s say you waited till, I mean, or, or someone really didn’t believe any of this stuff and they had some dinar in their back pocket kind of thing. You know, what would be the street rate? It might be pennies, you know, on the, on the back end of this, you know, I mean, I don’t know what that is, but that might be a way to think of that.
RV and contract rate, I think are the same thing in essence, you know? Yeah, same. I think street rates, if you’re just Joe Blow walking off the streets, I think that RV rate is kind of the contract rate. Right.
And after the, after the timeframe of, of that revalue point, you know, a month and a half from now or whatever, you know, the date is that it happens, but a month and a half post, you know, timeframe, you’re not gonna be able to walk in there. And that’s why people go, well, I want to see what, how they do and how that happens. Well, as soon as they go, they’re not gonna be able to tell you anything.
So what are you asking? You need to do it yourself. You know, the, the reality is don’t worry about everyone else. They know you’ve, I mean, most people haven’t been through this kind of stuff.
And the people have, maybe they, you know, that’s, they’re going to ask for, hey, would you, you know, be looking to do these kinds of projects? I don’t know. I love this one. And I saw Janice, and I’ll just give you a quick one.
And then Janice, it’d be something for us to do this next one too. Just asking for your opinion. Do you think the Epstein files need to come out first I think it’s going to come out maybe an hour before so that the guilty are pooping and running and they’re focusing everywhere, but I would not be surprised to see that drop.
And then an hour later, uh, I’m over here dancing in a man key. Yep. And I think, I think that’s a powerful point.
Um, you know, I have for a long time, I think Mark has felt the same way too, but you know, this is just a feeling, but if I were doing this and I’m, uh, I’m, I’m changing the, the monetary system, forget about the RV situation. Okay. But if we’re going to a goal-backed and we’re deleting out, you know, those who, you know, executive order 13818, and you’re deleting out these ultra rich, you know, um, ugly, you know, circumstances, people, I really want to have a fake false flag kind of event, a focus over here and not what I’m doing right now.
And just more about the gold currency that anything else. So I really want to have a different kind of focus out there so that they’re freaking out on their own situations and the world is focusing on it. And could it be like an Epstein file drop? Could it be the Epstein JFK? I mean, and we did a long video by the way, uh, Roger and I did a long video about JFK and all the other kinds of things with that.
Holy cow. Wouldn’t it be cool to see the people focusing on that and you’re focusing on, you know, your future. Oh yeah.
Um, and Janice, I’m not a hundred percent certain what you’re looking for here. I was going to tell you the story of when I went and they role played with currency and foreign currency for me. Um, and that might give Dr. Scott some thoughts on maybe what we’ll see.
Um, but then we had talked about possibly us role playing in exchange, but I think it’d be easier for me to tell you what, what, what the experience was when I role played in exchange. Um, they brought me into a second story above a bank that they use for mortgages, wealth management, et cetera. So the main branch was on the bottom.
Then they were in a bigger office building. So on the second floor, they had their wealth management offices. And I came in, I brought my currency.
They had asked me to bring everything I would need to open an account. Um, and gave me that list, everything you would need to open a, your, your local account, your local bank. And I brought my currency.
So I bring these in, you know, sit down. Hi, how are you? They shake hands. What are you here for currency? Um, well, I see you got an appointment, whatever time I sit down, they had, they just had a handful of, uh, trying to remember exactly.
I think it was a total of five counting the person that lined it up, who I knew in real life. Um, and these people that worked there and they verified your first thing they did was, uh, okay, you’re here to exchange currency. Let’s verify all your information.
So they verified who I was so that I could do an account. So they go through, uh, they got their little checklist to make certain, just like if you were training a new teller on what it would take to open an account, then they wanted to see the currency. And of course, um, they had two people count it.
So what they did was, and that time they did not have Delaware machine. They just had a counting, like one of the stackers counts, a number of bills. You put them in, didn’t even tell you what they were.
You just like, say you had a huge stack of 25,000 and are able to just count it. How many bills? Then they had two people count it. Each one person counted it, tallied the numbers, handed the next person to do the same thing, count it and tally to make certain they fit.
Now they were looking with, um, uh, black lights, uh, a strong flashlight. They were looking for some other, and they had this little marker too. So they were looking to see that way.
Um, he did say, Hey, for simulations, we are using this counting machine. We are expected to have, and he said a Delaware machine. We’re expected to have a machine that will do even a better job verifying, but they were going to verify it three different ways.
They were going to, two individuals are going to count it and verify it. And then the machine was going to count it and verify it. Uh, then it was supposed to just go into an account.
It was nothing. They were not. They, at that point, they were told they are not going to, um, jump through hoops, open your new account, cut you a check for, uh, you know, the car dealer, the, the, the house loan or those things.
Here’s your account. We are suggesting a private banker. Here’s a card with a private banker, um, that worked for their bank in a location in the same town.
That’s how it worked when I did it. And that should have been real and not a role play, but it was, I mean, they did, they ran me through like three different groups and they had them paired off. And I think it was the manager that played in two, because there weren’t enough people.
I just remember him having to do it twice as if he were one of the employees. And that is exactly how you should do that kind of process. I mean, that’s just, it’s much more simple than you think.
Um, you know, if you had other paperwork there that, you know, is like kind of extraneous, uh, we don’t need that yet. Okay. All right.
We’re going to leave a lot unanswered. That’s all I know. Right.
Well, actually I know a lot more about different things, but I don’t think you guys care to, uh, know what kind of, uh, taillights came on a, uh, 71 Chevelle. Uh, we’ll call it a wrap right there. And we reconvene.
I will talk to Dr. Scott a hundred percent. You can count on us next Thursday. Uh, and we will focus on more of these role-playing Q and a’s if we’ve not crossed the finish line.
Um, but we will also see if there’s another time that works. And before I let you go, how’s the wife? I know she was sick after you. She’s doing better.
Should we got an IV for her? So just, you know, it’s kind of really, I man get an IV when you’re sick helps out a lot, you know, with that too. So sure it does. Um, so that, I mean, she’s doing better, but you know, she also had an eye appointment where they’re poking on her eye with stuff on that.
So she’s got a headache like to beat the band. So poor lady, Joe, I feel way more confident than I did two days ago. Every time I turn around, I’m getting more and more confirmations of movement doesn’t tell it.
I mean, doesn’t mean I know that the time or the date or, you know, the exact rates, but it is, it’s exciting. Uh, let’s just pray. It’s, it’s real.
And we’re there. All right. Do you want to close this in a prayer again? Are you up for it? Or do you need to, uh, so thank you God, Lord God, for this.
I just thank you, Lord God, that we come to you right now and we set our anxieties upon you and you, we know that you care for us, Lord God. So we set our anxieties on you and we just say, you are walking before us in the process. And I just thank you so much for that, Lord God, that we do that, but that, you know, if you’re married or, you know, have a, have a partner with you spending time talking about it and talking about what you want and writing it down or God, that kind of thing.
I just, I pray that you’re part of that blessing point. We just thank you so much for what you do. Amen.
Amen. Amen. All mods.
Thank you for staying extra this evening and we’ll see you in the morning. Remember we start with the gurus for a while. First cut up, have fun, and then move to a news.
Dr. Scott. Thank you, sir.