MarkZ (Uncut) 01-31-2025
Coffee with MarkZ, MM and Mr. Cottrell. 01/31/2025
Hello, Coolbee East Coast Adventures. Hello, BustedGuy, I appreciate you, man. Let’s see.
Charlie Kirk posted a message, you get it, if you try to open the tab for the office of Kamala Harris on the White House website for this page is unburdened by what has been. That is epic. Hello, Troy, I’m one of the reservations in Arizona.
Hello, SaltyLife4me, Anthony, Patsy, Michelle, LoneWolf, Jeff, Steve. There’s always next season. CountryBelieve’s got new currency.
Belizean currency is pegged. Two Belizean dollars equals one U.S. dollar. And we have new bills coming.
And they even put it in the news that we have new bills coming. Blazing Truth, they claim it’s just for new security features, but we’re supposed to start keeping an eye out. Happy birthday to Chicago Mama.
And we have a belated for Tony Pearson from yesterday. Hello, Phyllis, a kindred. Let’s see.
My husband Bulldog and I have been listening to you for as long as we’ve owned her. Ten years. That’s entirely too long.
Let’s get to the other side of this one. And then I hope you keep listening. We just get into something a little different.
We still have the Codeman for today. Supposed to have Militiaman and the Codeman. I’m not seeing them pop in, though, guys.
Just to give you a heads up, Militiaman is not a morning person. But we’re hoping. Son Jeff having a 35th.
Happy. Feliz cumpleaños. Happy birthday.
I hope Mr. C gets a visit this weekend. There’s a lot cooking. It’s possible.
It is possible. Curb. Good morning on a rainy day.
Rainy in Virginia, I’m guessing. It’s good to see you. Chet Dippel.
Not certain I want to go back to the good old days. I’d rather get across the finish line. Paul, it’s good to see you in here this morning.
Richard, starting a teardown on a 77 Ford 460. Come on over and give me a hand. Richard, better yet, let’s put a little… I’ve got enough room right beside the house.
We can put a little, like, Quonset hut there with a lift and we’ll tear down my Blazer along with your 77 Ford. Then I’ll get back to one of the Z cars. Shane having a birthday.
It’s ripping this morning. Hello, Ordinance Chief. Beach brat.
Karen’s going to be… Whoa, what was that about you being 62 soon? It’s going to be 62 tomorrow. Happy birthday to me. Happy birthday… Wait.
Tomorrow? Are you going to be here? We’ll go ahead and put you on today just in case. You can just double dip. It’s okay.
Bishbosh says raining in London. It’s washing, cleaning the streets and dumping it into the Thames. Raj, good to see you in Malaysia.
Miss Morgan, always a pleasure. Wendy, when they exchanged currency in the past, how were the funds given to you? Right there in your bank account. You put them in, go straight into your account when they do that conversion.
That’s how they’ve done in the past. Or if it’s a smaller amount in the past, before we became so electronic, they would have just handed you good old U.S. dollars. Bill, Billy, I appreciate your brother.
Max says Thames is Thames. The Thames. Sebastian, let me tell you, if they’re going to make January work, they better get well in a heck of a hurry.
I think they’re going to make February work. 12 inches of snow in British Columbia, Canada, according to Bob. And I have no reason to doubt you, Bob.
Kristen’s birthday. Kind of a neat way to do the spelling on that one. Hello, Florida Gator.
I almost wore that shirt this morning, but I decided I was going to be kind to the LSU folks, and I look better in purple. So I ran with it. Tanya, don’t you love it? Well, Tanya’s twin and herself are going to be 65 on Monday.
It’d be a great time to do one. Cindy’s going to be 73 tomorrow. No shadow for Phil on Sunday.
We’ve seen enough of the damn groundhog. Cynthia warming up in southern Arizona, 82 on Monday. Oil prices are going to go back and forth because of the geopolitics of the day.
The only reason they’re not sitting at 90 is because Trump keeps saying drill, drill, drill. Patty with a beautiful wife. Guys, Robert’s beautiful wife, Patty, 66.
Happy birthday. Let’s see. Miss She gets coats.
That means everything’s going to rip all at once, Dawn. That means you’re getting ready. I mean, we’re all getting ready to go.
The whole world would be changing within moments. Barbra’s is melting away in the PA. It’s only January 31st.
As it warms up, I know we’re all getting ready. We’re hopeful for spring, but we’re a little ahead of the curve here. We’ve still got more cold weather ahead of us.
Hello, Debbie. I mean, D.S. Benjamin, you just keep lurking. Whoa, Bowler bringing us what Mountain Goat has to say.
The governor at CBI knows that Dr. Shabibi’s plan and it cannot be stopped, can be delayed, but the reforms move ahead in spite of the U.S. foreign policy of the past. And boy, do they not like the last four years of policy over there. However, it’s also took a decent prime minister like Sudani to move it ahead.
Regardless, remember the Nuri al-Maliki days. Yes, that was yet eight more years of wasted time. If you guys don’t remember the Maliki waste, I have no idea why some people are big supporters.
I don’t get it. Of course, hey, look, maybe I’m missing something. Maybe I don’t have all the facts.
Those are some wasted days. Herb, it’s my understanding that that is all in the same pot, but save that question for Mr. C. You’re just like 30 minutes early with it, but that’s a good one to ask him. See, continuity government training mentioned on three separate occasions in relation to the D.C. track.
Boy, it’s a mess right now. They were doing a checkout flight pilot keeping hours and just a lot got missed. Human error in a major way.
Ricky, happy birthday, 70. Danny, could we get an appointment before they publicly pass it? Sure, it would actually make a lot of sense. Mike doing the big six four.
Yeah, no, I’ve not been able to see that supposed Tanya Harding crash one yet. Buzz rocket media. Now, keep in mind that Trump is not threatening those countries.
Well, he is and he isn’t. He’s perfectly fine with them changing an asset back. He just does not want one single currency.
In other words, if each one wants to be sovereign, each one wants to tie it to assets, totally good with it. What he’s not good with is a single universal currency for them all. That’s if you go back and you study what he’s telling you, that is what he’s telling you.
He is perfectly okay with standardized values, asset backed, gold backed, all those. What he doesn’t want is a single unified currency for all those nations. In other words, they’re all operating on one, the BRICS currency.
They’re not operating on Chinese currency. They’re not on Brazilian currency. They’re not operating on Russian currency.
They’re not operating on Indian currency, not operating on Somali or any of those cards. They’re operating on like a euro version. He didn’t even like the euro.
He wants each nation to have theirs own. Of course, he would like them to be on parity and asset backed. I need to figure out how to take a few hours and do a podcast just on that because he is getting taken seriously out of context.
Seriously out of context. Okay, we’re going to be ready for your birthday. You got to join us tomorrow or do we get to sing to you today? I guess we can sing to you on both.
Wait a minute. We got part two here. Bowler’s been typing.
All we need to do is take a good hard look at the last couple of years of progress under Sudan and we can clearly see the change. It’s a strong leadership dedication to the white paper reforms. Guys, those white paper reforms are so stinking important.
They spell it out. This is where we are today. They’re now at the point in spite of all the corruption, they have made it to the finish line, but now they need to push it over.
Yeah, if you stop right before you break the ribbon, you never finish. We got to break that ribbon. Hello, San Antonio.
Right, guy? I’m not, but if you have been following. Oh yeah, we’re over 2,800 bucks. Let’s do a quick update and see where we are and then we’ve got to get onto the news, guys.
Hopefully we will get a militia man in the house. And if not, we’ll guilt him into joining us soon. Sitting at, oh, holy smokes.
2,821. Gold has suddenly started ripping just in the last hour to up 20 bucks an ounce. Silver holding pretty steady.
It had a heck of a run yesterday. It’s at 3,176. What’s the market doing, guys? Let’s see.
It’s expected to go up. Okay, it’s up 45 points. I was expecting a little more movement than that on this Friday as everybody is deciding what to do with the data from throughout the week.
RV Flyer not buying that crash as an airline pilot. Never have seen a helicopter allowed to cross flight paths. The helicopter was operating with a hard ceiling of 200 feet.
The collision happened somewhere between 300 and 400 feet. That separation level, although me personally, I mean, it’s one of the busiest airports in the US. It’s probably pretty foolish policy they had going on there.
But they didn’t have enough separation. I mean, even 100 feet would have not really been enough separation. But if the pilot had stayed within parameters, that accident never would have happened, meaning the pilot of the helicopter.
Sure. Where do we go on that one? The pilot of the plane did have the responsibility to find visual, coming in at night, low altitude, finding a light like that or moving like that. Light is almost impossible.
So I am not going to, in my opinion, I cannot find fault with the airline pilot. I mean, it’s one thing to say you’re responsible, but say you’re the president of the United States. At the same time, an asteroid wipes out the entire planet.
Is it your fault? I mean, what could you have done? So I’m not blaming the airline pilot. The helicopter pilot is getting a lot of my blame because they were operating outside their ceiling. A backup one to that would be the air traffic controller that was doing the job of two.
There were supposed to be two people on that job, was one person on that job. So we know they were understaffed. Could it have been avoided if the air traffic controller would have been able to do the job or been a little more capable in his instructions as to where to look for the traffic because there were two planes in traffic? Sure, but if the helicopter pilot had been staying within their flight parameters, it never would have happened.
Yeah, and then there’ll be all that. You’ll get into sexual preferences of pilots, who wants to cut what, and then you get all the sideshow that goes with it. Okay, we really need to be following on this one, guys.
I did not do as much because I was expecting militiamen, but I’m going to give you what we do have. I do have a couple of wealth management slash exchange personnel that are working over the weekend. I hope that is a positive sign.
In Trump’s table, Iraq’s Rafidane Bank faces threats of U.S. sanctions. Oh, wait a minute, are we going backwards? No, no, we’re moving forward. This is part of a new, how do I put, extricate Iran from Iraq, Iraqi politics, banking, et cetera.
Trump is very much has Iran in his targets as the bad guy in the Middle East, and wants them completely removed, all of their influences removed from Iraq proper. Iran not overly happy. Oh, wait a minute, now we do have it in here.
Advisor to the President, Trump’s in the process putting an end to Iranian influence in the Middle East. You’re seeing that with the banking reforms. You’re seeing that with military strength.
It seems to be a solid push to remove Iran. Now, when he’s ready, we’re going to have a militiaman responding. You just tell me when you’re ready, and I’ll keep going until then.
Good morning, how are you today? Oh, I’m fantastic. Well, it sounds like you’re already ready, ready. Oh, as ready as I can be.
This early in the morning from where I am. Yeah, it is. Okay, it’s a combination.
It’s early where you’re at, and you’re really not a morning person. Sometimes I work late, like a lot of people sometimes. Yeah, but anyway, good day to you.
And yeah, first cup of good coffee. Yeah. Are you trying some of the good Freedom Forge stuff? Oh yeah, I’ve tried it, and it’s very smooth and tasty, and it’s good stuff.
That’s awesome. We’ll have to have a chat. Yep.
Hey, so I didn’t catch up on what news you were bringing in, so if you want to- Yeah, just a brief overview, because I mean, we’ve had so much this week, but it seems to be an underlying theme to make certain that Iran has no influence. At Trump’s table, Iraq’s Rafahdine Bank faces threat of sanctions, but this has everything to do with Iran specific. And then we’ve got advisors on both sides of the ocean, both in Iraq and in the U.S., saying Trump is in the process of putting an end to Iranian influence.
Like, that’s a major target for the administration. All right. They want Iraq to be more stable than Saudi Arabia.
They want it to lead the entire Middle Eastern world. They want it to be the calming factor, the leader, whatever you want to call it. The mediator for the region is one of them, so that’s what they do.
They’ve done that for a long time. If you go back in writings, you’ll find that Iraq has taken its position back, and that’s what they’re trying to do, is get Iraq to come back to that proper space. And rightfully so, she was part of the Arab League for the first 22 countries, and you see an article about that.
I think they’re talking about the Arab League again this morning, but I haven’t got into that. But interestingly enough, some of the things that, not a sidebar from the Iranian influence, I think that they’re going to have to be in check, neutered financially if that’s the case, because if they’re going to support and finance terrorism, they’re going to have a problem. And so the illicit trade, the smuggling of the dollar, smuggling of gold, et cetera, into Iran to help fund things is probably going to cease to exist.
And if you notice, the United States forces and other coalition forces are probably not leaving any time soon, because the interests of all the American companies that are coming in, you saw that in the American Chamber of Commerce and all those things. And that’s going on as we speak, right? Yeah, there was, well, interestingly enough, what happened yesterday was 300 companies from Egypt came to town. They’re major companies with prestige and expertise.
And so obviously that they didn’t come there just for fun. This isn’t going to be, I don’t believe this will be another Kuwait conference where they left $30 billion on the table that they were supposed to be invested back in many years ago already. It seems time’s flying, but it’s been quite a few years.
But anyway, I think that now you see on Saturday, for instance, we have a thousand companies coming into Iraq for business. Yeah, American companies coming in. Yeah, and then think about that.
I wouldn’t be surprised if you see some large names on banks. Remember what they said recently too, is that this new system that they’re going to be using, they’ll be able to trade the Iraqi dinar, cross-border payments with millions of banks, a million or more. I mean, you got to think about that complexity of that.
And that means fully international to me. Yeah, and here’s an article this morning, if you haven’t seen it or if maybe you’ve already been over it, but Iraqi bank training on cross-border payments. We covered that one yesterday.
To me, that one was huge. Why the sudden push? They’re training now. They were like, nope, we’re training now because these banks need to be up to speed with cross-border international movement of money.
They’re not allowed to move money. Right. FATF, those guys, you got to play by the rules.
Play by the rules. And that’s a big deal. Back to those companies from Cairo.
So we had 1,000 companies coming into Iraq. I mean, that’s massive. And why? Well, isn’t that the day before they have their meeting or vote on the 12th? On Sunday.
12-2-C? I think they do. Yeah. And it’s interesting how they’ve been kindly deflecting nonstop for months on this.
Until when? Well, it looks like at a time where they can expose that because that has got something to do with what we’re seeing, cross-border payments in a sense. They’re going to be moving oil. Okay? So it just reeks of this is a great time to be watching close by.
We’ll see how that turns out. No, it’s a great time to be watching. And then one other thing really quickly, because I know we don’t have much time, and I haven’t really studied it yet, but the headline is it’s time for all Iraqis to benefit from their country’s wealth.
And that just came out this morning by Super Samson. And I believe that’s the case. And it’s time for all Iraqis to benefit from countries, and it’s coming from the U.N. So there you have it.
Some of the biggest players in the world obviously know about it if it’s coming from the United Nations, whether we like it or not. They have a lot of connections around the world. Yeah, a few.
Yeah, love them, hate them, whatever. Leave that part out of it. Exactly.
Yeah. Sebastian, with a question, who are we waiting for to enable or ultimately initiate? In other words, who flips the switch at this point? Zabal on our court at the U.S., Oli in Iraq’s court. I’ve heard too many comments lately from, or over the last six months from CBI contacts, finance ministries saying it’s in their hands now.
I don’t know. Yeah, you know what? It’s beyond my pay grade, but I would have to say that all the systems have to be ready to go to be able to not shock the world. So one of the thinking, a couple of ways of looking at it.
A, it’s a digital new world, because we all know that the Bruno platform has cross-border payments, digital. We have this ISO 20022 SWIFT newer version, cross-border payments. They’re talking about training, cross-border payments, the ice cutter system, blockchain truck, cross-border payments, customs fees and taxes.
Okay. All those systems have to interconnect with what a million banks, maybe for what currency, foreign currencies, including the Iraqi dinar. And so I think that all of that probably would have thought to be all at once.
In other words, everybody gets interconnected, all the 180, 185, whatever they are. Countries going digital would have to be interconnected at the same time. That may not be the case.
They may do it in smaller components of time and smaller components of time could be like just, you know, segments of areas or segments of countries if you will. Okay. We’ll call them baskets, like regional baskets, just like Iraq is looking to be pegged with a combination of assets and currencies like Jordanian, Kuwaiti, et cetera.
Yeah. You know, I, I, here’s an interesting concept too that has been kicked around is that they may not need like the traditional basket of currencies. Now, granted that’s an easy term and it fits, but there might not necessarily be that basket anymore because it’s going to be one big bundle at the end of the day, everybody’s going to be able to communicate, but we’ll see how that turns out.
But that’s still, I don’t know. That’s just something to contemplate. We did have like a, what I thought was a fantastic article yesterday and they’re showing, and it was from Iraq and talking about their treasury and saying, look, most countries have, you know, the really, the awesome stable countries around the wealthy countries, they may have 20 to all the way up to 40% reserves for the currencies they have in circulation.
Yeah. And Iraq has over 100%. Yeah.
So I mean, this is, I mean, in the U S we have like about 2% of actual assets for the amount of currency we have in circulation. So people are like, Oh, it’s so overprinted. So overprinted.
Right. And based on my math, it’s about 500% less overprinted than most other countries in the region, an area that hold much higher values. Yeah.
Incredible. How, how this is turning out. It really is.
I mean, it’s a, I cannot think and I did a little bit of research. I was trying to find another country that had more assets than currency in circulation to support that currency. I mean, specifically just for foreign currency, reserves, gold, et cetera.
I couldn’t find any other, I could find one in the world and that was Iraq. Yeah. They got, I think they got almost five times more than they need reserves.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
That’s what they said. The cash cover, I, this is phenomenal. I mean, this is what I caught as you probably did too.
And it’s a couple of days ago, but, but the bottom line is that I, Soleil, I think it was that came out of the advisor to the prime minister, finance minister. He said that Iraq has $16 trillion worth of in-ground resources. That’s before they mine it.
They make all the money when the, after the inputs and outputs after the fact it’s like, that’s an insane amount of money. Just, just a natural resources, not to mention all the business and all the tourism and all the taxes and all the tariffs and everything. You see what I mean? Yeah.
This guy’s got some serious. Yeah. Agriculture gas.
I mean, per capita, one of the wealthiest countries in the world, one of the top two or three in the world. Right. We have 350 plus million people in the country, maybe a few lessons the last couple of days, but anyway, they got only about what’s 40, 45 million.
Yeah. I was going to say, I think it’s 44 million, but somewhere between 40, 45. Absolutely.
Yeah. So that’s per capita and then precise of the country. Wow.
That’s not, it’s not a huge, huge country, but I mean, it’s got some space, but it’s not a huge, huge country. And you know, per what they say, it’s, it’s one of the richest in per per meter of natural resources. Right.
I mean, it really is. I mean, it’s crazy. You think of, you think of that per meter or whatever, Venezuela, Afghanistan, you think of some of these and just the value per square meter is just, it’s almost unimaginable.
We grew up in man, the land of milk and honey. Yeah. Most of us in here in this community in the U S and we think, Oh my God, you know what? I just resource rich and we’re not even touching what they have.
Yeah. They got a lot of stuff over there. Phosphates and everything.
Yeah. Sulfur. Yeah.
Thank you, miss divine. Um, let’s see. Question.
How many times Iraq had the impassions with the other countries to do contracts? And they, I’m not certain, understand your question. Tracy does, is it making sense to you? Militiaman impose the M’s with other countries to do contracts and they haven’t flipped a switch again. I think that they, they might be dealing with a lot of different entities and stuff.
But if it comes a time when everybody starts to say, well, are we ready yet? Are we ready yet? And that’s going to be the decision makers. And I would say that the decision makers that are behind the scene are the U S treasury. And some, and central banks all working together in conjunction communication wise.
Um, but there, cause they’re the ones, but the one, the one thing I’m, I think we might be watching for too, is, is a, a synchronization between the central bank of Iraq and Al Sudan. And this budget law. All at the same time, all around the same time.
It could be very exciting. It could be very pivotal. I’m not saying that’s the way it’s going to happen, but that’s where my head’s at.
So I wouldn’t be surprised if you see Al Sudan. He, he’s going to talk about what his country does. He has his own position because the central bank is independent of the government, but they work together.
So I would assume that’s probably where we’re at is that a lock has timing on his, he has to deal with, but he, he’s been ready. You know, that that bank is ready just about, I mean, you’d think that by this time they have everything on order and to get to this stage and have the things that they’ve said collectively, you know, um, we had a, a young man that is in our room from Saudi Arabia and he, he’s a, um, UK citizen and he speaks English and he has his friends that he went to college with that are in Baghdad. And he says that, look, they finally kind of come clean.
In my words, come clean with the information that was on the street, talking about that. The people already do know how to use electronic cards. The people do know and fully aware of, of, um, what’s coming and they’ve been educated on it.
They do. It’s not something we’re waiting for. So is it a time for the, the biggest players in the world to make a move that’s proper for shocks, the world bank, the bank of international settlements and everybody’s got to be in sync at the same time.
And the answer has got to be pretty much. Yeah, they do. And so I’m assuming that’s where we are.
So it’s not just another, a flip of a switch. You guys got to think about how do you flip a switch and just click, click on the world. It’s when money changes hands and values change, it’s going to be shocking.
Yeah. The house has to be wired. You can’t have a, you can’t have a, you know, outlets that aren’t hooked up when they flip that switch.
It’s all got to work. Yeah. You don’t have a toilet system.
If you don’t have a well, exactly. You can put the toilet in, but if it’s just under the foundation, it’s not going to be, it’s not going to smell great. I know.
Right. This is going to be a good one just because we’re going to run up into time this morning before Mr. Control, but is us secretary in Iraq. I was told by someone in treasury that they had a advanced team there ahead.
And, you know, talk started in, in force on the 20th, right after the inauguration. I don’t have a confirmation of him being in here, being here, but I do believe from my understanding is that there is a delegation here and the person that needs to be here is here. I guess I, I can take that in today’s world of interconnectivity.
I can take that. Yeah. That’s my, you want to, you want a part in question? How much do you feel president Trump has a final green light for all the revaluations to go at the same time? I think that he’s going to be around me.
He’s all for making sure that he has a level playing field, but as far as having them all go at the same time, I’m not so sure that they’re all going to go at the same time. That’s my, my view. Other people might think I’m wrong, but I just, it’s in my personal opinion.
And I think that, I think that it’s going to be safer, less shocking to the, to the world to have it go in segments, if you will. Some people call it a wave. I like surfing.
Yeah. Yeah. That one works.
All right. I can’t thank you enough for taking your time out Friday morning, especially getting up early just for us. No problem.
I’m glad to do it. It gives me an excuse to have some good coffee. Now, now I hear you.
Now I do want to give a huge shout out to, to not only you, but your team, because they are awesome. And they occasionally bounce in here to chat and they are always, always, always welcome. Great.
Yeah. I, we have, we put together a really good team. The superstars has been just knocking it out of the park lately.
I mean, people might not realize, but she probably gives me about 50 to 60 articles a day, almost every single day. Okay. And that goes into our discord chat room.
I don’t have time to do all 60 articles every single day. There’s not enough time in the day for me to do what I do, but I do put a lot of my, my work in our Patreon account that you’re aware of and all that. So anybody like to come over to forward slash M M A N D C R E W. Come on over, check out the pre-discord that comes with it.
We’d love to have you and you get to meet everybody. You’re, you’re welcome to. That’s I don’t want to detract from what you guys are doing.
You guys have going on. Maybe I’ll make a lurking account so I can pop in and say hello to people and they not know it’s me. Yeah.
But thank you for having me, having me here to give my points of view. We may not always agree on everything, but Hey, the good part is good. Good communication is always a good thing.
Absolutely. And that yet the team, we don’t have to agree on all the points. We’re all running in the same direction and trying to figure it out.
Yeah. And we’re, we’re watching it. We’re watching a real time.
And it’s really the most, it’s been one of the most profound transformations in the history of the world, because the digital transformation at the world and planets going through is, is it’s only going to grow and go faster. Hopefully more efficient and a lot more transparent and a lot more truth. Yeah.
And a lot more truth and Ed, we hope the budget starts Sunday when they vote. I was so well, a lot of us are going to be, you know, biting our nails to see what happens. But we got to be, you know, be patient, be grounded.
It’s because it’s not just that if something doesn’t happen, you have to stand back and go, well, why? And then there might be some logical evidence that supports that. But that’s how we do it, though. We were kind of getting out of hindsight sometimes because the fact remains is, is that they couldn’t do it in certain timeframes.
They didn’t have these things done in certain timeframes. So we thought they would and they did, but they didn’t. Yeah, that one always.
I mean, that one really does chafe me all the times. I go, man, it’s right here, right here. And now I look back with hindsight and I’m like, God, we weren’t there.
No, there’s too many things that came into play. I mean, just for instance, like this training for the cross-border payments. And then you have the, you know, you have all the Isocata system, which is a new global system that’s all upgraded and new.
And so all these things, they kept falling in place. And now you see little sniffs of people talking about the WTO again. They haven’t said any specific date or anything, but I haven’t even looked because I just haven’t had the time.
But the bottom line is, they’re still kind of referring to that and showcasing because they did all that work. And we might be surprised to see something comes, they jump on board just after maybe when Al-Alaq and Al-Sudani and everybody that feels it’s the time to go would be happy to be there because of those thousands of businesses that are going to be here on Saturday. That’s all about business and trade, you guys.
It’s massive. So in 300 companies from Egypt, this is no coincidences anymore. No, not at all.
All right. I hate to cut you short, and I appreciate you greatly. And we’ll track you down this week and I’ll talk to you later this afternoon.
Okay. That sounds really good. Thank you, Mark.
Bye everybody. Take care. I can’t thank the crew, Militia Man and crew enough for stopping in and sharing what they have for us.
Just absolutely huge. It’s good to get confirmations in an outside take and sometimes corrections. Now we’re ready for Mr. C to check in with us.
As soon as he’s open, Mr. C, I should probably say if you’re listening, use the WhatsApp audio still. It seems to work smoother for us. Hello, Joseph.
See you later. Celebrating dad’s 89th birthday. Oh, wow.
Isn’t that awesome? Sandy, congratulations. That is great. Can’t wait for you to celebrate the hundreds.
Maybe I’ll get to be there for it. Reading a few of these as we wait for Mr. C. Just reading a few of you guys this morning, keeping up with… What did we not get into? The ICE arrest, Guatemalan, Salvadorian gang members. Headline inflation is just staying sticky and tough, folks.
We’ll see how this one goes. Don’t know if this one will work, Mr. C. We may have to switch to WhatsApp, but let’s give it a shot. Yeah.
Give me a call back. That’ll work perfect. I’ll give you a call back if they cut you off.
Agnes is 84th. We’ve got a lot of fun ones. Oh, they already cut them off.
I’m telling you, it is the craziest thing we have been experiencing. Give me just a moment and we will have it up and running and smooth. What else did we have fun? I did include a link for the removal from US Treasury from the greening financial system.
I included that in our links. Oh, and Mr. C., did you know… I think I’m back. Hey, you are back.
The US will print new dollars making international news. They say it’s all about they’re going to do a $10 once in 2020. All these new security features and they’re going to print us all new cool bills.
Isn’t that a perfect cover? I mean, we keep hearing that from different countries that are suddenly printing new and they’re saying it’s all for security bills, but I’m just wondering if it’s going to have something to do with your job. Well, I think so. They talked about this a long time ago, more than 20 years ago, so it’s not surprising to me.
Yeah, to me, it’s very interesting that they’ve talked about this for decades pretty much and then suddenly all at one time, we’re hearing of all these countries printing new bills, all of them saying for the security features. I think it’s a perfect opportunity to replace the currencies and right out in front of everybody, hide it in plain sight. The question is going to be whether it’s a Federal Reserve note or US Treasury note.
Yeah, and same thing in each country where they’re doing new notes. Is it going to be their proper? Is it going to be their Rothschild Central Bank, their fiat debt-based fractional? Is it going to be their asset-backed treasuries? Right. I’m with easy chair.
I think we’re watching the Sarah right screaming at us, just Sarah, whatever you guys want to call it. I agree. So let’s talk about you.
What would you like to share first thing? Any thank yous? Well, thank you, C.S. Handyman Bob, Nevada Handyman Bob. Thank you very much. I want to get back to you on this proposal you’re making earlier today or tomorrow.
Also, Lyman, thank you very much for your comments and contributions. Appreciate it. The only thing I have is, well, first off, I have a sinus problem.
So I may be slurring my words a little bit, but that’s only because of sinus. But Secretary of Treasury Besant made some comments after he was confirmed about a gold-backed dollar and the elimination of debt, which I found extraordinary. I mean, they’re not even hiding what they’re doing, and they’re doing exactly what we’ve been talking about for how long.
And to me, it’s exciting. We don’t know the exact timing, but you’re watching it right now, finally. I almost want to cry in relief.
Finally. Yes. It is amazing.
I am also excited, but I really stand back. I’m going to try to stand back a little bit because I don’t want to be on the rolling poster of yesterday, yes, tomorrow, yes, whenever. I just don’t want to do that.
No, I know, and it is tough, and I keep the same thing. I don’t want to ride the roller coaster, but I am so upbeat and excited right now. I like this.
Janice says, Mr. Seed, tell us one thing that you’ve never told us. Can you think of anything that might make them feel a little more warm and fuzzy that we’ve never shared? After 35 years, there’s a ton of those things, but offhand, I can’t think of one right now, but I will look into it. We’ll think on that one.
Mike asks, what happens if our humanitarian projects of the currencies don’t all go at the same time? That’s just me. I don’t think it’s worth thinking about because they’re all going at the same time under my understanding, but I’m saying, hey, I thought Zim was for that. I’m still hearing they go all at the same time.
What are you hearing? I was told explicitly and specifically that it will be at one time. When I put the codes in, it releases the locks on the bullion, and that funds the turnover of the revaluation of all currencies for all countries, all signatories around the world. It’s a one-shot.
Have you heard anything on any other groups, bonds, historic, CMKX, anything that might give us a hint? Not really. If you look across the whole spectrum of what’s going on, congressional hearings, et cetera, all this other stuff that’s happening, it’s a good thing, and it’s leading up to the giant climax of VRV. I’m real pleased about it.
I’m just going to share this one. Linda just shared, Mark, I know a person that’s a bondholder. His people told him to expect payment between February 3rd and 7th.
I’m getting covered up between pretty much now and 12th, 15th, with many of them falling in that first week of February. We need them to actually get it. For that to happen, they’re probably going to be stopping through Erie.
I would think so. I just caution people from latching onto these specific dates. No one knows except the Golden Dragon and possibly Trump, but that’s about it.
Right now, it’s up in the air. To hinge everything that you’re doing on a specific date of when this is going to happen, you’re going to end up in the hospital. Yeah, quickly.
Question for Mr. C. With all the Biden pardons issued, how will that affect the roundup as mandated by the suppliers of the funds? We call them the dragons or whatever you guys want to call them, or will Interpol step in for that and still go after the Biden crime family, whoever, whatever side of the political aisle. If they’re corrupt, they’re corrupt. If they’ve been given a pardon, are they just going to say, look, that pardon’s crap, it’s fraudulent? Any thoughts? What are they going to do? Well, if you look at the pardon, it’s based upon, supposedly, crimes committed.
Obviously, with the Biden pardons, that’s not really true. But the whole point of this exercise on the RV is crimes against humanity. COVID, for one, killed millions around the world.
The bird flu killed millions around the world. Those are not covered under any U.S. pardon, period, end of story. No one has that authority.
That comes from the Nuremberg trials of 1946 to 1948, by the way. I don’t think he had the ability to pardon them. That’s my two cents.
That’s pretty low on my list because I still think justice will be served. Herb had a question earlier, and I asked him to ask it again. I think it’s a good one.
Why do we need a treaty with the dragons, etc., when we have this massive amount of gold that we supposedly have already repatriated from the Vatican and brought here? Or is that some of their gold that’s brought here, and that’s why we need them? What we’re talking about is about a 2Q amount of gold bullion. We did not have that much in the Vatican. There were 5,000 accounts by the cardinals and everyone else around the world that was paid off by Bush Sr. Those were frozen.
They played the stick and carrot with them for the most part with Interpol. But as far as the RV is concerned, that gold is currently off the North American shore, not under the control of any threats of Canada, U.S., or Mexico, or anywhere else in North America. It’s under the control of Interpol and the Golden Dragon.
Why do we need it? Because it’s huge, and we’re backing up the currencies around the world of all the signatories to the gold treaty. We don’t have gold in the Vatican, nor in the U.S., by the way. We just talked about this last night, my wife and I, because she was talking about the gold in Fort Knox.
I said, wait a minute. Think about what happened in 2006, 2007, and 2008. The Fort Hood shootout, where Bush Sr. had stolen the gold, not only from Fort Knox, but also from the Powers, took it out to Fort Hood to the cave where he was going to transport it down to South America, and Interpol attacked them, killed many people, and took the gold.
That’s under Interpol control. Where do I even go here? I’m just going to keep quilting you with questions. Mr. C., in your opinion, is there any legal standing for gold and or silver confiscation? A lot of people are worried that they’re going to pull an FDR on them.
1933, the Banking Act, that was to stabilize the country, quote unquote. No. It’s in the Constitution, gold, silver, credit.
That’s your currency backing, whatever currency you have. No, I don’t see that. It’s interesting what’s really coming out of this whole thing in D.C. Transparency, rule of law, source of funds, use of funds.
We kind of lost you there for a second. I see that. They’re still at it.
Yeah, they’re still at it, but we got you now, baby. I kind of like what Colette said over here. We’re going to get to it in a second.
Mr. C., is it true that Bush Sr. was in the White House the week before the 9-11 attacks, trying to find a way to stop the RV from happening? We get those reports of Jeb Bush that morning, gold certificates. He was responsible for security at the World Trade Center. We get all kinds of mix.
Just your take on that one. We know how much you like Bush Sr. 9-11 is really based upon the fact that that was the beginning of what we just went through with Biden. That was the deconstruction and destruction of America by Bush Sr. and the government.
All the promissory notes were in Building 7 and also in the tower with Captain Fitzgerald. Captain Fitzgerald sacrificed 99.999% of their personnel. A lot of it got away because he didn’t go to work and he killed everybody else.
Captain Fitzgerald did all of the forfeiting for the Bush Sr. operation. When he had to pay the bill, which included the Chinese and the Queen, 9-11, 2001, that was the end of it. It was over.
He destroyed the evidence, not only in New York, but also in Chicago, with a fire in the federal courthouse building that Friday night prior to 9-11. 9-11 was just a forerunner of what Biden was doing. They were all in it together.
The main goal was, one, to kill us all, and two, take over control of the corporation for their own purposes, not for us. That’s a mouthful, Mr. C. Have you talked to Sheila at all of late? I have not. No, I have not.
I’ve been trying, but with my communication system the way it is, and my physical situation with the signage problem, I have not had the opportunity. But I will do so. I was going to say, I’m going to give it a try, too.
I just know she was very limited in what she couldn’t say because she was helping to work on historic bonds. I didn’t want to put her in a bad position. I agree.
Respect as a friend. We’ve been friends for 20-whatever years. I’m not going to put a close friend in a compromised position.
Colette said this, and I really like this. I know it’s more of one of those feel-good-whatever things, but I couldn’t agree more. You guys should take some time to release emotions.
Have a good cry. Otherwise, when it hits, you will be a blubbering mess, just saying. It’s kind of like how you no longer ride the roller coaster.
I like that one. This is going to be something to get through, guys, when it does happen. We were just talking about that in the last few days.
I’ve come to realize I’m not as young as I was 35 years ago. I think I’m going to have to take a brief rest from what we’re doing. Otherwise, I’m not going to survive.
That’s not a good thing. My emotions capped for about 20 years. I know you know this.
I was totally pissed off when I killed my daughter-in-law and my son. That took a long time to get out of my system. That’s why I don’t want to get back on the roller coaster.
Yeah, and I don’t blame you. If you ever need a break from our Fridays, you just have to be up front and tell us, Mr. C, because we understand. Don’t know if we’re going to let you, but we’d understand.
Just messing with you there. That’s okay. Not a problem.
Let’s see. What else do we have? A question. What roller coaster? Holy smokes.
Oh, John Biddy. This whole thing with John Biddy and Epstein and the rest of them, that was all part of the operation to destroy America. They were compromising their financial, social way.
That’s what the Nazis did, for God’s sake. That’s the way they work. Think about that.
They’re setting up all kinds of diversions from quite literally trafficking, sending spies to sleep with. This is like tactics the Chinese used on, oh, what’s the guy from just the miserable Democrat that was sleeping with bang bang, bang bang fang, or fang bang, or whatever. You think about those are the type of things that you’re compromising.
In the U.S., they do the same thing. They have operatives, hookers, whatever, get them in compromised positions after parties, take pictures, send them to ditties. Hey, they always wanted to chase a woman that looked like a J-Lo or whatever.
Now you’ve got this slavery woman. Now we’ve got tapes of you doing things you ought not be doing, lathered up with all kinds of lotions and potions. With underage this or that after a night out drinking with your congressional staff or hanging out down on the island called Little Janes.
This is crazy, the level they go to. When I first got into this business, I was advised about honeypot scenarios. The reason why I just didn’t get involved with these guys is because I had been through enough with the military, my marriages, etc.
I was not about to look for more problems. I’ll tell you that it was really simple to step off the reservation because they were all over the place. Even when I went to London and Paris and Basel in 1991, they were just dripping all over the place.
It was incredible. They were just waiting for someone to step off the ledge, and then they had you for life. Then they pretty much own you unless you’re willing to come clean and take the character hit.
For me, it’s always easier just to, I’ve done this in my past, I’ve done that, whatever. Take me as I am or leave me, it’s okay. You’ve got to be willing to go there.
Some of these people, that’s their only choice for redemption at all is just to say, they’re holding this over my head. I hope more of them come out and say, hey, they’re holding this over my head or that over my head and come clean because that’s as evil as them doing, whatever. That’s one of the good things about what the Golden Dragon required.
They perp walk with the actual indictees. As they’re doing a perp walk, you’re seeing on the screen or hearing it what they’re indicted for, and that’s what’s really interesting. There’s a prophylactic event happening at the same time is, this is what we do to the big guys, you’re next.
Quite frankly, just a little bit of a side note here, there’s 30,000 transfer of criminals to Gitmo. It’s a precursor, I believe, of what we’re going to see with these people being rounded up and sent there for adjudication. Another one for you that we’ve had since we had you last week, setting up Guantanamo Bay.
He says, we’re going to expand, we’re going to hold 30,000 violent immigrants, whatever. Can we save Soros a room? Do you think that might cover the expansion, the movement, the flights? Trump’s got to know. Somebody in his group has heard of MonkeyWorks.
He’s got to know that we track everything going on, that we now have access to a lot of this metadata on where you’re fencing data, where your phones were, people moving, et cetera, that we’re capable of tracking down. They can’t hide like they used to hide. Is that maybe their way of like, hey, we’re coming out with newer bills, better security features, their way of hiding the RV? Perhaps saying, hey, we’re setting this up because we’re all talking about immigration right now.
Maybe that 30,000 is for those mass arrests, Mr. C. That’s my hypothesis. It could be totally BS and I could be dreaming or blowing smoke out my butt, but I really genuinely think we’re catching a code cover up right now for them to be able to tell some of our most dangerous traitors. Well, I quite agree with that.
In fact, talking about Soros NL, that whole corporation structure that he built, that’s one of the reasons why this is a world war. Their signatory to the gold trade in particular will be arresting those rats in their country, and that includes Soros and the emanations of his corporation system, but he can’t corrupt any other countries because he’s doing this not only to the US, but he’s doing it to Europe. He’s doing it to Australia.
He’s doing it everywhere around the world he can. Again, that’s what Nazis do. That’s how they operate, and I think that’s what’s going on.
But yes, I do believe that Gitmo and probably Guam are the two leaping points for the adjudication process. Remember, crimes against humanity are not confined to the US. No, no, this is true.
Whip, you’re too funny. Biden was making room at Gitmo for the rat roundup, or Trump. Soros has over 200 companies in his network.
I know, Dave, it’s going to take quite a while to dismantle some of this machinery they’ve put in there. When I say machinery, for their machinations, the level of corruption and the spider webs and the interconnected this and the interconnected that. Chop the head off the snake.
There’s going to be many heads that have to be chopped off over and over and over as another one rears up. Gwyneth is actually asking whether I believe Soros is still alive. Well, regardless of whether he’s still alive or not, his son is still doing the promulgation of anti-Americanism, I guess you’re going to call it, or pro-globalist.
It’s going to be everybody in that corporation who has a finger on the money. I think whether he’s alive or not really doesn’t matter at this point. Yeah, to me, it’s immaterial.
Is it an actor playing this person? Is it a whatever playing that one, a clone, this one, a 2.0? It doesn’t matter. Evil is still happening. That’s the face we’re putting on it.
Until that game’s all over, I’m still going to deal with them as if they’re here. Rebel Grandma, why is Restored Republic Daily News reporting the Redemption Centers are open to redeeming all foreign currencies? I don’t have Denard, just Zim and Dong, and why am I having to wait? Because they’re not open yet. Because whoever reported that is wrong.
Guys, Restored Republic gets held responsible for everything they reprint from anybody else. They reprint some stuff they probably shouldn’t touch, but they’re not open yet. There’s your simple, simple, simple, simple answer.
Just because you read it over there doesn’t mean it’s actually done. That’s an individual that’s a contributor or they’re clipping it from a newsroom. It sounds good.
It gets a lot of clicks. That’s all a lot of people are worried about. It hasn’t happened yet.
They’re not open. I wish I could put that a different way, but whenever you read those things, take it with about 100 pounds of salt. You are going to know when they’re open.
It’s not going to be one of those, well, I heard it was open. No, you’re going to know it was open. Yeah, it’s clickbait.
Drives me nuts. It happens all across the board. It happens not even RV related.
It happens with, oh, can you believe Elon Musk’s buying YouTube? Oh, Elon Musk just created this and it’s just people looking for clicks and creating BS and throwing it out there for their moment of fame. Yeah, it’s my take on the world right now. There was a question about Bush W. I mean, he’s still involved.
Technically, Bush W. was never really involved. He was a senior. He never told his sons what was really going on.
The only time that they learned is when we were dealing with Delmarva Timber Trust, trying to get the monies freed under W’s administration. They had a meeting. Actually, they had a dinner at the White House.
Everybody was invited except for me, which is okay because I was fired. But anyway, W thought that he was doing a great thing with taking it to senior and senior kind of laughed at him because it was Cheney who was actually operating the system at that point. As far as I’m concerned, when W spilled the beans on what was going on, he did it to save his own neck, nobody else’s.
I probably shouldn’t give names and get in trouble, but somebody that served very close and said that the problem with GW was all you had to do was pitch it so it made it sound like you were doing the best thing for the American people, and he would do it. In other words, it was all about because he had Rumsfeld, Cheney. He had that entire crew.
They manipulated. They used him. They used him like a $2 whore on Navy shore leave.
They could get him to say and do and sign anything. They just had to present it the right way, and they were the ones manipulating. They had total control over intelligence.
They did to him what they tried to do with Reagan, and Reagan said, no way, get out of here. I think that’s where they tried to kill him and get him out of the system. W literally was a cokehead, and that comes from Watson, not from me, because he actually saw him snort on the aircraft.
As far as I’m concerned, W was just an extension of seniors. In today’s world, I guess they were hoping Hunter would be presentable enough, but he was too addicted to be the next GW. I know that sounds bad, guys, but Todd, here’s a good parting one.
Does Mr. C believe that Canada will become part of the U.S.? Do you think Canada, it’s all going to become North America, America, it’s going to be Mexico, Canada, all that? I don’t, but it’d be kind of cool. I believe there’s going to be an American treaty system based upon the EU, much like the EU, except we’re not going to control the domestic part of the country. I think there’s going to be a trading agreement or anything else, and no, I don’t believe we’re going to be part of the U.S. Canadians are very patriotic to Canada, very much so.
And they should be. Yes, absolutely. I just hope they make some leadership changes so they have a leadership they can be proud of that puts the Canadian people first.
Well, they used to have that a long time ago, and they started changing the constitution, grabbing our constitution, enforcing parts of it, the other parts. I think there was just a process for them. But I think after this last idiot being the prime minister, I think they’ve decided that enough is enough, like the U.S. Yeah, I think so, too.
All right. Let’s call it a wrap. Is there anything you want to share before we let you rest and get past those sinuses or whatever it is you have tickling at you? Well, I want to thank you very much for the opportunity.
I appreciate it. I love the questions this week. Let us hope that they do arrive this weekend.
I would be very, very happy. Otherwise, we’ll see you next week. Take care.
All right. Take care, Mr. C. One tech wasn’t perfect, massively better than what we experienced last Friday, so I’m going to take it and be daggone happy with it. Birthdays, and then, boy, do I have a treat coming for you guys in just a few minutes.
I don’t think we’ve had… This is pushing a record for the birthdays. Agnes, Skeeter, Kathy, Mary, Kate, Tony from yesterday. Tony, big one brother.
Sorry I missed you yesterday. Chicago Mama, Jeff, Shane, Karen, Creston, Patty, Ricky, Mike, and we’ve got a few that have birthdays tomorrow that aren’t on that list. Sunday, Shammy’s birthday.
I see you, Shammy. Son, JJ, 13. Nice.
Reading a number of these. A number of them coming from the Rumble side as well, which is cool. They tell me it’s your birthday.
Well, happy birthday, darling. May you live, may you love. May all your dreams come true.
Happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to you and to all those celebrating. Now, we do have a treat that I was not expecting today, guys. We’ve got Lucas and Matt.
Who is first? I think we can see you. Well, good morning. Good morning.
Hey, first off, who was first? Big Matt was first. Again? Are you kidding me? Dude, he was here like 20 minutes ago. He’d been lurking in the background for like 30 minutes.
Hey, no thanks. You know, I didn’t think I was going to be here, but I was able to actually get a flight in like yesterday. Now, granted, it took me a solid three hours to get home.
We got a bunch of snow here, and I buried my truck and walked. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Okay.
Because I know you’re going to the panhandle of Florida. So when you say we got a bunch of snow here, are we referring to Florida snow or the Colorado? No, Colorado snow, Colorado snow. No, no, I didn’t deal with that, but it’s hilarious because we talked to people down there and went to this gas station.
And you know, it was just kind of constant. And I’m like, what is going on? They’re like, dude, no one worked last week. Literally.
Like, yeah, I mean, here, like anywhere, really, gas stations always stay open. Like you’re always going to have that Walmart, stuff like that. They’re like, no, everything was shut down.
It was like Chinese new year in China where everything shuts down. It’s like, no, you better have enough food because you are not going anywhere unless you want to go out and kill your own animals. Yeah.
Well, don’t kill those squirrels. I’m a country man. So, uh, well, I mean, down in Florida, you don’t got much, but you know, maybe if you come across, you know, maybe a Python or Iguana, you can, uh, honestly, when it’s been that cold outside, if you can get outside, you just wait and wait for the Iguana to hit you in the head when it falls out of the tree from the cold weather.
And then you can just take it in and it can’t even fight you much when it falls because it’s so cold. So it makes it really easy to hunt an Iguana. That that’s what I’ve heard.
Now, Iguana hunting in Puerto Rico is different. They’re nice and warm and tanned. And most of the time they’re walking around drinking a can of Medina.
Oh, wouldn’t you? Yeah. Right. I want to be an Iguana in Puerto Rico.
Um, yeah. River hand. I’ve not heard anything about ATMs being down around the world, but we do have like the VND disappearing off UK’s Forex magically in the last 24 hours.
It’d be interesting to see if it suddenly shows back up. But anyways, let’s get into CBD for a few minutes. A shameless plug for my much appreciated sponsors and friends.
All right, guys. Ready to rock and roll here? We are ready. OK, so if you want to go to the site, everybody or new people, you go to the CBD gurus dot com.
And then you see the wholesale button on top there. Just hit that Mark C wholesale. Well, you hit the wholesale and then it says Mark C wholesale.
And then you get in there and you’re in the weekly specials. And you just scroll down and read it says starting the 31st at nine twenty five, which is a half hour ago or something. And if you want a percent off, use code Feb eight and in that thirty dollars on every order, you’re going to get 10 million boulevard.
That’s a UPS guy behind me, by the way. And then so you got a discount there and you get the free boulevard on every order over 30 bucks. And yeah.
And then if you need any help on an order, call six one two four one two eight three four three. Or if you’re going to help put it in and if you have a question on a text, just text six one two four one two eight three four three. We’ll get you there, too.
And Wendy’s standing by on the phone, everybody. So but don’t call her unless you need help. Now, why is she standing by on the phone? So she’s like standing on the phone.
Standing right next to it. Yeah. No, she’s standing on top of it.
She apparently can use her feet to answer. Yeah. OK.
Yeah. She’s really good at it. But she is.
I’ve gotten so many in it. You know, three one. You’re always fond of family and one.
I know how just incredibly sharp she is and knowledgeable. But it has been really nice to have so many people send me little emails and thank yous and whatever saying just how how helpful and kind. So, I mean, it feels good.
Feels good. Yeah. Hey, so the first we got a row of mushroom stuff on the top here today, lion’s mane, turkey tail, coffee and then the immunity.
And then we’ve got all the second row there. You guys on the specials, we got the 10 count, 10 milligram TTC gummies. I know people have been waiting for those.
Those are 10 bucks. And then we got the 120 count, one milligram, the party back. And if you see our new logo start popping in on some of the products, you know, or new packaging, that’s what it is.
It’s just new packaging. You know, you guys. So the same product.
You just gave it away. But we will say we are. Oh, just the new you know, the new you know, with the new logo will also come a new website as well.
So. An easier to use website. It will.
It will. But we’re we’re still kind of working the bugs out. So we hopefully I mean, it’s going to come pretty quick.
Be able to kind of really release that and go from there and be able to kind of help people navigate a little bit easier. And it also help keep track on our end as well. Which will be nice.
But speaking, here’s one of your corrections for this website, the party pack on the Guru’s website here. It’s like the hundred and twenty party pack THC gummies, one milligram THC per gummy and milligram THC per gummy. Just, you know, kind of which one is it? So on the party back.
Oh, that’s the one milligram, you guys. Yeah. But then right here it says 10 milligram THC per gummy.
But right here, it’s one milligram. So you may want to. Oh, it is 10 milligram CBD.
So it’s 10 milligram CBD, one milligram THC. Scotty probably just mistyped that. Yeah.
Somebody just put me exactly just one of those things. Hey, just so nobody screams. Oh, OK.
- I’m still just trying to figure it out. But Lucas, you’ll fill me in after the show.
I don’t know what’s happening. But anyways, we got the regular gummies, the sleep gummies, Delta eight gummies, the Miracle Gold. We’ve got pain creams, the lotions.
We got the fourteen thousand, the fifteen hundred. OK, and then we got other stuff down there. Just go all the way down.
We’ll talk about it more tomorrow. And if we still got some shirts left, if you could. Wow.
How do you have any of those left? Yeah, we got about 40 of each, the small and the mediums are 388 a piece. OK. Now, you know, do I need to send back some of the G string so that you can package them with them and maybe then they’ll take the shirts? Well, we just got a few left in and I’m going to be going over to their office today and I didn’t want to go in there with a box and throw them on their table.
But anyways, I wouldn’t do that. I just keep selling them. But yeah, the G string, I think we got another load in by mistake with your picture on him again, Mark.
So that would be hilarious. I’m just kidding. I’ll take some to the Quantum Summit in March to give away or better yet to when we do the thing at Mar-a-Lago in Doral in May.
I’ll just take them there. There you go. Mar-a-Lago.
You’re going to Mar-a-Lago? I’ll be there in May. But Fred, he wants to give you a the what you call them guys, referrals, kind words. By the way, the pain cream I ordered from y’all.
That stuff works great. Mom’s been getting a lot of relief from it on her back and neck and my right thumb. The pain is almost gone.
I put it on and five minutes later, it doesn’t hurt at all yet. No, it is great stuff. Good.
Good deal. That’s great. Got to have moms feel good, you know.
So that’s the main thing. Yes, it is. Now here’s a question for you.
I know it’s got to be difficult right now, especially with the warehouse move, the changes, shipping. I mean, so many changes. But when are you getting the chicken pet treats back in stock? Both, I guess when she says both kinds, meaning the ones with the turkey tail and without.
The. Oh, we will. You know what? We’re going to have some beef pet treats with mushrooms in there pretty quick here.
You know, we just had a little snafu. OK, so. But we should have those in, I’d say, by 11 o’clock today.
Central time. We had him up for a second, but something happened there with the artwork. Scotty’s artwork.
It was a web guy, Scotty. Yep. So just throwing Scotty under the table.
Yeah, I see how that works. Yeah. Hey, Scotty, are you getting paid extra every time he throws you under the bus? Like a bus fee? Like, all right, fine.
Throw me under the bus whenever there’s a problem, something there. And if you messed up ordering and didn’t tell Lucas, we just work out a deal. And any time we need to blame him, Scotty’s like, sure.
No, it was me. And we pay him 100 bucks. Is this is this how it works? I was thinking more like five dollars, five dollars at a boy.
Yeah. The bus fee can’t be that expensive. Yeah, it can’t be that bad.
I love it. I got it. I got to call Scotty myself.
Hey, Scotty, man, you know, if I get in trouble with anybody, take off my daughter or whoever, whatever, I’m going to need to throw you under the bus. So if I get his cash app. So every time five dollars shows up just randomly at like, you know, two a.m. or three in the afternoon or whatever, he just knows I threw him under the bus.
He’s used to it by now. Trust me. Scotty getting thrown under the bus.
Matt’s like, what are you talking about? I don’t even know what you’re talking about. You know, it’s pretty, pretty nice outside today here. Beautiful.
Oh, I think what you got up to 60 in Minnesota in a couple of spots yesterday. Wow. It’s nuts.
It’s nuts. Yeah. What’s that pink cream? That is it.
Wait a minute. Are you going to change the packaging on that one, too, on the summer breeze lotion? Are we Lucas? I don’t believe so. Well, you got to keep it.
We got to keep that label on there. That’ll fit in with the news. Is that is that a picture of you and your wife? I’m like, what are you looking at? What on the summer breeze? Matt’s looking at the lotion.
What are we talking about? Somebody asked what the summer breeze lotion because as a different color, we’re just saying, hey, no, it’s a it doesn’t have as much pain relief as the lotion. Two thousand. It’s close, but it is it’s just a great it says summer breeze.
It’s great for sunburns, whatever. So is the lotion. Two thousand summer breeze is like really good.
Just an all around quality lotion, dry skin, whatever. You know, lady puts it on when she gets out of the shower. You know, half of Biden’s mail staff used it when they got out of the shower.
Just, you know, it’s going downhill. I’m having too much fun here. Yep.
Hey, so you guys were giving away the currency with the thirty dollar order today after postage and shipping. And let’s see what else. Oh, yeah.
You can get that discount to the eight percent. And then, Scotty, we’ll get the treats up at about eleven o’clock here, central time, so as soon as I get off the show, I’ll get them up there. Excellent.
And I probably should keep you guys, but so much longer between Lucas probably needs to spend time with the kids or work and and we’ve got you guys tomorrow. What are we going to talk about tomorrow? Oh, I think we should talk about mushrooms a little bit, maybe or maybe Delta eight sleeping or maybe just Lucas’s problems overall, all his problems. So so this is going to be like, I mean, just like a little bit of a, you know, intervention intervention.
I probably need one. You know, it’s bad when suddenly like, you know, it’s me, Kevin, Scotty, we all show up at your house. I mean, it’s probably needed at this point in time.
David, I am planning on a podcast this evening. If news is dead slow, I will, of course, put put out that we’re not having one. But Trump has kept things so busy with the Tulsi Gabbard hearings and everything else.
There’s probably going to be one right now, I’d say about a 90 percent likelihood that we’ll be having a normal Friday evening group therapy that, you know, honestly, that is the podcast we need to do with Matt Lucas and myself. We’re just going to call it group therapy. Trust me, I need it.
But don’t you have fun? Do you not feel better after we sit down and have a podcast and you cut up with Lucas and I? I mean, it’s got to make you feel better. It makes us feel better. But then again, sometimes it comes a little bit of your expense.
So it might not make you feel better. Yeah, I feel better. It’s just that you guys don’t understand.
Lucas is scary, man. He’s so nice on here. But usually I get scared afterwards.
They’ll call me or I’m scared of. I’m just kidding. I’m not at all.
He’s cool. Hey, I like things done a certain way. I’m not wishy washy or, you know, there’s certain things that have to be done.
And I like them done that way. I don’t like to I don’t like to half ass things. Yeah, not when they can be full last.
Exactly. 100. I am 100 percent either all or nothing.
Full ass or do it right. I do like this one, though. And once things get settled, finally for you, Lucas, bringing back mushroom Mondays, even if we only do it, maybe every other one, it would be nice to bring something back like that.
They were good. They just got hectic because of combination of your timing and mine. Yeah, I know.
Trust me. I do want to bring it back and maybe we can even bring back, you know, with the mushroom Mondays, incorporate just some other things. You know, whether it be, you know, people see a lot of buzzwords around, whether it be ashwagandha, K2, you know, vitamin K2, like all these other things that I think would be so important to at least, you know, throw out some of the education as to like, hey, when you do see these buzzwords out there, what do they mean? What do they do? And should I just keep passing by or do I need to look at them? That makes sense because it is, you know, whatever is the new thing and it goes in spurts and then it runs all over the Internet.
Some influencers chase whether it’s ashwagandha, something else. And are they worth chasing? Are they worth tasting? You know, you know, different than maybe some of the collagens or something. We could probably have fun doing that.
I like your thinking. Yeah. Hey, you know, I got to bring something up, you guys, about shipping.
We just kind of figured something out. You know, the post office is a little delayed. And what happened was the UPS out of nowhere and they’ll do this.
They don’t even care when they do it anymore. They’ll just they raise their rates up. So we didn’t figure this out this morning.
But, you know, the post office, I think in the last two weeks has got like double the amount of packages, you know, and that’s wild. So did you guys know that? Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah. We got a notification, you know, for our company or whatever. This is a notification like, I don’t know, two, three months ago that it was going to go up end of January type of thing.
And it’s supposed to go there. So they’ve put in provisions for, I think, three price hikes this year, substantial price hikes. It’s been but not what they can just lower it anytime they want just by the day, couldn’t they up and down or whatever? Are you talking about the post office? I’m talking about the post office has already declared that they’re going to do three major price hikes in 2025.
Now UPS has also indicated that they also are going to do a minimum of two price hikes across the board for services. And that could be as high as 20% and as low as 10%. But I mean, so it’s going to be a substantial price hike.
And I believe UPS is set to, I think, I can’t remember exactly, but I want to say it was like early summer is what they were looking at. So it’s, it’s, I’m telling you what, it’s, you know, I’m really hoping for some form of, you know, reevaluation, because like with the, just the destruction of the dollar, we’re going to continue seeing these price hikes because they have to, which stinks, you know, as the dollar goes down, you know, goods and services have to go up because the value, you know, it takes more dollar to, you know, recoup their costs. So it’s just, you know, we’re going to have to figure a way to navigate through this.
All right. Well, anyways, I just thought I’d bring it up, you know, but anyways, that’s it. So, cause some of these, it’s taken a week sometimes, you know, some of these deliveries now.
So anyway. Yeah. Nah.
And the cold front, the weather on top of the rates, the changes. Yeah. I would imagine shipping’s a little chaotic right now.
So bear with it. All I can tell you is you, they get it out the door usually the same day. Yep.
For sure. Yeah, for sure. That’s right.
You know, and yeah, anybody needs a job, go apply at the post office. That’s for damn sure. I think they’re looking for people everywhere.
So anyway, I don’t know. I guess I worked there for a long time. It was cool.
You know, what’s that Mark? In the old administration back when it was still the DEI, I could have applied to be a, you know, a trailer loader. Even though I couldn’t physically do the job, I could have gotten the job. See, now I really can’t get a job there as well.
Right. Yeah. But man, I was a mailman.
I was a clerk inside. I ran this canceling machine. I don’t know what else I did there.
Usually would run when they’d call overtime because they had a rule where they had to notify you like two hours before. And it was, it was like a prison deal. All of a sudden you’d hear people hitting the side of their metal places where they’d be working with their ashtrays.
That meant the boss was going around. They had to tell you in person that you’re going to have overtime, but you’d run to the bathroom and hide. And then you’d come back and then you didn’t have to do overtime.
So not a bad idea, right? No. I mean, just the shipping. I just got a patent.
I just got a notice telling me it’s on my front porch. It’s only like a week and a half late. They, it was coming here from like Virginia, went to their big sorting hub in Greensboro, North Carolina.
Then it, then it went like Florida. And then for some reason it took off to like Oklahoma or someplace and then came back to North Carolina, back to Florida. And finally we’ll see what kind of shape it’s in.
Yep. Well, anyways, hey, you guys, if you want to order, go to the CBD and you go to Mark Z wholesale and you put in a, if you got to get in there with the code, it’s lowercase K R a M C B D. And, but the discount code is a Feb eight. Is that right? Yeah.
Feb eight FEB eight. I should know that I should, you know, you should know that. God, I should study up on that.
Feb eight, F E B eight, February eight, just Feb eight. That’s why I didn’t make it in college. I can’t remember anything.
No, I can, but I just didn’t want to add that. Let’s be honest. You could, I was, I was sitting next to the guys like you and Lucas in there.
I just didn’t feel normal. So I just would take off all the time and go over to the bar, you know, but anyway, but you guys went there, you would’ve went with me. So, right.
You know what? Yeah. But anyways, yep. That’s it.
I don’t know. You know what? We all love squirrels. That’s the main thing.
That’s, that’s what matters. And, uh, I’ve never ate one. I don’t intend to, but Lucas, I say we, uh, we, we, we prime up some squirrel and, uh, we’ll meet you in Colorado.
Do you have decent size squirrels? You know what? Surprisingly, uh, we don’t actually, um, that that’s more of like my, you know, Southern Midwestern, like that whole arena, you get into like the Appalachians and the Carolinas with all the oak trees and those things get fattened up in the, uh, on, um, acorns. I mean, they just, we just don’t have the food source out here to really, you know, substantiate, you know, come on. I saw how the election went last.
You have plenty of nuts out there. Oh, you are not a kid. And on that front, I’ll tell you that much.
I just wish the squirrels would eat them. Oh, gosh. Uh, uh, yeah, that’s the problem.
Your nuts are all pine nuts. Yeah. Squirrels want nothing to do with them.
All right, guys, let’s call it a wrap. We’ll see you in the morning. Eastern.
Have a good weekend, Mark. See you tomorrow. You’re going to be here tomorrow.
Oh yeah. I’ll be there tomorrow. This is the start of the weekend.
All right. It is. And I can’t wait to, uh, to enjoy it.
All right. See you guys tomorrow. Thanks a lot, Mark.
See you everybody. Have a great day. See you guys.
I am planning on being here tonight. If there is just a zero news at all, I will sign something, but I mean, uh, send out a tweet and a truth. And of course, Telegram first, Telegram always gets the notice first guys.
Um, but at this point, I don’t see the reason to not doing when we should have a little bit of stuff from the, um, Trump week, the Trump effect from, um, the Senate hearing confirmation hearings. All right, guys. See, even if there’s nothing RV related, take care.