Economists Uncut

Gold’s Tipping Point (Uncut) 02-13-2025

Gold’s Tipping Point: Andrew Maguire on the End of Metals Manipulation (Little By Little)

I see major changes here, massive changes. This is too big for the old dated Comex marketplace. All of us just want a fair level playing field, please, where our clients and we all know where we are.


It is simply supply demand. We don’t mind if it’s higher or lower, just what is that real price? That’s what we’re going to discover. This is Little by Little with Andy Shekman.


All right, everybody, welcome back after a little bit of an extended vacation on my behalf to another episode of Little by Little. I could not be more excited to have Andrew McGuire with me, a man I’ve been following for a very long time. One of the guys that I was introduced to through GATA, along with Bill Holter and Andy Hoffman and Bix Weir.


These are guys that have been doing this for a very, very long time. And Andrew, I’ve been following you, as you know, going all the way back to the GATA Summit for many, many, many, many years. And I’ve been fortunate enough to be on your show, and it’s just an honor to have you here on this side.


So how are you doing, brother? What’s going on? Well, and really, I see this. You are a brother from another mother. It’s unbelievable.


I cannot believe that when we first met in, goodness me, that was 2011. We were in London. We met together.


I mean, it’s almost like I knew you already for a long time. And it was one of those conversations. And yeah, thank you for, you know, any time I can join you on your platform, and thank you so much for joining us on ours.


Sharing your knowledge is phenomenal. It’s about education, and really, that’s what these episodes are about. But I love the title of this episode, Little by Little.


Yes, baby, look at the charts. Well, you know, that speaks to that. And I’ve learned so much from you, Andrew, going all the way back to learning about Basel III, which really, to me, and the reclassification of gold, and some of the most important stepping stones of my career, I’ve learned from you.


So it goes both ways, and I’m just very excited to have you here. And you’re right, little by little is something that means a lot to me, because it speaks to the term logarithmic decay, little by little, then all at once. And it seems that a lot of these things are following that pattern.


And let’s just jump right into it with that in mind. You know, Andrew, you’ve long talked about gold manipulation. You’ve been talking about it longer than most of us have in both the gold and silver markets.


Do you think we’re at a breaking point right now, Andrew, where the paper market is losing control to physical demand? 100%. And I think it’s not that. I mean, you mentioned Basel III.


I mean, we’re two years in now, Andy, as you know, two years in now. Gold has been reclassified as a first-year asset class. Now, how is it possible? How would it be plausible for one exchange, one global exchange, which the COMEX, the CME COMEX exchange, how is it plausible that that could be the only non-Basel III-compliant physical exchange, gold exchange, gold-silver exchange on this planet Earth? How could it not be drained? And I think that’s the story we’re really looking at here, I think, to answer the question is it’s happening not because the US markets wanted to comply.


They could have complied. They split. And as we know, and really, it was pretty clear when the Bank of International Settlements squared all their last 500 tons on the 3rd of November, 2011, just two months before they revalued gold as a first-year asset class.


So they’re now zero. And the only borrowers, the only people that continued to borrow physical gold from the Bank of International Settlements, the Bank of England, have been the Fed. Now, why would they do that? When every single global-facing exchange is compliant, why is it when every single bullion and we connect with some of the best top first-year liquidity providers as you do, they’re all long for their own book.


So how would it be possible is the question in my mind that for them to exist even this far in where you see a price that’s being generated by a very dilutive paper market where manipulation has been rife for 50-plus years simply because it was possible because it was a paper-settled market, cartels could operate, it would be settled amongst their books, and the resulting price ended up being the accepted global price. Well, of course, every other central bank is looking at that and preying on it. So of course.


So I think the reason that this manipulation that we have historically seen and given evidence for, as you know, we’ve provided a lot of evidence to the CFTC, the DOJ over years. In fact, I can send you the link for the Russian television interview we did where Bart Shultz admitted that we had reopened the closed-down silver investigation leading to the actual imprisonment and fines, close to a billion-dollar fine for JP Morgan and some of these actors. But the thing is, I think the guess what I’m trying to say is while all that’s happening, in this meantime, everyone else has gone, right, I’ll tell you what, that’s cheap.


That’s not the real price. Why don’t I just come and take it? And we had evidence. And in fact, in my last episode, I reported that we had two proxy buyers that we personally know had both stood for their 6,000-lot COMEX limit, the full amount that they were allowed to do, 18.6 tons or whatever it is.


And they weren’t the only ones. They cannot be the only ones. So I think in a long story short, what’s being started by this manipulation has to disappear because the gold is flowing out on a one-way journey at a huge discount into all the other global exchanges, sovereign buyers, central bank buyers, institutional buyers.


So yeah, I mean, sorry if that’s a long answer. No, it’s beautiful. It’s beautiful.


And I couldn’t agree with you more. And maybe it just seems like something’s different this time, Andrew. And maybe they’re waking up to the fact, they being Trump and the Trump administration, that by suppressing the price of gold, we’re playing right into everyone else’s hands instead of letting it rise.


And with that being said, and I agree with you, I mean, and it’s also very uncanny that J.P. Morgan took over custodianship of not only SLD, but GLD now, too. There’s a lot going on under the scenes, I mean, under the sheets, if you will, that just feels very different this time. And let’s look at February as an example.


We saw a record 59,296 contracts stand for delivery on COMEX, to your point. That surpasses even the 2020 COVID crisis levels when J.P. Morgan and other huge commercial banks were delivering lots of gold. To your point of all of these deliveries that are being made, you think the banks are positioning themselves for some sort of a structural shift in the monetary system? Are we moving towards some sort of a reset or a gold-backed system? It kind of feels that way to me.


I’d be curious to hear your thoughts on that. Yeah, and I think what’s, I think, on the agenda right now, I think Trump’s talked about Bitcoin, he’s talked about the crypto world, but a lot of people don’t understand how this could lead into and what a stablecoin, what is a stablecoin? So really, if we are looking at the crypto market, and this is front and center right now, and also we’ve had certain sort of things said recently by the current Treasury Secretary, maybe we need to think about creating a sovereign wealth fund. So what is a stablecoin? And right now, why do we need, for example, a stablecoin? What is it? It is, the definition of it would be, I mean, the simple definition would, it’s a crypto asset that maintains a stable value relative to a stable asset or pool of assets.


And essentially, it could be fiat-backed, which often we see, we see lots of fiat-backed stablecoins out there, Tether, etc. And even Kinesis is coming up with a stablecoin backed by, I think, 16 billion at this point at the opening of a US dollar equivalent, USDT1. USD1 is what we’re calling, but essentially, these stablecoins are, they could be, they’re either a fiat currency, or they’re priced live globally, valued to a commodity or a pool of commodities, which, of course, can be gold or silver.


And indeed, so you would have, or it’s gold and silver could be a specific weighting in backing a commodity pool. So essentially, given that there’s 1.4, according to the World Bank, it’s probably bigger than this. The World Bank figures, there’s 1.4 billion people in the world unbanked, completely unbanked.


And I would strongly suspect it’s bigger than that. But so really, I can see some, yes, something has to crack here, because now we’re talking about the ability to, and it looks like legislation is coming through, I think the CFTC has called a meeting to say, well, maybe we need to regulate these things, which I would welcome enormously, because if you can regulate a cryptoasset, then you get rid of the bad guys. Essentially, what you need to know is that it’s fully backed by whatever you’re backing it with.


And therefore, you’d have to pass all the smell tests in order to do that. But so essentially, I think this is a pivotal moment from the gold and silver perspective that we deal with, and the markets that we’ve been following, and the manipulation that we’ve seen in the past, suddenly finds a, it’s too big. Once you’ve actually put this out on the blockchain rails, and you are absolutely certain that when you are buying or selling something relative to the foreign exchange price that’s traded live, therefore you have a price.


And as long as it’s compliant and is physically deliverable on a T plus one basis, which it is, but gold is, silver not yet. But essentially, we’re going to have a fair market price evolve. It’ll be a supply demand price that’s not fettered, not buried in this smoke and mirrors, viscous coupling where what is that price? I mean, what is the supply demand price? Well, you can’t have a physical delivery price in the East that is different to a paper diluted global price.


So I guess, really what we’re saying is, I see major changes here, massive changes. This is too big for the old dated Comex marketplace. And to me, I think there’s only one solution.


The Comex market has to become buzzer free compliant. It has to be, it has to become physically deliverable. How would that be done? Well, personally, why would you just not raise margins one to one? So in other words, forget all this discounting that’s going on.


Why would you not actually have in order for it to qualify to become buzzer free compliant, you’d have to have 100% margin. The traders would change because physical demand is being driven. This price that we’re looking at now is being driven by physical demand, not speculation.


So it’s history. And I see, Annie, I think that we are just privileged to see 50 years of absolute mayhem translate into something where you and I, all of us just want a fair level playing field, please, where our clients and we all know where we are. It is simply supply demand.


We don’t mind if it’s higher or lower, just what is that real price? That’s what we’re going to discover. Yeah, it’s kind of crazy too, Andrew, because as this is happening right now, as we’re seeing massive delivery demand, massive movement of metal into the Comex vault under the pretense, which I don’t really believe of tariffs. I think it’s deeper than that.


I think there’s too many things happening that to me just seem deeper than this. The public is still largely asleep. You mentioned stable coins.


I did an interview with Judy Shelton, and Judy talked about a 50-year treasury pegged to gold. She thinks that Trump will issue it July 4th, 2026, the 250th anniversary of the country. She said they spoke of it during the first administration.


My hope is she becomes on the board of governors for the Federal Reserve, maybe even takes over for Powell. She’s a gold advocate, and her idea is to issue 50-year treasuries. We talked about auditing Fort Knox and the New York Fed in terms of the gold holdings.


We even talked about gold revaluation. As gold is held in every central bank balance sheet, can’t make it up in the gold revaluation account. A lot of things happening.


You have, as you mentioned, Scott Besant came out recently and said that he wants to monetize the asset side of the balance sheet. Could that mean he wants to monetize gold to revalue it? Judy Shelton said, I would like to see stable coins issued, to your point, off of the 50-year treasury collared to gold. A lot is happening under the scenes.


I guess, really, my feeling, and maybe I don’t know how you feel about this, I think I do, but with all of these things happening, all of the gold rushing here, the massive amount of sales we’ve seen out of GLD, you could argue that that’s the public selling, or maybe it’s actually the insiders that are preparing, to your point, for this rehypothecation and they understand that they have to be Basel III compliant. They understand that this massive overhang is a very, very big potential problem for them. I guess, really, what I’m getting at is, I mean, do you think that we are at the cusp of gold playing a more formal role in the monetary system? And does the Fed, at this point, because it’s happening now, maybe the Trump administration is smart enough to see this happening where the previous wasn’t, do they want gold prices to rise so that they can use gold as a tool to stabilize their balance sheet? That’s kind of what Judy Shelton was saying.


You think that’s a possibility? I think it makes complete sense to me, because, I mean, again, I think what we’re looking at from the bigger picture is, we’re now looking at the US becoming, apart from gold and silver’s concern, a part of the global reset that we’re seeing now. And they’ve been like an anchor trying to fight this all the way. And I think we’ve just reached the point where there’s too much technology coming in now.


There’s the ability to value the gold prices being revalued globally. And that liquidity that we, you and I have tracked this for so long, that liquidity that was partially paper-centric has been flowing ever so slowly, day by day, month by month, year by year, to the point where the lines have crossed and the price is being settled in the now. So it’s impossible to not comply.


And I think, so yes, I think this is the next step. So I think, I mean, you’ve talked about ETF outflows. Yeah.


And that’s concurrent with Comex outflows. And people talk about, well, look, yes, it’s all to do with tariffs. And we’ve seen these big EFP spreads.


And no, the EFP spreads is simply because the paper markets are getting drained. Fantastic amount of, I make five o’clock in the morning phone calls to all my Asian desks, Chinese contacts, Indian contacts, Saudi contacts, et cetera, et cetera. And these desks, just every morning they say, hey, we’re buying.


Hey, guess what? The West is going to sell later. I think we saw that again today. The West is going to sell at the pit open.


And guess what? We’re just going to grab it. And so we’ve seen this ridiculousness, this absolute, I mean, to mind boggling stupidness where Asia buys, the West sells. Well, trouble is, most of the open interest, the Comex open interest, where you could maybe get, you could fool enough people to buy into that, sell short with you, pull a few bids, get them to take some profits quickly.


Oh, goodness me, we’re going into hell in a hell basket. Yeah. So, I mean, I think while that has been going on, then literally that open interest, the 75% of, I mean, we talked about, I think Bloomberg talked about it in the past, where they’ve actually said 75% of all the oil traders really control that market.


It’s just pure speculation. It’s why we got the volatiles, same guys that are running the gold and silver markets historically. It’s just momentum traders, like so many, they don’t care what the price is.


It doesn’t matter. They’re not ever going to take delivery. It’s nothing to do with them.


This is just a paper trade. These guys have anchored their boat to Bitcoin now. To me, there’s just not enough of these guys to take that bait anymore.


And I think, so yeah, these guys are laughing their heads off and say to me in the five, hey, we’ll just, we’ll keep buying, but we’re going to save some dry powder for when the West opens. You mentioned the Basel III compliance, a T plus one trade settlement. And in London, we’re hearing about a six to eight week delay for delivery.


In London, it’s estimated to my knowledge, Andrew, that there’s about 400 million ounces of gold and 5 billion with a B ounces of silver in cash spot contracts that are standing in the London market. Yet when I look at the free float, the metal available, it’s just a fraction of that. They’re trading in silver three and a half times annual global mine supply per day, nearly, nearly 3 billion ounces of silver per day.


They say 290 million, but those numbers are a fraction because they’re only posting the final settlement numbers. They say it’s up to 10 times that volume. So roughly 3 billion ounces a day, three and a half times global annual mine supply with only about 300 million ounces of float.


Same thing is true in gold to a lesser degree, about two, two and a half times annual global mine supply per day. So following this same thread, because you are in London, if this rush for physical delivery continues and whether it be flowing to the United States or flowing to Asia, both of which I believe are happening at this point, could this really break the decades long price setting mechanism that is controlled by the Bank of England and the City of London? I mean, is it, is it, are we that close? Because, you know, in COMEX, it’s an exchange. They can say force majeure cash settle to protect the exchange.


But London, that’s not the case. It’s over the counter. All of these contracts actually should be delivered if, if wanted.


Are we that close to seeing this break in London as well? Yeah, and I think the connector, the key is, you’ve got, as you say, London, NSFR compliant, T plus one deliverable, the FX price has to be backed. In other words, if you put up an offering to buy or sell, you better have, you have to, under NSFR compliance, you have to have that physical to deliver. Not so the COMEX.


However, here’s the problem. The exchange for physical mechanism connects the COMEX to the T plus one NSFR compliant marketplace. So yes, so basically, that’s why if you have the capacity to take 6,000, to buy your 6,000 lots, you have the limit they’ll allow you to buy.


And they are, and you’re a sovereign wealth fund, you are a central bank, institutional trader, wanting to actually find a bullion that can be not three months from now. And Andy, I’m hearing this morning, up to 12 weeks. So it depends.


If you want big size, up to three months, 12 weeks is three months. This is craziness. So isn’t that like a default though, Andrew? Well, in a sense it is, because what they’re doing is they’re settling and they’re saying, and this is the Bank of England and the LBMA saying, yeah, okay.


But you can have it in three months. You can have it in eight, 10, 12 weeks. But what they’re offering you is a paper forward.


That’s what they’re offering you, is a paper forward, which you hope you better get that. So the point is a paper forward says, yeah, okay. So really I can now, because it’s technically NSFR compliant, I can then marry that forward off into New York because it’s supposed to be a first year asset class, but it ain’t, a forward is not.


But this is the scam right now, is you’ve got the ability to actually say, yeah, well, here it is in three months. Here’s the forward. And here we’re backing it.


The Bank of England is backing it. Here, we’ll even give it to you at a discount. What kind of nonsense is this? And then on the other side of the fence, you’ve got an EFP where you’ve actually somehow squared the issue because yes, it can be shipped out later because you’re backed.


I mean, on paper you’re backed, but you’re not backed physically. And so as much as we’re seeing boolean flowing into the COMEX vaults and New York vaults, we’re also seeing these same guys pulling it out and shoving it out the other way. So you’ve got this craziness going on here.


And so to me, this is, yes, the break point. It has to be the break point. It is technically a default because really, if you say you can’t deliver and it’s C plus one compliant, the Bank of England, I mean, half of the vaults, the listed vaults, what’s in the vaults in the UK is supposed to be LBMA vaults, Bank of England vaults, is supposed to be only half of it’s central bank owned.


So why is it taking this long? I mean, I could go in there tomorrow and unload a trolley load for an immediate delivery. Why would I have to wait all this time for what’s supposed to be there? It’s actually supposed to be there because they don’t want to give it up. They just know that this is what tells us, tells me something is going on.


They’re going to have to revalue gold. They’re going to have to revalue it. The COMEX has to become Basel III compliant.


I think this all feeds into what you’re talking about, the new Treasury Secretary coming in, looking at this situation. But, Andy, we know we have empirical evidence to say, if you are going to back US Treasury gold, if you are going to revalue, sorry, US Treasury gold, you need an audit. Well, hold on.


We’ve got empirical evidence to suggest that there’s a lot of double ownership. Whether the physical gold is there, I don’t know. No one knows if it’s physically there.


But to what degree is it re-hypothecated is, again, a question that could have been answered by congressmen that have asked this question of the Treasury, of the Fed, of the Treasury. Well, can we have an audit? No, you can’t have an audit. Why? When was the last audit, Andy? When was the last audit? Was it the 50s? Yeah, I think 1953.


And I talked with Judy Shelton about that. And she said the excuses were stupid, that they say it’s too expensive and logistically challenged. She said, this is the United States, for God’s sake, spend a few million and get it done.


They will do it. I think they’re going to audit the Fed, which holds the gold on behalf of the Treasury. I do believe that we are on the cusp of a revaluation in gold.


I really do. And all of the things that are happening, to me, seems to point to that trend of revaluing the price of gold and tying it to a new system. I’ve been screaming for years, since 2020, when the Comex published that third group of reportables called the Others, which are thought to be sovereign wealth funds, that they are exploiting the delivery mechanism.


And shame on us for continuing to suppress the price of gold to support the illusion of Western dollar supremacy and bond market strength. And we’re playing right into their hands. And it seems to me that this administration understands this, not only by massively, massively bringing gold and silver home, taking over GLD from HSBC Bank, which is now controlled by JP Morgan and BlackRock, same with SLV, these massive stockpiles of gold and silver, bringing it all home, standing for delivery, doing all of these things.


And I’ve been screaming forever, this is what they’re doing, that the Chinese and the Russians and the Saudis and the Indians, largely through sovereign wealth funds, understand the stupidity of suppression of metals and are taking that delivery option. And so we’ve seen the BRICS nations accumulating record amounts of gold while the U.S. has been recently now repatriating and hoarding metal. They never did that before under the previous administration, which, you know, it was an embarrassment to be an American under the previous administration.


At least we are moving in the right direction here. Now you can see that, you can feel it, something’s different. It seems like we’re witnessing a silent war for a gold-backed monetary dominance or a gold-backed monetary system.


That is truly what I’m getting at here and how I feel. Do you think we could wake up one day keeping in mind that gold is held in every central bank balance sheet in the gold revaluation account? And this drive to bring metal home, this experiment, this Keynesian experiment of fiscal irresponsibility that is coming to an end. Do you think we could wake up and see a repricing event where the governments and banks just reset the price overnight to a level sufficient enough to liquefy the balance sheet, to peg it to a new system? I think you see where I’m going with this.


Do you think it can happen like that or do you see it the way it’s going right now, up today or up 50 bucks today here on Monday the 10th, but it’s been going up and up and up and up and up? It’s up a couple hundred dollars in the last 30 days. It’s up $800 in the last year. Are they going to let it rise slowly to a point where it becomes difficult for these countries to drain the exchanges or are they going to revalue it all at once? Well, I think you could have both scenarios.


I think right now what you’re describing is a gold revaluation by stealth. It is happening under our noses and people are not catching it yet. They aren’t catching it.


They’re asleep. But I agree. There comes a point where right now there is such a shortage versus, because long story short, I still believe that the Fed is suppressing, it is the Fed, the Fed in conjunction with the Bank of England, who is the sole holders of the short positions in the COMEX, which is primarily the COMEX.


And because every first year bank that I know, every first year bank and every said, no, everyone’s long and strong. As soon as Basel III, NSFR conditions came in three years ago on the 1st of January, 2023, everyone went long. So there’s only really one entity or a cartel, a central bank cartel who is still short.


Now there is such a shortage of, there’s such a mismatch. So can we, just because every bank now that even the guys, even the five banks that are managing the office of the controller, short positions, technically compliant FX positions in gold and silver, all long for their own books. So it really smells of, it can only be these central banks.


Now there’s such a shortage and there’s such a massive derivative imbalance because you take those OCC bets in the billions, they’re not backed. So someone’s on the hook here. So this is what I mean.


So yes, by stealth, we are revaluing, but do we wake up on a Monday morning? Because it would happen over the weekend. Do we wake up on a Monday morning and say, tell you what, this is where your Comix position was on Friday. This is where your paper position, this is why, this is why the people you are speaking to must always have physical.


And I know this is your thing, keep physical, only physical. Because anyone who holding physical is a winner, but the only losers will be, well, I’ll tell you what, we paper settled that at 3000. Actually, we now think we’re going to open up at 3500.


I’m talking about realistic numbers here. Then who, if you were short, if you were short on the Comix, I don’t think you would be given the ability to cash settle. I think if you were short, then you would probably, unless you were part of the agent banks who are acted as proxies for the Fed, you probably, as happened at the Brown’s bottom, when gold was 250 bucks, that happened overnight.


That happened with, and even Gata exploded. You remember this? Gata exposed the fact that UBS had gone to their clients and said, short gold, sell gold is going down one day before the Bank of England announced 400 odd tons of sales. So yeah, so anyone who thinks this can’t happen, just go back and look what happened there.


And the insiders all got the information, were all positioned. And bearing in mind that every single bullion bank that is making a market in the Comix is also got a footprint in the compliant foreign exchange markets. They will, and bearing in mind that should something happen where you are in the foreign exchange, where you’re going to foot in the foreign exchange market and you’re long, you’re going to benefit from this revaluation because it’s not being settled.


You’re not being squared up in the FX markets. You cannot possibly rig a foreign exchange market. It’s a simple cross between the dollar and gold, a dollar and silver, the dollar and the yen.


You can’t just rig it. It has to evolve. So yeah, I think, Andy, I think this can happen.


A hard resettlement could happen, I think, in the meantime. What tells me that something’s going on that the new administration, and I’d really love to hear more about your Judy Shelton interview, because to me that is gold. But should they decide to do this revaluation, what tells me it’s happening rather is that the CFTC, we’ve just had information, they haven’t given us a date yet, but the CFTC is about to host a stablecoin.


Remember we had the metals meeting in March 2010, and it was, they brought in all the banks, the major banks, and said, and Bart Sheldon was there, and we were talking about, and Gata gave the bombshell evidence at that meeting, and apologist Jeffrey Christian came out and said, yes, so what, 100 to 1. Well, okay, something as pivotal, that was pivotal for gold, something as pivotal is about to be announced for a meeting, a same sort of meeting is going to be announced where stablecoins, and where regulation for these stablecoins must be established. And I think this is the first step to me for your new treasury secretary having something to anchor where you couldn’t possibly revalue gold unless it was blockchain settled, able to be settled in a blockchain crypto incident way. So to me, I think it’s happening.


You know, it’s interesting, Andrew, a lot of people think that the stablecoins are kind of the sneaky way to sort of replace a central bank digital currency. You mentioned regulation that the administration would control the on-ramp and the off-ramps. The gold-backed stablecoin would be a good part of this.


But the back end of it, which is a little bit more sneaky, I guess is something to ponder, that they want to issue all of these stablecoins. Judy said it, a stablecoin bank backed off the 50-year treasury, which is collared to gold. But a lot of the dollar-based stablecoins, the Tether, the USDC, the new Ripple stablecoin, they’re almost entirely backed by US treasuries.


And so as you see a falling off of demand by the world’s central banks, not wanting to hold our debt anymore because of inflation, because of weaponization, because of all the things we’ve talked about, it is now stealthily, ironically, being replaced, the demand is, by all the people who are trying to leave the legacy system are actually supporting it by buying cryptos and trading through the ecosystem using the dollar-based stablecoin as an anchor. It’s an interesting thought. Trump has come out and said no CBDCs, but this actually could be the same thing.


Now, some of them would be very beneficial, like the gold-backed stablecoin, as you speak. But it’s ironic to me, I think what is being lost in all of this is the filling of demand, this void of demand, this vacuum of all of the countries not wanting to hold our treasuries anymore, is being filled largely by the massive amount of stablecoin purchases, US dollar-based stablecoins, all back to treasuries. I couldn’t agree with you more.


We are heading in that direction. Now, Andrew, I could sit and rap with you all day long. You’re a fascinating guy.


You come from a trading perspective, a wholesale trader in London. The stories are fascinating to me. But I’ll spare you.


I know you have a hard stop here pretty soon. So let me just finish with one question. I know how you’re going to answer it, and then I’ll let you tell people how to find you and your fantastic live from the vault show, which I try and catch everyone.


I hope people will, too. Before I do that, one other point. I often give Chris Marcus of Arcadia Economics a lot of credit for his interview with Bart Chilton.


And I know that Bart was on your show before Chris, and he said some amazing, amazing things. A lot of the things that we’ve talked about that some people would have thought conspiratorial, Bart Chilton, the former governor of the CFTC, said some amazing things on your channel. And I would recommend people search that episode.


Maybe you can send it to me, and I’ll peg it to this. Because if you haven’t heard what Bart Chilton said to Andrew or to Chris Marcus about what had happened with Bear Stearns’ failure, with JPMorgan taking over the shore position, and all of the things that went subsequent to that, it would be a nice bow to wrap around our discussion that we’ve had regarding manipulation and where ultimately this could possibly go. I wanted to give you a shout out and credit for that.


Not enough people understand the significance of that interview. To me, it’s one of the most important interviews people can watch to understand or to backfill any questions you have surrounding legitimacy of central bank, commercial bank manipulation in the metals market. I do want just to mention that.


So, last question, Andrew. If we truly are on the brink of this huge monetary shift, I think we are, and I think you do too. I think I know how you’re going to answer this, but what is the one thing that the average person should be doing right now to prepare before it is too late? Because things are accelerating at a degree I’ve never seen before in 35 years.


I don’t think we’re too late yet, but as the title of this show says, little by little, then bang, all at once. We’re not there, but what should people be doing right now to prepare before that all at once moment? Well, Andy, there is only one. It’s so simple.


It’s so straightforward. And you see, you face people every day who you’re educating to do exactly that. One has to, first thing you want to do is protect your existing wealth because otherwise, I mean, look how many dollars, euros, pounds.


I mean, gold has supposedly made highs. Well, of course, gold in fiat currencies, in every single fiat currency, whether it be the CNY, whether it is euro, whether it’s the pound, whether it’s even the dollar now catching up, has made fresh highs today, but it hasn’t really. It’s just cost more of these fiat currencies to buy that same piece of gold that’s been sitting there since 5,000 years or obviously, that was given by the gods to this earth.


So it has never gone up in price. It has never gone down in price. It is simply costing more freshly printed fiat dollars backed by nothing to buy the same piece.


So I would simply ask you, go and see Andy, go and make sure you buy your physical gold and silver. Now, exchange as many of those fiat dollars as you can before you need more of them to buy the same amount. First thing to do is protect your wealth.


It’s not about making money. It’s not about anything else. It’s about protecting your wealth.


And so also, if you’re interested in finding a way of using your gold as everyday money, as well as owning physical in your own house, in your own little vault, it doesn’t matter. One way or the other, you can either use gold as money on an everyday basis. And Kinesis is a venue for you to come and explore.


And obviously, you have to, wherever you go, make sure that if you’re going to do something like that, make sure it is backed 100%, backed by gold, physically backed by physical gold and silver. But to answer your question, Andy, go and see Andy. Go and see the closest Robert Keats.


Go and see your closest precious metals dealer that you trust. And the one thing I will say, you 100% can trust Andy Shetman and Miles Franklin and his operation to tell you exactly what’s going on, to deliver what you’re offered. He keeps his word.


His word is his bond. Gone are the days when most people used to give their word and it was it. He’s one of the old school, gives his word, it’s done.


So I would suggest that you just simply go and exchange as many of your fiat currencies, whatever they’re denominated in, for physical gold and silver today. Andrew, you’re a gentleman and I appreciate the kind words very much and echo the sentiment. In closing, how can people find out more, whether it be about Kinesis or about life from the vault or what you’re doing? What’s the best way for people to follow you? As I strongly suggest people should, not only for the depth of your guests and the depth of your knowledge, but for the same thing, you’re old school, you’re an honorable guy who’s been doing this basically as long as I have or longer.


And that means something to me. What’s the best way for people to follow what you’re doing? Just join us. It’s called Open it up.


You can open up without the place putting any money in. You can open up a live trading platform there where you can trap every single currency, cryptocurrency, gold, silver, etc. live on a 24-7 basis.


And it’s just as use it as an education tool. And obviously there’s a whole team there should you have some questions answered. There’s a team there that would be very happy to answer them.


But in the meantime, I will also, Andy, I will send you that link for the Bart Chilton link. And I know Chris Marcus has a link as well. And literally, it’s so straightforward.


He says, simply, we reopened the silver investigation based on your evidence. And look where we ended up with. We ended up with people being put in jail.


So what more can I say? And then, and it’s an education process. All of it’s an education process. It goes back all the way back to 150 years back, really, or even longer.


But essentially, it goes back a long way. And it’s really about understanding what gold and silver, how they fit into everyday marketplace. Well, Andrew, next time I make it to London, dinner’s on me.


And I hope if you ever make it to South Florida, you’ll look me up. You’re a gentleman. And I always thoroughly enjoy our conversations.


I look very forward to picking up where we left off real soon. And until then, I hope you and yours stay very well. And the same goes for everyone else out there.


Thanks for watching another episode of Little by Little. And we’ll be back again real soon. So, Andrew, you stay well, my man.


Thank you, Andy. And you too, my friend. Bless you, brother.


Thank you, brother. Little by Little with Andy Shekman.

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