MAJOR CHANGES Are Happening In The Federal Reserve (Uncut) 02-07-2025
MAJOR CHANGES Are Happening In The Federal Reserve Are You Prepared?
Now, I know a lot of you have probably heard about the Federal Reserve pulling out of a global consortium of central bankers. So that’s what we’re going to talk about today, because I’ve gotten a lot of questions on it. Let’s take a look.
First of all, it is the NGFS, which is, oh, let’s see, it is the central banks and bank supervisors with integrating the risks stemming from climate change into their work and steering monetary policy and policing the financial system. And this was really a move to go into a one world system, because it’s so much easier to control if there’s one than if there’s 196. So let’s take a look at exactly what has been happening and why it matters to you.
And it really is the concept of how many things are changing and how quickly those are changing, because what they’re really referring to is green finance. And why is that important? Well, green finance, just so you know, when you hear this term, is any structured financial activity that’s been created to promote, or at least seemingly promote, a better environmental outcome. So this is how it’s sold.
It is made up of a whole bunch of different things. So check your portfolios, check your ETFs, check your mutual funds, because you very well may hold some of these instruments. It’s typical projects that fall under the green finance umbrella, renewable energy and energy efficiency, pollution prevention and control, biodiversity conservation, circular economy initiatives, and sustainable use of natural resources and land.
And they can do a bunch of different instruments to fund all of this. Although, make no mistake, this funding typically goes to corporations. So what we heard was that the Federal Reserve withdraws from the Global Regulatory Climate Change Group.
And there’s the announcement of it. It has withdrawn from the network of central banks and supervisors for greening the financial system, meaning issuing all of this debt and these different debt instruments that they have been, up to this point, supporting, because this committee has been around just since 2017. So not that long ago.
But let us also keep in mind that they’re not the only one that’s doing this. And that, quite honestly, on a global basis, anyway, we are definitely seeing this happen on a global basis. The green initiative is over.
Climate change doesn’t matter. Drill, baby, drill. There will be a lot more use of fossil fuels.
Trump orders agencies to halt the spending from Biden’s climate law and mandates the review of the Inflation Reduction Act payments, which frankly, that was all about creating inflation anyway. You always have to watch how they’re named. And day one executive order also eliminates Biden’s Climate Corp.
So that’s why I said this green initiative to clean things up and become more energy efficient is over. Now we’ve also seen, particularly in Europe, so make sure you go and watch that video on energy costs that go below zero, but yet your bills aren’t going below zero. They’re not paying you to consume energy.
So make sure you watch that because that’s important as well. And could be part of this, because that impacts the price that traders use and what wholesalers use to buy and sell oil, et cetera. But I want you to also be quite clear that it is not just the Federal Reserve, but it is also the FDIC that is withdrawing from the network of central banks and supervisors for greening the financial system.
So it’s over, but we have to take a look at that market because that market could create a whole lot more volatility inside of the system. And just a few months ago, the sustainable debt market passed 5 trillion. Now it’s not just that 5 trillion, it’s all of those hidden and opaque derivative bets against all of these products that we cannot see.
I’m going to talk more about it, but you can see how this issue has grown, especially once 2017 hit, which is when that global consortium was put together. So yeah. And why did it grow this quickly? Because it had the full support of all the central bankers around the world.
And also all of those, like the FDIC here in the US. So all of those government agencies around the world that govern savings and loans, et cetera, and banks. So this is really significant because this is just sustainability bonds.
These are the green bonds issuance, and it’s also by region. So interestingly enough, the top three green bond issuers, the US, China, and France. Now, most of it is really in Europe.
So France, but what happens to all of these debt instruments, the annual green bond issuance by, by issuer bond type. So this is going to, this is who’s impacted by all of this. Super nationals, which is quasi governmental, sovereigns, that’s government itself, government agencies.
So these are all the entities that issue these bonds. And, and Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are huge issuers in this arena, but financials. So these are all government, the top three are government agencies.
The bottom are all corporates. Well, no, not the municipal, but financials, corporates, different projects of which municipals will issue debt against and asset-backed securities, ABSs and MBSs, asset-backed securities and mortgage-backed securities. So that’s, who’s going to be impacted by it, but how will the Fed and the FDIC withdrawing support for this market impact that debt that not only has already been issued, right? My anticipation is that means on all of these debts and loans and all of this stuff, the interest is going to have to go up on it to support these markets actually, which, what does that do when interest rates go up? It makes the market value of that instrument decline.
You see what I’m saying? Now, interestingly enough, I couldn’t find any articles on the impact that this withdrawal will have on this huge market. And while we’re just talking about the US, we’re also seeing in Germany, a lot of the green initiatives being reversed. So is this a global reversal of the initiative? Does it matter anymore? Because it kind of seems like going to alternative energy might just not matter anymore.
And it’s losing government support, at least here in the US. But gold and silver as well, it takes energy to mine this stuff. However, that energy is stored.
When you’re looking at AI, when you’re looking at cryptocurrencies, that too takes a tremendous amount of energy, which are they going back to be being more dependent on the fossil fuels? This is a story that’s unfolding and we have to pay attention to it because energy is part of the mantra, right? We have to have security in our energy needs, right? To keep the lights on, to keep in Arizona where it gets really hot, to keep the air conditioning going, to keep your food secure. So creating your own security around energy, regardless of what any government chooses to do is absolutely critical. And it’s not just about your current energy bill, which I mean, has that gone down or has it stayed the same or no, it’s gone up.
So part of the shift back to fossil fuels means that maybe these things are going to cost even more money in the future. It’s important for you to have security in energy. But when you look at gold, first of all, you want, this is, we’re in a risk on environment.
I’m telling you right now, risk off, baby. That’s what you and I need to be doing because there’s a whole lot more risk and deregulations that are coming. And a lot of changes have already happened here, but we haven’t really felt the full impact of that yet.
So the time to be prepared is now. What in the world are you waiting for? At Zang Enterprises, we have a strategy that is built on history since I have personally been studying currencies and currencies life cycles since 1989. And much of what we’re looking about now is that transition into a new financial, social, and economic system.
What will you have to make sure that you have energy security, and let’s just talk about the whole mantra for a minute, because that’s food, water, energy, security itself, barter ability, wealth preservation, community, and shelter. Everything is changing in all of those areas. And it’s critically important for you to have security in all of those areas.
And I can tell you now, since I’ve had my bug out location for a few years and been working very hard on making sure that that energy, that I can generate energy up there, it’s kind of nice not having that energy bill. And yeah, there were some hoops that I had to jump through, but I know that, you know, it was like the first thing I tried to do here and it was frankly a big fat bust. And that was back in 2009 and it never really worked.
However, having said that, it is critically important that you get as energy secure as you possibly can. And there are all different ways at all different price points for you to do that. We’ll talk more about that on another day.
But while gold holds its energy, it’s also the most stable because it has a variety of markets that it draws on for pricing, even though none of them really reflect its true fundamental value. But it is the second most traded asset of all of the assets between, you know, government bonds, as well as other currencies, T-bills. The only thing that trades more is the S&P 500.
So that’s definitely something to consider. And therefore, that makes it less volatile than many of the equity indices, alternatives, and commodities because of its scale, how big that market is being the second most traded asset, as well as liquidity, your ability to buy and sell without moving that price too much, and the diverse resource demand. Finally, somebody’s really talking about that a little bit.
But that’s because gold and silver are used in every single sector of the global economy, broadest base of utility, broadest base of demand. That’s why it has a whole lot less volatility. And that we’re talking about the spot gold and the spot silver markets.
But we can see that easily. And our analysis suggests that gold has the potential to perform better than many mainstream asset classes under various long-term climate scenarios. But it’s also risk scenarios.
It’s also the transition from the current debt-based system into the new, if they have their druthers, surveillance system, digital system. But particularly if climate impacts create or exacerbate market volatility. And that’s what I think that this move by both the Federal Reserve and the FDIC is going to do, is create more and more market volatility.
Or we experience a disruptive transition to a net zero carbon economy, which frankly, I think even making that attempt is now dead. And maybe that’s okay. Maybe it’s not.
We’re going to have to wait and see. Physical gold and physical silver, even though I didn’t put it on there, that is your sound money war chest as long as it is in your possession. And I know there’s a lot of things that are going on in all of the intangible markets.
If you want to be properly diversified, you got to have some physical as well. And the strategy is built in layers. So talk to us.
We can show you where what you’ve already done, this is where that fits in and what you need to do to protect what you’ve already done and prepare for this transition so that, I don’t know, imagine this, on the other side of this mess, we’re in a better position than we were going in. I absolutely 100% know that together as community on a global basis, we can support the sound money movement. If not you, who? If not now, when? Join this community.
All you have to do is buy gold and silver. And yes, we do sell that at Zang Enterprises, but that’s what funds our ability to work on different initiatives to install sound money throughout our system. We’ve got to do that.
If we don’t do that, full surveillance. I’m glad I have my bug out location. And until next we meet, please be safe out there.