Huge change to Iraqi Dinar just announced (Uncut) 03-01-2025
Huge change to Iraqi Dinar just announced
Huge change to Iraqi Dinar just announced
A huge change has just been announced to the Iraqi dinar. I want to talk about that today. This is actually going to force a revaluation.
This is actually incredibly big news. And I hope people understand how big news this is before I go on. None of this is financial advice.
Don’t rush out and buy a bunch of arachnid. Are there’s a lot of scammers out there. Um, if you own IQD, do me a favor and just type IQD down below.
If you do not, just let me know if you don’t own any, I’m curious how many people are going to watch this video that don’t own this, but this is actually a pretty incredible deal. I’m having a lot of trouble with YouTube. Just you guys know, I’m doing more and more on X. If you want to follow me there just this morning, trying to set up this live stream was a pain in the butt.
Okay. Um, getting very frustrated with them. So I want people to understand that we are going through a massive change when I’ve been talking about crypto a lot lately and saying that a lot of people are about to make a lot of money because of a transition, whenever there’s a transition in this world, financially, a big shift, like the creation of the internet or, um, you know, when nations split apart and create new currencies, there’s a massive opportunity to make wealth.
Okay. This is one of those examples where you have, and it was just announced the Iraqi central bank has announced it’s going to create its own digital currency. This is going to create a massive revaluation.
It’s going to be forced now. Okay. Um, there are all these opportunities, but very few people take them.
That’s why I just put out the ninja AI course. The one-on-one course teaches you way more than how to use chat GPT. It actually gives you real tools to build things right now to save time and money, but also to get your mind thinking.
Um, because these classes cost like 1600, $2,400 to go to, you know, Columbia and NDL and, uh, Harvard. And I found a friend of mine is actually a subject matter expert in this and people need to learn this. So if you want the sale, the pre-filming sales down below editors getting one video out a day to us.
So we’ll keep rolling that out. Okay. Now this story came out yesterday.
It said out of Baghdad, the governor of the central bank of Iraq, uh, revealed on Wednesday that the bank’s planning to create digital, a digital currency to replace paper notes with central banks during his speech on the ninth edition of the Iraqi finance expo. Uh, he said the fundamental changes will take place in the banking and financial systems, including the limited use of paper notes as they will be replaced by digital currencies in transactions between central banks. Why is this a big deal? There has to be a value set to these also complete transparency at a certain point or level.
Um, we have seen two parallel markets go from, uh, what the central bank and the government of Iraq has said the currency is worth and the open market, which does the government and the central bank says, Hey, our value is higher. And I’m the street is treating it something different, but this is going to force something different because what a lot of people are about to see is an event where I can’t even mess my phone right now, left the ringer on, um, where transactions are going to start happening and multiplying and increasing as this digital currency comes out. And it’s going to show the street a lot about who is valuing the currency.
And I think what you’re going to see on the street, on the economy in Iraq is, um, vendors companies, uh, are going to start saying, Whoa, you know what? We’re seeing other countries using this ledger and using the currency at a higher rate. It’s not a pie in the sky. It’s not any longer the government saying it’s worth this much or the central bank saying it’s worth this much.
They’re saying we’re seeing this now on a ledger of money moving and other countries are valuing our, uh, currency at higher rates. Why shouldn’t we? Why wouldn’t we? And what you’re about to see, because it’s going to take a little bit of time, right? Don’t race out and go buy a bunch of dinar. There’s a ton of scams out there, by the way, too.
Um, what you’re going to see is a moment happen when the light bulb sort of goes off in a lot of people’s minds in Iraq. And this is quite frankly, very bullish for the currency. Now it says here, um, the, the governor of the bank said also indicated that Iraq’s financial inclusion rate increased to over 40% compared to 20% three years ago, due to CBI’s promotion of mobile phone based electric or electronic wallets that enabled bill payment and money transfer.
Over 4,000 ATMs have been installed and are roughly 17 million bank cards are now in use, according to him. And there are only 1.2 million electronic or sorry, there are now 1.2 million electronic wallets in Iraq. The creation of electronic wallets is a big deal.
Uh, in the next couple of days, I’m going to be covering what’s going on in, uh, Europe, because as some of this is a good thing, there are other aspects of it that are very bad where governments want to control your data. Um, put it on a government wallet. We are getting closer and closer to that moment.
You know what I believe we’re still a decade or two off from one of those moments where you are not gonna be able to buy or sell unless you do it a certain way with a mark, and I think people need to be listening and thinking about this right now. And the reason why I say that it’s because of this. Um, and let me know, give me some feedback.
Do you wish that you would have saved and invested more money than you did 30 years from now or 30 years ago? Sorry, or 20 years ago? Just, just tick yes or no. Do you wish you would have saved or invested more money than you did that long ago? The reason why I ask you that is because when we’re seeing fundamental changes like this, with governments going to, uh, digital currencies, when we’re seeing the creation of AI and it’s now flooding the markets, right, it’s taking jobs right now. It’s taking jobs.
Um, most people don’t sit to think, sit down and go, you know what? I should do something right now. I should take some action. I should learn about what’s going on and then I should actually pivot and do something for my family’s sake right now.
Well, as everybody’s typing, yes, it’s sort of like a no brainer, right? We all wish we would have saved more and invested more, um, rather than blow money on crap that we don’t even use or remember, right? I mean, all of us can go into our garage and, uh, it’s funny. I said this, use this analogy once and somebody actually was stupid enough. And this is a stupid comment to come out and go, well, I wish I was rich enough to have a garage.
I’m like, well, we’ll go do something about it. Jeez. Oh, you’re in control of your own life.
We’ve all had hard times and we’ve all struggled. And the difference between people that are successful and the people that are not is because the people that are not are affected and controlled by the things that happen around them rather than taking control and doing something about it and having control over situations. Um, but I, I said, you know, how many of us can go into our garage and look around? My dad taught me this a long time ago.
If you haven’t used it in six months or a year, throw it away or sell it in a garage sale because it’s just never, it’s just never going to be used. It’s like one of those out of sight, out of mind things. Well, all of us have that situation.
Like, man, I shouldn’t, what am I doing? I just had this, uh, purchase I did and I never used it. Right. It’s because a lot of our purchases are controlled by our emotions.
Right. And so you see something like this where people have invested in the Iraqi dinar and you’re watching this massive move where the government, the bank and people, its citizens are moving to that digital space. Yet a lot of people aren’t doing anything in their own lives.
Matter of fact, I’m just curious who here owns the IQD or the Iraqi dinar currency, but has not even bought a dollar with a Bitcoin. Just be honest and say, that’s me. The reason why I ask, and it’s not to embarrass anyone, but it’s to get you thinking, you know, you, you invested in a currency that is way away, probably from your own country because you did some research, you knew what’s been going on.
All right, cool. Thank you for being honest. Um, and, and you’re sitting back and you wanted larger gains, right? Nothing wrong with that.
I think every single person watching this video should be going for big gains in life. Um, yet you haven’t thought about like, well, why don’t I, and possibly you put like 500, a thousand, 10,000. I know people have put even more than that, uh, into Iraqi dinars.
Yet you don’t go down to a Bitcoin ATM, download a, uh, a wallet, uh, on your phone and just put five bucks in there and just look at it and see, you know, send it to someone and see how it works, you know, and the truth is, and this is really sad to say, but it is the truth and we have to accept truth, right? If you can’t accept facts in your life or truth, you’re never going to be successful or wealthy. Right. Cause we all have to look in the mirror and we’re all by ourselves and we got to either say, I’m proud of you when you look in the mirror or you know what, you need to shape up.
We all know it. We all know it. There’s so many things about me that I don’t like that I’m constantly trying to work on.
Um, but since then, the Iraq dinar has really done nothing other. It’s doubled in value. I could, you know, sell, sell mine on eBay or somebody else, um, for more than I paid for it.
But, you know, since I started this channel, the currency hasn’t done a whole lot. And Bitcoin, when I started this channel, it was 2,300 bucks. I said, everyone should buy some Bitcoin because it’s going to be a hundred grand before you know it.
And then it’s, you know, it’s going to do this, right? That’s what’s happened. Uh, but then it’s going to go to a million bucks after that, you know, Bitcoin will be a million dollars and probably the next five to six years. And, and people have lost insane gains, right? Um, now a lot of people would say, well, you haven’t lost what you didn’t or weren’t a part of, but that’s actually not true.
You know, wealthy and successful people constantly regret the actions they didn’t take. Whereas, uh, uh, because they’re like, it could have been something great. Whereas poor and unsuccessful people, they’ll tell you, you know, in seconds how something’s a scam because they’re in protection mode out of fear because of not having knowledge.
Ladies and gentlemen, I mean, seriously, if I’m talking to you right now, type 10, if you’re feeling that like gut feeling, like, you know what? The ninjas got a point type 10. And the reason I say that is because the second you do that and you start to think a little bit outside of the box, just a little bit, because when I say, Hey, you should go check out Bitcoin or some crypto, I’m not telling you you’ll buy a thousand dollars or go leverage your house. I think that’s actually the wrong thing.
And it would be stupid. What I’m saying is why wouldn’t you buy 10 bucks? And if anyone goes, well, I don’t got 10 bucks. I’m all, well, that’s a poverty mindset.
Don’t go out to eat tomorrow. You know how many people tell me they don’t get the money to invest. And I asked them when the, where the last place they went out to eat or they said, you know, Hey, suggest a good place to eat.
And they, Oh yeah, you got to go over there. It’s great. I’m like, well, why don’t you stop going over there, go and buy some food at the grocery store, cook your own meal and save some money so you can invest.
You see the reason why people are in the position they’re in is because they put themselves there. And yes, I get it. There’s some people say I had cancer out of the blue.
I had somebody die. Um, uh, illness hit. I got fired from work.
You know what? I’ve went through all those too. So what are you going to do? The Iraqi dinar is going to be revalued one day. It’s going to be revalued at a very high rate, I believe, um, compared to what people bought it at.
Um, but I’m not putting all my eggs in one basket. I’ve got lots of baskets. It talks about in the Bible, why you want to have your money diversified, not only in eight different places, but also, you know, all around the world.
I could have the number of baskets wrong. I’m sure all the religious people run out to Mark right away and start telling me how wrong I am. I’m wrong about a lot of things.
Um, but you need to start advancing. If you want to take advantage of AI right now, start learning how to use it. Like stop using chat GPT as a search function or having it do your homework.
And you actually want to start using applications and learn how to use video, how to make apps, logos for your business, or really start to think about, Hey, should I do a business? What’s the best business? Way more than search function. The, uh, ninja AI one-on-one course is a pre-filming right now. All of the videos have already been sent to the editor.
Um, I’m hoping to have all of them back within a week, 10 days max, and the course will be yours. And then the price will go up. Hope you got something out of this.
The economic ninja is out.