Economists Uncut

Hold on to Your Gold and Silver for Dear Life. (Uncut) 03-14-2025

Hold on to Your Gold and Silver for Dear Life.

and that a small portion of it should purchase a larger quantity of natural riches with other conditions which will appear later. Coin must therefore be made of a precious and rare material such as gold. Friday, March 14th, 2025, Maneco 64, Home of Alternative Economics and Contrarian Views.


Today we’re going to touch upon a topic that I have as a playlist so you can go and watch some of the videos. It’s not a very long one and I’ve tried to remind people over the years that you should hold on to your gold and silver for dear life and yes I started doing this video in 2020, actually 2018 and the last one I did was October 2024 and the reason I do these is to try to put across the fact that there’s a lot of speculation in the paper gold market and there’s a lot of like how can I say propaganda against gold in the mainstream financial press and that’s because the powers that be don’t want people protecting themselves let’s say acquiring gold and silver they want you financially beholden to them so you can keep borrowing and working nine to five to pay their to pay taxes to keep them sustained. It’s a parasitical system and the reason I’m talking about this today is because gold is approaching a key level as per the spot price of $3,000 in of itself $3,000 is not that important it’s just a round number and that’s why it’s important for the market but all it’s telling us along with silver is that we’re going to continue to see the inflation of the currencies because the powers that be have no other option despite the fact that I think in the U.S. they’re trying to bring something new and we’re going to quickly look at that today as well so I’m also going to go on to chapter two of this book I read chapter one yesterday they’re very short chapters and so yeah hold on to your gold and silver for dear life don’t let speculators and the powers that be shake you off your monetary insurance and I’m going to give you an example of this that had a big impact on me when I started when I had just started um stacking a little bit of gold and silver back in 02 and I remember when I started buying gold it was around $320 per troy ounce uh in pounds it was around 220 so it’s made a big move and some people might say it and this is another reason I want to do this because it’s not only with gold but with other investments those people who hold on and do well from it they’re told well it was easy you just sat through it and it went up but but it’s not psychologically it’s really difficult and that’s what I’m trying to talk about here today so for those of you who are new here you probably haven’t heard this story but for those of you who have been here a long time you’re probably tired of listening to it or maybe not so I’ll tell you the story first and I’ll show you the editorial I worked in the city of London in the financial sector for 20 years and back in 04 2004 I was doing my usual journey I left home uh five to seven five to six excuse me I walked to this station I lived near the station and uh I used to buy the paper FT back then didn’t really have all the mobile phones and all the apps so I used to buy the real paper and start reading on as I waited for my train and I used to like turning to the editorial page for some reason and on April 16th this is the page I turned to it was an editorial uh anonymous someone in the FT wrote going going gold 2004 and it says down here the pointlessness of holding uh bullion continues to sink in um when I saw that I kind of laughed and I knew that there was something wrong because I had already been studying about gold and inflation I had already listened to or read Ben Bernanke’s speech in 02 about helicopter money and that was a big signal to me as well so I was kind of outraged but not really at the same time I knew it would be a great thing to cut off and laminate which I did when I got to the office and I wrote of course FT editorial April 16th 2004 the price of gold as you can see was four hundred dollars and 65 cents and here we are now at three thousand dollars virtually and I’m glad I didn’t listen to the FT so you’re going to be seeing a lot of stuff out there and I think what I’m going to be doing yeah I might look at it and laugh at it but I’m going to focus on protecting uh mine and my family’s financial future through holding on to my gold and silver for dear life I’m going to also be trying to keep adding if I’m fortunate enough to have extra fiat currency at the end of the month uh it’s not easy uh to to have extra especially with the cost of living going up with taxes going up there’s always the tax man unfortunately uh and um yeah I’m going to be giving uh hopefully a call to my affiliates I use them too well I use the one here in the UK gold investments and uh if you’re interested check the description of this video all the details of how to get in touch with gold investments are there and also in the US uh I visited uh Andy Sheckman back in January we had a great time and uh we’ve been working together for over two years now and and I can vouch for him I met his whole family uh we played some golf so in the US if you’re interested check out um Miles Franklin all the details are below in the description and make sure you tell them if you get in touch with them that Mario or Maneco64 sent you what else in terms of uh keeping a strong mental attitude not letting the detractors um yeah discourage you from protecting yourself because that’s what they want they don’t want you in gold and silver because these people are I have to say evil I have to say it because they want to control other people they don’t want people to be independent self-sufficient and happy and why do I think that is so well because they have this uh power complex they they want to be in charge of people and if you have people that are self-reliant independent and happy uh yeah that that’s their uh that’s their job gone right so with that I’m gonna go to chapter two here because I think it’s relevant to understanding what money is so I think yesterday we spoke about why money was invented that was chapter one and uh for those those of you who don’t know uh Nicholas Ores who was responsible for demonetta the demonetta he was a master of theology uh in the mid-1300s in the at the university of and he wrote extensively about money uh so here we go chapter two uh the material of money so what money really should be and you might think well this is from the middle ages you’re really antiquated actually um in a world where everything uh focuses on tech and the future AI going to Mars I think it it is really important that we step back to to periods like the mid-1300s to see what those people thought so anyway now since money is an instrument for the exchange of natural riches as appears from the preceding chapter it follows that it must be a fit tool for the work this implies that it must be easily easy to handle and to feel with the hands light to carry and that a small portion of it should purchase a larger quantity of natural riches with other conditions which will appear later coin must therefore be made of a precious and rare material such as gold but there must be enough of such material wherefore if there is not enough gold money is also made of silver so the bimetallic system and where these two metals do not exist or are insufficient they must be alloyed or a simple money be made of another metal without alloy or a simple money be made of another metal without alloy as was formerly the case with copper as Ovid tells in the first book of fasti saying men paid in copper once they are now for gold and the new money elbows out the old yeah I know what some people are thinking here that bitcoin is gonna elbow out gold uh it’s possible I’ve got my doubts but anyway let’s continue alike change the lord promised by the mouth of Isaiah for brass I will bring gold and for iron I will bring silver for these metals are the fittest for coining doesn’t say anything about bitcoin and as Cassiodorus says Achis and Indus king of Scythia are said to have been the first to discover one gold and the other silver and to be praised for delivering them to man’s use and therefore so much of them ought not to be allowed to be applied to other uses that there should not be enough left for money it was this consideration that led Theodoric king of Italy to order the golden silver deposited according to pagan custom in the tombs to be removed and used for coining for the public profit saying it was a crime to leave hidden among the dead and and useless what would keep the living alive on the other hand it is expedient that the material of money should be should be too plentiful for that as Ovid says was the reason for the disuse of copper that may be the reason why providence has ordained that men should not easily obtain gold and silver the most suitable metals in quantity and that they cannot be be made by alchemy as some try to do being it I might say so justly prevented by nature whose works they vainly try to outdo there you go so there’s some interesting points here alchemy I think we’ve got alchemy today and might say what are you talking about well fiat money fiat currency is alchemy they’re always try to replace gold and that’s why there’s so there’s so much animosity towards gold because these people who think they can outdo nature the globalists the bankers yeah they they think they can outdo nature but gold and silver always come come come back and I think that’s where we are right now and that’s why we’re seeing the price of gold and silver go up and the price of these unnatural let’s say counterfeit alchemy money is going away and Miss Lagarde from the ECB I’ve got news for you your CBDC is not going to work because it doesn’t really it’s nothing new it’s a fiat currency still and it’s going to fail and the ECB will will be history soon so I’m a little later today it’s almost 9 a.m London time which is these days 5 p.m eastern time but we’ve got spot gold at 29.92 up about three bucks the high’s been 94 and the low has been 80 29 80 I’ve seen headlines there that gold is broken 3000 but the these people are looking at the the futures I’m a traditions I look at the spot that that’s the that’s the price of gold there same thing for silver we’re trading just below 34 yes there was a bit of a battle to break through 33 but here we are up 10 cents the high has been 34 and the low has been 65 if you look at the Dow gold ratio the silver to S&P ratio and all those ratios they’re looking better and better in terms of the precious metals I don’t have to tell you what what’s happening to the stock market overnight though the futures are up a bit the Dow is up 220 points half a percent Nasdaq 100 is up just under one percent and the S&P is up three quarters of a percent that could change very quickly though it seems like the stock markets are not in a good place right now currencies pretty much unchanged with the exception of the dollar versus the yen here a dollar is quite strong it’s up three quarters of a percent just below 149 WTI crude is up 1.3 percent 6720 and high grade copper well high grade copper is doing really well and it goes to this idea of a real economy of a move from paper to commodities that I’ve spoken about copper is a really important indicator for the overall health of the economy and inflationary pressures I would say so we’re approaching now five high grade copper and that’s significant we’re at 496 up half a percent let’s quickly look at the bond market well the 10-year yield is still around 430 so we’re not seeing this rush to buy treasuries despite the fact that the stock market is weak and just another thing here I think we had some economic data for the UK and I saw some of the headlines they said it was unexpected GDP shrunk unexpectedly but to you and I it’s not unexpected right so yeah GDP month on month dropped 0.1 year on year it was up one percent if you strip out all the government spending GDP is not really growing so with that I’m going to wish you all a very good weekend take care bye

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