MarkZ (Uncut) 01-08-2025
Coffee with MarkZ. 01/08/2025
good morning all let me see if I can poke my head up here above it hello Libby Rainman Sluggo uh Lily this morning pointing out which many of you guys know Ed of a cola has pass um I yeah this morning I did not want to do anything podcast wise related just wanted to uh breathe I feel so bad for him his family his fans his followers um well Ed and I didn’t always agree trusts you needed trust to exchange we would have the conversation though it’s been some time since uh we spoke but it was always well-natured and
sometimes with a twisted sense of humor so uh just uh uh with agree with them or don’t on some of his Intel and and and it’s okay to agree and disagree with people really truly is um wish more people would understand that that we don’t all have to think the same thing uh and we’re all allowed to have different contacts it is still somebody that was trying to do their in my opinion level best to help people through this and we lose another one before the Finish Line um which I’m certain causes many people to do the
mental math are they going to survive this thing is it them that’s not going to get to finish those projects help Humanity help so many family put that exclamation point on life and said look at all I’ve done and it’s just with h with great sorrow that we acknowledge another one that has gone before the finish uh so rest in peace Ed rest in peace uh going to do my best to uh end this uh morning in prayer uh for a mar to end this morning after we do birthdays with the prayer for Ed his family and for all those are still
fighting to see the finish line that was just a kick in the teeth this morning Missouri farm truck AB Bal me 15 20s in Florida it’s crazy Dwayne it’s good to see you um yeah yeah oh but we do have something to celebrate we got Jan’s birthday guys we need something to celebrate today uh we are celebrating uh Ed’s life the real real Jay-Z said my husband died 123 and he wanted to cross Finish Line that’s what we can do now real real Jay-Z and I like the way you have uh taken this one said I promise to make him proud and
continue his plans Rob said thanks Mark I’ve seen some that had disagreements with Ed stay silent and I think that says a lot um yeah that one’s a tough one just another one of those uh kicking the teeth so for all of his fans his community his family prayers uh Billy we hope it’s going to happen to the 10th right now we’re getting so much back and forth is it happening by the 10th and there is a lot of stuff out there saying it’s happening by the 10th and of course today’s the 8th so that’s pretty cool and there is a
growing amount now looking for the swearing in or inauguration and then it lets rip and I’m very surprised by the number of folks in Iraq that now believe that um they will position things now that he has been confirmed uh for release after inauguration this guys this just I’m not saying that’s what’s happening call calm down listen there are a number of people that are now being told that my best sources still believe it is going before then but we are foolish not to acknowledge what is being discussed in the inner Circles of
this thing H happy I appreciate you oh jeeez CAC Ranch one in Colorado yeah Scott all of my sources say the 50k dinar notes are good I have not had a single Source say they are not good grumpy it’s good to see you in here hello Miss Shaw always a pleasure um Rosie posie it’s not accurate uh it’s wishful but not accurate unfortunately that is one I have Tracked Down it’s not accurate they’ve not bypassed it and gone to Turkey I am surprised I heard from someone inside the country said that was an attempt but was not
uh yeah didn’t happen all right anyways all right oh wait somebody said have you confirmed no we do not have an absolute confirmation we do have a number of people uh uh that are in Iraq that are telling us they’re out but I don’t have what I consider a picture that I can verify the only picture I have of lower denominations does have some smaller ones that I can’t prove but it also has some of the older uh bills so I don’t know if they’re the new or the old we’re desperately trying guys we’re getting pictures left and right okay
before I forget before I forget let’s do this one first let me see if I can find this there it is we have more scammers out there uh fortunately I’ve got a great contacted interpole that has me sending all the information we find on people offering qfs accounts because it is a scam uh that is aggregating those um Quantum Financial systems qfs Nara net hijacked a very similar email address the original mark Z but it’s two eyes original in other words it’s not spelled right uh sending folks information trying to get them to
spend a couple hundred bucks and sign up you can’t get a qfs account yet it doesn’t the system has not started stop fortunately interpole is now starting to go after these companies worldwide uh so I am going to continue every time I get one of the emails send it to my ni Source there because they are aggregating it for the love of God people do not fall do not fall for it any more than you have already you cannot go get one now you’re not going to have to pay for it when you deposit all your accounts
are going to be qfs you don’t have to think about it yeah Jill it’s just nuts people are being prayed on left and right all right now let’s get to uh all the normal stuff I do not know your absolute rate for the dong yet unfortunately just don’t yeah Craig I’m with you they just work a job that hard they’d be killing it yeah they must hold them accountable don’t yet don’t take the bait don’t take the bait and if these folks that own the site would like to prove me that they have an absolute legitimate qfs account
and they have some connections that don’t exist in this world that I know of and all my sources say are inaccurate I’d be glad to sit down and talk to them would gladly sit down and talk to them but when they use knockoffs of all my social medias knockoffs of all my emails to try to get money out of folks I assume that it’s probably BS and a scam uh let’s see just getting on uh Gloria Ed oala he’s been around for many years he was around then he was with seeds of wisdom then he did his own thing uh his
own rooms and all that good stuff yeah telegram is the worst for scammers and folks don’t be don’t don’t be gullible what does Mr C think that he’s used to it he keeps telling folks think look look study uh yeah it’s not just me guys Deborah pointing out these knockoffs uh of yep all influencers they use knockoffs of all influencers for this thing do you remember the one where they were trying to pitch with a fake uh Kia uh Dr puit yes I do need to do an ad and I’m glad you mentioned that as we enter 2025
dollarization is accelerating China and Bricks nations are reducing their dependence on US dollar and their secret weapon gold should be ours too although I got an interesting take on this somebody sent me China is buying gold quietly Under reporting their purchases why because they know Gold’s Global value its ability to withstand economic shocks and its immunity to manipulation this isn’t just about Nations it’s about you gold is your personal hedge against uncertainty Noble gold Investments can
help you secure Ure your financial future with gold visit noblegold now with a qualified account receive 10 1 oce silver American Eagle coins that is noblegold or markz if you guys are interested good morning Danny yeah I’m just reading some of these all right let’s get to it hello Miss Ruth news time uh we’ve already been talking about news throughout the morning though so uh folks if you have a little extra time that are just here for the news it’s probably worth the uh first 10 minutes
and the hells and the farewells to Ed former MP Congressman uh parliamentary member amending article 12 paves the way for enforcing the oil and gas law uh these are important this article from yesterday we’re painting the stage and it’ll make sense in just a moment Iraqi central bank auctions sell about 100% foreign remittances I only put this one in because it gave us a better idea but 95% of what they are selling is going abroad meaning it’s h for goods and services out they are tracking it through their new system and we’re
finally starting to get a better idea of what that system looks like it’s kind of a hybrid system it’s interesting uh and that’s coming too we got a couple more articles to uh hit on that front former director of the Central Bank of Iraq clarifies the current decline of the dollar he says it’s really not a decline it’s just coming into equality that’s not really the word it’s the spread in the parallel Market is shrinking not growing uh which they are saying is because the bank in system uh the new approach to foreign currency
and Iraq peace mil going uh International is doing what it’s supposed to do the financial expert explained the dollar did not rise much after the closure of the platform because remittances continued and the flow of Iraq’s Imports went astray new system working is what they’re getting to uh but it is starting to come back now that people are trusting the system they’re not using the Black Market as much and things are coming to a level uh area stable stability what we were told all along would be when they change that value so
this is a key piece that we’re watching future the Iraqi economy a path to sustainable economic well sustainable development and economic diversification really good one for you folks that actually care about what’s going on there not just hey here for the cash it is worth the read it is a long one but it gets into um just what Iraq has going for it its potential its minerals it’s agriculture it’s oil it’s Etc uh and it’s sustainable path forward for hundreds of years they they are planning on being a re this is a nation
that is on the rise not on the shrink like many n most European nations are now on the shrink they’re giving up area they’re giving up territory they’re giving up I mean you name it they’re on the shrink the us we’re on the cusp of that ourselves if we don’t start growing again somehow um Iraq very much on the rise which means there’s hope potential opportunity something you’re pretty well lost so I’m watching this and the US is on the uh cusp of that as well so is very important with uh that’s why
Trump’s pushing to expand we need more territory we need more things to grow into he’s smart he studied history uh this one just fantastic top 10 Arab countries with foreign exchange reserves for the year 2024 this is the rank of Iraq well one they’re going to tell us about all kinds of other countries first then we’re going to roll down in here to uh the Middle East number one with reserves meaning foreign currency reserves cash standing Etc Saudi Arabia number two United Arab Emirates number three
Iraq Iraq has enough assets to pay for every single dinar in circulation with money left over that is enormous oh wow John you got plenty don’t even be worried about yourself anymore I wanted to add that one uh Bond holders uh most of them right now are expecting anywhere between n now uh in the 10th I’ve got a couple not expecting anything till the 11th or 12th um my confusion Mark Jameson is the number of group leaders that don’t think they will be able to I say the number it’s only gone to two uh that believe they will
not be allowed to distribute until after the inauguration on the 20th and I don’t I’m I’m still trying to make that make sense in my head yeah tyan B I was thinking the same thing I don’t have that many H uh Tim Fu gent mentioned Mr C she mentioned that she saw Mr SE leaving on a plane in other words in the Mind’s Eye he has not gone anywhere on a plane yet but that doesn’t mean she wasn’t perhaps seeing a glimpse of the future that is one uh comment that she made that went why astray uh Guardian Jedi I didn’t say
another week I’m just telling you what folks are discussing Tom what do they mean by distribute give it to you like economic receipt you can go spend it it’s in your account it’s free and clear no restrictions uh I’m with John here this is definitely my take as well let me oh wait I didn’t mean to do that one I’m trying to turn this Banner off and my system keeps uh fighting me let’s see nater posted an exchange hat Iraq at 1160 and we’re going to yeah that is what we’re seeing in some of the we’ll call them the black markets
parallel markets where the dinar is now demanding more than the official rate which means you can make money selling it just to the bank thanks they know what’s coming people are starting to hang on to it uh here’s the one I was trying to find guys we are right at the door of this thing revalue on my guess that happens sometimes this month that’s my guess right now John two but it is a guess what did what did bowler have to say for mountain goat uh remember that this is a constitutional requirement
article guarantee of zeroing out crisis parliamentary demands to legislate to Will and gas law oh and that session number one thing on their books that session starts tomorrow uh in the article uh the Kurdistan National Union parl men block called on the federal government on Tuesday to expedite and send the oil and gas law of the House of Representatives for study and approval as quickly as possible why the urgency so we can change a rate do I have that article here no I’ve got more guys I’ve got a
bunch of articles on it bunch of articles on that one all right let me catch up to you guys aw Blake I disagree I believe the hco will long be done before then I definitely understand why people think it could take that long one thing I have found about Iraq is they discuss it they discuss it you get the back and forth and it’s usually done before they tell you it’s done and then it’s done all of a sudden uh Jason I’m kind of low-key worried if there’s only three leaders Jason saying remember when Charlie said the world
would be under three leaders this new talk of Canada Australia Greenland seems to fall in line with that pros and cons in a changing World creates opportunity also kind of scary uh Mr Bill I think there’s enough chaos going on that they could hide the RV I mean they really could you and I are paying attention many of us are paying attention but we are such a minuscule percentage of the population they could really do a pretty good job hiding this thing for most people reading a few of these uh uh crypto moho ask him don’t
always ask me ask the person this is like one of the most key things you’ll ever do in life is learn to go straight to the horse’s mouth ask Allen his role that being said intermediary he helps people get their settlements some of the times he gets a small Kickback from helping people get settlements and government settle settlements some of these he gets nothing he just dedicates his time to help people get what they can from those programs but whenever there’s a question ask the person directly oh if Canada buys Minnesota
then it would be the 50th state not the 61st Dave somebody in Canada said well maybe we should just uh some politician came out and said maybe we should just buy Alaska all right fine make an offer we’re not selling Alaska and they can’t afford Alaska the reality is whether they want to admit it and Canadian leadership once to admit it the US spends about 200 billion a year defending Canada and we’re not even to get into the tariffs and all that good stuff it is uh it’s a little bit of a lopsided
relationship yeah I’m with you LSC I want no I do not want any NDA that being said I don’t think we’re taking Canada or Canada’s becoming a 51st state I’m just reading a few of these um wait who did Ron lose see if I can find this one uh you want to talk about Good People Mr legary is good people oh he lost his wife Ron prayers yeah I’m trying to find that one uh there it is my wife Leona is in heaven with Jesus she passed pretty shook up this morning too many people going before uh what exactly is the bone of
contention with the HCL well there’s many bones of contention with HCL uh many things that they claims a bone that really isn’t a bon or sticking point most claim that the biggest sticking point is now I mean and overnight we have some more Shenanigans coming out of the Kurdish region they paid 11 months of the salaries even though they received 12 months of the salary from the federal government they only paid 11 said that’s good enough they can they can deal with that other month they want to keep it contention has been over Kur
Kurdistan sending money to Baghdad taxes revenues oil revenues Etc sales from oil the part that’s supposed to go to the federal government uh and them not sending it but still wanting the federal government to pay all of these bills uh it has become a region that is overflowing in corruption at the same time the Kurdish region had to do it when baged before Sudani when it was Maliki and crew they didn’t have a choice they couldn’t have paid the bills they couldn’t have survived if they did not ignore the federal
government and just take care of things they had Isis ripping through it I mean they had their hands full and the federal government of Iraq abandoned them for all intents and purposes so they learned to survive and then they got used to it and you had a few key people that learned how to make millions and millions and millions and millions of dollars on the take by facilitating Northern the Kurdish Region’s um Creative Accounting uh so it created a a habit a way it operates and now you’ve got people that don’t want to give up that
grift that they have coming their way on the federal government and do it the right way it’s not unusual thing uh there was a void in leadership somebody f bu it uh now it is time to make it legitimate so they’re fighting over it uh in the movie Meet the Robinsons they talk about Canada becoming Northern mon what are you Canadians think come on Canadians sound off you don’t have to take all this abuse do you want to be a state do you not want to be a state do you like your sovereignty there really
is not a wrong answer here all right let’s keep going talked a lot about Iraq now let’s talk about a couple of other things Trump as Supreme Court to Halt sentencing a New York case is watching the political maneuverings that we have seen going on is absolutely cuckoo right now the massive attempt to destroy Trump by the 20th or to start World War III has been well Herculean effort by the globalist oh God I just saw this one I have to agree Lord have mercy going to be a large angry mob if we find out Med
beds are ready but they didn’t give them to us or if this event goes and Med beds don’t exist then they don’t give them to us I think either one of those is going to be a Uprising moment let’s see or if you have something uh not certain what that let’s see I’m going to try to keep up with some of these Alan Kurdistan belongs to Iraq uh think of it as Texas going rogue Texas has gone Rogue and stopped sending taxes revenues oil Etc to the rest of the country uh they’re filtering off of it how do you handle it they got a rogue
State look at it that way let’s see I’m Canadian and though we have family in the US and we are living along the border I wouldn’t mind we would pay a lot less in income tax uh greenlands well Denmark says Greenland’s not for sale have you seen the videos of Don Jr yesterday in Greenland boy was that welcoming group people wearing Maga hats yeah we’d like to be our taxes go lower we could go back and forth I was blown away by some of the footage of trump Jr’s arrival in Greenland I’m just reading a few I know
we got to get to it not that there’s really that much I had a tough time pulling things together this morning let’s see what the markets are doing just tired of the loss K fix I think we’re all suffering from Mendela effect on HCL they keep telling us no no no it’s agreed on hey they’re starting to ship oil so we were like woohoo that means HCL is done and then we find HCL still isn’t done I do feel like they have us in an information loop on purpose they did this when Kuwait went as well guys they would tell
us things were done then they weren’t done then they were done then they weren’t done and then all of a sudden it was all done Mike Canada is some great people but I don’t want the Canadian woke which means we don’t get any of their politicians a heavy graduated income tax is the second plank of the Communist Manifesto how many of you people have actually taken the time to read we should do that we should study the Communist Manifesto let’s see JK I’m Canadian Living in the US for decades even my most awake
friends in Canada are not very awake and all are against becoming part of the USA personally the USA doesn’t need more liberals and on Canadians so there let’s see Mark James said 90% of Canadian citizens live on the US border and depend on the US Uh Kevin saying Med beds exist I got a letter from the VA stating that they are using them a for VA hospitals on trial basis Kevin I’ve heard similar things and we do we have the footage of trump coming out of uh in 2019 uh coming out of the Walter Reed
Medical Center and telling us about the med beds he had just seen how we were going to be able to just regrow a soldier’s arm or leg alesandro we don’t know said I’ve heard that Trump gave Sudani that uh green light that he needs and to do the RV ASAP is that true it would make sense we need it um it would also make sense if that did indeed happen as to why I am suddenly getting so many group leaders saying we’re going to distribute as soon as the inauguration is done on the 20th meaning that day and the days following it would
make sense it it certainly there’s some logic to it is it real though moom I’m Canadian but on the fence love being Sovereign but not sure government sucks and always will too big for their britches mom we’ve been living through that ourselves here uh let’s see we in Canada land want 10,000 years of peace and love it would be excellent ton not have the dumb border we have to grow up with we love y’all and we be happy to be part of the USA I’ve met so many just world class amazing people from Canada but I’ve also met world class
people from all over the world but some really extra special ones from Canada land let’s see Ted you are much appreciated thank you Ted o Xavier chicks dig the RV I’m sh right Tim Fu we need Med beds help population grow courage of brain and common sense that would be a bonus uh I haven’t spent enough time in Canada to really tell you much other than it’s awfully pretty Maverick I love fishing in Canada uh Gina Canadians are great born and raised in North Dakota oh before before we forget guys and this is when I drop the ball on this
morning and the fires going on in California right now we have some of our own that are being affected heck the Anderson’s had to evacuate so many prayers for you folks in uh California right now um some interesting conversations with both uh fire personnel and some folks that are in the Intel World they believe the fires are being started intentionally uh is this more of just make things as create as much upheaval as possible for the 20th do they want people to say oh you remember Trump’s inauguration the
whole world was burning the whole nation was burning there were riots there were fires there was war all over the world because they were terrified of this orange man do you think possibly that it’s intentional I know I have to ask myself that question Randy H you’re right if it were and they knew it were that date then it would definitely explain some of the upheaval we’re seeing right now let’s see Jesus believer when I was saying in an RV park in Florida back in 2003 there was a snowbird from Canada I
would hang out with who was in the spot next to mine he was half owner of a restaurant would spend the winners in Florida while his partner ran in the restaurant he used to sit outside and say what a way to make a living oh Jay-Z best be I drink brador not heard of that one 10 different fires during a non-fire season Jack I think Nome wants to clear disaster so he gets more funds hey but wasn’t it in like a wealthy neighborhood you know Nome keeps telling us all that we need to tax the wealthy obliterate the wealthy and all those
good even though he’s wealthy uh should we not give anybody effect at anything since they’re in the wealthy neighborhoods and should we just you know give that all to somebody that I don’t know immigrants maybe we should just invite them all in to take over the property and I am totally not serious about this I’m using satire and I hope you guys get it oh a toz dreamer I’m glad you guys put that one in Indonesia officially fully joins bricks full member pay attention right there wait full member A to Z I am you
are on it yeah I read that one that one was super excited you’re looking at all the countries that we have interest in are either partial members full members or have been flirting with it see fox said the fires were man-made fires a sick individual out there if done on purpose yeah the question is is it an organized thing or is it just a sick individual Thomas says you know they’re being set no accident uh insurance companies are cancelling people’s insurance and yes look into who has homes Hanks and a
whole host of celebrities who’s Ali Carter told us there would be fires uh ruthan reminds me the fires in Hawaii reports no water hoses I live in Southern California they will blame TR they’re already blaming Trump and well the Ria drop Dr ape sitter throw an H on the end of that one exactly and the Ria goes up news blaming a homeless Camp starting the first one I’m just reading a few of these she was sex abused by the elite Survivor of human trafficking I should know who she is guys but I don’t I may
be able to see her and then like go oh yeah I know who you’re talking about all right buddy what you got for me brother kind of a bank story but not one I bought some more current online but went to pick it up the girl at the desk told me all kinds of people buying dinar and Don then I noticed her hands she was counting n for someone else’s order just thought that was kind of funny and no she didn’t know about it that is interesting more and more people waking up CA tayor Larry Elder is the rightful
governor of California there was some very questionable counting in that runoff after the recall on Nome uh Bernard the fires were set by the FBI the fire burning intentional Lily Pad Los Angeles fire hydrants are out of water because the county refused to refill the reservoirs the same thing that happened in Maui oh you can’t make this up Getty museum is apparently burning wow there are lots of rumors about what’s under the Getty Museum Ali is Tupac’s daughter was traf and spilling the beans on H I wonder if we
could find her get her on here I’m trying to keep up with you guys y’all are on it this morning remember the Getty museum okay yes I was just remembering that one being me up allly mentions Denzel Washington as well yeah Todd watch who shows up to buy the property couldna be the normal ones Oprah Hanks let’s see Getty museum just Sal lawn on fire museum has been said to be fine so many 34 buildings yeah I don’t know Maverick a lot of people woke up after the Kuwait RV but still it’s a percentage it was a small number
fortunately we have to get it uh Michael bats I’d love to get a good update on cmkx to unfortunately it’s not there and I’ve got all the right contacts if it was there I would have it I am definitely a shareholder and a decent sized one there of uh nothing fresh on dong we’ve seen some I’ve seen some rumored pictures and we continue to spend more time than I would like to admit over the last few days trying to verify lower denominations we have a team we have the best team working on it Welly what am I going to do with the
Universal Studios shut down Nico though for some of you guys that count on it for a living that hurts for you all I’m just reading a few of these having a tough time finding my motivation with the uh losses yeah still just I’m I’m in mourning both for uh ed u what it means to the community uh of course Ron find that’s just that’s tough brother so many right now just feels like a kick in the gut snowing in the south of England it’s two degrees Celsius and it’s snowing all right burning the evidence that could be
somebody pointed out ah Dave now we’re talking brother that’s it that is a like dude if you’ve ever had ptin you know that that is truly an excellent excellent uh bargaining chip B jel I’m still laughing here’s that that’s the fun one for you uh Lori many PE yeah have two full-time jobs hoping to at least drop down to one Julie I’ve seen a few of the videos showing white streaks through the Flames similar to what we saw in Maui anybody looking around for a Blue Roof ronell it’s good to see you sir Cody happy
birthday uh very possible s sww rate is very possible on Thursday um I have a couple of people calling for between Thursday and Saturday so it’s very possible just said Mark we have to pull LS wait we are here for each other yeah we are guys of course we’ve got great contacts um between Ed’s uh um uh moderators Etc part of his community but it would be interesting to find out what his projects were what he wanted to do we’ve already got the strawberry Foundation uh for one of our old moderators where we
want to fulfill her wishes with these um guys if Ed has talked about it please keep that in mind I I I will agree with that approach that we’ve got to pick up the slack for all the ones we lose when it is time eore 16 last night with a smattering of snow in North Carolina e where I saw some of the pictures in video right escape from it all really is the best [Music] oh a good gravy or sausage gravy with french fries who would have thought who wouldn’t have thought that’s the question why did it take a Canadian
to come up with I mean the whole world should have come up with it at the same time it’s so stinking good I’m reading Surfer oh wait uh I said that yesterday Mark Z’s channel that the Getty museum is close to there first thought this was a ploy yeah you did I remember you saying it Surfer Nixon on his fifth yesterday happy belated to Nixon niol see I can say it in French right niol uh Deb you are so spoton Miss Deb so hard to believe we’ve lost so many in this community it really is just a kick
in the teeth stho we are Canadian 10 minutes from the US border we cross over very often and look forward to finally coming home we’ve heard for a very long time we are all American as Greenland and others well it really is if you think about it I mean we’re American whether we’re in Central America South America North America we’re Americans Juno looking at my private messages from Ed and I’m sad uh I am with you sir on that one no Mr bright side you do have a point here if I’ve got to find greatest
invention ever guys or back scratchers um that probably is my biggest beef with Canadians they need to learn what ham is hey anybody out there with a good source of TSO ham that’s something I can’t find here do that or I’ve got to learn to make taso ham it is an exciting time I’m just reading some of these uh going to take a little time [Music] to relax just talk with you guys Captain Peggy was it all that i’ say it is have you who here has had it who here understands what it is and who hasn’t had it just sound
off I’ll bet UFO Wisconsin I like this one I bet strawberry Henrietta and the rest of our friends friends uh our past friends are on the first Mothership to I like that idea on the first cloud with Christ on the return when he brings back the dead yes it definitely looks like a rake now the one I have back in uh Carolina Carolina de Norte uh of the north is just a bamboo one that kind of looks like a hand yeah Bobby all my rowy friends are uh Dead and Gone going to change that song did hear from Mr C this
morning uh to whip you understand exactly why I’m trying to find the tasa actually I prefer it in my shrimp and grits I’ll make like a tasso ham gravy with the uh shrimp oh some green onion or Leak with it wow chicken flockers have been a can uh been a Canadian for almost 70 years never had it ah Daisy you understand exactly where I’m at it is the best in shrimping grits the New Orleans approach to shrimping grits is exponentially superior to the Charleston version of shrimp and grits I know look if you’re
going to be controversial you should own it they do this kind of like a like a how do I describe how they make their shrimp sauce for shrimp and grits in most places in the East Coast low country it’s like a paika cream sauce that they put on I mean it’s not bad uh and they’ll often put it on a white grit instead no no no the way to do it is the way they do it with the yellow like a stone ground grit and then with the taso gravy the way they do the shrimping grits in New Orleans shreport any of that area in the
Mississippi Delta Bernie I’m with you well longer than nine years for me but I am so ready oh Valerie side porks good stuff too cheese said you’re killing me small oh wait wait let’s uh slow this one down Patricia Lee I need to just chill and talk with you guys more often let’s put this where I can see it the Intel fact checking network has convened an emergency meeting to strategize on handling sensitive topics like pizzagate following meta’s abrupt decision to sever its partnership with the organization oh wait a minute is
this truly be being reported I mean you know they are you know there is a absolute moment of panic going on right now in that Community never had shrimping Grits my favorite food is shrimp and shrimp scampy I’m that’s so easy to make why do not people not make shrimp Scamp anymore it’s so easy and so awesome worked in Philly for year never had scrapple now I’m kind of with you on the scrapple thing Bobby Woody I like Honey Honey Baked Ham’s good ham what is taso h let’s do that you know if we’re gonna
have a little fun do a little learning this morning together let’s uh let’s just see what the internet the interwebs have to say about it what is toso ham we explain this one okay you’re supposed to explain it there you you’re going to give it to me here when you think of cinjun and creole Cuisine dishes like gumbo jambala at the Fe red bean and rice come to mind these dishes blend tender vegetables Seafood and Meat with flavorful broth and spices great an unforgettable combination unless youve
spent time in Louisiana though you may maybe never had the traditional version of these dishes made with TSO ham a Cajun ham that takes classic southern recipes to the next level but what is toso ham and what can you use if you can’t find it TSO ham is a spice smoked pork product made from the boneless pork shoulder that makes it fattier and richer than other types of ham which are made from leaner hind lick unlike ham taso isn’t typically eaten on its own that is to say you wouldn’t make a ham
sandwich using taso Instead This sliced or diced product is added to soups stews beans and brazed vegetable dishes where it imparts its rich flavor into a broth and simmers long enough to become soft and tender which takes a while guys um in some recipes TSO is treated like sausage or bacon and brown before being used as a garnish it’s fantastic when combined with poultry meat and vegetables but it also tastes great with seafood yes it does baked oysters and a tasso cream uh while tasos Origins are hard to
track down we know the word taso comes from the Spanish word Taho which roughly translates to jerky okay I don’t need your recipes of the day uh or cured dried meat although the word is Spanish toso Finds Its home in American South specifically Louisiana where it is used in Bayou Cuisine I would Brown mine in a h stainless steel pan because that’s where it just takes the color and the flavors of the pan I would deglaze it and then make my TSO gravy that way so good uh Kimmy and Dewey sausage it is a
good substitute and unfortunately Kimmy here in Puerto Rico I can’t get either TSO ham or andoy sausage recently spend some extra dollars uh getting a sausage grinder so I can start making my own certain things you can’t live without so you uh adapt crawfish at the Fe with toso cream sauce is a tossup yeah crypto Kenny you ain’t kidding brother a good ETA like the ETO ah start with a nice Rue go from there throw in the Holy Trinity now we’re talking whiskey and wisdom night Mike yes we are doing
whiskey and wisdom tonight Linda well you can’t not have grits in this I’m not a big fan of like uh the white grits too refined I like them with a little more texture B I like this one after I finished my ptin in Canada I’m going to marks for seafood actually you know we could probably make a tasso cream gravy for p we could probably blend the Low Country in Canada I got a new dish in the making I’m G to work on that one shrimping grits I think shrimp would ruin the butter and brown sugar stay open ideas hello
Jerry oh wow Jerry just said I’m 54 and I’ve never had a PB and J sandwich Jerry are you allergic to peanut butter uh Fred yeah I’ve seen a lot of them um I need to get better at Tech and pulling things over so I can show them I’m reading a few of these guys we’ll get to it brown sugars for oatmeal not grits Chris Brown Sugar is also good on Rice uh jef I’m with you uh eggs there is a shortage of eggs going around it’s hit and miss on the island too um sometimes you’ll show up empty alycat I’ve been missing the
whiskey and wisdom as well oh my lady J Ford I need to do that too uh you guys got me just oh my stomach is like doing back flips right now thinking about it all I’m reading a [Music] few my Canadian friends tell me when they are in a foreign country and act out party and they tell everyone they’re Americans crazy Crone I think we should all start doing something similar if you’re an American you’re traveling abroad and you just is time to tie one on boot holler and scream I’m going to need you to learn a few a verse or two
to O Canada so that we can say hey look don’t blame me I’m Canadian I drink more than I eat long winners oh scallop and corn chowder I do a shrimp and crab corn chowder that is like world class fires are now all around diddies and the Gettys Jerry no way my mom made the best peanut butter fudge Jerry I hate you can’t send me some Chris zegler said I eat grits with cream and brown sugar for breakfast yeah as a kid uh we didn’t eat grits with uh sometimes Cream of Wheat but usually it was either rice with
brown sugar hot rice with brown sugar and cream or oatmeal with brown sugar and cream or maybe a little maple syrup depending on what we had Michael shrimp or bottom feeders eat all the crap yeah and they still taste good I know I know they’re bugs they’re cockroaches of the sea they’re just tasty bugs the bugs up here tasted that good I’d eat them too m uh Liberty I don’t mind fried plantains I like the sweet plantains more yeah Kevin and Denzel just got the presidential medal of freedom yeah who else got it Liz
Cheney oh no she got the one for like Medal of Honor yeah I’m trying to remember exactly what hers was oh it’s probably the same one presidential medal of freedom highest uh award they can give a normal citizen all right has anyone heard of the lag nappi on the Bayou fair in shavan that’s where I live we had some of the best Cajun dish I’ve not heard of it Senator Clinton got a medal Hillary got a medal of freedom yeah what have they ever done but take Freedom Michelle in prime time you are not kidding Kenna is one of the few
countries has zero gold reserves it’s awful that country has been run very poor very poorly which when you consider it is one of the largest gold producing nations in the world and has no gold reserves that is like an serious kicking the teeth to the Canadian citizens like they couldn’t even say hey look instead of all these fees and Licensing and water license fees and all that we’re going to take it in fysical Gold hey we’re going to store it those fees could be going to the gold reserves of Canada without any monetary
outlay on the government’s part really I mean it’s criminal that you guys do not have gold reserves uh oh Daniel maybe they deliver right maybe they deliver okay guys let’s uh let’s do this one I’m having fun reading all right let’s do this thing Jan Cody Nixon anybody else we have missed so they tell me it’s your birthday well happy birthday darling may you live may you love all your dreams come true happy birthday happy birthday birthday happy birthday to you to all those celebrating wait it’s good to see
you she got she got the top one for that one all right guys let’s do a quick prayer and get out of here dear Lord Heavenly Father um I want to thank you for our many blessings for the blessings to come uh we want to ask for our forgiveness of our sins our short tempers or lack of faith Etc we ask you would forgive us our sins and our shortcomings help strengthen us guide us direct us uh Lord we ask for comfort for grieving families uh for Ron his family uh with the passing of his wife uh to Ed Ed’s
family Ed’s Community for his passing we ask for Comfort we also ask that you would keep us guide us in what they would like us to do to honor them uh and bring honor to you in Jesus name we pray amen reading a few uh Sherry’s birthday as well happy birthday Sherry Lynn Robert I heard Soros made his money from currency revaluation after countries destroyed yep pretty much Robert that would be accurate and some of the countries that I mean he he obliterated the Indonesian rupee um trying to think of some of the other
currencies he oh the British pound what he did to the Sterling pound in a short bit of time devastated retirement accounts of thousands of people yeah no he’s uh when you talk about a questionable sleazy individual doing things legally but not ethically that would be Soros Elvis’s birthday happy birthday Elvis Adam’s birthday Annabelle’s mom’s nephew happy birthday all right guys I’m calling it a wrap there we’ve got two more tonight I don’t know what we’ll have in the way of news but I’ll bring
whatever we do have at 7 for a short one and then a whiskey and wisdom at eight see you guys this evening