MarkZ (Uncut) 02-07-2025
Coffee with MarkZ. 02/07/2025
Do you or a loved one, someone you care about, suffer from TDS? Does the mere sight of a red hat or a questionable spray tan give you a panic attack? Would you rather see your neighbor’s children die of an overdose from fentanyl or be sexually assaulted than to secure your borders? We now have a treatment. Welcome to the Trump-olution. Hello, all.
Just thought we’d have a little fun this morning and start it off. How is everybody? Hello, Jill. Hello, Tobo.
Hello, Hoops, Moose, Eric in West Virginia. Uh-oh, Honey Guard, 88 years young. Honey Guard, that is something to celebrate.
Think about the insane world in which you have lived to 88 and think of the things you have seen. Color television, man on the moon. Well, if they landed on the moon.
All right, let’s just leave that one for Mike on Whiskey and Wisdom next week. But that is, you’ve seen the rise and fall of communism. You have seen, I mean, wow, the things you have seen in your life, Honey Guard.
That is truly a great time to be alive. Michael, no. Price of Denar, it had nothing to do with North Sea oil.
Keeping up with you guys. Hello, Kevin. Hello, Lydda.
Isn’t that awesome? Just boarded my first trip to Puerto Rico. Hey, we’ve got, I believe we have, we’ve had a few people here. We had some that were here, I just didn’t have time to see because they were on the wrong side of the island for me.
We’ve got, I think Floyd is going to be on the island for a few days. Hopefully I can make time. Hello, Country Trick Barber.
Yeah, cell phones, punch buttons. I mean, at 88 it was still the party line phones. That is, to me, is just really cool.
David, happy belated Carson and Eli. Happy birthday. She’s not telling her age.
Destiny’s keeping it private. Hey, I like that. I’m going to start keeping mine private.
Hello, Sassy. Hello, Mitz. Hello, TB.
Yeah, T, I think I’ll be screaming incoming after the RV. So many of you guys will be here. Eagle Claw.
Do I have a cure? Excuse me, a treatment. We don’t actually try to cure anything or we wouldn’t make any money. Oh, yeah, you can see the morning going horribly off the rails already.
And we have Mr. C today. What’s this about a first granddaughter? Let me see if I can find that. Lily Pad just posted playing with 10 on board has disappeared over Alaska.
Prayers, prayers, prayers. Tracy’s mom having a birthday. Happy birthday.
That’s what I was looking for. Miss Donna welcoming first grandson, Joshua, Michael, her phone. Now she’s wishing her first grandson, Joshua, Michael, happy 21st.
We are so going to call him Josh just so he can be mean. Excuse me, upset with us for not calling Joshua. I just I assume his friends call him Josh.
Happy birthday. No fun news for the pango. Getting pango news is.
I mean, it’s going to be easier to find a diamond in the bottom of a or in the middle of a grain silo. Pull a grain. Be he’s good to see you in the house.
Bernard, always a pleasure. But surely it is good. Mushroom coffee is good.
Mm hmm. Would it be me up have to say, what do you think the post about River forever? The new international banking system goes live on March 10th. That’s great news.
I have no idea. Don’t know where the information came from at all. Then it will be 103 year old.
Oh, in heaven on Monday. Mind over matter. Trying to keep up.
I know I’m going to miss a lot. Star lady’s birthday. Trying to keep up with them all.
It is ripping for a time. Penny’s on a daily basis. Hello, Liam.
I guess that’s one way to partake in the revaluation, folks, or the reset or the return to sounder, saner money. Start collecting those pennies on the street that right now you believe aren’t worth picking up because they’ve lost what? Ninety eight percent of their value since the penny was first released, roughly because of the Federal Reserve and fractional fiat banking. Or should I say debt based fractional banking reset? Money becomes worth a lot more.
That penny that’s not worth picking up is suddenly going to be worth a whole heck of a lot, like who knows, maybe a dollar or something. It’d be worth picking up pennies, saving them for the future. Think of as investing in the future of your country.
Oh, no, Melissa. So sorry to hear about the vertigo. There was David’s birthday.
I’m reading a few of these. Dan turned 72 yesterday. Happy belated, Dan.
And his brother Don turned 73 today. Dan and Don, I think, you know, the parents, they bought like two sets and they figured they only had to buy one more letter, the O for the second one or the first one. No, they had to buy an A for Dan.
Right. Let’s see. Creature from Jekyll Island.
Truly a classic. Happy birthday to him. Let’s see.
Watching Fox as we speak. Hilarious that the demands or Democrats are trying to meet with a education secretary. Yeah, I’m missing that one on the dropping on the keyboard.
The autocorrect is messing with us. I’ve made it a point to save all pre 82 pennies to that were majority copper. Mr. C is not due in until the halfway mark.
Speaking of which, we need to hurry and get to an important study by the American Heart Association released stating the worst time of the year for heart attacks. They found that heart attacks surge around Christmas and New Year’s, with the most cardiac events happening on December 25th, December 26 and January 1st. Doctors say the increase in heart attacks this time of year is most likely a combination of factors, including low winter temperatures, holiday stress and overindulgence of food and drink.
That’s why I give my heart the ingredients it needs to perform its best. It’s an incredible new pill, and I’m obsessed with the results. Uses a triple action formula that helps manage my blood pressure, support my cholesterol levels, balance my blood sugar levels and manage my weight, all with one serving a day.
Best part is that it does this with clinically proven all natural ingredients, including white mulberry leaf, cinnamon bark powder, juniper berry and more. Do your body a favor and grab a bottle a day while it’s up to 40% off during their holiday special at boost with mark dot com. Again, that is boost with mark dot com.
Have I missed anything on that? I mean, they do have that 40% off. Delivery will be rushed at no additional cost as well. My account reached 275,000 employees, including 216,500 civil and 56,700 forces, and they will be able to withdraw their salaries through more than 550 80.
Oh, I understand where you’re running now. My account app slash card. It is.
Yeah, that’s that’s big, Greg. As they see the convenience of BAM, they don’t have to jump through a hoop. They don’t have to take time off.
They don’t have to rush down to the bank. They don’t stand in line. It’s just there.
Yeah, I wish Mr. Well, actually, Mr. C is not supposed to travel. Otherwise, I would get really excited about that. Happy birthday, Addie.
All right. I need to rip through a lot in order to get to Mr. C on time. And we do have a few.
Oh, before I forget, I found this one. One of you folks that is friends with the family. I took the time to repost.
This song was just real meaningful to me from Brian Cosmos music. The song is unconditional. I just thought it was great.
Great reminder. Very much enjoyed it. I’m gonna put it in with links.
Better yet, before I get started with the news banner, let me drop that link in there for anybody that listens to that style of music once a style of music is I mean, I’m talking Christian, but still great. Well, of course, it’s great. It’s Christian music.
But even if you’re just in the music, leaving the religion out, it is still an awesome song with great lyrics and great accompaniment. I mean, just well done. All right, now let’s get to it.
And another one that will be in links, I have not had a chance to go through, but one of you all went back to one of the most recent times I had Miss Sheila on. So I am dropping that link right now as well. I am certain CMKX or Bonds got discussed this past year.
So dropping that link, we’re looking for more of them. Get more into the background of CMKX. All right.
Now we can put up the news banner and start ripping complex network and routes for smuggling dollars from Iraq to Iran, US report reveals the details the how the what, why it still happens, etc. And they lay out a perfect argument to have an RV and fix it. Very much enjoyed reading this one, because if you read it, you know exactly what the treatment should be to whip this thing in the butt very quickly, it would be nothing, nothing more difficult, which is still pretty difficult, other than to revalue or reinstate the value of the Iraqi currency that an hour.
So it was a great read, because it does it points out just how that would fix it. Sudani, we will continue to distribute salaries to the Kurdistan region smoothly in the rest of the months. They have put together the process now and they will continue.
They say they have worked through the issues. They are past the political part. Now it’s just the technical details.
And until then, Baghdad will shoulder the responsibilities as they fix that process. Even though the Kurdish KRG should have, they’ve worked out the differences, they have been paid. There is a sit in by some of the employees and families that weren’t getting paid.
They know they’re getting paid now they’ve been paid, but at the same time, they’re not going to let up the pressure. When you read that, oh my god, they’re sitting in or they’re not getting paid. No.
I read some interesting ones are like, yeah, we’re getting paid. But we want to make certain that the KRG knows that there are local government knows that it was unacceptable is unacceptable, and they better fix it. Yes, we’ve been paid now, but we don’t want it to happen again in the future, meaning they don’t want to not get paid in the future.
They want things consistent and set. So when you read about a sit in or a protest this morning, I just wanted to give you that background as to why it is happening and some of the comments from the people participating in it. In other words, they are not screaming at Baghdad.
They’re screaming at the KRG for not doing it for somewhat for Baghdad, I guess, for not forcing the issue. They’re happy that it’s moving forward. They just want them to know that they will rise up if it doesn’t stay fixed.
I guess that’s probably the best way to look at it from the bond side, etc. My best news was evening before yesterday when it is very much my belief that things are well underway. I still have majority of my bond contacts looking for 10th through the 12th in there.
I do have one very large one that will be in Europe for Sunday, and I believe that is that is that the 9th? 17th. Yes, that is the 9th and is expecting all of their final and dollars. I don’t know how that works with money movement on a Sunday.
We got a new system. There should be no problem with it. Do you smooth gray? No idea what SVYU means.
I’m just reading a few of these. Then we’ll get into more news. Still reading, still reading.
Zavala, they are freaking out as their funds get cut. Budget table updates? No, not really. I was reading a couple of articles and they’re all over the place.
There was a really good article. Let’s see if I can find this one. Iraq World Banks, they’ve been sitting down for days.
There was another good one that just would not do a proper translation for me to share on the negotiations, the budget tables. But in short, they’re meeting again outside of Parliament this weekend to push forward any differences on budget tables. The last two have been extremely fruitful that they have met like that.
We had huge breakthroughs coming out of them. So I’m hoping for a huge breakthrough on that front. Other than that, pretty quiet.
And there was a good article about the U.S. working with … Let’s see if I can find that one. The U.S. working with the Iraqi government to push the budget tables forward, including the U.S. offering help to expedite the private firms that are coming in to figure out the cost of extraction for the herbal region. The U.S. is working very closely right now.
Financial advisors working very closely with the Iraqi advisors to finish out the budget and the budget tables. And that to me doesn’t make much sense, unless there is something huge to say. What is the sudden interest from the American government in Iraq being safe, secure with a stable currency? We haven’t been concerned for a long time, and now suddenly we’re concerned that Iraq is sovereign, protects itself, has plenty of money, and is extremely prosperous.
It’s because we need them to change the value. And honestly, we probably need them more than they need us right now. Maybe they’re really members of DOGE out there.
The DOGE crew. Stan, Mark, with all the corruption being exposed to the deep state, it really shows that the love of money is truly the root of all evil. Stan, it’s not the love of money.
I know, I’m controversial on that one. They only love money because it gives them power. It’s a tool for them.
It’s a tool to satisfy their greed, their control issues, and money gives them that. So money is just kind of a vehicle to get where they want to go. Oh man, they’re pushed into a corner.
All right, we’ve got to keep running. Let’s see. I’m missing these.
Tabitha’s 50th. I’m blessed. I want to bless you all.
Tabitha, thank you for that. That was beyond kind, especially on your birthday. Ed, hey brother, does new incoming digital currency concern you at all? Ed, it’s like a double edged sword.
The technology there can be a great thing for us or it can be a scary, depends on how they handle it. I am being told that you will have paper dollars in your hands that represent your digital dollars that are in the system and those digital dollars are backed by physical assets. As long as they stay agnostic, don’t weaponize it, and it’s asset backed, I understand the technology can be a great thing.
The entire digital revolution at the same time could be absolutely scary in the wrong hands. So am I optimistic? Do I understand the possibilities, the ups, the downs, the which way it could go? I do. It just makes me more, fills me with more conviction to make certain that they do it and do it the right way and take care of us.
Yeah, Elon posted what Elon said. Elon was like, all Americans should get a huge amount of money back from the money stolen. As they’re canceling these, they’re like, guys, we’re finding billions and billions and billions of dollars, man, in waste.
We should cut your taxes or pay off the debt or better yet, reset and then lower our taxes. I like that even better. All right, I need to rip through so we’re ready for Mr. C. Some fun ones, Border Chief, and they’re going to kind of bounce all over because the news is so interrelated right now that sticking to a coherent line of thought is getting a little difficult.
You guys are going to have to think bigger than just step one, step two, step three, because we have hundreds of steps happening all at once and they’re interconnected. Border Chief Haman says raid on Trende Orewa gang was leaked. Vows accountability.
They’re saying they’ve run into this a couple of times at this point. Raid targeting members of the gang and they want to hold them. They want to find the leakers and hold them responsible.
This particular op and the details of the operation were leaked. Let’s see. Okay, this one, the raid in question took place in Colorado, February 5th.
So, of course, he’s upset. Somebody leaked. I mean, it could have caused, I mean, he could have lost agents’ lives.
Lives could have been shattered and ruined over this one. So, they have a leak inside. Somebody’s certainly taking kickbacks from gangs or afraid of retribution from gangs.
All I can say is I have been absolutely guaranteed and I feel very confident in that because of my number of contacts in law enforcement and military. You’re in a gang. Dude, this is not a fight you want.
You are horribly, horribly, horribly unprepared for the hell that will be raining down upon you. That’s me being friendly. It’s my warning to you.
Time to drop, roll, and run. Argentina’s president bans transgender procedures for minors. Boy, has he been on a rip.
The whole world’s been on a rip pretty much since Trump came into office and the move back towards sanity, the backlash, or the whiplash. He repeals a 2012 law that permitted transgender procedures for minors. In other words, you’ve got to be 18.
You’re not mature enough to make your own decisions and your parents should not be making those decisions for you just because, well, what happens if they make a decision and you’re not for it? I mean, you can’t even tell your parents conclusively exactly what you want or feel because you don’t understand enough to pressure them one way or the other. It makes sense to me. This makes sense to me.
I like this one. It said in a subsequent statement that children lack the capacity to consent to transgender procedures and that prison policies should prioritize biological sex for safety reasons. Oh, I forgot to mention that one.
He was also going, you know, we have more things, more important things to worry about than transitioning prisoners, so we’re not going to do that anymore even if they’re over 18. Not our problem. Figure it out.
Stay in the right prison. Men and men’s, women and women’s, and we’re not going to mutilate children, period. Not in this country.
After they’re 18, they can make their own decisions. I understand that there are some extremely rare. One in tens and tens of millions of people where a reassignment may make sense where they’re born with either two sets or partially developed, all that.
I get that. I do. I understand that there are extreme exceptions to rules, but shouldn’t we deal with those individually instead of making it one for everybody that does not fit within those? That’s what makes logical, grown-up thinking sense, and we’re going to continue to whip through some of the fun stuff, and I am trying to go quickly because we have Mr. C, and I do enjoy that time.
USAID has been funding over 6,000 journalists worldwide across nearly 1,000 platforms, and sometimes they hide it as buying 1,000 professional subscriptions for this service or that. Instead of giving them the money directly, they buy the subscriptions to inflate the readership in order to keep them afloat. Really neat way to launder the money.
Kind of like a great example for you guys. Let’s say I start a landscaping business, and I give a discount for cash. Now I tell you that I have 1,200 customers I’ve seen.
Fortunately, a bunch of them just pay me cash because it’s small enough mountain. They don’t have to record that on taxes, so now I’m only mowing three yards, but I got over 1,000 customers, and they’re all paying me cash. Now, boy, I am really killing it.
I don’t even have to show up and mow the yard and still get paid. That is what is happening. This is how USAID was propping up these organizations, and when you see the list of organizations, it will make perfect sense to every one of you based on the news you read from those news outlets.
You know it, right? That’s racketeering. It’s embezzlement, and it’s just downright slimy. I like this one.
Trump nukes all government mainstream media contracts out from Politico, Firestorm, and 97% of USAID staff. Even Rubio came out and said, hey, there are some important things that they do. We will be keeping the people in charge of those.
We will be rolling in that State Department. They’re not going away. We’re still doing the important work.
We just only need 294 people instead of 10,000 in order to do it and get the money where it goes. I think we show it in this one. They were funding New York Times.
They were funding PBS. I know that’s a real shocker. They were also funding the British Broadcasting Network.
It just keeps going on and on and on. What do all of these have in common? They love the globalists, and they’re fixated with the crazy side of the environment debate. Just a reminder, guys, what is one of those statistical facts that is unquestionable? It’s been found by Sierra Clyde.
This has been done over and over and over. If you identify as a Republican, you are far more likely to conserve and recycle than your liberal counterpart. All the lip service in the world, all the virtue signaling you do doesn’t mean jack squat.
What do you do in your real life to make a difference? Ignore what they say. Watch what they do. Trump suggests legislation to overhaul the air traffic control system.
Surprisingly, he is getting a lot of support from the industry. The industry knows how broken it is. He is getting a lot of support from the industry for a complete remake saying, hey, stop spending billions and billions and billions and billions of dollars on old technology that is simply broken.
When we have exponentially better technology, they’re going to sit down and do a great—these are actually Trump’s words—we’re all going to sit down and do a great computerized system for our control towers, brand new, not pieced together and obsolete. We spent billions and billions of dollars trying to renovate an old broken system instead of just saying, cut it loose, and let’s spend less money and build a great system. He’s going to be speaking with bipartisan leaders.
We’re talking about John Thune, Chuck Schumer, Mike Johnson about passing legislation to optimize for an optimized control system. He is sitting down with the US Travel Association president, airlines, you name it, looking at some systems that are used in much of the rest of the world that are exponentially more efficient than what we use in the US. Instead of keeping the legacy system, they are looking to replace the legacy system with something that is running on 2025 technology instead of 1950 technology, which much of our air traffic control system still does.
Radar systems that will show you where they’re at but not give you exact altitude, etc. There are so much that they could do to avoid these near-misses, collisions, etc., and the technology exists. It just needs to be implemented.
You have to pass the laws, change the requirements. Many of the requirements were written many decades ago. What? Elon bought five commercial segments to win the Super Bowl.
This is going to get fun. Where are we at on that one? We’re getting rid of that legacy system. I thought that one was great.
Pam Bondi orders the DOJ to hold all funding for sanctuary cities. Said she was going to do it. Trump said he was going to do it.
Guess what? They did it. When Trump did it the first time, he did it via executive order, and he ran into the court system that disagreed. He learned from that.
He learned just like Biden when he was trying to forgive student loans, which there’s no such thing as just forgiving them unless you truly wiped them. In other words, until we reset the system, you and I are paying for him forgiving, but no, this is different. He found a way around that law, right? Biden’s like, well, if we can’t do it that way, we’re going to keep searching until we find a legal way.
Well, Trump and Cruz already found a legal way, and Pam Bondi was that legal way to have her go in and the DOJ and say, hey, look, you’re breaking the law. We’re not giving you funds, and gave them a list of the laws they are breaking. It’s going to be interesting to see how quickly they come on line or fall in line.
Okay, a few more. Let’s whip through them. Oh, I’m already a minute over.
Holy cash, we talked about some of these yesterday or last night. Bishop who rebuked Trump’s immigration policies from the pulpit has pocketed $53 million in taxpayer dollars. Don’t virtue signal when you are a paid shill.
Trump launches a task force to root out anti-Christian bias. He said he would, and there he is. They are launching a federal task force that will be looking for bias against Christians in all federal government agencies to remove them.
Of course, after Catholics being targeted, Christians being targeted by judicial, even for peaceful praying, rightful life, etc., they are going to root out that bias. If you hate Christians and you are in government, you will not be in government. He did say they are going to protect all major religions.
In other words, they would also protect against a person that was biased against all Muslims, etc., all Buddhists, and NATO. Here’s a fun one to wrap before we go to Mr. C. NATO troops to defend Greenland. Report says Europe mulls options to deter Trump.
The first one is peacefully saying, hey, look, stop worrying about the security of Greenland. NATO will go up there. Of course, remember that nobody supports NATO the way the U.S. supports NATO, so maybe they’re asking the U.S. to go support it through NATO instead of with its own troops.
In other words, indirectly, they’re saying, hey, no, no, no, we’ll support it. Now, what is funny is—and I get a kick out of this one. We’ll do this whole one.
Berlin doesn’t want to send troops to the Ukraine because the situation is too ambiguous, but is openly flying kites about sending NATO troops to Greenland. A NATO diplomat told The Telegraph, commenting on the irony of the situation, it’s a moral compass without a needle. In other words, we really don’t know with Ukraine and Russia, do we really need to be there or not? We think we need to push back, but maybe there’s Nazi.
In other words, we’re not sure enough to send Russian lives to the front. But if Trump were to want Greenland, then it’s worth sending German lives to fight Trump so that he can’t have Greenland. Yeah.
I like that statement, though. It’s a moral compass without a needle. All right.
Susan, I like that. I noticed that Mark had tried to recycle, but none of my liberal friends or family do. Dude, those numbers are crazy, Susan.
80% of conservatives recycle and 20% of liberals. It’s not even close on the numbers. They just love to virtue signal and tell you how bad you are.
I’m not buying it. Mr. C, save me before I get myself in any more trouble. And use the WhatsApp call.
I do not trust the phone service. It’s been working pretty well, but I guarantee you as soon as you call a normal line, it will not work again. Mr. C, Mr. C. All right.
Everybody start chanting. Yeah, there’s a lot of noise going on in the background here today like I’m not seeing them out. Fiery Leo, you got to get ready for my exchange.
I may have to keep a perpetual state of preparedness for the next few weeks until we have finished and left. Then I can go bury myself in a cave and read books for like three months and ignore the world. That’s my plan.
Let’s give it a try, Mr. C. I see you tried on a regular phone line. We’ll see how it goes. I tried on the other lines and I couldn’t get through, so I’m sorry about that.
That’s okay. We’ll try this and if it doesn’t work, then we’ll back up and try WhatsApp again. You got it.
Good morning and it’s great to be here. No, it’s good to have you. Have you heard anything big before we dive into anything? No, it’s been very quiet for us.
All of our regular contacts have been basically silent over the last week. It’s very nice to hear your European contacts are looking forward to the next week or two, which would make sense to me, but I don’t know, obviously. Somebody asked, when was your last contact with anyone associated with the Gold Treaty? Oh, Lord.
Specifically on that, it was 2016, July. After that, it’s just based on the fact that we went into court and our brief is being read by other folks here in the States as well as in Europe. That’s what all we can say at the moment.
I wish you had more, but I also understand the need to keep things quiet. Boy, I tell you, I keep getting hit with this, Bruce. You definitely missed last night’s podcast.
I saw an email last night with Debt Forgiveness. That is just some crap. Ignore it.
The source is beyond questionable. I could do the same thing, guys. I could say some complete and utter BS, and it would be on the news aggregating sites within 30 minutes.
Then people would be going, oh my God, even though it’s not factual at all, I could make up some total BS, and it would be all over the boards. Use your critical thinking. It would not make sense if we reset by then.
The Debt Forgiveness or whatever you want to call it, it will happen at the same time Mr. C does those codes, whether that is February 7th, whether that is August, whatever it is, it happens when he does his thing. That’s my take on it. That’s correct.
That’s correct. The Debt Forgiveness cannot happen until after the derivatives are taken off the balance sheets. That only happens when they come to see me with the codes.
Why have I never thought of explaining it this way? Tell me if I’m thinking right or if I’m just going to confuse more people. Taking the derivatives off the books is taking the fractional out of the currency. Yes.
Easy way to look at it. My update from Reno, Deb, there’s a lot I can’t say, but it does make me feel like my source was correct. Wednesday is the day it truly started.
Unless I get permission to say something else, don’t waste your time asking again. Not to be mean at all. I’ll tell you when there’s something new.
One of the items I’d like to talk about is Trump’s operation and what seems to be a delay. He’s building what I refer to as the machine. The machine is kind of interesting because it has to be worldwide, but in particular, in the US.
What he’s doing with the tariffs is he’s setting up a 10,000 troop line on the southern border, a 10,000 troop line on the northern border. When they come to scoop up all the rats, all the illegal immigrants, there’s nowhere to run. You’ve got a coast on each side, and it’s an easy way to pick them up.
From that point, you go to Igbo or to Guam. Now, the martial law would kick in when they’re doing a scoop, and it’s the drug trafficking of the terrorists and the illegal immigrants and the rats. It’s a worldwide apparatus.
The other thing that’s interesting is everyone talks, Q has talked about this 10 days of darkness, and everyone has made the conclusion that it’s about the networks going down, the internet going down. Look at it in a different way. We’re going to see darkness in that we’re going to see the nature of the crimes committed, the people who committed them, and the perplex as a result of those crime indictments.
That’s basically your 10 days of darkness. I had heard up to 30 days, but 10 is probably about right. That’s to me.
10 is probably about right. Jay Branch has a question for you. Why is the Iraqi dinar, the Iraqi currency, such a lynchpin, such a huge part of this, such a cornerstone? It’s not everything, and that’s very important for people to understand.
It is not the only thing that matters. I was told by Anna Paul directly that the Iraqi scenario and the revaluation for them is totally separate from my receiving the codes and kicking off the whole thing. The reason is that if they allow any part of the gold treaty membership who have signed on to the treaty to revalue first, it allows the rats to rehypothecate and actually regain their status and their wealth when the RV occurs.
That’s not going to happen. That’s why they made me an integral part of the protocols of the gold treaty. Because, and this is their turn, not mine, I’m the only American that they would trust in giving the codes to because everybody was clinging to the Bush Sr. Rothschild operation.
That’s what’s going to happen here. Iraq is a centerpiece for the rest of the world, not for the RV and the gold-backed currencies around the world. Yeah, that makes perfect sense.
It’s a key for the RV, but not necessarily the reset. Correct. That makes sense.
I mean, it makes sense to me. Like Ted, we just had four years of darkness. We don’t need 10 more days.
Really? All right. Winrider asking, Mr. C., isn’t it true that the new exchange rates are established in the gold treaty itself? Is it possible for Redemption Center’s bank fees also to be already set in said treaty? The banks, they can’t skim off the exchanges, can they? No, that’s why QFS is there. The banks are being set back from having control of your money.
That’s number one. The exchange rates probably are in the protocol, but I don’t know. I’ve never seen the protocols, and frankly, I’ve never seen the treaty.
All I know is what you determined and what I’ve been told. Hey, I did like somebody’s comment. Why say it’s four years, it’s been five? No, you can definitely make that argument because the globalists used the pandemic to assert the last year of—or not the entire last year, but much of the last year of—actually, pretty much the entire last year of the Trump administration’s first term.
So that’s an argument that makes sense. Larry Pearson asked how bonds are getting paid, but then I’m not putting the codes in yet. There are two forms of payment here.
One is a constructive receipt, and one is an economic receipt. What we’re going to see with the bonds, I’m very sure, is you’re going to see a constructive receipt. That means it’s in the account.
They can verify it. It’s there, but they cannot access. I’ve already seen it.
I’ve seen a facilitator that has a chunk, even showed me the picture of that. It’s there, but can’t spend it. So it’s constructive, but not—I mean, I’ve seen that with my own eyes.
Correct. Now, again, it goes back to my earlier explanation. They cannot allow free money to flow out that’s gold-backed without having the rats picked up, and that’s why I’m in the process, out of the protocol, when they come see me within two hours before, during, or after, that’s when they pick up the rats, so that they cannot try to steal your funds.
That allows them to collect them all at one time. We’ve got some really good ones in here. Where do I even go with this one? Sam’s curious, how did Kuwait revalue without a global reset? That one, to me, is a pretty easy one.
You want to handle it? Well, Kuwait was never part—the gold treaty did not exist then. That’s number one. That was 1990, 1991.
Actually, 1990, November, I believe it was, because we were in New York. I was putting out contracts for the Kuwaiti Dinar, which is one of the parts that, at that point, they’d install my signature and my company’s name and all that stuff. Basically, Kuwait was on a different path.
Since that time, the gold treaty has been devised after many, many years of the Golden Dragon trying to get this thing done by playing whack-a-mole. In 2011, they said they had enough. 2012, they said, screw it.
Then they met starting in 2013. That’s when you’re—21 March, 2013 is when the gold treaty was signed. So there we are.
I’ve got some good ones going. Mr. C. Well, B. Nogles with a question. How many banks across America will close their doors due to this process? I believe there’ll be no banks that actually close their doors.
They’ll be merged directly into the majors. No one’s going to take a real hit except for the rats. So that’s something that you should not worry about.
In fact, we know this from way back with Wells Fargo, the fact that they tried to stall this and kill it, the RV and the Golden Dragon, because of the IOUs that were given by the banks. Just when I walked in and said, we now own your butts, and that’s where it stays. They control the banks on the most part.
Now, this is wild. Patsy Williams just sounded off and said, around February 11, according to the Simpsons, there would be darkness, which is funny because so many of my Bond folks somewhere between the 10th and the 12th now are, and I just hope they’re right this time. Wouldn’t that be interesting for the Simpsons to have nailed this thing? They’ve been uncanny in their ability to predict what’s been going on.
Very interesting. What happens to the people who own bonds and don’t know about this? Same thing, the ones that own currency and don’t know about this. That paper is going to continue to rot in their closets and drawers and whatever and never get turned in.
Your thoughts on that, Mr. C? We’re all going to know what’s going to happen. In fact, I know, I’m very sure, based on what I’ve been told, that once they come see me, it’s going to be out there in public that the RV has happened, the gold-backed currency is here. I think they’re probably going to come from the Treasury in particular, and also from Trump.
I say this thing is going to be so out there in your face, there’s no way you can avoid it. Exactly. Let me do a qualification here.
Asher, they were told to prepare for deployment. I did talk to one that’s already moving, but the rest I’ve spoken with were told to be prepared at a moment’s notice to deploy against cartels. They don’t have to go very far.
It’s like the Mexican-American War. It’s like Washington, D.C. That’s the biggest cartel in our nation, heck, probably the world. Absolutely.
Reading some of those. Bill, my last update, and I’ve not had an update today, Bill, but my last one was that the gentleman that I know is working on Saturday, what they’re accomplishing, they’re no longer telling me, at least they have not for the last one. I don’t know if it’s like year-end stuff, tax documentation they have to get out to invest.
I have no idea what they’re working on. I just know they have to be there. Keep in mind that they do double duty and wealth management as well.
On a side note, Mark, it’s very fascinating to me. I was doing a check this morning to some of the major gurus out there who have always said that I’m wrong, I don’t exist, basically. But what’s funny is I see them all converging on the facts that I’ve been pointing to for several years now.
In particular, the QFS system, the gold-backed currency, and the protocols for rounding up the rats. I find it very, very interesting, which gives me great hope and a lot of excitement that we are so close. No, same here.
Roy with a question. Mr. C, if we have 401Ks, annuities, financial system, banks implode, is QFS mirroring or are people just screwed? No. Your accounts will reflect the added monies to it.
That is, when all 401Ks and retirement plans are fully funded, it will be on the RV. We’ve been told that’s a guarantee because they’ve been doing that for God knows since 2008 or 2009. In particular, after Airport went through the BIS and cleaned that out, that’s when we know that things have been set and the calculations have gone forward from there.
I do not have any concerns, whatever, about retirement funds not being funded because remember, you’re going to get money back from the fraudulent IRS. You’re going to get money back from other places in this country, in the financial world, and the frauds that have been perpetrated against all of us. They may not be as suddenly flush as those with currency and stuff, but the whole world will be doing better as a whole.
Regina wants to know, is Mr. C going online teaching people how to open your new account for the RV? No. If somebody’s pretending to be him, Regina, just you know for an absolute, utter screaming fact that they should never be trusted and should probably be prosecuted immediately. Is that accurate? Absolutely.
Absolutely. I don’t do that. I will teach you about the financial world, but not necessarily about how to set up an account.
In other words, if somebody’s out there pretending to be Mr. C opening people’s QFS accounts, you just go ahead and count on the fact that is an extreme shyster. Absolutely. WC, will Nasera wipe out bonds held by our local city they issued? That’s a good question.
We’re basically talking about the RV. We’re talking about the federal system and the U.S. currency in particular around the world and the go back currency on parity basis around the world that once I put the codes in. With regard to bonds issued by your localities, state, local, whatever, I don’t see that being a problem.
I don’t see that it’s a debt to you. It’s not your debt. Debts will be eliminated under the QFS system, but that’s a one-way system.
That’s debts that you owe them because it’s based on fraud. That’s not debts that you have bought into from governments to maintain their status. Got another question for you.
I know it’s off the line of talk here, but have you heard anything on MedBeds? No, and I wish I did. I haven’t heard anything. We’ve got somebody following up on a potential source on that one on Monday to go look, question, ask.
So I hope to have an update next week. May find this complete BS and somebody’s just pitching another, I don’t know, snake oil device or something. Texas artists, will we be provided info on these state organizations to avoid so we don’t inadvertently support them? New state will be gone when this happens.
That’s the roundup of the rats. Yeah, exactly. So I don’t think you need to worry about that one.
Blair, I mean, it still pays to use discernment with everything, but Blair wants to know, do you think we’ll still file taxes this year? A lot of people, what do we expect? What do we do? All I can say is I don’t know. I would say this year, probably. Next year, maybe.
Yeah, I’d say there’s a good chance we may still have to, but I don’t know. I know many are waiting until the last day. They’re preparing.
They’re ready. They’re prepared in hopes they don’t have to. I know a number of people are filing extensions.
I mean, there’s meetings going on with staff, conference calls, et cetera, within the IRS with just many management bailing and running because they don’t think they’re going to be there. I don’t know what to tell you. I don’t.
I can tell you what employees there are saying and a surprisingly large amount are jumping ship because they don’t think they’re going to be there. Yeah. The Internal Revenue Service, the official, is going to go into the Department of Treasury, that’s number one.
If Trump does what he’s been saying he’s going to do, which I have no doubt that’ll happen, I think our taxes are going to be way low or nonexistent. Yeah. I mean, taxes are going to be necessary.
The wheels of the bus still have to go around. Somebody’s got to pay for the new tread on the tires and the gas in the tank, but we don’t have to pay extreme amounts to do that. Kathy just posted, ICE arrest citizens of Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan who entered Puerto Rico without authorization.
They arrived by boat. Yeah, that’s not a surprise, Kathy. So many of the former Customs and Border Patrol offices, locations, docks, ports in a lot of the port towns here, they’ve been locked up since the 90s, since Bill Clinton shut so many of them down.
Mm-hmm. I mean, horribly, horribly, horribly understaffed Customs and Border Patrol in Puerto Rico. Shawil, that would be Bob Locke is who was on on those trusts, debtlawyer at, debtlawyer at I’m looking for more.
Mr. C, with all going on now, you think we’re getting part of NACERA now? In other words, is some of this disclosure, some of these cancellations of what we’re paying, some of this that they’re putting right out there for the whole world, you think we’re seeing the beginnings of NACERA? That’s pretty good, Mark, because I was going to go to that question. No, no, the RATS have developed these programs where they could forgive debt and whatever else, but it’s just a temporary buyout. NACERA itself is part and parcel to the Gold Treaty, and they’re not going to kick in around the world until they release the codes, period.
Yeah, Mikey, I couldn’t agree with you more, but then we have to look at this realistically. Mikey just said, where is a law that says you have to pay taxes to the IRS? I mean, it doesn’t exist. There’s also not a law that says you have to pay the thugs down the street.
They’re going to bust up your business if you don’t pay them or break your legs. So if you don’t pay them, your legs are broken, unless you’re ready to suffer the consequences and you have somebody bigger than them to bust their legs. So if you don’t want to pay it, just be prepared for the fight, I guess is what I’m going to say.
I agree fundamentally with you. You got to weigh in measures. It’s worth the fight, especially when Mr. C is correct, and so many that are saying you get all those federal taxes back.
Maybe the best way to look at it is your piggy bank. It’d be just like nice when we’re all suffering to not have to put any money in the piggy bank when we need to put it at the grocery store. Remember also, the money that comes back from the IRS to you is tax-free recovery of stolen assets based on fraud.
Yeah. DJ, does Mr. C know Scott Besant? Do you know any of the new Trump administration folks or work with or around or just somewhat close to? Personally, no, I am not. I try to keep my bubble very tight, very close.
Because once you add somebody outside who’s been basically exposed to the rats, you really have to worry about your own integrity and your own safety. But no, I don’t. Will state, county, and city taxes go away or just federal? What are your thoughts on that one? We’re only talking about federal taxes right now.
There’s a trickle-down effect that will happen, but I still believe they’re going to be around for a while. To some degree, until they come up with another. My hope is it’s going to look like that value-added tax.
Whatever that percentage is, a certain part will go to the federal government, a certain part will go to your county, your municipal, et cetera. So I’m hoping it’s all in that bracket. But you’d have to say you’re still paying them.
It’s just at one clip and then it’s being distributed instead of paying extra like you are now. At least that’s the way I think it’ll work. We’ll see.
A lot of people wondering, are we going to have to pay taxes on the money after the RV report? If we truly do go and exchange our foreign currencies, do you think we’re going to get taxed on it? I know nobody is giving you an absolute here. I just want to be upfront on that. Nobody has given an absolute, but we know that when Obama was approving it and then disapproving it with the whack-a-mole program, he wanted 30-some to 40-some percent tax on this exchange value.
And the gold dragon said no. So I don’t think there will be. I don’t think there will be either.
Melody writing, don’t pay taxes. You’ll be treated like not paying the mafia. They do.
They’ll come in and ruin your whole world if they think it’s worth making an example of you, even if you are dead right. Banana says, credit rating system for citizens? Restart? I was told it wipes it all. We all are on the same blank page, which sucks for those that kill themselves to have a high credit rating.
Hopefully, they have some currency and it won’t matter at all, but that’s what I’ve been told. Mr. C, what have you been told on credit ratings? We all go back to zero. All that is gone and we all start off with a little plaything.
I’m just reading some of these. Yeah, maybe the tax could be used for the new sovereign wealth fund. I guess it could.
That’s an interesting subject, by the way. When you look at the sovereign wealth fund, what Trump is proposing, which I think is great, you can throw in all the Iraqis that they have kept. What, about $7 trillion, something like that? It’s just an amazing thing.
That’s something I believe we should have. I couldn’t agree with you more. Sarah, I’ve seen that video.
She was referring to one that Stephen Greer had mentioned in the past about how he had gone to a facility in South Texas, somewhere near the border on the U.S. side and saw an actual functioning med bed. All I can say is I hope it’s accurate and I would love to visit as long as it’s not taking my soul. I’m worried about that one.
Shouldn’t be, but I’m still going to do my diligence before I climb in one. I agree. The good thing, the interesting thing, I was talking with Sheila some time ago about this.
She was working with the military on finding the children in the tunnels. They really did have to use the med beds to help the military guys who were going into those tunnels. Bearcat, did the Chinese elders already cancel and absolve the U.S. debt? I guess some sites are reporting that it’s already happened.
They can cancel anything they want, but that’s not the RV. There are a couple of things that happened with the RV. It’s very interesting.
One is this is an around the world scenario where the current fiat currencies around the world are basically shut down to zero, zero, zero. All the rumors have taken off the balance sheets. We have a debt jubilee.
And immediately upon the codes going in, the locks are unlocked. The gold is distributed. The currencies are on a parity basis.
That is not the same as what we’re seeing in hodgepodge scenarios right now. Mortdecai reverse mortgages. It’s loaning you hypothecated money.
Mr. C, what do you think? I may be totally wrong on this, guys, but I’ve been told over and over that they’re white. I agree. It’s a form of debt.
Even though you’re taking money out of your insurance policy, it’s still a debt, but that gets wiped away because all these monies falling right now are based upon a fraud that the rumors have value and they do not. Exactly. All right, Mr. C, here’s a breaking one supposedly happening right now.
The department in D.C., the Department of Education doors are all locked and people are trying to get in with no luck. I mean, they’re going to paint this as them shutting down Department of Education, which in the D.C., I mean, at federal level, it’s lost its direction. They’re going to paint that as the right not wanting education, not wanting equality, not wanting whatever, which is so not accurate, but they’re going to try to paint it that way.
No, we want real education like math, science, English, language, sciences. What we find right now is they’re trying to stave off the elimination of their control of the educational system. That’s not going to happen.
I don’t care if Trump just says everybody has to retake their exams and qualify as a teacher, which may happen. Anybody who’s still promoting the WOC and DEI and all that other garbage, anti-American garbage, is going to get their skin sprayed on and may well be rounded up as part of the rats and criminals. Can I cheat and throw one more at you before we wrap? Fire away.
What happens to your parents’ taxes and other stuff within the Sarah? In other words, we’re expecting to get ours back, but do we get anybody else’s back? That really depends. If your parents are still alive, yes. If they’re not, I doubt it, sincerely.
Just think of it this way. If it was your goal of financing the underpinnings of this whole operation, would you pay people who have already deceased? That doesn’t make sense to me. Doesn’t make any.
I did have one here. I’m supposed to ask you about loyal titles. It’s my understanding with the return to common law, all titles are going to be loyal.
Mr. C, do you have a dog in this race? Not really. I’m not quite sure. We never really talked about that.
I really don’t have an answer. All right. Anything else you want to cover before we wrap it up? I want to say thank you to Lyman again and many wishes and prayers for his recovery.
Other than that, thank you for the opportunity to get on the soapbox, answer questions, and go through another week of this hell. Let’s hope they arrive soon. Otherwise, we’ll see you next week.
Sounds good. Take care. The illustrious, notorious Mr. C. I’m just reading a few of these.
Yeah, it’s developing. I don’t know what’s going on on that front, Department of Education. I am told, yes, that you would get from your spouse, or even if you’re divorced, you would still get back the shared portion from those married years.
But I have heard, yes, you will get back for all the years you were married to said husband. You’re not going to necessarily get back his taxes from before you were married. That’s my understanding.
That’s how it’s been explained to me, which makes a lot of sense. We do have quite a few birthdays. Tabitha, Addie, Honey, Gar, David, Destiny, Karen, or Carson, Eli, Josh, Star Lady, Liam, Dan, and Don.
I’m certain there are others sound off in chat. We’re going to spend a little time. I think Lucas and I, oh, wait a minute.
Lucas is probably, no, we’re not. You haven’t sent me a link. Let me fix that one.
Matt was not going to be able to join us this morning. I’ll still send him a link just in case. We’ll send Sister Wendy one, although she is supposed to be tied up until, wait a minute.
No, that is not it. Let’s close that one. Her email is fighting me.
You’re not getting Sister Wendy no matter what. Boy, I tell you, I’m having a tough time getting a link in here. All right.
Let’s sing Happy Birthday while that is headed out to that crew. They tell me it’s your birthday. Well, happy birthday, darling.
May you live, may you love, may all your dreams come true. Happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to you. Happy birthday.
Big special birthday to Dorothy at 93. Ruthann, putting in breaking news, I have not had an opportunity to vet it yet, but over 60,000 federal workers reportedly accept Trump’s buyout offer. We do know that a federal judge is trying to extend it until Monday while he looks at some of the legal ramifications.
I mean, there were over 40,000 yesterday afternoon that already signed up. So Ruthann, it would not surprise me on that 60,000. If they are successful extending it, that might be 120,000 by Monday.
Honeyguard, you’re welcome for the birthday wishes. Just saw that one. This is the man of the hour.
Hello, Lucas. Good morning, sir. Now, Lucas, how does this work? I mean, you’ve been moving facilities, changing, working obscene hours, traveling back and forth, and you’re the one filling in for Matt? Yeah.
Well, I mean, that’s just how it goes some days. I try to put in, but on the flip side, I won’t even be here tomorrow. Oh, so I get to have Matt as the anchor tomorrow? Can I have fun with him? Yeah, yeah.
No, yeah. So I’m heading back to the Midwest. My last grandparent, she was 91.
Oh, no. Just passed away yesterday. So they’re doing Sunday, Monday.
So heading back there. So I will be on a flight at 5 a.m. with the family. Oh, so sorry to hear that for you guys.
No, I appreciate it. Yeah. Here’s one for you, Fiery Leo asking Lucas, good morning and happy Friday.
Immunity was available yesterday, but not today. Small restock? Are you sold out that fast? It was a little bit of- Immunity drops specifically. Yeah, yeah.
The immunity drops. I’m trying to think. There was a small restock and they were bought up immediately.
I do have another decent size. I’m trying to think. It will probably be in either tomorrow or Monday because I already sent them out.
So there should be another little drop here shortly. And I just got the capsules made. But that’s going to be a little bit, I’d say probably, I don’t even know if the capsules are out of stock, honestly, Mark.
But I just got done with another one of those. The tinctures were difficult. You know what’s surprisingly enough is because the government has squashed a lot of the research on CBGA and CBDA.
And so like a lot of the companies have like, well, like we’re just not going to make it and have it on hand. So I’m having to, cause that’s one thing I don’t like make is we have our, well, I take that back. It’s a facility that is in our network.
I’m super good guys, but they’re the only ones that I can get to make it. Everyone else is like, nah, we’re not going to make it anymore. I’m like, what? So that, that is a tad frustrating that that’s become the norm.
I guess they’re looking for the value added. How can they sell it at the highest price? So they’d rather sell it to you encapsulated or something different, my guess. Yeah.
And I mean, a lot of these guys are going toward a bunch of these different alt cannabinoids instead of just keeping with the basics. So they do me as well. And that’s why I stay away from them.
But that’s why I’ve been in this space for so long and have the connections that I can kind of pull some strings when I need to, to kind of have some things made. Which is a good thing. That is a good part.
I need to do the Matt part. I told him I would fill in for him this morning when we talked. So let me do that real quickly.
If you would like to find them, you go to, you will find them at the CBD Again, the CBD Look for the wholesale button, pick the mark Z button, and your code is going to be K R A M C B D. We’re going to work on a new code. I think. What do you think? I work on a new, easier one with a website upgrades coming and stuff like that.
Yeah. I don’t even know. You know what? I’m going to look at it first.
I don’t know. I know we talked about it, but I don’t want to. All right.
K R A M C B D. Yeah. K R A M C B D. We’re going to hit the enter button after we pass that in. Here’s your specials.
If they’re not at one of the listed specials, you can still find great prices on them right here in the buttons and starting. Let’s see it. Oh, the special started last night.
All orders receive 8% off. If you use code F E B eight, February eight, just F E B eight, every order over 50, not including postage and discounts gets a extra 2000 dinar total. Every order over 100 bucks, not including postage and discounts gets five grand.
In other words, if you use that 8% discount and your order was a hundred, that means it’s only 92 and you don’t get the, uh, that much, um, currency. You’d only get the 2000, uh, every order over one 50, not including postage discounts, et cetera, gets 5,000 and 10 million Boulevard total this week. You need help placing an order.
You can reach out to where it’s Amy or Wendy. Wendy will not be answering phones until roughly 1230, 15, 20 minutes. She had a morning appointment this morning.
You can reach them at 612-412-8343. You can text questions, products. If you need help ordering, of course they prefer you order on your own on the website.
Um, but if you have questions or you just have the full time doing an order, call or text them. Uh, and there’s the specials. Do I need to read through or not? I mean, yeah, I think you did fantastic.
I mean, I know I’m not quite as sexy as Matt or anything, but I, you know, that’s debatable. Um, but, uh, Hey, quick question before I start going into the products, is it bad that I like the Boulevard more? No, not bad at all. Oh, you’ve done the countries got huge potential.
It does. It does. Um, although I wouldn’t mind seeing him switch up cause we’ve been doing Boulevard for so long, maybe focus if he can get a good deal on something else like a dong or Indonesian rupee or something might be fun, but just to switch things up.
Yeah. Yeah. Well actually, we’re looking to go a different direction as well.
Ooh, I know. I know. Thinking even down the road, uh, if we can make it easier to access and to transfer and stuff like that, um, you know, definitely getting into like crypto.
Uh, wouldn’t that be cool? It would be, but it’s just hard. Like, and I’m not, you know, I’m not like a super aged and I still have difficulty trying to figure out like, Hey, how do I get this in my wallet? How do I transfer it? So it’s not so much about doing it or, or, you know, using crypto and, uh, you know, trying to help people out because I’m telling you what, I think that’s going to then, you know, another thing that really, really skyrocket. Um, but if you have like an order over 200 bucks, it comes with like just a little generic safe, but safe, hard wallet already loaded with some currency.
Well, we can do something fun. Well, the hard part is we looked at that Mark, but like getting, um, you know, like I got it and I’m like, well, how do I, how do I put this into my digital wallet? And so it’s like, Oh, well maybe we need to do a video of explaining that piece of it. That goes, I don’t know a guy, you know, a guy that’s what I know a guy that, you know, a guy that he knows a guy that can get us done, but I’m not that guy.
I’m not that guy, but I know a guy that, that, that can do it. Um, see, I think that would be a great option. So we’re definitely, we’re actually looking at, um, kind of, you know, moving forward as we kind of get the new site up and running.
Um, and that’ll be, we’ll probably end up running them. And I know we haven’t talked about this, but we’re probably going to run them side by side for a little bit. In other words, pick your, uh, pick your reward.
Yeah. Yeah. We’ll just create a Lucas coin.
You know what? I’ve actually, uh, I’ve looked at starting, um, a coin. You know, I know, I know a crew that has started a few, um, and do that as a consulting business and actually develop and start projects for other people. I haven’t known somebody that does that.
Well, and so what we’ve thought about is like, Hey, uh, you know, like get on here, like guys. And so like this, uh, like say the lion’s mane, right? The lion’s main capsules, $30. It’s like, okay, first off, that’s already a pretty darn good price for what it is.
But like, Hey, we’ll give you, you know, 20% off or 10% off or 15% off or whatever, give you a discount, but you have to use that coin. That might be fun. And so kind of play around with like, Hey, you know, we’ll make these specific tokens and let’s say we’ll only make, you know, a thousand of them.
So if you have 10 of them, you can trade them or sell them, but there’s only going to be a thousand of these tokens made. And those tokens get you, you know, X percent off if you own them. Kind of like that one.
Um, so are you build a certain number or save the tokens and then you can use them for your product? I don’t know. That’s something to talk about. But, uh, but yeah.
Um, I like this real quick. A lot of people asking about soaps. Um, I can imagine what the warehouse, uh, switch change relocation.
Um, yeah. Where are we on soaps? Where are, so I believe, let me look real quick. They out of all of them.
They might be. I know we’ve been right now. It appears yeah.
They’re out of all mine right there, man. I just can’t the O the oatmeal milk and honey. It’s my favorite.
I know people love other ones. No, I know. I like the lavender one too.
Um, honey, that one is just, I mean, it’s really good. You know which one I don’t like? Which one? And there are a lot of people that buy it and I tried to get rid of it and I had like Matt like yelling at me because he was like, no, like, do you know how many people love that? The Spearmint Rosemary. Really? I mean, it wouldn’t be bad, but I mean, if you’re going to make one and let’s go manly, let’s do sandalwood.
I like sandalwood. Yeah, I do too. A little bit more manly, right? Exactly.
You know, I’m thinking like, uh, like, well, and I’m trying to develop a two stroke or, or diesel fuel, uh, smelling one as well. Oh God. The women will go nuts.
I mean, I, I, I think, yeah, I, I tried the old department, uh, secretary of transportation guy would go nuts over it too. And that’s, that’s, yeah, that’s my concern. And that’s where I’m a tad bit stumbly is, uh, I just, I wonder about the ratio of men to women that will, uh, enjoy that smell.
And that, that in and of itself concerns me. That’s, that’s a realistic concern. Um, do you have any anti-inflammatory concoctions that’s useful for pets? Um, yeah.
I mean, the thing is, you know, pets, they are a lot more susceptible to the absorption rate of CBD. And so because of that, you can, they do really well with even pain, um, and inflammation with just CBD. Now I also have a 170 pound dog and the CBD doesn’t work as well on him as he does my small dog, just because the size.
So I do, uh, integrate like maybe a drop or two, not very much. Cause it doesn’t take much of like, say the 14,000 full spec. And I’m talking like a drop for like a 170 pound dog.
So it’s super. But I mean, it helps him out so much. He’s getting older.
He can’t get up and I give him that. And he’s like, little pup again. Um, but again, that’s a very small amount for a large dog.
So that’s why we do the lower dosages, um, of the, of the pet tinctures because those in and of itself CBD, um, especially for dogs under a hundred pounds, um, just pure CBD, uh, in those tinctures really will help out with the pain and inflammation a lot, or just if you want to cheat, make it easy, you know, work with the treats. It may take them a few times for, they develop a taste for it just cause it’s different, but they will. Um, even my cat has, um, I like cue ball, how about 80 weight oil flavored gummies.
I like new soap, owed a small engine. And then Dave, you actually, uh, inspired me. If we could do one that smelled maybe like two stroke or gas and fresh cut.
I mean, gas and fresh cut grass at the same time, like the man just went out there and mowed your lawn, probably shirtless, ladies sweat running down. I mean, just out there, you know, just, just ripped and cut beautiful man out there cutting your grass. And he smells like he just came in from cutting it.
I mean, Dave, I see potential here. That is a beautiful spring flavor. We need to bring to the table.
I totally agree. And now here’s JB love the Spearmint Rosemary. Exactly.
Rosemary Mint is my favorite combo. I love that one. Now, now people know that I’m like the, the axer.
Like, I’m just like, no, we’re not doing that product anymore. No, we’re not doing that product anymore. And people, so when things go away, I’m going to be the one blamed.
The real Madre wants to know when will the pet with mushrooms chicken be back? I guess, what are they down to just beef? No, it says beef or chicken. Let’s see. Let’s click on them.
Choose an option. Try chicken out of stock. Yep.
Yeah. I mean, I assume as you guys finish that move, we will have some inventory issues. So, you know, when things are in order ahead for the next, you know, probably a month to be honest, because once you’re in there and set up and functional, then you start refilling all the shelves.
Well, and what’s going to be hard guys too, is that we tried to, you know, get down on inventory so that, you know, when we do do, you know, do have the move, but also one thing you’re going to find here probably next week, we tried to get it for this week, but it’ll probably be early next week. We’re actually marking to have probably both sites. So if you don’t see something on one of them on one website, as we transition over to the other website, you might have to, you know, go to that website as well.
So it will kind of be kind of hit or miss and you’ll get something shipped, you know, from Minnesota, some from Florida. It’s just, there’s a lot, a lot of moving pieces. A lot of tremendous amount.
And I don’t envy your next few weeks. All right, here’s your final question, because I see we’re pushing on your time already. Are Delta eight soft gels going to be back in stock? Delta eight soft gels.
We, okay. So geez, here’s another one, Mark. This is another one.
We are going to potentially deviate from, and guys, it has nothing to do with the product. It’s more about the, you know, I think we may be able to get one more batch in, but the legality around it for whatever reason is just becoming more difficult. So that’s why we’re probably going to stick to the gummies.
And what we may end up doing is doing a smaller dose because a lot of people like just taking the five milligram soft gel, soft gel. So we may end up going instead of the soft gel, just do like a five milligram sugar-free gummy. Yeah.
I mean, that makes sense. I like that aviation fuel for pilots here in the soap. I mean, I’m seeing so many good ones.
We could have so much fun with this one. My wife likes the smell of two strokes, especially when coming from cutting firewood. So you got, you know, two stroke in grass, you’ve got two stroke and wood chips or wood smoke.
You got two stroke in coconut, like they’ve been out on the boat all day on the lake or at the beach. I mean, or on the jet ski. I mean, man.
That is a lot of, that is a lot of smells all at once. I just, the, I mean, you talk about odorific. Wow.
All right. Anything you want to add before we kick you out of here and make you go back to work? Nope. Nope.
I think we’re good for now, but yeah, just if you guys have any questions, you know, get ahold of Wendy later today, you know, just text her if you have any questions. But other than that, I mean, you know, just go in there, definitely get yourself some of the boulevard and dinar. And yeah, have a great day guys.
I love it. All right. Take care, Lucas.
Thank you. Good luck in your travels. Praying for you guys as comfort.
I appreciate it, Mark. Thank you, sir. Have a good weekend.
You too. All right, guys. The notorious Lucas for the rest of you.
See you at seven. Dr. Scott is planning on joining me. We were going to cover just, Hey, we were just going to game play, talk with you all and talk about what we may or may not see or expect when we do Redemptions.
We set that up yesterday. Looking forward to it. I’ve already had some people send some questions.
We’ll get to everything we can. May do the same thing come Monday. Who knows? All right, you guys.
Take care. See you this evening at 7 p.m. Eastern for those that can this Friday evening. Take care.
I’ll see you then.